Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

A picture of the world from radio fools. The sketch

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    A picture of the world from radio fools. The sketch.

  A picture of the world from radio fools. The sketch.
  As the proverb says, a process began for a profit, and ended for a losses.
  For beginning, the leader of a neighboring country detained useful people.
  The journalists rushed there. Just the pre-election campaign ended. Journalists see that the leader (outgoing) has no support from the population, and his opponents in the elections have massive support from voters.
  The elections began. The journalists were a little lazy. Out of habit? They could not understand who won - at first the votes had not been fully counted, later - the results had not yet been announced ...
  In addition, attention has shifted to torture and bullying. Many journalists were detained after the elections - during mass protests against electoral fraud.
  Mass demonstrations began against election fraud.
  The journalists gathered in the office of the editor-in-chief of a large media company - this company has a radio station, a newspaper, and much more.
  They are all people of progress, and they are all determined.
  - Your opinion? - asks the head of the media company, who is also the editor-in-chief.
  - The entire population of the neighboring country is for the change of the leader!
  - The elections and their results are falsified!
  - Tikhanovskaya won the election!
  - The entire population of our huge country supports their brothers from a small neighboring country!
  - Deprive the falsifiers of political and economic support!
  - To demand on behalf of our huge country that the leader of the falsification transfer power to Tikhanovskaya - peacefully and without resistance!
  At this moment, a telephone rings on the editor-in-chief's desk - a special telephone device.
  The editor-in-chief picks up the phone and turns a little pale.
  He apologizes to the meeting participants and leaves the office.
  Polite people are waiting for him in the next room. They point to the huge cardboard boxes. That boxes fill the room almost completely.
  Polite people brought closer the editor to one of the cardboard boxes. The box is opened. The editor looks at the contents of the box with respect.
  But this is not enough.
  Polite people transport the editor to an inconspicuous building in the city center. The building has a very deep basement. Zindan type. Like in creativity of the artist Vereshchagin.
  The editor is lowered on a rope into the zindan [zindan is an underground prison of the eastern type]. The remains of human bodies are all around. Disgusting smell. Terrible screams come from somewhere. All this gives a quick educational effect.
  However, the editor is treated politely. They put a small table and chairs at the bottom of the zindan, drink tea with him for about five minutes and discuss the specifics of state funding for the media. 'Yes, yes, I understood everything !!! No more! Enough! Enough! There is no air! "
  The chief editor was lifted to the surface on a rope.
  Soon the editor-in-chief reappears in his office and resumes the meeting.
  He begins with a philosophical theme:
  - We are all worth nothing if our media company is closed ...
  He looks at one of the journalists:
  - You said that after torture you need a complicated and expensive treatment ... Where can I get the money if we are buried? If we will be banned?
  Oddly enough, despite all the progressiveness and emotionality, everyone present understands the editor-in-chief from a half-word.
  - So what should we do !!!?
  - Make fools of yourself! Admit the fact of displeasure of the population and the facts of protests! And then you must continually ask the questions: and what are the results of this displeasure and these protests? What's the point in strikes? So go for it!
  Of course, it's nice to be a man of progress, but employment in a metropolitan media company (with a good salary, big bonuses, a journalist's ID and connections in various circles) is worth something ...
  Victims of torture and people of success (laureates of journalism awards, masters of reporting) had to turn into parrots and had to repeat into microphones:
  - Yes, there are protests ... But what's the point in them? What are the results of these protests? What are the strikes leading to? What are the results of strikes?
  There is a result - the emergence of a breed of trained media parrots, repeating questions into microphones in the style of primitive fools ..
  August 24, 2020 09:09
  Translation from Russian into English: August 24, 2020 09:43.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Картина мира от радио-дурачков. Скетч'.
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