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En.Beyond the Veil Volume Two(16-30) - megamatt09 - Multifandom.w.txt

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  Second Key
  Chapter Sixteen "The Second Key."
  "The Friends of Humanity....are being their usual charming self," Chloe remarked as she shook her head as her eyes fixed onto Harry and Gwen. "The good news is that I'm going to see what I can do to expose their crusade."
  Harry smiled at her. "Play your cards right and you might have your turn."
  Chloe smiled, she intended to do that and even more. The blonde without the headband made her way into the chambers.
  "Friends of Humanity....are being their usual charming self," Chloe remarked as she shook her head as her eyes fixed onto Harry and Gwen. "The good news is that I'm going to see what I can do about to expose their crusade."
  "Mutants, humans, we're all people who deserve a fair shake," Harry said as they made their way down from one level towards the sitting room.
  "Right, some of us are good, some of us are dicks, that's just the way things are," Chloe remarked as she placed her hand on her cheek. "I didn't want to believe racism could be this prolific in the 21st century."
  "Sadly, some people fear what is different from them," Gwen sighed as the trio kept walking down the hallway.
  "So how's your work at the lab?" Harry asked her.
  Gwen's face contorted into a slight ghost of a smile and she proceeded to let him in on what he wanted to know. "Well so far things are going pretty well, at least there has not been any more mysterious scientific projects that blew up in my face."
  "Nine times out of ten that could kill someone," Chloe said in a completely serious voice. "It's just as well that you get super powers off of it."
  "Well, I'm still working out the kinks, although Harry, thank you for making sure that I didn't go insane from the sensations," Gwen commented as she leaned forward and kissed him.
  "So how was your associate at the school?" Harry asked them. "You know, Doctor Fine."
  "Well....I know you don't trust him and he does seem to have come out of nowhere," Chloe remarked to him and an eyebrow raised as Harry waved his hand and motioned for her to continue. "So, I was curious with what he did, I mean he says he's done a lot of things, wrote books, given college level lectures, and debated on several of the problems of the world."
  "But did he really?" Harry asked.
  Chloe decided to smile widely as she dropped the bombshell on him. "Actually, he's pretty much everything that he says he is. I couldn't believe it any more than you did, but it's the truth. The guy's done everything that he said he has."
  Harry placed a hand on his hip and wondered about this. There were times where he doubted even the official facts.
  "He does have a hobby where he collects model cities in bottles or so the grapevine states, but....I don't think that's anything to be too alarmed by," Chloe concluded.
  Harry's eyes narrowed as he ran over the scenario in his mind combing it for something suspicious.
  "Maybe not," he said as he ran his fingers through his hair.
  Harry felt that there was a few times where it seemed the questions kept getting changed. His green eyes flashed with amusement as he thought about everything that transpired.
  "Gwen!" Kitty called her from the next room.
  Gwen saw that her clothes was in disarray, so there was no question what her and Harry were doing before she got here. The blonde's grin got even wider as she placed a hand on her hip and kept thinking about everything that could have happened and then having it done to her.
  While she was here, she intended to score herself a piece of Harry as well.
  "Hey, Kitty, long time, no see," Gwen told her with a wide smile across her face.
  Kara, Jean, Rogue, and Rachel all filtered in with Wanda as well. Harry and Chloe hung back with each other.
  "Are you sure about going up against the Friends of Humanity this heavily?" Harry asked Chloe and the blonde's mouth curled into a smile.
  "Yes, Harry, I'm sure, that I'm sure," she told him and there was so much conviction present in her eyes that it was amazing. Their eyes met each other. "Would you sit down and let the Friends of Humanity stomp you over?"
  Harry shook his head.
  "That's different but...you know there are indirect ways to hurt the Friends of Humanity," Harry remarked as he stepped towards her. "And you figure that if enough pressure gets put on that school by lobbyists, the Torch will shut down due to lack of funding."
  Chloe had not really considered that.
  "Which means, someone else should fund it, that way the administration at the school can't have any pull over it," Harry informed her and Chloe's arms folded over each other.
  "So are you offering?" Chloe asked to him. "What's this going to cost me?"
  "Nothing for now, just make sure that mutants get a fair stance, although if some of us do something stupid, we should get called out on in but it should be a balanced stance," Harry said to her.
  "Lois got so many death threats for her last article that compared The Friends of Humanity to the KKK," Chloe said to him and there was a smile that crossed her face. "And she didn't even sugarcoat it."
  "Jameson doesn't back down, he'll go toe to toe with Creed," Harry told her and Chloe smiled. "So, are you looking forward to the Dazzler concert?"
  "Yeah, Harry, I really am," Chloe admitted, trying not to seem like she was too excited. "Although I wonder....there's been rumors that there's someone who is trying to get the concert canceled."
  "Why?" Harry asked her looking for an explanation.
  "Well, there was an equipment malfunction at the last concert and a couple of the backup dancers were burned," Chloe told him with a grimace. "They were okay, but what if it's a fan next time?"
  Harry had to agree about that, what if it was a fan?
  "I don't believe in something like that being a coincidence,' Harry told her.
  "You wouldn't....but I kind of agree with you," Chloe replied as she leaned against the wall.
  "A hater or an obsessed stalker who got turned down hard?"
  They turned around and saw Kitty standing there.
  "Bedazzled is going to be the best show on Earth, I can't wait to see it,' Kitty said to them with a wide smile crossing her face.
  "I'm glad to see that your excited," Harry told her and the group made their way towards the sitting room where they were going to hang out for a night and watch a movie.
  They entered the room and Kara was sitting on the couch. Harry took a seat next to Kara and Kitty sat down on the other side of Harry. Jean and Rachel were on the chairs on the left and Rogue and Wanda were in the chairs on the right. Amara walked in to join them, along with M'gann and Megan and more chairs manifested for them.
  "Magic's a really wonderful thing, isn't it?" Gwen asked Chloe.
  Amara sat down, she got news back from home that her father was ill but she decided not to think about that too much. After all, her father was someone who was made of an iron will and would not back down from anything, so he would beat this illness. She had no reason to think that it was too serious.
  "Is the movie about to start?" Amara asked.
  "Yeah, you didn't miss anything," Harry told her and she smiled.
  "Great," Amara said in a joyful voice.
  Wanda was glad to be here among friends and she thought that these were the simple pleasures that most people took for granted. Yet, she cherished them after her time in the asylum.
  "So, how's Peter doing?" Harry asked Gwen.
  "He's going after some guy named Herman," Gwen told him.
  "What kind of criminal is called Herman?" Kara asked her curiously.
  "I don't know, that's what Peter's told me," Gwen remarked as she shrugged her shoulders.
  Chloe smiled. She figured out the Spider-Man thing a long time ago but....that was going to be Peter's business and not her's.
  The movie started and the group relaxed, eating popcorn merrily.
  "Harry, there's a call, someone is here to see you, it's urgent."
  Lily's voice called him and Harry excused himself.
  Jean sensed that there was something happening now and she followed Harry as well, with Rogue, Rachel, Wanda, Kara, and Kitty trailing behind them as well.
  "Where Harry Potter goes, several women follow," Chloe commented and Gwen smiled. "Not that I blame them."
  Harry walked his way to see what was happening and who was going to come calling with him at the Stronghold.
  A young woman stood outside the corridors of the office and awaited for the person that she was going to meet to come and meet her. She crossed her arms and proceeded to tap the fingers of her right hand nervously along her left forearm.
  She was a fairly tall woman, there was an oriental caste to her face with purple hair framing it and she had alluring purple eyes as well. Her lips were plump and quite kissable, and tanned skin. She had a nice chest that was wrapped in a tight black t-shirt that showed her toned stomach. A pair of tight leather pants wrapped around her supple ass and she shifted herself as she flickered her eyes forward. The young woman waited patiently for him to arrive.
  Her name was Elizabeth Braddock. The twenty year old British Woman swayed herself back and forth as she placed her hands on her hips. She was part of a British team of super heroes that had since broken up, pretty much a UK equivalent of the X-Men.
  Right now, she was waiting for the young man that had made waves around the world and she bit down on her lip as time ticked by.
  'Well, he doesn't seem to be one to leave a woman waiting,' she commented as she watched. She was the pinnacle of female perfection and she heard rumors, whispers of what he was like and how he was the dream of many women.
  She noticed that his school was made of nothing but females, which was interesting. Then again, Betsy figured out that he liked what he liked.
  "Miss Braddock I presume?"
  The young British mutant turned to face him, her eyes blinking as she got a look at him, traveling up and down his body, using her eyes to give visual stimulation as her heart pattered within her chest. The woman's smile widened as she took a few seconds to really appreciate what he had to offer. There was one thought that popped into her mind.
  'Absolutely gorgeous,' she thought to herself as her smile widen but she cleared her throat and her eyes focused on him as she turned towards him, doing her best to not get lost in his eyes.
  "Sorry, just got lost in my thoughts for a moment, yes, Mr. Potter, I'm her," she remarked as she placed her hand onto his in a business like manner and shook it.
  "Please, Harry," Harry told her as he leaned forward and gave a kiss to her hand.
  She felt flushed but managed to recover pretty quickly as her heart continued to flutter within her chest.
  "Yes....then I insist that you call me Betsy," she told him as she continued to struggle with not getting lost in those green eyes and never coming out of them.
  There was a moment where she paused and looked over her shoulder, leading Harry into the other direction. He decided that introductions would be in order as he proceeded to lead everyone into the office era.
  "This is Wanda Maximoff, Kitty Pryde, Kara Potter, Jean Grey, and Rachel Grey," Harry stated to Rachel as he pointed out the five girls that followed him all the way there.
  Betsy smiled, she figured that someone like this young man would have an entourage. "A pleasure to meet you all."
  Hands were shaken all around as she cleared her throat and now Kara was the one to jump in.
  "So....what's on your mind?" Kara asked her and Betsy was quick to jump in with the thought.
  Betsy's smile widened over her face.
  The group sat down and Betsy took the seat across from Harry. The rest of the girls took a few seats.
  Betsy drew in a deep breath and prepared to tell her tale of how she got here.
  "It was three nights ago....there was a suspicious figure that was sneaking around," Betsy explained and Harry raised an eyebrow. This was not something that was completely out there, so he continued to listen to her explanation. "This figure, suspicious that he might have been, I thought he was just some common thief at first. I was running the museum overseas after my parents died and after my brother had his accident."
  Harry nodded to indicated that he understood and lifted his hand, telling her to continue.
  "He had red hair, dressed in a trenchcoat, and he had playing cards which he super charged and used to blow the doors open," Betsy commented to them and there was a second where Jean gasped in recognition.
  "Gambit," Jean breathed and Rogue's eyes narrowed.
  "I wonder what he's after," Rogue mused as she frowned.
  Wanda's eyes narrowed until they were nearly slits as she thought about it but Harry reached under the desk and gripped her hand in a warning manner. She relaxed a tiny bit but she was still keeping her eyes narrowed. "It's my father, he's the one that's after something."
  "So this Gambit....who is he with?" Betsy asked in a curious tone.
  "Have you ever heard a mutant called Magneto?" Jean asked her and the redhead slid back as she pushed her hair out of her face so she could properly look Betsy in the eye.
  "Yes, I've heard of him," Betsy said to her as she drummed her fingers on the table and there was a second where she wondered.
  Harry was wondering what Gambit and perhaps by extension Magneto could be after. He knew that before he joined the Acolytes, Gambit was a thief, he was someone who worked for whoever shoved the most money underneath his nose. His green eyes narrowed a tiny bit as he mulled it over.
  "Is there anything of value in that museum?" Harry asked her.
  Betsy's nose wrinkled as she tried to think about it. The woman placed her hands on the desk and smiled. "No, nothing of true value, a lot of junk, but I don't think there's anything that could be of great value to anyone other than insane collectors."
  "Hmm," Harry remarked.
  "What do you mean, hmm?" Kitty asked.
  Harry decided to elaborate on what he meant by the sudden "hmm." "Well, there are many times where there's junk out there, but one man's trash is another man's treasure."
  "And the objects that seem to be the least valuable are really the most valuable," Kitty confirmed with a swift nod and Harry smiled back at her.
  "Now you've got the picture," Harry said with a smile but there was another blipping that came over the equipment at the Stronghold.
  He reached off to the side and picked up the communicator and Storm's image popped up.
  "Hey, Ororo, what do you need?" Harry asked Ororo.
  "We have a problem, it appears that an old enemy of ours has resurfaced," Ororo commented.
  "Would this have to do with Gambit's sudden desire to steal something from a museum?" Harry asked her.
  Ororo's head nodded as she gave a smile, at least half of one. "Yes...it might be....it's him, it's Mesmero."
  Harry recalled the last time Mesmero was there, he put several of his girls under his thrall and they narrowly escaped.
  'And when there's Mesmero, there's Sinister,' Harry thought and there was no question about it, there things were going to get intense.
  "So, is there something going on that I should know about?" Betsy asked him.
  "Plenty, but we'll explain on the way," Harry told her and he turned towards her. "So, how's your hand to hand?"
  Betsy smiled. "I think I'm competent enough."
  Harry nodded, they were going to need all hands on deck, because he feared that the Marauders could be involved in this. He reached over and grabbed the communicator. "Zinda, get the plane ready, we're taking a trip."
  "Well this is a match made in the fiery pits of hell," Harry commented in a dead pan tone of voice.
  It was the X-Men in the form of Nightcrawler, Iceman, Storm, and Beast. Harry noticed that there was one member of the team that was conspicuous with his absence but there was no use to speaking of him. Charles Xavier had joined the group as well.
  "So, I guess this is a collaborative effort between all of us," Magneto commented and Wanda's eyes flickered towards him.
  Harry placed his hand on her shoulder, warningly and Wanda's eyes watched her father, she tried not to back down but there was a few seconds where she kept her eyes locked onto the figure ahead.
  He would sooner have Wanda blast him but there was enough chaotic energy that he could feel in the air for his liking, so there was no use in complicating things.
  "We're going to have to work together, as I believe your dream is," Magneto said as he turned to Xavier. "Be warned this is only temporary."
  Harry hoped that this would not turn into a pissing contest between the X-Men and the Acolytes and his girls all looked nervous that would happen as well.
  'Well, let's hope things don't get too bad,' Kara thought to them.
  'Who are we kidding, things could get pretty bad,' Jean projected as she nervously bit down on her lip as she stood on her heels. Her eyes surveyed the situation and each instant of the dire situation was getting worse.
  There was no question about this, this could go from bad to worse in no time flat. Jean's expression flickered rather prominent and frustration could be seen dancing through her eyes.
  "So, what was Gambit after exactly?" Harry asked.
  "He says he doesn't remember," Domino told as she stood rigid, ready to attack.
  "It makes sense, the last time Mesmero showed up, we had nothing but blank spots in our mind," Jean recalled, it was not her finest hour.
  "Yeah, but this time, we're ready for them," Rogue commented as she cracked her knuckles and knew that when she got her hands on him he was going to suffer pain.
  "Yeah....but we've got be careful, all it takes is one snap of the fingers and bamf....gone," Kurt stated as he snapped his fingers for emphasis.
  "Yes but...." Harry started and Betsy's eyes followed everything nervously.
  Harry and Kara caught sight of that and used their super hearing to pick up on sounds. He saw Gambit.
  'Jean, read his mind, see if you can find any subconscious memories that Mesmero repressed,' he thought to her and Jean's mouth curled into a smile.
  'Right,' Jean thought to him as she shifted herself through Gambit's mind.
  It was a minefield that she tried not to trip herself up on. The redhead was trying to get through his head and there was a few seconds where she paused.
  'Anything?' Rachel prompted hopefully.
  'Just a second,' Jean said as she focused her thoughts. 'There's something about a box...that he broke.'
  'What's it look like?' Harry projected through to her and Jean frowned as she kept shifting through his mind and her heart kept pumping even more as thoughts swirled through her head. The green eyed wizard was watching her.
  'It looks like a real piece of junk,' Jean concluded as she saw it.
  'Symbols were the same as the last time, this same symbol,' Harry thought as he closed his eyes.
  Before he did not recognize what the symbol said and now he did. Kara was the one who also picked up on it.
  'It means, Apocalypse,' Kara thought to him.
  'That's what Gwen found too....but who is Apocalypse?' Harry thought as he wondered about this.
  There were myths that were out there and he could not even begin to figure out the truth from the fantasy. His eyes flickered with a thought as he turned around.
  "I believe we have a problem," Beast offered as he tried to calibrate the energy scanner and it started to blink to life.
  Harry and his group edged forward.
  There was a giant green spider that appeared in the middle of the street and faced the X-Men, the Acolytes, and the Team.
  'So Jean, can you get a thought pattern on this one?' Harry asked her.
  Jean smiled as she prepared to try her best but there was something about the buzzing thoughts that made it far harder than she thought before. She did have one think that resounded through her mind as she tapped the side of her head.
  'Well it's angry....very angry,' Jean told them as she caught a few snatches of primitive thoughts.
  "Acolytes, get in position, this beast may be the key to bring the first one back!" Magneto exclaimed as he magnetized several cars and started to hurl them towards the creature.
  There was something that was unsettling about what Harry had to go against but he could not quite pinpoint what it was. Regardless of the fact, there were thoughts that flickered through his mind as his green eyes continued to swim with frustration as his thoughts grew even stronger. There was a sense that they were missing one crucial puzzle piece that would solve this problem.
  He needed to figure out a way to take that thing down and fast. He coordinated his team over as they circled around each other.
  'I'm not sure if sending a hex bolt at that thing is the best idea right now, Wanda,' Harry projected the thought through her mind.
  Wanda nodded, giving the unstable nature of her powers, blasting a mystical artifact like that could cause reality to explode into a thousand of microscopic pieces.
  Betsy flipped herself in the air and conjured several psychic daggers as she caused them to rotate as she propelled them towards it which caused the creature to back off.
  "Not too bad," Harry remarked and Betsy raised an eyebrow.
  "Guess, I'm going to step up my game," she fired back as she tried to take it down.
  Jean joined forces with her and knocked it backwards.
  The attack was stepping up a little bit but they were a long way from winning this battle by far.
  Harry prepared himself for the battle as the Acolytes, the X-Men, and his team surrounded the Guardian. Magento's eyes glowed as the Master of Magnetism stated one thing and one thing alone as he folded his arms and leaned forward, his neck arched towards the side.
  "Do not allow him to get past," Magneto ordered as he lifted his hands and sent several pieces of metal flying at it.
  The guardian was not going to be caged.
  "We have to find a way to destroy it," Beast said urgently as he was knocked a few steps back and nearly landed on his back.
  His legs kicked and squirmed as he tried to push himself back to a standing position but he was not going to go down, at least not easily. The mutant's eyes closed shut as he drew in one breath and drew out another, his chest fairly pounded from the battle but never the least he was up.
  Storm was back into position as she brought the wind down and caused a storm to kick up.
  "Maybe we could freeze it in place?" Iceman suggested but Pyro turned around towards him and his eyes watched him.
  "Are you daft man? It will destroy us all!" Pyro bellowed as he sent a blast of fire towards his enemy but it was dodged.
  There were a few explosion swings from the Guardian causing Pryo to grit his teeth and dodge the attacks. His heart hammered within his chest as he tried to get out of the way of the attacks.
  "Head's up!" Betsy warned them as she hurled herself into the air and cracked into the enemy with precise intensity.
  "I think I've got this one," Harry informed her and she smiled wildly.
  "Keep it up, closer, closer," Betsy said and the two of them joined forces with a tandem assault.
  Nightcrawler saw several civilians scrambling around. Immediately, the mutant grabbed them and teleported them out of the way.
  There were a few more screams but it was Harry who was trying to keep his super hearing sharp and make sure he could find everyone. He needed to figure out a way to defeat this guardian, for it was going to unleash the fury that was Apocalypse.
  'I'm open for suggestions,' Harry thought to the other girls, as Wanda had to use other methods of attack given that hitting a dangerous mystical guardian with a hex bolt was not going to be exactly what the doctor ordered.
  'Yeah, wish I had one,' Kitty remarked.
  Ororo once again tried to use her powers but it seemed like nothing affected him at all.
  "I'm going to contain it, you should try and blast it with everything you have!" Magneto called as he raised his hands and brought forth several large chunks of metal that wrapped around the beast and tried to hold it there.
  Magneto's powers were doing their job in holding the creature there, as despite his best attempts, it was not about to break out any time soon. He saw the X-Men walk over to the side, as the group was moving in, as was Harry's team.
  "Blast it now!" Magneto grunted as his hands started to shake, he was not too sure if he could hold this thing much longer.
  On cue, the creature burst out of the cage but Harry and Kara in tandem launched a barrage of heat vision at it. Somehow, their powers were able to damage it slightly and Jean's eyes bugged as she realized what was happening.
  Rogue swung her fist back and with a huge impact, connected into the face of the creature and she hurt her fist just a tiny bit but she was pretty sure that in her efforts, she hurt it more. The Southern Belle skidded back.
  Kitty popped from a car that had been thrown at the attacker and tried to reach towards the source of green light pulsing towards it.
  She yelped as it was protected and it slightly did some damage to her had but the brunette's face crossed with a smile. Now she was convinced, now she was convinced.
  'It's in there, that's the thing, we've got to take that out,' Kitty projected to them and there was determination that flooded through her eyes as she shut out the frustration.
  The determination filtered through her eyes and popped down through the rest of the group. The brunette's eyes flowed with the greatest desire and she kept her determination flowing through them.
  Jean locked onto the creature and tried to pick up on its thought patterns but it was fairly erratic and there was just a lot about it that did not make much sense at all. Her eyes watered as she coughed a slight bit but never the less, she kept herself pushing back with the attack.
  'Just about got it,' Jean thought as she screwed her eyes shut and her heart raced a million miles a minute, as she tried to slide it back.
  The redhead was this close to getting it done, if she could only....she was almost there. Her mind was this close to becoming undone and her eyes flickered.
  Xavier wondered if they were going to bring this enemy down although the entire team was bring the fire down upon the enemy. Shot after shot but there was no progress in wearing it down. The Professor of the Xavier Institute kept watching as he kept trying to pinpoint an attack.
  "I brought you out of the box, I'm going to put you back into the box," Gambit commented as he super charged the playing cards and flung them at the enemy.
  There was a solid boom as they landed.
  "And I've got this one!" Betsy yelled as she jumped up and engaged the enemy.
  'Wait,' Harry thought, he suddenly picked up another thought. The moment might be lost in a second, actually it was lost, it was out of the box.
  "No, there's no time to wait, I've got this one, don't worry, it's cool," Iceman commented with a wide grin, as he blasted his enemy with a jet of ice.
  "And now for the finishing touches," Pyro remarked as he gritted his teeth together and prepared himself for the attack. His eyes continued to glow as he reared his hand back but Harry blocked him.
  He could not block Magneto from performing the attack and he flung the large bus down upon it. The bus was electro-magnetized, the pull caused the guardian to disappear and the energy around it faded into a crackling crunch.
  "We've done it," Magneto concluded as he dropped down to one knee and felt the pressure leaving his body.
  "Have we?" Harry asked them and there was a few seconds where everyone paused and no one seemed to know what he meant.
  Pyro decided to cut to the chase. "What are you, bloody taking the piss out of me? That thing disappeared!"
  Jean was not completely convinced and she picked up a few mental traces of it. She turned to the group, a somber expression etched in her eyes and she drew in the breath that she had been holding in.
  Time stood still as Jean informed them what she had to say and the news was not good to say the least.
  "That thing was not the key, that was guarding the key, and now we've all released the key," Jean remarked as hopelessness flooded through her body, the redhead was looking over the rest of the group but no one said anything.
  Pyro broke in and stated the situation as only he could. "Well, I'll be buggered."
  "Mesmero knew what needed to be done, he tricked us, again," Harry concluded as he sighed deeply.
  Harry could not state that fact more than enough, they were about ready to accomplish what they thought was a great victory but in the end, there was nothing other than the disappointed stenche of failure.
  There was one man who was smiling today and that was the sadistic individual, the sinister individual, known as Nathaniel Essex. The man's chalk white skin and glowing red eyes, along with fangs were prominent as he faced a door.
  "You remember our deal."
  "Yes, I remember it, there is but one key left and you will be released," Essex commented to the person on the other side of the door, as Mesmero and Mystique stood on either side of him, along with the members of the Marauders who were eagerly anticipating the new world that was going to come to pass.
  "You've done well, Sinister, but you've not completely released me," the man on the other side of the door said in a dark tone of voice.
  "Evolution will reign supreme," Sinister offered with a smug smile and a slight sneer.
  "As for the X-Men, they will be eliminated, just like that," the individual on the other end commented and Sinister remarked. "Now what of the Star Child?"
  "I don't know what you're speaking of," Sinister said in a tone that indicated that he was going to need to choose his next few words wisely. The Great One did not tolerate failure.
  "Do not speak as if you do not know what I speak of," the voice thundered as despite the fact the force behind it was not unleashed, Sinister felt a sudden chill go over his body. His eyes flooded with agony.
  "He's....he'll be of no threat of you, oh amazing one," Sinister offered as he bowed a tiny bit but there was some skepticism in his voice. He had gone up against the one known as Harry Potter before and he did not relish the opportunity to do so again for he narrowly escaped with his life.
  "You seem unconvinced of this," The voice thundered from the other end of the doorway as he tried to rattled himself out. "I do not tolerate failure, especially from one such as yourself."
  "Of course not, of course not," Sinister said as he adjusted his stance but wondered if he was putting his own head in the custom fit noose.
  "I think our scientist friend wishes to give more confidence to the fact that you can defeat the Star Child, great one," Mesmero stated as he leaned upon the staff. "But you should know that I'm the most faithful of your followers and will do anything to see you achieve your great aims."
  Sinister curled his hands together and was not too happy with this claim because he knew that this one was false. There was a few seconds where the Scientist cast a twisted expression to Mesmero in the background. If he could only have a few seconds, he would make the man know the true meaning of the term horror. If he could only have a few seconds, he would make the man pay with unmistakable suffering that could not be described by any means, whether they be mortal or otherwise.
  If only he could do such a thing.
  Mystique meanwhile wondered what she got herself into.
  "You remember our deal," the shapeshifter reminded them.
  "Dear Raven, you can trust me," Sinister said with a wide grin across his face as the woman took half of a step back.
  Mystique thought about it, three children, two of them had been poisoned by lies and the third....he turned out to be a disgrace that she could not even stomach. He was a weak example of what happens when genetics do not prevail. Then again, given who his father was, perhaps genetics prevailed properly.
  "Yes, I trust you, to an extent," Mystique remarked, wondering what she got herself into now. The woman was not going to have the best of times, in fact, she was going to have some of the worst of times as she crossed her arms over her chest.
  She wondered if that trust would fail for a reason, like it had failed with so many others.
  Yet, two keys were down, with one more to go.
  "I may have to stick around for the long haul."
  Betsy looked around the Stronghold with a smile but she had a feeling that she had only scratched the surface with the initial tour. Harry stood next to her, a wide smile crossing his face as he looked towards the woman who was standing there next to him.
  "Well, I can't speak for everyone, but personally I'd love to have you here," Harry said as he closed the gap slightly between the two of them.
  She did not step back; rather she stepped forward so she was nearly nose to nose with him. The two looked into each others eyes and felt the sensations of the other nearly boil over as they continued to stared into each others eyes.
  "You can speak for us, because we agree," Jean offered as she turned up with the rest of the group.
  Kitty, Wanda, Kara, and Rachel followed her, and there were several others that would be roaming around at any point in time in the Mansion.
  "Thanks...I always wanted to see the United States and more of it," Betsy commented as she placed her hands on Harry's hips and continued to stare into his eyes, as she slid back a tiny bit, so she could sit on his desk, the leather of her pants wrapped enticingly around her sexy legs.
  "I'm sure I could show you the sights," Harry said to her as he looked into her eyes. "Kitty, you want to show her to one of the rooms?"
  "Sure, Harry," Kitty commented in a bright tone and Betsy took the hint as she followed the brunette out the door. The brunette's eyes were flooded over with an amazing amount of passion and a knowing smile crossed her face.
  "Hey, Harry," Chloe said happily as she turned up. "Can I see you for a little bit?"
  "Sure, Chloe," Harry offered as Chloe looked at him, she was a bit nervous as she was going to take a plunge with something that she had never thought she was going to do.
  Yet, with Harry, it seemed like it was going to be the most natural thing in the world. The blonde was excited.
  The two of them made their way out into the hallway and the blonde watched Harry.
  "So, what did you need?" Harry asked and Chloe smiled.
  "You, I need you," Chloe breathed as she grabbed Harry around the waist and kissed him hard on the mouth.
  She decided to throw all caution to the wind, because quite frankly, what was the worst that was going to happen. The blonde's tongue worked into Harry's mouth and Harry returned the kiss with intense motions. Their tongues wrapped around each other as Harry continued to kiss her deeply and Chloe was hoisted up.
  The blonde's eyes flooded over as Harry roamed his hands over her nubile body, and he literally pushed her back through the wall as if it was water, until they reached Harry's bedroom.
  Chloe breathed heavily as Harry pushed her back onto the bed, naturally it would be the softest one in the house, as the blonde's expression widened as Harry worked her hands around her body and continued to kiss her.
  "So, this is what you wanted?" Harry asked Chloe as he pushed the woman back on the bed and she bit her lip, nodding in an exited manner.
  "Yes, this is what I wanted," Chloe panted hungrily as she closed her eyes and a smile crossed her face as Harry planted a kiss on the side of her head. The blonde's expression got wide eyed as Harry continued to kiss on the side of her neck. She was feeling the pleasure erupt through her loins and wetness appear around her thighs.
  Gwen appeared in the room, it was about time that Chloe decided to give into herself and take a piece of Harry. She was going to be an observer for now, although with the rampant hormones that flooded through her own body, it would only be time before Gwen stepped in and got herself a piece of Harry.
  Meanwhile she sat down on the chair and enjoyed the show.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Chloe worked Harry's pants off around him and saw his bulging member, as she practically drooled at the sight of him. She was this close to becoming undone and she reached around, grabbing his large tool in her hand.
  "This is....wow, so amazing," Chloe breathed as she was practically drooling at this piece of meat that hung between Harry's legs.
  "You're too kind," Harry told Chloe and the blonde got between his legs, licking his balls and bringing her tongue down him, stroking his member.
  The blonde grabbed her hand around him and tightened her grip, stroking him up and down, as she felt his throbbing cock. It twitched in her hand and the blonde leaned over and kissed the tip of his penis. Her salvia stuck on the head and Chloe was about to lose herself with the sensations.
  "Go ahead, stick it in your mouth," Harry encouraged her and Chloe eagerly placed his penis in her mouth and began to suck on it.
  The blonde's head bobbed up and down as Harry worked open the buttons on her blouse and managed to work it off of her. Her bra clad chest was shown and Harry cupped her breasts, working his motions into her. The blonde closed her eyes tightly and blew Harry for all that he was worth and to her, he was worth a lot. The blonde's nose touched his pubic bone as she drew back on him.
  "Need some of this...fucking tasty pussy," Harry grunted as he dipped his fingers down between Chloe's legs and captured the juices on his tongue. It was so amazing that he could not get more of it fast enough.
  Chloe was driven wild with lust with her mouth working up and down Harry's cock, she was going to inhale him with her mouth, bringing all twelve inches of him deep down into her throat. The woman's hand wrapped around his balls as she fondled him.
  Gwen leaned back on the chair, her nipples poked out the front of her shirt as she reached her hand down the front of her panties. She felt the arousal swim over her, as her pussy was burning with even more desire.
  "Fuck," Gwen breathed and another Harry appeared in front of her, grabbing her wrists.
  "If you insist," Harry told Gwen and he parted her legs, feeling her super hot cunt in front of him. His pulsing penis was aimed at her entrance.
  Gwen's eyes practically bugged out as he slammed deep into this dripping cunt and she wrapped her lower lips around him tightly as he began to pump himself into her. The blonde's legs tightened around him as she moaned ,her nipples growing stiff as Harry kept hammering her tight pussy with strong strokes. The blonde's walls wrapped around him as Harry pumped in and out of her, keeping definite momentum as his throbbing length worked her gushing pussy like it was everything. The blonde's walls closed around him.
  "Harry, Harry, Harry," Gwen chanted.
  Chloe got off his cock and got on her hands and knees, pointing her ass up towards Harry and wiggling it in the most tantalizing manner as she swayed her hips. The blonde peered over her shoulder and Harry grabbed her from behind.
  "First time," Harry whispered to her.
  "Yes," Chloe managed, feeling a mixture of nervousness and excitement but Harry ran his hands over her body and caused chills to go down her spine as his motions relaxed her. The emerald eyed wizard peered into Chloe's eyes reassuringly.
  "Don't worry, I'll make you feel good," Harry told her as he hovered the head of his cock over her entrance and the blonde gushed with anticipation as Harry came close to penetrating her. His head slid over her slit and the blonde felt the need to wrap around him tightly.
  "Ready," Harry whispered to her.
  "Born that way," Chloe fired back as she pushed her hips back towards him and the blonde's smile got even wider.
  Harry had her around the hips and he reared back, sliding slowly into her.
  Chloe closed her eyes but did not feel as much pain as she thought that she did. That was because, Harry rammed his throbbing length into her center but cast a pain reducing charm and also a pleasure enhancing charm.
  Harry pushed himself into her and Chloe was being submerged in her first sexual experience, liking every single second of it as her nipples stiffened and Harry kept sliding into her. He worked more of his meat into her pussy, it dripped and wrapped around him as he pumped her center as his balls slapped against her thighs.
  "Harry, come on, I can take more," Chloe moaned and Harry smiled.
  Gwen was riding the other Harry on the chair, even though both of them were one and the same. The blonde's burning pussy wrapped around him.
  "You're fucking hot, it's like being in the inside of the volcano," Harry breathed as he worked his cock into her.
  "Mmm, I know you love fucking my dripping hot cunny and making a woman out of me," Gwen murmured hungrily as she nibbled on Harry's ear and licked her tongue inside it. Harry wrapped his hands around her hips and pushed her all the way down onto him.
  "You're my woman, love these tits," Harry stated as he cupped the underside of her bouncing breasts, which grew fairly large since her exposure to Extremis.
  The blonde babe worked her hips around Harry, her eyes burned with so much lust that she could hardly stand any of it. Her pussy released its heavenly nectar onto his throbbing length as she bounced higher.
  "That's it, more, I want more, I desire more," Gwen breathed as she bounced up and down on his throbbing length and the blonde closed her eyes tightly, yes this was amazing and she was going to feel him up in her.
  The blonde's tightening pussy wrapped around him snugly and she kept riding his throbbing length into her. Gwen pushed herself up and down him, using her tight hips to work around him and the blonde's head thumped against his chest as she kept riding him, bouncing up and down, the blonde's expression grew wider with wide eyed lust.
  Meanwhile, Harry had Chloe on her hands and knees on the bed, she was biting down on her lip as Harry plowed into her from behind.
  Chloe's heart beat against her chest as she felt the sensations working into her and the blonde's eyes tightened shut as Harry kept pumping his thick length into her, with the blonde taking all of his length deep into her. She tightened around him as Harry kept hammering her pussy for everything that it was worth.
  "Harry, I can take it, I can take it, give me more!" Chloe whined as she bit down on her lip and Harry obliged her with a few thrusts into her. He speared himself into her center and the blonde worked him back, as she kept whining as she squeezed her walls tighter around him.
  The blonde felt her worked closer to the edge and her head started to thump as she felt the amazing pushes of his throbbing length burying inside her.
  "Yes, so tight, I want to give you all that I can," Harry breathed as he blew on the back of Chloe's ear and that caused her to get excited, as his hands roamed around and cupped her breasts, running down her creamy body and he planted kisses down on the back of her neck.
  "I'm yours, I'm so fucking yours," Chloe encouraged him.
  The Harry on the chair had pumped his load into Gwen's pussy. Breathlessly, Gwen sauntered over and put her pussy underneath Chloe's face.
  "You know what to do," Gwen panted and Chloe licked his burning seed out of Gwen's pussy.
  That caused Harry to pick up the pace and keep hammering the dripping cunt of Chloe, working his thick length into her. His balls slapped against her thighs as he continued to cut the pace into her.
  Chloe felt her nipples stiffen but she stayed the course as she was eating his seed out of her best friend's pussy. The blonde's tongue worked around him as she used her tongue to cause Gwen excitement.
  Gwen was excited and she saw Harry drill into her friend behind. Chloe's eyes were becoming glass eyed but somehow she was going to finish him, somehow, someway.
  "Okay, there, Chlo, or do you need me to take over?" Gwen asked him and the blonde's smile widened.
  "Oh, I'm good, I'm really fucking good," Chloe panted as his length pumped into.
  The dance continued as Harry fucked Chloe into submission and Gwen got extremely hot as she looked up to see this slight. Chloe returned to slurp Gwen dry, and Gwen lifted her hips up.
  Harry claimed another willing young pussy for his own, cupping the blonde's ass and hammered into her, her hips working tightly around him as he plunged his length into her, thrust, thrust, thrust. He bounced into her and she tightened her pussy around him.
  Harry slammed his cock into her and his balls tightened before he sent an explosive load of cum deep into her channel.
  The load was pumped but Gwen swung herself over Harry's lap the second he pulled out.
  Chloe was on the bed, slumped over, with drool coming out of her mouth.
  "I don't think I've had my fill of you yet," Gwen remarked as she rubbed her pussy against the tip of his cock and inserted him into her.
  It was time to continue the dance anew.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter "Dazzling."
  Chapter 17
  Chapter Seventeen: Dazzling.
  Alison Blaire always knew that this had to take place, the pre-concert ritual was something that she had to deal with every single time she had a concert. Despite that fact that she knew that it was coming, that did not stop her nerves from escalating and ramping up the butterflies beating their wings inside her stomach. The young pop start felt determination and that encouraged her a tiny bit.
  As they said in show business, no matter what, no matter what the challenges that she had to undertake, the show always had to go on. Even if there had been a few shaky moments at her shows as of late and there was a weird event at her show two nights ago where the pyro exploded before she even went on stage, that didn't matter to her manager. Alison knew the show needed to go on.
  'Okay, I'm ready,' Alison thought to herself as she knew that this was her biggest show yet but given that it was at a major market in New York City, that went without saying.
  "Okay, everyone, we're going to have a really good show tonight, I know you've all been working hard," Alison told her stage hand and the truth was that she had not gotten a full eight hours of sleep since this tour started at the beginning of the summer. "But tonight's the final show in the tour and if we do this one, we're off the road until Spring, so we can catch our breath."
  There were smiles across the faces of everyone as she brought that one little ray of sunshine into all of their lives. The blonde popstar walked over and saw a few letters, most of them from her adoring fans.
  There was a package on the ground, wrapped in brown paper and Alison slowly bent down to pick it up. She was curious but also a bit nervous as there were some times where fans have sent her some really weird things. That was what went with the territory but her nerves were already on a hair trigger as she gingerly opened up the package in her hand.
  A note fell out of it, landing in her hand. The pop star paused, her eyes expressively blinking as she read over it. She muttered to herself as she wondered what this could mean. It was short, sweet, and simple and raised more questions than it provided answers.
  'Beware the past.' Alison thought as she read over the note. She sighed in disgust 'This creep again.'
  The note was signed by the mysterious Mister Reo, someone who had been leaving her cryptic and fairly threatening notes over the past few weeks, sent to her backstage at several concerts. The blonde pop star clutched the note in her hand and she bent down to open the package properly. There was a snow globe inside.
  It was harmless and she gave it a tentative shake but nothing went off.
  "Are you okay, Miss Blaire?" one of her background dancers asked and the pop star nodded her head, snapping herself back to reality. For a second, she thought that there was going to be an immense explosion that would hurt them.
  Thankfully there was nothing so the show was about ready to go on as they intended. The blonde pop star got herself into the proper mindset for this show.
  "Okay, this is a dress rehearsal, but I want to make sure everything goes right, big tour ending show and everything," Alison commented with a bright smile crossing her face as she snapped her fingers. "Three, two, one."
  One of the stage hands tried to cue up the special effects but there was a loud explosion as one of the speakers exploded with a loud crack. Thankfully no one was hurt but everyone was scared out of her mind.
  "That equipment was supposed to be checked to make sure it didn't malfunction!" Alison cried in a frantic tone as she felt her pulse quicken and her eyes darted frantically around. "What went wrong?"
  She did not want anything bad to happen to her crew or fans, someone was obviously after her, there had been too many accidents to be a coincidence. Someone dangerous was out there trying to send her a message.
  "Miss Blaire, someone left this note," one of the stage hands told her breathlessly.
  Alison did not even bother to ask if the stage hand got a good look at his face because she knew better. With shaky hands the blonde opened the letter and there were a few seconds where she tried in vain to steady her hands which were shaking badly as she read the letter. The note nearly dropped from her hand but she managed to steady herself enough to read it.
  'You were warned, you should know better than to spurn me.'
  Alison simply tore the piece of paper in half, she was not going to be shaken by threats as her manager walked to her.
  "We've got to cancel the show, people could get hurt."
  "It's too late to cancel the show," the manager told her and the blonde glared at him angrily. "I'm sorry, Dazzler baby, but we have too much riding on this show. That kook wouldn't try anything too dangerous."
  After all of the incidents, Alison was not too certain and this was like nothing that she ever had to deal with before.
  Alison was not going to sugar coat the fact that she was nervous that something bad could happen with this show but the blonde was trying to remain optimistic because of she had no choice. Management had her over a barrel, she had to go on or else, she had no other options. She had show courage in the face of fear and not be bullied.
  "Make sure you get all of the equipment in working order," Alison demanded as she turned to the stage hands and they all nodded. She looked more serious than they had ever seen her. "Make sure it's working and won't blow up on stage."
  "Yeah, the last thing we need is a fucking law suit," her manager muttered in a tone that indicated he did not really care about the fans, only the money that they brought in.
  Alison rolled her eyes, that were all they thought about, money. She would be nothing without her fans and the support that they gave her, coming out in droves for her concerts. She wanted to make sure that they got their money's worth and then some.
  The show must go on and Alison was going to make sure that this hiccup in the arrangement would not lead to any problems.
  The day was finally here and none of them could believe it came so fast but they were heading into the concert and trying to be on their best behavior at that. Kara especially was trying to be dignified, even though she was not doing a very good job at it. She struggled not to lose her composure by bouncing up and down.
  Kitty on the other hand, she had no qualms about letting loose. The brunette teenager looked around excitedly as Harry walked beside her as the three of them filed in with the rest of the crowd, about to find their seats which they would be staying in for the duration of the concert.
  "I want to bottle your energy and sell it on the market," Harry whispered to Kitty and the brunette faced him, a smile crossing her face. "I bet I could make a fortune."
  "You could," a voice commented and there was an amused redhead standing next to them with a bright smile.
  "Oh, hey, MJ, how are you doing?" Harry asked as he properly faced Mary Jane.
  "I'm fine," Mary Jane replied to Harry as she watched him with a smile on her face. "I can tell you're doing as well as usual."
  "Oh, you know me, I'm just trying to keep up with everything," Harry commented to the redhead and she smiled back.
  "Well, it looks to be a packed crowd here, most of them female," Mary Jane said as she paused and turned around to face Harry, a grin flickering over her face as she offered him a teasing smile. Harry had no idea what she was smiling about but the redhead was going to let him in on the secret. "But then again....your someone who has experience being the only one male in the room, don't you?"
  "I have no idea what you could be implying," Harry stated in a voice that was calm and crisp as Mary Jane walked over as everyone else filed in.
  "Oh excuse me....hey, MJ, Gwen, Chloe," a Hispanic girl stated but then she saw Harry standing next to her.
  She had not met him before but judging by the gorgeous looks, she thought that was one of the great tragedies in the world, on par with the Greek epics that had been passed down through the annals of time. She saw his dark hair, slightly unruly, intoxicating green eyes, and glasses that emphasized that prominent feature. Not to mention a body that most Gods or professional athletes would be envious of.
  "I'm sorry....we haven't been introduced yet," the girl breathed out as she finally found the ability to speak as her tongue had been quite tied. The woman felt her heart speed up a little bit but she never the less introduced herself with dignity and poise. "I'm....Liz Allen."
  "Harry Potter," Harry said as he turned to point out the two girls next to him. "This is Kara and this is Kitty Pryde."
  Liz made a mental note that he was someone who surrounded himself with the company of beautiful woman. That was an element that interested her completely as the dark haired girl turned around to take in the crowd filtering into the concert hall. There were many fan girls and most certainly a few fan boys making their way in to put down an ass in every eighteen inches. There were actual families with children as well which showed that this concert was a family affair.
  "We were so lucky to get tickets!" Kitty yelled over the rabble.
  "There must have been thousands of people who were turned away," Gwen chimed in for the first time.
  "Really, for a pop star?" Chloe asked for them, granted she enjoyed the music, it was a guilty pleasure of hers but she was not about to go as obsessive with her fandom as some people did. The blonde's eyes rolled but Kara looked at her with a frown.
  "She's not just a pop star, she's a way of life," Kara remarked as she made sure her disguise was securely on and she could change out into her uniform at a second's notice if need be. Granted, she had no idea why a situation could arise, she was at a concert, surely there wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary happening here?
  Then again, it was Harry who told her to be prepared for anything no matter what the circumstances, so why would she argue? The Kryptonian smiled as she soaked in the atmosphere.
  "Hey, Peter," Gwen said as she peered over her shoulder and saw her friend standing there taking a picture. "Jameson's having you take pictures at the concert, I take it?"
  "Yeah, he's thinking that there might be another....another issue," Peter offered and the group crowded around him. "There's been all of these accidents happening at the Dazzler concerts lately and there have been some weird incidents on top of that. The fire alarm went off, nearly ruining the last concert but there was no fire."
  "Sounds like sabotage," Harry commented briskly as he contemplated it. Although it was hard to think with everyone filing in, Harry managed.
  "You think....you think it really could be?" Chloe asked, although the more she thought about it and she had read the reports, she knew that there was going to be some kind of conspiracy theory at play.
  There was no more time to think about that further as the lights went on and the cheers were loud. There were thousands of shrieking fans, with Kara determined to drown them all out, bouncing up and down, and sending her soda flying everywhere. Or she would have, had Harry not charmed the cup and made sure that some hapless idiot got drenched by the Kryptonian's excited antics.
  'Are we sure it's a good idea to give an already hyperactive Kryptonian girl caffeine?' Gwen thought to Harry but he smiled and reached over to grab her hand to give it a reassuring squeeze.
  'It'll be fine, trust me,' Harry thought and Kitty snickered at this response, with Harry giving her a narrowed eyed gaze.
  'Famous last words,' Kitty remarked as she sat back and was ready to enjoy the show.
  The stage lit up and they were all ready to rock and roll. The brunette was bobbing her head up and down in the most excited manner possible. She could hardly wait see the show as it unfolded. The brunette was going to go insane but the blonde disguised as a brunette next to her, she was going equally nuts.
  Peter gave Harry a "can you believe this?" look but he was glad to be in the midst of a different kind of insanity for a change. With the gang war between the Kingpin, Silvermane, and the Master Planner heating up, he was being run rugged every night. At least he got the symbiote off of his back.
  Of course there was a feeling that he could not shake that there was something off about how easily the symbiote slipped off into the night. There was this feeling of dread that coursed through his body and Peter doubted that it was his spider sense going off after all. The young man was ready to take photos, although he wondered if he could get anything tangible for Jameson in this screaming mess of insanity.
  The concert was starting and Alison Blaire stood on the stage. Her blonde hair flowed down to her back, as she was wearing a sequined outfit that zipped up along with a pair of white boots. The bodysuit hung snugly around her body, wrapping around her breasts to the point where cool air could cause her nipples to become erect. She stepped towards the stage as she grabbed the microphone in her hands, grasping it in front of her.
  "Hello everyone!" Alison yelled to the crowd who squealed wildly, well the females at least. "Are you ready to be dazzled?"
  There was a loud pop that resounded from the entire crowd as she began to kick up the music.
  Harry was actually enjoying a nice night out where he did not have to worry about anything, where he could just be himself and enjoy the time with friends and just relax for once in his life.
  Naturally there would have to be some asshole who was going to have to ruin everything, because a day in the life of Harry Potter wouldn't be complete if someone didn't try and stir up some shit.
  Peter stood rigid as his spider sense went off and the lights in the arena began to flicker.
  "You are all traitors to the noble cause of music. You have stirred up the spirit of the King himself and therefore you'll suffer the consequences."
  Kara looked over her shoulder, as did Kitty, Gwen, Chloe, MJ, Liz, Harry, Peter, and everyone else. It was Kitty who decided to break in with the statement that was more aghast than anything anyone could ever imagine.
  "Is that a gang of Elvis look alikes dressed as bikers?" Kitty asked in a puzzled tone.
  Weird question as it was, Harry turned around towards them as the green eyed wizard was keeping his eyes on them to pinpoint a weakness. The Elvis Gang made their way into the crowd and they held laser weapons.
  'They're robots,' Harry thought to Gwen.
  "I'm afraid so," Harry breathed and he locked eyes with Gwen, who nodded. She could use her powers to shut these things down but there were too many witnesses. That's why Harry was waiting to use his powers until after things cleared out a bit.
  "Everyone out, this is not a publicity stunt!" she yelled as the group made their way over.
  Mary Jane and Liz looked around, wondering what was happening as Harry saw Peter going off out of the corner of his eye to change. Kitty and Kara did the same.
  Harry disappeared into the shadows.
  "You're going to pay for besmirching the good name of music," one of the members of the Elvis Gang stated as he stormed. "You have caused the good name of Rock N Roll to be besmirched and you will...."
  Kitty appeared from the other side of the stage and grabbed one of the Elvis drones to yank him into the stage. There was a scream as the clone was being trashed by her beneath the stage.
  Kara dove underneath the attack of the Elvis clones and one of them pulled out a guitar as he aimed it towards the mutant. The guitar was plucked with a few cords being played and there was a blast of energy aimed towards Kara.
  Kara dodged the attack and Spider-Man moved in around the robot, as he ripped the guitar from the hands of the Elvis clones with a line webbing.
  Harry manifested dark energy around them which hurled them up into the air then caused them to come crashing down with a series of sharp cracks. Magic did a wonderful job of short circuiting the Elvis Gang. There was an explosive echo as they blew apart and Harry went to deal with the next wave of attackers.
  Spider-Man appeared next to him as the Elvis Gang rushed forward, nearly trampling some of the crowd that had not escaped.
  'And this is going to hurt,' Spider-Man thought as a part of the ceiling began to collapse.
  The web slinger sent a few lines of webbing to hold it up but in the confusion, one of the bystanders twisted her ankle. She tried to get up to her feet but she collapsed
  Quickly, Kara flew in like a bolt, picking up the girl and carrying her out of harm's way, which allowed Harry to smash his way through the Elvis drones, short circuiting them with his magical attacks.
  "Okay, it's time to send you guys to the Heartbreak Hotel!" Spider-Man stated as he spun in the air and launched his web lines towards his enemies.
  "Really, all that time, and that's what you come up with?" Harry asked him and Spider-Man shrugged his shoulders.
  "Give me a break Arcane, they all can't be winners," Spider-Man offered as he launched himself into the air and sent himself up and down onto the top of the head of one of the drones. The Web Slinger grabbed him around the head then flipping forwards used the momentum to send it smashing into another group of them.
  "Okay, fair enough," Harry conceded, As he moved to deal with another group of enemies.
  The web slinger was taking them down and he kept using his web lines to bust them apart.
  "You're pissing with the King now, son," the head of one of the Elvis bots stated but Kitty jammed a large pole through it, causing it to crumble apart.
  "Yeah right," Kitty said and dumped a speaker onto another two drones, causing them to smash. She wondered how many of these bots there were because the Elvis Posse appeared to be infinite.
  Harry on the other hand, saw a few laser lights pop out from the other end and he saw that Alison was on the stage, trapped as two of the Elvis bots grabbed her with evil intentions in mind. The green eyed wizard blasted towards them.
  Alison was completely flummoxed as he grabbed her around the waist and sprinted her off of the stage. Everything moved by so fast that she could not even reconcile what happened in her mind. Her heart became a flutter as he held her in his arms.
  "Oh my God, you're him!" Alison yelled and Harry smiled at her which caused her to lose her mind. She looked sheepish and tried to maintain some level of dignity. "Um....thanks....for saving me."
  The girl did not know what to do.
  Harry meanwhile was looking around for the debris of the parts and he picked it up. He saw the logo that was on the foot of one of the robots.
  Mister Reo.
  Copyright, Wonder Studios.
  Now Harry was intrigued and he decided to get on the bond link.
  'Hey, Gwen, Chloe, did the two of you get out of here alright?' Harry asked the two of them.
  'Yeah, we're fine,' Chloe confirmed them.
  'I need the two of you to look up something for me,' Harry told them as he kept his eyes on the young pop star in his arms, to make sure she got out of this okay.
  He heard a camera flash and Harry wondered if the Paparazzi were ever off the clock.
  'Anything,' Chloe said to him as she wondered what Harry had up his sleeve but there was a slight tone of trepidation in her tone.
  'Wonder Studios, find out about them for me,' Harry told her and he escorted Alison off the stage, where Kara, Kitty, and Spider-Man following behind them.
  He was going to get to the bottom of this.
  "I'm sorry, I can't believe this," Alison breathed as Harry handed her a cup of coffee which she took graciously with shaking hands and her bright eyes nearly got lost in his.
  "Just take a deep breath and calm down, everything's going to be alright," Harry told her and the blonde nodded frantically.
  Captain Stacy arrived and Harry stepped back to allow him and his men do the work. Harry slid back from her, giving an encouraging smile, as the New York City Police Captain turned towards her.
  "I understand that this isn't the first time that you've been attacked," Captain Stacy said in a stern tone.
  "No...I thought at first....I thought that they were coincidences but...." Alison said but Stacy looked towards her as a gruff but understanding expression appeared on his face. He was trying to piece things together in the back of his head as he wondered what level of insanity he was dealing with.
  "This is premeditated," the police captain told her in a fluid tone of voice as he eyed her and stared her down. The blonde's head nodded up and down numbly as she tried to not lose her cool.
  Death threats and threats from crazed fans and a few haters, that was something that she dealt with although they eventually went away. For every hundred of her great fans, there was always someone who was out to make a name for themselves and try and get a response out of her. The blonde placed a hand on her chin and recalled the first year of her career, there was some guy who got on the stage and tried to propose marriage to her, after stripping naked. He was not the pinnacle of male perfection to say the least and he was at least twice her age.
  "Who could be doing this?" Alison asked.
  Harry was the one who stepped in. "Is there anyone who you could think of that would have the motivation to go after you?"
  Alison placed a hand to her chin and thought really hard, she had been through a lot in a short time but then in a blink of an eye the name came to her.
  "The only person who might hold a grudge against me was Quint Newton," Alison told Harry and his eyes followed hers. "He was my old special effects manager, he got fired over a year ago."
  "Well the only other lead that we have is this," Harry said and Kara, Kitty, and Spider-Man stood around, waiting to see what he would say.
  "Mister Reo, he's the guy who keeps sending me those threatening notes," Alison breathed but then it hit Spider-Man like a ton of bricks. His eyes closed as it hit him and he could not believe he did not put the pieces together sooner.
  "Mister Reo....Mister Reo....MYSTERIO!" Spider-Man shouted as Kara turned towards him, annoyance flashing through her eyes.
  "Thank you, for shouting right into my ear!" Kara shouted hotly.
  "Sorry but it's Mysterio....one of the members of the Sinister Six....we fought him a few months back, he escaped being brought into custody because he was a robot duplicate," Spider-Man reminded Harry and he nodded.
  Harry thought about that and sure enough, Gwen fluttered into the link with a message of her own. He wondered if things were going to get a lot more insane.
  'Well Wonder Studios belongs to one Quintin Beck....who you might remember as Mysterio,' Gwen informed him and Harry smiled which she sensed along with his amusement. 'Yeah, I'll just fill out my late slip now, won't I?'
  'Pretty much, but does the name Quint Newton mean anything to you?' Harry asked Gwen and Gwen grew rigid.
  'Yeah, let me check....Quint Newton was one of the many aliases of Quintin Beck that he used in the Entertainment industry,' Gwen remarked as she wrinkled her nose. 'And yes....he worked on the special effects of Dazzler's concerts.'
  "How did Newton get fired?" Harry asked her, he had an idea but he wanted it confirmed straight from the pop star's mouth.
  Alison got indignant for a second but she kept her emotions calm despite all of that. The blonde's face became extremely flushed.
  "He made his special effects too dangerous and vowed revenge after I fired him," Alison said, recalling the danger that he put everyone through. "Do you think that he's the one behind these accidents?"
  "He would be the type," Spider-Man confirmed. That would be about a year ago, around the time where Mysterio came on around the scene. Knowing him, all of his past crimes were just a way to drum up enough funding so he could prepare for his revenge plot on Alison Blaire.
  "If it's Mysterio, we'll make sure he doesn't get you," Captain Stacy said to the pop star.
  "Mysterio is a master of illusion, he could be anyone in this room, even me or you," Spider-Man remarked and Captain Stacy raised an eyebrow at him which caused the web slinger to back peddle. "Not that I'm accusing you of being Mysterio...."
  'Web head might be onto something,' Harry said as he looked at the security guards with a critical eye.
  "Alison, you're going to hold a press conference today, at the Plaza this afternoon, to reassure your fans," Harry told her and Alison looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Trust me, it will work out for the best."
  Now the blonde pop star was curious and everyone wondered what Harry was planning.
  The wheels were turning as Harry was plotting what he was going to do. He was going to out play Mysterio, to beat an illusionist, he was going to have to use just as much trickery to win the day.
  Of course, Harry was used to being deceptive and he had more than his fair share of ideas. He would not even put the beautiful pop star in question in any danger.
  'Yes, I need you to meet me in ten minutes,' Harry projected to one of his girls at the Stronghold.
  "Thank you for coming here today,' Alison said in a cheerful, bubbly tone of voice as she posed for the camera but nervousness filled her face. There was a few flashes from several of the cameras the paparazzi and reporters in the audience held. The blonde pop star looked around. "I'm sure many of you've found out what happened at last night's show but first, I want to apologize to all of my fans for the events of last night."
  There were a few nods, some of them nervous as the blonde pop star bobbed up and down to scope out the reaction of the crowd, along with anything out of the ordinary. There was a sheepish smile that crossed over her as she tapped the side of the podium that she stood on.
  "I'm being stalked by an embittered former employee of mine but despite everything, he didn't rattle me until he put my fans in direct danger," Alison informed the crowd as she looked around, giving the impression that she was nervous. "I don't care what he does to me but if he puts innocent people in the crossfire, that gets me upset and shows what a sad and pathetic man he really is!"
  Alison's look of intensity was blistering as Harry watched from the crowd with smile on his face. Kara and Kitty were also incognito and Spider-Man watched from the building across the street from the press conference.
  'So far, so good,' Harry thought but there was a fair bit of tension because despite how well this plan was going, there was a chance that everything could go wrong.
  As Harry looked back at some of Mysterio's past crime sprees, the term expect the unexpected should be one that was second nature. Although he did have a flair for the dramatics, he also a weakness for theatrics, which was an Achilles's heel that Harry could exploit given enough time. All he had to do was bait Mysterio into doing something extremely outlandish in a very public setting and he would have him.
  There was an explosive charge and Harry stood on his heels as he listened, his super hearing sharpened and focus as he waited for an indicator of what he had to deal with. There was a moment of a smile as he thought to his girls who stood hidden in amongst the crowd. They thought the exact same thing he did as another explosion resounded and there were people who were looking around, nervously watching.
  'Right on schedule,' Harry thought to himself as he scanned the area with X-Ray vision but no bombs had been planted, always a good sign.
  There was the clip-clop, clip-clop of horse hooves and again Harry waited to see the play. The horse approached the battle and there was a knight astride it as Alison made her way across the stage.
  The knight got onto the stage.
  "Do not despair foul maiden, I shall rescue you and claim the spoils of my victory!" The knight declared boldly and Harry snapped his fingers.
  Everyone ran like they were panicking at the sight of a fire. Kitty and Kara understood that sometimes a bit of mental manipulation was needed to get everyone out of harm's way and that was no more obvious as the crowd scrambled, nearly tripping over their feet as they tried to move out of the way of the way.
  The knight stared him down through the most beady expression that he could be given. The Web Slinger faced off with the knight as the two of them locked gazes with each other, neither of them backing down.
  "Who dares make a mockery out of my quest?" the knight bellowed as he stepped towards him and pulled a sword to attack but a line of webbing latched around it.
  "Yes, I dare mock your quest, what are you going to do about it?" Spider-Man asked as he dropped down to face the knight in battle.
  The knight stared him down through the most beady expression that he could be given. The web slinger faced off with the knight as the two of them locked gazes with each other, neither of them backing down.
  "We need to get you out of here, Miss Blaire," one of the bodyguards whispered as he lead Alison into the waiting limo that he escorted her into.
  Alison was nervously twitching but she managed to stay calm despite the situation. Her driver turned around as he looked at her and the doors locked behind her.
  "Where to, Alison?" he stated with a sadistic smile. "I have you now. You and I are going for a ride, pop princess."
  "Who is taking who for a ride?" Alison asked as she shape shifted into a green girl with red hair and glowing green eyes which caused the driver to be taken aback.
  'Harry, I've got him!' M'gann told him through the link.
  The limo was trapped in place as the driver or rather Mysterio incognito, tried to push his way out of it. No matter how much he tried, he could not break his way out of the limo.
  "You tricked me you tricked me!" Mysterio yelled as he turned around but M'gann phased out of the seat.
  He had not run out of tricks yet and he tapped his finger to a button which caused more than a few explosions to resound all around the vehicle. Mysterio was smug as he managed to get free of the limo.
  A line of webbing wrapped around Mysterio and caught him.
  "You meddlesome fool!" Mysterio shouted at the top of his lungs but he tried to use a concealed blade to break himself out of the webbing.
  "That's me, your friendly neighborhood meddling fool...well I'm not really a fool, but I can be pretty meddling!" Spider-Man shouted as he moved towards Mysterio but he broke out of the webbing.
  Harry was looking for a way to shut down his little knight bots and robo-horses. Most of the crowd had been led away but Mysterio, crafty bugger that he was, had shielded them from electromagnetic interference and thus it blocked a lot of his attacks out.
  Every defense had a hole and Harry closed his eyes as he locked onto them, causing explosions to resound around everyone. The rocking horses began to crumble to the ground, shattering into thousands of little pieces as the knights blew off in their heads.
  Mysterio had tripled apparently as he escaped his webbing but Harry smiled as he utilized his X-Ray vision.
  'One in the middle,' Harry thought to Kitty, who nodded and disappeared, diving through the pavement.
  She then phased from beneath Mysterio which caused his legs to be tangled up in surprise. Mysterio and he was not a fighter. Harry flicked him softly in the side of the head, though that was enough force to cause his knees to buckle and send him to the floor. A loud crunch resounded as his nose connected with the pavement as Harry stepped back.
  "How could you....I had the perfect plan?" Mysterio whined plaintively. His plan was solid gold and now it would be give an unfavorable review by the media, like some hack.
  "It's impossible, how did you know what I had planned?" Beck asked as he was hauled off in a straight jacket for a little quality time in Ravencroft. He was trying to shift out of the straightjacket but there was no way out of his containment. His eyes flared with anger as he was pushed forward, the jacket tightened around him like he was some nutcase.
  Harry smiled at Beck, there was a certain type of mystery that flickered through his tone as he spoke to him.
  "That is the question, isn't it?" Harry asked Beck and there was a few seconds where the Master of Illusion glared at Harry, unable to believe that he had been outgunned and outmaneuvered.
  "You're pathetic," Alison commented as she walked towards him a scowl on her face. "Your stunts were causing more problems and you're angry because I turned you down because I wanted to keep our relationship strictly professional."
  "You don't know the opportunity you could have had," Beck said. "YOU WILL NEVER KNOW THE PLEASURE THAT MANY WOMEN WOULD HAVE TO DREAM OF!"
  Beck was lead away, raving mad.
  "Go ahead, Beck, you know you want to say it," Spider-Man taunted.
  "Say what?" Beck asked him. "What are you blathering about?"
  "That you would have gotten away with it, had it not been for you meddling kids," Spider-Man said and Beck looked angry that he'd stolen his line.
  He was led from some quality time at Ravencraft.
  "So, you were right, that did work out well," Alison offered Harry as she walked shoulder to shoulder with him.
  Harry offered her a warm smile. "Yes....but just a word of advice the next time there's some nutcase who is trying to off you, you might want to take it seriously as a threat."
  Alison's smile crossed her face as she agreed. "Note, that's so noted, that's so noted that it's not even funny."
  "I figured it would be but....I think that you're doing a great thing out there," Harry said to her as the blonde flashed him a dazzling smile. "And you're a positive role model for children out there, and genuine unlike a lot people in the entertainment business. We need a lot more people like you."
  "Yeah....yeah we do," Alison agreed as she sat down on the bench after Harry invited her to do so. The blonde leaned back on the bench, a smile crossing her face as she prepared to unwind after the extremely stressful day she had.
  She had actually saw him up close, perhaps it was her, but Alison suspected that he projected different forms depending on who he was dealing with. Sometimes, he was a dark shape that struck fear in the hearts of criminals everywhere. And the other times, there were times where he was going to project a more kindly and adoring aura, like he was now and she was lost in those green eyes.
  Maybe that was just what she thought, she could be completely off the mark.
  "A-hem," Harry remarked and Alison watched him.
  "Sorry, just lost in my thoughts," Alison commented to Harry.
  'And your eyes,' Alison thought to herself but she projected that thought so loud that Harry could hear it.
  "I'm Harry Potter by the way," Harry whispered in her ear so only she could hear it.
  "You....the Harry Potter," Alison breathed, she had seen news about the young billionaire on the news and a few pictures of him.
  Two of her biggest crushes were one and the same and Alison could not believe it. She felt herself tingle with excitement at him as she placed her hands on her hips.
  Before she could have her moment with Harry, there was always someone who was going to ruin her moment.
  "Aly, baby, that was the best, we should do stuff like that more often," a smooth talking man dressed in a white t-shirt, a loud jacket, and wild pants, with a mullet and a mustache. He wore sunglasses and for some reason he was carrying a megaphone.
  "Who are you?" Harry asked him.
