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Dare mighty things in the information cosmos. A note

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    Dare mighty things in the information cosmos. A note.

  Dare mighty things in the information cosmos. A note.
  February 22, 2021 - February 24, 2021.
  On February 22, 2021, we published a miniature "(MMXXVI.) To Mars - for apples. ("Dare Mighty Things")".
  "On February 24, 2021, specificity and details appear in the plot:
  "Across the Atlantic Ocean, Maxence Abela, a 23-year-old computer science student in Paris, realized what Mr. Chen was saying: The seemingly random pattern on Perseverance"s parachute contained a code. (...)
  "It"s just exciting that NASA is putting these little puzzles in their missions," said Adithya Balaji, a graduate student in computer science at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh who independently tackled the problem." (
  At last, on February 24, 2021, a "random pattern" that "contains a code", a "puzzle" appear. (...)
  "Mars Perseverance's parachute carried secret NASA message (...)
  Systems engineer Ian Clark used a binary code to spell out "dare mighty things'' - a line from former US President Theodore Roosevelt - in the orange and white strips of the 70-foot (21-meter) parachute." ( (MMXXXV. Principles of coding and decoding of messages from a higher civilization. ("Dare Mighty Things"). The note. - February 25, 2021.).
  April 18, 2021 - December 1, 2021.
  On April 18, 2021, we publish another miniature: "(MMСXХII.) Have flown in. An essay on the history of Russial space policy and diplomacy.". In this miniature, we are talking about the prospects of the ISS.
  On May 26, 2021, an inscription appears on the unfinished space shuttle Buran (Baikonur): "Yura, we have arrived." ("Юра, мы приехали"). ["Have flown in", "have arrived" - figuratively means "came up to the finish"] There is a photo of this inscription ("Юра, мы приехали"). (
  On December 1, 2021, we read the material "30.11.2021 15:39. "Yura, it's a finish": the Russian Federation will lose cosmos with the flooding of the old ISS." ("30.11.2021 15:39. "Юра, мы всё": РФ потеряет космос с затоплением старой МКС") "In the meantime, as they write in the social media, the inscription made by a vandal on the remains of the "Buran" is relevant: "Yura, we have arrived, it's a finish!"." ( )
  In the photo of the "Buran" with the image of the inscription and in publications about the "Buran", painted with inscriptions, the words "it's a finish" ("всё") are invisible.
  But if you design the title of material without "it's a finish", then what will happen? "Yura, we have arrived"? If we take into account that earlier, on April 16, 2021, the publication "Have flown in" took place, then...
  The words "it's a finish" are put; and "we have arrived" are removed.
  It turns out: "Yura, it's a finish." This material is dedicated to the prospects of the ISS [and to the inscription on the unfinished space shuttle Buran] ...
  December 1, 2021 10:00
  Translation from Russian into English: December 1, 2021 11:01.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Не бойся загадок информационного космоса. Заметка".
  { 2576. Не бойся загадок информационного космоса. Заметка.
  MMDXLVI. Dare mighty things in the information cosmos. A note. (English). }
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