Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A new word in the literature about success. A conceptual sketch

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    A new word in the literature about success. A conceptual sketch.

  A new word in the literature about success. A conceptual sketch.
  The traditional segment of Western literature is the literature about success. People think - how to live better? How to succeed? They are summarizing and analyzing a personal experience ...
  The authors of Western literature about success recommend anticipating all kinds of economic troubles and taking care of the safeness in advance.
  Suppose a person is engaged in paid work. He gets wages, salary. He saves money from his salary and invests in real estate.
  What for?
  It is assumed that there is the possibility of obtaining passive income (from rental), and the possibility of rising property prices.
  Of course, one should not think that a person living on a salary acquires palaces or factories. We are talking about fairly cheap objects - about land plot, for example, for 50,000 (fifty thousand) rubles, or about the cheapest residential real estate.
  If a fan of a literature on success has acquired something, then he is faced with three trends generated by the authorities:
  (1) the cost of ownership of real estate is constantly increasing (taxes are increasing, new and new responsibilities are introduced, new payments of various kinds),
  (2) a rental is furnished with so many such unpleasant conditions that this activity becomes an excessively risky business.
  (3) The third trend is that the state formally recognizes property rights and accurately receives taxes and other obligatory payments. But the owner very easily gets into (manageable) conflicts over his property. And the state affectionately looks at endless chess games. And if someone wants to get rid of a tiring burden - so, everyone has the right to choose.
  Having met these trends, a fan of Western literature about success may philosophically reflect on the policy of freeing the middle class from property and on the possibility of selling previously acquired objects at a loss.
  So civilized man
  (a) reads Western literature about success,
  (b) pays property (and others - in some cases) taxes and other payments in an increasing amount,
  (c) ceases attempts to make own real estate an object of a rental deals,
  (d) plays endless chess games under an affectionate eye. Besides the possibility of chopping something off, it"s also a free social theater. Smart people twitch - you can enjoy, feeling your superiority and power of the supreme director.
  But a fan of Western literature about success finds a new potential in situation of the pandemic of the coronavirus.
  Not only that, - saving money from his salary, - he acquired a source not of income, but of expenses. (A little unexpected, agree, the result!)
  He pays real estate taxes annually (when he made a rental deals, he also paid a tax on personal income). The state needs resources to carry out its functions!
  Now they affectionately explain to him that of the taxes received in the budget, the higher spheres will "provide support" to the tourism, aviation, and construction sectors ...
  Entrepreneurship, as we know, is activity at its own expense and at its own risk ... Why, if a "simple man" read a Western literature about success and cared about his financial security, then these industries did not take care ?. .. And if they took care, then they should primarily rely on their own resources, and not use tax revenues from other persons ...
  Imagine a fan of literature about success who did not use the services of the modern tourism industry (income was not enough), did not fly an airplane (from Soviet times), and he heard that some representatives of the construction industry reduce the cost of a square meter through the use of a public spaces (urban forests, groves and other public areas; reducing the cost of a square meter allows to increase profitability and to maintain a well-being) and the construction industry brings great benefit to our beloved friends.
  to (1) increasing of a cost of ownership,
  to (2) blocking of a rental deals,
  to (3) manageable conflicts (they are also theater performances for the refined entertainment)
  the era of coronavirus adds:
  financing from tax revenues (4) of the modern tourism, (5) construction, (6) aviation industries ...
  All this mechanics looks very interesting ...
  What is left to do? Write an addendum to Western literature on success - for readers from Russia?
  I have accomplished this historic task..
  This conceptual sketch can be included as an appendix in Western books on success - until something more useful is written.
  April 16, 2020 08:35
  Translation from Russian into English: April 16, 2020 09:27.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "Новое слово в литературе об успехе. Концептуальный очерк".
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