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Castro - Díaz-Canel. A historic essay

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    Castro - Díaz-Canel. A historic essay.

  Castro - Díaz-Canel. A historic essay.
  Theodore Roosevelt played an active role in Cuba's independence and in strengthening the influence of the United States on Cuban affairs (1898).
  Perhaps at that time there was an idea to join Cuba to the United States. However, if this idea existed, then it did not have enough influential supporters..
  After a certain time, the government of Fidel Castro appeared in Cuba (1959). On Cuba the emissaries of Nikita Khrushchev (1959) arrived.
  What was Khrushchev looking for in the Western Hemisphere? According to the official version - a happiness and a justice for all mankind. This explanation sounds strange if we recall the events in Novocherkassk (1962). Perhaps Nikita Sergeevich acted under the influence of euphoria - according to the opaque rules of the game, this illiterate and short-sighted person "inherited" a huge economic, scientific, and cultural potential.
  Quite quickly, the Castro regime freed itself from Che Guevara (1965-1967).
  In 1998, Pope John Paul II visited Cuba. Thus, the Cuban regime freed itself from the communist ideology in the style of Nikita Khrushchev.
  Then, after the events of September 11, 2001, Fidel Castro puts on a cap of a New York firefighter. However, Fidel Castro continues to wear a beard.
  Since 2006, a gradual transfer of power from Fidel Castro to his brother Raul Castro begins. Raul Castro no longer has a beard. The regime got rid of the symbolic beard.
  2014 - diplomatic relations between the United States and Cuba are restored. 2016 - the official visit of US President Barack Obama to Cuba.
  In 2018, the transfer of power from Raúl Castro to Miguel Díaz-Canel begins. This process formally ended on April 19, 2021.
  So, the Cuban regime freed itself from Che Guevara, from the communist ideology in the style of Nikita Khrushchev, from the symbolic beard, from the revolutionary "Castro" brand.
  If you look at the cooperation between Cuba and Venezuela Nicolas Maduro, then there is still a big question - what this cooperation brings the Cuban regime: more benefit or harm.
  Perhaps the Cuban regime will soon free itself from the brand of "Nicolas Maduro's ally."
  Life is gradually returning to a normal current, slowly but surely, the Cuban regime is integrating into the Western world order, and in the meantime, both the leadership and ordinary citizens of Cuba enjoy the beautiful sea, excellent beaches and other benefits of the wonderful Island of Cuba.
  April 21, 2021 03:42
  Translation from Russian into English: April 21, 2021 04:57.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Кастро - Диас-Канель. Истроический очерк".
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