Залесский Владимир Владимирович : другие произведения.

A new application has been sent to the Government of the Russian Federation by e-mail. A diary note

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками Юридические услуги. Круглосуточно
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    MMMDXXXIII. A new application has been sent to the Government of the Russian Federation by e-mail. A diary note. - On August 24, 2024.

  A new application has been sent to the Government of the Russian Federation by e-mail. A diary note.
  When: August 24 at 17:30
  To whom: office@digital.gov.ru
  From whom: Z Vl (Vladimir) moto1111111@yandex.ru
  The Government of the Russian Federation,
  Legal address: 123112, Moscow, Presnenskaya embankment, 10, building 2
  (this application is sent
  by e-mail address office@digital.gov.ru,
  indicated on the official website https://digital.gov.ru/ru/contacts/)
  From Vladimir Vladimirovich Zalessky,
  Sorge str., 48/1, apartment 84, Rostov-on-Don, 344090.
  INN [number for tax accounting] 616301064153
  E-mail: moto1111111@yandex.ru,
  (please send the answer to this application
  to my e-mail addresses)
  03.06.2019 I was deprived by the Russian Federation of the right of ownership of a real estate object located at Rostov-on-Don, Muskatnaya Street/Dnepropetrovskaya Street, 32/34, with cadastral number 61:44:0000000:83514 (letter dated December 23, 2021, number 23-16 / 3267@): my 'ownership right' to the object of real estate 'was terminated on June 3, 2019').
  ("Part of the residential building lit "Zh,Zh 1" [with a separate entrance], consisting of premises ?1,4,2(5),3(4),5(1),11 on the first floor and No. 3,4,5,3 and on the second floor with an area of 144.9 sq.m., as well as a balcony No. 7x, part of the terrace No. 6x, with an area of 32.5 sq.m." - letter dated 08.04.2022 number 15-1329/22).
  The estimated value of the named real estate object in the ruble equivalent of 80,000 (eighty thousand) US dollars (or it can be determined according to the current official compensation rates set for 1 square meter).
  I would like to inform the Government of the Russian Federation that according to the certificate received from the MFC (Multifunctional Center for the provision of public services), I have not been prosecuted, accordingly, depriving me of my property right is an unconstitutional action.
  According to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, open (public) theft of a citizen's property qualifies as robbery.
  Violation of the constitutional right of a citizen (constitutional right of ownership) may receive a separate qualification.
  After I received information (from the tax notice handed to me) about the deprivation of my property rights, I applied hierarchically to various state bodies, including the Government of the Russian Federation (see Note).
  In the statement I sent to the Government of the Russian Federation on April 27, 2022, I outlined a number of requests. In particular, I wrote the following:
  "I already wrote about the need to organize the protection of this object (of this facility) in my statement dated April 11, 2022 to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.
  Please check whether appropriate measures have been taken in the interests of public safety."
  Taking measures to ensure public safety is a constitutional obligation of the Government of the Russian Federation.
  The application dated April 27, 2022 was sent by me by e-mail to the e-mail address office@digital.gov.ru specified on the official website https://digital.gov.ru/ru/contacts /.
  In addition, it has been publicly available on the Internet since April 27, 2022. (MMCMXII. Application to the Government of the Russian Federation sent by e-mail. A diary note.)
  Response from the Government of the Russian Federation (to the statement dated April 27, 2022) I have not received it to date.
  As a law-abiding and respectable citizen, obliged to fulfill his civic duty regardless of the effectiveness or inefficiency of any government agencies, I have taken measures to ensure public safety in connection with the change in the status of the above-mentioned object of real estate.
  This property was centrally supplied with: electricity, gas, water (cold).
  Currently (as follows from the official documents I received), I am deprived of ownership of the specified real estate object, this object is not on the tax register. This situation poses risks to public safety.
  In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to send appeals to state and other bodies. Accordingly, I took care of the termination of the centralized supply of public utilities to the above-mentioned real estate object.
  Today, on August 24, 2024, I received a response stating the refusal to turn off the centrally supplied water (to the above-mentioned real estate object).
  In this regard, I ask you AGAIN to check whether appropriate measures have been taken in the interests of public safety.
  (1) of my application dated October 01, 2021 and
  (2) of the response dated October 15, 2021 number 06-10/034888,
  (3) of my application dated October 18, 2021 and
  (4) of the response dated October 22, 2021 number 6193-00-11-2021/003836
  are available in the Interdistrict Federal Tax Service of Russia No. 23 in the Rostov Oblast.
  (5) of my application dated October 23, 2021
  (6) of letter number 23-16/1919@ dated November 25, 2021
  they are available in the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Rostov Oblast.
  (7) my application dated November 30, 2021 (to the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation) and
  (8) Letter No. 23-16/3267@ dated December 23, 2021 (from the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Rostov Region - on behalf of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation)
  are available from the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Rostov Region.
  (9) of my application, dated December 26, 2021, to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and
  (10) of reply No. БС-3-21/1115@ dated February 10, 2022 (sent to me by the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation on behalf of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
  they are available in the Office of the Federal Tax Service of Russia in the Rostov Oblast.
  (11) of my application, dated February 16, 2022, to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and
  (12) of my application, dated March 17, 2022, to the Ministry of Finance,
  (13) of response dated 08 April 2022 No. 15-1329/22 of the Department of State Registration of Rights of the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Rostov Oblast,
  (14) of my application, dated April 11, 2022, to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation,
  (15) of response No. 03-05-06-01/36321 dated April 22, 2022 (sent to me by the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation)
  are available in the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation and in the Office of the Federal Service for State Registration, Cadastre and Cartography for the Rostov Oblast.
  (16) of my application, dated April 27, 2022, to the Government of the Russian Federation is available in the Government of the Russian Federation (in addition, since April 27, 2022, this application has been publicly available on the Internet).
  If necessary, these documents can be transmitted via the appropriate communication lines.
  Sincerely, Vladimir Vladimirovich Zalessky
  August 24, 2024
  Translation from Russian into English: August 24, 2024 18:28.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Новое заявление в Правительство РФ отправлено электронной почтой. Дневниковая заметка '.
  { 3562. Новое заявление в Правительство РФ отправлено электронной почтой. Дневниковая заметка. - 24 августа 2024 г.
  MMMDXXXIII. A new application has been sent to the Government of the Russian Federation by e-mail. A diary note. - On August 24, 2024.}

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