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Love for two

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    История о Любви двух иностранцев на английском языке

   Love for two
    He lived like everybody else. That dull and joyless life, which for many years lived a simple Russian people in their own and at the same time a foreign country. For his '52 chaotic Russian life, he turned into a perfect ice statue. It seemed he was little he cared and worried about the heart of this world; except, perhaps, the music - it was the last of his spiritual relationship with God in this rude, vulgar world! He probably would have lived this gray and utterly meaningless life to its very last days; however, like all the people around him! Nothing special and tragic is not the fact. Everything is live! According to the well-known principle of the Russian army: "The day went - well, I say: "Dick with it!" But .... one day, after all, a miracle happened! In the harsh Arctic winter, in spite of all the existing, "reinforced concrete" laws of nature, all of a sudden the future participants of the drama of love, burst into the sultry tropical summer. And the iceberg - a giant suddenly began to rapidly melt away under the scorching rays of the sun blinding the Philippines!
   Alice woke up very early. Only - only the dawn broke. Sea breezes brought in the wide-open window of the bungalow fresh, intoxicating aroma of the Divine Ocean. This amazing fragrance is quite impossible to describe in one word, the reader. Such a rich palette of odors! Where there is a simple human language to describe the cosmic infinity, the projection of which on the Earth, of course, is the ocean itself! A person who has never seen the sea, just not able to understand the whole range of flavors that makes every moment a great perfumer, entitled "Oceans"!
   Alice opened her eyes and realized that she - happy! It is - absolutely happy! Happiness is entirely enveloped her naked body, lightly covered with colorful blanket Filipino. And how could it be - differently when you're only 16 years old? When around - very often people who love you, and you yourself live in paradise on earth called "Palawan Island"?
   Alice was born and all my 16 years lived in Brookes Point. This is - a small town in Palawan province, named in honor of the first "White Rajah" of Sarawak Sir James Brooke. This is a rather provincial town has received world-wide recognition for its activity on the development and promotion of ecotourism. In addition, in these marine waters around the cozy resort town, the world's largest pearl was found - "Lao Tzu", weighing 6.5 kg!
   Tourists, especially foreigners, have always loved coming to Brooks Point for a couple of days, but no more, to see the sights of the city and its environs. Approximately 30 minutes drive from the city center there are picturesque waterfalls Sabsaban, in the cool and clear waters where you can swim and feel complete unity with nature. Not far from the shore, right in the middle of the azure sea, it has a fresh water source, known as the Ocean. The District Main is another source, but this time the hot - water it is always considered medicinal. Here are Bakbakan waterfalls that are formed when the river falls from a cliff with a height of 50 meters. The spectacle is simply stunning, ladies and gentlemen! Captivates not - a child!
   In the town are the ruins of an ancient lighthouse and Port Miller - cemented water tank, which once served as a source of drinking water for the inhabitants of Brookes Point. It is said that it was built by himself, James Brooke. This - a truly popular place for residents and guests visiting. A favorite since childhood place for baby Alice - it certainly was a mountain Maruyog Farms, which is located on the territory of the urban ecological park, which occupies an area of ??145 hectares, which simply enjoy stunning views of the resort town and the endless ocean lying beneath. Alice always easily climbed this mountain. Oh, youth! Indeed, it is subject to all!
    Hours young Filipina with languid eyes of Spanish dark - cherry color of the Buddha sitting in the pose on the sacred mountain Maruoyg Farms and meditated. Nature mysticism was in the blood of Alice from birth, which is also exacerbated by the classical religious education received by the local Catholic school.
   From the mountain Maruyog a magnificent view of the blue lagoon, which she loved to swim and dive watches one and now peers. She breathed the air in deeply and immersed in a mask diver into the depths of the southern sea, which has always impressed and attracted scuba divers around the world with its magnificence and diversity of species of marine flora and fauna. This point of immersion in the marine abyss just always fascinated by the beautiful Alice, causing her thrill and almost erotic experience. Perhaps the best poet Konstantin Balmont, and do not say about this fantastic moment of immersion in the underwater kingdom of dreams:
   "On a dark wet bottom of the sea,
   Where is the kingdom of pale maidens,
   It is unclear worn circle
   Lifeless tune.
