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A beer house has opened on Deribasovskaya!

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    A beer house has opened on Deribasovskaya!

  A beer house has opened on Deribasovskaya!
  Senya was unhappy. The fridge is empty.
  I call uncle!
  Uncle came, but he did not behave respectably enough. He opened the fridge and, without demand, took out the pack of pasta.
  The outrage grew. Sasha and Vitya came to the rescue.
  "Senya! Why did you call uncle! "
  Uncle grabbed onto the table. Senya and the others were silent.
  Finally, kicked out uncle. "We do not respect you since this day!"
  Senya and the others continued to be silent.
  Present settled in the kitchen and began to think what to do next.
  Senya suggested calling his nephew, Misha. They thought for a long time, but agreed.
  Found potatoes in the fridge.
  Time has passed. Reminded to uncle of his non respectable behavior and took ten packs of pasta from him.
  History has overgrown with details.
  Decided to celebrate.
  "A beer house has opened on Deribasovskaya!"
  November 4, 2019 10:26
  Translation from Russian into English: November 4, 2019 10:42.
  Владимир Владимирович Залесский "На Дерибасовской открылася пивная".
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