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A visit throughout the wrong door. A story for children about Seryozha

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    MMMCDXXIII. A visit throughout the wrong door. A story for children about Seryozha. - December 26, 2023.

  A visit throughout the wrong door. A story for children about Seryozha.
  Through postage stamps you won't get enough money for an SUV and for a press secretary.
  Yes, he, Seryozha, did not go to a reputable organization that has its own mines with very useful minerals, he did not write with a finger, soaked in a red paint, on a black paper.
  But he was writing with a cocktail! He is entitled to a share in the dividends!
  Seryozha had similar thoughts at home, at school, and on the street.
  Seryozha walked down the street, thinking again about the SUV and the press secretary.
  The weather changed. It got dark. There was nothing to be seen two steps away.
  Somewhere behind and to the side of Seryozha, a vague silhouette appeared.
  This silhouette said:
  - We know what you're thinking, what you're dreaming about! And we are ready to help you! Keep going in the same direction, don't try to look at me. Listen me carefully!
  Seryozha, in accordance with the instructions, directed his gaze straight ahead, not trying to examine the figure who was speaking.
  The vague silhouette continued:
  - Now you're walking three blocks straight, two blocks to the left and one block to the right. You see a huge building. You're coming in. You look at the signs. You find a pointer (information sign) with an image of a man and a woman, and go in the appropriate direction. You're coming in. The third door. You open it. A respectable man will be sitting there. He will have a thick envelope in his hands. You silently take the envelope from him. You're coming out. With the money you get, you buy a modern SUV of a rare model, hire a press secretary. Do you understand everything?
  - Three blocks straight, two blocks to the left and one block to the right, - Seryozha repeated. - The third door. A thick package. I think I've got it all figured out.
  No one answered Seryozha. There was no one around. The mysterious figure seemed to disappear into the bad weather, into the fog, into the semi-darkness.
  Seryozha immediately began to follow the instructions he received.
  He walked, counting down the blocks. A huge building. The pointer (information sign). A long row of identical doors. The third door.
  With a sinking heart, Seryozha opened the door.
  There was no respectable person (with a thick envelope) outside the door.
  It can't be! Seryozha held his hand in the air. He even pressed a button. The sound of flushing water was heard.
  No! There is no man with an envelope!
  Seryozha was walking down the street, trying to figure out what he had done wrong.
  The silhouette appeared again, the voice was heard again:
  - You went through the wrong door! How did you count doors? From right or from left?
  - From left to right!
  - Who's counting from the left? You should have counted from the right!
  - Did I enter the wrong door?!!!
  - Yes. If you want to fix the situation quickly, post information on the Internet, on a social network: "I entered the wrong door." After that, you will understand what needs to be done next.
  - Okay!
  Seryozha as quickly as he could posted information on the Internet that he had entered the wrong door. He, then, headed for a car dealership that sells new SUVs of rare models.
  With a good SUV, hiring a press secretary will be a simple and quick matter.
  December 26, 2023, 16:14
  Translation from Russian into English: December 26, 2023 17:37
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Визит в неправильную дверь. Рассказ для детей о Серёже '.
  {3452. Визит в неправильную дверь. Рассказ для детей о Серёже. - 26 декабря 2023 г.
  MMMCDXXIII. A visit throughout the wrong door. A story for children about Seryozha. - December 26, 2023.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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