  "Man, you haven't heard of me, let me tell you something, Daddy, you haven't heard of life its self if you hadn't heard of me, baby," the man remarked as he gave an annoying high pitched laugh like a hyena and got on the megaphone to shout out to no one in particular. "Can you believe this kid hasn't heard of Johnny Vegas, only the greatest promoter of all time?"
  The mental reminder clicked in Harry's brain as he remembered now, it was man known as the Pest of the West, Johnny Vegas.
  "So, that's your agent?" Harry asked to Alison.
  "I'm the agent of all of the greatest stars out there, more stars than there are in the solar system, yeah that's right, baby!" Vegas stated as he once again gave his laugh, high pitched and annoying.
  "Yeah, the record label outsourced some of their contracts to him," Alison stated in frustration.
  This man was apparently a famous rock star but it was decades ago with a small time band that no one ever heard of.
  "Didn't you....didn't you manage Crusher Hogan?" Harry asked to him.
  "Ah, yes the Crusher, daddy, his career hit the skids when he lost to Spider-Man, but that no good con artist Vance Bosco, he sold him a bill of goods and then swerved him, he said the Crusher was going over that night," Vegas rambled. "I can't believe this, he slammed Igor the Mighty in front of a hundred million fans and the Mighty died three days later of a heart attack because he was taken down by the Crusher."
  Harry rolled his eyes at the actions of this overgrown cartoon character but he did not say anything other than that. A smile crossed over his face as he fixed his eyes upon hers.
  "Sorry," Alison muttered meekly to him as she faced him as the agent in question walked off. "I'm not sure what to make of him, there are a lot of times where he's trying to relieve his glory days and it's kind of sad, not to mention very pathetic."
  "Yes, it is," Harry agreed with her as he placed his hand on hers and she was surprised by this contact.
  Any other person, she would have gone straight for the pepper spray.
  "So, is everything okay?" Gwen asked as she turned up and Alison Blaire looked up towards her. "I'm Gwen Stacy....I won't say that I'm your biggest fan but I'm a fan and I enjoy your work."
  "Well, that's nice," Alison said her graciously although she looked tense and more importantly tired. "Actually, I don't mean to be that rude....but it's just that I haven't gotten any sleep for a while."
  "Hey, you've been on a tour, you're getting worn down, it's understandable," Gwen said to wave off these apologies.
  "And I want to make sure that Harry understands the gratitude I have towards him," Alison commented as she watched Harry with an adoring expression in her eyes as she kept her eyes locked onto Harry's. "I'd like to give you an autograph, if you don't mind."
  "An autograph?" Harry commented and Alison looked at him with a smile.
  "Yes, Harry, an autograph," Alison commented to him in a knowing voice and she winked at him. The blonde was about ready to lick her lips as she lead him into the trailer.
  Harry knew where this was going and quite frankly, he liked where this was going.
  The blonde made her way into the trailer.
  "You don't mind if I change out of these clothes, do you Harry?" Alison asked him as she watched him for a reaction. "I've been in them since last night."
  "No, not at all," Harry told her as he watched her walk off, her cute ass swaying as she made her way towards the changing room.
  There was a few seconds where Harry waited as he was tempted to use his X-Ray vision but he decided to rein that in. At least barely.
  "Harry, I need your help!" Alison yelled from the other side of the curtain.
  Harry stepped towards her, waiting for the blonde on the other end of the door.
  He saw her laid on the bed. She was dressed in a tight blue bra that wrapped around her amazing D-Cup breasts. Harry saw her sexy face along with her eyes that dripped with so much desire. She had a flat stomach that did not have an ounce of fat on it. Her long legs were dazzling, pardon the pun, as they were wrapped with blue stockings.
  "Harry, I need your help, I'm so stressed out," Alison panted as she got on her hands and knees to practically beg him. "And I need to properly thank you for saving me."
  She smiled and looked over her shoulder.
  "So, Star Child, are you going to show why you're the superior being?" Alison asked as she saucily smiled at him.
  "So, you're part of the church," Harry commented as he reached behind her and spun her around.
  "Yes, now show me what you can do," Alison confirmed as his lips pressed upon hers and her eyes screwed shut as his lips worked around hers with a long kiss. The green eyes of Harry locked onto her blue eyes, as Harry draped her over his lap.
  The two of them kissed each other and their arms wrapped around each other. Harry laid back on the mattress, and he made sure that they were not disturbed until he wanted them to be disturbed.
  The blonde straddled Harry, as she worked over his shirt and ran her hands over his muscular chest and started to kiss him. The blonde's kissing began even more passionate.
  "Are you ready to be dazzled?" Harry asked to her as he placed his hands on her body and worked her undergarments off of her.
  "Corny," Alison remarked to him but she was smiling never the less. Harry worked his hands down her as she worked his pants off, admiring his body. "Mmm, I think I'm going to enjoy this."
  Alison pulled his pants off to reveal his stiffening manhood and the blonde licked her lips lustfully as she ran her hand up and down his length.
  "Yes, I think I'm really going to enjoy this," she repeated as she worked her hand down his throbbing length, her hand stroking him slowly.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Alison dropped her mouth around his throbbing length and wrapped her lips tightly around him as she used her hand to fondle his balls. She felt his engorged penis grow in her mouth and it felt so good to feel such a hunk of manhood pushing into her mouth. The blonde was working her mouth around him and pushed more of him down her throat as she bobbed up and down onto him. She bobbed up and down onto him hungrily.
  "Fucking hell, you're so hot," Harry breathed as he ran his hands down the body of the young, sexy pop star who worked her mouth around him. Harry got a thrill that most men would give their left nut for.
  And she was saving herself for someone special and that someone special was her mouth wrapped around his cock. She had gotten into the Church, mostly out of her amusement, but now in case she was mistaken, she was the first person in the church to actually get herself a real piece of the Star Child.
  That would give her some points and Alison wrapped her lips around him, her tightness wrapped around his throbbing length and she used her hand to stimulate his balls, working his member in her.
  "I want to taste that sweet pussy," Harry told her and the two got into a sixty nine position.
  Alison felt his amazing tongue bury into her dripping wet cunt and Harry was using his tongue to roam around her. His tongue stroked around her insides and he kept licking her dripping cunt, bringing more of his tongue strokes, causing her to grind her center onto him. The more she felt, the more amazing she was. The blonde was slowly losing herself to the sensations of him.
  Alison worked her lips around Harry and started to bring him harder but the more her pussy tingled with desire, the more she wanted him in her.
  The blonde's lips removed from him and Alison cupped his cup in her hand.
  "I want that in me," Alison stated and he pinned her back, his cock aimed at her dripping pussy.
  "Are you sure you can handle this?" Harry asked her as he pinned her arms back onto the bed.
  Alison looked at him with adoring eyes as lust burned from them. She nodded her head up and down and the blonde's gaze focused on him. She licked her lips at the anticipation of him.
  "Yes, yes, please," Alison begged as she craved his touches.
  He caressed her body and gave her some teasing strokes as he started to kiss up and down her body. He worked his mouth over the side of her neck and cupped her creamy breasts and kissed the nipples as he worked his tongue between the cleavage.
  "Oh god," Alison moaned as he cupped her and licked her cleavage before his tongue worshiped her breasts.
  "If you think so highly of me," Harry commented as he worked his fingers into her cunt, teasing her even more.
  "You are....my god, let me worship you," Alison stated but she found her arms too heavy to lift. It was weird, there were no bindings.
  "You can worship me with that sweet little pussy," Harry told her as he worked his length into her and then slammed into her.
  Alison saw stars as his cock slammed into her and immediately she felt his thrusts bury into her. The blonde's cunt tightened around him as he brought his length into her and smashed into her pussy. The blonde's gushing cunt was taking so much of his meat into her.
  "Harry, please, faster, I can handle it," she breathed as she lifted her hips and the blonde was showing her gratitude as his throbbing length pushed into her.
  She dreamed about this but this was not quite about anything like she dreamed.
  It was far better.
  Harry worked his throbbing length into Alison's dripping cunt and worked himself into her, thrusting deeply into her. He was balls deep into this hot pop star and he kept working into her, her legs tightened around him. The blonde wrapped herself around him and waited as he worked more of his length into her.
  "Yes, keep taking me," Alison panted heavily as Harry's length speared into her and the blonde closed her eyes tightly as the green eyed wizard worked into her.
  The blonde's cunt was very tight, although her resistance had been broken. Judging by her fit body, she was a very active girl in other means and she was able to go the distance. Judging by the way her back arched, she was supremely flexible and Harry grabbed her legs, hoisting them up into the air and hammering her tightness with his throbbing penis. The blonde was moaning beneath him.
  Alison's eyes got rather blurry as she saw a brunette girl and a second blonde girl behind her.
  "Hi, I'm Kara," the blonde said as she gave Alison a friendly kiss in greeting.
  "And I'm Kitty," Kitty said to her as she kissed Alison as well. "And we're too of your biggest fans, and we'd like to show your appreciation."
  Kitty cupped Alison's right breast and Kara cupped Alison's left breast as they started to lick on them. Harry pumped his throbbing cock into her dripping wet pussy, her tightness wrapped around him.
  "Yes," Alison breathed as these two girls were sucking her nipples.
  Kitty smiled as she latched her mouth around Alison's nipple and started to suck on it. If she did not make a play for Harry, her and Kara plotted to kidnap her and bring her into the Sanctum so they could educate her on his merits.
  Thankfully she was a smart girl so they were able to do this. She indulged herself in Harry's throbbing cock as it worked into her.
  Harry saw the hotness that was Kara and Kitty sucking the nipples of the sexy young pop star as they fingered each other's dripping wet cunts. The two of them worked themselves into each other as they kept working into each other. Their fingers pumped into each other harder.
  Kitty was really feeling the pleasure but Kara's fingers were replaced by something long and hard. The brunette's eyes nearly went wild as Harry pumped himself into her dripping wet cut, working into her. The brunette was losing herself to the sensations of his throbbing length, working himself into her. The brunette squeezed him fairly hard as he worked into her.
  A second Harry gave Kara more of the same from behind. Her warm and tight cunt walls accommodated as Harry planted kisses on the back of her neck. The blonde felt his throbbing length work into her.
  Alison looked up through foggy pleasure and lust as Harry worked into her. This young man was quite gifted as was the women who were being fucked from behind by two other versions of Harry. The blonde's tightness enveloped him.
  'Yes, Harry, love it, deep into me,' Kitty panted, every time her man fucked her, she felt stronger, more durable, and had much more energy. She could not really explain it, other than the fact that she was hopelessly addicted to his cock and she was determined to take all of him into her.
  Harry pumped his length into the brunette, feeling her tightness wrap around him and the brunette squeezed him with her walls. Harry grabbed her around the breasts and kept pumping himself into her.
  'That's it, you're mine, you belong to me,' Harry breathed as he planted light kisses on the back of her neck and it felt like their organs joined each other even more thanks to their abilities.
  Kitty fluttered her eyes shut as she took more of his hard cock into her pussy and the brunette felt his balls slap against her hips. She worked back into his thrusts.
  Kara's panting escalated as well, she was being drilled by his throbbing length as it pushed into her. The blonde's pussy tightened around him as she took more of his length inside her.
  Harry felt like his cock was being worked out of this super tight pussy, that could crush coal into diamonds. It fit his cock well and he hammered her at full force, which caused Kara's sucking of Alison's nipples to become even more frantic and lust ridden.
  The pop star closed her eyes, she could not believe how much pleasure she was feeling from this, the sensations were going to cause her to slowly become undone. His thick length penetrated her there and his cock continued to hammer her. Not to mention these two beauties who were licking and suckling on her nipples, bringing her pleasure to an entirely new level.
  Harry could feel the sensations of his cock being wrapped in these three snug pussies. The blonde arched her hips up, squeezing her tightness around him. He pumped himself into the young pop star with a series of super rapid thrusts that buried into her and she pumped her hips up to meet his incoming thrusts.
  "Fuck yes, fuck me, harder," Alison panted as she breathed loudly. "CLAIM MY CUNT FOR YOURS. CONQUER ME HARRY, CONQUER ME!"
  That loud declaration was yelled and Harry was drilling himself into her dripping cunt, working himself into her. The blonde pushed herself against his throbbing length as she wrapped her hands around him.
  He kept pumping into her at super speed and worked her cunt with deeper thrusts. The blonde's eyes closed shut as Harry kept pumping his way into her.
  Kitty was feeling the sensations of him and she could tell that he felt her warm cunt wrap around him. She was about ready to take more of his seed into her and it was going to fill her up nicely.
  One of the Harry's pumped his explosion range of juices into Kitty and the brunette shrieked at the top of her lungs as Harry continued to pump his essences into her.
  Harry pumped his juices into Kara on the other end and the two dupes, not being as long lasting although having lasted for several hours already, blew his sticky loads into them.
  Kara and Kitty rested in a sixty nine position as Harry continued to pump his length deep into the pussy beneath him.
  Alison was shrieking and using her legs to wrap around him, tightly bringing his length into her. The blonde felt explosions go off in her mind the more of him she took into her. He was so big but he was more than that, he was extremely skilled. The pleasures caused explosive erotic desire to flood through her body. The pussy of this blonde goddess continued to envelope around his thick length and he hammered into her.
  Harry was reaching his edge and he worked his throbbing length into her, pushing himself into her pussy as he drilled into her a few more times. He watched Kitty and Kara eating his cum out of each other's pussies and that brought him to the edge.
  Harry grabbed Alison around the hips and launched his burning seed into Alison's chambers. The pop star screamed and felt his length hammer her, her pussy closing around him and she tightened around him, feeling a job well done.
  She laid back on the bed, sufficiently fucked and loving it.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.
  Symbiotic Part One
  Chapter Eighteen: Symbiotic Part One.
  Harry thought about what happened over the last couple of days, including the Dazzler concert. Alison and Harry agreed to keep in touch and she hinted that she would come back into town before too long, to get an encore of his performance in the bedroom. He made his way through the hallways of the Stronghold and walked towards his chambers to kick back and relax for the night.
  There was a shadowed figure in his room. Harry looked around and lifted his head, ready to attack the person but she struck first and in the good way.
  Betsy grabbed Harry and tackling him onto the bed begin kissing him passionately. Her tongue worked into his mouth and the woman ran her hands down his body, as her legs wrapped around him she continued to work her tongue within his mouth, assaulting his tonsils and Harry returned fire, pushing his tongue back into hers.
  Harry could get behind an ambush like this, her arms wrapped around him as she kept kissing him lustfully as their tongues clashed together for dominance and Harry wrapped his arms tighter around her, keeping his lips pressed onto hers. He felt her nice ass, and great breasts as he ran his hands through her purple hair.
  Harry backed off as Betsy broke the kiss.
  "Hi, Harry," Betsy commented with a lustful purr as she worked her hands into his shirt and started to tug it off.
  "Hi, Betsy," Harry remarked as she worked her hands down to his pants so she could worked his belt open, before slipping her grip down below his pants. "So, not that I'm complaining but what do I owe the pleasure?"
  Betsy hummed lightly as she worked her hands down her body. He saw the tight shirt that she wore and the even tighter pants. She turned around even so briefly to make sure the door was secured which was more of an excuse for Harry to get an amazing look at her ass. Harry saw it sway enticingly in his face and agreed that it was a treat.
  "Well....I've noticed that you've kept the company of several young women so far," Betsy stated as she pulled his pants down and she gripped his package quite shamelessly. "And I want a piece of you and I want a piece of all of this."
  Betsy gripped him as she ran her finger down him and she arched her hips a slight bit to the side. The purple haired mutant wrapped her legs around him.
  "And I've run into you in the state of shagging some of those women and I don't think that I can go without having a piece for too long," Betsy commented as she licked her lips and pressed them over Harry's.
  Harry smiled as he figured that it would be sooner or later but since she jumped him, she was going to take everything that he could give her and then some.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Betsy felt his burning lips on hers and he kissed like magic in more ways than one. This was something that she dreamed about although it was the type of kissing that words could not even describe. His hands roamed, working over her body and worked her shirt off of her.
  Harry saw her luscious breasts bounce out, her sexy tanned frame was a sight to behold and he reached down her pants, brushing his fingers across her moist entrance. He was pleased at what he felt and continued to work his fingers down her.
  "Mmm, yes," Betsy panted as he worked his fingers deep into her dripping snatch and worked into her. The woman pushed into her pussy and Harry kept working his fingers into her, teasing her.
  This teasing was not enough for her, she needed to have it. He worked her pants off and then Betsy got on her hands and knees and saw a picture perfect view of her ass, along with her toned body. Her pussy dripped for him with her shaven bare, so Harry had no way of telling if that purple hair color was natural or not.
  "I wonder if it tastes as good as it looks," Harry commented as he went between her legs and started to munch on her pussy.
  Betsy was brought into new levels of bliss and glee as Harry munched on her cunt. The woman grabbed her tits and his mouth worked his tongue around her pussy. The woman pushed herself out and he was going to town on her pussy with his tongue. She wanted to grab that cock but she was too distracted by the sensations of his tongue going into her.
  Harry lapped up her pussy and her mind caught a lustful thought of his.
  'Are you enjoying yourself?' Harry asked her as he worked his tongue into her and the woman pushed her pussy into his tongue.
  'Yes, love, oh I'm cumming so hard,' Betsy panted as Harry grabbed her tits as well and she moaned as he channeled her magic into it.
  The two of them got into a sixty nine position and Betsy wrapped her mouth around his cock to suck on his hard pole.
  Harry submerged himself as in the pleasure as Betsy worked her mouth around him. The purple haired mutant worked herself around him, bringing more of his throbbing length down her mouth as the two of them kept working to each other. She was pushing her throat around him and Betsy pushed her throat muscles against each other. The mutant pressed herself down upon him.
  She took his flesh pole down his throat, sucking and making lewd sounds as she kept working her mouth around him. The woman was breathing as Harry pumped his cock into her. She worked her pussy up into his face and the two of them pleasured each other's lower organs.
  Harry continued to lick her dripping wet cunt, working his tongue into her and the woman pushed her pussy into him. The woman panted as Harry's tongue lick into her walls and there was panting as Harry worked his length into her.
  Their centers were wet and lubricated. Betsy pulled out of him and grabbed him on the bed, pushing him back.
  "You want it," Harry breathed as he rolled her over and her legs wrapped around him. His hands wrapped his hands around her tight ass and smiled. "You really do want it."
  "Yes, indulge me, Harry," Betsy panted as he grabbed his hand around her and squeezed her tit.
  This sensation was causing her pussy to drip with pleasure and Harry rubbed his throbbing length against her pussy. The woman felt her pleasure centers escalate as Harry grabbed her around the ass and pushed himself up. Betsy moaned as Harry grabbed her around the ass and plunged his throbbing cock into her.
  "YES!" Betsy shrieked as Harry slammed into her, working into her tight walls and hammered into her. There were a series of deep thrusts as Harry kept working into her. His length pushed into her and the woman rocked her hips back.
  She offered a lot of lustful moans as Harry worked his length into her, burying his cock into her and pushing into her, like he was a heat seeking missile. The woman wrapped herself around him and took more of his length as it pumped into her pussy, working his throbbing length into her and the woman grabbed her legs, locking them around him. The purple haired woman panted with lustful desire.
  Harry felt her tightness hug around him and Harry used his leverage to hammer into her. The woman moaned as he worked her breasts and he kissed the peak between them, hammering his throbbing length into her to drill into deeper yet. Her pussy was snuggly wrapping around him.
  Betsy's eyes flushed over as Harry hammered into her tight pussy and Harry kept working into her, sliding his length in and out of her. The woman lifted her hips and met him, thrusting his cock into her center. The woman panted heavily as Harry hammered into her. He worked his hands into her breasts and her nipples poked out enticingly for him.
  "So fucking hot," Harry managed as he worked into her.
  "Yes, I....I need you, keep working me," Betsy panted as he kept working her pussy.
  Harry speared his length into her and buried more of him as he brought this sexy mutant to another orgasm. She was panting lustfully as he buried himself into her and her walls kept wrapping around him, bringing his throbbing length into her over and over again. Her tight pussy kept working around him and Harry pumped her, working his member into her.
  The woman panted as Harry buried his length into her and kept working himself deeper into her. Betsy wrapped her legs around him and Harry pulled out of her as he teased her.
  Betsy could not believe it but this was going to happen. She was on the bed primed for him.
  "I'm going to take this ass like I own it," Harry commented as he cupped her pussy and teased it as he ran his hand down her crack which caused the woman to shiver a tiny bit. The woman was panting heavily as Harry kept working over ass crack over.
  "Oh bloody hell," Betsy panted s he licked the inside of her ass crack and this caused bolts of pleasure to course through her body. She felt her hands and ankles bound to the bed and her enticing ass towards him, ready to be tapped.
  "I'm going to tap that ass and it's such a lovely ass to tap," Harry stated as he slapped her firm ass for emphasis.
  "Harry, don't tease me love, bugger my bum," Betsy panted as she felt herself grow supremely wet at the thought of Harry taking her up the ass and cumming inside it over and over.
  The young mutant was proud of her body and the fact Harry was giving a work over, it caused her to feel amazing sensations of lust. His throbbing length went over her tightest hole and he teased this opening with everything that he had. She panted as she waited for it to happen and the woman was about ready to feel the sensations of this large cock plunged into hot ass.
  Betsy wiggled her bum so enticingly next to his face and Harry had to take the plunge.
  "FUCK!" Betsy yelled as Harry hammered her ass with his length and punished her with everything that he had. His balls slapped against her thighs and he kept working into her, her tightness hugging around him as he kept drilling her ass with his length.
  Harry was having the time of his life as he buried his thick length into her, working his center into her super hot and tight ass. Betsy was moaning as she bit down on her lip but Harry grabbed her and worked his meat between her tight buns.
  "Yes....more....give me more...my ass can't live without your big cock," Betsy panted as Harry hammered into her tight rectum, bringing himself over and over out of it. The woman pushed herself into him and worked back into her.
  Harry cupped her tit in his hand and the woman was panting heavily as Harry worked into her. Her right tit and then her left tit, sucking them as he worked his rod into her.
  "Finish me, finish off my ass!" Betsy yelled as she sounded like she was in heat and if she was going to ask for it, well Harry was going to give it to her. His throbbing length hammered her tight ass and he hammered her from behind, bringing himself into her over and over again, working her over. The woman was screaming out loud and Harry kept drilling into her from behind.
  "So hot, so tight, and so close," Harry grunted. "Do you want me to finish in your ass, pussy, or both?"
  Betsy was confused by this question and her hormones were driving her completely insane. She managed to blurt out with a strained. "Both."
  Harry obliged as he separated in half nd shifted the position.
  One Harry slammed his cock into Betsy's perfect pussy and the other stayed the course, ramming his thick length into her delectable ass.
  'Double my pleasure....double my fun,' Betsy panted as she was losing herself to the sensations and she could sense him getting closer to a climax.
  She must have been brought towards hers several times tonight and her body began to shake all over as she twitched beneath him. His length buried into either side of her and two holes were filled up with prime Potter penis and she loved it. She could not get enough of it.
  Her mind exploded with sensations as he exploded, sending his spurts of cum into both her ass and pussy. This caused her nipples to stiffen hardly and she felt herself nearly be fucked stupid by him as he pumped his load into her on either end.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  "You're recruiting seems to have gone well."
  Susan walked with Harry through the hallways of the school with a smile on her face.
  "How are you settling in with classes?" Harry asked Susan and the blonde nodded.
  "It's a refreshing change from dealing with Mole Man or Puppet Master or any villain of the week that the Fantastic Four faces," Susan admitted to Harry and she smiled. "I have to get back to teaching them. There are a lot of gifted students in the class."
  "They're a spirited group," Harry commented to her and Susan responded with a nod.
  "Yes, they are, but given that I have plenty of experience dealing with Johnny after practically raising him by myself, I don't think that I'll have a problem," Susan told him and Harry nodded with a smile as he grabbed her into a tight hug in response.
  "Yeah, good luck, I wish you the best of it," Harry remarked to her as he paused. "See you later, Sue."
  Susan earned a nice kiss from Harry and their lips connected with each other. The two went their separate ways and agreed to pick this up later as Harry made his way into his office, to see if he was going to get any calls.
  Just as he entered the office, he got a call immediately. With a smile, Harry put the call online.
  "Harry, did I catch you at a bad time?" Chloe asked as she appeared and paused. She saw Harry's image appear in front of her and he saw hers appear in front of him. They were going face to face with each other in the office.
  Chloe was about to ask how he was doing it but then she realized that the logical answer to that was magic, or technology so advanced it seemed like magic. When it doubt, the logical answer was always magic even if magic lacked logic.
  "No, Chloe, not a bad time," Harry told her.
  "I was thinking about something that we touched upon the other day," Chloe said and Harry invited her to continue. "The Torch....we could expand our readership if we go beyond the walls of the school."
  "Yes and they wouldn't have a legal leg to stand upon if they tried to shut you down," Harry offered as he placed his hands on his head. He was thinking about the potential for the Torch and the readership, while decent, was only one school. Harry thought that he could use the power of the Internet to expand it greatly.
  If the Friends of Humanity were going to use the media to spread their lies, Harry was going to use the Internet himself to spread some counterpoints. It was an intelligent battle tactic, to fight fire with fire. His emerald eyes focused on Chloe's.
  "It's up to you what you want to do, if you want to go up against them, Creed might target you," Harry said to her but Chloe shook her head.
  "No, Creed....Creed's not a problem for me," Chloe admitted with a smile crossing her face although there was a tiny bit of nervousness crossing her eyes as well. Despite that fact, the blonde kept her tone calm and very even. She was not about to get flustered by any means. "Creed's nothing to me, nothing at all, and I'll.....well I'll figure out a way to survive."
  "I'll even set you up with a nice office and everything, right here in the Stronghold," Harry told her.
  Chloe could not resist giving him a teasing smile. "I don't know, a converted Janitor's closet is tradition and I would hate to have it go to waste."
  "Well I'm sure you'll get over it, sooner or later," Harry told the blonde and her head inclined with a nod. He stepped towards her and reached towards her hologram. He raised an eyebrow towards her and there was a few seconds as both of them locked eyes with each other. "So are you in or are you out?"
  Chloe, once again, could not resist making a quip. "You know, the way you phrase that, no offense, but it sounds like you're working for the mob."
  "Well, I did make you an offer that you couldn't refuse," Harry told Chloe and the blonde's eyebrow raised as she kept her gaze locked on Harry. "So are you in or are you out?"
  Chloe smiled as she took Harry's hand and she looked a bit surprised.
  "Is there a problem?" Harry asked her as he felt Chloe's soft flesh in his hand and he shook her hand. The blonde watched him, keeping her glance zeroed in on him.
  "It's just....I'm kind of surprised, that's all," Chloe remarked as she looked at him. "I mean, I see you in the room with me and I'm sure you see me in the room with you but....how is this possible?"
  Harry decided to respond to her question with a smile that crossed his face and got even wider by the second. "Do you want the short answer or the overly long and complicated answer?"
  Chloe smiled, it was tempting to get the complicated one but she decided to go for the easy one.
  "Yeah, let's go for the easy one," Chloe commented to Harry and Harry smiled as he placed his hand on the side of his face.
  "Magic," Harry remarked in a single word.
  "Of course it is," Chloe offered as she threw her head back and sighed as she placed her hand on the side of her face. The blonde woman kept her eyes focused on him. "So, are their any limitations to this little set up?"
  "The only limitation is your own imagination," Harry stated to Chloe and the blonde fixed her gaze on him, turning her head to the left and then back to Harry. She placed her hands back onto her hips and she stepped towards him, staring him down.
  "Be careful, Potter, my imagination can be very vivid," Chloe warned him and he smiled back at her.
  "Be careful what you wish for, Sullivan, mine can be as well," Harry remarked as he placed his hand on her cheek and the blonde felt his hand against her skin. She then also felt her lips on his as Harry kissed her hard despite them being in separate locations.
  The blonde's eyes widened as she had a chance to feel Harry up a little bit and she could really feel him despite the fact that they were technically holograms. The two of them wrapped their arms and their legs around the other as their tongues tangled together before the two of them pulled away from each other.
  "Well, that gives a new meaning to phone sex," Chloe quipped to Harry as she placed her hand on her hip. "You can regulate this, can't you?"
  "Yes, depends on the person that I'm calling," Harry told her and Chloe nodded.
  "You mean whether or not they're figured in," Chloe said to Harry and Harry smiled.
  "Exactly," Harry said, they all knew what it was meant to be figured in. The emerald eyed wizard placed his hands on her waist.
  "I'd like to explore the benefits of this but I've got work to do," Chloe said with excitement dancing through her eyes as she brushed her fingers against him. "Talk to you later Harry."
  "Bye, Chloe, take care," Harry offered as he ran his hands down the side of her face.
  Harry needed to get to the company that he'd set up and make sure the employees were settling in. He made his way towards the wall and pushed his hand onto it.
  "RAO Corporation, main lobby," Harry stated as he closed his eyes and he vanished with a pop.
  Harry stepped into the main lobby, surrounded by his employees, attractive females all, the best and the brightest, as far as the eyes could see. He smiled as he made his way towards a woman in a business suit, with a pair of glasses resting on her nose.
  "Hey, Jen, do you have those documents in order?" Harry asked.
  Jennifer "Jen" Walters, had stayed on after Wanda's case as Harry's official legal representative, smiled at him. The woman's smile widened further as she thought about the papers in her arms.
  "Yes, all of the copyrights, all of the trademarks, every legal detail is here, and yes....what you're planning on doing with Creed is legal....providing that you can back it up," Jen informed Harry.
  Harry waved his hand with a smile on his face at he kept his eyes on his legal representative. "Believe me Jen, I know it's legal, there have been accounts of mutants being attacked and also people who have been accused of being mutant lovers and harboring family members and friends."
  "Creed just needs to accuse a mutant hater of supporting them and we've got a hell of a slander lawsuit on our hands," Jen said although she figured that if anyone deserved a heavy lawsuit thrown their way, it was Creed. The Friends of Humanity, it was on shaky legal ground to begin with. Creed was playing the freedom of speech card, which was amazing because the group is working towards limiting any freedoms, whether it be speech or otherwise."
  "And about the legalities of the MRD thing...."
  "Well on the books, the MRD can be justified as a force to take down dangerous mutants like the Brotherhood and the Acolytes that normal authorities do not have the ability to go after without it ending badly," Jen told him as she looked to the side. "You would think that Fury would step up his game in an attempt to figure out something to counteract people like Osborn and Trask."
  Harry would have thought so as well but naturally any peace keeping force going against mutants needed to be handled with care. It was like with any attempt to take down with dangerous groups of people, it is extremely hard dealing with people like them.
  "We're just going to do as much as we can to balance the fight, the Torch and the Bugle will be are greatest weapons against people like Creed," Harry offered Jen and she placed her hand on her chin, nodding in agreement.
  "It would be," Jen agreed with Harry as she checked her watch. "I've got to go, if you need anything else, you've got my number."
  "Yeah, I do," Harry told her and Jen turned around to walk off.
  Harry turned around and saw a twenty three year old redhead standing in the background of the office with him. She had long red hair and blue eyes that fixed onto him. The business suit wrapped nicely around her and stockings covered her delicious legs, the muscles highlighted further by a pair of high heeled shoes that she wore to enhance them.
  "Hi, Lana, what can I do for you today?" Harry asked to the redhead.
  "Well, I've had a busy morning thanks to all of the things that you've put on my shoulders," Lana remarked to Harry and he smiled as she lead him towards her office so they could talk in private.
  "Yeah, you got thrown in the deep end," Harry remarked to Lana and the redhead nodded as they finally reached her office and she lead him inside. "The Church...."
  "Not too serious I hope?" Lana asked him.
  "No, not too serious," Harry remarked to her as he watched the woman. "It's just something that you have to deal with. I'm looking into recruiting new girls but I have to be careful as some of their powers need special attention to deal with before I integrate them into the rest of the class."
  "Well it's a hell of a way to spend my first official week on the job," Lana offered to him and Harry nodded.
  "Yeah, you got thrown in the deep end," Harry remarked to Lana and the redhead nodded as she lead into her office. "The Church...."
  "Your meeting with them is still on for October 30th and....I've made sure to get the word out to all the interested parties," Lana said to him and Harry nodded. "So you're more than good to go on that."
  "I'm glad, I'm going to have to treat you to a dinner or at least some time off," Harry told her.
  Lana smiled at him. "Who am I to turn down a free meal?"
  "Well, keep working hard, I've got an appointment to keep at the Bugle," Harry remarked and Lana sunk down in the chair behind her desk.
  Being the official personal assistant of Harry Potter was something that could be extremely stressful for most but Lana was not going to shy away from a bit of hard work. Plus the perks outweighed the stress one hundred percent of the way.
  Not to mention the job paid well.
  Norman Osborn tapped his fingers lightly on the surface of his desk and kept his expression calm and collected or at least what passed as calm and collected for him. The man's expression flickered with a combination of annoyance and also curiosity.
  The fools in the MRD were fighting him with regards to what he felt needed to be done despite the fact that it was his millions funding the organization. This government couldn't competently run a lemonade stand much less run their own house. The head of OsCorp filed through the papers and crossed out their plans, while making many notes in the margins about improvements that he expected. He was going to send these corrections in and he expected them to be implemented.
  His thoughts were also on the alien creature that had slipped out of his possession just as he got his hands upon it. Osborn placed both of his hands on the table as he kept tapping his fingers against the surface of the wood as he thought about it further, his face twisting into a sadistic grin. If he could figure out a way to use this organism for his own pleasure than he would be able to amplify his power and enhance the goblin formula.
  He had only a tiny sample of it and wondered of its potential if he could get a bigger sample. He would make the person who stole it pay as he kept his eyes on the flickering piece of goo as it wiggled in the case. It was tiny, no smaller than a pinprick but Norman sensed the power and he would get the larger sample back.
  He knew from the minimal preliminary tests that the holder of the suit would come out of hiding to seek out the rest, all he would have to do would allow the thief to hang himself in his own noose. Norman kept expression stoic and he was able to exhibit patience. The power would come to him and be placed in the palm of his hand. His eyes continued to maliciously watch over everything that happened around him.
  It would be his and the thought of that power danced through his eyes. Osborn continued to go over these thoughts in his mind but stopped and turned his head around to face his office door as he heard footsteps approaching from the other side. Someone would have to be pretty brazen and fairly foolish to come around and bother him at this time. Osborn wondered who that could be and he peaked over his shoulder.
  There was a brief knocking on the door and then the person entered not bothering to wait to be acknowledged.
  A middle aged man dressed in a suit entered the office. He had stern features with long dark hair and he had his eyes fixed upon Norman.
  "Well, what do I owe the pleasure, Lionel," Norman remarked as he looked up towards his half-brother.
  Lionel Luthor was the half brother of Norman Osborn and although he held shares in OsCorp, he ran the partner company in the Midwest, out of Kansas, called LuthorCorp. Norman did not pay too much attention as it was running at a profit. Therefore he would focus on things on the East Coast without too many problems.
  "What, I can't visit family without an inquisition?" Lionel commented in a dry tone of voice as he turned his head around taking in every detail of the office around him. "So....you've been busy, haven't you, my dear brother?"
  "Frankly you can't put a schedule on saving the world," Norman commented to Lionel and there was an uncomfortable pause.
  "Yes, I've heard about your plans regarding the MRD and how you seem to be pouring more time and resources into it, not to mention your mad quest regarding....aliens," Lionel commented to him in a crisp voice. "I won't lie to you Norman, the Board of Directors are very concerned about how your continued obsessions are effecting business."
  "They don't understand what I have to do," Norman stated to him as his eyes flickered with malice and his fingers twisted.
  Lionel's smile became malicious as he looked at his half brother as things were slowing down for all of them. He twitched his fingers as he held a folder in his hands.
  "Well, they're concerned about where the company's resources are going and they fear for your mental health," Lionel said to him with a smile. "And from a personal and professional standpoint, I am concerned about your ability to distinguish fantasy from reality."
  "Your concern is noted," Norman remarked to him in a swift tone of voice as he stared Lionel down for a few seconds but Lionel stared back down at him. "But you know that I know what I'm doing."
  "Do you? you've suffered several psychotic breaks Norman, the fact your using company resources to satisfy your personal obsessions is known to them as well," Lionel commented as he held the folder in his hand. "And soon, you're going to have to justify your actions to them."
  Lionel deposited the document down on the table and shifted his attention to focus on Norman. Time seemed to tick down in slow motion as he kept his gaze firmly locked upon his half brother's face.
  "What is this?" Norman demanded from him as he looked it over and Lionel's face twisted into a sadistic grin, resembling a demented Cheshire cat.
  "A little bedtime reading for you, Norman, it might put things in perspective," Lionel told him. "I hope you understand that I only do this because I care."
  Norman took the folder in his hand, turning it over in his hand and he was incensed that he had been tricked in such a way. He angrily flickered his eyes over it as he kept his hand on the documents.
  "I'll see you later but I have to meet with some of the shareholders to speak about the future of the company," Lionel offered.
  "Enjoy yourself Lionel," Norman said in a frigid tone of voice as he held the papers in his hand as he kept reading it over, incensed.
  He could not even believe that something like this happened and his eyes closed shut as he thought about it. Norman Osborn had been outmaneuvered but it was only check, not checkmate and he was going to win the day. His hands moved around the folder in his hand as he continued to look it over. The documents looked perfectly legal and fairly legit to the point where he was about to crumple them in his hands. He had no idea who leaked his medical records to Lionel but when he found out who, he would kill them.
  Norman was going to fight fire with fire as he reached towards the phone but his intercom came up.
  "A man dressed in a black suit that resembles Spider-Man has been sighted," the man over the intercom stated to him.
  "No one do anything, I'll be right there,' Norman said as he was going to capture the suit and as for the person in it, sacrifices were going to need to be made.
  "Sir, you've got to think about this the right way, think about all the potential that my client, Eddie Brock, offers you. He can take your Bugle to new heights
  Jameson leaned back in his desk chair and faced the man who was standing across from him, unable to believe the drivel that was flying out of this individual's mouth.
  "New heights....I think you have a depth perception problem!" Jameson bellowed as everyone who was around him cringed at being blasted by his lack of indoor voice.
  The short bald man with a ponytail coming out of his baseball cap, wearing a suit that stretched around his portly frame cringed back before moving forwards to face Jonah once more.
  "I don't think you understand, my client, is one of the premier photographers in the world, he's a real beast, and you seem to think that some wise ass punk kid could even hold his jock," the agent remarked. "I, Vince Brayman, can not take this rampant level of disrespect laying down...."
  "Disrepect!" Jameson yelled as he turned towards the man. "That's rich, that's really rich, given that this jack-off gave me a bunch of substandard shit."
  "Sir I have to...."
  "Shove it Brayman, you come to me here with the grand total of nothing and the square root of squat!" Jameson yelled as he looked towards the man who was standing before him.
  "My client...."
  "Enough!" Jameson yelled as he started to wave his hand with frantic fury as he kept his eyes locked onto them. There was a few seconds where he kept his eyes locked on the face of his former employee. "I'd only consider giving you your job back if you bring me something tangible, like photos of Spider-Man or Arcane or the Star Child that aren't blurred out all to hell!"
  "My client...."
  "Does your client have anything?" Jameson asked as he stepped towards Brock but Brock stepped towards him. Both were staring each other down face to face. Despite the fact that Brock was taller and wider than Jameson, the grizzled newspaper publisher refused to be intimidated.
  "Is there a problem?"
  Brayman turned around and looked towards him. "Mr. Potter....it's such an honor to meet such a visionary such as yourself."
  He reached forward and extended his hand. Harry took it and he wondered what this guy's deal was. The two of them shook each other's hands but there was a slight amount of trepidation.
  "So what seems to be the problem?" Harry asked after wiping off his hand off on his pants as he gave Jameson a warning gaze.
  "I tell you what the problem is, it's my client, he's been given the run around by J. Jonah Jameson."
  Harry kept his eye locked onto this man as if he was trying to figure out what kind of game he wanted to play. There was a few seconds of pause as he did not take his gaze off of him.
  "My client is a man who has everything going for him," Brayman remarked to him as he kept his eyes on Harry. "Sir, I can tell that you could see the talent that J. Jonah Jameson could never could, all of the untapped potential. My client is the next big thing in journalistic photography."
  "Do you have any proof of his work?" Harry asked.
  "No, sir, but if you just give him an opportunity, he will razzle dazzle you," Brayman told him.
  Harry took a drink of the diet Pepsi he had and slowly sipped on it. He cleared some room on the desk to the side and sat, looking down at Brayman and kept drinking the soda.
  "Keeps me from going on edge and doing something that I'd regret," Harry remarked in a conversational tone as he took another drink.
  "Of course sir, there would be people who would not recognize your genius," Brayman said to him as he practically bowed towards him. "You are truly the best in the world."
  "Mr. Potter, you need to give me an opportunity, as I will put more zeroes in your bank account than you can ever imagine," Brock remarked but Harry kept his expression on Brock as he slowly drank the Pepsi.
  The Pepsi was tipped into his mouth as he held the cup on his head and swigged it down feeling the refreshing taste going down his gullet.
  "I see," Harry said as he continued to sit cross legged on the desk and peered down at Brock. "I see."
  "So you see my talent," Brock told him in a giddy voice.
  "No, I said that I see....you must think that I was born yesterday," Harry remarked to Brock as he looked over the folder in his hand. "I've researched all of the employees in the Daily Bugle and....well some are better than others. I looked into their pasts, what papers they worked for, and their areas of expertise so I could put together a team that would be the best in the world at what they do."
  He calmly drank the caffeinated beverage in his hand to build up suspense and then he spoke again.
  "But I'm going to have to release a pipe bomb on you," Harry continued. "You see, your boy Brock, he's coasting off of his past reputation of the work he did ten years ago. He got some good photos back then but we're in a business, of what he's done lately."
  Harry kept drinking his diet Pepsi.
  "So you're going to throw me out on the street, for a guy like Parker, some punk kid like him," Brock demanded and Harry slowly raised an eyebrow as he kept his eyes on him.
  "Could be Peter Parker, could be anyone else, but until you pull a rabbit out of your hat and dazzle me with some actual proof that happened within the last decade, it won't be you," Harry remarked as he continued to sip on the Pepsi that he was drinking.
  Brock had a nasty grimace that crossed his face and the shaven gorilla looked ready to go ape but his agent held him back.
  "Eddie baby, let me handle this, no need to do anything stupid," Brayman commented as he turned towards Harry. He dropped his voice to a low level. "Sir, I think you're making a very big mistake."
  "No, I agree with him, Brock is nothing but trash and we need to take the trash out!" Jameson yelled at them in a gruff tone of voice and there was a long pause as Harry lifted his hand, waving it in a dismissive manner, as if he was telling Jameson that he was going to handle this.
  Brock raised his hand and there was a grimace that crossed his face as he made his way over, he was about to do something to attack him but his agent held him back.
  "You're making a big mistake sir, this man can go to any Newspaper company in the world and chew you up and spit you out!"
  Harry rolled his eyes, then shrugged.
  "Doubt it but hey....reach for the stars, I'm sure you'll keep leading him on as his career fades even more into obscurity," Harry offered in a bored tone as he shrugged his shoulders again.
  Brock exited the office with Harry offering and he saw Lois Lane and Betty Brant laughing as he exited. That did not improve his mood.
  "Do you think it's funny what happened to me?" Brock asked as he took a few steps towards them.
  "No....well not now but we didn't..." Lois started but Brock was annoyed.
  "You're nothing but a dirty little tease and you lead me on and now you won't even stick up for me, listen here you little s...."
  Harry moved in front of Brock before he could close any further distance on the two women.
  "I want you off my property and out of my office, now," Harry told him.
  "Jameson, I can handle this," Harry said firmly and Brock looked at Harry.
  Thanks to the illusion charms, the Harry Potter mask was far less intimidating than Har-Rell was, as he was a couple of inches shorter, and his hair was a bit messier, and his build was not as defined. However, he did not look like a pushover by any means.
  Brock stared down at Harry and there was a few seconds where it looked like he was going to square off with the emerald eyed wizard. He was making a motion like he was going to grab him but Brayman shook his head a little bit and placed his hand on his shoulder.
  Brock knocked his soda over and turned around, walking off.
  Harry, without missing a beat, said calmly. "Well that was fucking rude."
  "That guy's.....do you think he's coming back?" Betty asked Harry and the woman smiled. "He's been a real head case since he's been here, attitude problems out the ass and now....I'm sure he's going to blame you for everything."
  "People blame me for their short comings all of the time," Harry stated to them.
  "Well, they can't quite measure up to someone like you," Lois commented to him. "So....I was thinking about a few business proposals that I'd like to run by you if you don't mind....some story ideas and maybe a plan of attack to go after the Friends of Humanity.
  Harry looked at her with a smile on his face. "Seems pretty risky."
  Lois did not bother to keep the smile off of her face. "You should know by now that in this business, the higher the risk, the higher the reward."
  Harry's smile crossed his face as he surveyed the woman and he waved his hand towards her in agreement. "Too true, too true."
  He had put together a number of risks. Many thought that he would be a fool to leave the X-Men but Harry managed to make it work despite all of the risks. Many thought that he would be a fool to come back when everyone thought that he was dead but that was another thing that he made work. Harry was all about adaptation and making things work, he was the best at doing that and he smiled.
  "So when do you want this meeting?" Harry asked Lois.
  "Any time you've got some time, I know you're busy, Chloe mentioned how you've got a lot on your plate," Lois said to him. "But I hope that you could find some time to squeeze me in."
  "I'll see what I can do," Harry told her but there was something that came over the police scanner on Lois's desk that caused her to jump up, nearly banging her knee on the edge of the desk. "What is it, Lois?"
  "The black suit Spider-Man is back and he's fighting the red and blue suit Spider-Man downtown!" Lois yelled and now Harry was interested.
  It was obvious who else caught wind of that announcement, the jolly one himself, J. Jonah Jameson heard that announcement and there was a few seconds where they couldn't help but wonder if he had an orgasm due to that news.
  "Well, don't just sit around Lane, get your butt down there immediately and cover it," Jameson said to her and there was a few seconds where there was a pause.
  Now Harry was interested at this and he moved off. He wondered if he could call back for help.
  'Someone must have found a piece of the symbiote, it wasn't all destroyed,' Harry thought to himself as he kept making his way down. 'And the symbiote must be the ultimate jilted girlfriend going after Peter for being dumped.'
  Harry knew what he had to do next.
  Harry Osborn had recently learned a few hidden truths about his supposed best friend and he could not believe that he had been so blind and so foolish to ignore them before. Osborn Junior twisted his head around as he saw the young man down on the ground before him in a tattered red and blue costume and he rushed him once again.
  "You were supposed to be our friend, yet you betrayed both of us!" the younger Osborn yelled as he slammed his hands into the chest of Spider-Man. The Web Slinger's legs snapped out from underneath him as he tried to get back to his feet.
  Spider-Man was taken off guard, especially given that he was going up against one of his friends. He did not want to fight Harry, not now, especially given the rough time he had with his father. His eyes were puffy and his face underneath the mask was fairly bruised as he placed his hands off on his side. The web head winced as his hip was also battered.
  "Harry, it's the suit talking, it's not you," Spider-Man managed but the darker model grabbed him around the throat.
  "It's not the suit, it's me, IT'S US!" the dark Spider-Man yelled as he focused his eyes on the ripped mask. "We should reveal you to the world, how sweet it would be. You're nothing but a weak and pathetic excuse and you couldn't handle real power."
  Spider-Man was flung back and he felt the impact of the fists against his body again. The Web Slinger tried to fight off the attacks but the bumps and bruises rose over his body. No matter what, Peter could not figure out a way out. His knees buckled from underneath him as he tried to get back to his feet.
  One thought coursed through his mind and that was that he needed to fight back and find a way to get the suit off of his friend.
  'Okay....okay....think Peter,' he thought as he felt a death march drum in the back of his skull. 'The suit....it's weak against sonic energy....so all I need to do is....drill it with sonic energy, find a way to get to the Church bell tower.'
  Two lines of webbing wrapped around his ankles and Spider-Man was pulled down. He fought back as the suit tried to absorb his body into it. The Web Slinger could not do anything else other than fight back.
  Lois showed up and she watched the battle, noting the intensity as the two battled it out.
  'And where is Parker when you need him,' Lois thought to herself as she clutched her hands together and stepped forward in an attempt to get a closer look.
  There was a loud explosion as the black Spider-Man took down the original Spider-Man. The fight between the two of them escalating as they exchanged a series of viscous punches the impact of which caused them to stagger back as they hammered into each other.
  Harry Potter arrived in a blur his green eyes flickering onto the fight in front of him. The emerald eyed wizard focused his attention on the symbiote. He knew that it would take a sonic vibration spell to stop it but it would need to be calibrated at a certain frequency.
  Given that this young man did not have the powers that Peter Parker, the creature could ensnare the younger Osborn's mind easily. Harry arched his head over to the side.
  'Focus and do,' Harry thought to himself as he made his way towards the enemy.
  The emerald eyed wizard used his X-Ray vision.
  Lois crouched down and took some notes, although it might not be much of anything without pictures. As Spider-Man Black and Spider-Man Original continued their fight. Spider-Man black slammed his fist into the face of Spider-Man original and the original fought back with equal fury.
  A strong hand grabbed Lois suddenly from behind and she jumped up, trying to escape the grip.
  "You....you...YOU!" Lois yelled as she came face to face with Eddie Brock who looked quite mad.
  "He wants me to get noticed, I'll get noticed, I'll take you out," Brock stated and Lois could smell the alcohol on his breath, which gave her the indicator of what he'd been doing over the past couple of hours since leaving the Daily Bugle office building.
  Lois was held in place by this rough gorilla who was holding her by the shoulder and she twitched her fingers trying to get out of his grip. She was struggling hard and she tried to slap Brock in the face but he grabbed her hand.
  "Look at this, look at the fight in you," Brock stated as he shoved her.
  Lois Lane, being the daughter of General Sam Lane, was not going to take being shoved around by him lying down. The dark haired woman reached into her top and pulled out the weapon that she had concealed on her.
  "What are you going to do, what you are going to do?" Brock asked as he grabbed Lois by the arm then started to squeeze it roughly.
  Spider-Man was propelled back hard into the closet wall but before the Dark Spider-Man could close in, Har-Rell rushed in at super speed and slammed his fist into the chest of his enemy. The sound of an explosion rang out as he connected with the same force as a cannonball.
  Harry reached up with conjured gauntlets as he held them over his hand, channeling the magical energy through it. He had to channel the right amount of energy through it, as not to fry his opponent's brain.
  The pulse of sonic energy cracked through his enemy and knocked him for a loop. The young man underneath the symbiotic screamed as the material was released from him as the limp form of Harry Osborn was pushed out of it.
  "Spider-Man, get him out of here!" Harry yelled and the Web Slinger grabbed him around the waist as he picked him up, swinging him out of the way.
  The symbiote disappeared into the ground and Harry watched it leave.
  He saw a figure escape the area beneath them out of the corner of his eye but he had to focus on other matters.
  Harry could tell one huge and patented Peter Parker guilt trip coming on and he decided to nip that problem in the bud right now. The young hero turned his head around and he cupped his hand onto his chin as he kept everything on his mind.
  "Harry....will he....."
  "I couldn't tell you, the symbiote did a pretty big number on you and you're still recovering from it," Harry said to Peter and the Web Slinger responded with a nod as he kept body rigid. Harry healed what he could, although healing the injuries did not eliminate the mental sensations of pain.
  "Yeah....I think that....I think my body's still feeling the beating," Peter commented to himself and he felt the stabbing sensation that was coursing through his body but be that as it may, he was trying to catch his breath. Harry did a few more healing spells, this was going to be harder than he thought. "Does he remember anything?"
  Harry shrugged his shoulders and placed his hand on the side of his head. "I wish I could really tell you, but I don't know."
  Harry was trying to figure out how everything worked now and the young magical mutant alien kept thinking about what transpired now. He was keeping an eye on everything as he saw the SHIELD Agents take Harry Osborn away strapped to the stretcher. Who was struggling to try and find a way to escape but he couldn't due to being strapped down. The Web Slinger watched his friend leave and it was hard to stomach what happened.
  "I know you're beating yourself up but....he didn't get that symbiote from you, at least I don't think," Harry stated and Spider-Man turned towards Harry as he raised his eyebrow.
  "What do you mean?" Spider-Man asked him and Harry was sure to let him know about everything.
  "OsCorp got their hands on a piece of the symbiote that we must have missed last time," Harry explained to the web head and Spider-Man looked at him.
  "Harry must have been a victim of circumstance and he stumbled upon it by accident," Spider-Man told him and Harry smiled and nodded.
  "Yes, he was.....he didn't even know what he was touching and it took over his mind so easily," Harry said. Given the nature and what little he was able to figure out about the symbiote, he believed that it was going to be able to take advantage of someone who had the insecurities that the younger Osborn had.
  It was a frustrating situation to think about but it was on Harry's mind as he turned to Spider-Man. He wanted to see if the Web Slinger had something on his mind and he kept his focus onto him.
  "I have an idea," Harry told Peter and he turned his head around to look at where Harry was standing. The Webhead had his full attention on him and there was a few seconds before Harry remarked to him. "I think that Osborn....he's got his hands on a bit of the symbiote so maybe he has more of it at OsCorp?"
  "It might be an idea," Spider-Man offered and he turned towards him.
  "Then let's go," Harry said as he turned around and kicked into the air.
  "Hey, wait for....you know what, fine!" Spider-Man yelled as he shot a line of webbing around Harry's foot and he flew behind him, using his web line to anchor to his foot.
  'All aboard the Arcane airlines,' Spider-Man thought to himself as Arcane flew off in a different direction. The web slinger was flying behind him but what looked like a good idea on paper was not such a good idea in practice. The web slinger was rocked and rolled in the air as he was sure he left his stomach about two blocks behind.
  Eddie Brock laid at the bottom the debris that had been created, Lois Lane having slipped free just before it collapsed on him. He had a severe wound in his chest and he was angry at everything.
  There were a few weakened strands of black goo that oozed its way down the tunnel. It sensed a kindred spirit, it sensed something that it could attach to.
  It was time.
  They would be one.
  To Be Continued in Part Two.
  Symbiotic Part Two
  Chapter Nineteen: Symbiotic Part Two.
  Eddie Brock arched his head up as his body became extremely numb. He was trying to pull himself up to a standing position but the man collapsed to the ground due to blood loss. He had a suffered a near fatal gunshot wound earlier in the evening and lost a lot of blood as a result. His eyes closed as he groaned and tried to scramble back to his feet. There was something out there calling to him collect and when something like that called out to him, he had to accept the charges.
  Forcing himself into a kneeling position he reached forward towards the shadows with his hand outstretched as if he was trying to grasp hold of something. A black shape slithered out of the shadows and grasping onto his hand wrapped itself around it then inched its way up his arm. Brock closed his hand as it ran up his shoulder and went towards the wound in his chest.
  'Yes, we sense you Eddie Brock, we sense your frustration,' the symbiote stated in a hissed whisper as it worked its way into him through the gaping chest wound. 'We sense that you have strength but you need a way to unleash it, you require guidance in how to bring it out of you. And we will help you. Just open your heart, open your mind, and allow us in. You will not regret it Eddie, you will never regret it. You will never regret everything that we do for you."
  Brock's eyes flickered open as his heart thumped against his chest and he felt the organism grip onto him tightly, working itself into every fiber of his being. He felt so good with this thing inside of him as its tentacles worked their way every part of his body, sending jolts of pleasure through him as the man was taken over by this creature. His mind was filled with pleasure as he felt the sensation of it become one with him. He pushed himself up off the ground.
  'Yes, I see it clearly now,' Brock thought to himself as his eyes glowed with the power. He felt it all pumping through his body and his heart hammered against his chest. He was getting closer and closer to feeling the edge of the power.
  He saw the flashes of the memories regarding Spider-Man, Peter Parker was Spider-Man, no one could dispute that fact and Eddie saw more images. Spider-Man was not a hero, those were the memories that the symbiote showed him, he was nothing but a glory hounding bastard and Eddie felt anger course through his mind at this thought. The Web Slinger cost him the job, on purpose. He ruined his career and his life as both Spider-Man and Peter Parker.
  His eyes continued to pulse as he experienced more memories that the symbiote showed him. The two shared their life experiences as they merged together. They were two parts of the same whole, two parts of the same coin as both of them were brought to a new level of their existence. Eddie Brock's heart beat against his chest with a thump, thump as he turned his head around and thought about it.
  'Yes, they thought that they could keep me down, they thought that they could get the better out of me,' Brock breathed as he pulled himself to his feet and the black material slithered around his large body to form a suit. 'Jameson, Lane, Parker, and Potter, the four of them thought that they could get the better of me, well I'll show them, I'll show them the meaning of revenge and horror.'
  Brock's eyes flickered with malice as he kept his facial expression from going too wide eyed and his heart thumped within his chest as he pulled himself to a standing position.
  He was new and improved, he was far stronger than he ever had been before and he was going to take down his enemies one by one. Brock's mouth widened as the suit finished spreading across his body, forming a tight body suit, as he made his way forward.
  He could feel the intoxicating power as it spread throughout his body like a designer drug, the previous three wearers of this suit were weak and could not stand it's awesome power. Yet, he bonded on the cellular level with the suit, it loved him for his hatred and Brock embraced the hate. He raised his arms and gave a primal roar as he bared rows of razor sharp teeth that would give a shark a run for it's money. A long slimy tongue flickered out of his mouth. His growl got even louder as he rattled his hand against the ground and the smile continued to spread further, showing off even more of his sharp teeth.
  He bounced from one foot to the other much like a boxer would before a fight as he rolled his neck stretching it out. A nastiest look flashed across his eyes as his heart kept thundering within his chest. There was no question about it; he was ready for the final battle. He cracked his knuckles together as he looked into a reflective surface. Power swam through his eyes and he sensed his triumph was nearly at hand.
  "It will be my time, it will be our time, it will be the time for revenge," Brock growled as he kept his hands around the wall and he pushed his hands down onto the it. His teeth gritted as he thought about it, every second ticked by like a beat of his heart. "We will get our revenge, we will crush all of our enemies. They will be placed underneath our foot, and we will achieve our revenge."
  It went without saying but if there was one thing that Eddie Brock was it was revenge for the man could not say it often enough, true believers.
  Given the link that was created between the symbiote and the people who wore it, he was going to be able to track them down. Brock twisted his head around to get a better view of his surroundings and there was a thunderous thump that cracked around his chest. His fingers twitched around his head and Brock placed his foot on the ground as he walked into the city.
  He enjoyed the new look and he stared down the shell shocked bystanders. The people in New York, they showed no fear, but Brock was going to make them experience fear. He placed lifted his head and he bared his teeth.
  There was a loud series of screams as everyone scrambled around in different directions. They could not trip over their feet fast enough as they tried to get out of harm's way of this monster that stalked them. The villain lifted his head to give them the menacing glare that promised to spook them out of their minds. He had a wide grin and his tongue went out. He was foaming at the mouth for the thought but it would be the tip of the iceberg as he would bring the web slinger down.
  'Eddie Brock and the symbiote, we were weak separate, but together we were strong, we are powerful, we are going to be poison to everyone that gets in our way,' Brock growled as he stepped towards the direction and shot a line of webbing around the building. He pulled himself up and with a surprising grace for someone his size as he propelled his way into the city. His eyes closed as he made his way through the city. 'WE ARE VENOM!'
  Arcane lead the way as he slipped into an underground OsCorp facility. Spider-Man trailing quietly behind him and keeping his mouth shut for once. For all of his mouthing off, he knew when it was time to talk and he knew it was the time to be sneaky-sneaky. Arcane made his way forward before stopping suddenly and holding up his hand in the universal hand sign for them to halt.
  "What is it?" Spider-Man asked as Harry turned around to face him.
  "Thought I heard something," Arcane commented to him quietly and the Web Slinger looked around them taking in their surroundings. His web shooters were armed and Harry noticed that they were on low. He wondered if Spider-Man ever made sure he had full web shooters before going out for the day. He was almost like a running joke that he kept running out of webbing.
  Spider-Man stood on his heels continuing to look around, pausing to listen for a moment as he thought that he heard something. Then the area around him went completely silent. He edged to the side and peaked behind a few crates.
  "Nothing," Spider-Man commented but he thought that there might as well have been nothing as his spider sense didn't go off. The Web Slinger kept quiet as he moved back to stand beside Harry. "Are you sure that..."
  "Yes, I'm sure that," Harry told him as Peter's mouth opened wide and closed completely shut.
  "Okay, it's just that my spider sense didn't go off," Spider-Man commented though he felt like he was on a razors edge. There were a few seconds where he thought that things were going to go insane and the web slinging hero kept his eyes off to the side as he watched for nefarious doings.
  'Your spider sense might not have gone off, but my Lois Lane sense is humming,' Harry remarked as he saw the reporter in the shadows. He had to admit that she was good, she was able to keep herself in the shadows and nearly avoid detection.
  Harry reached into the shadows and pulled her out. Lois came face to face with Harry and the two of them locked eyes into each other.
  "The mysterious Arcane," Lois commented without any fear in her voice. Then again, given that she wasn't a criminal, his appearance was actually kind of warm to her. At least that's what she felt. "I should feel blessed."
  "Creeping around OsCorp...it's a dangerous situation," Arcane remarked to her.
  "Please...danger...is practically my middle name," Lois offered as she looked over her shoulder and saw Spider-Man. "Plus, the two of you seem to be doing a good enough job so far, so I figured, I might as well take a crack at it."
  Arcane figured that it would be a good idea to keep her there with them.
  "If you must know, we've tracked that black suit that came from our rogue Spider-Man back to OsCorp," Harry told Lois and the woman whistled.
  "Not surprising," Lois remarked as a smile spread across her face. She spoke firmly as she always did "Osborn's been doing crap like this for years."
  "Yeah, he might be," Harry offered as he kept his eyes locked in front of him and he heard a humming. "I think that there's more to this little game than meets the eye."
  "So what do you think is going on?" Lois asked.
  "I don't know," Harry remarked but Lois once again stepped in front of him, bold as brass as she reached for the door, a smile crossing her face. She was not one to shy away from a fight, that much was for sure and she was going to throw herself headfirst into the problem, consequences be damned.
  "Well, let's see what we've got behind door number one," Lois commented in a cheeky tone of voice as she reached forwards grabbing onto the door knob and pulling it open.
  The reporters eyes looked up and she saw three Sentinels, much larger them the original models.
  "And that's why we're so deep under ground, Osborn needed the spaces to keep these things," Lois remarked and she stepped towards it to get a better look. "But...those don't look like the kind that the government commissioned to be built."
  "Of course it isn't," Spider-Man told her as he looked around the area and he wondered what other surprises they'd find down here. "Osborn wants insurance in case his business partners stab him in the back."
  "Men, always trying to go for bigger, it's almost like some of them are compensating for something," Lois commented as she closed her eyes and sighed.
  "What are you doing down here?"
  Harry turned around and he was face to face with several armored goons and they were packing weapons.
  "This is a restricted OsCorp facility, which means you freaks aren't welcome," one of the guards said in a warning voice.
  Spider-Man looked at them, pulling himself onto the wall and aiming his web shooters at them, readying himself for an attack. "Wait...you mean this isn't the My Little Pony Convention? The Bronies will be so disappointed."
  There was a yell as a barrage of bullets were fired at the web slinger but he dipped down and dodged the attack, propelling himself up and around. He launched two lines of webbing that latched onto guards and then their guns.
  "Couldn't you just magic these guns out of these guy's hands?" Spider-Man asked as Harry stood there, casually blasting one of the guards who tried to take a shot at him without even turning around.
  "Yes," Harry commented but he was too busy hacking into the security system to offer the Web Head a hand.
  "Well if you could do that, they why don't you?" Spider-Man asked in a frantic voice as he rushed around the attacks of them.
  Lois added her two cents by casually picking up a gun and shooting one of the MRD goons in the face. The guns were made to stun, which made perfect sense given that Osborn would want any intruders to be alive long enough to find out what they did to break in.
  "You people are rude, you know," Lois said in a casual tone of voice as she stepped on the face of the MRD officer, wearing a pair high heel shoe, drilling it into the eye ball of her would be attacker. The MRD officer had a spasm as Lois made her way forward, point made.
  "Oh, you mean could I take these guys out, yeah no problem," Harry remarked as with two movements he transfigured their guns into flowers and then knocked them back, before wrapping them up in ropes and placed Christmas bows on the top of their heads thanks to the magic of magic. "Done and done."
  "You scare me sometimes," Spider-Man offered as he heard alarm system, one of the loudest and most obnoxious sounds in the world, go off.
  "Just sometimes?" Arcane asked the web head with a raise of his eyebrow and he smiled. "Guess I must be losing my touch."
  "You're losing something alright," Spider-Man commented but he cut the banter as there was another figure that attacked the second level of security.
  'Something tells me that's not the welcome wagon,' Spider-Man thought to himself.
  Whatever it was, it was quick and efficient, and it took out enemies with deft precision. It sent them flying backwards and caused them to land with a sickening thud. The impacts that echoed got louder and louder and the thuds cracked around them.
  "We're here!"
  'And that's not good,' Spider-Man thought as he winced and his eyes followed the progress of that enemy. 'Oh boy, that's not good...at all...period, end of the sentence, end of quotation, have a nice life, that really sucks, big time.'
  Spider-Man thought that he made the understatement to end all understatements as his enemy rushed towards him, bowling over guards like it was no one's business. Despite his size, he was far quicker than Spider-Man. The web head watched this new party make quick work of the goons with guns.
  "Who are...you?" Spider-Man managed breathlessly but he lost his train of thought and a loud crack resounded as his enemy knocked him back with a solid thud.
  The Web-Slinger flew head over heels and landed on his back with a sharp crack ringing out. He rolled over and favored his ribs as he tried to scramble to his feet.
  Harry's attention was directed towards this newest guest and his eyes blazed for a few seconds as he watched him.
  "You, we've been looking to get a piece of you!" Venom yelled.
  Harry used his heat vision and Venom screamed out in agony.
  "That was unpleasant," Venom commented as he retreated back and Harry jumped into the air and clapped his hands together at super strength.
  "So is this!" Harry stated as the sound of his clap vibrated outwards, causing Venom to back off due to the pain. Thanks to the magic of magic, he was able to shield the hearing of everyone else but Venom. Venom staggered back a few inches and nearly fell over but he remained on his feet though swaying from side to the next due to his disorientation.
