Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A new role of Internet-counters, a media freedom and a human rights. A political sketch

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    A new role of Internet-counters, a media freedom and a human rights. A political sketch.

  A new role of Internet-counters, a media freedom and a human rights. A political sketch.
  One of the bloggers (young woman) once asked a question, at a press conference of an honest person of the highest political level: is it possible to support bloggers? (That is - the state supports in various forms a many different groups - but what about bloggers?)
  To this she received a sincere answer: bloggers have always lived off advertising.
  But if bloggers live off advertising, then for such a happy life, Internet- counters should show them (bloggers) a high popularity.
  So, the economic interests of many Internet figures depend on the work, on the correct functioning of internet-counters.
  Today the media reported on the formation of the Folk's Council by Mikhail Degtyarev. In particular, if you believe the media, it will include bloggers with a number of subscribers above the established indicator (over 5000 subscribers?).
  This news opens a new era!
  Counters acquire not only economic, but also a political significance!
  But what about the situation if the counters are working systemly incorrectly?
  What about the protection of the economic and political interests of the relevant Internet figure, what about the freedom of the media, what about the human rights?
  Can they (counters) work incorrectly ?!
  Personally, I periodically observe the indications of two counters on the page 'Залесский Владимир Владимирович: Миниатюры' ('Vladimir Vladimirovich Zalessky:
  And what's interesting. The counter showing the number of visitors per year has not been able to exceed 4,000 visitors since 2018. After the transition of the indicator of level of 3000 readers (which happened in 2018), its indications change modestly in the range between 3000 and 4000. They are coming up to 4000 and are doing a jumping back ... And this lasted in 2019. Such a situation lasts in 2020 ...
  And the counter showing the number of readings of specific works (one reader can to read several works), - showing in the last months a total increase in readings in range from 1000 to 5000 for each change of the counter-indications, - this counter stopped at the beginning of August 2020 in front of the (general) bar 500,000 (five hundred thousand) [on day of August 1, 2020 - 498500] and cannot pass this digit in any way. However, according to the rules, the calculation is made every day. In the case of the page 'Залесский Владимир Владимирович: Миниатюры' ('Zalessky Vladimir Vladimirovich: Miniatures') ( the change in indications was made once every two, and in some cases even three, days.
  You ask - how can you know this? I have a habit of copying pages with indications [with digits] of counter ...
  So, both counters are not working correctly as of August 18, 2020.
  What are the consequences?
  What, if the counter of readers would showed 10 million? Whether Vladimir Zalessky would received an opportunity to live by advertising [for living off advertising] - as one honest person of the highest level sincerely advised?
  And if the number of readings of the works of Vladimir Zalessky would be at the level of 50 million - would not he be invited to the Human Rights Council? Vladimir Zalessky would have refused (even with the prospect of getting to know Kirill Vyshinsky personally) - but it would still be nice ...
  However, there is such a suspicion that if the typical modern print runs of paper books are about 2000 (two thousand), then even with the readings actually achieved level of the 500,000 (five hundred thousand), - we are talking about readings for the entire period of existence of a page in relation of all works - Vladimir Zalessky is one of the most widely read contemporary Russian-language and English-language authors localized in the Russian Federation.
  Well! But now Kirill Vyshinsky is a member of the Human Rights Council!
  What's most interesting. When, for a number of reasons (among which was the protection of freedom of information, protection of the rights of journalists) Vladimir Zalessky took part in a public campaign for the release of Kirill Vyshinsky, then the counter (which showing the number of readings of specific works) still somehow was working.
  Now Kirill Vyshinsky speaks about the events in Belarus. He hints at the shortsightedness of some Belarusians ... But Kirill Vyshinsky is not the Minister of Foreign Affairs - at least for the moment. Vyshinsky met with the respected Sergei Lavrov, but did not receive an invitation to the Foreign Ministry (for a professional career).
  However, he became a member of the Human Rights Council. I see some elements of the powers of the prosecutor in this. Even - of the powers of the Prosecutor General - this Council is under the President of the Russian Federation!
  ("Our man is in the Pentagon !!!").
  And besides Kirill Vyshinsky, there is also a human rights ombudsman at the federal level, a human rights ombudsman at the regional level, a human rights ombudsman on the Internet (I hope so), other ombudsmen, and - many other officials and organizations, the competence of which includes a protecting human rights and protecting media freedom.
  They will pay attention to internet-counters (following an honest person of the highest level and Mikhail Degtyarev)! And the Sun of happiness will shine !!!
  Why not?!
  [MDLXXXVII. A brief essay on digital pressing. - July 23, 2020.]
  [Explanation. "Our man is in the Pentagon" - A soviet proverb; one of the possible meanings - a person from a rural area took a position, a post in the capital, in some inaccessible spheres; other meanings are of a similar nature, character; a semantic shade - something incredible, amazing.]
  August 18, 2020 05:25
  Translation from Russian into English August 18, 2020 06:30.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Новая роль интернет-счетчиков, свобода СМИ и права человека. Политический скетч'.
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