   In it there is no flicker of passion,
   No groan of previous years.
   There are no flowers, and there are no people,
   Memories not.
   On this dark wet day
   No waves and no radiation.
   And virgins song sounds in his sleep,
   And that nobody's tune.
   Nobody, nobody, and all together,
   They are equal in everything,
   A silent laugh at them
   And indifferent dreams.
   On a quiet day, among the rocks
   And wet-bright fish
   No one, smooth flicker days
   From pale died.
   All transparent look beautiful,
   They sing among the grasses,
   Soul Suffering is not bought,
   Soul is not lost.
   Between herbs clear and direct,
   Bloodless as they are,
   That sounds dumb sings about dreams:
   "Go to sleep - go to sleep - go to sleep."
   That sound sings: "Well the bottom
   Passionless depth.
   Well then, that anyway,
   What we are all equal. "
   Especially young Alice loved to dive near the black rock that steep wall went into a terrible abyss of the sea at a depth of more than a kilometer. If you swim closer to the underwater part of the black rocks and look down, there is a complete illusion of a free fall from a height; Only very slow, as in a nightmare. It's nice to tickle nerves and excite young girl - extremal, but ... it was only until such time as the violent ocean is not the father took Alice Alexander.
       Alexander Iradiel was a full-blooded Filipino, hereditary seaman, in the fourth generation. It was he who instilled Alice a gentle and very tender love for the sea. By the way, a favorite book of father and daughter - moremans was Hemingway novel "The Old Man and the Sea", written in 1952.
      0x01 graphic
Once a fishing seiner father was in a terrible mess! It was a real gale. A chance to survive if they did not have hardly any. All seiner crew vanished forever in the depths of the sea. As they say, no grave, no cross! Alice turned in that terrible moment 14 years. She well remembered the terrible memorial service in the local Catholic Church; blackened by burning his mother's face, impassive face of the priest and the sad faces of sailors - friends of his father. Since Alice fiercely hated Ocean. I hated with every fiber of the soul! Now she allowed herself to go into the water only knee-deep. She did what - then hurried ritual bath in sea water and then hurried back to shore. It was not exactly waterfobia in the literal sense of the word. Most likely, it was the children's protest, demand small defenseless girl to the Ocean: "Listen, you evil - terrible Ocean! Give my favorite daddy! Return immediately, I tell you! "
        Now, sitting on a mountain Maruyog Alice felt her cheeks again ran hot jet. Already 2 years have passed since the death of his father, and even emotional wound is still bleeding and reopen the soul! Alice with a heavy sense of looked away from the Blue Lagoon, which caused her such bitter memories. Her eyes fell on the seen in the distance the neighboring island of Mactan in Lapu Lapu (Silanulapu). This island is notorious for the fact that April 27, 1521 there met his death the great explorer Ferdinand Magellan. In memory of this there was even erected a monument: on a pedestal stands proudly Filipino bamboo warrior with a shield and a Spanish sword. Alice was very often on the island of Mactan in Lapu Lapu. From Palawan to him just what - the 25-minute flight on light airplanes. Alice always liked this monument. From warrior figure exuded some amazing tranquility and incredible self-confidence. It is this great spirit of soldiers and Filipinos did not realize then Admiral Magellan when he went to the island of Mactan with only 50 sailors of the crew. He clearly underestimated the enemy. After all Filipino soldiers in early childhood participated in wars against neighboring tribes. They certainly were skilled warriors; moreover, absolutely despised death. Price issue fatal error Magellan is pointless and stupid fight - his own life and the lives of his crew.
