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A speaking Tv-heads and Karabases-Barabases. The note

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    A speaking TV-heads and Karabases-Barabases. The note.

  A speaking TV-heads and Karabases-Barabases. The note.
  A very strong impression on me was made by the demonstration in the Gorbachev era on television of the Congress of People's Deputies.
  Every two minutes, a people's deputy on the TV screen raised his hand to his nose. Then, there were options: (1) massage the nose, (2) ..., (3) ...
  I looked at this work of television art, was indignant, surprised and admired.
  If several thousand people are forced to sit in the hall at the same time, then it is quite natural that, being in a state of relative immobility, lack of fresh air, obeying reflex urges, people make unconscious movements ...
  But these movements need to be caught on camera. To give a single overall picture from many cameras to the screen in real time, - to make one picture replace another, so that it seems that the entire Congress is the a picking in a nose (massage the nose), only ...
  I once read a book about success, the author of which advocated not watching TV or reading newspapers.
  How does he get the news?
  Firstly, his life is such that most of the news is not relevant to him. Such way his life is structured.
  Second, he has indirect news sources. Example: he arrives at the airport. There are newspaper sales points at the airport. He walks past these points of sale and reads the headlines. Or, in a cafe, he sees a news program through the TV on in the cafe. Etc.
  So, this expert on success recommends staying away from current news. And in development of this recommendation, he advises not to watch TV or read newspapers.
  I tried to remember what useful things I learned through the TV.
  News programs? Analytical programs? The "Dolls" program? Culture programs?
  In general, what information is considered as a useful? And how you able to balance the hypothetical benefits with the harms because of the time spent?
  I could not refuse the news, but after thinking, I tried to give up the habit of watching TV.
  One of the political events excited me so much that I returned to the watching of TV.
  But then the degree of excitement dropped, and I returned to the decision not to watch TV.
  I have not watched TV for several (many) years. I wasn't able to refuse the news programms.
  So, I see neither the series "Dom-2", nor the completion of "Dom-2", nor "Dom-3", nor "The Battle of Psychics", nor TV presenters, nor singers, nor girls with questionable morals ...
  How much time did I save! I found out that the film about space, about which they were chatting on the radio, was very bad, but I started reading the book by Viktor Savinykh "Notes from a Dead Station". I have read a few pages (from a free excerpt), and I like this book! (The book about the work of cosmonauts to revive the Salyut-7 space station after emergency).
  I know that there are figures close to television, I know that huge amounts of money are allocated from the budget for television.
  I suddenly learn that there are not only talking heads, but also important figures - in the depths, in the mysterious darkness behind the screen. Someone had to gather operators and to train them - employees who know how to catch on camera a deputy scratching own nose? Someone must choose editors who give pictures from different cameras in a continuous sequence, someone must decide how and what to say, when someone expresses dissatisfaction with such an information policy, someone must plan, receive and distribute finances, and so on?
  Someone should be involved in organizing the filming of stupid films for a lot of state money, then hold competitions, provide films with awards and declare primitive, stupid films a genius works?
  I could assume that these figures - if they exist in reality - then they, these figures, are eternal.
  But it turns out they are not eternal.
  Everything has its beginning and its end - even Dom-2, even a nose-picking (a massage the nose), even Dolls and Karabases-Barabases ...
  In the meantime, we will organize physical activity, or will read an interesting book, or will find another useful activity ...
  June 20, 2021 19:44
  Translation from Russian into English: June 20, 2021 21:40.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Говорящие телеголовы и Карабасы-Барабасы. Заметка".
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