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Before the Last Frontier (or Before the Last Limit) as well as The biography of Sergei Witte - versions by Valentin Pikul. A literary note

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    Before the Last Frontier (or Before the Last Limit) as well as The biography of Sergei Witte - versions by Valentin Pikul. A literary note.

  Before the Last Frontier (or Before the Last Limit) as well as The biography of Sergei Witte - versions by Valentin Pikul. A literary note.
  Perhaps I earlier have never read Valentin Pikul's novel "Before the Last Frontier" (or "Before the Last Limit") ("Unclean Power") [Валентин Пикуль "У последней черты" ("Нечистая сила")]. I can't remember anything specific about this novel and about my reading of this novel.
  However, in the biography of Valentin Pikul that I recently read, this novel occupies a prominent place.
  I find this novel.
  To read it in full? There is simply no time for this.
  Once upon a time I consecutively read all the volumes of Sergei Witte's memoirs, as well as a voluminous book with a biography of Sergei Witte.
  The overall positive assessment of the performance of this politician is obvious to me.
  I decide to read in Valentin Pikul's book only what is connected with Sergei Witte. This one will be something like a biography of Sergei Witte - according to Pikul's version.
  I start reading. It seems that Pikul's hostile attitude towards Sergei Witte is noticeable.
  The positive achievements of Witte - they are given by the writer in a certain style.
  For example, I notice conciseness (regarding the positive results of Witte's activities), satire, caricature, humor ...
  Some biographical details are calling a doubts - did Pikul really have confirmations for all his statements about Witte?
  In the process of reading, I also discover the scene of the dismissal of Vladimir Kokovtsev (Kokovtsev is one of the prime ministers after Sergei Witte). I know about this "case" from the memoirs by Vladimir Kokovtsev.
  In addition to Kokovtsev's memoirs, there are also objective results of his activities, and the absence of any weighty - understandable to the population - motives for his dismissal.
  (Witte, Kokovtsev ... - this is a big general "case" - the fate of effective officials of the Russian Empire of the highest level ...).
  When reading about the dismissal of Kokovtsev, I am forced to admit that historicism ("historicity") is present in Pikul's work.
  My brief reading of Pikul's book does not change my generally positive opinion about the results of Sergei Witte's activities.
  I gradually get acquainted with the of Witte's biography - according to Pikul's version.
  Maybe additionally to get acquainted with the biography of Vladimir Kokovtsev - according to Pikul's version?
  To some extent, this is interesting. But it requires time and attention... And how useful is it?..
  [MMCMXCIV. Starchevsky, Schliemann and Ponomarev. A culturological note about the Valentin Pikul's story "How to get into the encyclopedia?". -May 28, 2022.
  MMCMXCIX. Chief (East-Republican) historian of Russia of the 20th century. An essay on the Antonina Pikul's book "Valentin Pikul". - May 31, 2022.].
  June 1, 2022 04:37
  Translation from Russian into English: June 1, 2022 05:18.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "У последней черты и биография Сергея Витте - по версии Валентина Пикуля. Литературная заметка".
  { 3029. У последней черты и биография Сергея Витте - по версии Валентина Пикуля. Литературная заметка.
  MMM. Before the Last Frontier (or Before the Last Limit) as well as The biography of Sergei Witte - versions by Valentin Pikul. A literary note. }
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