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A gold diamond ring, a useful smartphone, a girl Dasha - a future Tv presenter. A story

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    MMMDCX. A gold diamond ring, a useful smartphone, a girl Dasha - a future TV presenter. A story. - January 31, 2025.

  A gold diamond ring, a useful smartphone, a girl Dasha - a future TV presenter. A story.
  Dasha was born in a small town that adjoined a huge oblast center.
  In Dasha's hometown, there were places near the river where she could spend time with friends and girlfriends. The College of International Communications was also located in the beautiful new building in this town. There were guys at this college who did great discos with a great music. Many times Dasha danced all night, and returned home in the morning, cheerful and healthy.
  Sometimes Dasha watched TV. She decided to become a TV presenter.
  Dasha joined the volunteer movement and began writing uplifting notes (works).
  At the regional competition, one of her notes took the third place. Dasha described how a female charity worker purchased goods in a large store to transfer them to a Humanitarian Aid Center. A woman was shopping with a small dog. She kept this small dog in own bag (which was in the shopping cart) or in her arms. When the charity worker bought a useful product, the dog squeaked approvingly. If the woman chose a product that was of little use, the dog howled mournfully.
  Thus, both the charity worker and the little dog demonstrated unity in the cause of emotional uplift.
  Dasha's birthday was recently celebrated. Dasha's kind aunt couldn't arrive with her husband (Dasha's uncle) and her children (Dasha's cousins). But the kind aunt calculated the cost of travel and the purchase of possible gifts, congratulated Dasha on the phone with the third place in the competition and sent Dasha a significant amount of money. This money should have been enough to buy a smartphone of the newest model.
  Dasha went to a huge mega-center filled with various shops.
  Immediately after one of the entrances to the mega-center, she saw sparkling storefronts: it was a jewelry store.
  Dasha entered the store. It was interesting to look at the shop windows. A gold and diamond ring caught Dasha's attention. Dasha had enough money to buy this ring, but then she would not have been able to buy a smartphone of the newest model.
  A salesman with a beautiful hairstyle jumped up to Dasha: "Are you interested in this ring?"
  One second, the showcase is open, the ring has migrated to Dasha's finger.
  The salesman looks at Dasha with respect.
  A voice comes from somewhere the side: "A beautiful ring!" Dasha slightly shifted her gaze to the side. An unknown uncle was standing nearby, looking approvingly at the ring and at Dasha's palm.
  The ring fit well on Dasha's finger. The temptation was great. "Buy? Not to buy?"
  Dasha imagined how she would appear at home with this beautiful ring. Mom will be very surprised, she will ask some questions. Dad will ask: "Is this a gift from you aunt?" (In the sense that the ring was bought with money given by Dasha's aunt?).
  In general, parents will be surprised.
  College friends and girlfriends will stare at the ring in disbelief and they will tease Dasha.
  Dasha did not see any beautiful rings on the staff from the local TV station, who sometimes gave lectures - they sometimes talked about the profession of a journalist.
  Recently, she heard on the radio how a female world champion in powerlifting talks about the hiking life of a female journalist.
  This girl-champion-journalist, has a fiance, he is constantly in danger, and she knows how to wash her hair with a half of a bucket of water and to look good.
  This girl will work a little more in conditions of constant danger, in conditions of camping life, and she may be appointed a TV presenter.
  Suppose Dasha has a close boy-friend who lives and operates in conditions of constant danger, and Dasha herself will be engaged in journalism in field conditions. How would her possible close boy-friend and everyone around her perceive this ring? Dasha may be in trouble because of such ring.
  But Dasha has plans to get a diploma of higher education at the University of Television. At the university, the ring could be misinterpreted, and Dasha would have unnecessary problems passing exams and tests.
  Let's say the uncle who entered the jewelry store and praises a ring gets to know Dasha. What would the girls, - Dasha's friends, - and Dasha's parents say about such an acquaintance? Such an acquaintance will not help, but will interfere with studying at the University of Television.
  Dasha liked the ring, but she took it off her finger and went to the electronics store.
  There she bought a smartphone of the newest model, inserted a SIM card into it, looked at the ads and immediately found useful information: there is a vacant workplace with an acceptable salary in a huge oblast center, near the University of Television.
  Dasha immediately called the phone number from the ad, and soon she got to work.
  The work was moderately difficult, the team was constant and friendly.
  Many employees quit [at first], but after a while they returned to their jobs.
  Dasha was surprised: How did she manage to join this friendly team?
  She asked Petya: who worked before Dasha at the workplace that Dasha took?
  Petya hesitated and said that Seryozha knew better.
  Dasha asked Seryozha. Seryozha told her to ask Nadia.
  Nadia was surprised: "I'm dealing with other issues, how should I know?"