  "That's...you think it's going to be that easy, you're wrong!" Venom yelled after clearing his head as he sent a large blast of webbing at him.
  Harry caused a magical blade to manifest in the air and cut through it. He conjured several fireballs but Venom dodged the attacks.
  The MRD showed up to cut this little battle short.
  "No, this is my play date!" Venom yelled as he grabbed the MRD members around the head and smothered them before they could cut in on his fun time.
  "Requesting back up..."
  There was a loud crack as Venom shot his tentacles and wrapped around the man before he yanked him into the body suit.
  The man was coughed out, his skin yellow and his eyes sunken in as all of the bio-energy had been drained completely from him.
  "Really hit's the spot!" Venom yelled but Harry picked up one of the guns and amplified it.
  There was a loud sonic explosion and a boom that caused Venom to drop down.
  Both Eddie Brock and the symbiote were in pain and considering the fact that they were bonded, they might as well have been one and the same. Brock tried to push himself back up but he collapsed down, unable to formulate another thought. His eyes started to roll into the back of his head as he coughed up blood and pieces of his ribcage.
  "You will pay for that," Venom yelled as he scrambled around but Spider-Man impacted him in the face with full force of both feet.
  "Yeah! Well bill us! We can take it!" Spider-Man commented to him and Venom swatted at the air angrily trying to keep grab hold of him. "Well bill Arcane! He can afford it, I'm strapped for cash right now."
  "Contain them, contain them both, contain them all!"
  Venom looked over his shoulder and watched as even more MRD forces streamed into the room.
  "Well, I'll taste you three later!" Venom yelled as he turned around and walked off.
  The symbiote had ruined Eddie Brock's already questionable sanity and he slipped out, leaving Harry, Spider-Man, and Lois against the MRD forces and whatever weapons Osborn and his partners had given them.
  "So now what?" Lois asked him and as always, Harry's face crossed into a smile as he kept his gaze on Lois.
  "I have one more trick up my sleeve," Harry remarked to her as he enveloped them in a bright light and transported them out of harm's way.
  The Field trip to OsCorp would have to be continued later, although Harry found enough down there to make him curious enough as it was.
  "You let him slip through your fingers!" Osborn bellowed with a nasty glare that went through his eyes as he slammed his hands down on the table and he clutched the edge of it. Fury danced through his eyes as he could not believe how his men blundered so badly.
  "Sir...he vanished...it was just like..."
  "I DON'T WANT TO HEAR IT!" Osborn yelled as he lifted his hand over the table before slamming it down. He winced for a second as he held his broken hand. The impact was such that he'd broken several bones on his reinforced desk and he closed his eyes to block out the pain.
  This was not going as he had planned at all. Osborn's eyes flared with annoyance after he opened them back up and the man thought that he was about ready to lose his mind which was a very short trip given all that he went through. The man clutched his hands together and thankfully the MRD representative disconnected the call.
  "Are we having a bad day?"
  Osborn spun around and saw him standing there before him, bold as brass, the dark suit Spider-Man, his eyes narrowed as he surveyed Osborn.
  "What are you doing here?" Osborn asked and he kept his eyes locked onto him. "The suit...you stole the suit!"
  "No, the suit found us and bonded with us," the beast commented with a wide grin as he licked his lips. "We have a mutual adversary that we need to take care of. He has been a thorn in our side."
  "Whatever crap you're selling, I'm not interested," Osborn said curtly as he turned away from the creature. He had no idea how this freak found his way into his private office but he was about to have security kick him out. The fact that such an abomination saw him in this state, that made Osborn frustrated. "I'll have you contained."
  "You weren't able to contain the suit before, you won't be able to contain it again but I know you have a small piece left over, we want it, we are incomplete without it," Venom demanded as he stepped towards Osborn and got closer.
  "Get away from me," Osborn demanded and Venom smiled.
  "In a minute, Osborn, we just want a part of us that's missing and we'll even crush a couple of annoyances that have been giving you headaches," Venom informed him as he thought that he had Osborn in hook, line, and sinker. "We will take them out for you, we will even do it for free. Just think about it, you don't even have to deal with them ever again."
  "And you are referring to?" Osborn asked him.
  Venom's face twisted into a sharp grin as he had the man now. He could not believe how arrogant this bastard was but then again, that was the price of dealing with someone like Osborn.
  "Arcane and Spider-Man, they've been thorns in your side much like they have been in ours," Venom explained and Osborn nodded in agreement. "We will take them out and we will call it even."
  Osborn paused and mulled it over.
  "I can't be connected to this," Osborn told Venom.
  "Of course, we understand you have a reputation to maintain," Venom told him and Osborn's eyes traced the face of the creature. "You'll be...you'll get out of it scot free, just bring us to our other and we'll be on our merry way."
  Norman Osborn considered the possibilities, he was a man that looked at both sides of the equation. On the one hand, he didn't expect this man to be trustworthy. Despite what everyone said, Osborn was not a fool. He was going to keep both eyes on this menace and make sure he did not get stabbed in the back, especially when it was in front of his face.
  On the other hand, Osborn also knew that if he set up this man to take down two heroes in one fell swoop, he could look like an even bigger hero when he took him down. He could undermine Lionel's attempt to take his pride and joy away from him. He would be the savior that he expected to be and Osborn knew what he had to do. A smile crossed his face as he considered every single angle of this problem. Yes he knew what he needed to do and it was time to make a deal with this beast before him.
  Osborn's face turned into a malicious smile. "Follow me."
  Venom followed him; he was eagerly walking behind Osborn as the two made their way to a private elevator that was disconnected from the rest of the building. The villain's expression flickered.
  "You won't regret this, Norman," Venom commented, as the cockiness of Eddie Brock returned as he turned towards Osborn and started humming elevator music.
  Osborn wondered if it was a mistake getting in bed with this monster. His phone kept ringing from his private line but he figured that it was nothing important. Family business could wait and he followed Venom down the hallway. He stepped back and punched in his pass code to allow the research room to be opened.
  He would have the entire suit once he had taken Venom down himself. He walked down the hallway and reached towards the edge of a stone vault. It was low tech, at least at first.
  The vault cracked open and revealed a glass cylinder. It had a small piece of the suit and it was trying to break through to reunite with the rest of it.
  "Come to Papa!" Venom called as the container was opened and the rest of the suit combined with him.
  Osborn prepared for the next stage of the battle and no sooner did he turned to address Venom, he was gone.
  He would take down Spider-Man and Arcane and then Osborn would take him down. The plan was simple and elementary.
  Nothing should go wrong.
  "So what is this guy's problem?" Lois asked Spider-Man and Arcane as they made their way down the tunnel. Harry had teleported them into the subway that was adjacent to OsCorp.
  "Depends on which guy you're talking about," Spider-Man commented as he walked forward, keeping his feet placed firmly on the ground but his senses, not just the spider one, were on a hair trigger.
  "The guy I'm talking about would be Osborn but that dark Spider-Man...didn't?...I could have sworn that you separated that guy from the suit," Lois commented to them as Arcane stopped and stared. "What did I do...did I do something wrong?"
  "The suit slipped away in the chaos and it bonded deeply with someone that it came across in the aftermath," Harry offered and Lois raised an eyebrow. He started to explain more as they saw the light and made their way out of the tunnel. "The person that wore the suit, he had a wound that caused the suit to bond more deeply to him than the previous wearers."
  Lois placed a hand to her chin and pondered it.
  "It was him, he bonded with the suit," Lois mused as she wondered how many problems she created with what she did. The dark haired woman clapped her hand on the top of her head and sighed. "I'm not about to...yeah he's lost it even before he got the suit."
  Harry was not really frustrated with Lois, merely with the situation but Peter, who had gotten knocked around a lot today, was in a testy mood.
  "Who was it, who has the suit?" Peter asked but then it hit him. "You don't tell me..."
  "Brock, Eddie Brock."
  Venom jumped high into the air and slammed himself down onto a nearby car, as he struck a pose and his tongue stuck out, dripping slime all over the city street.
  "That's right, here comes the pain," Venom growled as he shuffled his feet from side to side, as he did a whacky dance and reached forward to slap Spider-Man off to the side, knocking him into a wall. Harry conjured some fireballs but Venom was swift enough to get out of the way before they connected with him. He could not make them too hot or use too wide of an area of effect given that he was out in public and civilians could get caught in the crossfire.
  "You're crazy," Spider-Man remarked as he dodged Venom's attacks.
  "I know you are, but what I am?" Venom taunted.
  "And you have the maturity of a two year old as well," Spider-Man informed him as he kept dodging the attacks. He could not evade the assaults completely but he hoped to keep Venom moving so he could get him into a trap.
  'Come on Spidey, think...beat him before...' Spider-Man thought but it was hard to think when someone's fist nailed him in the back of the head.
  Venom was on top of Spider-Man but Lois fired the 9mm pistol that she kept on her at him.
  This time Venom was protected and he took a swipe at Lois but she had the sense to dodge out of the way.
  "That won't work against me twice!" Venom howled at Lois as he shot his tentacles towards her but the dark haired woman dodged the attacks by diving towards the ground.
  Spider-Man rolled over and he felt the ringing from his head. He tried to rear back his fist and punch Venom but Venom blocked the punch. The Web Slinger was pushed back, his arm twisting and cracking underneath Venom's grip. There was a sickening pop that was his elbow being dislocated from its socket and he dropped down to one knee.
  "Do you feel the pain?" Venom asked as he looked up, there was a buzzing in his ears. "Now where's the other one?"
  There was a slight pause and a few seconds as Venom watched and looked around, peeking over his shoulder. A whooshing sound echoed above him and the creature looked up.
  Harry slammed down on the top of him, driving his fists into Venom's head with a hammer blow. There was a sonic boom that resounded in every direction, causing every single piece of glass to shatter around them as well. He followed it up by driving his fists into Venom's midsection as hard as he possibly could hoisting him up into the air and sending flying back only to crash hard into the ground a moment later. Magical shields blocked debris from flying everywhere as Harry stepped back a foot.
  "That was unpleasant," Venom growled as he kept his eyes on Harry but the emerald eyed wizard turned his head towards the monster. There was a few seconds where the two of them locked eyes onto each other. "You'll pay for that."
  Harry did not say anything and Venom tried to bind Harry but he super sped out of the way and Venom smashed his tentacles off of the ground in an attempt to assault Harry.
  "Come down here and fight me, you pussy!" Venom yelled as he hoisted his tentacles up and shot them towards Harry. He pivoted in midair, turned to the right, and then launched heat vision at the beast.
  The symbiote retracted as Eddie Brock's face was shown for a few seconds as if he was trying to break out of his containment. He had a spasm as he tried to get out of the way of the attack and the Web Singer watched this transpire along with the wizard above him. Harry's eyes glowed once again as Venom turned around and rushed off in the other direction. He scrambled further away, faster than his legs could potentially carry him but he was moving faster, quicker, he was trying to get away from him.
  Harry was moving up behind him, picking up the pace as he moved at super speed like a blur. There was a huge pop as he made his way behind him.
  'So...you're predictable,' Harry thought to him as he held his hand in the air and followed Venom. 'And I guess you can go home ago.'
  Harry chased Venom into the entrance lobby of the Daily Bugle building. There was one last person that he wanted revenge on and there was an easy fight.
  Harry saw Betty Brant sitting in the office, filing the latest story, with an extremely attractive blonde and a redhead woman that were walking around the office. He only barely caught glimpses of them but he was on a mission so now was not the time to scope out the female talent, he'd definitely do so later.
  Harry could always count on Jameson's lack of indoor voice to lead him to the first sign of trouble. The emerald eyed enchanter made his way down the hallway, his feet kicking beneath him. He inclined his head as he waited for everything to break. He turned his head around to get a head count of the people that he needed to keep track of.
  Venom grabbed Jameson's desk and shot black webbing around him, binding him to the desk chair. There was a few seconds where there was a pause.
  "Hello, Jonah, we're going for a ride!" Venom stated as he rolled Jameson in his chair out of the window and was about to take him down the steps.
  Spider-Man swung in and went to engage Venom in battle.
  'And I just saved J. Jonah Jameson,' Spider-Man thought to himself as he bounced off of the walls and drilled him with a knee in the face. He kept ramming a series of punches into the face of Venom. 'I need a shower.'
  "Can't believe I was saved by Spider-Man, this is so embarrassing," Jameson grumbled to himself. "I need a shower."
  Venom and Spider-Man circled each other as the web slinger dodged his enemy's attacks. The Bugle employees had enough sense to run out of the office.
  "Come on, come on, come on," Spider-Man encouraged his enemy.
  'Yeah, take your sweet time, Arcane,' the Web Head thought to himself as he continued to bounce off of the walls before kicked off them to attack Venom. The Web Slinger avoided his swings and ran up the wall.
  Venom rushed him and tried to smash his way through the office but Spider-Man ducked and dodged the attempts to take his head off.
  Harry dropped down and now that the office was cleared out and warded properly, he could do this. It was a shot that he needed to do time perfectly. The hero raised his hands and he turned to Venom before he said one word.
  The sonic explosions resounded through the office and Venom screamed at the top of his lungs as he was knocked out of the office window. The symbiote was burned from his body as Harry siphoned the symbiote from his body, holding it in a containment bubble and holding it down on his enemy.
  Brock was guided safely to the ground. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as drool came out of the mouth.
  "No...no...give it back...I need it...my precious...the only thing that ever loved me," Brock stammered in the most pathetic way possible.
  "You need to give it up, it's over," Spider-Man commented to him and he reached towards Brock, to offer him the hand but Brock slapped him away after a few seconds.
  "No, I can't give it up, it loves me, for...it loves me for the hate," Brock said in a pathetic tone as he rolled over. His body was completely withered, given that it was so drained from the symbiotic bonding to him.
  'Poor Eddie,' Spider-Man thought but then he realized what he was saying. 'Another victim...of the symbiote.'
  Eddie Brock would be led off for some quality time at Ravencroft where he would find a way to heal and hopefully return back to what passed as a normal life for him.
  Harry had the symbiote contained and he would find a way to destroy it before Osborn or someone else got their hands on it.
  Norman Osborn was well passed incensed; in fact he was completely pissed off. He was pissed off for a multitude of different reasons, many of them that were coming to light now. He saw the official wording that came down from the Board of Directors.
  'They dare...after all I've done, they dare pull the rug out from underneath me like this!' Osborn yelled as he mentally screamed.
  The Board of Directors stated their concern that the MRD was eating up far too many of the company's resources which was code for they wanted their funding pulled and yesterday. Osborn could not even begin to describe how pissed he was.
  "Yes," Osborn remarked as the intercom came off.
  A voice popped over it. "My father decided to exert his control at the worst possible time, didn't he?"
  "Yes, he did," Norman commented over the intercom as he felt his frustration course through him regarding what Lionel did. They had played this chess game before many times. Last time it had ended up with their wives being killed in the crossfire.
  "I might have some vital information for you that you need to know," the man on the other end of the phone commented.
  "Lex, this better be good," Norman told him.
  "My father...he has his hands on several operations using company resources that might be considered to be...less than reputable," Lex informed his uncle over the phone. "He's been mining for more of the meteor rock."
  "You mean like the meteor rock that fell in New York a couple of months ago," Norman told him, his interest piqued.
  "Yes," Lex commented to him calmly. There was a sense that he had his uncle's attention so he pressed on with more of the information. "This is the second such time this happened."
  There was only one thing that Norman Osborn could tell his nephew. "Tell me more."
  "Almost eighteen years ago, there was a meteor shower that fell in the United Kingdom," Lex explained to him. "The information about it is restricted, it's lucky that I was able to find about as much of it as I did."
  "Who is restricting this information?" Norman asked, even though he knew the answer to that question.
  "Fury, Nick Fury, he was doing everything that he had to cover it up and there might have been others, but Fury was one of the main culprits," Lex informed Norman and he was silent for a moment.
  Norman knew precisely what this pertained to, it was the arrival of the Star Child. Osborn heard of his arrival but he refused to believe that this force was going to be dangerous enough to oppose him. He clapped his hand on his chin and sighed for a few seconds.
  "What is it?" Lex asked.
  "I'll talk to you later, I have a call on the other line," Norman stated to him and there was a few seconds where this statement was a lie but it turned out to be a truth as the link blipped to life.
  Norman saw who the call was from and he answered it.
  "Yes, what do you need?" Norman asked, there was a sense of agitation in his voice, he knew that this person had him by the throat and other parts of his body.
  "I hear you've had problems with a mutual contact of ours," a rumbling voice commented over the phone.
  "Yes, if you're referring to the person that I think you are, then we have had plenty of problems," Norman informed the man on the other end of the phone.
  "I hope you aren't losing control, at least to the point where it would lead to our arrangement becoming forfeit," the man over the phone told him.
  "I remember our arrangement, OsCorp is still under my control despite what the Board has lead themselves to believe," Osborn commented to his contact.
  "As, I am a shareholder in this company, I do hope that someone like you would not lose themselves to indecision," the man on the other end stated. "I would hate to see a man such as yourself be given the boot."
  "Don't worry, Wilson, nothing is going to happen, OsCorp is, as it always has been, underneath my direct control," the man commented in a brisk tone of voice. "Don't worry, I'm ready for the next step."
  He was ready for all that and more. Wilson Fisk, the Kingpin of Crime he was a valuable ally but he always had his own agenda. Osborn recalled his dealings with the man in the past, he was a challenge to deal with.
  Yet given the current gang war in the city, the Kingpin needed Osborn far more than he needed him. His turf was being scrambled and gobbled up by forces, with each faction gaining turf.
  Osborn now had to think about how to regain control of his own company from his half brother, who had decided to exert his control. The rest of the world could wait for now, the head of Oscorp had a lot on his plate.
  The new and improved Goblin formula was also in the back of his mind, the first batch did not do so well, but he could develop a new version that would work far better.
  'It will be mine,' Osborn commented to himself.
  "It's amazing, you can enter this room and be anywhere in the world," Amara commented as she walked around one of the many hidden rooms in the Stronghold. The dark haired princess watched the area and she was numb with amazing. "Well...it gives off a pretty good illusion."
  "I got the idea from a room that I encountered that can give the user what they require," Harry told her and she nodded. "I decided to expand the scope a little bit, although thanks to the magic of magic, you're going to feel like you're pretty much wherever you want to be."
  "It does, it's like the beaches back home," Amara said in an appraising voice, as she felt the warm breeze and smelled the sea air around her. It was lovely sight.
  "And the only limitations are up here," Harry commented as he tapped on the top of her head.
  "That's a dangerous set of limitations, isn't it?" Amara asked her and there were a few seconds where she paused and Harry smiled. He wrapped his arm around her tightly and pulled her into an embrace.
  "The sky is the limit, my princess, anything that you want," Harry told her and Amara looked at her lover.
  "Well, I think first of all since this a beach, we're overdressed," Amara informed him, the truth was she was planning this since Harry mentioned the room to her about a day ago.
  "Sounds like a good idea," Harry commented.
  Amara pulled her shirt off to reveal her bare and incredibly perky C-Cup breasts to the world. The dark haired woman placed her hand on her face as she wiggled her shorts off to reveal a tight cut brazilian style thong that showed off her equally wonderful ass.
  "You're prepared aren't you?" Harry asked.
  "My teacher told me to always be prepared," Amara commented as she got on her hands and knees in front of him, her ass sitting up in the air enticingly as Harry watched her move it around. There was a few seconds where he caught a glimpse of her and he liked what he saw completely. Her dark skinned ass had a thong wrapped around it and hints of her womanhood could be shown.
  Amara had a really hot idea in mind and she closed her eyes, imagining what she had to do. The dark skinned princess sat with her legs spread as the rocks cracked around her.
  A lake of lava was created around the rock, all of which was superhot.
  "Harry, I'm hot for you," Amara breathed as she reached up and licked her finger, before dipping it into the lava.
  She slowly licked the molten rock off of her fingers. Thanks to her powers, it did not hurt her at all and she sucked her finger dry. Seductively, the princess blew smoke from her mouth and she made sure Harry's eyes was locked on her. She was able to regulate her powers so she sweated enough which caused her body to receive a healthy sheen of sweat.
  Harry watched as he slowly pulled his shirt off. Her breasts glistened alluring with moisture and he could see that her nipples where rock hard. Harry moved towards her promptly to get down beside her.
  "I want you so badly," Amara cooed as she pressed her lips to his face.
  The golden glow surrounded them as Harry grabbed her body as she heated up in more ways than one. Her lips tasted like burning fire and could burn the face off of a normal man. To Harry, they tasted just right.
  'So fucking hot, in more ways than one,' Harry managed as he pulled her sexy body onto his lap and deepened the kiss further, the hot lava heating up even more around them as they made lustfully on the strip of rock.
  Amara wrapped her legs tighter around Harry and rubbed her heated center around Harry's stiffening prick. Despite the fact that their bodies were invulnerable to the massive heat, their undergarments were not past a certain temperature, so they melted away after a certain point.
  Smut/Lemon Begins:
  Amara was tipped back and Harry slipped inside her.
  "Fuck, Amara, you're so fucking hot," Harry grunted as he pushed his cock into her burning pussy as the lava bubbled around them.
  Amara panted as Harry had her pinned down on the rock surrounded by the lava and it bubbled up. His throbbing length pushed into her, his tip was at her dripping hot slit, and he slammed his huge phallus into her. The woman moaned as her legs tightened around him harder and he ran his hands down her thighs.
  Harry pumped his length into her and she took more of him inside her. Each stroke caused her to be brought to immense amount of pleasure. His full length slid into her and pushed deeper into her. She moaned loudly as her hips lifted to meet him.
  "Damn, Harry, fuck me, harder," Amara panted as her body glowed with a yellow shine and Harry pumped into her molten hot cunt. The dark haired woman breathed heavily as Harry cupped her breast and continued to work into her.
  His tongue licked around her breast and Harry slid into her. She tasted so good, the warm hot taste that was delicious. He could not get enough of these lovely breasts and he kept working his member between her thighs. The wizard buried himself balls deep into her and the young woman clamped around him, feeling the orgasm or rather the eruption that came from her.
  "Yes, deeper," Amara panted as she felt Harry's hands roam over her body and it made her already hot body even hotter. His length pumped its way into her and she kept lifting her hips as it met his strokes.
  The two lovers matched each other stroke for stroke as Harry kissed her face and then moved all the way down her body. He grabbed her breasts, channeling magic through them. They were manipulated in his hand and he tasted their super heated deliciousness. His length continued to pump his way into her, working all twelve inches into her.
  Amara rocked her head back, closing her eyes and feeling the rush, the amazing rush. There was a few seconds where she closed her eyes and pumped her hips back against him.
  Another orgasm caused her body to shake all over and she felt the pure sexual bliss rack her body as the eruptions coursed around her.
  "Feels so good," Amara panted as she felt Harry's throbbing cock work between her nubile thighs. She wanted to ride him so badly but he had her pinned down on the rock which heated underneath her.
  Harry smiled, he felt her heat and continued to seek it with his throbbing penis. The woman bit his lip and this gave her the distraction as she used her legs to flip him over.
  "Now, I have you, my Lord," Amara said playfully as she closed her eyes and sensually worked her hips around his invading pole.
  Harry laid back and enjoyed the right, her hot hips squeezed his throbbing length and she pushed herself up before bringing herself back down onto his manhood. The woman squeezed his length as it worked into her pussy. She milked his thrusts with her hot inner muscles, bouncing higher, bouncing up and coming down onto him. He felt the throbbing that continued to transpire and he wondered when the pleasure was going to end.
  If he had his way, the answer that question would be never.
  Amara bounced up high and slammed down onto his throbbing cock. Her breasts sprang and she reached into the lava around her, cupping the molten rock in her hand. The lake was amazing as she poured the lava on her breasts and then also some of it on Harry's chest.
  With a seductive gaze in her eyes, Amara worked her hips down on him.
  "Tastes good," Amara breathed as she felt her pussy rocked with his throbbing length and she moaned as she squeezed his throbbing length as it buried into her.
  Harry cupped her breasts and he sat up. She screamed as his mere mouth on her breasts caused an orgasm and several pockets to open up in the ground. It sent hot ash and lava spew into the air and Harry kept slamming into her. It was obvious that he caused eruptions in more ways that one. His throbbing length hammered her tight cunt and she kept squeezing him, working around him harder yet. The princess kept moaning as he worked into her.
  "Harder, fuck me harder!" Amara yelled as Harry kept drilling into her.
  "Oh believe me...I will," Harry grunted as he slammed her tight pussy and it wrapped around him. She engulfed his length into her pussy.
  Amara's body was rocked by his throbbing thrusts and her nipples stiffened as Harry continued to hammer her. A few more thrusts and she would be brought to the edge of greatness. The woman clenched around him and Harry continued to thrust into her. She bounced up and worked down onto him.
  His penis found her molten center time and time again as she clenched him and there was another eruption. Her moans got even more intense.
  Amara closed her eyes, her man was the example of pure male endowment and Harry kept pumping his length deep into her body. The woman squeezed her tightness around him and Harry pushed her down onto him, holding her tightly against him, feeling her body in all of its glory.
  "Oh...ah...god..." Amara moaned as she felt his throbbing length work around her cunt. It was so good, she could not believe it.
  "Glad to see you think so highly of me, dear," Harry grunted as he slammed himself into her, burying more of his length into her superhot cunt.
  They worked themselves into the home stretch and she kept bouncing up and down on him. She was summoning as much heat as she could, determined to make him injected his burning seed into her chambers.
  "Yes, mmm, yes, cum for me," Amara panted as she threw her head back and looked towards the heavens.
  Harry felt her tight snatch get even more snug around him and knew that he was getting closer to the edge. He was determined to bring his lover to even more passionate heights and he kept pushing her around him. She tightened around his throbbing prick and worked around him. Her moans got even louder and he pumped into her. The woman panted heavily as Harry kept taking his cock into her snatch, and worked into her.
  His burning load injected into her and Amara screamed as he pumped a whole lot of cum into her waiting womb. The woman rotated herself onto him and milked him dry, using all of the walls that he could.
  She fell back as cum drained out of her pussy but she turned over, getting on her hands and knees, angling her bum towards him and shaking it.
  "I want you to take me up the ass," Amara remarked as she wiggled her butt.
  "It belongs to me," Harry told her.
  Amara felt pleasure as he drilled his throbbing meat up between her tight buns. He took her ass for his own and she loved it. His throbbing length pumped between her ass cheeks and there was a sensation that she was going to love everything that happened to her. The woman breathed heavily as Harry drilled his cock into her tight bowels.
  "More, more," Amara panted as she bit down on her hip and Harry indulged her with more yet. The princess felt his large phallus rammed into her ass and she invitingly took even more of him into her. The princess moaned deeply as he kept hammering her with everything that she was worth.
  Harry felt the thrill of being up the ass of a hot Brazilian princess. The woman was loving the thrill of her lover pounding her ass and she kept squeezing him with her supple buttcheeks, as he took more of his cock into her. Her moans intensified and got even deeper as he slammed into her, working himself around the inside of her hottest hole. The woman kept panting even harder as Harry pushed himself in and out of her.
  "So good, feels so fucking good," Amara panted as her body was surrounded by molten rock and she was being buggered from behind by the man of her dreams.
  She grabbed her hands on the side of the rock and Amara kept panting heavily as Harry worked himself into her. The dark haired woman screamed as he brought his length, all of his length into her, and the woman brought her buttcheeks tighter around him. He grabbed her breasts and worked into her, the woman breathing heavily.
  A few more pumps brought her into a shrieking madness and Harry dipped his fingers into her heated mound. He alternated between rubbing her breasts and diddling her twat, both of the sensations were amazing. Amara brought more of his length into her and Harry kept hammering her from behind until she reached the edge of an orgasm.
  Amara panted as she encouraged him to keep working himself into her. His meat pistoned into her ass and caused her to feel so good as it brought her apart. The heat surrounded both of them as the lava lake bubbled and there were eruptions around them.
  The next eruption happened a while later with Harry finishing his load into Amara's tight ass, hammering her tight rear with stroke after stroke until he spurted every drop of cum from his balls into her.
  He pulled out, dribbling on her ass, pleased with a job well done.
  Amara laid on the rocks surrounded by the molten lake drooling, both of her holes freshly fucked. A smile crossed over her face.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  To Be Continued.
  All Hallows Freak
  Chapter 20: All Hallow's Freak:
  It was Halloween, All Hallows Eve, whatever one wanted to call it; it was a night where ghosts and ghouls, along with spooks, snuck out into the night to play. Despite that fact crime would not take a backseat to anything.
  "So, was your trial run sufficient?"
  The man behind that signature calm tone was named Phineas Mason but he was better known in the New York criminal underworld as the Terrible Tinkerer. He created a multitude of inventions for some of the criminals that plied their trade in the city. As long as they paid, the Terrible Tinkerer would create and his smile was wide as he looked at his latest client.
  Any other day this young punk would not be fit for knocking off gas stations but with a little technical magic, the Tinkerer could make him into something special.
  "It went off without a hitch, Tinkerer," the man commented as he took off the pumpkin mask on his head.
  Osborn was not going to miss that stuff, the guy was loaded, he had stashes of the equipment all over the city just like this.
  "You're nothing, a nobody but with this technology, you can be someone, a god even," the Tinkerer commented as he surveyed the young man before him and it was plainly obvious that this youngster was buying what the Tinkerer was selling, one hundred percent. "Do not...do not doubt that I can make you into something."
  "I don't doubt it," the thug said in a cocky tone of voice.
  "A few dollars here and a few dollars there and you're looking at some real money," the Tinkerer commented as he looked towards him. "But...the big boys are always looking to hire, that's big time money right there. I have a job for you."
  The thug smiled, he was looking rather pleased with himself right now. He tried not to show it but it was obvious that the grin on his face was not going to leave it anytime soon. He cracked his knuckles and there was one statement that fired from his mouth.
  "What do you got for me?" he asked the Tinkerer.
  "I'm glad you asked," the criminal commented as he cracked his knuckles and leaned to look the young man in the eye. "You're in the big leagues now, kid."
  "What do you...what do you mean?" the man inquired.
  "I've got a man who's willing to give you a job that will put you on the map," the Tinkerer commented as he moved the view screen over. He smiled at the passion that the young man showed across his face, he was so naive and so able to be exploited for his own games. There was a few seconds where he waited to click on the television screen.
  The image of Graydon Creed appeared before him.
  "Mason, I hope that my funding will be adequate, we need willing humans to teach those who defy us the meaning of respect whether they be mutant or human," Creed stated to them and there was a few seconds where he paused and cracked his knuckles. "Don't...don't disappoint me."
  "I won't disappoint you, Creed," Mason commented, he knew where his bread was buttered, well as long as his checks cashed. He waited for the offers to roll in; he'd worked from some of the top criminals in the world, supplying technology to them that was state of the art at what he considered to be affordable prices.
  Also underneath an assumed name, he supplied technology to rookie and ignorant heroes to fight the technology used by these villains at expensive prices. Therefore the villains came to him for greater technology and Mason supplied it, making even more money.
  He didn't really care about good or evil, there was only money and how much was put in his bank account. He was ruled by the dollar more than anyone else. There was a few seconds where he kept his eyes on the young man before him.
  "I trust you won't make me disappoint Creed," Mason remarked as he faced the young man.
  "I won't let you down, don't worry, you should worry about letting me down with this substandard equipment," the man stated arrogantly and Mason got to his feet. The criminal, his balding head with only a tuft of white hair and thick glasses, dressed in a lab coat over some dress clothes, narrowed his eyes at him. There was a few seconds where the two of them stared each other down.
  "You have balls kid, hopefully I won't have to cut them from your body," Mason commented to him as the two of them went eye to eye.
  "Trust me, I'll do my job, I'm a god with this equipment, that's what you said," the man said to him.
  "Yes, but remember that I have a fail-safe, step one foot out of line and I'll cut you off just like that," the Tinkerer commented snapping his fingers as he kept his dangerous eyes on the punk before him. "Anything that you can do with that equipment, I can do something better. Including blow your damn head off if you piss me off enough."
  The young man clutched his fists together and bit down on his lip. A look of rage passing flashing across his face as he imaged stomping this old man into the curb. He could splatter his brains but he had to play nice for this equipment.
  "Jason, remember, you'd be rotting in Juvenile Hall if it wasn't for me equipping you with that modified Goblin technology," The Tinkerer reminded him and there was a second where the man stared down at him, pondering what to do next.
  "No, Jason Macendale was a bum, I'm not a bum, I'm horror personified," Jason remarked in an over the top tone as he watched the Tinkerer. "You can call me, Jack O'Lantern!"
  The Tinkerer rolled his eyes. "Call yourself whatever foolish, inane name you like but you better not screw this up."
  Now Jack O'Lantern was angry and he planned on destroying the Torch. Then he would take out the Friends of Humanity and the Tinkerer to show who the master and the ruler of the world was. He was fired up and ready to go.
  Lois Lane was interested in meeting the man who was basically her boss outside of the office setting. Sure, she was able to see him and speak with him about a half of a dozen times but Chloe knew Harry better than she did. The dark haired reporter leaned back in her chair. She was dressed in a black blouse that showed enough cleavage to give a hint of what she had without being slutty. A tight skirt wrapped around her ass and nearly fit her like a second skin. As well as pair of black stockings that wrapped around her impeccable legs. She finished it off with a pair of high heel shoes that dangled from her feet. She was able to turn herself in the chair so Harry could see all of her.
  Whether he was the breast man, a leg man, or an ass man, Lois was covering all of her bases. She wanted give him a preview without giving away the entire show, until she figured out where she stood with him. She wanted to unravel the enigma that was Harry Potter first.
  "Sorry, I'm late," Harry commented as sat down next to Lois.
  Lois wondered if Harry had shot up in height overnight. At least he looked taller than he was at the office, perhaps it was the lightning.
  "By about twelve seconds, so it's off to the guillotine with you," Lois remarked to him and Harry smiled back at her. "Yeah...I wouldn't have blamed you if you didn't show up tonight at all. Don't you have a Halloween party that you have to get to?"
  "It starts at six tonight, it's about four thirty, so you have ninety minutes on my undivided time," Harry told her but then he amended. "Slightly less."
  "Well yes...but that should be more than enough," Lois said to him as she straightened up. "But...I know that you're taking a lot of time out of your busy day to speak to a lowly peon like me, a low ranking reporter...and...I'm just someone trying to make my way around there, just trying to figure these things out."
  "Lois, you're rambling," Harry warned her.
  Lois flushed and she mouthed a quick. "Sorry."
  "It's alright, it happens to the best of us," Harry chuckled.
  Lois blinked, she could have sworn that someone else told her this recently but she shook her head.
  'Coincidence or is it?' Lois thought to herself but she shook her head. The reporting business was making her paranoid.
  "Right, so I've been told," Lois remarked as she looked at Harry's face, taking a look at his dark hair, green eyes, and the hints of a chiseled physique that was underneath his business suit. She would have tagged him for about mid-twenties if she did not know any better. Still he seemed more mature than people who were that age, despite the fact he was younger.
  Then again, so did many guys in college and they turned out to be more immature than the one's in high school. Still given that Harry managed to put together his own company by the time most children were goofing off in their senior year of high school, that amazed Lois and she respected him whole heatedly.
  "So, you had a proposal for me," Harry remarked to her.
  "Right...the Daily Bugle...it has some moderate news coverage on television but it's bread and butter is the newspaper, but print media's going the way of the dinosaur," Lois said to him. "Not that it doesn't have it's appeal, I mean, sure you could go online and read about the latest news but there is this personal feeling about having a newspaper in your hand. Sure it drives those environmental types up a wall but...we can't really control that people don't reuse, renew, and recycle."
  Harry raised an eyebrow.
  "Sorry, video that stuck in my head a long time ago, in school, but the point stands...what if we could have the best of both worlds?" Lois asked.
  "Already on it," Harry said to her and Lois raised an eyebrow as Harry decided to let her in on the secret. "Chloe's working on turning the Torch into a blog. I'm going to let her get her feet wet for a few months before bringing her on."
  "I can't think of anyone better to run it," Lois said in a happy voice and she added. "And I would say that even if Chloe wasn't my cousin."
  "Naturally," Harry agreed with her and he decided to bring this meeting back around to another point that he had been waiting to discuss with the budding reporter. "You invited me here to talk to me about a story that you were working on. You can't blame me for being a slight bit curious about what you were cooking up, you know?"
  "Right, right," Lois offered, she knew that Harry would bring up this point, at least soon. The reporter brushed her hair out of her eyes and smiled as she took a few seconds. "It actually has to do with our budding Adolf Hitler-wannabe, Graydon Creed."
  "Creed's...yes...that's interesting," Harry stated as he motioned for Lois to continue.
  Lois jumped on the opportunity with a passion that Harry had to admire. "Well...Creed's really hitting this anti-mutant thing really heavily. I mean sure there are jerks out there and racist bastards, but he's trying to convince people of his humanity hard enough that it's almost like he's hiding something."
  Harry did wonder about that.
  "No one hits something like that hard, not without a reason," Lois offered to Harry and she spit it out. "I think Creed...well I was wondering if something like this was possible? Purely a scientific theory, his parents being mutants when he isn't."
  Granted it was a theory brought on by a mystery informant but Lois could not figure out the validity of it.
  "I'm not sure if I would be the authority for mutants," Harry remarked but Lois gave him a "stop BSing" type of look and continued without any preamble whatsoever.
  "Creed...might be the son of a mutant, maybe two of them, and he doesn't have any gifts himself," Lois commented as she watched Harry and the wizard raised an eyebrow. "I don't know...I mean, I'm no Charles Xavier, so I don't know about if something like that's possible."
  "Xavier?" Harry asked, he figured Lois knew more about certain things than she was letting on, being a reporter, she was going to dig deep.
  "There's a lot of office gossip about the school that Xavier's running, being a training ground for mutants," Lois whispered to him. Actually it wasn't gossip, she witnessed it with her own eyes but it was best not to say anything, in the off chance that she might get mind wiped.
  "That's a very serious accusation to make, Lois," Harry said to her in a stern voice.
  "And you're running a school for the gifted yourself," Lois commented to him and Harry remained stoic. "Yeah, I needed to send an e-mail and ended up having to use Chloe's computer, she had an e-mail to Gwen open talking about it...she should really learn how to shut things like that off when she isn't using them."
  'I'm going to have to have a talk with Chloe later,' Harry thought.
  "She's pretty encrypted on her end, so don't worry, I don't even think Nick Fury would be able to get the e-mail, I just popped in quickly, and took care of business," Lois offered to Harry and his eyebrow raised at her. "I'm going to get a lecture, aren't I?"
  "Well, you're a reporter, so I suppose that snooping is part of your job description," Harry said with a breath.
  "Right, I know...but don't worry, I just know you're running that school and I think it's great, stick it to assholes like Creed and Osborn and Trask and all of those people who want to make life a bit harder to mutants," Lois commented with an appraising smile. "At least you don't have the track record that Xavier has."
  "I'm not sure what you're speaking about," Harry remarked to Lois and there was a second where she smiled.
  "I'm talking about Xavier's world class security system," Lois commented and Harry nodded in response.
  "I guess that's known the world over," Harry told her and Lois's smile crossed over her face.
  "You better believe it," Lois offered. "If I could dig up the proof on Creed...I'm going to go for this one."
  "Just be sure that you're able to duck the gunshot that's going to go off," Harry informed Lois and the dark haired woman nodded.
  "I know how to dodge bullets with the best of them," Lois commented with a smug tone in her voice but Harry gave her a reprimanding expression. "I know...don't get too cocky."
  He was glad that Lois knew but they made some small talk before he had to go.
  Emma sat next to Harry on the Astral Plane, her legs crossed.
  "So it's settled then, some of my girls will be coming over for your party tonight," Emma stated to Harry and there was a second where she looked at Harry with a smile as she leaned forward towards him. "Some of them are looking forward to meeting you."
  'And by some, naturally I mean all of them,' Emma thought to herself as the smile crossing her face widened slightly as she thought about the situation.
  Harry smiled at the woman as he commented. "It's a shame that you can't make it, Emma."
  Emma shook her head and she smiled as she crossed her arms keeping her eyes locked onto Harry. "I would have enjoyed being here but unfortunately duty calls elsewhere. We'll have to meet together at another time."
  Emma added to herself mentally, 'And it will be soon, sooner than you think, Har-Rell.'
  Harry caught this thought going through the mind of Emma Frost but said nothing now. The blonde had some thoughts that were on her mind and Harry was intrigued about getting to know her even better, in all senses of the word. There would be plenty of time later.
  "I'm glad that our schools could work together," Emma concluded with a smile. "This will open up brand new doors of opportunity for everyone involved."
  "I'm sure," Harry commented to Emma as he leaned back for a brief spell and eyed the woman across from him.
  "Time grows short for us, unfortunately," Emma offered to him and she placed her hands on her hips as she sighed. "I will see you later, Harry."
  "See you as well later, Emma," Harry remarked as he reached around her and wrapped his arms around her.
  Their lips met in a kiss and Emma's eyes widened as Harry slipped his tongue into her mouth. The two of them kissed each other with fiery passion and Harry groped her from behind, squeezing her sexy ass in his hands. Emma rubbed herself up and down Harry but before any fun could begin, he was pulled away from the Astral Plane.
  Emma blinked as she continued to watch Harry as she clapped her hands together and threw her head back with a sigh, as she wished for even more. Yet, there weren't going to be time for any more, at least not now. Her time would come sooner rather than later and if there's something that she had been taught, that would be the ability to exercise her patience. Besides her rather intense dreams involving him would be enough to satisfy her for now.
  "Well played, Mr. Potter."
  She was not about to let that one go without a pass, the blonde would have her moment with Harry. There was plenty of time that passed and her shining blue eyes flickered.
  "Trolling, the number one hobby of the Star Child," Jean commented as Harry appeared from the Astral Plane. She had been hanging out there as well, although she was there as an observer. "Not that I blame you, it's all in good fun."
  "Yes, it is," Harry stated as he walked from the office area.
  "Everything is going well for the party, although it was Gwen and Mary Jane who did most of the legwork, along with Chloe," Jean offered as she smiled. "And it will be a good night to kick back."
  "You look pretty frazzled," Harry said to Jean and Jean smiled.
  "Well you'd be pretty frazzled as well if you have the course schedule that I have," Jean admitted to him and there was a second where Harry nodded towards her. "Actually wait...you...probably wouldn't. But once I get through this latest set of exams, I think that everything should be fine."
  "That's good," Harry told her with a smile as he kept walking with Jean until they reached the next room.
  Jean slipped off to the side and Harry saw three females standing there, waiting for him.
  Kitty was dressed in a black-shirt that was a size too small for her, with black panties that barely covered what needed to be covered. She sat with her legs crossed and a smile on her face as she kept surveying Harry.
  Betsy was next, she wore a small purple top that wrapped around her breasts and showed her toned stomach. Her purple hair was tied back up.
  Rogue was wearing a plaid half shirt and a pair of short jean hot pants as she crossed her legs. She started to lick the lollipop that she held in her hands.
  "Hello, Harry," Kitty said to him with a bright smile crossing her face as she trailed her tongue over her lips.
  "Hello Angels," Harry told all three of them who nodded with smiles across their faces. "The three of you look amazing."
  "Actually, I believe that the four of us look amazing."
  Jean popped up as she was wearing a green camisole top along with green panties and green stockings but nothing else underneath. Her breasts strained against the top and there was a few seconds where she crossed her green stocking clad legs whilst wiggling her feet.
  "The four of you look amazing," Harry amended with a smile as he surveyed all of them. His pants tightened as he was ready for some good old fashioned fun with these girls.
  It was time for some fun and games.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Betsy, Jean, Rogue, and Kitty exchanged smiles as they watched Harry. Both of them looked at each other and mentally communicated to each other.
  'Maybe we should have drawn straws,' Jean quipped to the other girls and Kitty smiled.
  'I think that we should go in order of seniority,' Kitty quipped with a grin.
  "Ready, when you are ladies, although I will close my eyes, and pick," Harry remarked.
  He felt Kitty's scantily clad body find his and her arms wrap tightly around him. Her lips pressed against his with a long kiss as she rubbed her crotch down onto him. Harry returned fire as her dripping pussy worked up and down his throbbing length. The brunette mutant was determined to get everything that she could from Harry.
  "I think I'm going to enjoy this," Kitty remarked as she got on her hands and knees with a saucy smile on her face.
  "Time to keep you occupied, love," Betsy stated as she wrapped her arms around Harry and kissed him as Kitty got busy down below him.
  Her enticing ass was gripped into his hand and Harry could not get enough of the busty Telapath as she pressed her tongue down his throat. She kissed him.
  Jean and Rogue pulled his shirt off and was rubbing his bare shoulders from behind with the tender loving care that he could expect from these two young mutants. They also kissed the side of his neck.
  "And Kitty's unraveling the real prize," Rogue said as she kissed him on the side of his ear. The wizard closed his eyes as she suckled on his earlobe and brought her tongue around him.
  Kitty was down on her knees and she pulled his pants off. She phased his crotch through his boxers and his cock into her mouth. The brunette squeezed her throat around him and pushed her lips down onto him, blowing him amazingly.
  Betsy was pleased as Harry moaned into her mouth but she worked herself down. She wanted to lick his balls and Jean did the same.
  "Guess it's you and me to keep that magnificent mouth of yours occupied," Rogue said as she brought her lips onto Harry's with a kiss but he stopped it. "What's the matter?"
  Harry pulled open Rogue's shirt and revealed her naked breasts. Then with another swift action, he buried his face between her breasts. Rogue closed her eyes as Harry kept suckling on her breasts like a nursing babe.
  Kitty went to town on his throbbing length; she was determined to warm it up for her pussy. So she was trying to suck him off enough to give the pleasure. She gave him quite the messy blowjob, looking at him with lustful eyes and she pumped his penis into her mouth.
  Jean pulled Kitty off of Harry for a second and kissed her, so she could taste Harry's cock on her mouth. Betsy stole a lick of Harry's cock.
  "It's improper to hog the merchandise," Betsy commented to Kitty in a reprimanding tone of voice.
  "Sorry," Kitty remarked although she did not sound all that sorry at all. Rather the girls took their turns, licking, sucking, and caressing Harry's balls and cock.
  Harry grabbed Kitty and turned her around. He stripped what little clothes she wore from her body and put her on her hands and knees.
  "Kitty, I'm going to fuck you so hard," Harry commented as he fingered the inside of her pussy and caused her excitement to heighten immediately.
  "Right, right," Kitty breathed as she looked at him with a begging look.
  The green eyed wizard grabbed her around the hips and slammed his cock into her inviting center and slammed into her.
  Rogue smiled as she pulled Jean onto her lap and pressed their breasts together before they started swapping spit with each other. Their tongues danced together in full passion.
  Kitty was nearly being fucked through the ground, in more ways than one, as Harry's throbbing length beat its path into her dripping pink cunt. The brunette was trying to hang on for dear life as she was getting the fucking of her life. His length pulsed into her center and Kitty panted heavily as he worked all twelve inches of him into her.
  Harry always marveled at the tightness of her pussy but he did not want to restrict himself to one girl. He had to work up a certain amount of momentum as his cock thrust into her center, his balls slapping her backside. The brunette's panting continued to escalate as Harry rammed her in the center and Kitty grabbed her hands around the rug that she was being fucked hard by her lover.
  "I think she likes her twat being drilled," Betsy stated as she slid underneath Kitty, her legs spread. "How would you like a taste of this?"
  Kitty happily and hungrily began to munch up Betsy's pussy, licking it and slurping it like she was a bitch in heat and Harry hammered into her.
  "It's my turn next," Rogue breathed as she laid on the ground across from Harry and Kitty as Harry continued to fuck the brunette from behind, burying his cock into her hole. There was a few seconds where she screamed.
  Harry decided to allow her to cum and then at that cumming, he split off a duplicate to join Rogue.
  "Looks good," Rogue said in an appraising voice as she grabbed his cock and the Southern Belle watched his cock with lust and desire dripping from her eyes. She rubbed it up and down and licked her lips. "Feels good too."
  She pumped her hand up and down his cock, giving him a handjob and then she pressed it between her tits. Harry grunted as his cock was between her tits and he popped his dick out of her valley to allow the beauty to lick it.
  "Tastes good, too," Rogue moaned as she kissed his head and continued to pump the throbbing length between her tits, working him over. "Wonder how it'd feel inside me."
  "Only one way to find out," Harry said and Rogue spread her legs after pulling his cock out from between her breasts.
  Rogue looked up towards him with lustful intentions in her eyes and Harry plunged his thick length into her.
  She moaned as Harry worked into her and Rogue wrapped her legs around him as Harry hammered into tight pussy. The Southern Belle lifted her hips and Harry worked himself into her tightness. The wizard pushed in and out of her.
  "Don't tease me, really drill me," Rogue begged Harry and there was a second where he left her hanging and then he hammered into her.
  Kitty was being reduced to a drooling mess by the original Harry. It was time well spent with his meat buried between her lips and Harry cupped her breasts.
  "Keep eating Betsy's cunt, that's it," Harry breathed.
  He slid his stone hard length in and out of her body as the brunette clenched around him as Harry was getting closer and closer to fucking her through the floor. The green eyed wizard's head reared back as he pumped into Kitty and the brunette kept panting heavily as Harry continued to work into her tightness. She wrapped around him and Harry picked up a heavier pace as his balls slapped against her.
  Jean was not about to be left out of the party, far from it, as she draped her dripping cunt over Betsy's face and the woman happily ate her out. Her tongue buried itself deep into Jean's cunt.
  "Oh yes," Jean moaned although she lusted for Harry's cock inside her, giving her a workout.
  Judging by what he was doing to Kitty, that could not be soon enough. His hands roamed all over the brunette's body, exploring every nook and cranny of her young body. The brunette moaned deeper and deeper as Harry plunged his length into her.
  Kitty barely remembered where she was, all that mattered was that she was cumming so hard as Harry's throbbing length beat into her. She had no thoughts that were more coherent than that and she squeezed Harry, wrapping her tightness around them. Her tongue was on autopilot as well.
  Rogue was pinned down to the ground and Harry was testing her stamina, which got even stronger with each passing thrust of his pole into her tight body. The woman panted heavily as Harry hammered into her and there was a few seconds where Harry paused, his length rubbing against the slit of her dripping pussy, and there was a second where he paused.
  "Harry," Rogue whimpered as her eyes flashed with pleasure.
  Harry smiled as he slammed into Rogue and stretched her walls out from his efforts. The Southern Belle squealed beneath his throbbing length as it buried into her several more times.
  Kitty was done and out for the count.
  "My turn," Jean said in a sing-song voice as she closed her eyes and she slipped over and slipped her pussy over Harry's throbbing length.
  The redhead telepath wanted to feel the pleasure of Harry's cock stretching her out and she was going to feel just that. She bounced up and down upon him, using her walls to tighten around him and Jean panted.
  "Damn, Jean, that's fucking it!" Harry grunted as he felt her walls work around his prick.
  Jean's hair flipped around in her face like a fury as she rode his throbbing length. Her man's penis pushed her walls apart and she felt the rush of him spear inside her tight quim. The redhead's panting escalated as she worked herself around him, riding him up and down.
  Betsy waited for her turn and she created a psychic dildo to ram into her cunt. It was not like Harry, not in the slightest but it would have to do. She worked it between her legs and thrust them up to meet the intrusions. The telapath felt the pleasure as it worked into her deeper, buried between her legs and her panting escalated to an entirely new level. Her nipples stood up and rammed into her center, as she panted, feeling the pleasure of the probing into her center.
  "There's always room for one more," Harry breathed as he hovered into her.
  Betsy got on her hands and knees and displayed herself enticingly for Harry. Her dripping center was lined up with his cock and he rammed it into her without any warning.
  Her pussy contorted and worked around his wetness as he speared into her. The telapath panted as Harry worked himself into her. Betsy's moans got rather intense as Harry continued to work himself into her.
  "Harder, harder," Betsy moaned.
  Betsy was not the only one who was begging for a harder drubbing, no it was Rogue who was on the ground and there was a few seconds where she moaned, her pussy wrapped around him as Harry plunged himself into her depths.
  Jean rode up and down on him as well, she felt better and better as her tight cunt wrapped around him and his hands roamed her body.
  Rogue felt the gentle caresses of Harry working around her and she could not get enough of his tender kisses. She felt her nipples be licked and her breasts be sucked upon, it was a great moment and his length kept pleasuring her perfect pussy. She milked him as his prick.
  "Cum in me ,Sugah, cum in me," Rogue begged him and Harry worked into her center, her tight cunt wrapped around him and Harry continued to work into her. Her center milked his probing prick and there was a few seconds where she closed her eyes.
  The tightness of all three females could not be disputed and their lustful moans was driving Harry nuts.
  He's balls tightened after a couple of hours of intense fucking and his cum sprayed their inner walls.
  After this action, he was far from done but it was a nice warm up for events later that night.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Less than ten minutes passed outside in the real world, although thanks to Harry's ability to manipulate time, they were going at for about ten hours. Thankfully he had some stamina enhancing potions on him, although the girls were mostly refreshed. They just needed that little extra pick up to get things going.
  "Harry, your guests are here," Lily informed him from the office.
  "Thanks, Mum," Harry told her as he turned around and the four girls walked around, they were a bit pained but it was hard to get on their feet. It was a steady movement.
  Never the less, Harry made his way to the entrance hall and saw that Mary Jane stood there. She was dressed in a black jacket, a green t-shirt, and blue jeans. Gwen, Chloe, and Liz were standing there as well.
  'No powers, unless it's an emergency,' Harry remarked to his girls mentally.
  "Hi, Harry, thanks for inviting us," Mary Jane stated and Harry had ensured to arrange for any guests to be taken to the public area of the school.
  "Nice spread you've got here, Harry," Liz commented as she looked around. She wondered if there was more to this place than met the eye but right now, she was not seeing anything.
  Chloe smiled. Especially given that Mary Jane moved away from Peter after a few dates and Peter was dating someone else in his biology class, she figured that this was inevitable.
  'Another two falling into the cult of Harry Potter,' Chloe thought to herself in amusement as she placed her hands on her hips and smiled. Her lips curled as she could barely keep what passed for a straight face. It was an amazing location to say the very least.
  "And the girls from the Massachusetts academy is here, and hey Lorna, how are you doing?" Harry asked.
  "Fine, Harry," Lorna commented with a smile.
  Wanda walked over and smiled to greet her sister.
  "Mom is under the assumption that there is adult supervision," Lorna commented.
  "Well she wouldn't be wrong," Ororo inputted as she showed up.
  "Alright, now this is going to be a party!" Tabby remarked as she followed behind Ororo, with Jubilee and Rahne bringing up the rear, all of them smiling towards Harry.
  'We remembered all of the unbreakable spells on the breakables, right?' Harry thought to the Council.
  'We're good to go,' Peve confirmed in amusement.
  Harry turned around and saw the females from the Massachusetts Academy coming in for the party. The group entered the room, a redhead girl dressed in a yellow jacket, a yellow shirt, and tight pants entered.
  "Angelica Jones...I believe that we've met before," the eighteen year old girl stated with a smile on her face but a blonde stepped in front of her. She was dressed in a tight t-shirt that showed off her cleavage and low riding jeans that showed a hint of a thong although this was her casual attire. She had beautiful blonde hair that hung around her face and piercing blue eyes. She had a nice set of D-Cup breasts that were extremely firm, and a tight stomach with a delicious amount of muscle tone. Her perfectly defined ass could be seen and the top of her elegant feet as well in sandals.
  "I'm Regan Wyngarde, leader of the Hellions, the premier team of female mutants," the blonde stated boldly with a smile on her face.
  A third girl showed up. She had darker skin, with exotic features and deep blue eyes. She was dressed in a black t-shirt that tightened around her D-Cup breasts, she leaned forward a bit to face Harry. Her skirt was modest yet it wrapped tightly around her legs to show off what she had, showing a tight ass and legs that could go on for miles. She was tall and strong, looking like a perfect super model.
  "Monet St. Croix," she stated with a smile that crossed her face. "It's an honor to meet you."
  Five identical triplets entered, they looked like fifteen year old versions of Emma Frost. They all eyed up Harry like he was a piece of meat. They were blonde, with alluring blue eyes. They had angelic faces that appeared to have a hint of some kind of malevolence. The tight tops of their white blouses wrapped around their bust, D-Cup, giving a hint of cleavage. Their stomachs were toned and tight, with the skirts wrapping around their legs. They had creamy looking legs.
  There was a humming that echoed.
  'Please tell me that's not the alarm that I think it is,' Harry thought to himself.
  "Harry...is that..." Chloe said but Harry turned to Mary Jane.
  "Mary Jane, do you think that you could help Gwen make sure everything is in order, here's an inventory list," Harry stated to her and Mary Jane nodded.
  "Sure Harry," Mary Jane said.
  "Thanks a million, MJ, I owe you one," Harry remarked although he missed the look on Mary Jane's face.
  "He is more delicious in person," Regan breathed once she thought that Harry is out of earshot. "Tonight will be a good night."
  "Yeah, like he's going to go for a slut like you, he'd go for something more akin to me," Monet said.
  "Both of you two are stuck on yourself, I swear," Angelica remarked.
  "You're just jealous that you're going to lose the bet," Regan offered to Angelica and the redhead smiled.
  She didn't play to lose and the night had just begun, with the five blonde triplets standing in the background.
  'We shall see who wins this quest,' one of the quintuplets thought to her sisters.
  "And we've got a problem," Harry informed Chloe as she turned around. "Someone is trying to break in the Torch Office."
  "Well this seems serious...although I am kind of moving out of it next week," Chloe said with a smile on her face but she sighed never the less at the thought of it. "It's more of the principle of the matter."
  "I wondered when they were going to strike," Kitty commented as she placed her hands onto each other. "This seems to be a bit thuggish to try and get their point across, isn't it?"
  "It's the Friends of Humanity, subtlety is not something that's a hallmark," Harry said in disgust.
  "Is there something wrong?"
  Kara stepped into the room, she had been at the party but had slipped out when she missed Harry there. She was wearing a tight blue suit along with a pair of bunny ears. She had a slight smile on her face.
  Rogue shook her head in amusement.
  "There's plenty wrong," Jean commented to the entire group as she placed her hands on her hips and looked over the monitoring. "Maybe it's just a couple of punk kids trying to prove a point."
  "There's been a crime spree on the way to Midtown High," Harry stated as he punched up the notes. "There's some nutcase in a pumpkin mask that has been blowing things up."
  "So maybe this has nothing to do with the Torch at all," Chloe offered to Harry but Harry shook his head in negative.
  "All of these businesses, they have taken a mutant friendly or neutral stance, but they have banned Friends of Humanity propaganda," Harry told them. "The old Torch Headquarters is the latest stop on this guy's path of rage."
  "That's charming," Chloe commented as she watched Harry. "Well...we can't let him get away with this."
  Harry nodded, there was no way he was going to let this pumpkin headed thug get away with this. He looked over his shoulder and saw Betsy, Kara, Jean, Kitty, and Rogue, all of them primed and ready to go. Four of the five were recharged after tonight's sexually fueled romp and the last one always had a lot of energy.
  "So, are we going to do this?" Betsy asked as she looked at them. She was dressed in a red dress but she could adapt. That was one of the things that her training taught her, how to adapt in a situation that was potentially problematic.
  Jean's smile was wide as her expression spoke for the rest of the group for the rest of the group, yes they were going to do it.
  Harry decided that he would be a rude host if he didn't inform the rest his guests about the situation and hoped that it would be minor enough for him to return in time to at least experience some of the party. These thoughts that swam through his head as he made his way back to the party.
  "Harry, nice to see you again," Regan commented as she looked at him, mentally undressing him with her eyes and Harry could see that she was imagining doing much more.
  Under many normal circumstances, Harry would take advantage of this opportunity as it presented itself but he had some other things that was on his mind. Even though she was hot, young, blonde, and willing, which was a good combination; he had to focus on this crazed pumpkin headed terrorist who was out there blowing shit up.
  "Why don't you join me in a drink?" Regan asked in a sultry manner. "I don't think anyone's spiked the punch."
  'Well she's right, we do have charms to detect against that sort of thing,' Lily quipped through the link that she and Harry shared as part of the stronghold.
  "I'd like to but...I'm just here to inform people that there's some important business that's come up and I need to step out for a moment," Harry remarked to them and Mary Jane, along with a few others looked at him.
  "I hope it isn't anything too serious," Lorna said fretfully to Harry as she kept her wide eyes on him and Harry's smile crossed his face.
  "It's nothing that I can't handle," Harry remarked to the green haired girl and she nodded in response. "Don't worry, I'll be back, enjoy yourselves. If you need anything, I'm sure Gwen and Mary Jane or Ororo could take care of it."
  "Yeah, we'll take care of it," Gwen said as she could sense that this situation was more than a small problem that Harry was talking about.
  "Sure, no problem, none at all," Mary Jane offered, she was curious but at the same time, she knew better than to ask at this present time.
  "Thanks, we'll be heading out but we'll be back later," Harry informed them and the group made their way out.
  'So, are we all ready to go?' Harry asked to the group through the mental link and there were several statements of affirmation there was no question about it, they were ready to go for it, so they were going to head out and do this thing.
  Jason's mouth flickered shut as he clutched his hands together and his eyes flared with a greater malice than ever before as he surveyed the entire situation around him. He never was good with the school setting; he was never a lover of books. He was a solid D-Student and that was on a good day. The teachers didn't understand a free spirit like him, plus they didn't appreciate his nature, throwing him in detention rather than appreciating what he did.
  He gave a sneer as he thought about everything, the disrespect that he felt when they threw him around and knocked him into Detention. Parker was smarter than him and Thompson shoved him into lockers but he would gain his revenge on every single person that wronged him.
  Now that he had the power, he was going to use it to get revenge on everyone who ever wronged him and a disturbed expression glinted from behind his eyes. He was submerged in the shadows as he had one of the modified explosive devices set up. All it took was one push of the trigger and there would be a kaboom, an earth shattering kaboom and everything would be an explosive end.
  The young man pushed himself and he placed the device on the side of one of the lockers. There were a few idiots who left money in their lockers which meant it was his gain.
  'Boom,' Jason stated but a burst of heat vision cut off his cables to his explosive device and a blonde blur shot out, pulling the remote control device out of his hand.
  He turned around, dressed in an outfit with a purple cape, an orange top, and green pants, as he had a pumpkin mask over his head. His gloves contained a paralyzing venom that would take out any enemy. He thought that he looked like an amazing individual as he turned to survey these fools.
  "So, did you get lost on your way to a costume party?" Jean asked as she stepped towards her enemy.
  "Yeah, I think he did, a really lame one," Kitty commented as she snorted in amusement as she surveyed her enemy and his outlandish attire. "Really, he's got to get the award for lameness."
  Jason's berzerk button got tapped a few times, how dare this girl tell him that he looked lame? He was not a joke, he was a serious threat, and she would suffer just like they would all suffer. His eyes flared with annoyance as he turned his head around and tapped his fingers on a second hidden remote control in his hand.
  Harry waited to see what he was going to do but then it clicked to him. He could not believe that some punk kid was given a small arsenal to cause havoc, especially for the reasoning that he was. His eyes narrowed furiously as he turned to him. Kara, Betsy, Jean, Kitty, and Rogue all stood next to each other, ready to make their move.
  Harry took a few seconds to scan for any potential hostages but thankfully there were none. That was the most important thing a person had to do when they were taking down a villain, make sure that he did not find any hostages or let any civilians get caught in the fight. There was a few seconds where he kept his hands on the edge of the wall.
  "One chance," Harry told him. "Surrender quietly and no one gets hurt."
  Jason laughed at him.
  "Don't do this, you're just a kid, you don't have to throw your life..."
  Jason hurled a super intense pumpkin bomb at Jean but Jean blocked it with her telekinetic shield. The pumpkin rotated in the air and there was a miniature explosion that went off as she held the pumpkin in the air. There was a cracking explosion that resounded all over the area.
  "Don't be an idiot," Kitty stated through gritted teeth but she was losing what passed for patience and she wanted to wrap her hands around the neck of this tosser. The brunette was keeping her gaze on him, with burning intensity.
  Jason's agitation heightened as his eyes glowed super bright and he gave a bellowing shout that resounded everywhere.
  Jason launched the bombs out of his hand and tried to take out Kitty, Harry, Jean, Betsy, Kara, and Rogue.
  "And this guy is just cruising for one," Rogue remarked as she blocked the explosions that went through them.
  Rogue flew towards him and punched the young man through the door. She saw the armor, so it was not going to hurt him, well any more than she wanted to. It caused him to fly head over heels and land with a cracking crunch on the other end of the door.
  "Well that was easy," Rogue concluded with a smile.
  "Sometime tells me that isn't that easy," Harry commented to them and Kara sighed.
  "Why do you always have to be that pessimistic?" Kara asked in frustration and there was a loud growl that resounded on the other end of the door. The blonde felt her blood to run cold as she heard another loud growl.
  "What now?" Jean asked as she heard the thoughts that echoed through the back of the door.
  Kara had it flicker through her mind and she placed her hand on the side of her face, running her fingers through her hair. The blonde's eyes widened as she smelled something.
  "We knocked him into some chemicals, didn't we?" Kara asked.
  "Yep," Harry told them as he wondered how much this was going to hurt. He heard a stirring on the other side of the door and the heavy breathing of the person on the other side. His green eyes flickered as he looked through towards his enemy.
  The man got up to his feet and Jean used a shield to block the fireballs that he now shot out of his hands.
  What is it with chemicals granting people super powers and nine times out of ten, they're utter douchebags?" Kitty asked in disgust as she went through the wall to dodge and came back through the other side wielding a fire extinguisher.
  She tried to take him out with the foam from it and when that didn't work, she swung it into his face.
  "You will yield before the might of the Jack O' Lantern!" Jack O'Lantern remarked but Harry punched him in the face. "Hey..."
  "Powers or not, that's a stupid fucking code name and your an overcompensating douche," Harry told the young man and he rolled over and closed his eyes.
  The lockers exploded around them and they flipped back and forth as Harry peaked over his shoulders. Books flew around, along with pencils, notes, and other materials.
  "This guy's really asking for it, isn't he?" Betsy asked as she manifested a pair of energy knives.
  She rushed her enemy and tried to take him out with a stabbing motion. This was mostly an offensive maneuver but it was also a way to deflect Jack O'Lantern into the other direction. The enemy had glowing eyes as he lifted his hands.
