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Bbc: "a Russian film crew" and conspiracy theorists. A note

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    BBC: "a Russian film crew" and conspiracy theorists. A note.

  BBC: "a Russian film crew" and conspiracy theorists. A note.
  The BBC published (17 hours ago) material about the return of "a Russian film crew" from the ISS to Earth.
  "In a farewell tweet from the ISS, Peresild showed off a weightless hairdo likely to thwart any conspiracy theorists who think it was all shot on Earth..."
  "The movie [by a Russian film crew] has been in its own kind of space race - with Tom Cruise."
  So, "a Russian film crew" is associated with Tom Cruise.
  And those who are not sympathetic enough to the "Russian film crew" and to the "film called Challenge" - they should think... Is there the risk for them to be enlisted - to be ranked in a community of conspiracy theorists?...
  It is necessary to place accents correctly - there is in Russia (if we recall the dramaturgy of Alexander Ostrovsky) "a ray of light in the dark kingdom" - too...
  Maybe if to search carefully, in works by William Shakespeare will be found something positive about the "Russian film crew"?
  October 18, 2021 05:20
  Translation from Russian into English: October 18, 2021 05:45.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "BBC: Russian film crew и теоретики заговора. Заметка".
  { 2463. BBC: Russian film crew и теоретики заговора. Заметка.
  MMСCCСXXXIII. BBC: "a Russian film crew" and conspiracy theorists. A note. (English). }
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