   Here is what he wrote about the tragic event, Antonio Pigafetta - Magellan's expedition personal historian: "... on the heels of islanders followed us, fishing from the water had once used a spear, and thus threw the same spear five or six times. Having our admiral, they took aim mainly at him; twice they've managed to knock the helmet off his head; he stayed with a handful of people in his position as befits the brave knight, not trying to go on a retreat, and so we fought more than an hour until one of the natives could not cane spear wound Admiral's face. Enraged, he immediately pierced the chest of the attacker with his lance, but it got stuck in the body of the dead man; Then Admiral tried to draw his sword, but could not do it as much enemies dart wounded him in the right arm, and she ceased to operate. Noticing this, the natives crowd rushed at him, and one of them wounded his sword in his left leg, so that he fell backwards. At the same moment all the islanders attacked him and began stabbing spears and other weapons, they have to available. So they killed our mirror of our light, our comfort and our true leader. " That's so touching - naive and very sincere, almost childlike, Loyal Pigafetta mourned their beloved Commander!
   After about 2 years after the death of his father's mother, Alice Iollanda remarried. Iollanda Zanarro (full name - Maria Victoria Trenidad Zanarro) had a great genealogical roots. Her father was half Spaniard, half Iranian. A mixture of Persian, Spanish and Filipino blood gave an amazing cocktail - a combination of Asian and European appearance, mind, and that thin elusive feminine charm that almost hypnotizes all men and makes them do crazy things for the sake of the woman he loved. This Spanish-Iranian charm inherited and Alice, who was quite similar to the classic Filipina. Alice - almost white skin, slightly yellow tinted refined COLOR; dark brown hair; Spanish eyes with the centuries-old Persian sadness and deep. In these eyes since early childhood, was read to the wisdom of the people of the great millennial history.
   Relationship Alice stepfather seemed suddenly went wrong. Although he, in effect, was a good man. He helped his mother around, trying as best he could. But ... my stepfather came to the family of Alice with her own daughter Jane, Christine and Theresa. Alice, as she could, initially I tried not to interfere with them, however, jealousy, which choked her, burning jealousy towards the mother, soon made her stay in the home unbearable. Her only support in this difficult family situation was the brother of Larry and sister Veylin. Alice began to really think about running away from home this hateful prison. She just waited for the right moment to escape. And, one day, he came! But it is doubtful whether this point can be considered successful and happy for such an innocent girl, Alice!
   n April 1982 a half-sister, Alice Jane, as usual, with great pomp celebrated its birthday. It was there that I first saw Alice slender Filipino youth Felix. He was invited to the feast sister Alice Veylin. Felix had just turned 20 years old. He was 4 years older than Alice. Despite the relatively young age, Felix for two years went to the prestigious Pacific flights on a cruise ship, where he has proved a great sailor - mechanic. On this holiday, Felix was in the center of female attention. He apparently flaunted his daring sailor, drank a lot, joked and laughed. The dances Felix strove to touch the ass once his partner, you call a nervous laughter of young persons. But Alice and the trick is clearly not a success. In another attempt to grab the girl's ass, Alice Felix slapped a slap in the face that all the dancers in the room stopped and looked with amazement at this strange couple. Alice huddled in a corner and looked out blazing with anger eyes like a hunted animal. Everyone at one point realized that the efforts of erotic festive evening Felix was spoiled once and for all.
   All drunken guests the owners decided to put in the living room on the couch and on the floor. Felix lay on the floor. But he now resolutely did not want to sleep alone. Drunk courage have done their dirty work. The young man waited until all the guests settle down. He stood quietly, on tiptoe, crept up to the door of the room, Alice. The door was unlocked. She did not even realize awake, what's going on. Someone very tightly wrung her hands, spreads her legs with his knee, which was carrying - the drunken nonsense, breathing fumes and licked her lips. "Do not, do not do that!" - Plaintively asked the girl, but Felix did not hear her. Lust fully mastered his body and soul! He took Alice a very hard and eagerly, how terribly hungry beast! He ceased to torment the girl only when his lust was completely satisfied. Alice is currently not feel anything but pain, shame and humiliation! "Forgive me, Alice! - Hot young man whispered in her ear. - I love you very much! And I want to marry you! Believe me, my love! "She said nothing in reply. She just wept bitterly. She was unbearably sorry for their lost innocence. By Felix at the moment she did not feel anything but disgust and revulsion.