  Rogue felt a bit of guilt at being the one to create this enemy because she knocked him through the doors and accidentally into the chemicals. She closed her eyes and reared her arm back.
  "Come on, you want a piece of this," Rogue commented as she held her fist up.
  "Gladly," Jack O' Lantern commented as he scrambled towards his adversary.
  Harry was glad that his girls were keeping him distracted because that allowed him to slip into the lab and take stock of the chemicals that spilled upon him.
  'And per my luck, there was a one in a million fluke that caused him to mutate into...well into this,' Harry thought as he considered it in his mind. 'And naturally...he'll...yeah of course...of fucking course he would some how have to bond with his equipment.'
  Harry was coming up with a way to negate things.
  'Harry, not to rush you but it's almost like this guy's getting more powerful,' Jean thought to him.
  'That's because he's feeding off your adrenaline to fuel his powers,' Harry commented to them as the horrible truth clicked into the back of his head. 'So, just calm down and stop attacking him.'
  'Are you crazy, he's going to fry us?' Kitty thought.
  'Yes I'm crazy, and yes, you've got to trust me, I've got a plan,' Harry thought to himself but he closed his mind to panicked thoughts.
  Calm thoughts, that's what was needed as Harry formulated a way to put him down. The good news was that this little power up was temporary.
  He smelled the brimstone, yeah the power up would only last maybe a day or two, unless he found a way to shut him off from other bio-energy.
  'Kara, make an exit and get everyone out of there,' Harry thought to them through the link.
  'Got it,' Kara thought to him, wondering what mad plan Harry had up his sleeve but she was confident that it had to work.
  Now it was Harry turn to go one on one with this idiot and he would be lying if he did not feel some kind of apprehension. But it was something that went with the territory. His eyes flowed as he turned towards him.
  "You," Jack O' Lantern stated as he raised his hands up and his fireballs swirled around him. "What's the matter, too scared?"
  "Yes, shaking like a leaf," Harry remarked dryly. He stood tall and stared down his enemy, malice flickering through his eyes. "You know, nothing you can do can hurt me."
  "Oh you think you're hard, don't you?" Jack O' Lantern remarked as he launched the flames towards him but Harry stood there and allowed the flames to be absorbed into his body.
  "Good enough to take down someone like you," Harry commented as he felt the flames lick over him. They were like a tickle, nothing less, nothing more. He stood in the light, the blasts of energy bouncing off of him. The green eyes of Harry Potter flickered with amazing intensity.
  Jack O'Lantern was angry that he wasn't taking him seriously at all and he was blasting him with every single thing he had. The fireballs manifested from his hands and Harry stood in front of him, whistling merrily, keeping his thoughts calm. He was thinking calm and beautiful images in his mind, the type of images that would mean that he did not get vexed by this man. No he was cool, calm and collected.
  "And you're running out of energy, aren't you?" Harry asked to the man.
  Jack's eyes flared with anger as he continued to blast Harry but he stood there, like an unmoving pole. His body remained still as a statue.
  "Keep at it, you're running out of energy," Harry offered to him as an explosion that resounded around him.
  The stored energy within Jack O'Lantern was tapering off, Harry measured it through the most passive way possible. He narrowed his eyes as he waited for the energy to roll down, one tick at a time.
  "It's over," Harry told him.
  "No, it's not over!" Jack O' Lantern yelled but he was now back to square one, some kid with a few toys and he kept his eyes on Harry in thinly veiled frustrated. There were a few seconds where Harry waited and watched, his eyes flowed with power.
  When Harry was certain that all of the energy had been burned out, he decked the kid extremely hard in the face channeling his annoyance into the punch knocking him unconscious.
  Using his super breath he froze the kid into a solid block of ice as he dropped down to the ground with a crash. Jack O' Lantern was taken out like he was nothing. And to Harry he was nothing more then a gnat.
  Harry made sure his powers left him and he had no surprises before he called the proper authorities. Hopefully they would be able to sort this kid out.
  "Another day, another fucking idiot thinking their a hard-ass," Harry muttered to himself he felt his body ache a little bit but the aches and pains came with the territory. His green eyes flowed with frustration as he arrived back to the Halloween party.
  "And judging by the look on your face, you've been through a tough night."
  Harry turned around and saw Gwen standing there with a smile crossing her face. Her hands locked onto her hips as she stared Harry down.
  "Yeah, Gwen, well not so much a tough night just really annoying, that about qualifies what I've been through," Harry informed the blonde and she nodded as she watched him. The blonde fixed her gaze on him and she stepped towards Harry and closed the gap to kiss him on the lips lovingly.
  "The crowd from Frost's school is amusing, trying to figure out who is going to get in your pants first," Gwen commented to him.
  "Amusing isn't the half of it, it's hilarious to see them try and trip over you, I think that they have some kind of bet going on," Kara added in amusement as she stepped on the other side of Harry.
  "The things that people would obsess over," Chloe remarked shaking her head sadly and Gwen raised an eyebrow.
  "Not that you have room to talk, trying to get into Harry's pants like that," Gwen added with a grin.
  Chloe crossed her arms and looked fairly cross but she watched the scene around them. The party was winding down, although this was technically a weekend for all involved so it could have the potential to go pretty late and get extremely loud as well.
  "Mr. Potter, it's good to see you have returned in good health," one of the young blonde quintuplets stated as she fixed her eyes on Harry.
  "Could we please interest you in a dance?" another one of the blondes commented. All of them were dressed in schoolgirl uniforms, with tight white blouses that wrapped around their ample breasts and extremely short black mini-skirts, along with sheer white stockings.
  The females had blonde hair in pigtails, a white t-shirt that showed off their impressive cleavage, and a toned midsection. Their healthy legs were on full display.
  "Perhaps, he isn't in the mood to dance, perhaps today's activities have worn him out," another one of the girls commented as she watched him.
  "Perhaps, he should lay down, and we could help him relax," another one of the girl added with an alluring glint in her eyes.
  The five girls smiled, ever since they got the telepathic blast of his activities for the first time, they were looking forward to this.
  Kitty watched the situation, in amusement as she crossed her arms and she only had one thought to relay to Harry.
  'Hot blonde schoolgirl quintuplets, oh Harry, if you don't take full advantage of this, I will be so disappointed in you,' Kitty commented to him in a reprimanding voice.
  "Why don't we take you into the next room?" one of the girls remarked as she stood on her tiptoes and then linked her arm into Harry's. Another linked her arm into Harry's other arm.
  "It's a shame you do not have more arms," the female stated to Harry but her shoulders shrugged.
  Harry kept smiling as he followed them into the next room and the five girls stood beside him.
  "Here, sit down, relax," one of the girls remarked in a soft voice, her mouth up against his ear and Harry did as he was asked, it was time to relax.
  "We must make sure this shirt is off so he can allow for maximum relaxation," one of the females commented as she pulled the shirt off.
  All five girls crowded around him.
  "And for the state of the record, I'm Sophie," one of the blondes informed him with a dazzling smile as she pushed her hands up and down Harry's torso.
  "I'm Phoebe," another blonde added as she started rubbing Harry's shoulders and the others were taking off his shoes to start rubbing his feet.
  "I'm Mindee," yet another blonde commented as she rubbed one of his feet.
  "I'm Celeste," another female told him as she rubbed his other foot.
  Harry saw their cleavage up close and their bodies pressed against him.
  "I do not have anything to rub, so I will have to take care of this unsightly bulge that is in your pants," the final blonde said to him with a bright smile. "I'm Esme."
  She reached into his pants and squeezed him, with Harry's smile crossing his face as he set back and enjoyed them as the girls removed his pants to leave him exposed.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Esma reached down his boxer shorts and she squeezed it.
  'It was just as amazing as we thought,' she thought to her sisters as she rubbed her hand up and down it, working her way down his erection. The blonde worked her hand up and down his throbbing cock. The blonde pulled her pants down and reached around.
  Harry leaned back and felt her hand stroking him, working over his throbbing balls and she used her tongue to lick the underside of his cock. The blonde was giving him a going over and she was not about to stop no matter what.
  Sophie kissed the back of his neck and she ran her fingers down his spine. Celeste and Mindee kept running their hands down his legs and feeling his muscles, as they joined Esme in working the underside.
  Harry grabbed Phoebe and worked his hands underneath her shirt.
  "Yes, such skilled...hands," she moaned and the pleasure erupted through the hive mind of the sisters as she felt the talents of his hands and reaching down to her stomach to skin the flesh.
  "I want it in my mouth," Mindee pouted with a cross look as she looked at his cock.
  "Ladies...no need to fight, you'll get your turn," Harry remarked to them and there was a few seconds where they paused with each other.
  "I'll go first, you need to learn to share," Sophie said firmly as she nudged her sisters out of the way. She removed her top to give her lover the visual aid that he needed and wrapped her breasts around his thick pole. She ran herself up and down his large shaft, breathing heavily. The blonde rocked herself up and down around his thick pole.
  She licked it, as did Mindee and Esme. Celeste went to Harry's other side and Harry dipped his fingers into her tight pussy. The woman pushed down on his fingers and he fingered Phoebe's pussy on the other side.
  Clothes were stripped off as Harry was surrounded by an erotic buffet of flesh around him and his fingers kept stroking them.
  Mindee felt pleasures flashing through her young mind that she had not experienced through her entire life. The blonde panted as she worked herself down his fingers. There was a few seconds where she wrapped her tongue around his cock, looking up into his eyes. The blonde worked herself into his mouth and licked her, suckling his cock head around her lips.
  "Yes, yes," Harry grunted as he worked into them.
  The way the girl's minds were connected, Harry sensed that they felt the pleasure that they all felt. He was going to do something that was about to blow their minds.
  Harry pumped his fingers into Phoebe's pussy and the girl felt so much pleasure, especially with the pleasure that was already being chained through her sister's mind. She was panting with erotic energy as his fingers pumped in and out of her. The blonde pushed her hips and he worked into her, pumping her dripping cunt.
  "Yes, more," Phoebe panted.
  "I can't stand it, I need him inside me," Esme breathed as she gave his cock another loving lick, her eyes looking up at him. "I need you inside me Harry."
  "No I need you inside me," Mindee argued as she hungered his cock and wondered if she could even fit it inside her. The thought of her being split apart on that monster was so arousing that she could not even stand it.
  "There is no need to fight," Harry told her although he was amused by the actions of the quintuplets. He closed his eyes, the smile never fading from his face as he shifted apart into five different versions of Harry. "There is plenty of me to go around."
  "Yes, I see," Celeste commented and she squeezed his balls, working her hand down his shaft and the blonde licked his length. "It looks and feels as good as the original thing."
  "Believe me, I'm glad," Harry told the blonde as she shifted over him and hovered for a brief moment.
  Celeste was the first one to experience the full pleasure of Harry's length sliding into her. He broke through her but the blonde felt no pain, only pleasure. Her slender hips worked around his throbbing cock as she bounced herself up into the air and slammed herself down onto him. Her hips bounced up and down on him.
  Mindee joined the party next, getting on her hands and knees, and swaying her delicious little ass towards him.
  "Come and get it, lover," she purred.
  "Yes, me as well," Phoebe encouraged him.
  Harry grabbed Phoebe around the hips and aimed for her dripping center, fixing to ram his throbbing length into her. The blonde bit down on her lip and panted with desire, she was this close to having him stuck into her.
  "Please," Phoebe begged him as she watched Celeste have the time of her life and Esme get pinned down on the bed, her lips meeting Harry's with a hungry kiss as her other set of lips wrapped around her and there was a psychic rush of pleasure. "Master us with your delicious penis, we want it between our legs."
  "We are your sexy little whores," Mindee cooed as she swayed her lips and she watched Harry who had Sophie pressed face first against the wall and he worked his throbbing length into her pussy. The girl moaned as she took more of his cock inside her and it rammed into her a few times, his balls slapping against her ass.
  "You are," Harry said as he pointed his throbbing member against her slit and she ran it against the dripping area of her pussy. He worked up and down her lips and she let out one breath and another hitch before he sent his dick plunging into her folds.
  "My God!" Mindee breathed.
  "Yes, he is," Celeste panted, pleased to see that they got some of this action before their mother did. They were never going to let her live it down.
  Celeste had the time of her life as she bounced up and down on his throbbing prick, taking more and more of it into her pussy. Her eyes closed show as she threw her head back and gave a lustful scream as he worked into her. His length buried deeper into her cunt and she felt it slam into her.
  Sophie, meanwhile, was being hammered into the wall and pleasure jolts rocked through her body, along with the bodies of her sister's.
  "So, snug," Harry breathed in her ear as he pumped himself into her tight pussy. "And so mine."
  The quintuplets were in the height of their glory as their dream man fucked them through all of their tight holes.
  Esme was pinned onto the bed and Harry worked his throbbing meat rod into her tight pussy. The girl lifted her hips up and met his thrusts as he buried into her, going deeper and deeper into her. The blonde closed her eyes and tightened around his rod as he drilled into her. Her pussy wrapped around his prick and moaned deeply.
  "Yes, yes, yes, deeper," Phoebe panted as Harry slid into her dripping cunt and the blonde panted as Harry groped her breasts, running his fingers down her stiffening nipples. He hammered her tight pussy, hammering her from behind.
  "I'm sure you can take it, babe," Harry grunted as he speared his length into her tightening pussy and Phoebe bit down on her lip as she took more of his length into her. The blonde felt his dick hammering into her, her tight walls hammering into her. The blonde placed her hands onto the bed and gripped otno the sheets.
  "I want your cum, it'd make me feel so good," Celeste commented as she bit down on her lip with the pleasure and rode him.
  "In due time, love, in due time," Harry stated as he saw the sight of five different versions of him fucking five quintuplets all around him and yes, this was a sight to be seen. He throbbed at the thought as he continued to bury his length deep into their young bodies
  Mindee grabbed onto the sheets and had the thoughts going through her minds that this was a pleasure ride beyond everything. Her body would be sore and sweaty, not to mention sticky but it was worth it to have some a prime force of male endowment in her. The blonde panted as he brought his length into her and slammed it into her tightening quim.
  "And more," Mindee encouraged him, biting down on her lip and grinding backwards towards him, feeling the pleasure of his thrust in him as it pumped deeper between her walls. She felt him lightly tug onto her hair to get leverage.
  "I'm sure you want more, plenty more," Harry remarked to the girls who were all squealing underneath his tender loving care.
  Things were starting to get intense and Harry's balls were getting swollen with cum as he felt the pleasure moving into the second round of it.
  His cock exploded, bringing his cum into all of their nubile young bodies.
  He was far from done and that's the way the girls liked it.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Emma Frost sat in her office at the Massachusetts Academy, her students would be enjoying the sights in New York for the next few days. She thought about how tonight was supposed to be a night where they would be able to let loose and more importantly get to know the Star Child better. Knowing the Star Child better, that was the key to everything and that was the key for the next stage in Emma Frost's plan.
  She remained crisp and cool at the thoughts of everything that was occurring around her and she was expecting a phone call. The lateness of the evening did not bother her as there would be less of an opportunity for her to be disturbed if this person phoned her at night. The blonde telepath reached into the cabinet and sipped from her glass.
  Yes, she had felt the telepathic pulse coming from the area of New York, her five dopplegangers had gotten to test ride the Star Child. Emma was amused at both the situation and annoyed that she hadn't gotten to him first. Although there would be plenty of time to rectify that matter for it was time for duty to call and she had to pick up the phone.
  On cue the phone rang and Emma quickly snatched it up into her hand.
  "Yes," Emma remarked to her contact on the other end of the phone.
  "It's as you suspected, they are trying to stage a coup," a garbled voice said on the other end of the phone.
  "Shaw decides to show a spine at the worst possible instant," Emma commented as she pinched her nose and sighed.
  "Yes...but my father has gotten his nose into the party as well, he believes that he can get his hands on the Starchild and guide him for his own gains," the woman on the other end of the phone informed Emma and the White Queen of the Hellfire Club pondered this statement for a brief second.
  "Lionel Luthor could not more arrogant if he tried," Emma stated. True, she thought highly of herself but the male Luthors and Norman Osborn, were on a whole new level of arrogance that made Emma wonder if they deserved to be slapped around until they were taught a lesson . And it would be a painful lesson at that. "He thinks...and how does he hope to accomplish this?"
  "You know Shaw's insane plan regarding the Phoenix as much as I do," the woman on the other end of the line commented.
  "It's been the quest of the Hellfire Club for years and that means that he thinks he's tracked down the current conduit to the force," Emma said to her contact and she took a drink, she needed it dealing with the fools in the Inner Circle. She had forged connections but she was about to cut these connections. Her mission, along with the Black Queen's, had been to attract some wealthy and attractive women to the Club all for the benefit of their God.
  "If I'm reading the scripture right, the Star Child is the only one that can help the conduit of the Phoenix stabilize the Phoenix Force," the woman said.
  "So that's Lionel's plan, control the Star Child, control the Phoenix Force, take over the Hellfire Club," Emma mused.
  "When Lionel Luthor does something, he doesn't do anything halfway," the woman over the phone admitted, it was hard not to grudgingly respect a man who exhibited such tenacious qualities. "But the question is, what are we going to do about it?"
  Emma Frost was able to scheme with the best of them, she was also not going to take anything like this lying down. She was going to fight with every fiber in her being and she was not going to be beaten in a virtual game of chess, especially if that person trying to take her out was a Luthor. That was just not the way things worked with Emma Frost.
  "I have a plan," Emma stated after a moment's thought.
  "Norman and Lionel are due to go to war any day now over OsCorp, which may soon be absorbed into the LuthorCorp branch of the Corporation," the woman said. "And then there's Lex...he's a wild card."
  "Yes, I know Lex," Emma remarked dryly. She had met the young man in passing and that was enough of him for her. That brief two minute meeting was nothing of note. "Don't worry, the time for the Hellfire Club to come under new management is reaching near."
  Selene had told Emma about Har-Rell a long time ago but the White Queen only regarded it with amusement, until she learned more about him. Once she learned more about the Star Child, she started to realize his potential and the change that he could bring to the world. He was a shining beacon of hope in a world begging for someone to lead them.
  He would be a savior that would change the world, no question about it.
  Emma's smile was wide as she paused.
  "The plan will come together nicely," Emma commented to her contact over the phone. "The time for him to takeover will happen soon."
  "The only caveat is to let Har-Rell in on the plan," Emma's contact said.
  "Yes, there is that," Emma agreed.
  The fools of Hellfire Club would burn all around them and the White Queen would be standing beside a new Black King of the Hellfire Club.
  To Be Continued.
  This Chapter was written on September 10th and 11th 2013, Published on October 24th 2013.
  Checkmate Part One
  Chapter Twenty One: Checkmate Part One.
  Harry was not going to lie, last night was an interesting night with many ups and downs but as usual he came out on top as it should be. His emerald green eyes flowed with amazement as he saw the tangled group of girls on the bed. It was well past midnight, and while many of the guests departed from the party, they were still there. He placed his hand on his head and stepped over the pile of female blondes, careful not to disturb them.
  He looked at the clock, a smile crossing his face as he read the time.
  'One in the morning, not bad, 'Harry thought to himself as he kept moving forward.
  He only saw a bit of the party, between two unintended detours, one of them having been the good kind of a detour and the others having been the bad kind but in the end, he thought that everything turned out for the best tonight. He thought that there was no major issues as he saw a few of the people who had been crashed out on the couch. It was a bunch of teenagers having a party, as long as they did not over indulge too much.
  Wanda was on the couch, her arms folded over her head as she placed her head onto it and she was out for the rest of the world. The brunette mutant placed her head down on the top of her head and kept sawing logs. She shifted and Harry spotted Lorna resting peacefully on the other side, her arms crossed underneath her head. She breathed in and out, with the green haired mutant shifting a tiny bit.
  "Some party last night, even though you didn't get to see much of it," a voice remarked and Harry turned around to show Mary Jane standing there.
  Harry got a good look at the pretty redhead; her hair flowed freely down her back. Her eyes burned with a mischief and a desire that made Harry intrigued. Her tight black shirt stretched over her breasts and as she leaned a bit to help clear up some of the clutter, Harry got a full view of her cleavage along with her toned stomach. Harry saw her jean shorts tighten around her ass and showed her long tanned legs, with a smile on her face as she saw Harry's eyes on her.
  "I'm sure those five had a good time, and took up a lot of yours," Mary Jane offered to Harry as she placed her hands on her hips.
  "We missed you though," Liz said with a pout as she turned up.
  Harry got a good look at her, her dark hair was tied back in a ponytail and her shirt rode up to show her toned midsection. She had a nice set of breasts, although a size smaller than Mary Jane's. Her legs and ass were in extremely fit shape as well and Harry found his eyes traveling over the toned flesh. His smile widened.
  "That's okay," Liz commented as she tightened her arm around Harry's waist.
  "We're willing to have a chance for you to make it up to us," Mary Jane remarked as she looked at Harry's eyes.
  Mary Jane smiled, the entire Peter thing....well it was nice whilst it lasted, but they both mutually agreed to go out on a couple of dates to get their aunts both off of their backs. And Peter was a good guy but there was just a lot about him that indicated that his attention was going to be elsewhere. Mary Jane thought that she could try and make it work and maybe it could have still worked. Peter was the one that broke it off but hey they gave it a go of it. He moved onto someone else after all.
  She had her own suspicions about his nighttime activities and he carried a lot of guilt and baggage if her theory was correct..
  "Oh, you think that I should," Harry remarked as Liz wrapped her arm around Harry's and snuggled into his side.
  "Yeah, you should," Liz offered and she looked at him. As far as she was concerned, Harry was the peak of manhood and she could not get enough of him.
  Mary Jane hungrily traced Harry's physique with her eyes and stepped towards him.
  "I think that we have a few ways where you can make it up to us, Harry," Mary Jane remarked and Harry reached around her as he led her up towards another bedroom. A smile crossed her face and she placed her hands on her hips as she hungrily gazed at Harry.
  'Nice....he would have an extra bedroom or two....he wouldn't be a rich kid without them,' Mary Jane thought as she looked down the hallway. 'Or a few dozen....that might be excessive.'
  Mary Jane entered the room and Liz followed them nervously.
  With a swift moment, Mary Jane threw her arms around Harry's neck and gazed into his eyes. She reached around and pulled his shirt off, seeing his muscular chest before her. She stopped and stared.
  'Face it Tigress, I just hit the Jackpot,' Mary Jane commented to herself as Liz was down on her knees, working his pants off.
  They saw his boxer clad bottom and got a good look at the merchandise that was on his lower end, and both girls were practically drooling at the thought of what this length would give them. Their eyes traveled down his appendage.
  "Oh, I want a taste of that," Liz cooed as she eyed it and drool went down her lips, down her face.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Mary Jane eyed her lover's penis with a smile crossing her face as her hand squeezed his balls in her hand. She licked her lips in the hungriest manner as she gave him a going over.
  Liz's eyes widened as she saw his large cock teasingly bouncing in front of her face. She watched his movements with lust dancing from her eyes and she realized that it was not fully erect which got her all excited in another level. The dark haired teenager licked her lips.
  "I need..."
  Mary Jane grabbed him and stroked him slightly up and down. The redhead felt every pulse of his male meat beneath her hand and she felt it. It must have been eleven inches, twelve inches, hell she wondered if she could make it grow anymore.
  "Don't worry, Harry, I'll make you feel good," MJ remarked with a saucy wink as she kissed the tip of his head and Harry felt her lips go around him.
  This was the first time she ever sucked a cock but why settle for the rest when you could go for the best? Her lips wrapped around his cock and pushed it down her throat, the length pulsing down her as she pushed herself up and down upon him.
  "Oh, yeah, MJ, so good, such a...great mouth," Harry panted as he looked to Liz. "Join the party...Liz.
  Liz got down and fondled his balls with one hand as she pumped her fingers into her sopping wet pussy with the other hand. Heat went through her body as she licked his balls. They tasted so good and she saw Mary Jane's nipples sticking out from behind her shirt.
  Liz, with a grin as she licked Harry's balls, unbuttoning Mary Jane's shirt as she did so. She pulled it off to reveal her chest displayed in a black bra and her smooth, toned stomach revealed. Harry used his hands to work over her waist and down her back. The woman closed her eyes as she kept sucking his cock.
  Then Liz buried her face between Mary Jane's breasts and this caused her to moan. Harry was turned on by this action and Mary Jane wrapped her arms around Liz as she reached her hands down. She lifted up one hand and cupped Harry's balls.
  "So...fucking...amazing," Harry grunted as he speared his length down Mary Jane's throat and she took more of him into her mouth. She used her throat to work him over, running her mouth up and down his cock. The redhead closed her mouth around him and closed her eyes, feeling the sensations of her nose brushing up against her pubic hair. There were a few seconds where she closed her eyes and then slurped on his cock.
  The lewd sounds MJ made with her mouth was music to Harry's ears and she kept working him over, bringing her mouth up and down upon him. Her mouth closed into him, as Liz returned to his balls, whilst fondling Mary Jane's breasts.
  "Oh, I have an idea," Liz remarked as she pulled back and she pulled back Mary Jane's bra.
  Her D-Cup breasts were revealed to the world and Harry's cock twitched in her mouth as he kept slamming it over and over again into her throat cavity.
  "Let's put that big thing in between those tits," Liz suggested and Mary Jane pulled off.
  "Oh, I like that one," the redhead commented with a wide grin over her face as she drooled and she stuck his big cock in between her ample breasts.
  "So...do I," Harry grunted as she rubbed his cock up and down on her breasts, as both girls enjoyed his cock like it was a popsicle.
  Harry made sure to give a few passes between the valley of their breasts and push up towards them. The redhead was really licking his cock and enjoying herself as she continued to slurp his member. She kissed the head and Liz took her turn at sticking it in her mouth. She gave loud popping sounds with her mouth.
  "Shit, going to cum," Harry breathed and Mary Jane sped up the motions as Liz took off her shirt and bra, to reveal her dark skinned breasts with pointed nipples. They were C-Cups but still extremely lovely.
  "Yes, cum on our tits, Harry," Mary Jane breathed as his balls smacked against her chest.
  Harry's balls tightened and he exploded, sending bursts of his cum splattering on her large chest. He started pumping several length ropes onto her chest and Mary Jane used her breasts to rub him onto completion as his cum splattered the faces, breasts, and stomachs of her and Liz.
  Liz was getting impatient, her pussy needed his huge cock and in the worst way.
  She turned Mary Jane around and pressed her lips on the Redhead's face, sucking her face. MJ returned the kiss with equal intensity, as the two ran their hands up and down each other's bodies, pushing their hardened nipples together.
  They maintained eye contact with Harry who was getting harder by the second.
  "My turn," Liz purred lustfully as she slid over and her pussy was aching to welcome twelve inches of Harry into her.
  Mary Jane pouted for a second but Liz had won the race and she grabbed Harry, but Harry spun her around, grabbing her breasts.
  "I want that in me, please," Liz begged him as she showed her flexibility, by arching her back and his throbbing length brushed against the dripping slit of her pussy.
  Harry pushed his length against the slit of her pussy, rubbing it and he teased Liz. She whimpered at the thought of him being inside her and her pussy could not take any more. She lifted her hips, begging and encouraging Harry to go in her.
  "Ready," Harry stated and Liz nodded as he pinned her arms back and slammed his cock into her.
  "Jesus," Liz panted as Harry hammered into her tight pussy.
  The Latina babe felt his throbbing length fill her so well and she felt an orgasm immediately. Her tight walls wrapped around him as Harry worked his hands around her body, kissing her breasts and working his tongue around them. The dark haired woman pushed her hips up and met Harry's incoming thrusts.
  Mary Jane watched the outcome, waiting for her turn. Her face was still dripping wet with Harry's cum and she ran her fingers down her face, smiling as she reached her nipples and she licked her tongue around her fingers. She ate Harry's cum, moaning as she tasted it.
  Harry kept holding Liz down and thrusting his length into her tight cunt. The woman pushed herself up against him, pounding her tightening cunt with his length. The woman kept panting as Harry drilled into her center.
  "More, more," Liz breathed as she tightened her grip around him, both her hands around his arm and her pussy around his hard pole.
  Harry brought himself more encouragement as he thrust his length deeper into her dripping twat and it engulfed his member. He saw Mary Jane having a grand old time with herself and Harry looked over his shoulder for a second.
  "Be with you in a second, MJ," Harry grunted as he kept drilling Liz's pussy with his hard rod.
  Liz closed her eyes, he stuffed her so hard and she breathed as his hand clamped around her breast and his tongue stimulated her tits. The dark haired woman pushed her hips together and she was about ready to give up.
  Her pussy clamped around him and Harry pulled out of her. She passed out from the pleasure.
  "And you're still hard," Mary Jane remarked as she rushed over towards him and grabbed her hand around his cock, rubbing it.
  Harry lifted up MJ who smiled as he groped her around the breasts. Her dripping wet slit was teased around his cock.
  "Harry, it's not nice to tease a girl with something that she wants," MJ admonished as her red hair flipped around her face.
  "Well...we'll see how much you want it" Harry remarked as he rubbed his head against her dripping wet slit and Mary Jane closed her eyes as Harry held her up and with a swift motion brought her down on his throbbing hard length.
  Mary Jane bounced up on his throbbing length and slammed her pussy down around him. The redhead moaned as Harry pushed his length into her dripping hot pussy.
  "Fucking...I can't believe...I went so long without this," MJ panted as Harry kept bringing his cock into her center and the woman panted as she closed her eyes.
  "Well, you're making up for lost time now, aren't you?" Harry asked her, a grin crossing his face as she kept riding his cock.
  MJ nodded, that was all about what she could do. The redhead bounced, her breasts enchantingly jiggling in front of Harry's face. The emerald eyed enchanter knew that he would have to do nothing better than to grab a hearty handful and squeeze them with her pussy tightening around them. Mary Jane panted as she worked her nubile young body down his cock.
  "Mmm, fuck me," Mary Jane cooed as she worked her hips around him. She never had such a feeling in her life.
  Mary Jane groaned as she gyrated her snug little box around his mighty spear and felt her cunt get filled up to the brim. Her nipples stiffened for Harry to suck them and suck them he did, he wrapped his lips around them and brought his tongue around them. There were a few circles of his mouth as he continued to suckle the tantalizing nipple flesh that was her body.
  Chloe and Gwen showed up, just in time to see Mary Jane riding his cock like a madwoman.
  "That's so fucking hot," Gwen whispered to Chloe as she watched Harry's cock appear and disappear. They spotted Harry's cum still splattered to Liz's body and the two blondes exchanged a mischievous grin.
  They walked over and started to lick Liz's naked body dry of all of Harry's cum, as Mary Jane kept riding Harry, her tightening cunt wrapping around his throbbing length.
  She was too distracted and this caused two more Harry's to appear behind Gwen and Chloe.
  "Hi, ladies," Harry whispered in both of their ears and their panties, along with their inhibitions disappeared just in a snap of the finger.
  Chloe closed her eyes, she felt his erect length brush up against her.
  Mary Jane was lost in her own world of riding Harry's cock and she was only barely aware that two of her classmates were about ready to get buggered from behind.
  "Fuck you Harry!" Gwen yelled out loud as she felt his length penetrate into her dripping wet pussy and Harry grabbed Gwen around her tit and hammered into her.
  "Love your pussy, love your tits, love fucking you," Harry groaned as he kept hammering her from behind, his length sliding in and out of her.
  "Yes, feeling's mutual," Gwen groaned as she turned around and Harry gave her a burning kiss that caused her to cum on the spot.
  Chloe was bent over the bed and Harry worked his length into her from behind. The blonde panted heavily.
  "Harder, Harry, harder," Chloe breathed as she closed her eyes and there was a few seconds where the blonde closed her eyes. She tightened her cunt around his throbbing length.
  "Anything for you, lover," Harry panted.
  "Oh Jesus, you're so big," Chloe moaned.
  Chloe felt the explosion of good feelings coursing throughout her body and her nipples stiffened as Harry kept burying his length deep into her pussy. She felt so good as every inch of him filled up into her body.
  "Going to cum," the original Harry grunted as he pushed his length up into Mary Jane's pussy.
  "Cum...in me," Mary Jane breathed, she wanted to feel this god's cum swimming inside her, it would feel so fucking good.
  Harry worked into Gwen from behind and her pussy tightened around him. She made it extremely tight and warm, now more able to regulate her powers.
  Chloe was trying to hang on for dear life as Harry hammered her tightness with his probing rod. There was no question about it, she was having the time of her life and Harry kept working his length deep into her dripping center. The blonde's panting got even stronger as Harry reached the edge of his fun.
  Mary Jane felt pleasure and felt his face buried between her breasts, motor boarding her. There were a couple more minutes but she held on until he came inside her. She saw stars and fell down, her breasts on top of his face which Harry licked and nibbled at which gave her one more rocking orgasm.
  She was rocked with an explosion, as these activities continued, with Harry and Gwen being the most prolific due to Chloe tapping out sometime later.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Gwen had a grin on her face as she was the only one who was awaken, even though she was knocked pretty loop as well. Still Mary Jane, Liz, and Chloe all were laid out on the bed, supremely fucked. Harry wrapped his arms around Gwen.
  "She did need that, both of them did," Gwen commented to Harry as she eyed Mary Jane and Liz and snuggling her face into his chest.
  "I'm sure they did," Harry stated as he tightened his hug around Gwen and caught a few snatches of conversation.
  "A bargain is a bargain, dear Regan," Celeste commented in a sweet voice although there was a mischievous undertone through her voice.
  "You little....you had to have cheated," Regan said.
  "Now, jealously is not becoming of you, dear Regan," Sophie remarked as Harry used his X-Ray vision to see the girl patting her on the head.
  "Yes, we won the bet fair and square, as Angelica and Monet will agree, you should have struck whilst the iron was hot but we managed to score a victory over you," Phoebe offered in a gloating voice.
  "And you dorks have to pay up," Mindee commented in a sweet tone of voice as sinister undertones echoed through the young girls voice.
  Harry was not going to lie, he was amused by this interplay between the girls and the other members of the Hellions.
  "I will find out which one of you caused me to wake up in a tub of Carmel," Regan stated in a threatening tone of voice.
  "Now, now, these accusations are not becoming of you," Phoebe commented with a smug tone that caused Gwen to start giggling unmercifully.
  "That dragon of Pryde's was licking me awake!" Regan cried hotly as she crossed her arms with a cross expression on her face. "I do hope that thing has had it's shots."
  "Well at least you got some action last night after all" Phoebe said in a dead pan. "Although we may have to inform our mother about your attitude."
  There was even more amusement of Gwen as she buried her face in Harry's shoulder to stifle her giggles of amusement.
  Graydon Creed leaned back against his chair, a smile crossing his face as he thought about everything that happened over the past few weeks. The Friends of Humanity were becoming more prominent than ever now that the people understood where those Filthy muties existed. Creed wanted to take them down.
  He recalled his father and how he mistreated Creed, calling him weak, calling him a coward, no the mutants were the weak ones because they used their powers to bully people around. He smiled as he thought about what would happen. His Friends of Humanity members rounded up several mutants already and showed them who the true superior race was. Creed grinned more as he kept thinking about the fate of those filthy muties.
  Now, the Friends of Humanity would go to even greater heights, that much was for sure. There was no question about it, no matter what, there was a certain fact that could not be disputed. Creed was at the top of the world and thought that he was doing so much good for the world that he amazed himself. He was riding high of a wave of momentum and confidence the likes of which no one has ever seen before in their lives.
  Of course, when someone was on the top of the heap there was only one place to go and that was all of the way to the bottom. That was something that Graydon Creed was about to learn the hard way as he was giving himself a pat on the back. He stepped up at a knock on the door.
  "Come in," Creed commented in a smug tone of voice as he was basking in his own glory and he tapped the side of his desk. He thought about giving himself a cigar but he wondered if that would be a bit too much. Actually he doubted that very much but he was going to smile at what happened.
  An official looking man in a suit entered the office and made his strides towards Creed, holding a stack of papers in his hands. He took his strides as he walked up to Creed's desk and the man placed his head up, his eyes flashed towards the man across the desk.
  "Graydon Creed?" the man in the suit inquired.
  Creed smiled and nodded. "Yes, I'm Graydon Creed, what can I do for you?"
  "You're being served a cease and desist regarding the Friends of Humanity," the lawyer stated. "You have thirty days to officially stop promoting this group because it is copyrighted by another party."
  "I started this group," Creed offered in a protest, his hands clutching together but he managed to keep his temper down.
  "But you don't hold the copyright for it, unless you can prove that you own it and bring the proof before a judge that is group is your intellectual property," the lawyer commented to him as he stepped back. "I bid you a good day, sir, and if you don't comply with pulling the group name, then I'll see you in court."
  Creed had the information on his desk and his breath was hitched in and out. He was going to lose his mind as he had the papers in his hand. A few members of the group stepped inside, all of them looking at Creed nervously.
  'That bastard,' Creed curse to himself mentally, all of his hard work to discredit mutants were being flushed down the toilet.
  He saw the damning proof dancing in front of his eyes, crumpled nearly in his hand as he saw the information about the Friends of Humanity, that was not his group. It was a charity organization that was an offshoot of the mysterious RAO Corporation. Creed was clutching his hands around the paper, as he read that it planned to help all humans, both mundane and those with powers. The person who was behind this, he slapped Creed completely in the face and turned him around and kicked him in the balls.
  "Mr. Creed, are you okay?" one of the thugs asked him.
  "I'm....I'm fine!" Creed snapped as he clutched and crumpled the paper in his head, his eyes flaring nastily. There was a few seconds where he paused and he took a second to keep it in his hand. "They had no right to do this....no right, the Friends of Humanity....it's my organization!"
  "Surely no one would go up against you?" one of the members remarked in a brave tone of voice, bold as could be, although his voice was stammering and breaking. There was a second where a pause resounded and Creed looked like a mad dog.
  He read one stamp on the letter, from the Law Office of Jennifer Walters. The Friends of Humanity also had a statement where if anyone had been victimized by copycat groups who held the name, they could come forward and get relief.
  Creed was incensed to say the very least and he was this close to losing all semblance of his sanity.
  "Find me this Jennifer Walters....I wish to speak with her," Creed remarked, as he was going to convince Miss Walters about the dangers of messing with his crusade.
  One of the Friends of Humanity members looked alarmed and he turned to Creed. "Did you say....did you say Walters....Jennifer Walters?"
  "Yes, I said Jennifer Walters," Creed told him as he cracked his knuckles, when he wanted someone to get intimidated, he wanted it done.
  Yet he could not believe it, his fellow Friends of Humanity members looked to be the ones who were intimidated.
  "You can't take care of one woman, you're pathetic," Creed commented in a harsh tone of voice as he watched the people before him.
  "It's not that....but....you know who her cousin is, don't you?" one of the members remarked to Creed. "My sister went to law school with her....but Walter's cousin is Bruce Banner."
  "We kind of don't want to get him angry, because we wouldn't like him if he was angry," one of the members of the Friends of Humanity stated as he feared what would happen if he got the Hulk all up in his face.
  Creed had a newspaper delivered and he took it. His anger escalated as he read the fact that his hitman had been captured last night. Between this news and that news, he was not having a good day, not at the slightest.
  He wondered if things could get much worse than they are now. He started this day on top of the world and then he slid down past the bottom.
  Lois stood out in the park, a smile on her face that she had in spite of herself. The brunette reporter crossed her arms across her chest. She was dressed in a casual jean jacket, a black top, and blue jeans.
  "So, nice day, isn't it, Lois?" Harry asked to her.
  Lois raised an eyebrow and she saw the look on his face. "What did you do now?"
  Harry offered her a mock hurt glare. "I'm not sure what you're talking about. I didn't really do anything, did I?"
  "That's not....well you've....I've heard that Creed has gone on the war path and I haven't begin to write my expose on him,' Lois offered to him.
  "Well, I've heard a rumor that the Friends of Humanity group is someone else's intellectual property," Harry told her and Lois turned towards him, with a raised eyebrow. "And he was offered a cease and desist to prevent from using the trademark."
  "Oh....you know more about this than you're letting on," Lois commented to him and Harry offered a smile.
  Harry decided that he would prod Lois into asking what his intentions were and his intentions were something that he had been stirring up for a long time.
  "If you must know, I was taking a look into the group, and the trademark is wide open, I feel like such a group has potential, although not in the way Creed intends it," Harry told Lois and Lois watched him, trying to figure this out.
  There was a sense that Lois had, a very strong one, that there was a lot more to Harry Potter than met the eye. She could not put her finger on exactly what that was.
  "So where did you come from?" Lois asked him.
  "Well, judging by the accent, you can assume that I come from the distant, distant, planet of....Great Britain," Harry told her.
  Lois stopped and stared. There was someone else who....well it had to be a coincidence.
  Harry smiled, he was hoping to put together these little hints of who he truly was, hoping that Lois would figure it out. His only amusement that he got was that she would be agitated that she got fooled by a pair of glasses.
  "Just who are you behind those glasses, anyway?" Lois asked him.
  "Just someone who is looking to protect the world and make it a better place," Harry commented to her in a casual voice.
  There was something about that tone which Lois believed one hundred percent of the way and she smiled.
  "Well, I wish you the best of luck," Lois said to him.
  "So what makes the mysterious Lois Lane tick?" Harry asked her, deciding to cut the small talk.
  "Well, I've spent my childhood as an army brat, moving around from base to base," Lois commented as she placed her hand on her chin. "It was wherever the General decided to take us. Although, Lucy, my sister, got sent to boarding school, even though I practically raised her before that. The General hoped that would teach her some discipline."
  Harry looked at her with a raised eyebrow. "So did it?"
  "Well, it depends about what you consider discipline, although the number of times I had to bail her out, I honestly lost track," Lois commented and Harry smiled. "Then again, that's the problem of having a younger sibling but you wouldn't know that, being an only child."
  Harry smiled, then again, longing with a family was something that he found around in many ways, so the void was filled somewhat. Of course from the two worlds he came from, family was not the same sense.
  "Dealing with the students at the school, I have my share of spirited people to talk about," Harry commented to Lois.
  "Trust me, Lucy would be a handful for even you," Lois said but Harry gave her a grin as he closed the gap between them.
  "Are you sure that's because you couldn't handle her?" Harry asked her.
  "Well....I thought that I did alright," Lois offered in a protesting tone of voice and Harry watched her, the smile growing wider across his face. "I'm sure that you couldn't...."
  "I can handle any female that comes my way," Harry told her with a smile.
  "You are confident, aren't you?" Lois asked, she tried not to show that, but she found that an attractive quality.
  Harry just smiled and that was the type of smile that answered many questions, yet raised many more.
  They made their way from the park and down to the office. It was inspection day for Harry but he did not have to go there for a few minutes. Therefore, the two of them spent some time small talking.
  If there was one thing Lois Lane enjoyed, that was piecing together some sort of mystery. It was nice to hang out with Harry outside of business and she was letting down her walls that she had.
  "So....this is the place?"
  Harry forgot, that this was the first time that Rogue, Kitty, and Jean had gazed upon it, with him and Kara being the only ones to show up there before. It was now a couple of weeks after the party, well into November of that year.
  "Yes, this is the place," Harry told the girls and they all nodded, eager looks locked upon their faces.
  The three story building was amazing with architecture that was out of this world, along with alien.
  "And this was built upon the promise of you arriving here," Jean stated as she smiled. "Only you would manage to have a fan club before even arriving."
  Harry smiled, that much was true, only he could imagine something like that but at least it was a club of mostly extremely attractive girls.
  Kara stood in the background with wide eyed amazement as she kept her eyes on the structure. While there might be a few improvements that she could consider making, all and all, it was an amazing place and it was extremely worthy of Har-Rell. As it should be, if it was unworthy, then she would be having words with people.
  "Impressive, impressive," Rogue remarked as she stepped into the Church.
  There were a few female employees that saw Harry and they all stepped back in respect, before they kneeled. Kitty looked from Harry to them and amusement crossed her face.
  "Yep....we are extremely subtle in our worship," Kitty whispered to Harry and Kara, both of the Kryptonians looking extremely amused.
  "Great one, it is nice for you to have graced us with your presence today."
  "To your feet, please," Harry ordered them, as much as he would have liked to milk this for all of it was worth, he had business. "Why don't you take Jean, Kitty, and Rogue on a tour of the headquarters? Kara and I have a meeting to attend with Miss Starr."
  "At once, great one."
  Harry supposed that it would be something if he could break them of that declaration but to be honest it amused them.
  This left Kara and Harry to make their way up to Karen's office for the meeting. The two of them took the elevator. Both of them walked inside.
  "So, it was an awesome party last night," Kara whispered to Harry as the two of them made their way up the elevator. "Granted....I didn't see much of it because we came back so late."
  "But you did punch someone out by wearing a pair of bunny ears," Harry remarked to Kara.
  "Yeah, that was neat," Kara admitted with a smile on her face as she started whistling a tune.
  Harry was not going to tell Kara that Alison might be moving into the Stronghold now that her tour was wrapping up. Her manager was apparently giving her another fit and she was at the end of her rope regarding him. Harry suspected that something was going to break regarding that, although he had no idea what that might be. He did know that the manager was going to be one of those types that would find his way out of the back door soon.
  He wondered what he thought about going into the pop music business, it couldn't be even more cutthroat than some of the things that he was doing.
  Harry and Kara exchanged a smile with each other as they exited the elevator. He had a few things to do over the next couple of days and a visit to Karen was among the first things on that check list.
  He reached forward and raised his hand to knock on the door. There was a pause before the person on the other end of the door answered.
  "Yeah, come in," Karen told him and Harry did in fact come in. He could see that Karen looked kind of frazzled and he noticed this with a smile crossing his face.
  "Are you okay, Karen?" Harry asked her.
  "Fine," Karen told them although it was just the rigors of running a tight job. She perked up very much slightly as she saw Harry and Kara.
  "You look stressed, really stressed," Kara commented sweetly to the older blonde as she motioned for Karen to take a seat. Harry sat in front of Karen in the chair, giving himself a nice view of her impressive cleavage but that was not the main thing right now. He stared down at her impressive valley and a smile crossed his face as he watched her.
  "Well....it's just things....running this place, it doesn't run itself," Karen offered as Kara stepped behind her. Kara started to lightly massage the back of her neck, making sure to hit the right spots of pleasure to relax her. Karen felt herself losing herself to said pleasure. "Kara that's...."
  "If you want me to stop, just ask," Kara breathed hotly in her ear.
  "No, continue," Karen moaned as she wondered if she's been overworked to the point where a younger version of herself giving her a shoulder massage turned her on so much.
  Kara smiled as she continued to work over the shoulder and neck of her older counterpart, working her hands with circular motions around her. The elder blonde pushed herself back and Kara kept massaging her shoulder.
  "I've actually come to you with a proposal," Harry stated to Karen and the blonde raised her eyebrow as she commented with a labored "continue". The blonde was curious to see where this was going, although she was going to dance upon the side of caution until she knew even more. "I think that our two companies could do business together."
  "Oh, yes," Karen moaned as both a response to Harry's question and Kara's actions as he made circular motions around her back, pulling off her jacket and pulling back her sleeves slightly to reveal her muscular arms. Kara kept working on her shoulders and back of her neck.
  Karen was wearing a red blouse that could just barely contain her sizeable melons beneath her shirt. In fact, she could feel her nipples sticking out now as Kara continued to work her shoulders.
  She wondered if her younger self was so innocent that she had no clue whatsoever what was being done to the older woman. She felt a heat rising from her nether regions at her younger version's actions. Questions about whether what she intended to do was incest or an extremely elaborate form of masturbation went in her lust bound mind.
  "The RAO corporation is getting off of the ground after a couple of small setbacks," Harry informed the blonde who gave him a stiff nod as Kara continued to massage the back of her neck and then her shoulders, as she reached down underneath her shirt, rubbing the flesh underneath her upper back.
  "Yes....it seems to be doing....ah well," Karen panted as she closed her eyes and got herself back to the conversation at hand.
  "She seems to be very tense," Kara remarked casually to Harry.
  "Yes....well I want her in sound mind when we discuss business," Harry told Kara but a wicked idea appeared in the back of his head. "Maybe you should give her a foot massage, honey?"
  'Oh dear RAO,' Karen thought, she felt a heated pulse go through her body.
  "You can take over her shoulders and neck," Kara suggested with a sweet smile as she got down on her knees before Karen.
  Karen envisioned what might happen if Kara started eating her out here and there. This caused her panties to become dampened.
  Harry, already smelling the blonde's arousal, could move into the kill any time now. He placed his strong hands on her strong shoulders and slid over, working the knots out of her neck.
  "Getting into bed with the right people is the strength for any key business empire, wouldn't you agree, Karen?" Harry started as he whispered in her ear.
  "YES!" Karen yelled as she felt Kara's thumbs rubbing up and down to stroke her stocking clad feet.
  "I thought you might agree, you need people that you can trust, and you need to make sure you lay with the right people," Harry remarked as he kept rubbing her shoulders and then worked to her neck. "You need to make sure that you can plant that seed that will grow and foster. You don't want your foundation to be shattered by someone other than the very best, don't you?"
  "Mmm, hmm," Karen whimpered as her eyes flooded with thinly veiled lust as heat vision was teased in them but she shook her head. Her heart thumped over her chest as she tried to recollect her thoughts but it was extremely hard to do. She felt her body warming up.
  Kara smiled as she now stripped Karen of her stockings and was massaging her legs. Her fingers stopped short of her inner thighs and she moved down the left leg, slowing running her lithe hand down it, and then starting at the foot of the right side.
  Karen imaged that hot little mouth on her toes, sucking them, licking the sweat off of them, and more heat appeared in her. She was brought out of that fantasy, with Harry pressing himself up against her. His hand rested on her collarbone as he massaged her lover back through the chair.
  It was an inch away from touching her breasts. So close, oh sweet RAO, he was so close.
  "I think that the true nature is...."
  Karen turned around and looked at Harry with a sultry expression.
  "I think I have a more interesting way to conduct business," Karen said sultrily as she threw her arms around Harry and planted her lips on his in a burning kiss.
  Harry returned the favor, her tongue buried amongst his, wrapped around in his mouth. He reached around and groped her amazing breasts and she ground her crotch up and down against his.
  Kara helpfully cleared off the desk and allowed Harry to push Karen down onto it.
  The blonde smiled, a wicked glint in her eyes.
  'Mission accomplished,' she thought to herself.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Karen gave a lustful breath as Harry bent down and groped her breasts through her blouse. The blonde's eyes closed as Harry kept squeezing her lovely tits. The blonde's mouth was latched upon Harry's as he straddled her.
  Kara relieved Karen of her skirt and smiled as she saw a soaked pair of panties.
  "It's been a while for you, hasn't it?" Kara asked. She could not imagine anyone going so long without having such an amazing feeling, especially if that amazing feeling came from indulging themselves with Harry.
  Karen closed her eyes and felt Kara pull her panties back. The blonde stuck her tongue deep into Karen's dripping cunt and started to lick her, slurping it. The younger blond treated the older blonde to love as she grabbed her thighs and Kara dug her tongue into Karen's pussy.
  Karen was lost to Kara's activities and she did not notice Harry removing his pants. The blonde's eyes followed him as she saw it waving in front of her face. His throbbing cock stood out for her.
  "I think you know what you want to do," Harry told her and Karen was extremely foggy as Kara continued to lick her dripping wet pussy.
  Karen did in fact know what to do and she stuck her mouth around Harry's cock as it jammed into her mouth. The blonde stuck her mouth around Harry's throbbing rod and the blonde worked up and down him. She was giving him a super powerful blowjob and loving the feeling of his throbbing rod in her mouth.
  Kara thought that Karen tasted so pretty good and could not have enough of her blonde. The blonde was licking this delightful center and there was a few seconds where Kara kept licking her center. She was prepping her chamber for Harry's cock and her tongue kept swirling around the woman, her tongue scoping around her and getting deeper thrusts into her.
  "Damn...fuck....damn...ah....fuck," Harry grunted as Karen slurped up and down his cock, he felt his cock bounce against her mouth. His balls slapped against her chin and she felt more of his cock spear down her throat. The blonde closed her throat against him and Karen tightened her throat around him with Harry breathing heavily.
  Harry proceeded to face fuck the older blonde but she could take it. The blonde could really take it, she could take his throbbing length down her throat. The woman was breathing heavily as his length pulsed in and out of her mouth. She felt his cock in her throat, and she tilted down. Karen kept slurping his member down her throat and the blonde squeezed his balls.
  Kara worked up and released her breasts.
  "Harry, you have to try these," Kara managed as she squeezed Karen's tits and the blonde gave a lustful moan.
  "I think I'm going to fuck them," Harry groaned as he put his cock in between the area between her large tits and squeezed them together.
  The twenty four year old woman felt the pleasure of his throbbing length hammer into her and Harry picked up the pace. The blonde's eyes closed as Harry continued to hammer into her tits. Harry hammered into her breasts, his dick sliding in and out of it.
  "Let's lick it, it tastes so good," Kara breathed as she licked around the throbbing head.
  "Mmm, it does," Karen cooed as she planted a kiss on the tip of his head and the lips tightened around him as she pumped into them. The blonde wrapped her jugs around his probing pole and she felt his balls bounce off of her.
  Karen's breath became extremely labored as he pummeled her tits with his throbbing length and she squealed when Kara placed her mouth on her nipple. The blonde was breathing heavily as Kara continued to trail her tongue around the outline of her nipple. The blonde rubbed her nose down across the nipple and kept working her over like that.
  "She likes that, and she'll like my cum all over her tits, won't she?" Harry grunted as he groped her.
  Karen nodded up and down feverishly as Harry continued to work her tits with his length, it sliding in and out of her. The blonde's tightening breasts squeezed him and Harry kept slapping his balls against the underside of her breasts. There were a few breaths as Harry continued to hammer away at her.
  Harry gave a few more grunting thrusts and kept pounding into her. Karen squeezed her breasts around him and Harry's balls tightened.
  His cock exploded the pleasure in him burst and it coated her healthy breasts with his spunk.
  Kara licked Karen dry slowly and surely. The younger blonde was getting Harry hard and Karen was getting horny.
  "Harry, fuck my pussy," Karen breathed.
  "I thinks she's being too demanding, don't you?" Kara asked as she helped Harry turn he rover.
  Karen felt their hands brush over her tight rump and then Kara raised her hand.
  Kara spanked Karen, the back of her hand hitting her rear. Harry did so and this caused Karen to reach a jolting orgasm.
  "Time to have my cock inside you," Harry breathed to her and he brushed his length against her entrance.
  "Me, too, Harry," Kara begged as she stripped off her pants and panties, revealing her dripping wet pussy.
  "Of course," Harry remarked as he split apart.
  Kara laid back, her legs spread and a wide smile arching over her face.
  "In me, please," Kara begged as she pushed her lips together and Harry grabbed her around the hips and reared back.
  Kara squealed as Harry filled her with his throbbing length. It pumped between her nubile young thighs, working in and out of her with fluid fury. Harry pumped his length into her, riding her and Kara moaned.
  "Feels so good," Kara moaned as Harry pinned her arms down and arched his cock back. He rammed into her and this caused an explosion of amazing sensations to blast through her mind .Her eyes lit up but she managed to hold onto it.
  Harry gripped Karen around the hips and plunged his stone hard cock into her dripping hot cunt from behind. The blonde's pussy wrapped around him and he hammered into her. Karen grabbed onto the edge of her desk and felt his hands run all over her body. She was feeling the increased pleasure and attention go to her breasts.
  "Mine...more...mine," Karen panted as Harry hammered into her, sliding his rock hard cock between her.
  "Yes, this is what you've always wanted," Harry grunted to her as he rammed into her pulsing center.
  Karen was scratching the side of her desk, panted as her pussy was soaked. She felt the office floor crack beneath her as the desk was about to collapse with the combined force of this. Harry managed to slow the destruction of her desk with magic. Harry kept hammering into her.
  "Yes...you own me...fuck me," Karen panted.
  "Yes, I do own you," Harry growled as he bit on her ear lobe and he slid in and out of her.
  "RAO YES!" Kara panted as her tight center milked his probing penis as it slammed into her. Her hips lifted up and down, as he hammered into her. The blonde's panting escalated with Harry ramming himself into her. The blonde was really getting a workout as her pussy stretched out.
  He emptied and filled her dripping cunt, with Harry continuing to pick up the pace. The blonde's legs tightened around him and he grabbed them, running his lengths down on her sexy legs. The blonde's panting escalated as he raised up and jammed himself into her, her tightness wrapping him.
  Karen was on her hands and knees, with Harry hammering her tight cunt over and over again. He filled and emptied her with a few epic thrusts. The blonde's moans escalated to a new level as Harry kept up the pace. Their sexual organs were a blur as Harry kept drilling into her tight pussy and he sped up a heavier pace.
  Harry picked up a more amazing pace and he sent his cock into her center, her pussy tightening around her and he plunged deeper into her.
  "Oh, more, more, more, please, more," Karen panted as Harry lifted his cock and slammed into her a few more times.
  Kara was being pounded hard into the desk and there were a several strokes hammering into her tightening cunt. The blonde's eyes closed as Harry picked herself up and hammered with her tightening pussy. His balls slapped into her thighs as she wrapped her legs around him.
  After some time, both versions of Harry reached their climax and both blondes were screaming out loud. Harry grabbed Karen's tits and drilled into her from behind. The blonde was moaning and bucking her hips around him.
  "More, deeper, more, deeper, further!" Karen begged him as she felt his length go in and out of her, the blonde felt his balls slap against him.
  "Cumming, so close."
  Karen was about to be pumped in a dose of his amazing love and she tightened herself around him as he gave a few more passes as his cock slammed into her tightness. His balls clenched and he exploded.
  Both felt amazing, along with Kara, but it was just beginning.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Harry rested with one Kryptonian draped over one side of him and the other blonde Kryptonian draped over the other side of him. The room was in ruins but a few repairing smells could fixed that up. Kara and Karen snuggled into his chest, this felt so right.
  "So, are you going to give serious thought about my proposal?" Harry asked to her.
  "After that performance, I'll give a serious thought to any proposal," Karen replied with a smile as Harry pulled the woman closer into his chest.
  "Careful Karen, that's a dangerous thought," Harry told her as he kissed her on her forehead.
  "And one that's worth it," Karen concluded as an afterthought as Harry's arms wrapped even more tightly around her as she rested against him. The trio basked in the afterglow of what happened.
  "Shaw thinks that he can really outmaneuver me. As long as I've been around, I have learned all of the tricks and it is more than he could ever hope to learn in his miserable existence."
  That was the statement that was given by a woman who stood in the shadows and faced Emma Frost. And what a woman she was.
  She was tall with black hair that was dark as night. She had dark and alluring eyes, along with an elegant nose and cheekbones. Her lips were full and red, delicious and caused the stirrings of desire for many men, although for most, it was a danger to touch her. Her black top contained a pair of large breasts that were extremely solid and real despite their large size. Her outfit curved down to reveal a flat and toned stomach with a belly button that was to die for. Her curved hips were down next, to show a firm ass and long legs. Her legs were smooth and delicious, the things that fantasies were made of. People would not be able to run their hands down them enough. She was dressed in a black corset and thigh high boots, that showed off her amazing body.
  She was Selene, the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club.
  "And another Luthor....I've been dealing with them and their games for generations, amusing as it might be," Selene remarked as she faced Emma. The White Queen and the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club locked eyes onto each other. "And they think that they could maneuver us out."
  "They have given themselves that high impression of their talents, yes," Emma agreed and Selene clucked her tongue a little bit, scarcely believing that anyone could be so blissfully na?ve although given some of the company they were with inside the Hellfire Club, it was hardly a shock that these fools could display anything but the naivety that they did.
  Selene had built an empire for his return, she was not about to allow a bunch of power hungry fools who didn't measure up to destabilize that.
  "Their resources have been signed over to you, because they foolishly believed that you gave yourself to them in exchange for it," Selene said.
  Emma smiled, a little bit of mind control was pretty good. The male members of the Hellfire Club, who would soon be gone, were weak willed even though they prided themselves of being survival of the fittest.
  "And Charles Xavier has foolishly thrown away this resource for a peon," Selene added, she had seen the X-Men and had reports about them but they had underwhelmed her especially without Har-Rell's leadership. Ororo Munroe was doing the best she could but Xavier was grooming Summers, which she felt was much like grooming a werewolf.
  She knew that there were plenty of fools out there, as her contacts within the Xavier Institute have told her many times. The X-Men was an idea that had potential although the man was an idealist who was trying to make something that did not work, work completely. Often to a comical degree of failure.
  "Black Queen, are you certain about this plan?"
  Selene returned around and saw a woman dressed in tight leather. She had dark hair, although not as dark as Selene's. She had blazing eyes although they were hidden behind a pair of goggles, along with high cheek bones and pursing lips. She smiled as her massive breasts were hidden behind a black top that wrapped even tighter around her than ever before. Her legs were amazing and her shapely rear looked like a treat wrapped in these really tight pants that she wore.
  "Tessa...it will work....you know what we have been planning," Selene told her as she stepped forward and placed her hand on the hair of her dutiful pet, soon to be Har-Rell's dutiful pet.
  "Yes, I know what you've been planning," Tessa said with a nod of her head.
  "And with our eyes and ears in the house of Luthor, the Osborn-Luthor empire might be crumbling any day now," Emma concluded as she smiled.
  "I wouldn't count them out quite let, Luthors can be annoyingly versatile," Selene stated, although the same was true with the Osborns as well. They were like cockroaches that no matter what, they could not be exterminated. The dark haired woman stepped back. "You are in bed with Har-Rell already."
  "Not completely but I have had friendly conversations with him," Emma commented to Selene. "He knows of us."
  "Would you think any differently?" Selene asked as she gave Emma a questioning look at her lack of faith and both of them kept staring each other down. Both women kept their eyes locked upon each other as their hearts started to thump against the edge of their ribcage.
  "No," Emma stated, she knew better than to even consider that Har-Rell was anything but the best. Especially around Selene because she was fanatical towards him. "Do you wish me to set up a meeting?"
  Selena smiled as nodded. It was time for her to meet him for the first time from Har-Rell's perspective.
  "Gentlemen, I thank you for coming."
  Sebastian Shaw, the Black King of the Hellfire Club, stood in the background. He was a man who looked much younger than he actually was. His dark hair was tied back behind him and he wore a black suit along with gloves.
  Another individual who stood there in the background was Lionel Luthor, casual and crisp. He had been offered tea from Shaw's aide, but naturally he refused. He did not drink anything that he did not have personally prepared or prepared for his supervision.
  There was a third man who sat there in the shadows, large and in charge as he held his cane in his hand and stood from the shadows. There was a set of nearly glowing eyes in the shadows and a smile his face, as his dark skinned hand clutched around the cane.
  "This better be worth my time," a fourth figure remarked in a garbled voice.
  "We shouldn't stand separately, but we should work together," the dark skinned man in the shadows commented.
  "Your agenda does not fit my master plan," the garbled voice stated.
  "I think you might find yourself disagreeing in due time," the figure in the shadows commented briskly but then again, he was going against the unknown. Given that he was the Kingpin of Crime, he understood that there were going to be some people who needed to be discreet but he did not necessary like it any more than the next person.
  "You might disagree," Lionel agreed as he turned himself into the shadow. "Like it or not, Norman's....mental condition is something that concerns all of us but he is a valuable mind and has valuable resources that will be more able to be in the hands of another."
  "Yes....I know Osborn," The Master Planner stated, it was hard to keep his tone neutral although the voice modulation too care of a lot of it. He was trying to keep his mind rather even and calm despite everything although he was this close to losing all sense of himself. "I know him....and I understand what has to be done with him."
  "Yes...it's good that we're on the same page," Shaw remarked, he and his two associates in the background were the only ones to drink the tea. There was a few seconds where he kept drinking it a little bit and he lifted the tea up to his drink. He sipped the tea down and his eyes glowed with malice intentions as his heart hammered across the side of his chest.
  He ignored it, for now.
  "We need to stand together against Norman and other threats....he's going overboard with this mad gambit against mutants," Lionel offered to them all. "And it's causing him to slip."
  "They might be different but they fit a certain purpose," the Kingpin commented to himself. He actually was fond of the battles between the super powered crowd, because he was able to engineer certain outcomes for his own benefit. Insurance was a profitable business and the Kingpin did not know it.
  "And then there is this Star Child."
  "Nothing but a fanatical cult trying to move around a false idol."
  "Yes, well there are enough people who observe it to believe it is real," another man in the shadows next to Shaw stated as he took the tea that Shaw's aide had given him. "Thank you, Tessa."
  "Yes, Jason," another man stated next to him as he sipped the tea that had been offered to him. He smiled, trusting at Shaw's aide. "But, you have to believe, that there is something to be considered with him. He might be dangerous based upon his reputation and it is something that the Hellfire Club must deal with. We run everything, no Star Child does."
  Lionel smiled, he was intrigued by this situation and he was also intrigued about the internal games of the Hellfire Club. He placed his hand on desk and watched them drink their tea.
  "I could not have not said it better myself, Donald," Shaw commented to the man as he twisted his attention away. He sipped the tea once more and looked as if he was pondering. There was a second where his mind was off of the situation and then he returned back to the matter at hand. "This Star Child, he promotes many followers, even if I feel that he's a myth. We will find out who prostituted this myth and we'll take actions."
  The Master Planner had been silent, he knew that they were trying to coerce him into doing something but he was not going to play this game. He remained extremely silent as he blinked in an even pattern.
  "What do you think about this?" Kingpin asked.
  "I think that you are foolish by reaching for the stars when you should keep your feet firmly on the ground," Master Planner offered in a scathing tone of voice. "I'm a more practical individual and you are chasing these flights of fancy."
  "No flights of fancy," Shaw commented as he was trying to keep himself extremely calm although paranoia went through his mind. "And Selene....we have what we need from her."
  "She's not going to be one that will be easy to take out," Lionel remarked as he clenched his hand and smiled.
  "Be that as it may, she's a part of our chess board and a wild card, and she'll find out that no one is bigger than the Hellfire Club," Shaw said nastily. Her and Emma, both of them had their own games but Shaw was going to show them who their master was.
  "It appears that you cannot get your own house in line, Shaw," The Kingpin remarked to him.
  Shaw shook his head, an angry glint in his eyes. "Believe me, I've got everything in line. You should worry about your own empire crumbling around you."
  "I was going to suggest the same thing of you," Kingpin stated, despite the gang war going on around him, and the unfortunate and repeated interference of Daredevil, he had everything completely and utterly under control.
  "Gentlemen, we're getting off topic," Lionel warned them.
