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A pleasant haircutting. A humorous drawing

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    MMMDXI. A pleasant haircutting. A humorous drawing. - June 23, 2024.

  A pleasant haircutting. A humorous drawing.
  I open the door and enter into the barbershop: "Come in! We are open!"
  The employees of the barbershop look at me in bewilderment and questioningly.
  "It's written on your door," I explain in Russian.
  Laughter and smiles: "We are not very understand!" [The word "understand" is pronounced - as in English]
  - Can I get a haircut here?
  The administrator announces the price: about one and a half to two times more than in "ordinary" hairdressers.
  - If you will execute (fulfill) a haircutting good, I'll pay.
  - And if it will be bad?
  - Then it will remain on your conscience.
  One of the elegant, pretty girls-hairdressers sits me down in an armchair.
  - How must I cut your hair?
  - Do the haircutting so that you like it!
  - Okay!
  - I see that I have fallen into the hands of a professional, of a specialist.
  - Thus, our meeting it's (a Will of) a Destiny.
  An interesting turn of thought.
  - Well, if you put an issue such a way, then let's ride bicycles. On the Left Bank of the Don River there is a sports recreation area with a pond (reservoir) (near the shopping Mega-Center), where visitors can rent bicycles and ride. It's time to start the cycling season of this summer.
  - I didn't have a bike, but I can ride a bike.
  - I've been there recently. I asked at the Mega-Center - from employees, from sellers, from those who smoked in front of the entrance, - I asked everyone! - how do I get to the sports recreation area? No one could explain the way. I had to navigate by the Sun myself, by indirect signs. Gradually I found the way. The road to one of the berths (moorings) was open. Two people before me me jumped from this mooring into the water. I looked at them and said, "I see smart people here! Why don't I join them?". I began to undress. A guard is running (out of a distant building): "You can't swim here!" "In front of me, two people jumped into the water here!" "You can't! It's not allowed! " But while he was running, I jumped into the water. He is indignant. And I, because I gained extra weight and do not have the skill to jump out of the water onto the mooring, I hold out my hand to him - "pull me out the water". He grumbles something displeased and steps aside. But one of the smart people returned - one of those who jumped into the water before me - and he in a human-loving style pulled me out the reservoir onto the mooring.
  - I also used to work in a Mega-Center, and I also don't know how to get to the recreation area. I will go on vacation to the sea and swim there. I'm afraid to go into the water in unfamiliar reservoirs.
  - What kind of your job was in the Mega-Center?
  - My friend (a man) opened a retail outlet there. I worked there as a salesgirl. It was a long time ago.
  - Have you been working as a hairdresser for a long time?
  - About a year and a half. Many people take me for a sixteen-year-old. In fact, I'm older.
  - I thought you is fifteen-year-old. That's why I suggested cycling. If I thought you elder, I would have offered you something else. Tomorrow is Sunday. There will be a lot of people in the recreation area. It is better to go on a weekday.
  - If we were destined to meet here, then we will meet, of course, someday (in a future) there, next to a pond and a bicycle rental.
  - When the barbershop will be opened there, I'll come get a haircut, and I will see you then.
  - And now the haircutting is completed. I like it.
  - I will look at myself in the mirror at home and will come to some opinion. But I liked you.
  - You told me to cut yours hair so that I liked the result. I like.
  - I take it as a compliment. A good mood is also a value.
  I got out the money for the haircut, added a little to the appointed price.
  Girl is smiling.
  We hug lightly goodbye.
  I look at myself in the mirror at home. She cut my hair well. I like.
  June 23, 2024 01:09
  Translation from Russian into English: June 23, 2024 09:34
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Приятная стрижка. Юмористическая зарисовка '.
  { 3540. Приятная стрижка. Юмористическая зарисовка. - 23 июня 2024 г.
  MMMDXI. A pleasant haircutting. A humorous drawing. - June 23, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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