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A Russial history in the style of French vaudevilles. The Literary note about the books by Henri Troyat

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    A Russial history in the style of French vaudevilles. The Literary note about the books by Henri Troyat "Leo Tolstoy" and "Peter the First"

  A Russial history in the style of French vaudevilles. The Literary note about the books by Henri Troyat "Leo Tolstoy" and "Peter the First"
  A writer, acting in a developed literary market, must "see" a solvent reader, understand his mood, psychology.
  After reading the book by Henri Troyat "Leo Tolstoy" I had a subjective opinion about a light stylization - the opinion that this book was to some extent carried out in a style of French vaudeville.
  There are bad sides of life, and bad circumstances, and bad deeds, and bad people. But, in general, everything is not bad. Even - fun.
  Even when all is bad, there"s, nevertheless, a reason to smile.
  But in general, people are not bad, they are attractive. And they live energetically, cheerfully.
  The "vaudeville tint" came, again, while reading the book by Henri Troyat "Peter the First".
  Along with the "vaudeville style" there are:
  1. The correct segmentation of historical material.
  2. (often) Accurate semantic accents.
  3. The general interconnectedness of meaning in different parts of books ("the forest is visible behind the trees") ...
  The pace of a text (semantic) flow, the density of presentation of the material in different parts of books are close to optimal.
  Reading is an enough easy. A material, a meaning - they are understandable.
  It is possible to speak that in these books ("Leo Tolstoy" and "Peter the First") was lost A "STRATEGIC UNDERSTANDING" of the 400-year period of the history of Russia (300 years of the Romanov dynasty and 100 years of "socialism" and "post-socialism." Since about 1613 and up to "modernity.")...
  A geopolitical rent (obtained as a result of the discovery and development of Siberia, the Far East, Alaska) was gradually spending ...
  Recall the book "Alexander I", written by Henri Troyat.
  The same advantages - the correct segmentation of historical material, (often) exact semantic accents, the general interconnectedness of meaning in different parts of the book ... The pace of presentation, the density of presentation of material in different parts of the book are close to optimal. Easy to read. The readability of the material. (Vaudeville in this book is felt to a lesser extent).
  But, for example, the names of of Krusenstern and Lisianski are not mentioned ... Alexander I personally participated in organizing the first round-the-world expedition with the Russial flag.
  Something important concerning the Russial history in the books of Henri Troyat - sometimes - is missing.
  400 years of tragedy and heroism. During these 400 years were some (relatively short) historical periods of world-class achievements ....
  Peter the Great built in Russia a modern European state. But did he build up a civil society of European type? Has such a society arisen in Russia during the 400 years period? The absence of a developed civil society, perhaps, led to the loss of achievements provided by the efforts of Peter the Great, in general - by the activity of a powerful state?
  Some hints on these topics are in the books by Henri Troyat.
  If we compare the books "Leo Tolstoy" and "Peter the First" by Henri Troyat with the works written by other authors, and ignore some details, then these his works are perceived as a fairly high-quality segment of historical and biographical literature.
  October 30, 2019 8:51
  Translation from Russian into English: October 30, 2019 13:23.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ЈРоссийская история в стиле французских водевилей. Литературная заметка о книгах Анри Труайя ЈЛев Толстой" и ЈПётр Первый"".
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