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Arctic hectare. A virtuoso play of financial pianists. Essay

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    Arctic hectare. A virtuoso play of financial pianists. Essay.

  Arctic hectare. A virtuoso play of financial pianists. Essay.
  Half an hour ago, two radio hosts were discussing a new initiative - the "Arctic hectare". Something like that. Everyone can get a hectare in the Arctic zone for several years, and then try to re-register the Arctic hectare as property.
  What is the secret of the "Arctic hectare"?
  Let us first turn our attention to those who now live in the Arctic.
  Let's conditionally distinguish three groups.
  The first two groups are (1) military personnel (and other government agencies) and (2) large companies. They have:
  (a) centralized financing,
  (b) motors (airplanes, helicopters, all-terrain vehicles, tractors, etc.),
  (c) an imported fuel in the ordered quantities.
  The third group is the 'indigenous peoples of the Arctic'. We will conventionally assume that they have the skills and traditions of life in the North. They also have and use reindeer (or sled dogs) for transport purposes.
  Now this conditional scheme is planned to be supplemented with the fourth group? With the people who have no centralized funding, without motors, without fuel, without habits and traditions, and without reindeer?
  It's funny ...
  "This is incomprehensible to the mind" ...
  But the secret of the "Arctic hectare" is not hidden so deeply ...
  Take a closer look at the economic environment around you. You will find that many large structures are following the lease route. They rent all sorts of facilities to carry out their activities. And no one forbids an individual to be an owner of some object for rental purposes.
  And if you hand in rent an apartment to some low-income people, then, most likely, with modern legislation, you will have a little money, but a lot of headaches.
  And if, for example, you rent out a property to a large structure (organization), then you may have completely different prospects.
  Having understood this fact, you can shift the focus of your attention to the "Arctic hectare".
  All large structures (organizations), if they have not yet felt, then will feel in the future the need to rent various kinds of objects to carry out their activities. Someone needs a building, someone a prepared site for placing equipment ... Everyone has their own needs.
  Nearby is an Arctic hectare, registered as the property of a lucky man who managed to guess that a large (state) structure (organization) would need to rent a nearby object.
  As a result, everyone wins (except taxpayers and shareholders). Large structures receive a beneficial effect. Owners of Arctic hectares receive income (rent). The initiators of the Arctic hectare program get the opportunity to report: there is development. People receive "Arctic hectares," economic turnover is increasing. It is extremely difficult for auditors to get to these regions. It is better to sit at the airport (after arrival), in a restaurant, talk with the persons in charge at the hotel rooms, to look through a papers...
  The state budget and large companies finance all this pleasure.
  One can observe the emergence and development of a next (a new) economic chimera created by highly effective managers ... (All this is happening against the background of the gradual destruction of the middle class and the intelligentsia, from which a financial resources and an accumulated family reserves are pumping out by various payments and taxes ...).
  July 16, 2020 10:41
  Translation from Russian into English: July 16, 2020 10:44.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Арктический гектар. Виртуозная игра финансовых пианистов. Очерк'.
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