Almost all roots: Bach, Pach,... Bas, Pat..., - of the words "stub" Ba-Pa contain a similar collection of senses: Fascicle, Baby or all Family, Fruit, Shepherd, Cattle-Herd, Pastor, Defence, Guard, Garden-Gardener, Home-Town-Tower, elements of first sin, Rich-Poor,... - which is connected with a Paradise or Town(Babel). Other roots(stubs) contain fascicles of senses more connected with the Town and the Flood. All that senses is chaotic but naturally scattered among various tongues, and may be gather again in one bundle only at the New Tower... Who confused this key senses, roots, tongues such naturally among Chinese, Germanic, Slavonic, Turkic, Finno-Ugric, Greek, Baltic and other peoples? Why Chinese roots is in the base of words of other and even dissimilar tongues? First attempts of simple builders of the New Tower show that Babel Tower is not the Myth, and scientists wrongfully ignore this in their researches of primitive likeness...