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Bolkhovitinov, Korolev and Vasmer. Etymological story

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    Bolkhovitinov, Korolev and Vasmer. Etymological story.

  Bolkhovitinov, Korolev and Vasmer. Etymological story.
  The road to the provincial town took quite a bit of time. An hour and a half by plane, forty minutes by car.
  Victor Fyodorovich Bolkhovitinov change from car to bolkhovni, and a snowy solar dust is sparkling in the cold. [bolkhovni - sledge]
  In spring, summer, autumn, it is not possible to get to the hunting lodge.
  It is located in the depths of the marshes.
  But "Hunting Lodge" is a conditional name. In fact, this is a good western hotel. A private (confidential) one. With various nice additions, possible only in Russia... In the financial documents of the KB, this upscale hotel is listed as an experimental point...
  Wonderful winter views and excellent air improved his mood.
  Viktor Fedorovich listened to the sound of the bolhar. [болхарь - bolhar - a relatively small bell for (wheeled) carts, for sleighs, and for animals]
  'I myself, like the tongue of a bell, dangle in these sledges,' Viktor Fedorovich tuned in to a pleasant mood.
  Thoughts for a moment moved to the phenomenon of sudden destructive fluctuations - an unpleasant phenomenon that threatens any new, designed, technical device. Such fluctuations are especially dangerous for aircraft and rockets, including space ones.
  Here, at last, is the hunting lodge.
  Convinced that things were in order, and that an excellent breakfast would soon arrive, Viktor Fedorovich headed for the shore of a beautiful lake.
  A nice walk in a beautiful place.
  "It's time for breakfast".
  Passing next to the garage, Viktor Fedorovich looked into it and glanced at the bolkhovni.
  He remembered Korolev and Korolev's not an easy fate.
  Well... In Russia, bolkhovni can be more useful in certain cases of a spaceship. And they are transporting you more reliably, and the result is (in some respects) more pleasant ...
  However, we are all from the same root. According to the Etymological Dictionary of the Russian Language by Max Vasmer, "bolhar" is associated with the Polish "belch" ("whirlpool")... So, after all, "bolkhovni", for sure, are from the same space ...
  Victor Fedorovich went to the dining room. From there, the sounds of the song were inviting him - of a song 'Do you know what kind of guy he was' - the sounds of a song from the "Gagarin Constellation" cycle, . [песня 'Знаете, каким он парнем был' - песня из цикла 'Созвездие Гагарина']
  'As if along the Piterskaya, Piterskaya
  He swept over the Earth!" ['Словно вдоль по Питерской, Питерской
  Пронёсся над Землёй!'].
  May 25, 2022 05:40
  Translation from Russian into English: May 25, 2022 06:26.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Болховитинов, Королев и Фасмер. Этимологический рассказ'.
  { 3013. Болховитинов, Королев и Фасмер. Этимологический рассказ.
  MMCMLXXXIV. Bolkhovitinov, Korolev and Vasmer. Etymological story. }
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