  Dasha asked the cleaner. But that woman has been working relatively recently. The cleaner said that before Dasha's arrival, some sad woman appeared. It seems that she took out the drawer (that Dasha is currently using) a comb, a pack of napkins, and a little bag of cosmetics. And she left. The cleaning lady doesn't know anything else.
  The smartphone turned out to be very convenient and modern. Dasha created virtual bank cards. She received her salary on a virtual card. She paid for all her purchases and travel using her smartphone. Through the smartphone, she could see all the expenses and the rest of the money.
  Dasha had almost no money left before receiving her next salary.
  But she came across a cute women's tracksuit on sale. The price was not high. Such a suit can be worn both in everyday life and during sports.
  Dasha had to take out a consumer loan.
  But the salary arrived (with) two days late, Dasha missed the deadline for the next payment, the loan could not be paid, and the debt increased.
  The salary was more or less similar (in size) to the salaries of Dasha's girlfriends (Dasha sometimes talked to them using a smartphone). However, Dasha felt that she was getting very tired. At the end of the day, Dasha felt like she was a vegetable, but at the beginning, she felt like a lemon.
  One day, a useful smartphone suggested that there was a place of work with a high salary. Dasha was able to find time for an interview. The new boss told Dasha that she was suitable for a new job, and that she should come to sign a contract.
  Dasha quit quickly and arrived to a new place of work.
  The boss wasn't there, and Dasha couldn't reach him. The woman in charge of hiring was surprised and said that the place that Dasha was counting on had already been taken by another candidate.
  Dasha started going - according other ads. They told her everywhere that she was suitable, and that she should come to sign a contract. But every time when it was necessary to sign the contract, it turned out that some circumstances prevented Dasha from being hired.
  Dasha had to return to her former place of work - to a friendly permanent team. Her salary was moderate, and consumer credit debt was getting bigger and bigger.
  A useful smartphone showed that wages, although paid regularly and in full compliance with the initial conditions, were delayed by a day, two, three.
  Dasha was very nervous. She even twice went to the building where the administration was located and asked questions: why was the payment of wages delayed. She was told that this was due to Internet failures.
  However, the useful smartphone was informing of Dasha when there were actually Internet outages.
  It turned out that the answers about the reasons for small delays in the payment of wages were incorrect.
  When Dasha next time came to the administration building, she ran into a well trimmed uncle in the hallway. This uncle was wearing a short leather jacket, a white shirt, well-pressed trousers and nice shoes.
  The well trimmed uncle invited Dasha into his office and listened sympathetically to Dasha's story about the delays in paying wages. She also had to mention the increasing amount of debt on the loan.
  This uncle started calling different phone numbers and strongly scolded those with whom he was talking.
  Then he looked at Dasha sympathetically, dialed another phone number and asked if the phone interlocutor had a simple job with a big salary.
  After the phone conversation ended, the well trimmed uncle wrote a phone number on a piece of paper and said that Dasha could use this number to get a second job with such a high salary that she would easily pay off the loan debt.
  Dasha thanked him, left the office of the kind uncle and called with a useful smartphone at the recorded number.
  Soon she got a second job. The salary should be high. Dasha will quickly pay off the loan debt. And then she will have enough money to study at the Institute of Television, to get a diploma and to eventually become a TV presenter.
  The second job is located very close to the first one. In the evening, she leaves her (first) place of work and goes to her second job. There she sweeps several rooms. The job is not difficult. She can spend the night in the recreation room. If desired, she can steam up, swim in a small pool (in the absence of customers).
  There is a shower, she can make coffee, eat a bun or a sandwich.
  In general, everything is not bad.
  The path to the top of the journalism profession is not strewn with roses.
  There are some difficulties to go through. Maybe after graduating from the University of Television, she will have to work in camping conditions, to have a close boyfriend who also acts in an environment of constant risk, and to wash her hair with only half a bucket of water.
  After overcoming all the difficulties, Dasha will become a TV presenter and will tell people what is right in this life and what is wrong.
  The girls - her friends - will watch TV and they will envy Dasha.
  January 31, 2025, 18:09
  Translation from Russian into English: January 31, 2025 20:41
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Золотое кольцо с бриллиантом, полезный смартфон, Даша - будущая телеведущая. Рассказ. '.
  { 3639. Золотое кольцо с бриллиантом, полезный смартфон, Даша - будущая телеведущая. Рассказ. - 31 января 2025 г.
  MMMDCX. A gold diamond ring, a useful smartphone, a girl Dasha - a future TV presenter. A story. - January 31, 2025.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского}

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