Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

Ce la vie, Mr. Lavrov. How I read the interview of Minister Lavrov. The note

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    Ce la vie, Mr. Lavrov. How I read the interview of Minister Lavrov. The note.

  Ce la vie, Mr. Lavrov. How I read the interview of Minister Lavrov. The note.
  Personally, I have the impression. Russia spends, and someone gets. Maybe I'm wrong (in my subjective opinions)? I would like to hear objections on the principle: revenue minus costs equals profit.
  One can dream that, on the contrary, someone spends and Russia receives.
  That would be a great foreign policy!
  And not only receives, but also distributes a share of the received to her citizens. (For example. In a number of countries in the Western World, all citizens received financial assistance during the onset of the coronavirus pandemic. Russial citizens were also given - they were given to hear the hired propagandists that "throwing money from helicopters" is a harmful activity ... And is it a useful activity to build multi-billion dollar facilities for others at Russia's own expense? ...).
  I had no mood to read the interview of Minister Lavrov, which he gave on 14-10-2020, but, nevertheless, I persuaded myself ...
  I read it ... I did not find anything joyful ...
  I closed the file. But I see - another interview.
  When looking for an interview dated 14-10-2020, another one opened - the one that Minister Lavrov gave on 18-10-2018.
  What can we read there?
  Right in the middle of the screen, the words:
  "Sergey Lavrov: ... they will suppress [will try to ban] the actions of the people they have armed [by their own efforts] ... He laughed and said "ce la vie"..." [unofficial translation]
  Ce la vie, mister Lavrov ...
  October 17, 2020 22:05
  Translation from Russian into English: October 17, 2020 22:32.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Се ля ви, господин Лавров. Как я читал интервью министра Лаврова. Заметка'.
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