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A daring decisions. A biographical note about William Edward Boeing

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    A daring decisions. A biographical note about William Edward Boeing.

  A daring decisions. A biographical note about William Edward Boeing.
  In the biography of William Edward Boeing (1881 - 1956) , we can see his penchant for a daring decisions.
  After studying at the university, William Boeing had bought a vast land plots, areas covered with forest. He engaged in logging, timber trade. There is opinion, that the construction of the Panama Canal had a very positive impact on the timber trade started by William Boeing and contributed to the growth of his income.
  In 1909, at one of the exhibitions, William Boeing sees a model of an airplane and is fond of airplanes.
  He purchases an aircraft from the company of Glenn L. Martin for practical purposes and flight training. But the purchased copy gets into an accident. Spare parts need to wait for several months. William Boeing analyzes the situation. He has an idea to create his own, more perfect, aircraft.
  After some time, a new model of the aircraft (B&W Seaplane, an amphibian biplane) was created.
  William Boeing founds Pacific Aero Products Co. in 1916. His focus is shifting from the timber trade to the manufacture and sale of aircraft.
  In 1931, Boeing YB-9, the first all-metal, cantilever-wing, monoplane bomber, was designed.
  In 1932, Boeing introduced the Model 248, the first all-metal monoplane fighter.
  In June 1938, the Boeing 314 Clipper made its the first flight, the largest civil aircraft of its time, a capacity of 90 passengers on day flights. A year later, the first regular passenger service from the U.S. to the UK was inaugurated.
  But daring decisions are not only about aircraft models, but also about business models.
  On the border of the 20s - 30s of the 20th century, William Boeing decides to seize all sectors of the aviation market: aircraft production, passenger transportation, mail delivery by air. In 1929, William Boeing begins to form a new industrial group with interests in all aspects of aviation, intending to serve all aviation markets.
  He succeeds in this plan. To a certain extent, the economic crisis that began in 1929 contributed to the fulfillment of this task. Aviation (and other) companies could be bought for relatively moderate money. William Boeing establishes a multidisciplinary aviation holding company.
  1934 William Boeing was charged with monopoly practice.
  The holding company United Aircraft and Transport Corporation, which he created, was divided into three companies. This partition was the reason for William Boeing's resignation.
  Like many of the founders of significant aviation companies, William Boeing leaved chair of boss (in own company) when the second half of the 20th century drew near. He was engaged in real estate and in horse breeding.
  William Boeing spent a lot of time on his yacht, Taconite, in sea, near the coast of British Columbia. One day, a yacht delivered William Boeing from a sea journey after a heart attack. He died on September 28, 1956 at the age of 74, three days before his 75th birthday.
  The company he created merged with McDonnell Douglas (in 1996-1997).
  After the merger, it retained the name "Boeing" (The Boeing Company).
  In addition to the production of world-famous aircraft, Boeing Corporation participated in the Space Shuttle project, participates in the ISS program, and is involved in the project to return to the Moon.
  William Boeing is gone, but the company and its history remain. And along with history, the tradition of making daring decisions may have remained.
  [MMСCLXIII. How to become a space entrepreneur. A biographical note about Leroy Grumman. - 12 July 2021.
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  July 18, 2021 18:21
  Translation from Russian into English: July 18, 2021 21:40.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский 'Дерзкие решения. Биографическая заметка об Уильяме Эдварде Боинге'.
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