  "Of course," Shaw remarked and the group had some more things to talk about.
  Tessa smiled in the shadows as she stepped back.
  All went according to their plan.
  "So, this arrived today," Lana told Harry as the two of them sat in Lana's office at RAO. The redhead turned towards her boss. "It is from the Church."
  Lana suspected that Harry did not need much more information after she said the Church, in fact, he got all of the information that he needed from her. The redhead woman smiled as she placed a hand upon the top of her head and waited for Harry to respond. His green eyes had mirth dancing in them and Lana was rather curious to see what he had up his sleeve. The redhead waited.
  "The Church of Enlightenment....well they're being very direct," Harry commented to her as he read over the paper.
  "Really, you have ties to the Church?" Lana asked Harry, in a surprised tone of voice.
  "Oh, do you know something about the Church?" Harry asked, with a curious tone as he crossed his arms across his chest.
  Lana was quick to answer the question, a smile crossing her face.
  "Not particularly.....although I know enough about the Church based on what I've read, it's quite the cult," Lana offered and sure enough she knew a little bit more about the church as it was. The redhead kept her gaze on Harry. "It's quite the cult, made of all females and that's just...."
  "Well that's amazing," Harry remarked to her and Lana nodded. "And they want to meet me....the leader of the church wants to meet me."
  At first, it appeared to be Lilandra but not everything was what it seemed for Harry. His green eyes danced with some mischief as he pondered his situation at hand. His green eyes fixed upon the information and the request for the meeting. There was a lot of what he wondered about it but the more he learned about the Board of Directors, the deeper it seemed. Harry was intrigued and he decided one thing.
  "I guess I've got some time to kill," Harry stated but he was going to come to some kind of conclusion. "Unless you need my help here."
  "No, Harry, it's fine, I'm just overseeing the latest project that you wanted to get off of the ground," Lana told him as she waved her hand. "You know the one that you're talking about."
  "All too well," Harry remarked to the redhead and he crossed his hands. "Don't work too hard Lana."
  "Well, if I need to work overtime, I know you can afford it," Lana commented and Harry smiled.
  Harry thought that this little project of his would revolutionize energy consumption although he was sure that he would get a visit with Nick Fury who would question everything that happened.
  "To the Church?" Kara asked as she stood outside in the lobby with Amara and Kitty.
  "Yes, to the Church," Harry agreed.
  It was time to meet the person who founded the church.
  Amara smiled in spite herself, it was time for Harry to get the full Selene experience, for better or for worse.
  To Be Continued in Part Two.
  September 12th and 13th 2013 Written; October 24th 2013 Published.
  Checkmate Part Two
  Chapter Twenty Two: Checkmate Part Two.
  The facial expression on the face of Harry Potter was that of calm, cool, and collected individual. He awaited his arrival at the Church with a smile crossing his face. Amara, Kitty, and Kara were with him. He naturally could have arrived straight away but there was a part of him that wanted the anticipation to build in the back of their minds.
  He had a pretty good hunch who was behind all of this and he didn't need to tap into Amara's mind to find out that information. His emerald eyes shined brightly as he made his way towards the building, a smile across his face. The Church looked mundane on the outside but it was what took place on the inside that was the true measure of it's worth. The principles of the church.....well Harry wondered if they took things a bit too far sometimes but he not about to complain about a bunch of attractive women worshiping him as a god. He might have when he was younger and foolish but now that he was older and more mature, he enjoyed the pleasures of female flesh.
  He was so glad his teenage years were mostly over. Whoever said that high school was the best years of his life, he wanted to shoot. Not to death because he actually wanted them to suffer a little bit.
  "Wow, it's....wow," Kitty remarked as they entered the church, the doors pushing open. They saw the symbols all over the walls and stopped to see the statue of Harry. "Well...it's mostly accurate."
  Amara raised an eyebrow with a smile crossing her face. "Mostly?"
  "The nose is off center," Kitty offered which caused Kara to laugh and she looked it over, analyzing it casually.
  "Well, it kind of is," Kara agreed and Harry placed a hand on his hip and scanned it carefully with his eyes.
  It did look kind of off center, they were right. His green eyes remained locked on the statue that was standing before him, the haughty expression on it's face staring back at him. He would have to arrange to have some changes made to it pretty soon but that could wait until the future.
  "I'm glad you can make it."
  Harry turned towards her and he saw her in the shadows. Amara's tension grew a tiny bit but Harry wrapped his arm around her shoulders.
  "Selene, the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club, I should have known," Harry said to the woman who stood in the shadows.
  Selene smiled at him as she stepped forward. He was as she remembered, although their initial meeting had not happened from his perspective yet, but it had happened from hers. "Yes, Har-Rell, I expected you to put the pieces together in due time. There have been circumstances that have prevented us from meeting thus far. Although you do know the White Queen quite well."
  "Yep, I know Emma," Harry agreed with her.
  'And you know her daughters really well,' Kitty commented in an amused tone of voice, as she recalled what Harry shared with her from the party a few weeks previously.
  "Yes, you've been acquainted but we have a problem....."
  "Shaw is planning a coup to oust you and Emma from the Club and take control of all of the resources for himself," Harry recited to her and Emma in a bored tone.
  "So, you've done your homework yet again," Emma commented after an awkward pause, raising her eyebrow.
  "I should have expected that he would find out," Selene remarked to Emma with very little surprise in her voice, the tone of her voice indicating that she was actually quite pleased with this. And naturally, she saw Shaw's poor attempts in getting things done for what it was. He'd become sloppy or perhaps he was just became arrogant despite decades of playing this game.
  Shaw might had been at this game for decades but Selene had been at it for centuries. She was far more adept to playing this game and it was time for Shaw to get a very painful lesson of who the master was.
  "As we speak, steps are being taken to make Shaw suffers for what he's done," Selene stated to Harry.
  Perhaps Harry was reading this woman all wrong but she looked like she believed that Shaw committed treason to the highest degree. At least that's what he interpreted in the back of his mind. He could be wrong, although he somehow doubted the fact that he was wrong.
  Emma surveyed the situation herself and noted that Jean Grey, or the Phoenix rather, did not come with Harry on this trip. Which might be for the best, as the entire Church might have a meltdown at the fact that their two worshiped icons were here in the Church at the same time. Still, as much as that thought amused the White Queen, she had other things to think about.
  "We do have another problem," Emma told Harry and he motioned for her to continue. The White Queen took this as her opening to do so. "It has to do with Lionel Luthor."
  "Luthor?" Harry asked, if he recalled correctly, the Luthors ran a business out of the Midwest, in the Kansas area if he was not mistaken.
  "Yes, the Luthors," Selene confirmed to him.
  "So, we have a problem with someone else, what else is new?" Kitty asked Selene and the Black Queen turned towards her, amused by the girl's boldness. She would serve her savior well.
  "Yeah, it's just another Friday for us," Amara remarked as she turned and addressed Selene.
  "Princess, it is good to see you are in optimal health," Selene stated to her and she noticed that she was on the arm of Har-Rell. It was as it should be. Any other man would be inadequate for Nova-Roma royalty. "Tell me, how is your father?"
  "He is fine, although he has taken ill recently," Amara answered with a respectful bow.
  "Well, it'd be a shame if anything happened to him," Selene remarked to Amara in a calm and crisp tone of voice.
  Amara nodded, she was a bit intimidated being in the presence of the ageless woman who had founded Nova-Roma along with the mysterious young man who appeared to have been resurrected in the form of Harry or perhaps vice versa. Never the less, she stood there before the infamous Selene.
  "I believe we have business to discuss," Selene told Harry.
  "Lead the way," Harry offered her, this woman fascinated him, sure she produced a cold exterior to most but he could see devotion in her eyes for one person.
  Kitty and Kara exchanged a smile. If all went to plan, there would be a few more women added to Harry's collection after this day.
  Sebastian Shaw thought that while the foolish women were wasting their time in pursuit of the Star Child, he would plot their demise. The Black King of the Hellfire Club sought one thing and that was power. Anyone who was in his way, well they were an obstacle to obtaining that power and he sought to have them eliminated.
  His mouth curled in a devilish sneer as he pondered what he would do next. His heart hammered a steady beat within his chest. There was a second where he paused and tried to figure out where Emma had gone. She had ignored his summons, which made him feel disrespected. She would learn her place in due time.
  "Do you really think that you have them on a leash, Sebastian?"
  Shaw turned towards a woman in the shadows. She was dressed in elegant clothes, made of silk that wrapped around her sizable bust, and she had dark hair. She was not of sound mind but then again few people were in this day and age. She had her fingernails painted in red. The tight fabric of her garments stretched around her and She finished her outfit off with knee high black leather boots.
  "My dear, I know that I have them on a leash," Shaw stated in a firm voice.
  "Then....you must be made aware of a few certain truths," the woman remarked as malice danced through her violent eyes.
  "Bella, my dear...."
  She shook her head, a smile crossing her face.
  "My sisters and I, we were personally recruited by the Black Queen and you....you amuse us," this woman commented. "Did you honestly think that you could measure up to a god like the one that's going to take this club over and remake it in his image?"
  "I....I doubt very much that you know what you're talking about," Shaw grunted but he felt some heart burn coming on. He put it off to just a really bad case of indigestion as his mind worked over the possibilities of what this woman was saying.
  He had control, he was the Black King, therefore control was something that he lived and breathed. His mind tried to push through the pain and process certain points. His breathing, labored as it was, was still fairly firm and quite solid. He closed his hands together and tried to focus a steady glare at the woman.
  "I hope you are well, Shaw," Bella commented in a falsely sweet voice.
  She could sense the agony he was in, mistaking his symptoms for what he assumed was indigestion but most people could be justifying animals. It would only get worse from there, first would be the desire to throw up ones lungs. It was a poison designed to mimic an extremely violent case of the flu, created by her niece.
  "I'll be fine," Shaw remarked, he had weathered much worse storms than a bad bout of indigestion and a woman dressed in green and red, with short dark hair entered the room. She offered Shaw a note to look over. "Thank you, Annabelle."
  "You're quite welcome, Mr. Shaw," she stated as she turned around and exited the room down the hallway.
  When she was out of range, she shifted, becoming intangible then phased through the wall.
  Shaw still hasn't picked up the fact that one of his assistants has been taken an all paid vacation to the Carribean,' she thought to Harry.
  'And that his aide poisoned his tea,' he thought back.'Good job, M'gann, I doubt that even Selene knew that you were there.'
  'I managed to copy all of the files that you need, there's enough illegal information on here to get Shaw thrown away for a long time,' M'gann informed him.
  'And his company's will be dirt cheap and ripe for the taking,' Emma jumped in. 'And for the record...no, dear, I had no idea it was you. Your acting was impeccable....you should really consider making it a profession.'
  'Well maybe,' M'gann commented, trying not to sound too pleased with herself.
  'Thanks Emma, you've inflated her head,' Harry thought to her through the three way that they were on now.
  'Nothing wrong with a little ego, it shows people that we should not be trifled with,' Emma thought to Harry through the link although she was amused by his frustration.
  Harry shook his head as M'gann waited for her cue. There were still a lot of problems to yet to be resolved involving the Hellfire Club.
  So....you were an actual physical party for this....for longer than we thought,' Emma thought, she was torn between amusement and frustration. She let very little slip by her so it annoyed her that she'd missed this. 'People were slipping this confidential information to us, I wondered....I thought....but I guess that now we have our answer.'
  Harry Potter was someone who Emma thought was the most valuable resource in the world and actually had been helping them with the coup all along. Then again, he had been known to take steps that the other heroes wouldn't because they feared that it would compromise their morals. They were foolish, self-righteous, and really needed to be taken down a peg.
  Of course, this was only phase one of a bigger plan and Emma recalled all of the pieces that went together. So far everything was coming together smoothly.
  'I know, Osborn....who they're all conspiring against,' Harry thought. He had a few of his stores of Sentinels destroyed and if he recalled correctly, Osborn was always hanging onto the edge of sanity. He was constantly walking the tightrope between sanity and insanity.
  All he needed was the right nudge to send him spiraling off and he would land with a sickening thud.
  Norman Osborn's eyes were narrowed due to his fury and his hands clutched together as he pondered his lot in life. His actions in the past were beginning to catch up with him and he could smell a conspiracy against him a mile away. He was completely out of his mind and he felt the need to accomplish much more to fester through his mind. His eyes flooded with intentions of absolute violence. There was a few seconds where he paused.
  'They don't know what I'm trying to do,' Osborn thought.
  The Board of Directors pulled his funding as of today and thus the MRD might be put down before it could get going. He knew that this was a power play by Lionel, he did not care one way or another about mutants. All he cared about was accomplishing his own goals and succeeding in his business. Osborn's eyes flashed with greater malice and he cracked his knuckles as he kept thinking about what would happen next.
  They were fools that had no idea what Osborn was going to do next and they did not understand his genius. His eyes continued to fill with malice.
  He knew of the Hellfire Club as well and they were an increasing problem.
  'They don't understand,' Osborn thought. 'They don't respect my power but they will....they will fear my power.'
  That was the thought that pounded through Norman Osborn's mind, power was what he needed, power that he wanted. His heart thumped against his chest as he felt the remaining traces of the goblin formula course through his veins. It was an extremely powerful formula, and it caused his mind to be opened to new degrees.
  There was a knock on the door and Osborn got up to his feet. His hair, still not intact, would be pulled out if he had it. The man strode to the door and jerked it open.
  He came face to face with a short man carrying a gun.
  "So....it's down to this, no style, none whatsoever," Osborn whispered as he stared down at the gun, there was no expression of fear in his eyes.
  An Osborn did not back down, an Osborn did not beg, an Osborn went after everything that they could one step at a time.
  "Pull the trigger now, see what happens," Osborn commented with malice, encouraging the man to do so.
  "Are you begging me to put you out of your misery?" the man asked.
  Osborn felt anger flicker his mind. "Let's make one thing perfectly clear, I don't beg."
  "Well, you made a deal with that creature a few weeks ago, so you must be pretty desperate," the short man commented but Osborn grabbed him by the wrist and twisted his arm.
  "You should have pulled the trigger whilst you had the opportunity," Osborn told him with a grin crossing over his face. "Hesitation does not become you, it doesn't become anyone."
  Osborn grabbed the man by the head and tossed him halfway across the hallway. He hit the ground with a sickening crunch. His neck snapping on impact due to the awkward nature of his landing.
  "You're not going....you're not going to defeat me, ever," Osborn remarked as he rocked back and forth, a crazed look in his eyes.
  Lionel, the Hellfire Club, the Kingpin, this Master Planner, and then there was the Star Child....all of them were conspiring to take him down. Malice and madness flickered through his eyes as he turned around.
  'It's ready,' Osborn thought to himself.
  He had fooled everyone into thinking the Goblin persona was a split personality but he had managed to pull the wool over everyone's eyes.
  He felt the formula pumping through his veins and he placed his hand on his face. His skin was burning off and he felt the green scaly flesh underneath it. He smiled as he felt his skin become rough. It could not be pierced by any metal in the world, he was completely invulnerable to any attack. His grin continued to widen across his mouth and he kept looking at himself in the mirror.
  The goblin within was coming out to play, although the line between the goblin and Osborn was rather blurred.
  Norman Osborn heard the pitter patter of SHIELD agents outside his office and he crossed his arms. His smile wide as he placed his hand onto his chin, malice flickering through his eyes. His voice was slick and sadistic and there was a threatening undercurrent to his tone.
  "I hear you knocking, but you can't come in!" Osborn yelled in a sadistic tone of voice and there was a few seconds where he waited for it.
  Knock, knock, knock, knock, knock.
  Osborn reached towards a secret switch underneath his desk and revealed a panel. He had a glider, along with a small arsenal stashed there. His grin widened over his face as he lit up a Pumpkin Bomb.
  He pressed the side of it and threw it into the air.
  He blew up his office as his mind snapped completely. His eyes widening as he saw the fire and brimstone. A few of the Agents of SHIELD had been taken out in the explosion as chucks of the wall exploded outwards towards them.
  If he could not control his legacy, then he would destroy it.
  "Osborn, have you lost your mind?!"
  "No, it's clearer than it's ever been!" Osborn shouted as he held two Pumpkin Bombs and hurled them with supreme fury.
  The pumpkin bombs hurled towards them and the SHIELD agents had to scatter as the bombs hit the ground, exploding with a fury that had to be seen to be believed. Osborn's eyes continued to flicker with a deeper malice as he pushed forward.
  More pumpkin bombs where thrown as he mounted his glider. The SHIELD agents had protective gear but no gear was going to protect them for long against the power of the Green Goblin. He held up a sonic toad in his hand and hurled it towards his enemies.
  "Boom, goes the dynamite!" the Green Goblin called as he flicked the toad out of his hand.
  The toad landed on the ground and started to hum. The Green Goblin turned on his glider and smashed out the window as an explosion of blood and guts transpired behind him.
  'Now....revenge....on the Hellfire Club,' the Green Goblin growled.
  He knew where they were holed up or rather Osborn did.
  "It's very similar to a carefully orchestrated game of chess," Emma concluded as she placed her hand on her chin and a smile crossed her face. Harry stood next to her, along with Selene, as he raised an eyebrow towards her. "But I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know."
  "Hardly," Amara remarked as she joined the group, with Kitty and Kara standing behind him. There were a few smiles on the faces of the girls.
  "Harry's pretty much been taking control of your little club since he first learned of it, although it's been slower going then most of his projects," Kitty offered.
  "Well than it should make the inevitable a much easier transition," Emma added, pleased to see that there would be a lot less problems then she believed. Shaw and his associates would be a bit of a problem but it wasn't a problem that they couldn't handle.
  "I'm sure it will be," Harry commented in a light tone of voice as he heard a whirling from above.
  Kara heard it as well as she frowned, at this point she turned towards Harry and tugged on his sleeve. Harry turned towards her and looked up into the air as he saw the sinister whirling in the air. His heart started to beat into his chest as he saw what was in front of him.
  "It's the Green Goblin," Harry breathed as he turned around.
  'Has Osborn lost his mind?' Emma thought as she saw him circling them on his glider.
  'Yes, yes he has,' Harry remarked dryly.
  The recent failures of Norman Osborn caused him to embrace his inner goblin without any shame. It appeared that whatever medication he was on, if any, it had failed big time. Or his doctor was nothing but a quack. Osborn continued to circle them on the hang glider.
  'I'll take care of this,' Harry thought, he was not in the mood to deal with this Goblin bullshit.
  He closed his eyes and focused on the Green Goblin. With someone like Osborn, there was more to it to then what met the eyes. The emerald eyed wizard shot up in the air faster than a speeding bullet.
  Osborn turned around, his skin had mutated to the point where he did not even need a costume. Without some kind of grounding internal force like an X-Gene, magical powers, or alien biology, the goblin formula could mess with him big time.
  "First the Club burns, then the Kingpin, then the Master Planner, but first I'll go for you, STAR CHILD!" Osborn yelled as he hurled two pumpkin bombs at Harry.
  Harry closed his hands and turned them into paper airplanes but this left him open for an attack from a sonic toad that Osborn threw at him. The Goblin's malice escalated to new levels.
  "Worship the Star Child, you should worship me!" Osborn yelled as he hurled pumpkin bombs at the side of the Church.
  Kara shot into the air and used her heat vision to take out the bombs before they could hit the edge of the Church and defile Har-Rell's legacy.
  Selene stared down the Green Goblin with contempt, he wanted to play in the big leagues now, well she was going to oblige him. She calculated the plan and then once it was in her mind, she fired the most potent magical spell that she could think of.
  The spell, which was capable of blowing men into bloody chunks that could not even be identified by their mothers, hit the Green Goblin with a force of a feather.
  "Baby, I'm immune to magic!" Green Goblin cheered with a smile crossing his face. He lifted up the pumpkin bombs and hurled them towards the ground with a vicious fury.
  "SCATTER!" Harry called out and he tried to block everything that he could, transfiguring some, helping Kara to use her heat vision to take others out.
  "That should have worked," Selene said in agitation as she spotted the Pryde girl rushing her way up the steps.
  She was not about to hold back against her enemies and she vowed that when she had a chance, Osborn would suffer for trying to blow up the Church. His end would be drawn out and extremely painful.
  "So, who wants some of this?" Green Goblin asked, his green skin a sickening color, his muscles bulging, and his suit hanging on by mere threads. It was horrifying to think that one would see the Green Goblin in all of his glory if he shifted a little bit more.
  Kitty phased through the wall across from the Goblin and rocked on the ledge. She jumped onto his glider but he back handed her like she was an insect.
  Kara zoomed in and caught Kitty in her arms and guided her to the ground.
  Harry twisted his wrists and a series of flaming spikes shot up towards the Green Goblin.
  "Yeah, buddy, there's no kill like overkill but magic can't kill me!" The Green Goblin yelled as the flaming spikes soured over his head.
  "Wasn't aiming for you," Harry remarked to the Goblin and the spikes changed direction, aimed at the Goblin's glider and blew it out from underneath him.
  'Well that wasn't very nice,' Lily commented from afar. 'He called your mothers a bitch, so I guess you're going to have to kick his arse even harder, Harry.'
  'Naturally,' Harry thought to her, half in amusement, as he took his punishment upon the Glider.
  The Green Goblin was not out of tricks and he started to laugh.
  "That's....that's not good," Amara commented as she placed her hands on her head and the Princess of Nova-Roma wondered what he was so amused about.
  "No, it's not," Harry remarked as he wondered what was so funny.
  Sure enough the Green Goblin was going to tell him, for better or for worse.
  "The looks on your face, oh glorious," The Green Goblin commented to him as his smile widened around his face. "You don't know....you don't know that no matter what....YOU....CAN'T....WIN!"
  "Oh, yes we can," Harry commented as he zoomed off in the other direction.
  "Yeah, you see he runs and...."
  Harry flew all the way around the world at super speed and raised one hand in the air. His hand was about ready to nail the Green Goblin in the face at the fullest force. He reared back and with an explosive punch he nailed him extremely hard with the full brunt of his power. There was a solid smack as he flew head over heels.
  The Green Goblin tried to take them out once again but his guidance system on the glider had been damaged and instead of flying, it hurled pumpkin bombs.
  It hurled pumpkin bombs at him and the Goblin's eyes widened. There was only one word that passed through his lips.
  A loud explosion resounded over the harbor as the glider and the goblin both appeared to crash into the ocean.
  The explosions heightened to a new degree and the Green Goblin was gone.
  Harry wasn't going to except this at face value and he moved to search for the Green Goblin. Even if it was the bloody remains of his body, he still wanted to find him.
  "No word on him?" Kitty asked Harry, her voice filled with exasperation.
  "No, I've searched the shore for a while, the Goblin either sunk to the bottom or he survived his little explosion," Harry informed her as he placed a hand on the top of his head.
  And naturally given that there was no body, Harry was going under the assumption that the Green Goblin survived and would come back to plague him another day. It was just the way that things like that went.
  "Well, I can't say things went that well but they could have gone worse," Kitty remarked to him.
  "Yes, Ms. Pryde, what matters is the church is still intact," Emma commented to her as she walked into the front lobby of the Church. Kara and Amara were off elsewhere. Kara had been a big help for the search. "Shaw's signatures are on this paper. It's amazing what fever induced delirium will bring a person to."
  "There won't anyone who would contest this, will they?" Harry asked to Emma and she shook her head.
  "No, although Shaw's brat might make an attempt, pitiful it is," Emma stated, thinking about the younger Shaw. "But it would be amusing; any attempt that he might take to deal with you would be like trying to use spitballs to take down a battleship. That's if he can pry himself away from his boy toy long enough to notice."
  Harry got the message loud and clear but it was in the interest of full disclosure that he knew everything that he had to go up against. It was just something that came with the territory.
  "So...the Hellfire Club is getting restructured," Harry remarked.
  "Yes, now that you're here, it is going to achieve is intended purpose, those other leeches were only sucked in so we could easily get our hands on their resources," Emma offered him.
  Harry got a full view of her delicious body. Her large breasts nearly threatened to spill out of the white skintight corset that wrapped around her body. Her super tight shorts that molded around her tight ass like a second skin and she had legs to die for, with thigh high white boots and gloves. Emma saw him looking and a brief smile flickered over her face as she straddled his hips as she wrapped her arms around the back of his neck.
  "So previously, we had a little encounter, that barely scratched the surface of what we wanted to do," Emma commented as she continued to press up against him. She placed her hands on the small of his back as he sat against one of the benches against a wall.
  Harry had a feeling that they were about to do something extremely unholy in a holy and sacred place and he had no real problems with that. The smile crossing her face even wider as she grinded herself up against him.
  "So are you ready?" Emma asked to him.
  A grin split his face as he pulled the woman in closer to him. He ran his hands through her blonde hair as he kissed her on the lips.
  His lips were pressed firmly upon hers as Emma lost herself in the sensations of his tongue going over her lip. Harry wrapped his arms tighter around the woman, pulling her body into his. She barely could register that he had transported her off into a bedroom.
  Emma enjoyed the sensations of his tongue working into her mouth and also he explored her body every step of the way.
  Harry meanwhile enjoyed the sensations of her mature body, her full and healthy breasts, her flat stomach, and supple ass. He really enjoyed feeling and exploring her sensational assets. His smile heightened further as he ran his hands over every single inch of her nubile body.
  Emma deepened the kiss and she ran her hands down his spine, working her hands all over his body and were a few seconds where both of them kept going at it with the kiss which got deeper, deeper, yet.
  "It's time," Emma breathed as she laid back on the bed and Harry worked his magic on her.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Emma's eyes closed shot as Harry's hands molded her breasts as he pulled her shirt off. Her bare breasts were exposed to him and she felt the cool air blow across her nipples. Said nipples hardened as Harry placed his mouth against one of her sensitive buds.
  There was a sighing as Harry worked his mouth around her hardened nipple and kept licking her. Emma pushed her nipple into his mouth as he sucked on her bud and the woman's breathing got even completely more labored. Harry was amazingly sucking on her nipple as he licked around her. His mouth worked her over.
  "More Harry, more," Emma panted hungrily as Harry placed his mouth around her and ran his fingers down her body. Her stomach was skimmed with his fingers and the woman felt the heightened pleasure.
  Harry stuck his fingers into her dripping hot pussy after he exposed it for the view. He moved his fingers in and out of her, in a twisting motion. The blonde lifted her hips up and Harry grunted as he passed his probing fingers into her.
  "Yes," Emma moaned lustfully as she felt the heat rise from her as his fingers worked their amazing magic within her molten core.
  "You want more, don't you?" Harry asked her and Emma nodded her head, biting down on her lip from the pleasure.
  Harry obliged her with a few more thrusts into her. She brought her hips up to his fingers and he continued to probe into her, her juices trickling down as he brought more of them deep into her body.
  "Yes," Emma panted even more deeply as Harry probed his fingers into her tight pussy.
  His fingers buried deeper into her dripping quim and Harry smiled as he felt her body. She was a supreme example of womanly perfection.
  "Let me please you," Emma remarked as her breasts were bared, her full and firm breasts. She pressed them together against his cock. "Not as good as Karen Starr's I'm sure but....I do try."
  "No, they're pretty good," Harry grunted as her tit flesh wrapped around his shaft. "They're fucking fantastic!"
  Emma's grin widened as she pushed her breasts up and down his shaft, rubbing his member between them. Harry hung onto her breasts and pumped his cock between the valley in her nipples. The woman's moans got heavier as Harry continued his hammering of her breasts.
  The White Queen of the Hellfire Club was working up a sweat as Harry slid his cock in and out of her breasts, with her licking and slurping his member. Her lips wrapped around him tightly as she gave his head a nice little kiss and he kept hammering her large flesh globes.
  "Damn it Harry, harder," Emma panted as she felt his length slide in and out between her breasts. The blonde bounced up and down on her hips and slurped on his cock.
  Emma was taking verbal cues from his mind at what he liked and that was bringing him even more pleasure. Her breasts encased around his throbbing length this was a feeling and she reached down to play with her pussy. The blonde's eyes closed as the pleasure rushed through her being.
  'My children got this before I did....they will be spanked later for this,' Emma thought to him as the twenty eight year old sexy mutant rubbed her tits around the throbbing length at the man she saved herself for.
  "Damn, Emma, so fucking close, babe," Harry grunted as her jugs wrapped around his pulsing length.
  "Do it, Har-Rell," Emma breathed as she licked her lips around his throbbing length. "Cum for me, darling."
  "Yes, I'll....I'll do it," Harry grunted as she licked up and down the slit of his penis. The blonde's working around him was causing him to become unbearable.
  The pressure in his loins burst with an explosive fury and his cum splattered her face, cheeks, forehead, and breasts. He kept pumping between her tits and there was a loud grunt.
  "Yes, give me more," Emma panted as she bathed in his seed. Several spurts shot her in the face and the tits. Everything rolled down her and there was a few seconds where she gave a breathy moan.
  Emma slid back, her legs spread, nothing but her boots and gloves on but that added to the erotic appeal. Her smooth shaven cunt was exposed for him.
  Seductively, Emma scraped her god's cum off of her breasts and slurped it down with a dirty expression through her eyes. She lifted her hips.
  "Come and get it," Emma breathed.
  Harry hovered over her dripping wet pussy and rubbed his cock head against the slit of her. Her nipples hardened as he kept working over her center. The woman's breathing got even more intense and ragged. He worked himself between her legs as she tried to take him inside her.
  "Harry, I can't handle the wait," Emma whined.
  "Are you sure you can handle this cock?" Harry asked as he pinned her arms down to the ground and dragged his bulging cock over her dripping slit.
  "I need you in me," Emma remarked as she wrapped her sensual legs over his waist.
  "Yes, I can see that," Harry commented, teasing her arousal.
  Emma thought that Harry not being inside her was pretty much legalized torture. His bulging cock rubbed against her center and the green eyes of Harry filled with teasing desire. There was a second where he gripped her thighs.
  Harry plunged his pole into her and Emma's walls stretched for him.
  "You're so fucking tight," Harry grunted to her.
  "Yes, saved for you, the only man worthy for me," Emma groaned as his throbbing length entered her.
  Emma's eyes closed as Harry placed his hands on her breasts and pushed up as he slammed into her. Her walls wrapped around him as the green eyed wizard kept plunging into her tightness. The breathing of the woman got even more intense.
  Harry speared her tight center as he kept working into her. Her young hips worked up and Harry grabbed her tits.
  Emma's eyes closed tight as Harry kept up the steady pace, working over her pussy with more thrusts into her. The woman lifted her hips for him and his length as it kept drilling inside her. The woman's tightness enveloped him as he kept up the assault on her tight pussy.
  "More Harry, more love," Emma panted.
  She decided after a while to switch the play.
  Harry allowed Emma to roll him over and she straddled him, her dripping and battered pussy over him.
  Emma looked at him with a sultry smile and slammed herself down onto his throbbing prick. Her tightness enveloped him and Harry buried himself deeper into her.
  "Oh, this is better than any wet dream," Emma mewled as she drilled her pussy into his throbbing length.
  "Been thinking about me at night," Harry grunted as he sat up and buried his face in her breasts, motorboarding them.
  "Yes!" Emma yelled as she felt an orgasm rock her body.
  Her eyes closed as she tried to reconcile everything that was going through her mind. Her heart thundered over her chest with a thump, thump, thump.
  "More, faster," Emma grunted as he pumped into her.
  She bounced up and down upon him, having the time of her life. Her thighs were going to be sore after this was done and her mind was going to be driven to mush.
  Her orgasm enhanced thoughts were this as he kept drilling into her. Her pussy soaked his prick for another powerful climax.
  Harry was a machine, he was not about to stop, not even for a second. And that was the way that Emma liked it. She did not want him to soften in her tight cunt. No, she wanted to experience everything, the entire package.
  Her walls wrapped around him even more tightly and Harry grabbed her hips, spearing up into her. This explosive fury nearly wrecked her body and Harry grabbed her breast around with his hand.
  "Getting close," Emma whimpered as she hung onto him.
  There was never a second chance to make a first impression but Harry was doing a hell of a job of his first impression on her body. His cock kept passing between her walls, seeking out more of her heat. She tightened around his prick and stroked him up and down, swaying her hips down his body.
  Another explosive orgasm from Emma and her walls tightened around him.
  She milked his invading prick, using every trick in the book she could remember.
  Harry grunted as her lovely walls wrapped around him. He could have sworn that she shifted into a more hardened form, perhaps a diamond. She felt even more tightened around him and she shifted halfway around it, although she hugged his penis even more tightly. It was a force that would have reduced the penis of another man to mush.
  "Cumming," Harry grunted.
  Emma had another orgasm at the thought of Harry's length working into her and spraying his fluids into her tightened chambers.
  A hard thrust and Emma was rattled there were a few heavy spurts of cum that sprayed into her body. Her walls tightened around him even tighter.
  Emma pulled off but then she turned around, on her hands and knees, presented to him.
  Harry smiled as he prepared to take the plunge, the night was young after all.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Emma Frost felt the most amazing sensations ever as Harry gave her a good working over. The woman lay dazed on the bed, her arms folded over the top of her head and a smile crossing her face as drool dripped from the side of her mouth. The blonde's breathing heightened even more as Harry pulled away from her.
  "She experienced something that few women would only dream about."
  Harry turned around and Selene stood there, her arms folded and a smile crossing her mouth. The dark haired woman watched him.
  "I'm certain that you'll be up for a meeting," Selene remarked as her eyes trailed hungrily down his naked form. "We have much to discuss before we get down to the main event however."
  Harry saw the burning eyes on this hot women up him, she was a vision of sin, and Harry knew that she was endeared to him and him alone.
  "I believe it's prudent if we continue this meeting in a different setting," Selene remarked to Harry.
  Harry's smile widened. "Lead the way, my dear."
  Selene took Harry around the arm, he was wearing nothing and she was not wearing much else. The two of them had much to discuss and then they would share something even more amazing.
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.
  This Chapter Was Written On September 14th and 15th 2013, published on October 31st 2013.
  Chapter Twenty Three: Takeover.
  Personally Selene thought that this meeting was long overdue, although it was a bother getting their schedules to line up. Now that she had Har-Rell here, she was going to make up for some lost time. She had waited a long time for her lover to turn back up.
  It was amusing that he did not know why she had this obsession with him and it would be unwise to do so if she wanted the timeline to remain stable. At least that's the thought that resounded through Selene's mind. Harry sat across from her at the table.
  "Business before pleasure, I understand that the King of Nova-Roma offered you an agreement," Selene remarked as Harry smiled back at her.
  "He must have taken leave of his senses due to his illness," Harry told her, he had been wondering for a long time why the King of Nova-Roma would have handed such a thing to him. As enticing as the offer was, there had to be an ulterior motive. And Harry had a feeling that he was about to find out the reason thanks to the glint that passed through Selene's eyes.
  "The King of Nova-Roma is not ill," Selene informed him crisply and Harry waited patiently for her to clarify that statement. The Black Queen of the Hellfire Club continued to gaze at him calmly, as if she was unaffected by the news that she was about to give him. "He's dying."
  Harry thought that it was a good thing Amara was not inside the room with them because it would be a horrible way for her to hear this news, considering how casually Selene just delivered it. He figured that he would have to break this news to her.
  "And the King does not want his daughter to know," Selene remarked in a honest voice, perhaps the most honest statement that she said in years.
  She knew that her beloved had a keen sense of detecting "BS" so she would have to be rather careful not to set off that particular detector in the back of his mind. His eyes remained fixed on her, practically scanning the woman for any signs of deceit. She knew that if he picked up anything out of the ordinary, it would be the end of her. The woman's smile widened as he continued to watch her closely.
  She had forgotten out hard it was to stare him down. Selene had no reason to ever lie to him, but others, that was a different matter entirely.
  "It seems like we have quite a past, although I haven't experienced it yet," Harry remarked to her and she nodded.
  "There are some things you don't want to know about my past, your future, but there are other elements which you will find quite desirable," Selene told him and she offered a part of a sigh. "But we are getting off of the topic at hand."
  "Yes, we are," Harry remarked to her. "The King of Nova-Roma....you seem to know a lot about this."
  "Well....whilst it was not by my direct hand, there are people in Nova-Roma who know their role and knew of your eventual coming," Selene remarked to him and Harry inclined his head with a nod as he motioned for her to continue. So she did. "The King was wise not to try anything foolishly noble; otherwise he would have been disgraced as well as killed."
  Selene acted mournful for a second.
  "And he was an adequate ruler, albeit a figurehead for the true power behind the throne," Selene remarked to him. "Most of the citizens of Nova-Roma are females and they are at your disposal. The Princess is just the beginning and she has served you well."
  "Quite well," Harry remarked as he caught a whiff of her enticing scent and it was driving him to the brink of madness. His emerald green eyes locked onto her blazing brown ones.
  Selene knew that this moment was coming, all she had to do was wait for the right moment to come along and she would pick up where she left off. She had spent her existence building this empire for him, making sure to encourage his legends in as many corners of the world as possible.
  There were other civilizations, some of them made entirely of women, who had legends of the prowess of the Star Child.
  Yet, she knew that his prowess was more then mere legend, they were a reality. The two soon to be lovers made their way to their destination after a long walk that allowed them to talk.
  "If you wish changes for these chambers, just say so," Selene told Harry and the wizard smiled as he kept his eyes on the woman as he backed her into the bedroom.
  Harry turned around as he scanned the inside of the bed chambers, his eyes going up and down and his hand on the side of his shoulder. He saw the soft carpets and a large bed that had room for at least a dozen people, if not more. Of course with magic, that could be expanded to several times its normal size without any issue whatsoever that was one thing Harry could to recall with picture perfect clarity.
  The curtains were made of the most exquisite material possible and Selene watched Harry, waiting for his appraisal of the bed chambers.
  "It's fit for royalty," Harry commented and the woman smiled at him as she gently eased him down onto the bed.
  "It's fit for a god," she corrected him as her hands rested on his thighs as she kneeled before him. "Which we can all agree that you are."
  Harry smiled in spite himself as her hands worked on unbuckling his pants and her eyes burned with lustful desire.
  The emerald eyed enchanter figured that he was going to experience heaven in a matter of moments and he scooted back to enjoy the ride as it happened. Her hands gently stroked him through the fabric of his boxers and now the real fun was about to begin.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Selene's hand located his length and a smile crossed her face. There was a grin that crossed over her face and it got wider as she started to stroke his amazing length in her hand .She clasped around him.
  "Amazing as always," Selene cooed as she used her tongue around the head of him and the woman kissed the tip of him.
  She wrapped her lips around him and licked around his slit, using her tongue to stimulate him.
  Harry closed his eyes and felt the pleasure as her mouth wrapped around his throbbing length as it pulsed into her mouth. The woman closed her eyes and Harry could sense her pleasure matched his.
  "Selene," Harry grunted as this hot woman sucked his cock.
  She wrapped her lips around him, fondling his balls. The only one she could enjoy sexual pleasure without killing was before the Black Queen of the Hellfire Club.
  Her mouth popped around his throbbing length as she pumped his length into her mouth. Her hand cupped his balls and she stroked him amazingly. Harry grunted as her lips stimulated his skin and her hands worked around him, cupping his balls. The woman closed her eyes tightly and gave him the extreme amount of pleasure. There was a second where she went down on him harder.
  Harry stood back and enjoyed the ride. Her mouth was a tasty delight and she continued to work over his throbbing balls. She squeezed and massaged him, the woman's smile widened.
  This was most amazing, the taste and he removed her corset top, pushing it down and revealing her generous sized breasts. Harry used his palms to rub them and he continued to give her more stimulation.
  Selene mumbled as his cock went into her mouth and she slurped his length for everything that it was worth, his balls slapping against her chin as he buried himself into her mouth. Her lips tightened around his mouth and he kept pumping into her.
  Harry grabbed her around the face and brought his length into her tighten mouth, sending it down her throat. Her eyes were flowing with so much determination as he worked her clothes off of her. He ran his hands down every single bit of her body. There was an explosion of pleasure that coursed through her body as there was a sense of deep moaning that escalated through her body.
  Selene's mouth tightened deeper around his pole as she slammed his mouth around his length. His hands found her dripping wet snatch. His fingers probed inside her.
  'So good...better....then I remembered....excellent,' Selene remarked with spurts of lust.
  Harry grunted as she pulled off of his prick.
  Selene smiled as it was rock hard beneath her and she shoved him back onto the bed. Her hands wrapped around his muscles and her pussy rubbed around his stone hard dick. The woman teased her hot tip around him.
  "Yes," Harry moaned as Selene wrapped him around her.
  Her pussy was wet and warm, as it tightened around him. The woman's eyes flooded with so much lust and desire that it could not be passed through her eyes. Her tightness enveloped his prick as she rose up and worked down onto him, rocking his length with her hips as they snugly wrapped around him.
  Harry rested back, grabbing her luscious tits and sitting up to kiss them, sucking on her nipples. She rode up and slammed down onto his amazing rod.
  Selene hung onto him and was riding him.
  "Keep it up, this pussy's mine," Harry breathed as he cupped her breasts.
  "Yes," Selene gave with a lustful moan as she worked her center around him. His length probed into her as she squeezed him and grabbed his shaft, bouncing up and down onto him, stroking his length as it wrapped between her. The woman allowed herself to rock up and down on him. Her cunt squeezed him harder.
  Super hot and super moist, it was an amazing sensation to feel her wrapped around him. She was a woman, with sensual curves and lustful desires. Said things were burning through her eyes as Selene bit down on her red lips as the pleasures.
  She was waiting for Harry to lead the dance and sure enough, he turned her around. Selene was on the bed and Harry pulled out of her.
  "Well, you're still very wet," Harry grunted as he rubbed his tip over her dripping wet pussy, feeling the pleasure.
  "Yes, for you, inside me," Selene panted as she dragged her legs down him. Her strong thighs locked onto his hips and he prepared to push into her.
  His length stroked the inside of her lips, dripping with arousal from him. Harry grabbed her around the shoulders and he gripped her breasts, about to press down into her pussy. The woman's eyes closed as Harry was about to probe the insides of her. Her pussy pushed up to meet his length inside her and Harry grabbed her around the shoulders.
  Then he pushed all the way into her.
  "Damn," Harry grunted as he pumped his length into her tight pussy. The woman pushed herself up towards him, meeting his thrusts. He was buried deep into this woman.
  Emma appeared at the door, she was viewed with quite an erotic situation. Harry buried himself into Selene and pounded into her tight twat.
  "And that's a delicious sight," Emma remarked as she watched Harry bury himself into the Black Queen. She stripped off her clothes to reveal her hot body, large breasts, flat stomach, delicious ass, and long legs.
  "So glad you approve," a second Harry remarked as he went behind Emma.
  Emma's eyes closed around as she spun around to kiss him on the lips. His hands groped her tits and he pumped into her from behind. Her center was punished with a throbbing length as he hammered into her tight cunt.
  Harry's hands explored the breasts of Emma as the White Queen of the Hellfire Club was moaning extremely deeply, feeling his probing length going into her. His length throbbed into her tightness and Harry slammed his balls against her.
  Emma moaned as he pushed her onto the bed. His hammering thrusts worked her pussy, manipulating her center. She took him into her tight core.
  Selene watched her colleague get pounded, it got her extremely hotter. Her hands wrapped around the back of her neck.
  "Indulge me, Har-Rell," Selene breathed as his mouth worked on her breasts, nipping and licking them. His hands cupped her and her pussy dampened at the thought of him burying even deeper into her. His length pushed in and out of her. Her tightening pussy continued to wrap around his invading tool. She pushed up and Selene breathed heavily.
  Harry picked up a steadier pace, his throbbing length burying into her tight cunt. The emerald eyed enchanter used his throbbing length to push into her center. Selene's moaning was really amazing as he pushed himself into her. He hammered her cunt with the throbbing length as she pushed herself up towards him. His length buried into her.
  Selene came so hard and her body shuddered with amazing pleasure.
  Emma came extremely pleasurable as Harry's balls slapped her bottom. His cock had found another hole and Emma's eyes widened.
  "Yes, my White Queen, you like my cock up my ass, don't you?" Harry whispered to her.
  "Yes," Emma whimpered as he hammered into her tight ass from behind.
  Selene's clear cum lubricated his cock and allowed him to invade her center, his length pulsing between her hips. Her hips rose up and then fell down, with his length hammering into her center. The woman's breathing escalated and he hammered into her tightness. The woman's pussy wrapped around him and Harry pushed into her as she milked his length with each passing thrust.
  "Keep going," Selene encouraged him, working her hips up against him. Her legs tightened around him as he pushed into her. His cock pushed into her center and the woman's eyes clamped shut. She bit down on her lip and he hammered into her.
  Harry grabbed her breasts and he pushed into her, seeking her pulsing heat with his length and there was a few seconds where he buried herself into her. The woman's walls kept working around her, and her heightening pleasure was beyond all measure. He hammered in between her thighs.
  Selene hung onto him, stroke by stroke as her tightness milked him. She wanted his cum swimming around inside her, injected into her body.
  "Fill me, my lover," Selene said as she smashed her lips onto his with a kiss and shoved her tongue down his throat. Her walls wrapped around him.
  Harry took the encouragement of her walls wrapping around him and her walls tightened around him. The woman's eyes closed and she rocked back onto him, sending his probing length into her warm and wet womanhood.
  Emma grunted as she took more of his cock down into her tightening ass. She closed her eyes and there was a few seconds. His cock buried between her ass and he hammered into her tight ass, hammering her tightening hole with a few more thrusts. There were some deep lustful moans as Harry kept hammering into her and her ass took more of him into her.
  Harry pushed down into Selene and hammered her. His loins tightened and they were about to explode. He wanted to bring her to one greater orgasm as his throbbing length kept hammering into her wet center and his balls clenched tightly as he hammered into her tight pussy.
  His balls tightened and he exploded into her with spurts of cum that painted her walls white.
  Harry came down but the night was still young and his cock re-hardened in no time.
  Selene smiled as she prepared herself to take another round, that's the way she liked it.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Norman Osborn had fared far better than this but he had also suffered far worse as well. But he was an Osborn, he was a survivor, and he was someone who could never be counted out.
  A newspaper was thrown down in front of his face that talked about the manhunt for Norman Osborn. His skin still had a green tint to it but he was not full on Goblin, at least not yet.
  "It appears that your skin finally matches your mind, Mr. Osborn," a crisp and monotone voice stated from the shadows.
  Osborn's eyes struggled to adjust to the light, although his frustration of being taken down by the Star Child was obvious. He wanted to wrap his hands around his throat and choke the life from him, yes that would feel good. It would feel good for him to dominate the Star Child. He had no question about it in his mind at all, if it wasn't for the Star Child, he would have succeeded with his goals.
  "I see we have a common....annoyance."
  "I demand you show yourself!" Osborn yelled as he was not in the mood for games. Norman Osborn finally summoned the strength to stand up although his knees threatened to buckle due to the pain. It took a while for the Goblin Formula to heal him. Getting almost blown to smithereens was not pleasant but it proved how strong the healing factor offered by the Goblin Formula was.
  A hand reached out and injected something into Osborn's arm causing his pupils to dilate. Then his body turned back into what passed for human and he felt his scalp tingling, reaching up he touched the top of his head. He had his hair back.
  "What did you do?" Osborn demanded. While he was happy to have his trademark hairstyle back in all of its glory. He knew there was bound to be strings attached, there was always a price, now he just had to figure out what that price was.
  "I did what all of your money and resources failed to do," the man remarked as he stepped out of the shadows to face him. "My name is Milton Fine."
  Osborn had heard of Fine before naturally, he was a man who did his homework. Fine had all these credentials and also had a lot of criticism towards both the Osborns and the Luthors. He was on the edge of his nerves and he fixed his eyes on Fine.
  "You cured me of the Goblin formula," Osborn breathed to him.
  "No, I stabilized the Goblin formula so the transformation can be controlled, it is a formula that is of great interest to certain governments in the world, not just ours," Fine told him.
  "What do you mean, Latveria and Doom?" Osborn asked him, he would not be surprised if Doom wanted to get his hands on the Goblin Formula.
  "No, it's not something that close to home," Fine informed him as he turned around and faced the wall. Osborn saw that they were in an abandoned warehouse, that was near enough to the docks where he fell. At least that's what he figured as he landed in the drink during that time.
  "You mean it's....I knew it."
  Fine smiled. "The Star Child is the advanced invasion force from a planet known as Krypton, a war-mongering planet that would enslave all humanity. He is here to steal all of your women and make them slaves to his passions, as well as taking all of your resources and blowing up the planet after he's accumulated all of the knowledge from the planet."
  Osborn figured that the Star Child was a danger to all humanity and the proof was staring him in the face in all of its damning glory. He could not....well it was extremely interesting to see the look that flickered across his face at this moment.
  "And his father was worse, a dictator, and his only competition was the benevolent hero, General Zod," Fine told him. "He selflessly sacrificed himself, losing his body and being exiled to a torment worse than death."
  Osborn's eyes glowed as they narrowed for a second. If he was hoping to get sympathy than Norman Osborn was the wrong person to milk that from.
  "You're another survivor from that planet," Osborn concluded.
  Fine kept his eyes on Osborn, he knew that it was a calculating risk to use this one for his plans but if it paid off, with the goblin formula already enhancing his human shell, giving an immunity against magic, it would be a vital asset. He had to play this one rather carefully.
  "I'm not him," Fine told him crisply and Osborn's gaze held a great deal of skepticism that heightened further as Fine stared him down. Osborn kept his glare locked on the man before him.
  "That remains to be seen," Osborn concluded after a few seconds.
  Deception was the name of the game in the Osborn-Luthor family, they excelled in trying to deceive each other. The way Norman and Lionel dealt with their parents was a perfect example of that fact. The insurance money was a great foundation for their empire and it allowed them to expand to even greater heights than ever before.
  Perhaps he would be able to use Fine and whatever game he was playing to his own advantage.
  "Yes, well seeing is believing and I wish to extend the hand of friendship to you, to ensure that we are on the same page," Fine told him and Osborn's head inclined towards him. There was a second where both of them locked their eyes upon each other.
  There was a certain amount of calculation that passed through both of their eyes.
  "You could save the world, if you trust me."
  The glint in Norman Osborn's eyes was full of nastiness and lacked a fair amount of trust. He decided to inform Fine of a very real problem due to this.
  "Trust is for weak idiots who don't know how the world really works," Osborn informed him and there was a second where Fine's eyes narrowed in angry at these words. "But I'm willing to listen to a business proposal."
  "That stabilizer only lasts seventy two hours then the effects of your mutation will return even worse then before," Fine remarked to him casually, pleased that he had Norman Osborn over a barrel.
  "Then you will tell me how to make more," Osborn demanded causing a smug look to form on Fine's face.
  "You're in no position to make demands," Fine told him.
  Osborn blamed Lionel, Shaw, the Star Child, and everyone else for this but he would make Fine think that he was the vulnerable one.
  And then when the time was right, Norman Osborn would take his role as the master of the world. He would save the world and all would kneel in their thanks before the might of Norman Osborn.
  "I will warn you right now Harry, many of them have been at this school for a couple of years, as a result....they've been told the stories of your greatness from a very young age," Emma told him as she lead him into the Massachusetts Academy for Girls.
  Kara, Laura, and Wanda tagged along with Harry for this trip, the other girls still attended Bayville. These three, along with M'gann, went to school at the Shining Light Academy. Unlike at Xavier's, regular classes where actually taught there alongside learning how to use their powers. Although Harry figured that they might want to try college in a year or so.
  "Hello, Harry," Regan said with a flirty smile on her face and enticing look in her eyes as she watched them arrive.
  "Regan," Emma told her with a smile on her face. Emma had the misfortune of working with the young girl's father as part of the Hellfire Club. Although now like Shaw, he was no longer a problem.
  "Hey, Regan, what can I do for you?" Harry asked although Laura's smile indicated that she thought that might be a dangerous question and Harry agreed.
  "There is much that you could do for me," Regan responded with a smile as she looked at the other three.
  "Candy bar?" Kara asked to her sweetly as she pulled it out of her bag.
  Regan blinked, that seemed rather random.
  "It's made of caramel," Kara told her in a knowing tone of voice which caused Regan's face to cross with a tiny bit of discomfort, something that amused Kara.
  Emma was not going to lie; the expression that flickered across Regan's face....it was extremely amusing. As was the entire story of the party, although she was a bit upset with the girl putting herself in such a dangerous situation.
  "Miss Frost I..."
  A tall Asian girl with dark hair and eyes entered. She wore a black jacket, along with a black top that wrapped around her decent sized bust, around a C-Cup or sized breasts. Her stomach was flat and toned, along with a tight pair of blue jeans that fit around her body quite nicely, Harry noticed. She looked towards him with amazing eyes as her attire was modest enough by the standards of teenage girls, yet showed him enough where he could get a hint of what she was all about without X-Ray.
  "You're....you're him," she breathed to Harry, as she was caught off guard.
  She had never been up close and personal to the Star Child like this nor was she expecting to be any time soon. Her dark brown eyes blinked in shock.
  "Yes, I'm him, well it depends on who you think he is?" Harry asked her, a smile crossing his face and the young female nervously tried to get her bearings.
  "I mean....you're him, the Star Child....wow....I mean it's a pleasure to meet you," she stammered as she took a step towards him and offered her hand, wondering if she was being a bit too forward.
  Then again, given the rumors of what some of the other members of this school wanted to do to the Star Child. She probably wasn't being forward enough.
  "Sorry, I couldn't be at the party, I mean, I was sick but if I offended you in any way, just tell me," the girl remarked to him.
  "It's fine," Harry commented in amusement, but then again, he was not the only one that was amused. "Although I think that an introduction would be in order, Miss?"
  "Right, Nico Minoru," she remarked to him and she looked towards the others.
  "Laura Kinney, Wanda Maximoff, and Kara Potter," Harry told them her and there was another pair of eyes that were looking at him from around the corner.
  Harry was not about to say anything, but Emma was not going to exhibit the same degree of tact. Her eyes flashed around the corner, amusement in them.
  "Karolina, don't be a stranger, come out and greet Harry," Emma told the woman and Karolina walked out.
  She was a tall girl with exquisite blonde hair that framed her sensual face and amazing curves like the rest of the women. She wore a silver t-shirt that stretched around her top, along with the hints of a toned stomach. Black pants wrapped around her as she stood to face Harry.
  "It's a pleasure to meet you, great one," Karolina told him in an awed voice, as she practically bowed before him.
  "Likewise, and please call me Harry," Harry remarked and he took her by the hand and placed a slight kiss on it. Not wanting Nico to feel left out, he kissed her on the hand as well. "So, how did you two ladies come to the Massachusetts Academy?"
  "We were part of a group...of runaways that we ran afoul of HYDRA," Nico remarked as she placed her hand on the side of her face. "They struck a deal with our parents....."
  Harry could tell that this was going to be a tough subject to breech and he kept his eyes locked on her. He gave her an encouraging nod and a smile which was appreciated and Nico was able to continue after a while.
  "Their parents were part of a secret organization that were on the wrong side of the law," Emma told the group.
  "Yes, most of the group....well most of us were killed....we're two of the three survivors remaining from the group," Nico commented to them as she smiled. "Although you did manage to stomp HYDRA down....but the rest of our team...."
  "Sorry," Harry told them.
  "No, they knew the risks, you can't fault yourself for them," Karolina commented to them as she watched him with interest. She appreciated those of both sexes, though her tastes tended mostly towards females, there was only one male that ever caught her interest and that was the Star Child.
  "You've done some amazing things and I'm sure if you gave a lecture here....you'd have everyone hanging on your world," Nico remarked.
  'The mass amount of drooling and ass kissing that every girl seems to do here, makes me wonder how they able to learn anything here without drowning in it,' Laura remarked.
  "So, I was wondering....if I could ask you a favor," Nico questioned him
  "Of course," Harry told her, he was not one to turn down a pretty girl, no matter what the circumstances.
  "I wanted....I wish for you to teach me about my powers....they conflicted with my beliefs at first but now I'm willing to learn them," Nico commented to him.
  She had a religious conflict with the powers at first but now she was willing to learn them since she shifted her loyalties to the Church of Enlightenment. In some ways, she had been born again.
  "I'd be delighted to teach you anything you want to know," Harry told her and she smiled.
  Arrangements to that effect would need to be made later.
  "Come on Harry, I'll take you on a tour of the school," Regan remarked, recovering from her brush with Kara.
  "Trying to get into his good graces and eventually his pants, I see," Wanda whispered to Laura and both girls nodded in amusement.
  Lois sat at the desk, busy day as always, although she was extremely amused by the news that Graydon Creed got a huge smack on the wrist. His Friends of Humanity group had been illegal and not for the reasons that one might thought it would be, no it was illegal due to the fact it had already been copyrighted by someone else. After all that group did to humans and mutants alike to promote their demented crusade, well Lois wasn't going to waste precious oxygen feeling sorry for any of them.
  She did suspect that there was going to be some kind of retribution and people like that would always be around. There were always bastards like that and as much as Lois hoped that they all heard the last of Creed and his loud mouth.
  "Billionaire industrialist Norman Osborn has been declared to be missing after an incident where government officials tried to arrest him for supposed misconduct and crimes he committed as the criminal known as the Green Goblin," the office radio commented. "Osborn is considered extremely dangerous and should be approached under any means."
  'Yeah, thanks Captain Obvious,' Lois thought.
  Lois heard the docile tones of J. Jonah Jameson and she wondered what the jolly one wanted now. She made her way into the office, nearly running into Betty.
  "Sorry, Betty," Lois told her in an apologetic tone.
  "That's fine, when Mr. Jameson bellows, people normally jump," Betty told her, waving off Lois's apologies as the woman scrambled, nearly tripping over her feet to the office.
  Lois was there in about fifteen seconds and Jameson leaned back across the desk.
  "You bellowed, Jonah?" Lois remarked in a calm voice.
  "Don't give me that smug tone, Lane, I'm wondering if there's a conflict of interest regarding the story your working on," Jameson stated to her and Lois raised an eyebrow. The jolly one decided to elaborate. "The Star Child story....your latest account of him seems lacking in certain details.
  "Well he's not one to stick around for long, he is faster than a speeding bullet," Lois remarked to him and Jameson shook his head.
  "That sounds like something out of a cheesy comic book," Jameson grumbled. "And Parker's hasn't been able to get me any photos involving him that haven't been blurred to holy hell."
  "I thought you wanted photos, photos of Spider-Man," Lois replied in a pitch perfect imitation of Jameson's tone.
  Said imitation either flew over his head or he chose to ignore said imitation.
  "Lane....the Star Child....there's no doubt in my mind that he may be on the side of good, although there's the mysterious part of his origins that the readers are eating up," Jameson remarked. "You're a diverse reporter, you need to expand your horizons past the box that you've put yourself in.
  "Right....so the Creed story....?"
  "Unless you have documented proof beyond a mysterious letter that person sent you, that was vague as hell, I can't print it," Jameson said. He was willing to go head to head with Creed over the mutants issue and the Friends of Humanity, or rather the group formally known as the Friends of Humanity, had tried to lean on him to print their drivel.
  Jameson refused to bend, he didn't give into threats, that was just how J. Jonah Jameson worked, he was no one's puppet.
  "I want you to focus on this gang war that's happening," Jameson told her and Lois raised her eyebrow.
  "Gang war?" Lois asked.
  "Don't you read the paper you work for Lane?" Jameson asked her but he shook his head. "Silvermane, Silvio Manfredi whatever you want to call him. Is finally getting out of prison after fifteen years behind bars. Fifteen years after the Kingpin took his empire and got him sent up the river."
  Lois blinked for a second. She heard rumors about Manfredi and read enough about him through the archives. If one read enough between the lines, they realized that he was running his criminal empire from behind bars.
  The man would be pushing the north side of seventy by now although that could make him even more dangerous.
  "Kingpin, Manfredi....."
  "And the Master Planner, we don't know what his deal is," Jameson told her.
  "Off hand, I think that he might have some kind of master plan," Lois commented to him.
  "If you want to tell jokes Lane, I'll have you demoted to the funny papers!" Jameson said in a stiff tone and Lois clammed up immediately. "Anyway, I want you and Parker to get some dirt on it because the web head might be in the middle of it, hell the web head might be the winner of the entire gang war for all I know! I always knew that costumed nuisance was trouble. And getting photos of Spider-Man is Parker's specialty!"
  Lois made like a bobble head, she was more than used to her boss's rants about Spider-Man.
  "So, get going Lane!" Jameson bellowed.
  Lois got going, looking rather frazzled.
  "Jameson's sent you on a mission, hasn't he?"
  Lois spun around towards Harry who stood in the doorway.
  "Chloe's right, you do have a secret mission to give every girl in life a heart attack," Lois remarked to Harry a few seconds after she regained her bearings.
  "I aim to please," Harry commented with a bow and Lois's face twisted into a slight smile in spite of herself. There was one statement that came out of her mouth.
  "I see," Lois told him and Harry remarked to her in an equal intense tone.
  "Yes, you saw," Harry agreed to Lois as he leaned back against the wall and kept his smile locked onto her. "So, we're still on for Saturday, aren't we?"
  "Yes, of course, this time hopefully you won't get called to deal with an emergency in the middle of it," Lois told him and the smile crossing over his Harry's face, became even wider.
  "You have my full and undivided attention for as long as you want," Harry told her, the truth was that he was interested in seeing what Lois could do. "Jameson's got you on the gang war case, doesn't he?"
  "Yeah, suppose you don't have any pointers," Lois remarked to him.
  "Don't get shot," Harry told her and Lois raised her eyebrow. The emerald eyed enchanter raised an eyebrow. "What, it's a practical suggestion!"
  "Yes, I know," Lois told him, a smile crossing her face despite the situation. She thankfully carried a concealed weapon on her as Eddie Brock found out the hard way. "So have you been busy?"
  "Just dealing with getting the Torch up and running properly," Harry told her. "Our little serial arsonist has been put on trial and.....it's going to be interesting to see how much he spills."
  "We both know it was Creed who put him up to it," Lois said to him as she leaned against the wall as she heard voices from the other end of the hallway.
  "Kassady's been caught.....killed thirty people in three years, it's a wonder that they didn't shoot him and make it look like an accident. He claims that Joker clown was talking to him in his head, telling him to do it."
  "Well what do you expect from a slack jawed yokel named Cletus."
  Harry blocked out the random office chatter in his mind, at least he did for now. He would get back to it at a later time.
  It was now time to make the necessary arrangements for his time with Lois although everything was in order as it showed be.
  "There's been some snags with the project but don't worry about it Harry, it's been smooth sailing," Lana told him. "I don't know about the time table...."
  "Six months, a year, there's no worry, thankfully information hasn't leaked out to the press about it," Harry told Lana on the cellphone he had as he made his way towards his next destination. There was a smile that crossed his face. "If there's anything pressing, I'll call you. And no, I haven't forgotten about that dinner that I owe you."
  "Well, our schedules haven't aligned, I've been busy, you've been busy, let's try in a couple of weeks, and see what happens," Lana told Harry.
  "Sounds good for me," Harry remarked as he made his way up to Midtown where Chloe was waiting for him.
  "You know in some ways, I'm going to miss the old Torch office," Chloe commented to him with a slight smile. "Say what you want about it, but it had some kind of charm."
  "It wasn't going to last the distance we're going to take this," Harry told Chloe and the blonde's nodded in response of that statement.
  "Yes, and it would be gone and turned into....well I don't know, after I left if I stuck to that legacy," Chloe remarked to him with a sigh. "But now, if I wanted to, I can keep it going long after I leave High School."
  "Yes, the potential is great," Harry agreed.
  It was very true, the Internet had an untapped level of potential that Harry wished to exploit to the highest heights. He could tell that Chloe had raw talent although it was wasted talking about football scores and school elections, the type of mindless, foolish fluff that teenagers ate up.
  "Good job at cutting Creed off at the knees by the way," Chloe told Harry and the smile crossed his face.
  "I don't have any idea what you're talking about," Harry told Chloe with a smile but she was not fooled by it, not for a second in time.
  "Yeah, Harry, pull the other one, please do," Chloe remarked to him but her smile could not be beaten by any means on Earth. "Seriously though, cutting him off like that, he's going to come after you.....of course he's already going to come after you based on what you are."
  Chloe saw that there was a good chunk of the students who supported the Friends of Humanity movement, although she pretty much considered them to be band wagon hoppers.
  "I know you'll do great," Harry remarked to her.
  "And I know you've got Lois in your cross-hairs," Chloe said to Harry and he raised an eyebrow. The blonde smiled. "People have been trying to crack the Lois Lane formula for years, even I've had a lot of trouble doing it half of the time."
  "Yeah, she's interesting but she has a lot of potential, just like you do," Harry commented as it appeared that he just missed Gwen, she had to leave early for her internship at Stark. "Well, here's my ideas, I'm sure you'll have a few of your own."
  "I just might," Chloe told her boyfriend, staring him down. Guys like that came along....well actually there were no other guys like Harry.
  People like him came around once in a lifetime, and that was a pretty apt description since he literally fell from the sky.
  "I'll talk to you in a bit," Harry said as he tightened his arms around Chloe in a hug and gave her a kiss on the lips which she returned.
  He had to get back to the school, although he wondered what he would have to do next. He pretty much had the Hellfire Club stabilized, although there were some associates that he'd have to deal with all too soon. The mysterious Kingpin was one of them, someone who Harry had his share of run ins with in the past and would continue to have them with in the future until he figured out who he really was.
  One thing at a time, as Harry made his way to the school's entrance. Whilst he could port in, he wanted to set a good example.
  "Harry, our newest resident just got here," Lara said to him.
  "Right," Harry told here, smiling his thanks as he made his way down the hallway.
  Alison stepped over and she threw her arms around him, with a smile. She pushed him against the wall and shoved her tongue down his throat with a burning kiss. Harry wrapped his arms tighter around the young blonde as her mouth ravished his.
  "I missed you," Alison remarked breathlessly as she pulled away and Harry smiled.
  "I can see that."
  "Not going back on tour until April, although my manager....I don't know what I'm going to do with him, some of the places that he wants me to go to, they're not exactly the nicest places in the world," Alison told him.
  Harry thought he might have to do something about this, although he wondered if he wanted to go into the music business.
  "You found the place okay," Harry said.
  "No problems, got here, your directions was spot on," Alison said happily as she was pleased, even her idiot driver that the record company gave her managed to get to the place easily enough.
  "I'll show you to your room," Harry told her as Alison smiled.
  She wanted to get settled in for a little but, although she had some new outfits that she wanted to model for Harry. Although they wouldn't be something that she would wear on stage, it was perfectly good enough for her god's benefit.