   Philippine tradition in matters of family, sex and procreation, especially outside marriage, is very harsh. So Alice had no choice but to accept the offer of Felix - she agreed to marry him. In addition, there was a great opportunity to leave home and move to the resort town of Kalibo, which is - again, and the family lived Felix. Soon the young couple moved to the neighboring island of the Philippine archipelago in Kalibo, where he began to build his family life, which is called "a clean slate".
   It can hardly be called a family life and Felix Alice happy in the full sense of the word. But the paradox is, dear reader, that this miserable life, probably also will not name. It was normal, I would say, the ordinary life of the average Filipino family with average income, with their "black" and "white" stripes, as it always happens.
   November 1, 1983 at Alice first daughter Jacqueline was born. Then, with a small time interval, he had a son and daughter Alex Lekster. Finally, August 21, 1990 she gave birth to a daughter Cassandra Jara - an exact copy of itself in adolescence, Alice! Alice was happy! But it was the happiness of the mother, which, for some time, completely replaced very sensual woman of Spanish blood. Intimate life she and Felix had no luck at all - no luck with it that same ill-fated night, the reader! As you know, nature abhors a vacuum. By law, sublimation, Alice frenzy hit its southern temperament in the Catholic religion. And even in 1993, he was admitted to the Christian University in Manila in the Faculty of Informatics, received, in addition to a religious Catholic education, an excellent profession personal computer operator.
         It seems that their marriage was saved for many years is that Felix was a sailor long voyage and spent much time away from family. It is thanks to the fate of marine Felix them very, very difficult, and even marriage, initially involved in the violence and lies, has existed for almost 30 years.
      However, time passed. The children have grown up and the eldest daughter Jacqueline married and even made her grandmother Alice. One best friend Alice Marlene ran into the salon, where she worked, and said, "My friend, why do you still have not opened a page in Facebook? You know how it is interesting? The whole world will be at you at a glance! And then, there are found such interesting items for men !!!! Establishments page friend "Said - done. And Alice started a second life in cyberspace! I would say a very good outlet on the boring family life for women age!
      Once Alice caught the eye of a page of Mr. Sergey Voronin of Russia. On the Profile page Russian blonde man sitting behind a keyboard musical instrument. Alice from childhood loved music. In many ways, this love was rooted in her Catholicism as during church services, often a young girl was heard organ music and flowed into the real trance, which could remain for quite a long time. A little thought, Alice wrote to Sergey, "Honey (Honey)! I liked your profile. I want to make friends with you!"
      Sergei woke up early in the morning, as usual, about 6 hours. They routinely tradition, every morning, he always began with the Internet, and viewing e-mail. I came across an Alice. "Again an Internet trolls! Already got devils! "- Sergei thought, and without regret deleted mail - spam.
      Time passed, and the answer from Sergey, still, it was not. Women's self-esteem was hurt Alice in earnest this strange Russian man and his frank "ignore". After all, Alice has always been considered a very beautiful woman, with which many men have dreamed to meet you. Some time later, she again wrote a letter to Sergey, "Honey! Why are you silent? Why will not you answer me? I may be - is not enough for you, beautiful? Answer me, Honey, please "In response - silence again! Alice has really just torn apart by feminine curiosity. "Yes, he thinks of himself, this Russian guy? Fuck it ... away! "- She was angry. However, the image of Sergei stubbornly refused to let her go. "What is it with me really? Am I in love? "- Frantically pounding in his temples Alice. Yes, it was true! Alice fell in love! I fall in love! Including a nuclear reactor, called "Love adult woman"! Alice was shocked! She had not expected from him, rested Philippine Catholic, such speed! It seemed that all unspent energy of love for life spilled suddenly this strange and very obscure subject from distant Russia.
