Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A sign, a password, a number, a digitalization, a well-being, a historical identity. The essay on a general culture

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    A sign, a password, a number, a digitalization, a well-being, a historical identity. The essay on a general culture.

  A sign, a password, a number, a digitalization, a well-being, a historical identity. The essay on a general culture.
  Behind a many widely-known processes, - the UK 's exit from the EU, social movements in France and many others - is the desire to preserve a historical identity.
  To clarify the concept of 'historical identity', we compare the concepts of 'number', 'password', 'sign' ('value'), 'name'.
  A number is a numeric expression. The vast majority of Russian citizens, for example, received a tax identification number (TIN) (ИНН).
  A password is a combination of numbers and letters (also, the other characters, elements can be).
  How to combine the concepts of "number" and "password"? A more general concept is a 'sign' (a 'meaning') (a 'value').
  In principle, there are no obvious obstacles to replacing the "number" with a number-letter combination - that is, with a kind of a "password."
  Hence the conclusion - surname, first name, middle name, date of birth, place of birth, surname, names, middle names of parents of a person may well be a replacement, for example, of the taxpayer identification number. In other words, an alpha-numeric (number-letter) combination can easily replace a numerical combination.
  Why a "number" in that case is needed? If each citizen has a surname, first name and other information?
  To this perplexity can be added an additional mention of the enormous amounts of time, attention, various other costs that were necessary to give each person a certificate with this "number."
  The "number", in itself, is not only difficult to justify, to prove as an useful innovation.
  It begins to exist in parallel with the traditional name of a person.
  In fact, two principles compete. The designating a person as a digit. And the designation of a person by a traditional (historical) name.
  Behind a traditional historical name is a historical identity.
  Both the general culture and the technical (professional) culture are connected with a historical identity through a many historical threads and channels.
  The decomposition of the general culture leads to the transformation of society into a criminal community, and the degradation of the technical culture means the destruction of the technical foundations of a society.
  Thus, the desire to preserve a historical identity is a rational and very far-sighted desire. It is a desire to preserve the historical cultural potential of a society.
  There is no evidence that various kinds of "digitalization" led to the creation of a prosperous society of abundance.
  General cultural and technological development led to the emergence of an abundance society around the 60s of the 20th century.
  The presence of a high level of general and technical (professional) culture, an increase in these levels, open a way to the future.
  On the contrary, the destruction of general and the degradation of technical (professional) culture deprive society of historical prospects.
  February 3, 2020 09:45
  Translation from Russian into English: February 4, 2020 10:37.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Знак, пароль, номер, цифровизация, благополучие, историческая идентичность. Очерк общей культуры.'
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