Zalesski Vladimir Vladimirovich : другие произведения.

A meeting of the President of the Russian Federation with members of the Hrc. The note

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    A meeting of the President of the Russian Federation with members of the HRC. The note.

  A meeting of the President of the Russian Federation with members of the HRC. The note.
  We have written about the problem of digital pressure several times.
  At some point, we realized that our works gave a result.
  Some figures from the official human rights sphere began to discuss this problem in some form - using the word combination "digital censorship".
  "Digital censorship" - answers the question "what a purpose is planed?" (to influence the content).
  "Digital pressure" - answers the questions "what?" and "how?" (they are creating a pressure ... and the results can be very different ... The influence on content, a content change is just one of the possible results ...).
  If activists appeared, and they took up the issue of "digital censorship", then we considered it expedient to openly address them, so that they would not argue abstractly, or that they would not aim at foreign Internet giants, but look at the specific problem of a specific citizen of the Russian Federation. All the counters characterizing the popularity of his content of his page in Runet was spoiled.
  So what?
  Our appeal even gave a result ...
  '... the counter of reads (readings) of specific works showed a positive movement. Now it shows a little more than five hundred thousand reads (readings) in total for the entire period of the section's [page's] existence (504092). Logically, if from August 1, 2020 to add by a thousand (in fact, with each next "moving", "renewing" of the counter there was a raising (in a borders) from 1000 to 5000), then as of August 28, 2020 there should have been about 528,000 ... Anyway, a trifle , but there is a feeling of nice ... "(August 28, 2020).
  However, this positive effect did not last long.
  On December 10, 2020, the President of the Russian Federation met with members of the HRC. At the meeting, the issue of digital censorship was raised again. "This is censorship, this is the field of information confrontation." (Transcript of the meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with members of the Presidential Council for the Development of Civil Society and Human Rights on December 10, 2020) ( [unofficial translation]
  Counters continue to be in a damaged state ...
  The counter of reading specific works shows "529618" as of December 11, 2020. In other words, he returned to an almost immobilized state ... If in the first half of 2020, with each next count, from 1000 to 5000 was added (with a tendency to increase each next addition), then after August 1, 2020, on average, 232 was added per day!
  In some cases, the numbers, previously reached, even were decreased ... For example, the "Visitors per year" ['Посетителей за год'] counter for about two years showed between 3000 and 4000. He could not step over 4000. As soon as he was approaching 4000, he immediately was jumping back. But today, December 11, 2020, we see a movement. The counter finally made an effort, moved and overcame ... 3000.
  On December 11, 2020 it shows 2973!
  Taking this opportunity, we also note that in the text of the transcript of the meeting on December 10, 2020, we could not find the word "Belarus" ...
  [DCCCLXXI. The Draft of the letter to the Internet portal about the "Zalesski Bureya Journal" web page. - 02.06.2019.
  MDLXXXVII. A brief essay on digital pressing. - July 23, 2020.
  MDCLIII. A new role of Internet-counters, a media freedom and a human rights. A political sketch. - August 18, 2020.
  MDCLXXVII. Kirill Vyshinsky and a good coffee. The note. - August 28, 2020.
  MDCCLI. An open letter from Sergei Sergeevich to a member of the Public Chamber Malkevich. A story. - October 06, 2020.
  MDCLXXVI. Our man is in the Pentagon. Vyshinsky, the overcoming the partition of the Commonwealth, the human rights activities. The note. - August 28, 2020.]
  December 11, 2020 09:36
  Translation from Russian into English: December 11, 2020 10:33.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Встреча президента РФ с членами СПЧ. Заметка'.
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