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A glass of brut on the table. A joking fairy tale about an unequal marriage

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    MMMDVIII. A glass of brut on the table. A joking fairy tale about an unequal marriage. - - June 16, 2024.

  A glass of brut on the table. A joking fairy tale about an unequal marriage.
  The performer of the popular song "A glass of brut on the table" was on his way to a solo concert at the Live Hall. [Brut - a sparkling wine (almost) without any added sugar]
  His thoughts were jumping from one topic to another.
  Recently, he presented his beloved, barely 18 years old, a graduate of ballet school, with a brand new ring from Taylor & Hart and proposed to her.
  Photos immediately appeared online: he is hugging his chosen girl by the waist at the world cultural forum "Balalaika and Bayan".
  It was nice to dream about how she would answer him "Yes!" to his proposal, and, little later, his hand will rise from her waist up (along) her back.
  The singer was traveling in a limousine without his chosen girl: she went to the airport to see her parents, who were changing airplanes while the trip from the island of Capri to Dubai.
  He feels a little sad without her beautiful eyes.
  The singer was interested in the reviews of fellow citizens left under the joint photos of the 61-year-old singer and his 18-year-old sweetheart.
  The expert of the Council on Legislation wrote: "If it weren't for the age limit, the "bride" could have been younger. Pedophilia, in fact."
  A working man-pensioner from Salekhard, awaiting pension indexation, wrote: "She's not stupid, she knows where the big money is. A young female predator. She will not even look at a simple builder."
  A girl-activist out of the "Movement of the Young", who arrived at a conference of energetic girls and boys in a southern resort city on the seashore, after the visiting ten rooms on the floor for the superiors, left a review: "He is battered, worn, soaked through, with dirty hair, all bald - no money will help him. And the girl is smart. She doesn't disdain anything."
  The singer redirected his thoughts to the upcoming solo concert.
  He handed the smartphone to the concert producer who accompanied him. The producer anxiously read the comment: "She decided that the game is worth candles - in a couple of years, she will sand off the grandfather (will deprive him his skin)."
  The producer looked at the singer carefully: would he lose his creative abilities in connection with the romantic story? Or he really will be sanded off (will be deprived his skin)!
  The singer was looking thoughtfully out the window.
  The beginning of the solo concert. The singer comes on stage. Applause. The audience is waiting for him to perform the favorite hit: "A glass of brut on the table."
  The singer takes the microphone and sings: "A mug of beer on the table."
  There is silence in the hall. That's not what we came for! But so far, no one is demanding back the money paid for the tickets.
  The producer looks at the singer with concern.
  What will happen next?! Where is the favorite song?!
  The singer looks through round dark eyeglasses into the auditorium. He makes a gesture with his hand, in which he holds a microphone, and begins to perform the following song: "A glass of whiskey on the table."
  An alarming noise rushes through the hall.
  The producer is white with fear. The mention of whiskey is completely out of time. What will the members of the Energetic Women of Novaya Zemlya Movement write in the comments?
  But at this moment, the Live Hall is illuminated - as if by a morning dawn. A ballet school graduate who arrived from the airport after meeting with her parents enters the hall. On her finger is a ring (a gift from the singer), which is so interesting to the general public.
  For a second, the singer takes off his round dark eyeglasses and looks at his chosen girl from the stage.
  In the light of the morning dawn, the long-awaited song finally sounds: "A glass of brut on the table."
  Everyone present at the concert is smiling and looking at each other happily.
  After a successful solo performance, the producer looks with pleasure at the huge bag, which is handed over to the guards in the presence of the singer.
  The singer, along with his chosen one, get into a limousine. A huge bag fits into the trunk of the limo.
  The concert producer feels the excitement go away, confidence in the successful course of affairs returns: "It seems that she did not sand him (did not deprive him of the skin)!"
  June 17, 2024 23:50
  Translation from Russian into English: June 18, 2024 01:20
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский ' Бокал брюта на столе. Юмористическая сказка о неравном браке '.
  { 3537. Бокал брюта на столе. Юмористическая сказка о неравном браке. - 17 июня 2024 г.
  MMMDVIII. A glass of brut on the table. A joking fairy tale about an unequal marriage. - June 16, 2024.
  Vladimir Zalessky Internet-bibliotheca. Интернет-библиотека Владимира Залесского. }
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