Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A Ticket to the Bahamas (The Short Story)

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    A Ticket to the Bahamas (The Short Story)

  A Ticket to the Bahamas (The Short Story)
  'There are three areas, three lines of theft,' - Sergei Sergeyevich thought. - "A theft of power, a theft of money and a theft of intellectual results."
  This is a great thefting process!
  But we have there is a bright prospect.
  Once upon a time, a talented person worked in the government.
  This man performed a financial transaction - in cooperation with one large bank.
  Sergei Sergeyevich or did not know or did not memorized the details of this operation. Maybe some securities were bought from a large bank at a low price and then sold at a high price a year later?
  Sergey Sergeyevich remembered the comment of one of the radio journalists.
  The money earned by a talented person was quite large and excited a wide public.
  So, the radio journalist about this operation spoke in the sense that we all will enjoy life.
  We have talented people. Consequently, they will play on the change in the value of securities not only in relations with a large local bank, but also on international financial platforms.
  The Federal Reserve issues a dollars, our talents enter into an international exchanges, and we're all swimming in dollars. And let the Americans envy us. They don 't have a similar talents. Or they 're not given a move.
  Apparently, clever people heard this comment and took it into account (now the Internet is a source of fresh ideas and clever thoughts - if not to consider a young an officially announced "talents" and an official "science").
  They sent a talented man to the international financial platform and instructed him to provide his beloved Motherland with US dollars.
  But apparently it didn 't work out.
  Why? For what reason?
  Because at that time there was no idea to develop artificial intelligence. Computers were, internet was, flash drives were, but there was no idea to develop an artificial intelligence.
  A talented man was fired from the government.
  But now an artificial intelligence is on the forefront!
  Soon the smartest man of a local bank system will visit the international currency market and other markets and will provide all of us with US dollars!
  Let the Federal reserve working, printing - we need dollars!
  The retirement age will drop to the level of 20 years age, and pensions will change their nature. They will be a guaranteed social income of citizens. Everyone will live their own interests and engage in creativity. And the discussions on a four-day working week will calm.
  Sergei Sergeyevich was worried. Would be enough tickets to the Bahamas?
  He went to the computer and began to figure out how to book a ticket to the Bahamas!
  We have the artificial intelligence and the main banking talent. Soon we 'll show a new style of life!
  September 14, 2019 13:03
  Translation from Russian into English: September 14, 2019 16:13.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Билет на Багамы (рассказ)'.
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