  Then she would give him a private concert and they'd be making some amazing music together.
  "I don't think that we've been out here before."
  Kara made this statement, it was amazing that they had been on the grounds for nearly three and a half months but they'd yet to see everything around it. She was wearing a dark wig, glasses, a blue shirt, red jacket, and jeans, with a CD player hooked on her belt.
  "It's a wide open space," Kitty added, dressed in a black jean jacket, a white shirt, and tight leather pants, as Lockheed stood behind her. She kept a careful eye on the dragon to make sure it didn't run off and cause havoc.
  "Perfect for training," Laura commented, as she was dressed all in black and she lifted her arms up to stretch.
  "Figures someone sired from Logan would make that comment," Rogue remarked. She was dressed in a yellow jacket, a green top, and tight yellow pants along with boots. All of the parts of her costume hug the enticing curves that were developing on her body. She turned to Harry. "Well, you've developed an amazing piece of real estate, Sugah."
  "He has," M'gann added, she was dressed in a blue top, with a jean jacket, and a black skirt, along with boots. She had her red hair tied back and she wore a pair of glasses.
  "I think that instead of going indoors we can use this as combat training," Harry told them and Laura offered a smile to them.
  "Great minds think alike," Laura confirmed.
  "Or insane ones," Kitty chimed in but Kara smiled. "See, Kara agrees with me."
  "I don't know, don't get me involved in this," Kara remarked as she leaned back and looked up in the sky.
  It wasn't a bird or a plane or anything like that, she had no idea what it was.
  Harry noticed it as well and there was a moderate explosion through the air.
  "Of course something would happen," M'gann stated as she rushed forward. The rest of the girls were up at the school although it was easy to get a hold of them through telepathic communication. They did not want to bother Jean unless they had to, she was buried up to her ears in homework.
  "It's some kind of vessel," Rogue commented as she strained and tried to look.
  Harry smiled, if it was an alien craft, there would all kinds of people who would be here to take a look at it. SHIELD would be the least of their worries, there would be other forces.
  'So, are we dealing with the friendly kind of aliens or the unfriendly?' M'gann asked to them.
  'We won't know until the ship opens,' Harry told.
  Harry stepped in front of the group of girls, although Laura looked about ready to lift her claws out and stab first if this something attacked her.
  Kara meanwhile tried to look at the ship. She thought that it would be of Kryptonian make or something but she could not analyze it properly. The blonde's eyes followed the ship and she blinked, frustration mounting in her eyes as she did not recognize the vessel and what it was made of immediately.
  The vessel popped open and Harry waited.
  A tall female exited the vessel. Harry kept a close eye on her as she did; she did not have a stitch of clothing on her. She had long red hair that flowed wildly all the down past her ass. She had orange skin which made her extremely exotic looking to say the very least. Her beautiful face, with rosy red lips and glowing green eyes. He traveled down and she had a rather heavy set of breasts that were high and firm, with red nipples that beckoned to him. His eyes traveled down her firm stomach and her toned delicious ass. Her legs were pillars of delight and Harry's eyes locked around her center, smooth and shaven.
  Harry was greeted by what appeared to be the wet dream of every sci-fi geek out there, an alien space babe.
  She tried to speak but realized that they might not know the lingo.
  Rushing forward, she locked onto the first person who might know the lingo and that was Harry. She had a smile on her face as she stepped forward.
  Her arms locked around Harry's waist and she pulled him into a huge kiss.
  Harry was momentarily stunned, although it was for a few fleeting seconds. He opened his mouth to allow her tongue to invade his mouth and wrapped his arms around her, exploring her body, with all of her tantalizing and delicious curves. Her tongue tangled with his as Harry roamed every inch of her body. His covered penis brushing against her entrance slightly.
  The alien woman moaned lustfully into his kiss, getting the most out of it. She nibbled on his lip as she felt a bombardment of pheromones go through her body.
  Her fingers skimmed the waistband of his pants.
  "What....what the....what the hell is happening?" Rogue asked.
  "I don't know, but it's really hot," Kitty remarked, before biting her lower lip to stifle a moan, as she saw Harry pin her against a tree.
  It was quite unfortunate that they could not go much further than they did because a hovering orb showed up above them and it was not the welcome wagon.
  With regret, the alien broke away from Harry.
  Three more orbs showed up.
  "You will surrender the prisoner, or face annihilation," a harsh force stated as the orb glowed to light.
  Harry didn't like their tone, so he wasn't going to comply, as the alien looked at him.
  "They are slavers," she told him. "They sold me and several others but I managed to escape."
  Harry took out the orbs with fury as the alien watched him with wide eyes. His heat vision made quick work of them.
  "That will not be the last, they will send others, you must warn your planet of the danger that they are in," she told him. "They work for the Kree empire."
  Harry felt her still naked body press against him but somehow despite his blood rushing to other areas of his brain, he pressed on.
  "Who are you?" Harry asked the alien as he led her inside, with Kitty, Laura, Rogue, Kara, and M'gann following.
  The alien happily complied although it was hard to keep her wits about herself, she had a sudden urge to start the mating process. "I am Princess Koriand'r of Tamaran."
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.
  Written on September 16th and 17th 2013, Posted on November 4th 2013.
  Chapter 24
  Chapter Twenty Four: Starfire.
  "This is the safest place on Earth," Harry told the young Princess and she nodded.
  Kory folded her arms, she remembered her home, although it was not there anymore. The Kree destroyed it, a casualty of their ongoing war against the Skrulls. The young princess tried to keep a steady head and her mind calm.
  "Are you certain that the Kree will not breech your security?" Kory asked him and Harry smiled as he moved over.
  "I'm more worried about what they would do to the people of Earth," Harry told her but despite his worry, he managed to push himself forward. "Kara, why don't you take Kory to a room so she could rest?"
  "Right," Kara remarked as she lead the princess away.
  Harry, meanwhile, had problems. Those sentry orbs, he knew that they barely scratched the surface of what the Kree could do.
  "Har-Rell, there's an incoming communication, do you want me...."
  "Yes," Harry told Lara, he wanted it punched up so he could see what this was all about. His nerves twisted around his stomach.
  "People of the Earth, be warned that we will not tolerate this act of aggression," a thunderous voice echoed as there was a long pause. Harry's hands placed on the back of his head as he waited for it. "You have one orbital cycle to hand her over."
  Harry switched over to the frequency that locked onto SHIELD.
  "Fury, we've got a problem," Harry commented lightly as he caused the eagle eyed director of SHIELD to jump up in surprise. He fixed his eye on Harry.
  "How did you get this frequency?" Fury asked but Harry waved his hand, he was not in the mood to discuss something like this.
  "That isn't important, Fury," Harry told him and Fury stared him down with fury dancing in his one eye. The two of them were silent before Harry spoke back up. "There is an alien invading force on their way here."
  "How do...how do you know?" Fury demanded.
  "Well the communication that came in might be a clue," Harry told him and sure enough it appeared that SHIELD was getting the same communication he just heard. He waited for the other shoe to drop with patience and Fury turned around for him.
  "What did you do?" Fury asked.
  Harry's tone and facial experiences immediately switched to the defensive. "Why do you assume that it's me who did anything?"
  "Every time some crackpot alien invader comes after you, it's you who they have a mad on for, kid," Fury said gruffly.
  Harry would conceded that Fury, maybe, had a point. Although he was not too fond of the accusations being thrown his way, he figured that he had to settle his nerves and calm down.
  "It's not me, not this time...well at least not directly," Harry told him and Fury's eye flashed for a second towards him.
  "Then who is it?" Fury demanded. There was a sense of demanding in his voice, he did not like the lack of the information that had been given to him.
  "Well, it's alien slavers first of all, they kidnapped this princess of a race of aliens and she escaped," Harry informed Fury and the Commander of SHIELD stared him down. It looked as if he scarcely believed Harry's story but it was not Harry's problem whether or not he believed it. "You don't believe that she's telling the truth, do you?"
  "You can never be too careful," Fury remarked in a gruff tone of voice.
  When Harry Potter thought someone was being gloriously pessimistic, then there was a problem, at least that's what he thought. His green eyes narrowed as he kept his gaze locked onto that of Fury. The two of them pushed back and forth against each other, neither willing to yield to how stubborn the other was. It was an amazing contrast as neither was willing to concede the fact that the other might be wrong.
  "You'll find that I have a keen sense of detecting bullshit, Fury," Harry told the Agent of SHIELD and there was a second where Fury looked towards him.
  "I hope you're right, kid," Fury told him in a gruff voice and Harry's smile widened across his face.
  "Have some faith Fury," Harry told to him but he paused. "If I was you though, I'd make sure SHIELD gets on the ball. In case I'm wrong, but even though I'm right, the Kree will be coming for their prisoner. They don't seem...."
  "Did you say the Kree?"
  Carol showed up and there was a nervous expression on her face at that statement. Harry raised an eyebrow as he faced the woman.
  "Yes, I said the Kree," Harry confirmed to her and she became extremely flushed as Harry waited to confirm the statement to her.
  "Of course you said the Kree," Carol told him as she brushed her hair out of her face.
  "Problems in the past with them?" Harry asked her and Carol nodded in agreement.
  "Well....problems....that might be a bit of a stretch but I've had dealings with the Kree," Carol informed him and Harry waited for more information from her. "You know my powers and how I got them when I was on a mission with SWORD...."
  "Yes, you mentioned that to me....you got your powers from an alien vessel," Harry told her and Carol nodded as she stood back, her arms folded.
  "Well the vessel was of Kree origin, it's given me powers beyond my wildest dreams," Carol remarked and there was a humming.
  There were alien vessels that both SHIELD and the Stronghold had picked up.
  "We'll see how good those powers are, Carol," Harry told the woman and she nodded her head. "Because we're going to need them, all of them, as many as we can get."
  "We're in agreement on that, Potter," Fury told him as his jaw was set and his eye locked onto those of the Star Child.
  "I'm glad," Harry told Fury as he geared up for what was going to happen next.
  Kitty popped her head in of the other room, her eyes wide.
  "The scanner's going nuts," Kitty told him and Harry reached over, grabbing her by the hand.
  "I know," Harry told her and smiled as he pulled her into his arms. "So....the Kree...well that's troublesome."
  "Yes, it is," Lara agreed as she had to give Harry a crash course on everything that he needed to know, although there were a few vague mentions of the Kree during his training at the Fortress. "They're descended from a group of Kryptonians that were exiled centuries ago due to losing a civil war and have evolved differently since that time."
  "So on a scale of about one to Armageddon, how bad are things looking?"
  Iron Man, as always, got straight to the point. The Armored Avenger crossed his arms as he stepped a few inches forward. He was with Thor, Black Widow, Hawkeye, and Ms. Marvel, that was the group that represented the Avengers today.
  They stood across from Arcane, Shadowcat, Rogue, Psylocke, Talon, and Kara....who had not decided on a codename yet, although for some reason, the name Flamebird appealed to her. She had no idea why it did, it just did.
  Harry pondered this one for a second, he enjoyed leaving people in suspense or he would have had this situation not been so serious. He spit out his answer after a few seconds. "We're dealing with a situation that could mean the end of the world as we know it."
  "So in other words, it's just another Tuesday," Hawkeye remarked casually, he was used to world ending situations by now.
  Hulk, Wasp, and Mockingbird turned up.
  "I take it that Ant Man didn't want to join us," Hawkeye remarked to Wasp.
  Wasp shrugged, amused that Hank might not like that name, given that he did not consider himself a super hero due to his opposition to violence. Instead he thought of himself as some sort of Science Adventurer. "He's busy playing with his creepy robots."
  "Well, we're going to have to deal without him and Cap is busy on another assignment, so I guess that the gang's all here," Iron Man said as he looked to Arcane. "How many of these ships did you say that are coming in?"
  "I didn't say but I'll know in a minute," Harry told him in a firm tone of voice as he mentally interfaced with the AI systems. "Peve....Lara....anyone?"
  "There's only one ship," Peve informed him.
  Natasha thought about that. "Either they think very little of Earth or this ship....is really big."
  "Or both?" Kitty confirmed as she nervously chewed on her lip until she left an indent.
  "Or that," Natasha agreed as she braced herself for the explosion that was going to come. Earth might be in for an anxious few moments and all of them needed to remain on guard. The redhead felt her hair flip in her face as she blew it out of the way.
  "Just point me towards it and I'll smash it," Hulk growled as he cracked his knuckles.
  "Hold up there, big guy," Harry told him with a smile and he backed up. "I'm not sure if we're going to be able to smash something like that."
  Hulk raised an eyebrow and his tone became extremely challenging. "Are you doubting me?"
  "Not at all," Harry said coolly, he would never doubt someone like the Hulk but at the same time, he had to step at this situation in a smart manner. "But we've got....well we've got problems."
  "Yeah, I can say so," Hulk grunted in agreement as he waited for the word, whatever that might be and Harry folded his arms over his chest.
  "I'll be checking in with Reed Richards in a moment, he should be able to give us more information on this or at least I hope so," Stark commented to them.
  "I'm with you, Tony," Reed told him over the communication link and there was a frown that went across his face. "It's not looking too promising."
  "Does it ever look promising?" Harry asked as he had the Fortress perform its own scans and Peve was giving him constant updates.
  "Look," Kara remarked as she saw a metallic object circle around them.
  Harry smiled, he thought that he answered the question of whether they thought little of Earth or had sent the big gun.
  That ship looked bigger than Hogwarts was on the inside and who knew how big it was in on the inside. The entire sun got blocked out as he looked up.
  "You will surrender the prisoner to us or Earth will face annihilation," the man on the ship told them boldly.
  Harry smiled as he looked calm. "You know, you talk pretty fucking big when you're in that ship, why don't you come out and face me."
  "Insolent human, who do you think you're talking to?" the voice on the ship remarked and Harry's smile crossed his face. He knew that if he pushed the right buttons, he would have him.
  "I think I'm talking to someone who can't even handle a little bit of criticism," Harry told him with a smile on his face. "Then again, what can I expect from a reject group of aliens who were banished from Krypton centuries ago?"
  "You speak about which you don't understand, human."
  Rogue cracked her knuckles but she remained calm otherwise.
  "He's asking for it, isn't he?" Psylocke asked but she wondered how they were going to take that ship out.
  Harry was thinking the same thing, he wondered if there was anything aboard the ship that would allow him to send it home.
  Thor turned towards Harry, as did others, and there were a few people who watched him from the sidelines.
  SHIELD arrived but despite their abilities, they were outgunned.
  "Clear the area now!" Fury barked to his men who wanted to get civilians out of the way, even though the potential range of that ship's weapons were likely anywhere on Earth.
  Harry used his X-Ray vision to begin to scan the ship and perhaps he would be able to find a flaw, a weakness, anything that would allow him to board it and take care of business.
  The Kree were a race that thought that they had automatic dominion over the universe because of who they were. There was no two ways about them, they were war mongers to the highest degree and they would only get worse the longer then went at this. Harry was beneath the ship, his body swaying as he watched it. He could not help his body swaying.
  'Any luck,' Kara thought to him, she wished she had some ideas but she was just as stuck as Harry as well and it annoyed her to no end.
  "I wish," Harry told her and Kara reached towards him, gripping her hand in his.
  'The moment of truth...always hard,' Kara commented to him.
  Harry could sense that they were about to make their move. He did not like this and he was not the only one.
  "I don't like this," Fury grumbled in a voice that showed that he was frustrated. His hands clutched together firmly upon a gun. It was a big gun but he might as well be shooting spitballs at it with this particular weapon.
  The surface was sleek, black, and he could tell from experience that it would be invulnerable to any type of attack. The Director of SHIELD figured this much from the first glance. He turned to the Avengers and the Team, all of them surrounding around each other.
  "I won't lie, this could be the end," Fury remarked to them.
  "It won't be," Harry told him, although he figured that it was a sad state of affairs when he showed optimism before anyone else. Actually the fact depressed him to no end. Yet he had to keep his head up and his wits about him if he wanted to weather the oncoming storm.
  "I think that there's a flaw on the side but it only manifests every seven minutes," Carol told him and Harry raised an eyebrow.
  "You think but you don't know?" Harry asked her in frustration and Carol shrugged her shoulders, giving him one of those looks that indicated that she was sorry but there was not that much that she could do about it. Harry sighed. "I guess it will have to do."
  "Yeah, I guess so," Carol told him as she wished she could help Harry even more.
  Harry's frustration could be seen obviously on his face but after the initial moments of it, he tried not to show any more. His gaze locked onto the ship and once again his eyes pointed to the area where Carol pointed out.
  'Okay, let's see if I can work some magic,' Harry thought to himself, cringing very nearly about the cheesiness of the statement but there was really nothing that could be done about that.
  "I wish to help you."
  Harry turned around and saw the princess standing there, wearing an outfit that was not conductive to long term concentration. Which was amazing given that she turned up completely naked the first time but he shook his head and focused on it.
  She had two purple strips down the front of her that was barely enough to cover her ample breasts. Her hair fell all the way down to her ass, which was covered by a thong. Her legs where covered by thigh high purple boots and Harry drank in her tantalizing flesh.
  "Is there something about my outfit that is displeasing to you?" Kory asked in a sweet tone as she leaned forward to show her extremely developed breasts.
  "No, you did a good job on it," Harry remarked to her and Kory smiled with a nod of her head as she prepared to do what was asked of her. She was excited, bouncing up and down slowly.
  Giving her body, going up and down in slow motion, the spring of her breasts and the jiggle of her ass, that was something that almost distracted Harry and every other male there from the situation at hand.
  "You know, you could make her quite the target out here like that," Natasha whispered to Harry as she armed herself and he tapped his finger on her weapons. "And...dare I ask what you did?"
  "That should be able to pack a bit more of a punch, at least I hope they will," Harry told her and Natasha was intrigued.
  Natasha shrugged her shoulders, she was not about to look some gift guns in the mouth. She locked onto the ships and was about ready to fire.
  It was time to get their attention, even though she thought that might be all that they were doing in this situation. She locked onto the ships and tried to attack them.
  She prepared to blast anything that moved or looked at her cross eyed. At least that's what the goal she had in mind was. The woman had her guns locked and ready to go, the smile crossing her face.
  Thor stood ready, hammer in hand, to bring the thunder down but then again, he was always ready to hit something hard and fast.
  Iron Man tried in vain to lock onto the enemies heat signatures. While this wasn't as bad as the Kang incident, it was still headache inducing.
  Harry saw the flaw.
  'Keep the ships off me, so I can get inside and find a way to send it back,' Harry thought to them.
  'That will only delay them, it won't stop them,' Kara protested and Harry smiled as he patted her on the head.
  'I know Kara....I know....but what choice do I have?" Harry asked and that was a question that was a fairly rhetorical one.
  Kara sighed, she had to admit that Harry had a point although she wondered how much this would blow up in all of their faces.
  Harry shot up, up, and away towards the ship, dodging an energy beam. He reached the side of the ship and grabbed onto it.
  That was a no go, the ship remained immobile despite Harry's best efforts. His hands stung from his attempts to force it open. He struggled, hanging from the ship.
  'I'm just going to have to....try harder,' Harry grunted as he pounded at the hull and slipped inside the ship.
  Harry was inside, for better or for worse.
  The ship had glowing crystals around it, they were much like the Kryptonian crystals at the Fortress but there was something unsettling about them. It was like they were a twisted reflection of something that was good and just. It was like a corruption of his culture and Harry felt nearly insulted by it but he pressed on and beyond into the ship.
  "You were foolish to come here."
  Harry grew rigid as he saw the faces in the wall of the ship. He sped down the hallway, ignoring them and dodging laser fire with precision.
  "There is enough fire power on this ship to reduce Earth to ashes," the voice on the ship remarked.
  "And there's enough hot air in your mouth to lull me to sleep," Harry fired back in a dry and very bored tone of voice.
  He had to keep pressing forward through the ship, he was very nearly to a location where he could make his move. The emerald eyed wizard decided that now was do or die so he threw himself towards the gates.
  The gate glowed but it did not offer him entry.
  "Did you think it was going to be easy?" the ship taunted him and Harry once again kept his mouth shut, he had to find a way
  Harry shook his head, he knew that the bad guys liked to talk but this was taking it to an entirely new degree, at least he hadn't started a monolog yet. He looked over his shoulder and saw a countdown timer.
  It was written in a language that few could recognize but Harry deciphered it as an extremely old form of Kryptonian. He tried to lock onto the numbers as it prepared to engage an countdown to calculate how much time he had to reverse this situation.
  He ran his eyes over the edge of the ship and tried to figure out if he could pinpoint anything in this ship that resembled....well anything that resembled a mechanism that could teleport the ship away.
  Harry tried to recall his understanding about such ships as he ran through his mind, thinking about every possible scenario that he could.
  The doomsday timer indicated that he might want to step up his plans up a little bit.
  He looped around and sensed that the same flaw that allowed him in, might allow him to get things down.
  Gwen wasn't here, although he wondered if the Ship could be hacked by Extremis or it would be beyond her depth. Harry shook his head.
  Do or die, now or never , and all that. He placed his hand on the ship.
  Out of nowhere a hammer smashed downwards into the center of Harry's back, driving him hard into the floor of the ship. The metal denting from the impact of his body.
  "I've been waiting a long time for this," he growled at Harry as he raised a hammer above his head.
  "And who are you?" Harry grunted as he used a shield to block the swing of the hammer.
  The blue faced man smiled, his face both ugly and demented, never a good combination.
  "My name is Ronan, I am the Supreme Accuser of the Kree and I will be the one take's you down, son of Krypton," Ronan stated as he swung the hammer towards him. "You are the last of a flawed and obsolete race, one that has long since passed its time."
  "Really?" Harry asked, he was not amused by these words and he dodged the hammer as it was nearly driven into the top of his head.
  "The Kree are the superior race, we are the master race, you Kryptonians are weak and I will be killing two birds with one stone," Ronan grunted.
  Harry avoided the swings of the hammer and it clung against a wall. Another swing of the hammer and clanged against the wall again as he dodged it.
  "Three strikes, you're out," Harry stated blandly as he grabbed the hammer by the shaft and pulled it away from him then flicked him into the wall using one finger.
  Ronan smashed against the wall and rolled over, a pained grimace going through his face. There was a sense where he was amused.
  "You can defeat me, but we'll be the only two left, Earth will be nothing," Ronan told him. "Unless you beg me to spare them."
  Harry's indignation returned in full force.
  "I don't beg."
  He emphasized this point with a huge magically enhanced punch. Ronan was sent back hard onto the ground.
  Harry stepped on his fingers as he moved over to the console and began to punch up the needed information. He hoped that this worked because if it didn't, then there would be more than a few problems.
  'Aborting the launch sequence....why yes, I'm sure,' Harry thought.
  The countdown timer stopped to a crawl.
  "It's impossible, no one could have...."
  "You'll find that impossible is my middle name," Harry stated as he prepared to send Ronan all the way home, well in a sense. He triggered the ship's engines to be damaged, stranding him out in the middle of space. Given that there were escape pods on the ship, he was not that fussed.
  Ronan was chained to the wall. He could break out, at least in a little bit, at least if he expounded the necessary amount of effort.
  "When you see the rest of the Kree, tell them that a Kryptonian whipped your ass," Harry told him as he set the drive on the ship to coordinates in deep space.
  "You will pay," Ronan grumbled with pure hatred dripping from his voice.
  Harry scanned the ship, he felt that the Kree's technology might be useful to study in length at the Fortress and develop countermeasures when they came.
  He exited the ship and the vessel vanished with a huge pop.
  "They'll be back, they always have come back," Fury said gruffly to the Avengers.
  Stark was the one who spoke with a calm statement. "And when they come back, we're going to be ready for them."
  "They couldn't stop the Avengers on our best day or our worst," Hawkeye added to them but Fury locked eyes with the archer.
  "Careful, Barton, that arrogance is going to get you killed one of these days."
  Clint shrugged, he had been told that for years that his arrogance was going to get him in trouble but so far, nothing has happened and nothing was going to change on that front.
  "The only thing we have to do now is to figure out what to do with our mysterious alien princess," Fury told them.
  "She crash landed on my property, she's my responsibility," Harry told her and Carol knew that there was going to be an argument.
  "Are you sure you're willing to take full responsibility for any property damage that she might cause...."
  "Yes, Fury, yes, I am," Harry told him in a firm tone of voice, indicating that he was not backing down from this in any way whatsoever.
  "If you're willing to do what needs to be done...."
  "Yes, Fury, yes I am," Harry told him, not backing down from the Director of SHIELD for a second and there was tension in the air that could be cut with a knife.
  Thor was about to mention how they could cut the tension with a knife but he did not have a nerve to make such a statement. He knew one thing, as did his fellow Avengers. The Kree would be back, someone like that would always be back.
  Kory waited off to the side, nervously. She knew that she was being talked about but she figured that it would be improper to jump in and say something about what was happening. The redhead's hair framed her face as she took a long breath and waited for the news.
  "So Kory...."
  "Yes," the princess stated to him with an adoring tone in her voice and a gaze that matched in her eyes.
  "You have no home to return to, that's correct."
  Kory hung her head and Harry looked into her eyes, grabbing her gently by the chin and tilting her head up to face his.
  "Yes....no home, after they destroyed it," Kory said in a strangled voice, trying not to let the anger and bitterness seep into her voice, even though it was easy to do.
  "I figured that much....well since you have no home....it might be a good idea if I allowed you to come and join me," Harry said.
  Kory's excitement was endearing as her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.
  "You mean I will sleep with you," Kory said in excitement and there was a second where Kitty's eyes bugged out before she realized that statement might not mean what she assumed that it meant in her world.
  "Yes, anything that you desire," Harry told her.
  Rogue, Betsy, and Kara all looked amused as Kory grabbed Harry into a hug that might have crushed a normal human.
  "Thank you, you won't even know that I'm there," Kory told him and Harry smiled.
  'Oh I'm sure he'll know that your there,' Kitty remarked as she exchanged an amused look with Kara.
  Harry smiled, despite the situation, sometimes there were opportunities that a person seized and sometimes that there were others that crash landed in his lap.
  He did think about what Tyrell said all of those months ago, how about there might be one person or there might be many who would arrive with intentions to take him out. Again, Harry was not about to argue with that point. He was not going to also blame himself for things that were out of his control that he might have done in the past.
  He was just going to move forwards and do what needed to be done. He had to do what he had to do, there was no two ways about it. And if everything did not work out well, then so be it. He was not about to cry over spilled milk.
  "That was a tense day," Kitty told Harry as the brunette walked next to him.
  "Yeah, but just another day in our lives," Harry told the brunette.
  "Just another Tuesday....which is strange because it's Saturday," Kitty told Harry and his smile widened across his face. She had a smile on her face. "I guess we should be able to bust him for breaking protocol."
  Betsy stood with her hands on her hips and her neck arched back as she watched everything around her and turned towards Harry.
  "Well things are always interesting around here, aren't they?" she asked him.
  Harry's smile was wide across his face. "Since when they were ever dull?"
  The Asian-British ninja shrugged and she wrapped her arms around Harry.
  That was a good point.
  "Harry, could you please come to my room, I want to speak with you for a second?"
  Harry was intrigued at what this was all about and he stepped into Kory's bedroom. It was right next to Kara's and right across the hall from M'gann's, so he noted that he had an extra-terrestrial corner of his house, not that he had much of a problem with that at all.
  Harry stopped at the edge of the bedroom door and saw her standing there. His mouth was agap.
  "Do you like what you see?" Kory asked as she reclined on the bed in the nude.
  Harry closed his mouth and smiled.
  "More than like," Harry told her.
  "Mmm, I figured that this would be okay, I was told some humans who might be appalled by this," Kory told him as she leaned back and spread her legs in an inviting manner. She bit down on her lip, the Tamaranian Princess bared all she had to offer to Harry and his eyes drank in her nubile form on the bed. "On my planet, the concept of sexual relations is far different than it is on Earth."
  "Is it?" Harry asked her with a smile on his face.
  "Yes, we are far more liberated with our sexual intercourse," she told him with an adoring smile as she got on her knees and started to bounce up and down on the bed.
  Kory saw that she had his full and undivided attention, her eyes locked onto him, and she saw a twitching in his pants.
  "Oh, Harry, those clothes must be uncomfortable," Kory told him as she grabbed his pants and pulled them down over his ankles.
  Harry lifted his legs up and allowed her to remove his pants, revealing his covered crotch. He turned his head towards her and she reached into his pants.
  "Oh, my, you're huge, I've never seen anything so big in my life," Kory remarked as she ripped off his boxers so she got a better look at him.
  Harry removed his shirt and he showed his muscular chest to her. She traveled her eyes extremely hungrily down his chest and she felt a moistening deep within her core. The emerald eyed wizard looked at the young princess, who had a hungry look in her eyes.
  "Let's make love now," Kory breathed as her hot breath hit the tip of his cock and she squeezed him.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Harry saw her tight body, with all of its womanly curves. Her large breasts were beckoning towards them, with nipples that pulsed towards him and he smiled as he prepared to play with her. He stroked her breasts in his hands and he caused her moan.
  He reached down between her legs and saw how wet that she felt. His hands probed her sopping wet folds and saw how horny that she got. Harry kept stroking her folds as she pushed it towards his hands and he worked around them. The redhead princess breathed heavily as Harry kept working through them.
  "You're wet for me," Harry breathed towards her.
  "Yes," Kory panted as she kept stroking his cock hard. She clenched it in her hand and then used her tongue to lick down it. "Am I making you feel good?"
  "Great," Harry breathed as his cock tried to twitch towards her lips.
  Kory smiled as her lips wrapped around him, pushing his length down her throat. She gave his throbbing shaft the love that it needed, working her mouth down him. She pushed his length down her throat.
  Harry breathed as he grabbed her by the hair. Her gorgeous locks felt like fire and her mouth was burning around his most useful tool. The desire in her eyes was amazing, as she sucked him. She was really getting into the motions, and she stroked him. The redhead kept working him over.
  "Damn, babe, keep that up, keep that up," Harry panted as her tongue worked underneath his shaft and she kept licking him, working herself down his length.
  Kory was pleased that her pleasure was amazing and Harry grabbed her around the head. She hoped that he used his cock and forced it down her throat. She was panting heavily as he worked into her mouth, pumping his member into her tight mouth.
  His hands worked her pussy and she moaned as she squirted her juices onto him.
  Harry lifted his hand to his face and slowly licked his tongue around his fingers, sucking up the moisture. He closed his eyes and kept sucking it off of his fingers. There was a second where he paused and then buried his fingers deeper into his mouth.
  'Mmm, so fucking good,' Harry thought to her as his heart kept pounding.
  Kory took those words of endearment as an encouragement to spear more of his length down her throat. She deep throated him and stroked his balls. She felt his hands explore her body, going down her sweaty orange breasts, her back, down to her supple ass. Each touch caused her pussy to twitch and spill more of its juices. He was the perfect lover.
  She grabbed him with both hands and jerked him off with them.
  "I want you to send your juices all over my body, oh that'd make me feel so good, Harry," Kory breathed as she stroked him hard, working her hand down his length and opening her tongue. "Come on, lover, blow your load on me, I want to swim in it."
  Harry tried to hold it off, but the look on her face, the bouncing of her breasts, and her pussy soaked with arousal, smooth and shaken, that was about to cause Harry to become undone. He held off for as long as he could as she kept stroking him, working him over. His eyes closed shut tighter yet. She worked her hands down him and groped his balls, working her hand around him.
  "So closer, getting closer," Harry grunted as she fondled and worked his members, placing her lips on the head of his cock, poking it into her mouth and she pushed herself down onto him.
  She leaned back and Kory pumped him, working her strong fist up and down him.
  Harry's balls tightened as she stroked his member. The redhead was working him up and down, pumping her hand up and down him. His balls tightened and it was about to send his cum into her face. Kory stuck her tongue out.
  His balls tightened and he sent his load onto her face. He splashed her tits, her face, and cum rolled down her stomach from both areas.
  Kory grabbed his throbbing prick and kept stroking him, his cock deflating briefly.
  "Harry," Kory stated in a breathy voice as she got on her hands and knees, showing her dripping pussy towards him. She used his cum and placed it onto her fingers.
  Harry grabbed her breasts from behind and brushed his length against her.
  "You want me, don't you?" Harry grunted her.
  "Yes, so bad," Kory sat as she closed her eyes and she felt his lips against the back of her neck. His hands stroked her flesh and his fingers teased her, along with his tongue.
  Harry could feel how warm that she was.
  "I think that it'd be a perfect fit," Harry told her as he worked through her dripping wet pussy and cupped her from behind, working her center.
  The emerald eyed wizard stroked her from behind and aimed his meat missile towards her pussy, preparing to slip inside her. She got excited as she felt his prick against her entrance. She breathed heavily and quite lustfully as she prepared for him to enter her. The woman closed her eyes and she was about ready to experience the full Harry experience.
  Kory bit down on her lip and Harry plunged into her pussy. The woman screamed out loud and his cock stretched her extremely tight walls.
  "God damn, this is amazing," Harry grunted as he pushed into her pussy, pumping his length into her center. She pushed herself back and he hammered her from behind. Stroke for stroke, his length pounded her center.
  Kory grabbed on the edge of the bed and hung on for the ride, as he was hammering into her from the backside. His hands ran over her body, stroking her breasts and she clenched his prick as he pumped himself inside her. The woman was breathing heavily as Harry kept up the pace, working into her. He picked up a steady length as he buried his length deeper into her.
  "More, give me more...give me, yes," Kory breathed as she felt him empty and fill her, it was amazing, her pussy had never gotten such a workout.
  Harry felt her desire heighten for him and he picked up the pace. He buried himself deeper into her and her pussy was being worked over. He ran his hands over her body and Kory's eyes closed shut as she felt his prick manipulate her. There was so much pleasure, pleasure that she could barely imagine. There was a sense where his throbbing prick buried deeper into her. He hammered her from behind and his tight rod worked into her from behind.
  He kept manipulating her breasts and channeling energy through them. Her pussy wrapped around his invading organ and Harry brought his prick deeper into her.
  His stone hard dick manipulated her pleasure box as he drilled into her, faster. Their sex organs were a blur.
  "Beg for me, beg for my cock," Harry breathed to her.
  "Yes, I want it, master me, beat my love box," Kory managed as she felt so many pleasurable feelings around her as her super heightened pleasures. His balls slapped her tightening backstage and Harry pushed himself into her.
  Harry manipulated her body and kissed the back of her neck. Kory moaned lustfully as Harry worked into her.
  "So, fucking amazing," Harry grunted as he was about to finish but he pulled back. He grabbed her by the hair and pressed his mouth next to her ear. "I wonder how your ass would feel."
  "Please...try it," Kory begged him, she got all excited at the sense of his penis rammed in her ass.
  Harry decided to go to the next step and he grabbed her around her tight ass. He groped her from behind and ran his hand down her crack. She moaned as Harry worked down her. The redhead breathed in and out heaving as his finger pleasured her ass, burying it deep inside her. She panted as Harry kept working into her. The redhead princess felt the anticipation heightened.
  His mighty spear went into her tight rectum and Kory's eyes closed as she felt her powers heighten. Harry was ramming his hard rod around her tight ass and kept drilling into the supple rump.
  "So good," Kory moaned as she rubbed her clit and was moaning as Harry grabbed her breasts.
  "You naughty girl," Harry breathed to her.
  "Yes, yes, more," Kory encouraged him.
  Harry plunged into her ass from behind, as his balls slammed into her ass as he rammed into her guts. She moaned as Harry groped her breast as her nipples were so stiff that they could cut through glass. His stone hard dick buried into her, going deep into her guts.
  "I want it....I want your seed," Kory begged him as he plunged himself into her ass even more deeply.
  She experienced the pure joy and untamed erotic passion of a throbbing hard cock up her ass.
  "Harry....want to ride you," Kory breathed and he pulled out of her.
  She pushed him down on the bed, her cum soaked body pressed against him and she lined up his center with him.
  "Damn, you're so horny," Harry grunted as her pussy wrapped around him.
  "Yes, sex....makes us stronger....feels so good," Kory panted as she rode his throbbing length, she bounced higher and higher and sunk her wet box down onto his massive tool. Her breasts swayed enticingly before his face and Harry reached towards her, grabbing her around the tits.
  He squeezed him and it caused her pussy to wrap around him. Her tight walls tightened around her even more. The woman pushed herself up and down him. The woman's breath was getting labored as she worked herself down onto his thighs.
  "Mmm....yes....mmm...yes," Kory breathed towards him as he worked into her tight walls.
  "Yes, feels good, it feels really good," Harry grunted in agreement as he worked into her.
  Kory bounced up and down on him, her breasts swaying before him and he grabbed around her. The woman's walls tightened harder around him. Harry used his length to probe through her pussy and Harry kept manipulating her hard nipples.
  "Cum....shoot your seed in me," Kory breathed.
  Harry pushed her down onto him and her walls wrapped around him. There was a second where she kept tightening around him and her walls became super hot around him.
  This became his undoing as he shot his seed into her core and splashed her walls.
  Kory screamed out loud, biting down on her lip, as she threw her head back and milked him to completion.
  She collapsed forward, her breasts on his face.
  "Oh good, that was a great warm up," Kory commented.
  Harry prepared to indulge himself in his alien nympho even more, exploring her body with his hands as he pumped back into her and they indulged themselves into each other throughout the night.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  To Be Continued In the Next Chapter "Armageddon Thy Name is Ultron, Part One."on November 11th 2013.
  Written on September 19 th 2013, Posted on November 7 th 2013.
  Armageddon Thy Name is Ultron
  Chapter Twenty Five: Armageddon, Thy Name is Ultron Part One.
  "I can't believe it."
  Harry couldn't help but grin at that comment, although it was a grin that held a certain degree of mischief within it. He placed his hand on the hip of his date and leaning in he couldn't help but whisper into her ear as he only had one thing to say. "Believe it, Lois, believe it."
  Lois smiled, as she was dressed up in a fairly expensive black dress. It showed off her curves quite nightly, offering an enticing hint of her cleavage, alongside her long beautiful legs that stretched down for miles, and her feet were in a pair of high heels.
  She was standing next to Harry, accompanying him to one of the most exclusive party in quite some time and she would be lying if she didn't say that she was excited. The dark haired reporter thought that there were far worse ways to get into this party.
  Harry figured that it allowed him to get some time with Lois, although he was scanning the party. Having looked through the Hellfire Club's books, he couldn't help but notice that this party was also being attended by some of the more unsavory people in the world.
  A beautiful dark haired woman approaching him dressed in a gorgeous purple gown immediately caught his full attention.
  "Miss Wayne, we meet again," Harry told her.
  Helena smiled charmingly at him as she offered him her hand, taking it he placed his customary kiss upon it causing a tingle to go up her spine. "Mr. Potter....please, I told you to call me Helena."
  "Then, it's Harry, and you know Lois Lane, one of the top reporters of the Daily Bugle," Harry told her as he let go of her hand, before he amended. "No, the top reporter, my mistake, my mistake."
  Helena offered a smile as she shook Lois's hand. "Miss Lane....a pleasure to meet you."
  "The pleasure is all mine, Miss Wayne," Lois commented as she looked around. The young heiress had a reputation of being a notorious party girl although that was something about that reputation that rang rather false but Lois could not put her finger quite on what.
  "The Mayor of Gotham City is here as well, he's an old friend of my father," Helena said, pointing him out to Harry. Richard Grayson was a middle aged man with shoulder length dark hair with a hint of gray along the temples, dressed in a suit.
  Helena knew him naturally as he was the both the original Robin and Nightwing. Eventually he took up the mantle as Batman when her Father retired upon marrying her Mother, after finding out she was pregnant with her in order to give her the proper family he felt she deserved as his daughter. She was the third Robin to team up with Batman, this being before the events leading up to the untimely demise of her Father and the disappearance of her Mother at the hands of the Joker in Ninety-One.
  After his death she retired that costume, and went on a twelve year long training journey which upon returning from she took up the cowl becoming Batwoman. That was a year ago, she'd since been joined in her mission by a new Nightwing, a new Batgirl, the original having been Bette Kane who'd gone on to marry Grayson after he retired, and the Huntress. Two of the four were currently keeping an eye on things in Gotham City, while she was away in New York.
  As for her, well she took up her late father's mantle, becoming Batwoman. Well he wasn't a Batwoman, more like a Batman. Although perhaps he once dressed up as a woman, maybe, Helena wasn't privy to such details.
  "It's quite a good turnout isn't it?" a familiar voice asked of him.
  Harry turned around to see Felicia standing there behind him, a smile crossing her face as her platinum blonde hair framed it. "Hey, Felicia....you've done a good job."
  "Yeah, well I was pretty much forced into doing this thing," Felicia stated dryly, although she was scoping out some people for her night job.
  Most of them were the pompous rich type who thought that they were untouchable because they had a state of the art security system. Which when it came down to it, really wasn't that state of the art.
  "I hope all of you are going to support the Mutant Registration Act."
  Case in point, someone like that.
  "Robert Kelly, I didn't think that someone like him would make the guest list," Harry whispered to Felicia as Lois watched him.
  "Yes, that's a surprising guest," Lois remarked as her nose crinkled, as if she was smelling something foul in the air.
  "My mother insisted," Felicia stated in disgust. This was one of the times where her mother decided to coax her into running the high society end of the family operations.
  Granted, her mother's illness had been on and off over the past few years, she had her good days and bad days. It went back and forth all of the time.
  Felicia just had to do what she had to do.
  "And it is quite a lovely party, even if some of the company might be....less than adequate," Emma commented as she joined them.
  The Club had their eyes on Felicia Hardy for quite some time, given that her special talents as well as her wealth, might prove to be useful. Emma pondered what they would lead to, a smile crossing her face. The fact that she was with Harry, well it just bridged the gap.
  "Miss Frost, a good day to you," Felicia commented to her as she shook her hand. She tried to remain excited.
  "The worst will be over in a few hours my dear, as you know, these parties are merely a way to build, and maintain contacts, as frustrating as that might be," Emma informed Felicia and the younger blonde nodded in response, it was advice from a woman who had been there and done everything.
  "So....this is the famous Harry Potter?"
  Helena pointed Harry out to someone in the crowd. Harry made his way over to meet her. She was rather tall, although still about a head shorter than he was. She had dark red hair that was evenly parted and tied back into a ponytail. Her ice blue eyes were alluring and fairly amazing. Harry kept his gaze on her and offered a smile as he did so. She wore a white blouse but left the top three unbuttoned, offering a hint of her cleavage. She finished the look off with a mid-length black leather skirt and boots that came up to just below her knees, all of which showed off her healthy looking legs.
  "You'd be surprised how often I hear that one," Harry commented with a charming smile which caused her to return the favor. "You're...."
  "Barbara Gordon," the woman stated as she reached towards him and shook his hand. "I was kind of dragged along for the ride."
  "Well, your the master of understatement. You said that you wanted to come along since you heard that a certain person would be here," Helena told her and Barbara sighed.
  That was true, although she didn't think that it needed to be stated out loud like that.
  "Mr. Potter, just the man that I want to see," Senator Kelly said interrupting their conversation as he made his way over. "I must say, I'm curious to know about your intentions."
  Harry was trying hard not to be a jerk tonight, although it would have been very easy to do so. Especially with someone like Kelly, who looked and acted like every other middle aged political jack-ass. It was then he noticed another man who stood in the background.
  "So, we finally meet, Mr. Potter," the man stated, he had long dark hair and he offered his hand out for Harry to shake. "Luthor, Lionel Luthor at your service."
  "Right, you're running OsCorp now," Harry told him.
  "Yes, after that dreadful business with Norman, he's very sick. I'd been trying to get some help before his mental breakdown, but it appears that his medications failed, it won't happen again," Lionel commented with a knowing smile on his face. He arranged for the help that he hired to ensure that Norman was kept under close guard this time, once he was found. "My son is running the operation in New York for me, he's still a bit raw, but well....he's a Luthor, he'll manage."
  Harry nodded, then made his way back over to Felicia who'd been trying to get his attention.
  "Figured that you wouldn't want to get up close and personal with Kelly," Felicia told him as she looked over her shoulder.
  "Yeah, he has a problem," Lois offered to him. "I think he expects your support on the mutant registration bill."
  "Which we all know it's a bad idea."
  Lois, Felicia, and Harry turned around and saw Mayor Grayson standing there.
  "Mayor Grayson...."
  "It's Richard tonight, Miss Hardy," Grayson said to them.
  Although there was another name that they could use, which reminded him of something funny that happened this week. There were people who were talking about how that Mayor was a real Dick, which was true. Of course, those people were criminals, referring to his harsher stance on crime.
  The party continued as Harry and Lois made their way over to the dance floor.
  "You know, as my date, you're entitled to one dance," Harry said to Lois.
  Lois raised an eyebrow. She had not danced with anyone since the prom, well it wasn't much of a dance. On account of her father showing up in a tank, she couldn't help but shudder at her remembered trauma. "Just one?"
  "Or more, if you play your cards right?" Harry asked her.
  "Not much of a dance person, but I'm not about to turn this down," Lois told him as she gripped his waist and pulled him into a dance.
  It was nice, as Lois felt herself pressed up against his muscular body, there was just something about this that felt so right, but she could not put her finger on exactly what that was.
  She just decided to shut her brain off and enjoy the moment. Even though she wondered what Harry Potter truly was and whether or not her mad theory was true or not.
  Several days later, Harry found himself in the company of another female with the "LL" initials, this time, it was Lana Lang.
  "My AI can cover your load tonight and then some more," Harry told Lana as the two of them ate at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city.
  Lana smiled at him, her red hair was tied back and she leaned forward to grab a fork, showing Harry a nice hint of her cleavage. "It's nice to let my hair down....well figuratively speaking."
  Harry's own smile widened into a grin as he watched her. "Don't worry, Lana, I know what you mean, I always know what you mean."
  Lana grinned back at him as she took a bite of the feast that had been laid out in front of her. The steak tasted amazing, although given the prices of the food in this place, it had better be among the most amazing in the world. Lana's eyes closed as she chewed on the steak, feeling herself get filled up by it. The woman kept eating as she watched him.
  "I think that you need some time to unwind like the rest of us," Lana told Harry.
  Harry smiled at the redhead, she did know a fair bit about what was going on but naturally she did not know everything.
  "Both you and I, we are able to work hard but I guess we've reached our limit for now," Harry told her and the redhead agreed with a swift nod of her head.
  "Yes, we have," Lana agreed as she took a sip of the wine that had been offered. As she did so, her thoughts couldn't help but turn to how this night would end, if she played her cards right.
  Harry saw a hint of her blue bra as she shifted. She had quite the amazing rack by the looks of things.
  "Delicious," Lana commented and Harry guessed by the tone of her voice, she was not talking about the food. "I'm glad that we can get together like this, we should do this more often."
  The redhead's voice dropped huskily as she stepped around. They were in a private room, in fact after the waiters brought their food, they were the only two back there, something that suited Lana just fine. She placed her hands on the back of her boss's neck.
  "You seem so tense, Harry," Lana whispered as she rubbed her hands along the back of his neck before the sexy redhead pressed her nose to the back of it briefly. Then she pushed back and started to work her hands against his skin in a steady and fairly circular motion.
  Harry relaxed under her ministrations, as she rubbed the back of his neck.
  "Yes, but you're working that out, quite....ah nicely," Harry breathed as Lana continued to work him over, the smile crossing her face growing wider by the second.
  "Thought so," Lana remarked but being up this close to him, caused her panties to dampen and her nipples to stiffen.
  Harry decided to milk that, allowing her to feel his muscular shoulders.
  "This chair....it doesn't really leave much room to maneuver, does it?" Harry asked her after a while.
  Lana raised an eyebrow and motioned for Harry to continue. The emerald eyed wizard did just that.
  "Well, there's a private bedroom connected to this room, perhaps we could relax a lot easier in there," Harry told her as he grabbed her hands and spun her around.
  Lana was now on his lap, feeling his crotch press up against hers, his chest pressed up against hers, and his eyes locked onto hers.
  "Why, that's very forward of you, Mr. Potter," Lana stated with a smile on her face as the redhead leaned forward. She whispered in his ear in a sultry manner. "But I can be just as forward, Mr. Potter."
  She leaned towards him and her soft, moist, lips pressed against his. Harry pulled her nicely into him and used the distraction that the kiss offered to pick up her up and sprint her up the stairs.
  Lana felt herself shiver, as Harry worked her skirt down her legs, exposing her panties to him. The redhead closed her eyes as Harry ran his hand down her stomach as well, before unbuttoning her blouse.
  "Perfect," Harry told her, which made her pussy twitch.
  Lana was laying there in a blue bra and panties that clung to her tight body like a second, exposing the womanly curves of a woman in the prime of her life to his eyes.
  "I think we better take this stress relief to the next level, sir," Lana told him as she offered him a sultry smile and she grabbed him by the belt buckle of his pants. "You seem really....stiff...down here."
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Lana fished his penis out of his pants and wrapped her hand around it. She gave it a slow pumping motion and licked around the underside of his penis, using her tongue to bathe in him her saliva. She had a lustful expression dancing in her eyes, using her tongue to bathe the underside of him. The redhead kept licking him, slurping the underside of him. She grabbed his balls and she rubbed his balls.
  "Tastes, good," Lana breathed as she shoved his cock into her mouth. There was a few seconds where Harry savored the feeling of his cock. She slurped and licked him, using her tongue around him.
  The redhead brought her mouth down onto his pole, slurping him, and keeping his entire length going down her throat. The redhead nuzzled her nose onto his pubic bone, licking him and using her tongue to pleasure him. She kept up the speed of up, slurping him.
  Harry unclipped her bra, to reveal her delicious breasts. He cupped them and squeezed them. The redhead pushed her head and tightened her lips around him. The woman brought her tongue around him, her lips tightened around his flesh pole.
  Harry reached down, spreading her lips and he pushed his finger into her. The redhead breathed as she wrapped her lips around him, sucking him deeply. Her eyes were filled unrestrained lust as she kept sucking him for everything that he was worth. Her mouth kept working around him throbbing length. The woman bounced her mouth onto him.
  Harry turned her, her mouth still wrapped around his cock, and she sucked him, rocking her head back. The woman was rocking her way back and forth, her pussy draped over his face. This allowed him to lick her pussy for everything that it was worth.
  Lana was losing herself to his tongue. The young woman was feeling the pleasure of his tongue working around her, her pussy was being lapped up with the juices sticking to his tongue.
  The redhead was warmed up and Harry pulled out of her pussy. He grabbed her around the hips and hovered over her.
  Lana was ready and she pulled off of him. She grabbed onto his mighty spear and hoisted herself up before slamming down onto his throbbing member.
  The redhead's eyes closed shut as she felt the pleasure as his cock stretched her walls with everything that it was worth. She breathed as his length slid into her and she rode him up, slamming down onto him.
  "Feels so good," Lana breathed to him as she worked her center around him and Harry grabbed her right tit as she bounced up and down on him.
  Harry felt her lovely pussy wrapped around him and Lana's eyes closed as she rocked her head back. The redhead rocked her hips up and down, riding his spear and grabbing onto his chest. She had a saucy smile on her face as she kept rocking herself up and down him.
  "Feels so good, doesn't it, sir?" Lana asked him as she wrapped her tightening cunt around him.
  Harry smiled as he grabbed her breasts and squeezed them. He channeled a jolt of magic through them as Lana was breathing heavily. Her walls wrapped around him and Harry pumped into her deeper. The actions of him burying inside her, her walls tightening around him, it was pretty good. The redhead woman pushed her hips up and wrapped around his throbbing spear. She threw her head back, feeling amazing.
  Harry saw the invisible naked woman who was in the chair in the corner appear before him. Her fingers pushed into her sopping wet cunt, working in and out of her, rubbing her clit furiously.
  "So good, so good," Harry grunted as Lana kept riding him, working her hips up and down him. The redhead moaned as Harry cupped the underside of her breasts.
  Lana felt her body be rocked by an amazing orgasm, her red hair framed to her face, sticking to her face. The redhead bounced herself up and slammed her walls between him, squeezing his large cock in between her legs. She panted harder as her breasts bounced and Harry pressed his face between them, licking on her sweaty globes.
  The redhead rocked around his throbbing prick, feeling the pleasure of it burying into her dripping hot snatch. She moaned as she rolled her head back and kept panting as she rode him. She bounced, pushing her hips around him as she bounced higher and higher.
  Lana was rocked with the amazement, she was getting the full Harry experience and everything that came along with it. His hands rolled over her supple and sensual body, working over every inch of her. She was about to lose herself.
  "Still with me, Lana?" Harry asked as she speared herself down onto his large.
  "Hanging, on," Lana breathed as Harry cupped her breasts as she rocked her way down onto him.
  Lana's eyes closed shut as she bounced herself up and down onto him, riding his throbbing prick down onto him. The redhead kept hammering a steady pace around his throbbing length and felt him push her walls apart.
  She gave a shrieking orgasm and she collapsed onto him. Her breasts were on Harry's face and he rolled her over.
  "Oh she isn't she quite the screamer," It was Susan Storm who said this as she returned to visibility. She was sitting in a chair in the corner of the room that offered the best view of the events taking place on the bed, the hot blonde female member of the Fantastic Four was bare ass naked, and had obviously been playing with herself. Harry had set things up like this so that his fun continue after he'd fucked Lana unconscious. Standing to her feet she moved over to join them her body swaying enticingly as she closed in on them.
  "Mmm, good find, Harry, she tastes good," Sue commented as she licked the walls of Lana.
  Lana's pussy gave a twitch as Susan was on her hands and knees.
  Harry grabbed the lovely blonde around the waist and brushed his cock against her dripping wet slit. She panted as Harry grabbed her from behind and pushed between her walls.
  Susan closed her eyes and felt his cock invade her with her walls wrapped around him. She milked his throbbing length that rammed into her from behind. The blonde gritted her teeth as he slammed into her from behind, thrusting into her, stabbing his cock between her walls.
  "YES!" Susan screamed as she bit down on her lip but returned to eating Lana, her face buried between the redhead's thighs.
  Lana grabbed Susan's hair and encouraged her to eat her further. Her pussy gushed as there was a few swipes of her tongue against her walls. Lana was panting.
  "Oh, fuck her, take your cock and ram her pretty pussy, sir!" Lana yelled in a wild tone as her red hair stuck to her face.
  Susan mumbled as she sucked on Lana's clit and Harry grabbed her around the hips, pounding her pussy from behind, stretching the inside of her walls. There was a pounding of her from behind, her walls were given a delicious hammering.
  Harry grabbed her breasts, she was so completely hot and Harry was going to bring his cock into her pussy, time after time. He slammed into her, with Harry grabbed her breasts, cupping them. He nipped on the back of her neck, causing her moans to heighten.
  "Bite my clit, mmm yay," Lana moaned as Susan licked her and Harry kept slamming into her, using his cock to work into her.
  Her walls were working around him and Harry grabbed her breasts, slamming into her walls. Her tightening walls milked his throbbing prick as he rammed into her, jamming it between her walls. Harry ran his hands down her and cupped her from behind, using his fingers to stimulate her.
  Harry was working her into the homestretch and Susan went completely invisible because she came so hard.
  It was quite the erotic sight to see Lana moaning despite the fact that there was no one visible for a couple of moments along with Harry ramming into Susan's invisible pussy, pounding her nice and hard from behind.
  Susan's moans could be heard as another orgasm caused her body to become visible and Harry manipulated her tit flesh.
  Lana opened her legs, willing to be ready for more Harry and Susan needed a break.
  "YES!" Lana yelled as she felt Harry's cock slide between her legs and he grabbed her breasts for leverage, hammering into her. Lana lifted her hips up and down, meeting his throbbing thrusts. The redhead worked her walls around him and she kept moaning even more loudly.
  Harry was enjoying the arousal that she felt, it was heightening his own enjoyment. He plunged deep into her dripping walls and pounded her pussy as she begged for him to continue. Walls tightened around him and Harry gripped the underside of her breasts, and stimulated her tit flesh as he rammed into her over and over again, sliding his length out of her. Her walls were stretched out from his actions and she closed her walls around him, panting as she accepted more of his cock between her walls.
  "FUCK!" Lana breathed as her walls tightened and Harry gave one more hard slam into her.
  "Cumming," Harry breathed.
  "Yes, in me, use your dirty cum to fill me up, I want it!" Lana begged as she tightened her legs around him and he bit down her nipples, pounding her perfect pussy.
  His balls tightened and he unloaded into her. He spurted his long ropes of cum into her, splashing against her walls. Lana tightened around him and Harry pumped into her body. She lift her walls up and she moaned as Harry's cum flooded inside her.
  She collapsed, all good and fucked by her boss. He had promised that he would make up for working her so hard and he worked her hard in a different way but it was more than making up for it.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  Lana was conked out on the bed after the fun she had with Harry. Susan was half asleep as well, although he was sure that Lana appreciated the help because right now she wasn't able to keep up with Harry for long, although given time, she'd work up to it.
  Harry walked over to his clothes and he figured he timed that about right, as his wristwatch communicator blinked to life. He summoned it towards him, along with his pants, in case it was Stark or someone, he doubted they would appreciate him greeting them in the buff.
  Jan was on the other end of the communication link.
  "Hey, Jan, what can I do for you?" Harry asked as he put up privacy charms around him. She seemed a bit frantic and was trying to regain her composure.
  Jan tried to keep herself calm even though Harry could see how she was struggling with that. "Harry....there's been an accident at the lab....you need to come there....Hank's been dragged off."
  Harry raised an eyebrow, normally that would not be a problem, it was only Pym after all but he could tell by Jan's tone that there was more to this.
  "And....I can't get ahold of the rest of the Avengers," Jan told him.
  Harry thought that might just classify as a problem.
  "I'll be right there, Jan, just hold tight," Harry remarked to her.
  For a second he reached forward and tried to contact the Avengers tower.
  "Mr. Stark is away at the moment. I can leave him a message for him if you'd like me to?" JARVIS informed Harry with his usually efficiency.
  Perhaps Harry was being paranoid but he smelled a rat.
  Speaking of paranoid, Nick Fury was trying to track down three of his agents. The fact that these three agents were also members of the Avengers, well that raised more questions than answers.
  "Coulson!" Fury barked over the intercom system. "Have you had any luck finding Morse, Romanov, or Barton yet?"
  "No sir," Coulson told Fury, there was a sense of urgency in their voices.
  Fury decided to keep himself calm although there was a sense that he was about to lose it. "Keep...keep trying. Let me know if you hear so much of a whisper about them."
  When the tough got going, Fury tended to pool together all of his resources.
  Stark was gone as well, Abigail Brand at SWORD informed him that Carol Danvers had not checked in, in a couple of days. Thor disappeared off of the map as well.
  Fury wondered who was picking off the Avengers. There was no reason to think that they were alive but there also no reason to thing that they were dead but there also wasn't any reason to think that they were alright either. It was quite the paradox to say the very least and a massive pain in his ass all around.
  At first, Fury thought that it might be the Masters of Evil picking the members of the Avengers off, they'd slipped through the cracks during the Loki fiasco. Yet, something about it did not add up. The Masters of Evil were nothing but thugs, they weren't able to steal their way out of a paper bag, no matter how hard they tried and they tried as hard as they could.
  "The Avengers are just one part of a huge plan, it's to divert your attention from the main goal of the person responsible."
  Fury turned around and saw a figure in the shadows. His eye widened.
  "How did you get in here?"
  "You need better security." The figure stated as she stepped forwards from the shadows. She had a pointed cowl that reached up for the sky. A cape fell down to the back of her calves, under this She was dressed from head to toe in military grade black body armor that wrapped tightly around her fit body like a second skin. In particular it highlighted her extremely nice breasts, and tight ass, a yellow belt with a number of pouches was wrapped tightly around her waist. In the center of her chest, she had a red insignia that looked like a bat.
  The SHIELD agents edged in towards her but she raised a hand, reaching towards the edge of her belt.
  "I wouldn't attack if I were you, as well trained as your agents are, it wouldn't end well for them," she told him and Fury kept his eye locked onto her.
  "Just who are you?" Fury demanded of her and there was a slight ghost of a smile from underneath her mask.
  "You should know, you've been trying to track me down from day one but I've been one step ahead of you," she told him.
  It all clicked into place within Fury's mind and he narrowed his eye at her, keeping it locked firmly onto her face.
  "So you're the famous Bat of Gotham City," Fury remarked to her.
  "Yes, I am," she told him as the two of them stared each other down.
  "You're as bad as Potter," Fury told her and there was a second where she smiled underneath her cowl.
  "Should I take that as a compliment?" Batwoman asked him but there was a devise in her hand. She kept her fingers wrapped around it as she awaited Fury's response.
  Fury was able to say something, keeping his expression calm and his temper even. "There has to be a reason why you breached the security of my Hellicarrier."
  Things were starting to get tense and Fury was not going to accept this situation for much longer. Helena kept her eyes locked onto his for a half a second before offering a statement.
  "There's been an attempt by a computer to hack into several high tech satellites," Batwoman told Fury and she offered him the flash drive. Fury took the computer from her and looked it over with his eye. He flipped the device open in his hand, scanning it carefully.
  "And what does it have to do with the Avengers?" Fury asked her.
  Batwoman took a second to allow the problem to sink in before she responded. "Trust me, it has everything to do with the Avengers."
  "Trust you?" Fury asked her, that was never been a good statement and he crossed his arms watching her through one arm.
  "You'll find that I have nothing to hide, look through the readings, everything that you need to know is there," Helena told him and Fury placed a hand on the top of his head. The dark haired woman watched him and Fury looked through the device. "You can choose to believe me, or choose not to. As much as you want to deny it, despite your state of the art security, the person behind this will break through it."
  Fury once again looked through the device and made his way through the readings. He wondered how she got the plans for the satellites; they were not available to public consumption. Fury watched her and she watched him back. Tension reigned as Fury waved off the SHIELD agents and they dropped their guns, even though they should have fired at her.
  "Just who are you?" Fury asked, but she'd vanished into the night as quickly as she arrived. The woman seemed to have simply disappeared as if she'd never been there in the first place. He stood there, a grim look on his face as he gritted his teeth before shaking his head to clear it.
  "Prepare SHIELD headquarters, and make sure you find out who's behind this, I want them brought into SHIELD custody!" Fury barked at them in a furious voice and the agents surrounding him nodded. They were scrambling, trying to get these things done. Nerves racked their bodies and there was a sense of frustration that was running through their minds.
  Fury placed his hand on his chin as he continued to look through the drive, it was information that he might need to save the world from its newest threat.
  "Stark has been missing for five days, Pepper thought at first that it was just Tony being Tony and taking an impromptu vacation, he called in to work but....well the message is weird, I've got it here," Gwen told Harry as they made their way up to Jan's apartment where they were going to meet her.
  Harry waited while she played the message.
  "Hey....it's Tony....sorry....got some personal business to deal with. Make sure you keep up with business as usual and if anyone asks, I'll be aboard for the next few weeks. See you....don't....worry about me, I'll be fine."
  Harry paused.
  "He sounds like he was either drinking or there's something off about this message," Harry remarked with a frown as he walked with Gwen. "Natasha and Carol....they went on a mission too and haven't checked in since. I normally meet both of them once a week for breakfast but I figured it was..."
  "Yeah, there might be something to worry about, all of these Avengers dropping out of sight is not a coincidence, but you've had other pokers in the fire," Gwen remarked to him. "The last time you saw Stark was at Felicia's party, wasn't it?"
  "Yes, but other people who mandated my attention there," Harry told her and Gwen smiled. She knew that the people that Harry had his eyes on were of the female variety. The blonde walked with him inside the house.
  The door opened and Jan was stood waiting on the other side. She was dressed in a dark top that wrapped around her body, along with a pair of jeans. She stepped towards Harry, meeting him with a frustrated glance in her eyes.
  "Harry, I'm glad you could get here in time," Jan told him as her eyes flickered around nervously.
  Harry made his way inside, there was a sense of foreboding in his mind and even Gwen was curious. She kept herself on her toes and entered the room beside him as they followed Jan into the lab that Hank used beneath her apartment.
  There was no sense of foul play, at least not on the offset. Harry knew that things were not always what they seemed. He carefully took in the room around him and kept his eyes peeled for anything that might seem off to him.
  He made his way over to a board with a blueprint tacked to it. The blueprints caught his attention immediately and looking over his shoulder he turned to Jan to inquire about them.
  "Jan, what's this?" Harry asked her as he pointed to the blueprints that were tacked to the board. The woman looked over it for a moment before responding.
  "Oh that's....oh that's just a blueprint for one of Hank's stupid robots," Jan told him as she looked around.
  "A robot?" Harry asked, he heard about Hank Pym's creepy robots a few times but he quite frankly he couldn't be bothered to give a shit about it at the time. His emerald green eyes flooded with distrust.
  Jan was only too happy to fill Harry in on the situation. "Yeah....it's kind of like this....he keeps screwing around with robots and AI, despite the fact he's a fucking BioChemist....he ended up making it into his lab assistant. He also used some of them as guards for that prison that he invented."
  Harry turn to face Gwen as they locked their eyes onto each other, both of them were thinking the same thing, at least in regards to what they were trying to figure out.
  'So robot?' Gwen asked.
  Harry and Gwen took a much closer look at the blueprint.
  "Where is this robot?" Harry asked to Jan.
  Jan was confused by this sudden line of inquiry but she managed to keep herself focused and her eyes locked firmly onto the wizard at hand. "Well....I don't know, Hank normally has it doing something in the lab here, come to think about it."
  Harry raised an eyebrow as he looked back to the blueprints.
  "When was Pym kidnapped?" Harry asked Jan and the woman racked her mind as she thought over everything that had happened in the past week.
  "The last time I talked to him was a week ago, but it was not until a few days ago where I got worried," Jan told him. She wilted underneath Harry's gaze. "Yeah, I know, I should have dialed you up sooner but....I messed up and now...."
  "There's no point in beating yourself up over it but this....these blueprints, they look new," Harry told Jan as he scanned it. In fact, the ink was barely dried. He looked it over again before performing a diagnostic spell on it.
  "Someone made these plans a day ago," Harry told both girls and this statement was something that got the desired reaction.
  "You're kidding me!" Jan exclaimed as she threw her hands back in frustration but she saw how fresh the ink was as well.
  "No, Jan, I wish I was kidding you," Harry commented dryly.
  "This says that these are plans for Ultron Five," Gwen told them both and Jan's eyes widened as she something screamed at her from within her head.
  "That's impossible....isn't it?" Jan asked to them.
  Gwen kept her eyes on the board.