       "Honey! Please answer me! Do not you want to be happy in love? "- Alice wrote plaintively, not tea to get a response from Sergei. This letter Sergei could no longer ignore. It was read, please, no ... yes. a plea that was just a sin to ignore! "Baby, I'm sorry that I did not answer right away! I thought that someone was, as usual, is playing me in the World Network! Such cases have already had a lot in my life! I want to make friends with you! You do not even doubt yourself! You - a very beautiful woman, Alice! You - a very original !!! "And they became friends. Soon after this correspondence acquired frankly erotic nature, as often happens between consenting adults. And in the World Wide Web began to boil with serious Russian - Filipino passion! They loved each other passionately as the most real freaks! And it was not the virtual sex! It was a real sex with real tactile sensations that explain metaphysically impossible!
       But Alice was not only a great lover! She was very intelligent and educated conversationalist. Thanks to Alice, Sergei learned a lot of new and interesting things about the Philippines. He learned, for example, that the President of the Philippines declared a merciless war Duterte drug mafia, the main representatives of the archipelago which are Chinese. The Chinese have placed on young Filipinos terrible synthetic drug "shabu", which reduces the life of the people for 30 years. Duterte has created a special police to combat drug trafficking, which provided unlimited powers. The police did not detain drug dealers, as is done in all countries, and just shoot them in the head. Every day in the Philippines hundreds of fighters are shot drug traffickers. And this, of course, is already bearing fruit.
       And Duterte made a remarkable move against the United States, saying that he now says, "Goodbye, America!" And says: "Hallow, Russia and China!" Along the way, as if in passing, Duterte called the pope shit than full as shown great spirit of Filipino soldiers, when - the successful "soak" Ferdinand Magellan, who brought to this land of promise for all Filipinos terrible Catholicism.
       "Honey, you can not imagine! I'm sitting in jail, actually, from which there is simply no way out "- once wrote Alice, and Sergei immediately responded to his new musical work" Escape from our prison. " Well, then ... then I went to the real flow .... the flow of Divine Music, dedicated to Divine Love! Alice was presented with a "Declaration of Love". Perhaps, few people can boast in the rough modern world so gentle, touching declaration of love, and even the music!
   Alice particularly enjoyed the musical composition and the clip Sergei "The Passion." "Honey, when I watch this video and listen to your music, I'm getting all wet, as a young woman! Hahahaha! Honey! You made me a true sex maniac! "
      And then ... then there were very real miracles health Alice! She disappeared two cysts in the breast. Her Doctor in Manila has long tried to persuade her to undergo surgery! But one day, the doctor was surprised to find that the cyst had disappeared out of chest of Alice! This so surprised the doctor that she was speechless. She said: "Dear Alice I can not understand what happened I think a miracle has happened!"
   And then a miracle happened with the sugar in the blood of Alice! Suddenly sugar dropped from 200 units to 112! Love for two starts to make real miracles in the lives of two people in love!
    As always, the constant companion of love is jealousy. Alice simply tortured Sergei his mad, almost of pathological jealousy. "Honey! Do not forget that in my old Filipino has sorcerers and healers. I immediately know when you cheated on me. And then I will cut off your dick! I'm telling the truth, Honey! Fear of this!!! "Well, it is, of course, nothing said, as Sergey even thought there was no desire to change his beloved from the distant Philippines. But, as a creative person, he immediately responded to this quite natural and understandable reaction Alice his new musical work "Jealousy."
      However, as time went on. November 27, 2016 Lovers noted 6 months after their first meeting. Once Alice Sergei wrote: "Honey! I took an important decision! I escaped from the prison in December of this year! I'll throw Felix! I will live in his bungalow on the island of Palawan and loans breeding coffee plantations! Honey! I'll wait for you in this heavenly place! I'll wait for you as long as you need! Because you - my real husband, by God! "
      Days passed, weeks, years. Serge lived as in a dream. What - the endless Groundhog Day! He got up in the morning, go to work, come home, go to bed, get up again in the morning, go to work, come ..... Anyway, he finally decided to break this vicious circle!
       One morning he went to the travel agency and booked a plane ticket one way to Manila.
        Already sitting in the plane of Philippine Airlines, Sergei threw a farewell glance at the building of the Krasnoyarsk airport. "Farewell, my poor motherland! Indeed, a country of slaves, the country gentlemen! Maybe we'll meet again in this life! And yet I say to you: "Good-bye, Russia!"



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