Аннотация: A historical and futuristic mythology of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. How can we arrange Russia or To live not according a lie. The note.
A historical and futuristic mythology of Alexander Solzhenitsyn. How can we arrange Russia or To live not according a lie. The note.
I had no desire to read the work by Alexander Solzhenitsyn "How can we equip [arrange] Russia?". But, nevertheless, I scanned [read fastly] this work in an accelerated order.
Some thoughts came up that I wrote down.
Effective political thinking requires a realistic vision of the future.
In such a picture of the future, an effective politician is able to distinguish between periods - that is, to carry out periodization.
To (1) a perspective vision and to (2) periodization are added (3) a system of goals and (4) a system of methods for achieving them.
Here we will pause and read the deep thought of Alexander Isaevich: 'In 1754, under Elizabeth, Pyotr Ivanovich Shuvalov proposed such an amazing - Project for the Preservation of the People.
What a weirdo?
But this is where the statesmanship is. "
I like this statement.
Sitting in the Kremlin, Peter the First (Catherine, Elizabeth ... Lenin, Stalin, .. Gorbachev ... Ligachev ...) is engaged in useful work. What is he (she) doing? He (she) saves (preserves) ...
There are some difficulties in this case - Ermak went to the development of Siberia. Pioneers and Cossacks are exploring Siberia and the Far East. These are dangerous activities - how can you save (preserve) them, these people who are prone to a risky activity?
How to save (preserve) Konstantin Tsiolkovsky - he is engaged in research, experiments, he suffers from poverty, but there is no money. The Imperial Academy has allocated 400 rubles, but this money is clearly not enough for space flight.
How to save Tsiolkovsky - apparently, not to overthrow the tsarist regime, not to establish Soviet power? Not to bring Krzhizhanovsky to power?
Korolev is interested in aviation (later interest in rocketry will arise). Korolev designs gliders, flies on gliders. Dangerous business! How to save (preserve) him? Fly next to him? Open the parachute - if necessary?
Sounds great, beautiful! But how to do this in practice: "saving (preserving) the people"?
Alexander Isaevich, suppose, does not renounce his convictions and insists: Tsiolkovsky and Korolev must be saved (must be preserved).
We can and to express a consent (Give Tsiolkovsky and Korolev good houses and a lot of money - for life and research. Ensure their safety!). But why preserve negative human qualities? ...
What is interesting: no picture of the future ("saving (preserving) the people" - a kind of logical riddle), no periodization, no system of goals, no system of methods ... But it sounds beautiful! It would be nice if "they" would care, it would be nice if "they" would save (would preserve)...
Peter the Great (Ekaterina, Elizaveta ... Lenin, Stalin, .. Gorbachev ... Ligachev ...) can to think about this ...
And the most incomprehensible thing. Where can we find people who are cleansed, repentant, honest (with an honest merchant's word)?
For example, with Lenin, the East-Republicans (the next generation of the inhabitants of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth [Rzeczpospolita]) came to the heights of power - people with a broad outlook, educated, honest, selfless, energetic ... They looked several decades ahead. They proposed the development of large industrial and agricultural production, a planning ...
Yes, there is a historical example ...
But the historian Karamzin forbade to remember him ... Solzhenitsyn, it seems, does not even remember the Rzeczpospolita in his works ...
So what does he offer? Let's say that in pre-revolutionary times there really an honest merchant word existed ... Sounds beautiful! In some cases existed, in some cases did not.
We use the method of fantasizing.
Alexander Solzhenitsyn in the pre-war Rostov-on-Don goes to the cinema.
And there they show a film from the pre-revolutionary past.
In the credits of the film there is an indication: "A true story."
So, what does Alexander Solzhenitsyn see on the screen?
A Rostov pre-revolutionary merchant comes to a Rostov businessman. And he says: I have a good family ties in power. Let's create a joint business. With the support I have, we will get good money.
It seems like an honest man ...
The entrepreneur recently arrived in Rostov - from the territory of the former Rzeczpospolita. He has almost no connections in power. The entrepreneur agrees. Joint investments. The new business is registered with a merchant with family ties. The business is working. The smart merchant announces to the entrepreneur: now you are my employee and will work for me for a salary! (The money is invested, everything is legally registered. The merchant, if officially, is the owner. Where will he go?). The entrepreneur turned around and left, although he had to lose money. Qualified employees followed [left with] him. The hopes of a merchant with family ties for a profitable business were burst. He lost his mind (became madman)...
Solzhenitsyn watches the film and tries to draw conclusions ...
Such an example is good because the hopes for a honest merchant's word, which supposedly existed before the revolution, is naive. For some persons a honest merchant's word existed, for others it did not exist.
But on this "honest merchant word", on this beautiful pre-revolutionary Russia, is based almost the entire theoretical construction of the respected Alexander Isaevich! To throw a bridge, to pass the baton from pre-revolutionary Russia to post-Soviet Russia!
In general, returning from fantasy to reality, it is not clear where Alexander Solzhenitsyn intends to find energetic, honest, highly qualified, hardworking, etc. etc. people - in order to equip Russia.
After all, those who are in business, who are active - they obviously do not fit - are they a product of Soviet times?
Maybe in February 1917, look for and bring them from there, from February 1917, - honest, literate, hardworking ones ... in the post-Soviet era - let them work, let them help the current generation?
And here is an idea from the series 'To live not according a lie'. Overcome the "ban" of the historian Karamzin. Overcome spasms in the intercepted throat, unclench the jaw muscles, which have been cramped. Make an effort to unclench, open your teeth and to say "thank you". Recognize the fact of the robbery in relation [directed] to the gentry (members of szlachta) after the Partition of the Rzeczpospolita, recognize the fact of the transfer (the moving) of the gentry (members of szlachta) to the ranks of the Russian intelligentsia, recognize the huge, decisive role of the East-Republicans (people with centuries of experience of a civilized, cultural, democratic life, with centuries of experience of responsible participation in public administration, with the European culture ) in the Europeanization of pre-revolutionary Russia, in the accelerated economic development of Russia in the 20-30-40-50s of the 20th century, in the implementation of a space project.
Recognition of these facts and of these historical circumstances alone will not make the Russial economy successful. But there will be fewer myths and illusions. There will be more understanding of history. And with a real outlook on life, the chances of success are increased.
January 8, 2021 12:11
Translation from Russian into English: January 8, 2021 20:39.
Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Историко-футуристическая мифология Александра Солженицына. Как нам обустроить Россию или Жить не по лжи. Заметка'.