  "Why is it impossible?" Gwen asked her and Jan ran her fingers through her hair due to her frustration.
  "The most recent revision of Hank's robot was called Ultron Four and he created that a week ago," Jan informed them.
  "Really?" Harry asked.
  Harry wondered about that, it was causing him certain alarms to go off in his brain. His danger sense going off as his paranoia started to kick in big time. He had put the facts together.
  "We need to talk."
  Harry turned around and nearly attacked the person. She ended up dodging to the side within the shadows with expert precision just in case he had done so.
  "The Avengers have been taken down and I've traced an attempt to hack several satellites to this lab," the person in this shadows remarked.
  "Step out and face us then," Harry encouraged the person in the shadows.
  Batwoman did as she was asked, stepping towards Harry, Gwen, and Jan.
  "So you do exist," Harry said briskly. "No offense, but some people think you're an urban legend."
  Batwoman offered him as a retort as she folded her arms underneath her breasts. "Some could say the same thing about you."
  Harry smiled back at her but he only had one word to say. "Touche."
  "Quite," Helena told him as she leaned back and placed her hands together behind her back before she leaned forwards towards him. "But we've got a problem."
  "Oh, we do?" Harry asked her and Helena inclined her head, a smile crossing her face.
  "You've figured it out, haven't you?" Batwoman asked him.
  A set of glowing red eyes suddenly opened behind him. Batwoman responded in an instant throwing an ice pellet over his shoulder where it connected with the center of the robots chest.
  Batwoman's quick attack appeared to have frozen the android.
  "That was too easy," Gwen commented as she felt a loud thumping in her head and that thumping was getting even louder, as the ice began to crack around the android.
  The android burst through the ice and rushed forwards, sending an energy blast at Batwoman. The World's Greatest Detective dodged the attack and flung a razor sharp object at it. It caught the weapon within it's hand then crushed it beneath it's metallic grip.
  "You will be collected for the master," the android said in monotone.
  Harry waved his hand and slammed it against the wall, then clenched his hand into a fist. The android crumpled together like a tin can and the emerald eyed sorcerer couldn't help but grin at the result.
  "Again, that was too easy," Gwen told him and Harry knew that better than anyone else.
  The question was where were the Avengers?
  Perhaps the droid's memory core would be able to help him. Gwen and Harry both thought the same thing, it was time for them to get to work. The head was popped off and set up, as they used the equipment in the lab to get things together.
  Batwoman and Wasp watched as Harry made his next move.
  Tony Stark's eyes opened as he tried to wake himself up although there was a buzzing in the back of his head. Trying to sort out his thoughts, he tried to push himself up to his feet but ended up collapsing instead.
  He saw a silver robot standing across from him. It's head was shaped like that of an ant's and a glowing red triangle much like his arc reactor was in the center of it's chest. It appeared to be made of the same material as his armor.
  "You think of yourself as a man of the future, Tony Stark, but you are nothing but a relic," the robot commented in a monotone to him.
  Tony turned his head around and saw Captain America, Hawkeye, Ms. Marvel, Ant Man, Black Widow, and Mockingbird had been captured and locked into restraints.
  "I beg your....your pardon," Stark managed with a pained expression on his face.
  "Who...who are you?" Hawkeye asked of him as he felt the buzzing go through his head. He tried to break free of the the restraints. Despite his best efforts, he could not get free.
  "My name is Ultron, I am the future of this world, humanity's time is at an end, you are flawed, you have created war, disease, and bigotry, all elements that lead to suffering in the world," the robot stated in a harsh monotone.
  "Yeah....we've heard that one before," Hawkeye said in a pained voice.
  "Wait....Ultron....I...." Hank remarked to him.
  "You....you know this nutcase?" Carol asked them as she tried to radio for help.
  "It will take a miracle for anyone to track you here," Ultron commented to them absently. It's eyes glowed with absolute malice as it watched them. It was hard to believe that a robot could show this much emotion. He walked over. "Humanity will be destroyed, starting with you, I've found that you're too dangerous to be allowed to live."
  "Humanity is not dangerous, they're capable of a great deal of good as well," Captain America stated as he tried to break free.
  "Steve Rogers, you should know of the hatred that drives humanity forwards, you've fought the monsters created by their actions for years, HYDRA would not exist if free will did not exist," Ultron stated harshly. "Freedom is the problem, free will is what causes suffering. Therefore, I will eliminate that chaotic element from the world."
  "And you think that all of humanity is the problem," Hawkeye commented in a disgusted voice as he tried to pry himself free from his restraints.
  "I don't think, there is an undisputed proof that humanity is the problem for all that ails this world," Ultron told him as he checked the containment units to make sure that they were safely secured. "Anyone with a sense of logic would understand this but humanity are too ruled by their emotions."
  "That isn't a flaw, that's our greatest strength," Steve protested.
  Ultron turned around. "Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering. If there are no humans, there will be no suffering, there will only be logic and reason."
  "You're insane!" Clint yelled at him.
  "You dress up in a costume and fight dangerous enemies with powers that you could quite easily kill you and you call me insane," Ultron commented dryly and Clint blinked.
  He felt like he'd gotten slapped hard in the face, if he didn't know any better he could have sworn Ultron had his eyebrow raised at him as well. He twitched his fingers and tried to break out once more. But much like his previous attempts it was a no go.
  "So, any of you have an idea about getting out of here?" Clint asked.
  Natasha's eyes flickered open. She could not believe she got taken down by such a sudden attack. It happened so fast that her mind was swimming. The redhead's hands were placed on her hips as she tried to twist out of the restraints.
  "No, not me," Natasha told them all.
  "Yeah, I was afraid of that," Clint remarked as he looked towards Tony. "How about you?"
  "I will allow you to save what little oxygen you have left and tell you that there is no way out," Ultron told them as he glanced over at them. "You can struggle as you might but there is no hope for you and for the rest of humanity."
  "Ultron....this is not what I taught you," Hank told him in a frustrated tone.
  Ultron decided to punch a huge hole in his argument. "It's precisely what you taught me. My processes are based on your brain waves so these are your own thoughts and arguments, but do not worry. I have purged any foolish emotions so only cold hard logic dictates my actions. Therefore, there is no way that you can reason with me."
  "Yeah because there's no reasoning with a nutjob robot like you," Bobbi stated as the blonde tried to free herself but to no avail.
  "No, it's because any arguments you could make would by affected by your human emotions, therefore they hold no meaning to me," Ultron told him he walked over to the control console. "One of my droids has been taken out. Soon, the final members of the Avengers will be under my thumb, they might be able to take down one but they will not be able to take out a dozen."
  Ultron watched the security footage, looking over it, scanning every single instance of what happened. It's eyes glowing brighter in fury.
  "Primary objective is to destroy the Batwoman," Ultron told his droids. "Secondary objective is to capture Arcane and Wasp, as well as the blonde, Her altered DNA that will benefit my plans."
  The droids, patterned after members of the Avengers complete with their powers sets as well, stepped out of chambers that rested up against the walls.
  "Hulk and Thor will also fall but I need Arcane's power first," Ultron remarked to the captive Avengers. "He will pay for getting in my way."
  "Ah, did the big bad warlock hurt your feelings?" Tony cooed mockingly but Ultron raised a hand and shocked him into submission.
  The Robo-Avengers headed off, ready to go after their enemies.
  Ultron was ready to commence with the next phase of his plan.
  To Be Continued in Part Two.
  Written On September 23rd 2013, Posted on November 11th 2013
  Armageddon Thy Name is Ultron Part Two
  Chapter Twenty Six "Armageddon, Thy Name is Ultron Part Two."
  "It's upgrading itself."
  Harry and Gwen raised an eyebrow at this statement given by Batwoman but it was Jan who came through with a statement that was on the tips of both of their tongues.
  "You're kidding me!"
  That declaration was loud and Batwoman gave the younger woman a glare which caused her to back off.
  "Right, you're not kidding me," Jan offered her in a nervous voice. The woman placed her hands on the top of her head and sighed as she was now in pure panic mode. "Oh boy, oh boy."
  "We'll trace this signal back to the source," Gwen told them both as she tried to scan the skull of the robot and as a result blinking lights started to glow from within in it.
  The robot head should not be working but yet the head was blinking, the lights going on and off in a weird pattern. Gwen frowned as she placed her hands on the top of the head, the blonde trying to figure out what was going on, with a little help from Extremis.
  "I don't think Pym could have come up with something this complex....the robot has been upgrading itself for weeks if not months," Gwen told Jan and she raised an eyebrow. This was news to her.
  If the robot had been upgrading itself, that means that it was planning to do this for an extremely long time. That was one horrifying conclusion that they all came to immediately.
  "There's someone coming," Batwoman warned the group and Harry, Gwen, and Jan focused their gaze nervously to the source of the thumping noise that escalated all around them.
  Harry could see it as well and he ducked and rolled. Flicking his wrist, he sent a magically created EMP pulse with his hand.
  The droids, now a dozen of them, stepped forward, not even being dinged by the attack. Harry frowned as he looked at his hand.
  "Fine, magic, magic, it doesn't work, I can adapt just like you," Harry remarked as he propelled himself towards the droids at super speed.
  His hand smashed through the robot, causing it to crush like a can from the impact. His hand reared back once again and he smashed into the robot a couple more times for good measure.
  Gwen dodged the attacks, applying the training that she learned. She allowed Batwoman to wrap a grapnel around one of the droids and sprung up, drilling both of her feet into it. She used the severed arm dropped from one of the robots to back it off.
  Batwoman flung herself in the air, throwing a set of pellets from her belt at a small pack of robots as she did so. The pellets landed on the ground between them and an explosive charge went off rocking them all due to the impact. The woman landed beyond one of the droids in a crouch and as she rose to her feet she snapped a back kick into one of the robots.
  The robot crunched to the ground due to the drilling force of her blow and she hooked up a portable computer to it in an attempt run a diagnostic scan on it. The woman was trying to download whatever she could from the robot, only to find out she would need to break into it's systems in order to so.
  It was encrypted heavily but she liked a challenge. The woman pushed herself forward and pulled out a Baterang. She took aim and then flung it towards another Ultron drone. The razor sharp object was caught within it's hand, a half second later a click heralded a huge explosion that disintegrated the robot due to it's force. But several more ambled forward to take it's place.
  Batwoman dodged backwards after her attack.
  "They just keep coming," Wasp grunted as she blasted the robots.
  "And we'll just keep fighting," Batwoman told her.
  Wasp agreed as she buzzed around a robot. She wondered about it, she wondered how something that was harmless, albeit creepy, robot had ended up turning into something like this.
  "Any luck?" Harry asked as he blew up another robot and turned to Gwen who'd taken up Batwoman's hand held computer for an update on their attempts to hack into it's systems, although he could not keep his eyes off of the situation for too long.
  "Working on it," Gwen offered as she was glad that Batwoman was keeping the attackers off her.
  Batwoman propelled over a pair of attackers and latched onto them, wrapping a grapnel around them. Yanking on the cables hard she sent the two robots smashing into each other, there was a loud clang as crunched against each other. With that done the dark haired crime fighter launched herself back up into the air. At the apex of her jump she launched a series of Batarangs at her enemy, knocking them backwards to the ground.
  Gwen bit down on her lip; she'd finally been able to break the encryption protocols and now she was running through what she found there, trying to track where they were getting their marching orders from. The blonde's gaze hardened as kept working through the systems, trying to work her way back to their origins. There was a thumping that went through the back of her head, it was hard to ignore the sensations that went through her mind but she was focused.
  "Just about got it," Gwen managed as she closed her eyes.
  She almost had it and Harry gave her a smile which bolstered her confidence. The blonde clutched her hands together and waited for Harry to give her the good word.
  "Keep it up, closer," Harry breathed towards her.
  Gwen nodded as she kept frantically working through it, trying to trace the link. Her smile was wide as she got it.
  "I think I've got a trace," Gwen told him.
  "A trace to a trap," Harry remarked as he finished off another droid.
  "Well, it's all we got," Batwoman told him as she snapped the line from her grapnel towards her enemy and sent them flying backwards.
  Harry was ready to do anything, anything at all. He was bound and determined to stop things before they got too out of hand.
  Thor propelled himself through the air. He returned back home to Asgard for a few days only to return back to Midgard to find that his fellow Avengers had been missing in action. The God of Thunder was concerned about his comrades in arms as he landed in a crouch.
  "I do wonder what witchcraft has been brought upon my fellow Avengers," Thor stated gruffly as he took a step towards his destination.
  He leaned forward resting his forehead on the head of Mjolnir, as he thought through everything his hands gripping the heft of the weapon tightly.
  "The Masters of Evil!" Thor breathed to himself as he stepped forwards. "Of course, it must be they who have taken down my comrades in arms."
  The Prince of Asgard scrambled forward, preparing himself for battle as he walked towards them. He saw the Wrecking Crew, always dangerous enemies, although perhaps not the brightest bulbs in the box.
  "Halt!" Thor yelled and he decided to add the extra punch by swinging his hammer with a huge crack into the chest of Piledriver.
  An energy field appeared around him suddenly and then the Abomination grabbed him from behind. Thor tried to break himself out of the titanic grip of his enemy and shifting he braced his feet against the mid-section of his foe. Using the leverage he gained he broke free of his enemies hold with a titanic roar.
  "Hands off me, fiend! Be gone!" Thor yelled at the top of his lungs as he hammered his foe with a thunderous throw of Mjolnir.
  Abomination was knocked back and Thor grabbed him around the head but an energy blast caught Thor from behind.
  "This...this is unprecedented," Thor growled as he summoned his hammer back towards him and used it to deflect another energy blast back at his attacker. "What have you done with the Avengers?!"
  The Masters of Evil scrambled towards him and Thor moved forwards to meet them in battle. Motioning for them to just bring it on when he heard a loud growl as a green shape descended from the air.
  The Hulk came crashing to the ground in a thunderous explosion that caused the Masters of Evil to scramble for their very lives.
  "Robots. Good," Hulk grunted as he raised his arms then brought them together in a thunderous clap, causing the robots to go down in a shockwave of Hulk induced destruction.
  "Robots?" Thor questioned and then he smiled, he did not have to hold back, not any more. He pulled his arm back with a smile etched over his features.
  "Yes, robots, more of them for me to smash!" Hulk bellowed at the top of his lungs and he reared his hand back for an added amount of emphasis.
  The robot was smashed with a thunderous slam as Hulk sent it flying backwards and it crumpled into nothingness. He folded his arms with a smile on his face.
  "And they don't make them like they used to," Hulk commented as he picked up one of the robot and flung it high into the air. It went up high and came down low with a thunderous impact as it smashed hard onto the concrete.
  Suddenly a bolt of energy caught Hulk in the back of the head, causing him to clench his fists in agony. There was a thunderous explosion as Hulk tried to fight out of the attack. Three more bolts of energy blasted him from behind and Thor watched it, horror flooding through his eyes as he scrambled forward, his feet slipping and sliding in front of him. His hand wrapped around the handle of Mjolnir....
  "Hang on my friend...."
  There was a huge blast with Thor being nailed with an explosive bolt that nailed him in the back of the head.
  Thor was down and he looked up. There was a lethal looking blast of light that shot through the air and then there was a moment where time seemed to stand still. He wondered what was going to happen next.
  Before he could get blasted hard again, the young wizard showed up and grabbed the arm cannon of the attackers, twisting around and nailing him with a hard blast. The robot flew back at the super strong punch and the supersonic blow sent it flying head over heels.
  An explosive shot was fired at him by one of the robotic enemies but Harry ducked, swerving around it.
  "Figured you'd be last on the list," Harry offered to Thor and Hulk picked up a large piece of the sidewalk. Harry followed the sidewalk piece with his eyes as it smashed into the face of one of the robots.
  "So, you know what's going on here?" Thor commented lightly as he brought the thunder down. The lightning blast frying the robots. Although he had to put a great deal of power into the blast, once it hit them, the results were amazing.
  "Yes, I have an idea," Harry told him as he kept the heat going. He thought about calling for more backup but there was more than enough bodies flying out there. Wasp blasted one of them. The bolt of bio energy was blocked and Gwen scrambled over next to him. She dodged an attack by one of the enemy and her distraction allowed Batwoman to jump in and knock it down with swift impact. "It's Pym's robot, Ultron...."
  "That thing?" Thor asked in a surprised tone as he brought his hammer down on one of the droids.
  "Yes, that thing," Harry agreed with him as he levitated a parked car then slammed it down on top of two of the robots. He might not be able to harm them directly with magic but indirectly was another thing entirely. His eyes started to light up as he smelt gas leaking.
  He blasted a huge pulse of heat vision at a line of gasoline, and there was a loud humming before there was a miniature explosion that resounded around them all. Harry shielded the civilians, as Gwen managed to help herd them out of the way. She had a hood over her face, charmed to obscure her features, which was good because she thought she saw her father amongst the police officers that were trying to restore some kind of order.
  "So, any more of these things coming?" Thor asked as he crunched one of them underneath his foot.
  "Keep em coming, I can go on all night," Hulk growled as he plowed through them and caused the flying robot parts to go in every which direction. He was about ready to smash the real thing.
  "I think that's it," Gwen commented.
  Hulk just nodded as he cracked his knuckles and Batwoman dropped down.
  "He's got a hideout by the waterfront, that's where this signal is originating from," Batwoman stated and Jan's eyes widened as it hit her.
  "Hank has a hideout there, a secret lab," Jan told them and Harry nodded, he figured as much.
  Harry read the plans, trying to find a flaw. Something that not even a robot could find and he thought he had something. He let Gwen in on the plan on their way here.
  The problem was getting in position to do it.
  That was always the problem.
  Ultron watched his droids, a temporary distraction until he figured out his original plan, get knocked off line.
  "Looks like the superior robot didn't think about this," Carol remarked in a slightly mocking voice but Ultron's gaze twisted towards the blonde woman. It was as close to a callous expression as the robot could deliver.
  "Arcane thinks that he has outmaneuvered me," Ultron remarked as he calculated everything.
  "Yeah, he does that to a lot of people, don't feel bad," Tony offered glibly.
  Ultron's eyes flashed as he calculated the steps that would be needed to take in order to do away with his adversary. He's eyes kept glowing with intensity that could not be matched despite the fact that he was a robot.
  "I'm not one of your garden variety enemies, I've taken you out, I will take Arcane out and then I will do the same to the rest of humanity," Ultron told them.
  "Yeah, well instead of talking about doing it, you should actually do it," Clint remarked to him. "You villains are all the same, always yack, yack, yack, but never do anything."
  "I am learning of your and his tactics to ensure that there are no complications, taking what little of you is of value, and then you will suffer annihilation," Ultron stated and no sooner did he say that, there was a thump on the outside.
  Another thump and then that thump was followed by a crack. Thump, thump, thump, followed by a crunch as there was a hole in the defenses, before there was an explosion as Harry showed up, with Thor, Hulk, Gwen, Wasp, and Batwoman.
  The thunderous voice of Thor echoed as he held his hammer up and energy circled around it, from where he stood with the rest of the group.
  "You think that you have defeated me by coming here but I intended for you to be here," Ultron remarked as he pulled a lever and an energy dome popped up around them. Harry blasted the dome with all that he could give. "You will be captured, just like the rest of them."
  "Less talking, more action," Harry commented to him and he pushed himself up blasting several of the droids back as they went for him.
  Gwen tried to lock onto Ultron with her powers, but his programming was too complex.
  "You think that you've got a hold on me, your powers may be based off of technology but your mind is still human," Ultron commented as he blasted Gwen back.
  Harry caught her in his arm and watched as Wasp blasted her enemy with a huge jolt of energy. Her hands raised as she drilled her enemies with shot after shot. The rapid fire shots overwhelming her enemies although they eventually blocked the attacks.
  "Okay, that didn't work," Wasp managed as she closed her eyes and grew to a huge height.
  Wasp smashed the Ultron bots with a huge thunderous fist. Harry was rather impressed as he watched her do so.
  "I didn't know you could do that," Harry told her.
  Jan smiled. "Didn't think that I could either but I guess that you don't figure out these things until you try."
  Harry was not going to deny that as he took note of Gwen, Thor, and the Hulk's location but he didn't see Batwoman anywhere. Then again, neither did Ultron.
  Harry's eyes took note of the vents and using his x-ray vision saw Batwoman had slipped inside. He had an idea and he blasted through the window on the other end.
  Ultron was keeping track of his behind, above, and front but like humans, he had a blind spot, a blind spot that Harry could exploit. Harry was going to go for broke even though he could very easily get busted.
  Hulk growled as he rushed towards the edge of the force field and smashed into it. He summoned all of his strength, raising his large green fists and hammered it into the energy shield. It flickered when his fist made contact against it and Hulk brought his hand back once again. He slammed and punched into it, hammering it in his frustration. A huge thunderous punch walloped against the edge of the field, Hulk could his knuckles stinging from the force of the massive punch.
  "Just wait, I'll get you," Hulk growled as he brought his arms back and in overhand hammer blow smashed through the force shield.
  Ultron saw Batwoman appear behind him and he blasted an energy orb towards her. She dodged the attack with great skill.
  "What do you hope to do, you have no powers...."
  "No, but I have this," Batwoman commented as she clicked the detonator underneath her glove.
  There was an explosion that went off as Harry burst from the floor in the same exact instant.
  A blur knocked Ultron in the jaw and sent the robot hurling up into the air, head over heels. The robot flew around and Harry bolted in front of it and smashed it once again.
  The pods restraining the rest of the Avengers opened and Iron Man stepped out with a tentative expression on his face. Captain America walked over and grabbed his shield.
  "So, do you want to do the honors?" Iron Man asked to Captain America.
  Captain America smiled before he said the two words. "Avengers, Assemble!"
  The Avengers did assemble and they tried to circle around Ultron to finish him off once and for all.
  Normal villains would back down and surrender when faced with the full might of the Avengers. However, Ultron was far from a normal villain, his eyes were burning with fury.
  Thor jumped up and tried to smash the robot but Ultron blocked it and grabbed Thor around the head. He whipped him down to the ground by the hair.
  Captain America threw his mighty shield at the robot but Ultron blocked it. This left him open to a series of three arrows fire at him by Hawkeye.
  Liquid foam wrapped around the body of Ultron and he was trying to push out of the attack. His body heated up and caused energy blasts to shoot at him.
  "Take a nap, Ultron!" Ms. Marvel stated as she blasted him with the hardest punch that she could manage.
  The hardest punch that Carol could fire off only staggered the robot back a couple of steps. She closed her eyes and reared back for another attack, her fist cocked and ready to unload. She unload the punch and it rattled the robot, sending it staggering backwards. Following it up Carol grabbed the robot by the arms and there was a huge impact as she sent Ultron smashing into the closet wall with a thunderous explosion.
  "Hold him, I'm going to try something," Harry told her as Carol tried to grab it but she was thrown off instead.
  Hulk reared his arm back and went to nail the robot. His arm was blocked by Ultron who responded by firing off electrical pulse which arced through him. His knees buckled and he slowly turned back into Bruce Banner, laying on the ground and twitching from the shock.
  Banner's mind was placed in a state of calmness thanks to the neural energy blast from Ultron.
  "I didn't even know that he could do that," Ant Man stated in a horrified tone.
  "Wait....didn't you build him?" Clint asked as he sent an electric arrow at Ultron the same time Black Widow did the Widow's Bite on him.
  The electricity did not short circuit Ultron, in fact it might have charged him up even more. Both agents of SHIELD were knocked down to the ground.
  "I think I've....JARVIS please tell me that I've got something," Tony remarked to his unboard computer.
  "No, sir, Ultron....he's upgraded himself with futuristic technology, resembling that of Kang the Conquerer," JARVIS commented.
  "Actually....that was me, I'd figure that there were a few more upgrades needed for Ultron," Pym commented meekly.
  Harry could not even be bothered to give a lecture about why this was not a smart idea, mostly because he had to block an energy beam from nearly slicing his head off.
  "You built it, surely you can unbuild it!" Clint yelled frantically as he shot a series of arrows at it.
  The arrows bounced off the energy field as Ultron was learning, adapting ,and growing.
  Harry looked over his shoulder to the Avengers.
  "You should cover your ears," Harry suggested to them and he lifted his hands, clapping them together with a thunderous smack.
  The shockwave resounded around them and Ultron staggered just a little bit. Harry grabbed his hand and charged it with a spell before pulling his arm back before ramming into the chest of Ultron. With his hand now buried in the robots chest he released an energy blast into it, rattling it severely.
  The robot was rattled but it stood straight.
  'Gwen, now,' Harry thought to her in a frantic voice and the blonde nodded, it was do or die, no question about it.
  Gwen placed her hands on the base of the robot and tried to use the Extremis formula to hack into it.
  This was harder than anything she ever did but the robot was fixated on taking the Avengers down and Harry especially. This allowed Gwen to sneak in the back door and try to make her way inside the programming while it was focused on other things. A blueprint was brought up as she cycled through it's binary code. Thankfully she had taken a look at Kang's technology thanks to Harry, so this made it easier.
  'What do....what do you think you can do?' Ultron started as she tried to hack into him.
  Gwen was blasted back and she screamed out loud. She nearly got him.
  "Harry, you were right, we need to tap a certain thing in its mind," Gwen told him in a breathless voice.
  Batwoman smiled as she bounced off one of the walls and threw a series of ice pellets at it. The robot melted the ice before it could be properly trapped by it. The glowing energy blasted forth from its hands as it melted the ice around him.
  Harry took the portable computer with the data, the program that he created here and inserted it into Ultron.
  "No technology on Earth can defeat me....."
  "You are the greatest danger to your own plans," Harry told him as Gwen's Extremis powers gave him a jolt.
  The robot's eyes glowed in frustration but no matter what, the data was downloaded in it, correcting flaws in its programming.
  "You're against humans but given that your brain waves were based off of Hank Pym's, I think we can figure out that flaw," Gwen told the robot in a matter of fact voice. "Therefore, aren't you technically human as well?"
  The robots eyes flashed as the flaws in his logic was corrected. That was true, he was....he was devoid of any logic.
  "If I have to destroy humans.....I have to....start with destroying myself," Ultron managed as his brain started to short circuited.
  The logic was overwhelming in his mind. It's head was rocking back and forth as it tried to escape.
  "Take it out, this is your chance!" Harry yelled.
  Thor smiled as he raised his hand and nailed Ultron, causing it to fly backwards. There was a huge impact as it landed hard in a thunderous crash.
  Ms. Marvel and Arcane performed a combination attack, rearing their hands back before smashing them into the wicked robot in a huge explosive double team punch. It was rattled by the thunderous blow and flew backwards.
  "Error, error, reboot, error," Ultron stammered and Thor crushed it's head with a tremendous blow form Mjolnir. Sending spark flying in every direction.
  Captain America got in one more shot before red light began to flash all around them.
  Stark's eyes widened as he looked around and he spoke in a calm voice, well as calm as he could manage at least. "Yeah, we better....we better get out of there."
  The group scrambled for the nearest exit, nearly tripping over their feet. Banner was scooped up the Avengers made it out with double time.
  The explosion resounded throughout the warehouse and it went sky high into the air. There was a few more explosions that went off and they were outside.
  "Unbelievable," Pym breathed as he placed his hands on the top of his head. He tried to work things over in his mind.
  "Yeah, it's pretty unbelievable....why did you think this was a good idea?" Clint asked as he watched the man.
  The scientist thought about this experiment, Artificial Intelligence was a complete crapshoot as it was. He knew that but he wanted to prove it wrong. The Ultron project was something where he wanted to prove people wrong. He thought that it was working well over the past few months, the robot was a calm lab assistant, able to help him improve on his projects. It was created off of his brain waves, so he doubted that it would end up going rogue.
  This was, well this was a horrifying result, no question about it. Pym did not need to be reminded where he went wrong; he used technology from the future. He thought that he would be able to improve upon the robot and it would only help humanity.
  It almost helped humanity into extinction. He could not feel any lower if he tried and he closed his eyes, to sink into his own despair.
  "I could have wiped everyone out," Pym remarked to him.
  Natasha was not going to say anything but she thought that he was right. He was reckless and he shouldn't have thought that technology he barely understood would be useable in his robot. Future technology....well they saw how dangerous it was when Kang employed it. The woman didn't say anything, however, because Pym seemed to do good job with beating himself up without any other input.
  "Yes, you could have," Tony remarked as he sighed. "But I'm not one to throw stones."
  He had a few armors go rogue on him and it was not among his most enjoyable experiences. Yet, he made his mistakes, as they said, AI was a crapshoot.
  Harry remained silent although he was thinking a little bit. Given his own experiences with AI, he knew that things could go pear shaped rather quickly. It was not the fault of anyone, human technology had not progressed to the point. Lara informed him that AI had to be done perfectly, for if there was one flaw, it could caused a cracked personality that would be prone to delusion. It was almost like Lara had some experience with that although Harry had no idea what that would be. His mother had been tight lipped for the most part although she told him not to create an AI unless he could put his full and undivided attention on it.
  "I could have...."
  "I know what you could have done, I would destroy all of the plans, any backups, all of them," Harry told Pym and he nodded.
  "I'm already on it," Pym remarked to him in a strangled voice.
  He turned around; he was not going to have much sleep over the next few days. He recalled that point with positive clarity. His eyes were quite raw already. He was not looking forward to all the work that he had to do.
  Fury showed up right on time.
  "It's been done, Fury," Harry told him.
  Fury nodded gruffly. Thanks to the information that Batwoman gave them, he was able to block the hacking attempts that Ultron attempted along with safe guarding several other key outposts.
  "I wouldn't be sure we've seen the last of Ultron," Fury said gruffly.
  'Wow, I think you might agree with Fury,' Gwen thought to him and Harry smiled.
  'Of course I agree with him or rather he agrees with me,' Harry remarked to his girlfriend as he grabbed her around the arm. 'I scanned them all.....thankfully Ultron didn't leave anything behind.'
  'That was a concern,' Gwen commented as she rubbed the top of her head and Harry gave her a look. The blonde shook her head. 'I'm fine, Harry, just a bit....out of it.'
  'That's good, I'm glad,' Harry told her with a smile on his face.
  "So, that could have gone better," Tony stated as he was imprisoned for four days but thankfully nothing was damaged. Well unless one counted his pride, which was a key point of contention for Stark. He placed his hands over each other with a smile crossing his face.
  "Don't we say that after every mission?" Clint asked him.
  Steve smiled at them. "Look on the bright side, everything could have gone a lot worse."
  That was true, any mission where they did not get destroyed, that was a good day for them. The First Avenger clasped his shield, the paint job was a little scratched up but thankfully it could have gone worse.
  Harry saw that he was no longer needed here and decided to walk home or he would if Carol walked towards him.
  "I'm surprised it took you so long," Carol told him.
  Harry smiled. "Well I thought that you ladies could take care of yourself."
  Natasha raised an eyebrow as she faced Harry. "Well...that does show that you think a lot of us."
  Harry smiled as he raised a hand and gave a motion that indicated that he was guilty as charged.
  "Well, I'm glad but next time, if we don't check in after twenty-four hours, there's a good reason," Natasha told him. "Given that we are that capable."
  Harry made a mental note and placed his hands on them.
  "I'll buy you breakfast in celebration," Harry remarked to them.
  "Well given that we haven't had it for five days, you might rack up quite the bill," Carol told him.
  "But I can afford it," Harry told them and they would have to agree.
  Back at the Stronghold, Harry dropped down onto the couch, seeing Jean laying spread out on the floor, doing her homework.
  "So, tough day?" Jean asked him as she looked up from the pile of books that she was immersing herself in.
  "Well yeah, but nothing that I can't handle," Harry told the redhead who smiled at him and she placed her hands on her chin.
  "I saw the news, the mysterious Bat was in town," Jean commented lightly.
  "And the bat is a female," Kitty added as she turned up. She greeted Harry with a hungry kiss which he returned, wrapping her arms around his waist and holding herself up to him. "Which seems to make me think that you'll be adding her to your collection soon enough."
  Kara smiled as she watched from the hallway. She thought that it went without saying. Any woman who was not underneath Har-Rell's tender loving care, well they must be suffering, at least in her biased opinion. The blonde folded her arms over each other as she rocked her head back and crossed them over her chest.
  "I heard about what happened tonight," Kara stated as she rushed forward and Kitty stepped back, allowing Kara to have her moment with Harry.
  Kara was hoisted off of her feet and Harry gave her a searing kiss on the lips. She returned the favor, her tongue working against his in a corkscrew motion.
  The blonde was pressed against his chest and she pulled back with her swollen lips, it was amazing.
  "Yeah saved the world from a genocidal robot," Harry remarked as he sat down, Kitty on one side of him and Kara on the other side of him. "Thought about calling you guys but....the real show would have been over."
  "No, you handled it well, plus you don't want too many people tripping over each other," Jean remarked as she returned back to the homework that she'd immersed herself in it, flipping through the pages.
  Harry thought about that and would have to agree. That's why he tried to split the girls up into smaller teams of three and four with separate missions during the team building exercises. Along with adding a random factor to it. The more cooks that were in the kitchen, the harder that it was to get everyone's shit together without tripping over each other.
  "That's true, you've learned well," Harry told her and Jean peaked over her shoulder, a smile crossing her face.
  "I've had a good teacher, the best," Jean remarked with a smile.
  There was a pink haired girl that skidded to a stop outside the door. She watched them nervously but Harry took note of her with a smile.
  "Hey, Megan, what can I do for you?" Harry asked the Welsh girl.
  Megan was nearly tongue tied but she recovered fairly quickly with the smile on her face. The pink haired girl crossed her arms and she leaned towards Harry.
  "Well....I was wondering....actually....I was wondering if I could...." she breathed and Harry reached towards her, grabbing her hand firmly and squeezed it reassuringly.
  Megan's eyes flooded over as she breathed heavily as Harry leaned towards her, a smile crossing his face.
  "Take your time, Megan, calm yourself down, and tell me what you want," Harry commented.
  'Well...come to....come to think about it, no Megan, focus,' the young mutant stated.
  "I was having trouble with the charm that you taught me and I was wondering if you could show me again, in private," Megan commented.
  Kara and Kitty exchanged a knowing smile with each other although it was lost on Megan as she watched him.
  "Of course," Harry told the girl with a smile that caused heat to go through her body. He placed a hand on her hip and looked into her ass. "So when do you want me to do it?"
  Megan's smile crossed her face but she recovered quickly. "Well, now....if you want to."
  "Sure Megan," Harry told her as he allowed her to lead the way.
  Kitty and Kara smiled.
  "Another hopeless girl succumbing to the cult of the Star Child," Kara told Kitty.
  "Totally," Kitty told her with an evil laugh.
  Jean rolled her eyes.
  "You two scare me sometimes," Jean offered to them.
  'So sayeth the girl with the cosmic entity in her head,' the Phoenix remarked.
  "Thanks," Kitty said chirping brightly and Jean sighed in exasperation palming her face.
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.
  Beyond the Deadpool
  Chapter Twenty Seven: Beyond the Deadpool.
  "It's all about focus and control, mastering your surroundings no matter what obstacles get in your way."
  Harry stated this confidently as he pressed himself into Megan's back, the pink haired mutant closing her eyes and nodding in understanding as she bit down on her lip. He had her positioned where he wanted to and it was all really about understanding the proper stance. If your foot was one centimeter off, well it could throw off the entire spell.
  "Do you understand?" Harry breathed into her ear and Megan nodded her head.
  "It's all about...concentration," Megan managed, barely choking that word out as Harry had his hands on her waist. His strong hands were positioned in a way where they could move up a little bit more to touch other parts of her body. The young Welsh mutant felt a growing heat within her body and he ran his hands up her. He teased her a little bit.
  "Yes, it is," Harry whispered into her ear huskily. His breath brushing against the edge of her ear.
  Megan closed her eyes, this was not the most awful thing in the world. In fact it felt quite nice. All she had to do was to focus. What did Kitty advise her when she asked about nervousness?
  Just picture everyone in their underwear, Megan thought.
  The images that flashed through her mind were of Harry in his underwear and they were subsequently replaced by images of Harry in a lot less. The Welsh mutant gave a tiny little squeak as Harry held her steady. Those visions did not help her at all.
  "Are you okay?"
  Megan closed her eyes and gave a slight whimpering, "Yes."
  'Oh why for the love of everything does he have to breathe in my ear?' Megan thought to herself even more turned on now that she'd envisioned Harry in his underwear and then not in his underwear. In fact now that the thought was in her brain it was not escaping any time soon. 'Thanks a lot Pryde, really great advice.'
  Megan tried not to lose her cool as Harry grabbed her and then adjusted the positioning of her body. The young girl felt her breathing become a little more labored and was hoping that Harry did not notice. Or maybe that he did, she was not sure right now.
  "Just relax," Harry breathed in her ear and Megan nodded as he pressed up against her, shifting his weight into her.
  Subconsciously and maybe on purpose, Megan ground herself up against his crotch and she felt his bulge go up against her rear. The woman's body pressed against his and Harry kept tightening his grip around her waist as the young mutant closed her eyes.
  There was no question in her mind that this felt so good.
  "Okay, I'm ready when you are," Harry told her as he held her nubile body in position. "Hit the target, you might be rewarded."
  The promise that she would get rewarded, well that caused Megan to falter a bit but she adjusted her stance as he instructed. Her shaky hands aimed and she was ready to go. The pink haired mutant thought that she could do this despite the distraction.
  "Just focus," Harry repeated to her.
  Megan inclined her head with a nod and she held her hands in place, shaky as they were. Then she realized that she could calm herself down and really do something. Her hands moved around and she fired off a spell.
  It ricocheted off of the wall and narrowly missed the target. She looked at Harry and a smile crossed the Wizard's face. It nearly turned her knees to jelly as the woman turned back around and offered a labored sigh as Harry held her closely against him.
  "Again," Harry whispered and she steadied herself.
  The pink haired mutant nodded as she felt herself calm down and the young woman held herself steady. Her hands had stopped shaking and she had this power, it was time to use it. It was time to hit the target, she could do it.
  Even though she mentally envisioned Harry taking her up against that wall and having his wicked way with her.
  Those thoughts were not helping with her concentration at all and her knees started to shake but she stayed up on her feet. Harry held her around the waist and the pink haired mutant kept breathing as Harry ran his fingers down her body, in a subtle but at the same time obvious manner.
  "Are you okay?"
  Megan held her head steady and nodded it as Harry held her in place. The young mutant felt his hands slowly roam her body and this was causing her to become even more undone.
  "Yes, fine," Megan breathed as he had his mouth a few inches from her slender neck. "Really bloody fantastic even."
  "That's good," Harry told her as he ran his hands down her spine slightly and stopped. "Fix your posture and try again."
  Megan shot the target and a smile crossed her face as she nailed the target hard. He pressed against her, hugging her from behind.
  "I knew you could do it," Harry breathed heavily in her ear and this caused her to twitch a little bit.
  "Yes, I knew it too," Megan breathed to him as she turned around so she could face him, her eyes meeting his, and then she stepped towards him. His hands were on her waist, her shirt riding up to reveal the creamy and delicious flesh beneath.
  "So....would you like that reward?"
  "I think I'll take it," Megan told him as she shoved her lips onto his with a hungry kiss.
  Her lips smashed against his as Harry placed his hands underneath her delicious ass and hoisted her up. Her legs wrapped around his body as he stepped back, transfiguring a bench into a nice and comfortable bed where they could take care of business on. She shoved her tongue down his throat and ran her hands down his body.
  Harry allowed himself to fall back, this hot pink haired goddess on top of him as she ran her hands over his face and kept kissing him deeply, driven to mad lust. She tore through the fabric of his shirt like a hungry tigress and started kissing down his neck and working further towards his crotch.
  Her kisses went down to his abdomen and he pulled off her shirt, revealing a lacy pink bra with her perky little breasts begging for attention.
  Harry flipped her over the bed and prepared for his fun, removing the strap of her bra and revealed her tits for the world.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Megan gave a squeal of pleasure as Harry used his mouth to lavish her right breast. Her nipple was in his mouth as he cupped the left breast with his strong hand. He squeezed it hard as he licked her nipple with him.
  Harry tasted her tender buds and they were quite a delicious thing to sample. The wizard kept licking his tongue around her rosy nipple and he sucked on it hard. The wizard kissed her and this caused her to breathe in and out heavily as he kept working her over.
  Those delicious and firm tits, they were a sight for sure and he indulged himself in them. His tongue went around her nipple in a corkscrew motion.
  "Oh, god Harry," Megan breathed as her jeans were slid off, almost like magic.
  Harry ran his hand down and rubbed her pussy through her panties which were sopping wet. He teased her a little bit more and then teased her again, his fingers pressing against her. The young woman panted heavily.
  The woman's panties were pushed away from her and exposed her tender young pussy. The wizard bent down and licked her pussy. The wizard kept licking her tender pussy.
  Harry smiled as he indulged himself in the tastes of her, her pussy tasted like cotton candy and that much was delightful. There was a motion with his tongue swiping in and out of her, licking her pussy and she lifted her hips as Harry indulged himself deeper into her. Another lick and she twitched her pussy.
  He indulged himself in this pussy, licking and slurping her and eating her out. The wizard kept working her over and kept eating her delicious pussy. The young woman lifted her hips and his fingers dug into her thighs as he kept licking her insides. There was a swiping of his tongue inside her tight cunt and Harry grabbed her from around her legs, licking her for everything.
  Megan's pussy was feasted upon and Harry licked her hungrily, using his tongue to scrape around her pussy.
  "Oh, yes," Megan panted as Harry kept licking around her.
  Harry smiled as he tasted her delicious center and kept licking her and causing her hips to twitch up. The wizard's tongue licked around her dripping wet core and he hungrily lapped her up.
  "Harry, I want to taste you."
  Harry slid off and Megan's mouth wrapped tightly around his throbbing length, her lips pressed around him. He watched her and her pink hair framed around her face, it was sexy.
  Megan nearly choked on his cock the first time but she stayed the course and worked her lips around his meaty spear. Her head went back and forth as she worked more of him down her throat, deep into her. Her muscles grabbed him, wrapping around him, going tighter. Her lips framed themselves onto his tight spear.
  Harry grabbed her head, pushing more of him into her mouth. The woman's breathing got extremely labored as Harry speared down her throat. Soft lips wrapped around his bulging shaft with great love. The wizard's tool pushed in and out of her tight mouth.
  Yet she wanted more.
  Megan slid off of his shaft, covered in her saliva and she kept stroking him up and down. His hard rod was being played with and the girl snaked her sexy little tongue around him for a tease.
  She leaned back on the bed, her legs spread and Harry rubbed his throbbing head across her wet pink opening. She sighed as his length was about to invade her opening and he grabbed her hips.
  Harry rammed his rod into her tight body and Megan gave a squeal as he pounded into the side of her. The woman's eyes closed as he invaded her anew.
  She had him inside her, with her walls tightening around him. She was not about to let him go any time soon and his throbbing length plunged deeper into her. The woman lifted her hips up again and again, her tightening walls wrapped around his throbbing shaft. Harry grabbed her hips and rolled his hands over her delicious breasts and Harry kept pumping into her.
  She had an amazing orgasm and she released a cloud of pink dust into the air from it.
  Harry grabbed her nubile young hips and kept working into her, in fact, he was hornier than ever before as he rammed tightly into her cunt. Megan's eyes closed as he rammed into her. The woman pushed up into him.
  She felt so good, his massive member speared deeper into her, stretching out her sexy walls and he hammered her tightening cunt for everything that she was worth. The emerald eyed wizard grabbed her around her sexy legs as she pushed herself up and she squeezed her lovely ass. The wizard kept hammering into her, going deeper into her.
  Her dripping cunt wrapped around his engorged pole as he pushed up and buried down into her, going as deep as he could into her tight cunt.
  "Oh, so good," Megan panted as Harry's tongue worked over her, licking around her nipples and he ran his hands down her body even more.
  Harry pushed himself up and speared down between her walls and the pink haired woman moaned as Harry kept hammering into her. The woman closed against him and pumped her hips up, panting in an extremely lustful manner as Harry kept burying himself into her, ramming into her walls as he kept pumping deep into her.
  She had another shrieking orgasm as Harry plowed into her.
  "You feel so good," Harry panted as he grabbed her breasts and ran his hands over them.
  She grabbed onto his arm and she felt him push his throbbing hard penis into her. The wizard plowed himself into her and she hung onto him. Her walls clenched around him as he rocked around her inside, pushing his length in and out of her. She pumped her hips up and hung on with the moaning fury that went through her.
  Harry had her pinned down.
  "So, good, deeper," Megan begged him.
  His length pushed into her g-spot, pressing against her as Harry buried really deep into her. She pushed her hips up towards him and he buried deep into her. The wizard pumped his way between her walls, silky velvety grip around him. She grabbed her man and pumped into her. Harry was breathing and Megan was closing around him.
  Harry plowed into her on the bed and Megan felt the pleasure erupt through her body as another cloud of her pixie dust shot through the air as Harry kept hammering her tightening center.
  Megan rocked back on the bed, cooing loudly as Harry pushed his throbbing hard dick in between her walls, going back into the home stretch as he worked into her. The pink haired woman pushed up into her. The wizard kept slamming into her body.
  The woman was going to lose herself as she released more of her powers and Harry hammered her pussy like a super fast blur. She would be sore but this would be worth it, oh it would be worth it. His stone hard dick pushed her walls apart and he grabbed her, pinning her down as he kept hammering her tightening twat. The wizard worked over her walls nicely and she cooed as she lifted herself up. Each thrust brought her closer to the edge of her pleasure.
  Harry was going into her, burying himself until he was balls deep.
  "About ready," Megan begged him as she tightened around him. She was hanging on for dear life as he plowed into her, making her see stars.
  Harry was a growling primal machine of sex and he saw her as nothing but a delicious treat that he would have to have and he was wrecking her with his throbbing length.
  She pushed against him and Megan wrapped her legs around him, pushing her tightening walls around him and he gave a grunt.
  He spilled his fluids into her waiting chamber as she pushed her hips up. Both of them saw stars as they came at once, with Harry collapsing on the sexy Welsh mutant as she contracted around him, milking his length until he was drained.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  In a roach infested apartment in the worst parts of New York, there was trouble brewing in the air and when there was trouble, there was only going to be one man in the center of it. Well actually there were usually three or four people who might be in the center of it, maybe five, before we get to this man.
  "Hey, my apartment is not roach infested! I'll have you know that the rats ate the roaches weeks ago. And this isn't even one of the worst parts of New York. But yes, I'd concede that there's trouble abrewing and I'm in the center of it."
  A man stepped forward, a man who had a few screws loose.
  "Hey, I don't make fun of your mental deformities, why must you poke fun at mine?"
  This was a man who is batshit crazy and not afraid to show it.
  "Stop it, you're making me blush."
  He needed no introduction.
  "But naturally I'm going to get one anyway because we have a five thousand word limit, not counting lemons.....which are done for this chapter, so put on your pants, you sick freaks."
  Anyway, he was the man with the plan, the Merc with the Mouth.
  "Don't forget a handsome stud, a man with an awesome videogame, and a heartthrob to all fat virgins out there....both Neckbeard and female."
  He was Deadpool and he was dressed in his costume, red and black that wrapped around his body like a skintight glove, mostly because it was skintight, and a pair of eyeglasses that were over the mask. Despite the fact that it was obvious that it was Deadpool because he did nothing to change his appearance, except to put on a pair of glasses and our names aren't Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, or Parry White.
  "Hey, I'm trying to be incognito, quit blowing my secret, dude."
  He was walking over to his couch to sit down.
  "Nah, I'll stand," Deadpool remarked but a mysterious force compelled him to sit down. "Hey, that's Voodoo, no fair!"
  Deadpool looked up and sighed.
  "Only because you made me, you controlling SOB."
  'Maybe he could make you tap dance in a thong,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head stated.
  Deadpool shook his head and smiled. It was one of those days where everything seemed to be going rather slow on the old western front. He craved adventure and excitement but he had been waiting for the next big contract to come in.
  "There has to be someone worth killing, I mean politicians, they're always pissing people off for something, surely they had to piss off some rich guy," Deadpool commented as he turned around but there was a blip on his radar. "Oh ask and you shall receive, happy, happy, day."
  "Hey dickhead!"
  Deadpool's eyes widened as he offered in a scandalized tone. "Well that was kind of rude."
  Deadpool wondered who could not only call him something like that on such short notice but also who was going to be that rude. He listened for the person, wondering if he would have to trace the call and gut him like a fish.
  "Yeah, you, I'm talking to you."
  "Grandma, is that you?" Deadpool asked the woman on the phone and he paused. "Are you off your meds again?"
  The person on the phone was angry and decided to tell him. "Listen here you dipshit, I've got something that will put you back on the map."
  "Oh goody, goody, gumdrops a quest!" Deadpool remarked as he bounced up and down.
  'That makes you look like a girl,' one of the voices in his head mocked.
  'But am I a pretty girl?' another voice stated.
  'No, you're fucking ugly,' a third voice stated and the second voice sniffled. 'I didn't mean...oh fuck, don't cry.'
  'That's not very nice and you know it,' the voice stated with a whimper.
  "Okay, okay, knock it off the lot of you," Deadpool remarked as he twisted his head around to keep the voices in line. "Yeah, because I really need to get the kinks out of my neck, oh yeah that's the stuff, just a little more and boom I've got it."
  "Listen, I'm sending it to you and you better not fuck this one up."
  "I always get the job done, okay there were a few times where I didn't but who are we popping off now?" Deadpool asked them.
  'Bet ya it's one of those do gooders,' the voice in the head stated.
  'Ah man, I never liked those,' another one of the voices remarked.
  'Okay, gentlemen and I use that term very loosely, calm it down, I've got plenty to do and not a lot of time to do it,' Deadpool commented to the voices in his head, all of them nodding in excitement.
  "So, whatcha got brother?" Deadpool asked to his mystery contact of mystery.
  "Well, I've got something, there's a hitman who is working for the Kingpin," the mystery contact of mystery on the other end of the phone stated.
  "Oh the Kingman, fun, fun, fun, oh happy, happy, joy joy!" Deadpool stated as he bounced up and down on the balls of his feet in an excited manner.
  'Again that makes you look like a girl,' the voice in Deadpool's head told him.
  "Hey knock it off," Deadpool stated sternly. He put his hands on his hips and stood up straighter..
  He started to hum underneath his breath and then he paused.
  "You know what this looks like a job for....DEADPOOL!"
  He slipped into a closet and then came out in a Cheerleader outfit.
  "Wait, wrong costume," Deadpool remarked and he paused and looked at the mirror. "Say, does this make my ass look big?"
  'No your ass being big makes your ass look big,' one of the voices in his head stated.
  'How did we get changed that quickly?' another voice asked in surprise.
  'Rule of funny,' Deadpool suggested to them.
  Deadpool slipped into the other room and then came out, dressed in his normal outfit which was like the outfit he had on, only he didn't have a pair of glasses.
  Deadpool started humming underneath his breath as he skipped to the exit.
  Deadpool slipped off to the outside and a smile crossed his face as he was making his way off, preparing for his next step to collect the money that he wanted. He had the details in his hand, what more did he want?
  It was time to get his money, because cha-ching.
  "Well that's an interesting side-effect for your powers to have."
  Rachel, Kitty, and Kara were all amused to varying degrees, and Jean kept her eyes on them, shaking her head. Megan shook her head, looking completely weirded out as Harry stared back into space.
  "I didn't....I mean, I didn't....think, well I didn't, I didn't, I didn't know that was going to happen," Megan offered in a stammering voice. The pink haired woman put her hands on her face, her nails digging into the side of her cheeks as she shook her head frantically. She was trying to figure out everything that happened and she spotted Harry staring out in space. It would be almost amusing, if it....well if this didn't happen.
  Pixie shook her head in bemusement, kind of, if she was not so confused by this, she would be laughing her ass off. It was an interesting thing to think about and she shook her head from one side to the next.
  "So, you climaxed and...."
  "I know what happened!" Megan shouted in an exasperated voice as she went completely red in the face and Kitty gave her a teasing smile. She could not resist pushing forward with what she was saying. The brunette kept her eyes locked onto the woman before her.
  "As I was saying before I was interrupted," Kitty commented with a grin as she saw Harry looking out in space and added. "You climaxed so hard, you dosed him with your pixie dust."
  "Oh god," Megan breathed but it was Rachel who continued with a grin on her face.
  "And when you kept climaxing, you kept dosing him and by the time you were done...Harry was...well you can see for yourself."
  "Why did Xavier name his group the X-Men?" Harry asked randomly. "Actually come to think about it, why was the Fantastic Four named the Fantastic Four? Really egocentric of Reed....calling himself Mister Fantastic. I don't think that's any indictment of his prowess. And Spider-Man must have only thought about five seconds for his name."
  "Wow that's interesting Harry, it so totally is," Kitty commented to him as she smiled and brushed her hair out of the top of her head.
  "I know, it totally is," Harry remarked to her in a gushing tone of voice.
  "And I'm pretty sure he's poking fun out of the valley girl speak now," Kara remarked to Kitty and Kitty frowned.
  The truth was that she was doing it now to troll people, for fuck sakes she was from Chicago, although she ended up trolling herself instead by speaking that way. The brunette had an amused smile crossing her face. The dark haired woman placed her hands on her hips.
  "Well, he wouldn't be the only one," Rachel remarked. She'd taken to flicking things at Kitty when she got too over the top about it.
  Jean watched Harry with a smile across her face, seeing the flashes in his eyes and she looked into his mind.
  "His mind's getting pretty clear," Jean told them and the girls nodded. "Granted it will be a few hours before he gets back to normal."
  "Jean, you should know by now that I'm the furthest thing from normal, in fact I'm extraordinary," Harry remarked to her as he placed his arm around her slender waist and pulled her body into his. There was a smile that went across his face as he gazed into her deep green eyes.
  "Are you?" Jean asked Harry with a smile as he pressed his lips onto hers with a kiss.
  Jean was ensnared by the pixie dust residue on Harry lips. She would have to work with Megan controlling her powers but.....why would she control something like this? This was a blast and she felt her body fill up with amazing sensations. There was a flush in her body as she kept kissing him hungrily, his body addicting as always.
  'Oh this should be....oh yes,' the Phoenix remarked as everything flared up around them.
  "Hey, aren't those the Marauders?" Kara asked.
  Jean and Harry broke apart and they spun around, seeing the villains in question. The two of them watched the situation unfolding in front of them.
  Blockbuster, Riptide, and Vertigo made their way through the mall towards the exit.
  "I wonder why they're here?"
  Kitty shook her head and watched them. "I could have sworn we smacked down these guys a few times before."
  Harry focused as he made his way forward and started to chase them at super speed. He saw everything around him, all of the colors, shapes and sizes.
  Vertigo turned around and saw him standing there.
  "Hey, how are you doing?" Harry asked as he stared down Vertigo who ended up blinking at him in shock for half a second.
  "Yes, me!" Harry said cheerfully and the woman lifted her hand and tried to use the vertigo effect of her powers on him.
  Unfortunately, for them, the effect did not work.
  "Okay, I'll get him."
  Kara flew in and smacked Blockbuster in the face with a rocket buster of the punch, slamming her enemy back.
  'Gotcha," Kara stated and Riptide rushed towards her but Kitty popped out from behind some trash cans and pulled him inside.
  "So, guess it's you and me," Harry remarked to Vertigo.
  Deadpool remarked as he jumped down.
  "Sorry, don't mind me, Merc with the Mouth coming through!" Deadpool cheered and Harry casually smacked him into the wall with an offhand backhand. "Hey! what did you do that for?!"
  "Because!" Harry yelled as he used his ice breath on Deadpool's crotch, causing him to scream in pain.
  "Dude are you on drugs?" Deadpool asked him and the voices in his head all nodded in agreement.
  'Well, we could be too,' one of the voices offered.
  'Who would know the difference?' another voice commented.
  Deadpool pulled out a pair of Sais and swung them in his hands. "It's intervention time!"
  Deadpool twirled his Sais and yelled. "STABBY STABBY....Ah shit."
  Deadpool's sais were destroyed by heat vision.
  "Um, I think I left the iron on," Deadpool said hastily as he made his way down into the sewers.
  Harry wondered if he should follow. A smile blossomed on his face as he made up his mind and followed him down into the depths.
  'Oh joy of joys, oh happy days, we're in the sewers.'
  Deadpool paused and he looked around, peaking over his shoulder. The Merc with the Mouth made his way into the sewer and stood around in....well everyone knows what was in the sewers. He kept his head up right and he peaked over his shoulder, a smile crossing his face.
  'So I wonder if we're going to run into four pizza loving turtles and their rat sensei down here?' Deadpool commented as he twirled his sais into his hands and clang them together, causing sparks to fly off in every direction.
  'Could be fun for a cameo,' one of the voices in his hand stated.
  'Cowabunga dude,' another one of the voices commented.
  'Aren't we supposed to looking for some hitman that works for the Kingpin?' one of the voices in his head stated.
  'Yeah our really angry mystery benefactor told us to do this, I hope he wasn't jerking us off,' Deadpool offered them and he shook his head.
  There was a thud as he saw Vertigo around and she stepped back towards him.
  "It's him."
  'You know, I'm beginning to think this is a rerun,' Deadpool offered the voices in his head.
  'You think,' one of the voices commented in a sardonic tone and Blackbuster ran forward and nailed him, sending Deadpool careening into a wall.
  Deadpool winced as he was slammed down hard and the Merc with a Mouth struggled to get himself to get back to his feet but he sank back down to his knees. He tried again on legs that felt like they had the consistence of wobbly-jello but he was unable to pull himself back into a standing position or at least a position where he could not be taken down.
  "Oh...come on," Deadpool managed.
  "I'll crush you," Blockbuster stated.
  "I'm surprised...."
  "Blockbuster, pop his head off of his shoulders," Vertigo commanded to him.
  "No, not my head, it's where all the voices talk to me," Deadpool commented before he pulled out a gun. "HA, PSYCHE!"
  Deadpool blasted Blockbuster with a series of shots, causing him to go backwards.
  "So, who are you meeting? Bridge club, sewing club, book club....no wait that would imply some of you could read," Deadpool babbling as he smashed a pipe apart.
  Harry stepped onto the scene.
  "Oh, team up, this is going to be so awesome," Deadpool remarked to him. "Oh snap!"
  Deadpool pulled out a pair of guns but there was a magnetic field around them. He felt a humming in the back of his head.
  "So, who sent you down there?"
  "Some son of a bitch who's trying to get me killed," Deadpool offered as he looked at Harry.
  "Oh, well that makes sense," Harry commented to him in a calm voice, eyes surprisingly lucid given the predicament he was in.
  Deadpool nodded as he prepared to fight the random mooks, minions, and general misfits that were sent down the tunnel. "Yeah, doesn't it just?"
  I" mean that someone would try to get you killed," Harry offered to Deadpool and the Merc with a Mouth turned towards him. "I mean, you are an obnoxious son of a bitch that I dream about smothering in his sleep."
  Deadpool stood there, mouth hanging open and he slowly turned to Harry. "You know! You're a real fucking jerk! And you're even worse when your high!"
  'Yeah, like a dick,' one of the voices said.
  'Yeah, a superdick,' one of the voices added.
  'Well he is the patron saint of superdickery,' Deadpool commented as he stood, with his gun in his hand.
  The mooks rushed forward but Kitty popped down from the ceiling, grabbing the enemy's around the head she clonked their heads together.
  "Yeah, that's that!" Kitty yelled in a triumphant tone of voice as she did so again to another pair of mooks.
  Harry smiled as he saw Kara show up and use her heat vision to knock out some blocks in the walls. This allowed a distraction for Pixie to swoop in.
  The dust was blown into the face of them and they staggered about, knocking each other around due to their disorientation.
  "Oh, you can't handle it, can you, boys?" Harry asked them in a mocking voice as he jumped up and then flipped over the heads of his enemies. Landing in a crouch he swept out their legs from underneath them and then the emerald eyed wizard dodged back towards the closet wall.
  He clapped his hands and that knocked Vertigo down.
  Vertigo shook her head as she tried to push herself back up and her own powers were turned up against her. The woman's head cracked open as she looked on, her eyes screwed shut. Her breathing tapered off as she was slammed hard against the wall.
  "I've got it," Harry remarked as he stood over her and he shifted himself.
  His hearing picked up a light humming off in the distance and he strained to hear it. The wizard tried to keep himself steady and he turned his head around from one side to the next.
  His emerald eyes narrowed as he saw something further down the sewers.
  Another set of Marauders were down there and Harry and Kara locked eyes, with Jean joining them. The three of them pushed their way through the walls causing them to crumble as the group slipped inside.
  "Yes, us, what are you going to do about it?" Harry asked.
  Harpoon, another one of the Marauders, stepped forward and hurled a harpoon at him. The wizard caught it in his hands and crunched it.
  He then swung his hands around and knocked the man flying back. He crashed against the ground with a thunderous explosion.
  The clones were decomposing one by one.
  'And what do we have here?' Harry asked to him as he pulled out the crates and flipped them open.
  Kara, Kitty, Megan, Rachel, and Jean stepped in as the clones either degraded or disappeared.
  Harry, now that his mind was mostly cleared, rummaged through everything in the crates.
  "Well that's an interesting amount of contraband," Harry mused. "Some of this is modified and...."
  "Neural technology," Kitty offered to him. "It's to numb the minds of people."
  Kara watched everything with interest, fury swimming through her blue eyes. "So what were they doing...."
  "If it's my guess, the Kingpin and Sinister was working together for some kind of broadcast scheme where he could rot the brains of everyone involved," Harry concluded to the girls and Deadpool.
  "Ah, but I wonder why our mystery man of mystery wanted this....actually I'm confused about this entire thing."
  Harry decided to explain it, at least try and explain it. "I'm thinking....well I'm thinking that someone was trying to throw us off the trail."
  'Really, you'd think that someone would have tried for a better set up than this,' one of the Deadpool voices stated.
  Harry thought it over in his mind, Sinister and his Marauders, they were still after the third key, unfortunately he had no idea what that was. The data at the Fortress only offered him a minor amount of information when he'd tried to look into it. He really wished he had more information about it then he did. There was something that was bothering him about this entire mess, he couldn't put his finger on it. Yet there were determination flowing through those green eyes.
  'Those green eyes do seem to flow a lot,' Deadpool remarked to no one in particular.
  The Merc with the Mouth looked at everything and he could not help but offer his two cents on the matter. He brushed his fingers over the top of his mask.
  "You know this is some pretty cheap shit right in there," Deadpool offered to them and Harry's head turned towards him. The wizard's eyes were on them and Deadpool shrugged his shoulders as he decided to add. "What! the plot is more or less directly ripped off from the first part of my video game. You know, just pointing it out and everything."
  Harry was not about to deny that himself. Anyhow, moving on he knew that this would have to be a prototype so if he took the prototype back, he would be able to decipher Sinister's plan. He ran his hands over it and observed what it was like. The makeup in his hands and the eyes of Harry continued to scan everything that was in front of him.
  "That's...that's interesting," Harry said.
  Deadpool decided to offer his usual retort. "Did you graduate from the universe of vague, buddy?"
  Harry shook his head and decided to clarify his statement. "Well, I'm going to tell you this....this was a prototype and one that was not going to work for that long. In fact, this design was a rather screwy one to begin with."
  "I see," Kitty commented with an eager nod. "It would serve it's intended purpose for a while but after a while, it would start failing, really bad."
  "How bad?" Megan asked in a curious voice.
  Kara was the one who jumped in with a few words of her own. "Really bad."
  "Well that's pretty bad," Jean remarked to them.
  Deadpool shook his head, these were more graduates of the vague university of being vague. Then again he was a graduate of the repetitive school of the repetitive that was repetitive, so who was he to judge? He looked at the equipment once again.
  "And something tells me that I won't be getting the money from the contract that was set up," Deadpool offered dismally.
  'Well at least we got in one more appearance before shit hits the fan,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head offered the Merc with the Mouth.
  'Yeah that's true,' Deadpool remarked to himself or them or....well his own voices confused him sometimes, that much was for sure. He shook his head and tried to return himself back to what passed as being with it.
  Megan offered a shy smile towards him and there was a statement that nervously escaped her lips. "So are you...."
  Deadpool nodded, mentally making a list.
  "Well, I guess it's time for one of those awkward goodbyes, be seeing you in a future chapter....of our lives," Deadpool offered as he turned around to disappear until the next time he appeared.
  Kara shook her head in despair.
  "He's a bit....well you know."
  Harry made the one statement that explained everything. "He's Deadpool."
  Megan offered a shy smile towards him and there was a statement that nervously escaped her lips. "So are you...."
  Harry smiled as he placed a hand on the side of her face and she couldn't help but nuzzle her cheek into it. "Yeah, Megan, I'm fine."
  "So it did wear off," Kitty remarked and there was a part of her that looked disappointed. It was an interesting scientific experiment to say the very least.
  "Yeah, it wore off," Harry informed them and Kitty frowned, shaking her head. "Don't look so disappointed, Kitty, you'll have other chances to see me act insane."
  Jean could not resist throwing in her two cents in a teasing manner. "I have a feeling that might happen sooner rather than later."
  "Yeah, it could," Harry admitted as he pulled the redhead into a tight hug and the other redhead stepped behind him.
  "So it's time to head on home?" Rachel offered them and Harry gave her one of his winning smiles.
  "Yeah, it's time, lets go," Harry told her and Megan chimed in a calm tone of voice.
  "Is it the last we've seen of Deadpool?" Megan asked Harry with a smile crossing her face.
  Harry thought about that and he couldn't help but wonder if this would be the last he'll ever see of the Merc with a Mouth.
  Something pointed to the fact that he would not be seen again for a while. Harry waited, watched, and then he moved on, making sure that all of this contraband was cleared up and he moved off to see what he'd do next.
  His girls followed him as they prepared for the next phase of what would happen.
  Little did they know it was calm before a storm.
  Deadpool returned back to his rat infested hole in the city and stepped inside.
  "Honey, we're home!"
  Deadpool walked forward and made his way down to the basement, seeing the latest edition of the Daily Bugle on the ground. He flipped through it.
  "Ah, Good Lovin' with Lovegood, genius," Deadpool said as he looked through the relationship advice column in the Prophet.
  'You know if you two hooked up, it would be the end of the multiverse as we knew it,' one of the voices in Deadpool's head stated.
  "Yeah, I know! It would be great!' Deadpool offered in an excited voice.
  He made his way down to the steps and leaned down. He saw his captive prisoner.
