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From democracy to iricracy

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From democracy to iricracy

In present epoch, epoch of a beginning of unification of different states, at a time of nuclear weapons and global problems facing the world, there is a need of a new political theory based on a totally new concept of evolution theory that would deal primarily with the development of complex heterogeneous macro systems.

Democracy has used up all of its dynamic motion and development resources. We can no longer develop ourselves by means of redistribution of rights that are constantly losing in value, in the attempt to make a transition from a unitarian type of government to a federation under the existing rigid, air-tight, iri-archaic and monocentric paradigm of practice and theory-this type of development is fundamentaly impossible as these rights will start to deteriorate from within.

The existing rigid democracy in the society as a system is alien to such huge societies as Russia, India, China, European Community and the upcoming unified world; this kind of democracy only makes them less stable and will eventually destroy them. What these countries need is an open, highly flexible and resilient Iricratic form of society (Greek "Eiphnh"- world) which has a hierarchy and political organisation and enjoys freedoms Western democracies don't have.

In this new and open system of relations further referred to as "sirushatic" (a new word coined by the author of this article), the foundation of which would be laid by a new Iricratic form of government, parliaments, international organisations and councils all the way from the European Council down to the village communities would have multi-level treaties on the exchange of deputies.

Thus, parliaments of every country like Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan etc. and France, Germany, Italy etc. in Europe will have the so called Horizontal Chambers with deputies from other countries representing adequate levels of government.

The same political structure would be set up on all levels of local governments where foreign countries would exchange deputies and form the same Horizontal Chambers.

The evolution of our society based on this Iricratic-Sirushatic system of relationships will eventually lead at the turn of the 21st century to the formation of such regional organisations as European Council, United African Countries Organisation (ACO), Organisation of American States (OAS), Arab League Organisation (ALO).

These organisations and the Confederation of Independent States (CIS) might sign a "Grand Sirushatic Treaty" and exchange deputies with each other and form a Horizontal Intercontinental Chamber within the context of these open regional parliaments.

The exchange of deputies can be a gradual one with one country unilaterally inviting 2 or 3 deputies from a neighboring state. For example, there would be deputies (on a horizontal level) with equal voting mandate not only from Europe in the open European Parliament as is currently being done now, but also deputies from Asia, Africa, Latin America and open parliament of CIS represented by the above mentioned regional organisations (ACO, ALO, OAS etc); deputies from Europe would, on the other hand, pursue their own interests in ASO, ALO, OAS etc.

Using polycentric sirushatic system as a foundation to govern a society, all national and territorial subdivisions (autonomies, districts, republics, provinces, federal lands and states, kingdoms etc) should unify to form a Vertical line of relationships, thus forming a government based not on the Common Parliament as is common practice now, but on a totally new concept of polycentric open paradigm of interpretation of development processes and system functioning, i.e. Common Chamber which is just as open but open horizontally.

As the importance of UN grows, it will further develop to become a World Common Chamber (and not the World Parliament) which would later become Common Chamber of the Open European Parliament, Organisation of African States (OAS), ALO, ACO, CIS etc.

Thus in European Chamber (horizontaly) we would not only have deputies from Asia, Africa and Latin America appointed by their organisations but also UN (World Chamber) deputies representing the interests of the whole world in all its entirety.

In this manner European Parliament would soon modify itself into European Chamber; it will become Common Chamber for all countries of the European Union and enjoy a right for a 15% vote and a right to make decisions.

This is how we think total votes will be distributed: Local Primary Chamber-55%, Horizontal Chambers-30%, Vertical Chambers-15% which in our opinion would be the best bet.

This would finally take off the agenda such issues as territory disputes. Sirushatic status would serve as a buffer zone between the right of a nation for self-determination and the right of every state to preserve its territorial unity.

In our description we tried to be very brief and precise as we took the liberty to formulate the future of our civilization and its evolution in our "Transfiguration Program" for Russia and CIS and the "Strategy of Iricratic Unification" of the world; we think it has more future than "The New World Order" proposed by the US.

I truly believe that the open polycentric Iricratic form of governing of the society will very well serve as a foundation for the new emerging post-industrial society of the 21st century.

Vrezh Nikokhosyan

E-mail: vrej@mail.ru

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