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Cat, who dyed itself. From stories about animals

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDXXV. Cat, who dyed itself. From stories about animals. - July 27, 2024.

  Cat, who dyed itself. From stories about animals.
  I decide to paint the floor in several places.
  The cat comes up, looks at my efforts, chooses a safe trajectory, walks around me and jumps on the windowsill.
  Smart cat!
  I'm painting the floor. And I have small doubts: when the cat will jump off the windowsill, will she paint her paws with fresh paint that covers the floor?
  No, that can't be right: she's a smart cat. How cleverly she chose the route to the windowsill!
  Or maybe, after all, it is necessary to lock her for half an hour in another room?
  Somewhere on the periphery of my consciousness, a rule from some book about success pops up. The meaning of this rule is: "You get the expected result if you control the process." If I be thinking along such algorithm, then I don't control the cat's path from the windowsill, therefore, it necessary to lock her in another room.
  But cats are intelligent creatures; and many superstitions, customs, and myths are associated with cats.
  I will not lock the cat in another room, but I will watch how she cleverly bypasses the boundaries of the painted area. Such behavior once again will confirm her intelligence.
  A small volume of painting work has been completed.
  I'm going to leave the room where I was painting the floor.
  The cat jumps from the windowsill. Her paws slide over the painted area of the floor. She is gripped by a panic attack. She jumps on the bedspread and smears it with the paint. In a panic, she runs somewhere. I'm shouting something, outraged by her behavior.
  The cat panics even more. She's squeaking something.
  She continues to squeak: both when I erase the marks she left on unpainted floor surfaces, and when I try to wipe the paint off her paws with napkins, and later when she looks for secluded places to sit in safety.
  The paint has finally dried. The cat stopped squeaking.
  I don't know what to think. I read a book about success. The cat had previously (earlier) demonstrated her intelligence.
  Each knowledge has its own field of application, beyond which it turns out to be of little use. Perhaps I will be able to read a book on this topic.
  The cat comes over and watches me typing this story. The smart cat!
  July 27, 2024 07:56
  Translation from Russian into English: July 27, 2024 08:58
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Кошка, окрасившая себя. Из рассказов о животных '.
  { 3554. Кошка, окрасившая себя. Из рассказов о животных. - 27 июля 2024 года.
  MMMDXXV. Cat, who dyed itself. From stories about animals. - July 27, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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