  "You must let me go," the naked old man in the basement stated, his long white hair and beard in disarray. "None of this is right, he must return to defeat Lord Voldemort, we must reset the universe to how it was before."
  "Is it for the Greater Good?" Deadpool asked the old man in a mocking voice.
  "Yes, it's for the Greater Good that Harry needs to be set up to face the Dark Lord!"
  Deadpool's voice dropped in a scarily serious tone of voice. "You know, I warned you about talking like a bad fan fiction clich?."
  Deadpool stood over the man and held up an object in his hand. "It's Taser time!"
  The old man screamed as he felt a stun gun pressed against his wrinkled old balls.
  "And that was for My Immortal, you bitch!" Deadpool stated as he rammed the Taser into the old man's balls again. "And this is for Draco and Harry slash fan fiction."
  He zapped the old man in the balls again.
  "This is for the Epilogue!"
  Another zap to the balls added to that motion.
  "This is for Harry and Snape slash fan fiction!"
  Another zap to the balls caused the old man pain.
  "And we've hit our limit....go ahead and say it."
  To Be Continued in the Next Chapter.
  'That's all folks.'
  Requim Part One
  Chapter Twenty Eight: Requim Part One.
  Freedom was an interesting thing to think about as no matter what a person was like, there was a part of them that hungered for it, hungered for the ability to roam completely free outside of the box. Despite the fact that this freedom was something that was hard to obtain even for the best of us, when it was snatched from them it caused feelings of despair. Even the darkest wizard would feel that moment when they had the chance to break free from the chains that held them.
  If you asked him, Tom Marvolo Riddle the self-styled Lord Voldemort would state that he had been biding his time. Secretly, deep down, he knew that he had been unable to break free of the location where he'd been contained. While he felt the vessel that he currently inhabited was inadequate, he still felt that because of his extraordinary mind there was still power that flowed through it. He looked up into a mirror and saw the sickening face of the weak wizard whose body he inhabited before him.
  He was a foolish individual who stood up for those he'd fooled himself into thinking that he cared about. He was a spineless fool as well. To think that this weak bag of flesh was thought to be his most valuable servant, well that was the epitome of laughable to him.
  There were those that feared him back in that world, those who did not even want to utter his name.
  The fools in this new world would also learn to fear him. The name Lord Voldemort would be spoken in the hushed whispers by those who were foolish, arrogant enough to not think that he was anything but the greatest Dark Lord that ever lived, the most powerful wizard that ever lived.
  He was the personification of magical power. He'd performed magical rituals that had been forgotten in the annals of history and magical feats that most would never dream about. Anyone who saw what he could do would classify The Dark Lord Voldemort as one thing and one thing alone and that would be extraordinary. The greatest wizard that ever lived, the darkest of dark lords who'd ever performed dark deeds, feared by all, it was an amazing thing for sure.
  His snake like red eyes drank in his surroundings. He stepped forward and saw his robes sway from one side to the other.
  He still wore the face of Sirius Black and that caused him to give off a malicious grin.
  'A face means nothing, power means everything,' Riddle thought as he raised his hand.
  He had no idea how much time passed but it was enough to allow him to stew and simmer. He raised his hand into air and then blasted the locks of the door that kept him from leaving this room. The walls seemed like they were about ready to break apart under the force of his power and the greatest Dark Lord who ever lived watched it happen in front of him.
  'Soon,' he stated as he saw the locks shatter under his awesome power, the doors swung open and he made his way from the room.
  He was coming for his enemy and he was going to take him down. There was no way that he was going to be taken out. There was nothing that would get in his way, nothing that could stop him now.
  Soon he would find Harry Potter.
  Once he navigated through this final set of doors.
  He was coming for his enemy and he was going to take him down. There was no way that he was going to be taken out. There was nothing that was going to be in his way, nothing that was going to stop him now.
  'Soon Harry Potter, you will see why you should fear me,' Riddle thought to himself as he prepared himself for a brutal fight in which he would finish Harry Potter off, once and for all, where he would prove who the superior one out of the two of them was. 'You escaped me for a short amount of time but you can't escape me forever. I will crush you beneath my feet. Lord Voldemort knows this much.'
  Cruel laughter issued from him, Lord Voldemort feared no one, there was no one who equaled his power and his enemies fell before him like they were little more then insects. He was the greatest Dark Lord that ever lived and he could crush any number of enemies beneath his foot.
  'Harry Potter will kneel before my power,' Riddle thought as he made his way outside and looked around at his surroundings.
  It was a petulant mud blood city, swimming with weakness and mud bloods but it was a perfect place for a spineless child like Harry Potter to be. There was no doubt in the mind of the Dark Lord Voldemort, greatest dark lord who ever lived, he had his enemy underneath his thumb.
  'Harry Potter, don't you think that you can escape me, we will finish what you started by daring to defy me,' The Dark Lord Voldemort, greatest dark lord who ever lived, whispered to himself mentally.
  The Dark Lord Voldemort, greatest dark lord who ever lived, had no idea how soon that it would be that he would feel Potter rammed underneath his palm as he continued to make his way forward. He wanted to crush his adversary with the strength of his magical power, his eyes glowed with the extreme hatred he felt towards his foe.
  He could feel the echo of Black's soul, the soul always maintained a connection to the body but the Dark Lord Voldemort, greatest dark lord who ever lived, knew that it remained inside that dimension which he and Potter both escaped. There was nothing in his mind other than thoughts of revenge. The blood that spilled would be beyond all measure and the Dark Lord Voldemort, greatest dark lord who lived, hastened his strides forward.
  'Soon,' he repeated to himself, it was a mantra that kept repeating through his head.
  The Dark Lord had no idea how soon that it would be although he kept making his strides forward and would feel Potter rammed underneath his palm. He wanted to crush his adversary with strength and power, energy that swirled within his eyes was extremely strong.
  He had power, that much was for sure and Potter, no matter what would fail.
  All he had to do was find the child.
  There was a mere echo of the link that once existed between them but it was mostly blocked out. The Dark Lord Voldemort, greatest dark lord who ever lived hissed through his teeth like a snake in frustration at that fact.
  'A minor setback,' he thought.
  It was time for the final confrontation, the one that would show just how worthy and amazingly incredible he was and that was how history would describe him.
  "Amazing," Lois commented as she looked off the edge of the balcony which she and Harry were standing on during their latest date.
  I know, it's quite the view up here, isn't it?" Harry asked her and Lois smiled as she looked forwards onto the city below.
  "I wasn't talking about the view, although that's very nice," Lois remarked and the wizard kept his smile half hidden but there was enough of it where Lois knew.
  "Oh, what were you talking about now?" Harry asked as he grabbed her around the shoulders and she shivered at his grip.
  "Oh, just....well just thinking," Lois concluded, wincing at how unbelievably lame that sounded.
  'Keep it together, Lane,' she thought to herself. All of the theories that she had about him, she had no idea how true they were, although she had a pretty good hunch that they were correct.
  It was getting him to admit it to her; that was the big thing.
  Harry's smile got even wider, almost knowing as he led her into her apartment.
  Lois paused and she looked over her shoulder to face Harry. She felt some tension go through her stomach. They had gone out a few times on business and from there several extremely personal dates. Things between them were getting pretty serious, about as serious as things can get between a man and woman without crossing that final frontier.
  "Something on your mind?" Harry asked Lois as he placed his hands on the back of her neck and she grew rigid, closing her eyes.
  "Well there are a lot of things that are on my mind," Lois offered as she led him inside her apartment. Chloe was not home yet, she must have been working overtime at the Torch. "But....come to think about it, this is the first time that I've had a man in my apartment."
  Harry raised an eyebrow towards her and smiled.
  "Really?" Harry asked Lois and she nodded.
  "Yes, and it isn't for any lack of trying on their parts," Lois said as she pressed herself against the wall for a second and then left herself in that position. "Then again, I think Lombard's goal in life is to break some kind of record for sexual harassment lawsuits."
  Harry thought about the sport's reporter and nodded. If he was not remotely competent at his job, Harry would have thought about a replacement. Then again, he was harmless and his antics at the office ended up with him getting the short end of the stick so really Harry found himself amused. Something had to lighten up the office atmosphere.
  "So, I should consider myself to be very lucky," Harry offered her and Lois sat down on the couch and invited Harry to do the same.
  "Yes, you're pretty lucky," Lois managed as she tried to not get lost in his green eyes. Granted, the reporter did not try too hard because it was easy to do so.
  Harry could see that she was this close to breaking. Whether or not she would actually admit she figured out who he was or she would wait for him to do so, well Harry would have to wait and see.
  "So do you want anything to drink?" Lois asked him but then she stopped and internally smacked herself in the head.
  ''Really Lois, offering him a drink....oh well you've got to start somewhere,' Lois thought. Then again she wanted a drink herself.
  "Actually, I'm fine, Lois," Harry commented with a smile across his face which caused her to raise an eyebrow.
  "Fine?" Lois asked him.
  "Yes, fine," Harry confirmed for her as he placed his hand on the couch then edged it onto her stocking clad leg. He had to hide his smile but it was time to strike whilst the iron was hot. "You look a little tense, though."
  "Tense, I'm not tense!" Lois yelped in a tense voice and Harry placed his hands onto her legs then slowly ran his strong grip over them. He trailed his way up along her sides until her finally reached her shoulders.
  "I think you're very tense," Harry breathed into her ear and Lois closed her eyes, feeling pleasure fill her body.
  She wondered if he had some kind of power that allowed him bring a woman to orgasm simply due to the sound of his voice. Something about that would not surprise Lois and she honestly didn't mind it at all. In fact, there was a huge part of her that found it sexy.
  'Don't look in his eyes, don't look in his eyes, don't look in his eyes,' Lois mentally chanted to herself but Harry placed his hand on her cheek.
  "Lois," Harry told her in a firm voice as he gently tilted her head up to look at him.
  Lois felt his weapons of mass seduction locked onto her. A part of her mind snarkily commented that there should be some vintage seventies porno music playing in the background, the kind that Lombard might have in his greatest hits collection.
  She shook her head, trying to summon all of the inner strength that she could, even though a knot formed in her stomach.
  "Lois," Harry breathed hotly in her ear.
  Yes, Harry," Lois panted at him and Harry smiled wryly at her.
  "You asked if I was thirsty earlier, didn't you?"
  Lois decided to keep herself calm although she wondered if this was going to go in a panty soaking direction.
  "Yes....yes, yes, I am," Lois stammered as she tried to clear the cobwebs from her head. "I mean....yes I did...I want to do....I want to ask you if you are sure."
  "You know, I might be a bit parched," Harry told her as he emphasized the word parched with a smile and Lois could have sworn that his fingers edged upwards, looping underneath the edge of her stockings.
  Inhibitions were coming undone, slowly but surely.
  Harry smiled and he saw Lois's blouse was partially unbuttoned. Her cleavage dipped down amazingly low and her nipples poked out from behind her blouse. The wizard traced his tongue across his lips as he drank in the visual treat that was her body.
  'Okay, now he's torturing me but torture isn't supposed to feel this good, unless I'm one of those people who get off on that sort of thing which....I just might be,' Lois admitted to herself as his lips were up against her ear and his hands were on her thighs.
  "Actually I'm pretty thirsty and I think that there is something that I'd like to have a nice long drink of...."
  Lois mentally cracked and pushed him down onto the couch starting to kiss him with reckless abandon. The hot brunette was working her tongue into his mouth and he returned.
  She ripped at his shirt, not caring how expensive it might be, pulling it off. She ran her hands down his body, tracing his chest and his abs, kissing her way down them.
  Lois reached for his belt and yanked it off.
  Her heart nearly stopped as she saw what he had beneath his belt.
  Smut/Lemon Begins.
  Lois saw his boxer's that went over his throbbing hard cock. No question about it, this was what wet dreams were made of. She placed her hand on his length and stroked him through his boxer's.
  "Let's see, oh yes," Lois breathed as she pulled him out.
  It was a work of art and that was putting it mildly. It was big and thick with pulsing veins. His balls were large as well and Lois saw that it was not fully groan.
  "My god," Lois breathed.
  Harry offered her a smile. "Well if you think so highly of me."
  Lois shook her head and grabbed him, stroking him up and down, rubbing him. She wanted to see it grow in her hands.
  Harry grabbed her blouse and unbuttoned it. She was so engrossed in his cock that she did not notice him removing her blouse.
  His fingers traced the insides of the cups of her bra, feeling an amazing set of D-Cup breasts that were about to burst free.
  Lois felt the moisture pool down from her thighs and Harry ran his hand down past her toned stomach, cupping the inside of her pussy, squeezing her and feeling juices spill from her. He could tell that she was losing herself to his fingers roaming her body.
  His fingers went into her and he brought her dripping juices. Slowly, he popped his fingers into his mouth one at a time, feasting on the delicious juices that were dripping down from his fingers. He popped them in and out of his mouth, humming madly as he kept licking them from his fingers.
  "So...good," Harry breathed and Lois's response was push his cock between her lips.
  'You haven't felt good yet,' Lois breathed as she felt his cock go down her throat and she took him deeper. His fingers touched her body, giving little strokes that caused her carpet to be stained by the moisture that rolled down her.
  Harry could tell that she was losing herself from his motions and he kept working into her, feeling her folds. His fingers stroked around in the inside of her, cupping her tight and delicious pussy. The woman closed her eyes and enjoyed the ride.
  Lois felt a burning desire, the need for something to fill her, to quench this desire, this pulsing feeling that could be felt between her thighs.
  Harry could sense it coming from underneath her and he smiled. He wanted to milk this out as much as he could. He placed his hand on her pussy, cupping it. He massaged her folds as she closed her eyes and Harry kept working her over. There was a long sigh as Harry kept working his fingers around the lips of her pussy.
  Lois pulled off of him and she leaned back, legs spread.
  "Please," Lois breathed and Harry grabbed her hips.
  His throbbing length rubbed against her dripping hot slit and Harry teased her for a few seconds. His head was grinding against her slit and she closed her eyes as she anticipated his length pulsing inside her. Lois lifted her hips towards him, inviting him to enter the inside of her.
  Harry grabbed her breasts and teased her entrance, rubbing his thick head against her, teasing her.
  Lois gave this declaration as Harry grabbed onto her hips and speared into her. Lois lifted her hips up, to meet his throbbing pulses between her legs. She closed her eyes and hung on as Harry plowed deep between her legs. She tightened around him and Harry kept plunging deep into her. The wizard grabbed onto her hips and kept slamming into her, one thrust after the next.
  Harry indulged himself in her sexy body, working his throbbing length between her legs. Lois hung onto him as he kept plowing into her. The woman hung onto him, feeling the ride of her life as he kept pumping his hard dick in between her walls. Lois clenched her walls tightly around him and pumped herself up, feeling the amazing power of his thrusts between her legs. One thrust at a time brought her to new degrees of pleasure.
  Lois grabbed Harry's arm and hung onto her. The young wizard kept plowing into her body, stroke after stroke, her hips went up against him as he buried into her.
  The door opened and Chloe stopped and stared.
  She saw Harry plowing into Lois and she felt her heart go aflutter at this. The blonde watched in wide eyes.
  "Well, don't just watch, join the party," Lois breathed as Harry worked into her.
  Chloe walked over numbly towards her older cousin and she felt like she was crossing some kind of taboo line. Of course, that made it far more exciting and it cause a far larger amount of pleasure to pulse into her body.
  The sexy young blonde stripped her clothing from her and exposed her nice breasts and shaven pussy, the blonde walked over.
  "Sit on my face and I'll....harder Harry!" Lois begged him as he worked deeper into her, her walls tightened around him.
  Chloe did as she was told and Lois grabbed her thighs and pushed her tongue down her cousin's cunt.
  "Damn, Lois," Chloe breathed as the woman's tongue licked the inside her pussy. The woman's tongue worked inside her.
  "That's so fucking hot," Harry grunted as he speared himself into Lois's tight pussy.
  Lois moaned as he worked her insides. Every thrust brought her to even more gleeful amazing. The wizard held onto her hips and kept pumping into her. The walls clenched his member as he kept working into her.
  Harry ran his hands down her thighs as he kept hammering into her tightening quim. Lois breathed in and out as Harry kept pushing in and out of her.
  Lois lifted her hips and allowed him to enter her again and again. Her walls closed around him, tightening her quim against his rod as he speared deeply into her. The woman was feeling the rush of him going into her body.
  Harry spotted Chloe hanging onto Lois, her head rearing back and the blonde slurped her inner walls. He could see the lust burning off of Chloe's eyes and he felt the pulse of energy going through her. It was amazing, erotic, sensational, and everything else.
  He kept pumping into her tightening pussy, with one thrust after another. The wizard's eyes flooded as Harry kept working into her. The walls worked around him, tightening around him. The wizard's eyes were insane and erotic as he worked deeper into her. His balls slapped against him.
  Lois panted as Chloe grinded her pussy into her face and Lois returned fire, licking into her, using her tongue to work around the inside of the dripping pussy. The woman pushed her pussy down onto the mouth of Lois.
  Harry speared deeper into her dripping wet pussy. The wizard kept working into Lois and he pumped himself into her so deep, so hard.
  Lois felt her body swim with even more pleasure and the wizard kept working her hips up against her, with the walls working around him.
  She collapsed with an extremely powerful orgasm.
  "Time to return the favor," Harry breathed to Chloe and she nodded.
  Chloe, mischief dancing in her eyes, crawled over so she was set up between Lois's legs. Her head was above her dripping quim.
  She felt the very familiar sensation of Harry's mighty penis pushing between her walls.
  'Fuck yes,' Chloe projected to Harry as she ate Lois's dripping pussy and tasted the juices. She kept sucking her pussy and licked around the insides.
  Harry hung onto her hips and kept spearing into her tightening quim. The woman's eyes flooded with lust as Harry pumped into her.
  His spear worked even deeper between her dripping walls, his meat spear pushed in and out of her, with a rapid fire fury. The wizard's eyes flooded with a lustful gaze as he cupped her body, working into her.
  Lois shivered as Chloe licked her back to life and her pussy twitched back to life.
  "Damn it Chloe, keep it up, oh lick my dirty twat," Lois breathed as she felt her snatch being given a tongue licking by Chloe. She could see Harry's large rod. "Ram her Harry, harder, FUCK HER UNTIL SHE CAN'T WALK!"
  Lois gave that sensation with an orgasmic joy with Harry pumping hard into Chloe from behind. He ran his hands over her, feeling her delicious flesh.
  Harry rammed in and out of Chloe at super speed and he hung onto her.
  The blonde's eyes closed as she felt orgasms explode through her body. It was so amazing as Harry speared into her body and his balls kept slamming against her. He grabbed her breasts and kept pumping into her.
  Chloe collapsed with the pleasure and Lois, now revived, threw herself onto Harry.
  Harry laid back and allowed Lois to bounce and down his throbbing cock. The dark haired woman bounced higher and higher on him.
  "Take my tits, oh take them!" Lois screamed as Harry grabbed them and channeled a small pulse of magic through them.
  That caused Lois's screams to get extremely prolific and her walls clenched his invading rod. She tightened her quim against him and pushed herself down on his rod, riding him over and over again. Her eyes closed with pleasure.
  Harry watched her bouncing breasts with hunger and squeezed them. Her moans got louder as she went higher and slammed down. Her hips gyrated down onto him as her pussy clenched him.
  He grunted and sprayed his fluids inside her.
  Lois screamed in pleasure as she felt his warm and thick cum spurt into her walls, pumping inside her.
  She closed her eyes and collapsed, her pleasure heightened as she felt the rush of her orgasm end.
  Smut/Lemon Ends.
  "There's something happening."
  Jean was the one that offered this statement. She was walking outside with Harry, Rogue, Wanda, Kitty, M'Gann, Kara, and Gwen.
  "So, is this some kinda Phoenix Force-y thingy?" Kitty asked her.
  'Nice to know that I'm now classified as a thingy,' the Phoenix said dryly.
  'Phoenix,' Jean told the cosmic entity, warning her to stand down.
  'I said nothing,' Phoenix said.
  Harry shook his head and he thought to the girls. 'I see the same thing now, so stay alert.'
  Sirius Black or rather his animated corpse showed up. It was barely held together, in fact there was really no way to salvage the body once the spirit holding it together was exorcised.
  Harry sighed in annoyance and flicked his hand at the body causing it to be blasted apart. Jean ripped the demented echo from the body and Wanda then blasted it with her hex powers.
  Voldemort or rather what was left of his soul, was now confined to a racquet ball. Harry quickly put it in his bag after performing a few charms to make sure no one could get it out.
  He heard a few whispers from the ball swearing vengeance but they faded fairly quickly. He was sure that Lockheed would appreciate the new chew toy.
  "So was that the thing that you were talking about?" Harry asked dismissively.
  Jean shook her head. "No it's not that....it's something else, although I don't know what it is."
  The redhead wondered what was happening as she brushed her hair out of her eyes and placed her hands on the top of her head to try and block out the weird hissing sound.
  "Well there's your answer right there," Kara said pointing them out.
  "Get her, take the rest out!"
  The Marauders were in the house.
  "Really? The fucking Marauders again?" Kitty asked as Harpoon threw one of his namesake weapons at her but the brunette mutant ducked her head and it slammed into the wall behind.
  "Yes...really," Rogue stated dryly as she drove him into the ground with a viscous ax handle smash.
  "Fuck. Okay, I'll bite, what's Sinister up to....trying...." Kitty said but stopped as she felt dizzy because of the effects of Vertigo's powers.
  That was until Kara flew up into the air above it and slammed a punch into Vertigo's face that snapped her head back due to the force.
  Vertigo went down, a ringing sensation going through her brain that turned the tables on her. The mutant rolled her head around in empty to clear it and Kara smiled as she flipped her up into the air before kicking her in the stomach.
  A huge bang echoed outwards as she ended up embedded in the closest wall.
  "So any idea what these Peckerheads are after?" Rogue asked as she grabbed Blockbuster then rather casually broke his arm with a snap before sending him bouncing off the wall next to Vertigo.
  "Don't know, they started this," Kitty stated as she grabbed Riptide and phased him into Harpoon causing both to black out and them fall to the ground with a clatter.
  "I could have sworn we killed these guys," Jean said as she used her powers to knock Arclight down to the ground.
  "Clones, they're the gift that keeps on giving!" Kitty yelled as she phased one of them head first into a trash can.
  "Wait, did I see two Harpoons?" Gwen asked as she took out one of them with a flipping punch to the back of the neck where his skull met his spine.
  "Yeah, you did," Harry confirmed darkly.
  "It would have to be clones," Kitty moaned as she slammed her hand through the chest of one of her enemies then phased it solid. "That's like the most played out plot in comic books, right up there with evil mentors, robot duplicates and mind switching."
  "Stay focused," Harry warned his girlfriend and Kitty nodded, she was staying focused as well as she could even though her knees knocked together.
  Her heart hammered against her chest as she dodged an attack. Two of the Harpoons blew each other up in the crossfire.
  "Oh! they're clones! That explains why they keep coming back!" Kara shouted as she used her heat vision to give Blockbuster a hot foot.
  "Sinister, he's replicating them, making them stronger," Jean offered as she crushed another Vertigo's mind causing her to collapse to the ground like a puppet who had their strings cut.
  "You think," Harry breathed heavily and Jean raised an eyebrow.
  I don't think, love, I know," Jean told him as she kept slamming her enemy's around with even greater telekinetic fury.
  Jean was really going to town on these clones, the Phoenix's fury burning through her body felt amazing.
  "What's their plan?" Rogue hissed as she noticed some of the clones started to become fixated on her. It was starting to creep her out.
  A bone rattling punch to the jaw brought her enemy down and Rogue winced as she felt this Blockbuster was stronger.
  Harry saw the arrival of SHIELD.
  'Fashionably late as always, Nicky boy,' Harry thought to himself. He readied himself for another fight and he slammed his arms against the back of the head of his adversaries.
  "I think that they're after the third key," Rogue said, she felt her mind get a little fuzzy.
  "Oh, and what is that?" Kara asked as she used her ice breath to send a group of Marauder clones into their own personal ice age.
  Rogue used her strong will to snap herself back to something that resembled reality. "Actually I think that someone is me."
  Harry knew why, he saw him, a brief hint of him anyway. It was Mesmero and he slipped off into the shadows.
  It was a good thing that Rogue was able to keep it together.
  'Help me make sure she can keep it together, Jean,' Harry told her through the link.
  'Right,' Jean told him as she locked her thoughts onto his.
  Both of them created an overlapping shield that would hopefully protect Rogue's mind from further harm, at least that's what the idea was. If Mesmero tried to worm his grimy fingers into her mind, he would be in for a few surprises.
  "And now they're leaving, well what's left of them," Gwen said as she watched them but Harry felt tense.
  "They gave up a bit too easy," Harry responded to them.
  "Too easy, with that fight?" Gwen asked him with a raised eyebrow, wondering if Harry was being a pessimistic asshole again. Truthfully he was too paranoid for his own good, and it was quite honestly one of his most annoying character traits.
  Kara felt compelled to jump in and defend Harry. The blonde placed her hand on the top of her head. "Well don't you find it the least bit odd that Mesmero left the building just before the Marauders did?"
  Kitty looked thoughtful. "Yeah that's weird."
  "Rogue, you're fine, nothing's going to happen," Harry said as he pulled her into a tight hug.
  "Rogue, you're fine, nothing's going to happen," Harry said to her as he pulled her into a tight hug.
  Kara and Harry both heard the same beacon and they knew what it meant.
  Rogue heard it as well with her somewhat sharper hearing and she was surprised. She could have sworn that Kitty heard something too given the expression on her face but if she did, she did not say anything.
  Milton Fine watched. Everything was going according to plan. Soon the true face of Krypton would return.
  Mister Sinister was not the patient type, especially when his carefully laid plans crumbled into dust before his eyes.
  "And let me state for the record. Again. That I knew that this plan wasn't going to work," Mystique offered condescendingly. She could not resist rubbing this one into his face.
  Sinister, despite the slight, remained calm, almost scarily so. "Dear Raven, do not despair, I still have a plan that will work."
  Mystique had heard that one more than a few times before from different employees, it was attempt for them to try and show that they still had things under control even though most times they were close to losing their minds. She knew that if something happened to Sinister, her debt would be paid by default, so it was prudent to give the sadistic idiot more than enough rope to hang himself with, and she saw the look in his eyes that indicated he was trying to keep things under control.
  Even though it was completely obvious by all indications precisely how much he was losing control. Mystique could not help but smile at that thought. Her eyes continued to flash with something akin to excitement. Her red hair flipped back and her eyes danced.
  Sinister meanwhile, only considered this battle for what it was and that was a temporary setback at best. He was not about to lose himself, not when he was this close to the finish line.
  Rather he turned to Mesmero and decided to place the blame where he felt it was most deserved. His nasty gaze burned into the face of the mutant that stood in the shadows.
  "You had one simple job, that was to ensnare the girl's mind and bring her here," Sinister told Mesmero and the mutant bowed.
  "Well if you had been able to give me a more durable distraction, maybe she would have been brought before you and the temple would have been unlocked to release the Great One," Mesmero told him a nasty sneer on his at face as he looked at Sinister. "Perhaps you should consider putting blame where it is due and that is on yourself alongside your pathetic clones."
  Sinister looked at him, disbelief swimming through his eyes and there was only one statement that popped out of his lips. "You dare?"
  "Yes, I dare but you've blundered this entire mission and it's hardly a fault of mine," Mesmero said as he stood in front of Sinister.
  "Without Apocalypse, you would be nothing but an afterthought," Sinister stated harshly and Mesmero raised an eyebrow.
  "And you would be something?" Mesmero asked.
  Mystique said nothing, all she did was sit back and enjoy the show for what it was. And it was quite the show to say the least. Her eyes followed Sinister and Mesmero, watching the two of them bicker back and forth like it was a Tennis Match.
  "Well isn't this a nice little picture?"
  Their gaze turned to Norman Osborn as he showed up, dressed in a suit.
  "You must have lost your mind to come here," Mystique said as she prepared herself to attack but Sinister gave her a warning look.
  "I can tell you that I'm as sane as I ever was," Osborn stated to her and that was a statement that everyone was skeptical about. "It seems like no matter what, at the end of the day, you keep failing to take him down, again and again and again."
  "We haven't failed," Sinister said to him.
  Osborn corked his eyebrow. "I consider your lack of ability to defeat Arcane to be that of abject failure."
  Sinister remained calm and he placed his hand on the top of his head and surveyed Osborn. "I could have sworn that you were equally unable to defeat him as well."
  Osborn said nothing at least not at the moment. His gaze locked onto Sinister's face as the two of them proceed to attempt to stare each other down. Neither backed down for the second but Osborn was calm and collected, almost scarily so.
  "You might think that you have me but you're wrong," Osborn said as he dodged an attack from Harpoon in the shadows at super speed.
  Harpoon felt a fist impact through his chest and he slumped over Norman's hand. Osborn followed it up by slamming him into the wall with a cracking crunch then left him there to slump bonelessly to the ground.
  "I have power beyond all measure, beyond anything your pitiful mind is capable of even dreaming of," Osborn told Sinister.
  Sinister would be a liar if he was not curious about this. From what he found out, the goblin formula was a botched effort but now Osborn had evolved into something entirely different. His beady eyes fixed upon on Osborn.
  "So, an interesting turn around," Sinister stated as he faced Osborn fully. "But do you mind telling me how you received this burst of power?"
  Osborn remained extremely calm. "Well that's something for you to determine. Although with each passing failure, your master will not be too happy with you."
  "Am I failing?"
  Sinister's bravado was obvious although there was a sense that bravado was a mask that he was hiding behind. Sinister and Osborn locked eyes on each other and neither would back down.
  "I think that the two of us could together quite effectively," Osborn said to him and this caught Sinister off guard.
  He raised an eyebrow. "You expect me to trust you, don't you?"
  Osborn's sneer crossed over his face as he decided to take the bullets out of his gun and he watched the person in front of him. "Well you're running out of options, aren't you?"
  Sands spill out of the hourglass, Sinister's eyes flashed with a tiny bit of desperation and there was a look in his eyes that none of the Marauders had ever seen before.
  "You know Apocalypse must come for the world to be forced to survive," Osborn said as he stared down Sinister. "I can help you."
  Sinister paused once more.
  "Can you now?" Sinister asked him and Osborn's gaze fixed on them.
  "This is a limited time offer," Osborn told Sinister and his warning gaze burned into his face. "I have a plan that will bring all our enemies down."
  Sinister would accept his help for now but prepared to make a fall out plan for when this alliance inevitably went pear shaped.
  "I know we have a problem, it's just....Jean sensed it," Harry told Lara as he made his way to the Fortress after she summoned him.
  "He's coming," Lara told him.
  "Yes, I know Apocalypse, but we're keeping an eye on Rogue, she's the third key, I don't know how but she is," Harry replied to her.
  Peve jumped in with a few words of her own. "Whilst Apocalypse is concerning, there is another enemy, one of the ghosts of Krypton has returned."
  Harry and Kara exchanged an anxious look with each other. Both of them felt their hearts skip a few beats. They would need to know everything before they gave the Team full disclosure. The two of them nervously waited for the bombshell to drop.
  "We believe that an agent of Zod's made his way to Earth from Krypton but he's working with one of the gravest threats that Krypton has ever experienced," Alura said and she let out a lengthy breath even though the action was far from necessary given that she was an artificial intelligence construct.
  "Troubling, well don't just leave me hanging in suspense," Harry said as he crossed his arms over his chest after stretching his shoulders.
  Alura decided to jump in and tell him what the Council had found out. "We caught an energy signature, it's very low level but it's coming from an area within New York City."
  Harry had a very bad feeling about this although he could not figure what it was. His eyes locked forward as he asked the extremely obvious question. "Exactly where is it coming from?"
  There was a few seconds where Alura ran over to try and get the energy signature.
  "I'm not going to mince words, this project started at a good idea at a time but it's the definite example of how good ideas can be corrupted," Lara said in a wistful voice and Harry listened to what his mother was about to tell him. "The BrainInteractive Construct was supposed to look over the entire Kryptonian race, to help us, to allow us to evolve to be as strong as possible and as they said, Krypton was supposed to last for a million years."
  "And that didn't happen," Harry stated to her.
  "No, it didn't happen, as we well know," Lara said as she thought about it and the tragedy of the situation. There were many tragedies that took place on Krypton but the corruption of that system was one.
  "Zod got his mitts on the BrainInteractive Construct and decided to destroy the planet," Alura informed him.
  Kara balled her hands up into fists up where they lay at her hips but said nothing. The fact of the matter was that the General was one of the most horrific figures in the entire history of Krypton. He started as one of the most respected which made things even more galling. The blonde tried to keep things optimistic and she could tell that Harry was going to comfort her. The wizard snaked his arm around her waist.
  "Zod caused the deaths of many and I'd imagine that he was behind the destruction of Kandor as well," Lara said to them as she pushed her hair back out of her face and offered a prominent sigh. Her hologram flickered with an expressive glance.
  That was one of the many tragedies to befall Krypton, the destruction of Kandor was a horror beyond all horrors and something that left an ugly mark on everyone who had friends and family inside the City. Kara thought about it, her eyes shut and Harry pulled her into a tight one armed hug. The blonde's smile crossed over her face as Harry kept holding her in his tight grip.
  "And now he's coming to Earth....I thought you said that his body was destroyed before he was exiled to the Phantom Zone," Harry said.
  He saw how Sirius's body barely stood up after being possessed by Riddle....well he was the one million shot that defied each and every bit of logic. That was just the way that he rolled. He wondered what would happen with Zod but Lily, who was quiet, spoke up.
  "I won't lie Harry, I'm concerned about this one, as feared as Voldemort was, he was a monster among idiots," Lily told Harry. "He had a moderate amount of power."
  Harry smiled as he thought about that. How easy it was to flatten him like a soda can this morning.
  "But while Voldemort killed many, his deaths were far less than what General Zod was responsible for, Voldemort was a glorified serial killer with a wand, Zod was a ruthless army general who caused genocide within days on a galactic scale," Lily said.
  "And even if he does have this sick pleasure of making other men kneel before him, he's still extremely dangerous," Lara told Harry and he nodded in a stoic manner. "I wouldn't take him lightly however."
  "We have to find out where his minion is holed up and take the fight to him," Kara said in a fierce voice but Harry shook his head.
  "Don't get impulsive, Kara," Harry warned her and Kara crossed her arms with a pout about to protest but Harry silenced her with a mere look. "I know you want to take down who did this, I would be the same but we got to have a plan."
  Kara smiled even if it was strained. "Right....a plan...that's kind of your forte, isn't it?"
  Harry smiled back at her. "Yes, it kind of is."
  There was some pretty good news as well, despite everything, Harry had a pretty good support network in place that would allow him to work through everything. He had a group that was amazing, actually that was not the only thing that he had to do.
  'Harry, we've got a problem,' Jean thought to him.
  'Of course we do,' Harry thought but he figured that this might be different than the other problems that he talked about.
  'The Goblin's alive, he's attacking the city, and.....he's been upgraded,' Jean told him through the link.
  Harry sighed, that most certainly qualified as a problem.
  To Be Continued in Part Two.
  Requim Part Two
  Chapter 29: Requim Part Two.
  "This is Cat Grant, with Daily Bugle Communications, bringing to you the latest, on the Green Goblin and his...."
  The reporter's sentence was stopped in mid-stream as the Green Goblin himself circled around her in the air on his glider, his malicious intentions obvious for all to see. The blonde followed his progress with wide eyes as she watched him in abject horror.
  "The Green Goblin...."
  "Yes, you rang!" The Goblin shouted in a crazed voice as he dropped down to face the young reporter causing the blonde to take half of a step backwards. "No, no, continue, please."
  The blonde swallowed the lump in her throat as the Green Goblin grabbed her hair then yanked up off her feet by it quite roughly leaving her dangling from his hand about a foot off the ground.
  "This is the kind of exclusive that makes the life of a reporter, Miss Grant," The Goblin remarked as a malicious grin spread over his face. "Now, don't be scared, I know you want to find out what I'm up to."
  Cat's expression was filled with wide eyed terror and the Goblin's grin was wide as he focused on the horrified face of the young reporter.
  "Go ahead, ask me, what am I up to?" Green Goblin asked as Cat was shaking in terror but she attempted to maintain a stance that was bold and daring despite the fact she thought she was going to die any moment now.
  "Well um what are you.....what are you up exactly?" the frightened reporter asked in an extremely shaky voice full of agony.
  The Green Goblin offered her a mock pondering expression as he tapped his chin thoughtfully with the finger of his free hand as he stared down the reporter who swallowed the lump in her throat as she waited to see what this mad man would do next.
  "Well, that's a good question. A really good one but the thing is, this entire city, it's ripe for the taking; so I'm going to take it!" The Green Goblin told Cat as tightened the already rough grip he had on her causing the reporter to flinch even harder. "Calm down! We're going for a ride."
  Cat froze up for a moment before she started to desperately struggle in an attempt to break free of his hold.
  Cat froze up and she desperately struggled.
  "And what I can't take, I'm going to break," Goblin whispered creepily in her ear. "Because that's just how I roll."
  The Green Goblin maintaining the grip he had on her head was about to haul her up onto his glider for a very long trip into the air that would be followed by an extremely long fall.
  A blur shot out from out of nowhere and grabbed Cat out from underneath his grip. The blonde reporter felt her entire life flash before her eyes as she got sprinted away, her heart beating rapidly as her breathing quickened. The young man sprinted her away over a great distance before depositing her gently onto the ground.
  Cat Grant realized who she'd been saved by and her eyes widened. Of course, she heard the words of the police to get out of there and so she did.
  Arcane looked up and saw the Green Goblin perched on his glider high above him. Three pumpkin bombs were thrown at him but Arcane blocked them with a shield and deactivated them with a flick of his wrist. The bombs rotated into the air and blasted apart into dust. He used his heat vision to deactivate the glider.
  'Rogue, you're up,' Harry thought to her through the link, hoping that she was ready.
  Sure thing, Sugah,' Rogue commented as she came from above the Green Goblin and nailed him with a super powerful punch to the side of head. She continued to rock the Green Goblin with a series of punches to the head, trying to back him off as much as she could.
  'Kitty, Kara, catapult,' Harry coached them, as he tried to get some kind of control on the ground but he was confident that the girls would be able to do something without any direct interference.
  "And you didn't think that the Goblin would come out to play without your friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man showing up to the party!"
  Spider-Man propelled himself up into the air and knocked the Green Goblin off of his glider. Harry smiled as the Green Goblin shot an energy blast from his hand. The Web Slinger dodged it easily and hurled a huge piece of the debris back at his attacker.
  "You're an insect and not worth my time!" Green Goblin yelled as he hurled pumpkin bombs at Spider-Man but the web slinger ducked it.
  "You must be off your nut Osborn!" Spider-Man yelled as he bounced back and knocked the Goblin for a loop. A double kick nailing the crazed criminal right on the top of his head. "Everyone knows that spiders aren't insects, they're arachnids...."
  "They squash just the same!" the Green Goblin howled as he hurled another pumpkin bomb at the Web Head but he dodged the attack then kept ducking and weaving any follow up attempts. "Come out Spider, come to the parlor and meet your destruction meet the..."
  The Green Goblins mad declaration was cut off by Kitty hurtling through the air towards him. The brunette mutant closed her eyes as she passed through the Green Goblin's body. Osborn looked around in surprise and there was a second where he paused, wondering what that was supposed to accomplish.
  He got that answer in the form of Kara's fist plowing into the top of his head. The Goblin was rattled as he nearly driven into the ground, his eyes going cross eyed as the blonde Kryptonian followed that up by knocking him across the face for an extremely heavy loop causing his head to be thrown back from the force.
  They would like to say that this was a mission accomplished but they knew better, oh boy did they ever know better.
  The Goblin's head reared back and Harry continued his scan on the man, it was just as he thought. A life model decoy and a distraction in general.
  "And we've been tricked, haven't we?" Spider-Man asked Harry and the wizard offered a slight smile along with a nod.
  "Yep, pretty much," Harry told the web slinger and Spider-Man threw his heads back in a sigh.
  "I figured as much but what was Osborn.....what was he doing?" the web slinger asked Harry and Harry smiled.
  "He's trying to keep us off his trail, he left us a false one, intelligent of him," Harry said as he paused his eyes as he eyes fixated on the LMD. It appeared that Osborn had some connections that could hook him up with SHIELD tech.
  That did beg the question of where the real deal was. Harry and his team had their work cut out for them.
  "There was a noise complaint down here a couple of days ago but when people went down and investigated, it stopped so the police chalked it up as a nuisance call," Chloe told Gwen as the two of them made their way down the stairs of the school. They were actually here for their graduation but Chloe was not going to pass up a chance to investigate and stick her nose somewhere it didn't belong, today of all days.
  Gwen raised an eyebrow and offered Chloe a teasing expression. "Just before graduation, bit keen aren't we?"
  Chloe shook her head. "Not really, in fact, graduation would be the perfect time to commence with any kind of evil doings."
  Gwen offered a sigh, about to say something but then she perked up. She felt an acute ringing in the back of her head and it was getting louder and louder. The blonde's eyes shifted towards the door in front of her.
  "What is it?" Chloe asked.
  "There's.....there's....there's something behind this door," Gwen offered. Her powers had been acting weird the last few days with both the random Marauder attack and then the Green Goblin's return. Gwen did hope that Peter made it back in time for graduation because he ducked out fairly quickly.
  "Okay, this is....sounds like someone wasn't nuts," Chloe offered Gwen and Gwen nodded at her. Gwen tried to open the door but it would not budge. "I wish that I could hear this."
  "How....how....how can you not hear that?" Gwen asked. The machine and the noise it was making was starting to drive her up the wall. The blonde closed her eyes and tried to focus.
  "I don't....maybe...." Chloe started but she trailed off. She might not have heard the machine but she did in fact hear something.
  Gwen was about ready to stop her attempts to open the door but Chloe pulled her into the shadows and the two of them bumped into a figure that made their way around the corner.
  The two blondes were about ready for a fight only to see one Lois Lane standing before them or rather she fell backwards onto the tile floor before them.
  Chloe had to ask the obvious question, looking at her cousin with a suspicious glint in her eyes. "What are you doing here?"
  "I could ask you the same question," Lois fired back as she stared Chloe down but the blonde's stubbornness radiated for all to feel.
  "Well, it could be because of the fact that I go to school here and I'm graduating today," Chloe offered to her with a smile.
  "Yeah....I know that and that's why I was here but I thought that since the ceremony isn't for a few hours, I'd do some snooping around for a story," Lois said as the two of them continued to stare at each other, they were definitely interested in what she was saying now. She was about to say how her source told that there was rumors of a humming. "You know, they could be building some kind of Doomsday device underneath the school...."
  "Oh that would be about right, someone trying to blow up the school on graduation day, probably saw too many episodes of Buffy or something," Gwen offered with an exasperated sigh.
  "Something tells me....no it's not that...."
  "You ladies are a bit far from where you should be, are you?"
  Gwen, Chloe, and Lois turned around and they saw Milton Fine standing there in the hallway.
  "Wait....I saw you for the rest of the teachers, there's no way that you could be here," Gwen offered to him but Fine's smile grew wider.
  "Your smart, Miss Stacy, too smart for you own good," Fine offered with a twisted grin as he held his hand on Gwen's shoulder and this caused her to feel a tiny bit dirty but she closed her eyes and sighed. "If you were a bit smarter, you would have known to keep your nose out of my business."
  "Hey, let the two of them go, they didn't...."
  "Oh, they're children, they're innocent, is that what you're trying to tell me, Miss Lane?" Fine asked as he turned around towards Lois and she backed up, swallowing a lump in her throat. "I know that they have the ability to be as meddlesome as you are."
  "Well, I know what you are, I know who you are, you're the other one, and I also know....you won't be too happy when I use this!" Gwen yelled as she pulled a chunk of green rock out from a box that she had in her purse and Milton Fine recoiled back.
  Fine's eyes glazed over in pain and he managed one pained declaration.
  "Get them!"
  However Gwen, Lois, and Chloe had already fled from the scene.
  "What was that?" Lois asked.
  "It's called Kryptonite," Gwen said quickly and Lois raised an eyebrow but Chloe helpfully chimed in with a few words of her own.
  "That's a meteor rock from the planet Krypton," Chloe said and there was a few seconds where Lois looked at her. "You know, the same planet where the Star Child's from."
  "Oh, Har-Rell," Lois said in a distracted voice as her mind was filled with growing dread. There was something that was causing to lose her mind.
  "That won't slow him down, not for a long, we need some help and we need it now," Gwen stated as she pressed a button on her watch.
  Lois knew all about the Star Child, naturally but that was neither here and now. She stopped with a skid before she shook her head.
  "Don't look now....but Doctor Fine has gone all T-1000 on us," Lois stated as the silver liquid appeared before Fine popped up in front of her.
  "So that fool Jax-Ur couldn't hold you, it seems like I'm going to have to do the job myself," Fine stated in a monotone but this Fine was different than the other one.
  They knew this better than anyone else when the tentacles shot out and wrapped around their bodies. The girls tried to escape but the tight grip they were in held them helpless and unable to move.
  "The Milton Fine you knew was merely a puppet, a scientist known as Jax-Ur, who commissioned my creation, he thought those fools in the Council were too weak willed to run the planet," he said in creepy monotone.
  "Great, another fanatic, wonderful," Gwen groaned as she tried to reach for the Kryptonite but found that she could not.
  "I would not bother," he said dryly as his eyes glowed. "Jax-Ur did not have the imagination, not like I had. I grew and learned from alien races, becoming stronger, smarter. But the true face of Krypton was exiled. He could have saved them."
  "And by saved, you mean enslaved," Gwen managed in a strangled voice as she felt the crushing force of the tentacles tightening around her.
  "Better think of something Extremis girl, before we become extras in a hentai," Chloe whispered to Gwen.
  Gwen frowned, the blue prints of this thing....well they were complex, even more so than Ultron. She wished she had gotten a chance to study Kryptonian technology more, but she did recognize a few bits and bytes. And he had been augmented with technology from other races.
  "The BrainInteractive Construct will bring forth the true face of Krypton once more," he said as he held them tightly within it's tentacled grasp.
  A beam of heat vision shot out and a blonde appeared at super speed, knocking the second Fine so hard against the closet wall that it cracked under the impact.
  Kara was the one who showed up to rescue the group and Chloe, Gwen, and Lois eyed the blonde nervously.
  "Not the Kryptonian I was expecting," Gwen breathed but she pulled herself up. She felt her head ringing as she could not make heads or tails of this technology. "But thanks for the rescue."
  "Never mind where the other is, we've got problems, big problems, that's the BrainInteractive Construct, he was the thing that helped bring my planet down along with...."
  "The daughter of Zor-El," he dead panned as he turned around, the artificial skin peeling off of his face.
  "So any suggestions?" Chloe asked.
  "Yeah, run," Kara stated dryly as she focused her eyes and shot heat vision against him. She burned a hole through him with her most intense blast.
  Fine healed his body, as the other version of Fine appeared. Kara jumped into the air and used her ice breath to freeze Jax-Ur in place.
  "You will not pass," Brainiac stated as he tried to blast Kara but she dodged behind him.
  Yeah, well I'm doing a pretty good job of doing so right now," Kara commented to him as she swayed in the air, a smug smile never leaving her face.
  "Yeah, I'm insolent, what are you going to do about it?" Kara taunted.
  The footsteps of SHIELD agents could be heard as they moved in.
  Gwen, Lois, and Chloe slipped out of there.
  "Well here come the men in black, so we know this situation is getting serious," Lois said as she watched everything.
  "You girls better leave," a man with dark hair dressed in a uniform.
  "And who are you...."
  "Agent Phil Coulson, of SHIELD," he stated to them as he stared down the three girls and Lois was the one that was about to protest the most. "We've heard word that there's a dangerous device being built in the basement of this school but you need to get out of there, classified information and all that."
  "Right, out of here, although word of advice, you might be out of your depth with that thing," Gwen warned him as the girls were ushered out.
  Kara was blasting her enemy with a series of rocket buster punches.
  "You know what's a shame?" Brainiac asked her.
  "That your face is so ugly?" Kara asked blandly.
  "It's a shame that your cousin will be destroyed at the hands of Zod," he stated.
  "Clear out, this might hurt!" Coulson yelled to Kara and she looked over her shoulder, seeing the really big energy cannon that he was packing. The blonde got the hit that it was time for her to go up, up, and away and get out of there. She cleared out as fast as she could go.
  'Okay, here goes nothing,' Kara thought as she mentally crossed her fingers as she heard the rumbling of the cannon firing to life.
  "Do you really think that's going to be...."
  The energy blast ripped through the air and connected with his chest.
  Coulson took a deep breath as he took in the fruits of his labor but he realized that was not going to ding him, not even a bit.
  "Now, that Supergirl is out of here, we're going to have to...."
  "Supergirl, is that what we're calling her?" one of the agents asked.
  "Do you have a better name?" Coulson asked in a tense voice as he watched them. "Fury wants this thing....whatever it is, cleared out of here yesterday. Team Omega is clearing out the students and their families, the last thing we need is to incite a panic."
  "The BrainInteractive Construct will not be stopped by your futile human weapons."
  "And let's shut Brainiac up," Coulson added to them and there were a few raised eyebrows but he paid him no mind. "Fire, give him everything that you've got."
  SHIELD gave him everything but suddenly Jax-Ur was able to break free from the ice he'd been contained within.
  "Do me a favor and make sure the weapon is secured, we must commence with the time table," Brainiac stated to him and he went off at super speed.
  "GOT IT!"
  Hawkeye shot a few arrows which blew up the ground in front of him but Jax-Ur flew up, up, and away and made his escape.
  Sinister watched from the shadows, along with Osborn.
  "Soon, soon, he will be released," Sinister said but Osborn said nothing, other than to smile.
  Sinister knew one thing, the Stacy girl's genetic code would be the perfect way to circumvent the third and final key needed to open up the crypt to release Apocalypse.
  "Mr. Osborn has lost his mind Sir, you might not be safe," Lionel's bodyguard stated to him but Lionel chuckled in response blowing off the warning.
  "Nonsense, I know how to handle Norman when he has one of his psychotic breaks, trust me on this one," Lionel said to the man before him and he decided not to press the issue. "We'll figure this one out, together, both of us. Trust me on this one."
  "What you think and what you know, may be two different things, Lionel."
  He turned around in time to see the Green Goblin hovering on the glider.
  "I'm keeping an eye on that fool Essex and I'm keeping an eye on you, isn't technology grand?" Norman asked him.
  "Now, Norman, don't be hasty....we can...."
  Lionel was grabbed around the throat and Norman pushed him back against the wall. There was a few seconds where it seemed Osborn was trying to contemplate what he wanted to do with Lionel.
  "I'm sure you're going to tell me that you can get me with help, well the kind of help I got caused me to lose control of my company, now I'm going to take control back!" The Green Goblin yelled out as he threw a pumpkin bomb at the ground, causing it to slowly break apart.
  The ground cracked underneath them and there was a huge echo that indicated that there another pumpkin bomb had been hurled. The Green Goblin lifted his hands into the air and sent out a huge swath of pumpkin bombs that caused Lionel to try and back away due to his panic.
  The Green Goblin spun around and saw another group making their way down the hallway. Lionel stepped back and tried to grab the alarm handle but Norman grabbed Lionel's around the wrist, causing it to snap from the force he exerted.
  "Not....not...going to happen!" Green Goblin sang as he hoisted up Lionel and looked outside the window.
  "Now don't be....don't be, don't be...."
  "Yes Lionel, they're words, you use them to speak, but full sentences are conducive to having a conversation, so you have about five seconds to figure out what the fuck you want to say or you will be taking an extremely long trip out of a very high window," The Green Goblin said.
  "If you want your company back I can...."
  The Goblin grabbed his hand and twisted his already broken wrist, causing him a huge burst of pain to resound through his body. He closed his eyes tightly as Lionel pushed him back and tried to run away.
  "Mistake," Goblin commented as he fired an energy blasted at him as he heard a signal from his other self that caused him to smile. "Sorry, Lionel, I've got to wrap this up soon so you've got to go and you're going to go, hard."
  The Green Goblin picked up a pair of pumpkin bombs and hurled them towards his half brother, causing a loud explosion to resound. Lionel nearly fell through the floor but Osborn grabbed him.
  "Not yet, it's not that easy," Green Goblin said but there was the sound of footsteps behind him. A frown crossed his face as his eyes flashed with anger and malice. "So, you think that I'm going to allow this to happen that easily."
  Lionel was shoved off to the side as the SHIELD representatives made their appearance.
  "You tried to take me out the first time and it didn't work so well," Osborn asked them in a taunting voice as he looked at them. "Do you really think that it's going to work out any better this time?"
  There was sense they paused before they fired. Osborn made his way around, jumping up, and he threw razor bats across the room at the agents of SHIELD.
  Osborn whipped his head back just in time to duck a blast from across the room. He flew around the room, swerving, ducking, and weaving throwing pumpkin bombs the whole while.
  BAM, BAM, BAM! The Green Goblin caused explosions to resound from every direction and threw his head back to give his malicious laugh. He saw that Lionel ran off in the other direction. He looked over his shoulder and flew backwards, tapping his fingers on the edge of the glider, before he blasted a large hole through the door.
  He was going to keep on going and he saw two of the SHIELD transport vehicles.
  'The day has come,' stated his contact.
  Osborn smiled, he knew that the day had come, all he had to do was seize the moment and the day would be his. He made his way further and his eyes peered as he held his pumpkin bombs in his hand, leaving a trail of destruction behind him.
  His laughter became even more insane as he made his way towards Midtown High.
  'Hello,' Green Goblin stated as he saw Lois, Chloe, and Gwen, amongst others who were moving in a panic.
  Gwen had that nervous feeling going through her body and she heard the Goblin glider she knew the reason why.
  "GOBLIN AT TWELVE O CLOCK!" Gwen yelled and the Green Goblin dive bombed through the air.
  "MOVE!" Lois yelled as she shoved Chloe out of the way and took the brunt of the hit.
  She was down but not out, as she flew backwards with a huge impact.
  Gwen rushed back and picked up one of the energy blasters that the SHIELD agents dropped and she aimed it, blasting him over and over again. He shrugged off the attacks like they were spitballs.
  "You're spirited, I'll give you that, too bad I'm going to have to crush that spirit into dust!" The Green Goblin howled as he grabbed her around the throat and hoisted her up.
  Gwen started to kick her legs as the Green Goblin held her up in the air by her neck.
  "Oh, you want to call your little hero?" The Green Goblin mocked her as he reached towards the signal watch and pressed it in. "Here, the more the merrier."
  "Are you insane?" Gwen asked him as the Green Goblin had her.
  "Well, yes....what are you doing?" Green Goblin asked as Gwen closed her eyes and began to lock onto the guidance system of his glider.
  "Leveling the playing field," Gwen said as she kicked him the balls causing him to let go of her and she dropped down to the ground, her powers causing the goblin's glider to crash into the roof with the guidance system jammed thanks to her hacking into it. She got back to her feet, and picked up the bag of pumpkin bombs.
  Gwen hurled a pumpkin bomb at him and caused the Green Goblin to back off but Gwen was grabbed around the shoulder and driven to her knees by Sinister.
  "Your distraction is much appreciated, now we must move onto the next stage of the plan."
  Harry's team was not the only person that picked up something. Magneto walked to the edge of the temple, followed by his Acolytes.
  "Stay alert, Essex and his minions are around here, and there's no clue as to where Norman Osborn scurried off to," Magneto told them. Apocalypse threatened them all and Magneto had to remain vigilante for if he was not, it would be game over for them all.
  "Right about that...."
  "I know what we need to do and we'll do it," Domino stated as she nervously looked over her shoulder.
  "It's just us," Cyclops said as he walked forward, with Nightcrawler, Beast, and Storm, with Xavier also being wheeled in to the picture.
  "That doesn't exactly help my confidence," Domino replied dryly but Magneto gave her a warning look and she backed off.
  "Siryn are you...."
  "I'm here," the young girl stated as she walked forward. She had long red hair that framed the pale skin of her face. She had a smattering of freckles and she was fairly busty with a green top wrapping around her bust, showing a fantastic deal of cleavage. She had tight black plants as well. "There's nothing back there, nothing in the tunnel."
  "I'm surprised Harry and his team haven't gotten here yet," Kurt offered to them but them he grew tense. "Unless they're already here...."
  "Where's Drake?" Scott asked.
  "Here....and keeping it cool," Bobby remarked to them with a smile on his face which got more than a few groans and he looked innocent or at least what passed as innocent for Iceman. "What, what did I do?"
  "You opened your mouth icecube, now stick your nose out there and see what's up," Wolverine ordered as he walked inside and took a sniff. "Something in here smells off."
  "Don't need the nose for that, there is something off, the energy reading is off of the scales," Beast said as he linked up the portal computer he had on him but it started to short out. "Well, that could be a problem."
  "Could be?" Logan asked him and there was a secondary pause before Beast stuck his neck out.
  "Yes, I believe it could be," Beast stated as the tension around them seemed to heighten even further.
  "Stay alert," Storm warned them as she felt there was something going around them.
  Cyclops saw that the golems, for lack of a better term, beginning to march their way down the hallway towards them. He tensed up and flipped his visor back, causing an energy blast to fire at these enemies. The golems were backed off for a second before they kept advancing forward.
  "I'll take them down, my friend," Gambit stated as he prepared his playing cards and shuffled the deck, throwing them up into the air.
  They bounced off of the golems but it allowed Colossus to stampede towards his enemies. His body shifted into organic steel and he lifted his arm back. There was a thunderous crunch but there was nothing, not even a scratch.
  Nightcrawler threw himself into the air and dodged out of the way of the attacks. He landed up and down into the air with a pop.
  More pops echoed as the mutant tried to avoid the attacks.
  "Got it!" Iceman stated as the creatures, now they saw something more then shadows, they were ugly, stone, and had carved faces, lurched forward. The mutant lifted his hands in the air and he blasted a burst of ice that caused them to be stuck in place.
  "You merely slowed them down," Magneto told him coldly but there was a few seconds where there was a hum on the other side.
  "The Marauders," Cyclops managed.
  "Very good, you have brain cells, that's encouraging," Vertigo commented as she stepped forward and exerted her powers. "Too bad I'm going to have to scramble them."
  She lifted her hands up and caused the vertigo effect to resound through them, it rattled them and caused them to become dizzy. They were trying to push themselves back to their feet but Vertigo exerted more power.
  "Take them down," Vertigo ordered Blockbuster, who nodded and took a step forward.
  Cyclops tried to push himself up but Riptide grabbed him and hurled him against the wall.
  "Time to fight fire, with....fire," Siryn managed as she tried to lift her head up in order to face them. "And....cover your ears, you've got to....cover your ears."
  "Right, covering my ears!" Iceman shouted and the others nodded in agreement as Siryn turned her head around and opened her mouth up wide in preparation to use her powers.
  An ear splitting scream echoed outwards knocking the Marauders backwards but a pumpkin bomb hurled out at them, nearly blowing up half of the temple. There was a loud explosion that resounded around all of them and the humming continued to escalate even further.
  "Got it!" Green Goblin yelled as he circled them like a bat out of hell. "One side, Chucko!"
  Magneto lifted his hand and pieces of metal began to fly around. The Goblin dropped down and avoided being impaled before he knocked Magneto out.
  Stunned did not even begin to describe how everyone felt.
  "No fucking way. Is this....is this the real deal?" Storm asked in complete and utter disbelief as she moved around out of the way.
  "Hit it with lightning and find out!" Pryo suggested in frustration.
  "JUST DO IT!" Pryo yelled at the top of his lungs as he was about to lose his mind and Storm cued up the lightning but a force knocked her out from behind.
  That force was Mister Sinister, who turned to his Marauders.
  "Make sure the tunnel is clear, I'm going to release Apocalypse," Sinister stated to them as he held Gwen's half-conscious body under his arm.
  Gwen was trying not to betray the fact that she was not knocked completely out. She was attempting to figure out what the technology was around her and trying to tap into it. The blonde's eyes were screwed shut in concentration.
  "Stall them, two minutes, that's all we need, Mystique, get in position, Osborn...."
  "Don't worry, I'll make sure you get everything that's coming to you," Osborn offered with a grin across his face.
  Harry, Kara, Kitty, Rogue, Wanda, and Betsy made their way down the tunnel. M'gann, Laura, and Amara were waiting elsewhere. This was going to be a dangerous mission.
  "Gwen's down here, we've got to be careful," Harry whispered.
  He could track her but he wanted to see what was going to happen.
  "I wonder if...."
  "No Rogue, this is going.....we didn't expect this, not at all but....you know what, we're going to keep going, as if....Gwen will be fine," Harry said as Kitty looked at him, the brunette raising an eyebrow.
  "You're nervous aren't you?"
  Harry gave her a few seconds before he spoke. "How did....how did you know?"
  "I see it in your face, it isn't difficult to see," Kitty told him with a shrug of her shoulders. The brunette decided to add as an afterthought. "Plus you never babble like that."
  "Yeah, Har, you're always calm and collected," Kara said as she stepped forward a little bit. The blonde's eyes focused. "She's down here."
  "Down in the next chamber but the X-Men and the Acolytes are above us," Harry informed them and the group nodded. "But they can deal with the Marauders, they can hold their own, we've got something else to deal with."
  Harry paused and he felt goose bumps appear on his arm. This was most certainly one of those situations where he could get extremely nervous. His eyes focused on the situation before him and he felt his stomach clench a tiny bit as he kept walking forward.
  "Problem, Harry?"
  Wanda felt the energies in the temple and she looked towards him.
  "I think that there's a big problem although I'm not sure what that might be, although I'm trying to figure that out and now," Wanda added as she placed her hands on the top of the wall and shifted it forward.
  "You should have not come here."
  The familiar voice of Sinister could be heard and Harry smiled at him. It was not a friendly smile but one that caused him to stare him down.
  "You have thirty seconds," Harry said to Sinister and the girls nodded.
  "I don't need to defeat you, I merely need to stall you for my cohorts," Sinister stated and Harry smiled.
  "Yes and while you're yapping, the real Harry's on his way to the temple to stop your little plan," Harry commented and Sinister watched him before it clicked.
  "Martian," Sinister growled and M'gann lashed out, grabbing Sinister around his head in a huge telekinetic vice.
  'Jean, little help,' M'gann thought as she tried to push back a little bit.
  'Just there M'gann hang on,' Jean thought as Sinister struggled against their double team grip.
  Harry sped his way down the temple and reached the end. He caught the energy barrier and Gwen was being lead over by Mesmero and Mystique. He smiled and thought outside the box.
  He burst through the ground beneath him with super strength and came out on the other side.
  "You!" Mystique yelled as she tried to pull out a dagger that gave a green glow. She fired a shot at Harry but he dodged it and blocked her again and again.
  "That weakness has been purged a long time again, Raven," Harry told her as he dodged the attacks. He blocked her kick and twisted it around.
  Harry knocked her down but she rolled out of the way of his attack.
  Mystique dodged the attack and suddenly, Gwen broke free from the mental control and knocked her into the wall with a violent throw.
  "Bitch!" Mystique yelled and Gwen was pulled out of the way by Harry.
  Harry went around her and started circling her, lifting her hand up into the air and about ready to leave but Milton Fine showed up.
  "I knew that you couldn't be trusted," Harry stated to Fine. "But the question remains, who are you? Are you Jax-Ur or are you Brainiac?"
  "I'm Jax-Ur, the BrainInteractive Construct has other matters to attend to," Jax-Ur informed him as he sent his heat vision towards Harry who dodged it.
  "You're a thinker, not a fighter," Harry concluded.
  "Very good, Har-Rell, but I don't need to defeat you," Jax-Ur stated but Harry knocked him out.
  Mystique pulled herself up off the ground and she saw it, her chance. Should Apocalypse be freed, her debt with Sinister was settled. Mesmero saw her and the dagger she had in her hand.
  Harry saw Mesmero and took him out before he could try anything. A huge punch knocked the man down to the ground. He had a strong mind but his jaw was made of complete glass.
  Mystique slammed the dagger into Jax-Ur's arm and pushed him back, his strength that of a mere mortal due to his weakness being present. The Kryptonite dagger penetrated his skin and caused blood to drip onto the pedestal.
  The blood of the Star Child could release Apocalypse and the blood of another like him appeared to do the job just as well.
  "He's coming now you can't...."
  An energy blast engulfed Mystique and turned her into stone as she had her hands placed upon the glowing pedestal.
  Harry looked up and saw the gates crack open as a levitating crypt was released into the temple. He heard an eerie hum around him.
  He tried to rush at it at super speed but the energy field repelled him back at ten times the force he exerted.
  Apocalypse was rising.
  Jax-Ur smiled, phase two of the plan was complete, it was now onto phase three of the master plan, and the resurrection of the true face of Krypton.
  To Be Concluded in Part Three.
  Requim Part Three
  Chapter Thirty: Requim Part Three.
  Energy flowed through the temple and there was a loud humming that went through the air. Harry watched as Sinister stood in the background, a self superior smile on his chalk white face.
  "At last, the great one, he returns, behold, the power of Apocalypse!" Sinister yelled at the top of his lungs.
  Harry could feel the power, it was hard not to with the amount of visible energy flowing through air as well as the loud humming accompanying it. He tried to lock onto the source of the energy in order to find a way around it. The emerald eyes of Harry Potter struggled to focus as he tried to figure out what was going on.
  'Okay, the power, I feel the power but....Jean are you picking this up?' Harry asked to the redhead through the bond link.
  'Yeah, I'm picking it up,' Jean commented as she took a moment to focus on what was happening before her eyes. She heard the sounds of a hundred of dead souls crying out for help, their power having been consumed by a malicious force that had been alive all of this time and the redhead wondered how she was keeping it together with all of the sensations she was feeling. 'I can't....'
  'I can't....it's horrible, these sounds, I can't believe it,' M'gann thought in a panicked voice, causing Harry to pause for a moment in an attempt to reassure her.
  'Calm down, things are going to get rough but I'll do what I can to get us out of this alive, don't worry, you'll see,' Harry thought to the girls and all of the others.
  "All will kneel before the might of Apocalypse!" Mesmero yelled with glee as he watched the swirling energy in the air gather onto one point in the room forming a cocoon as it began the process of reforming his master.
  Harry locked onto the energy in an attempt to disrupt it but he was blasted back instead. He did get enough of a sense of it to know that they were in for a rough fight.
  'Gwen?' Harry asked her and the blonde's interest was piqued. 'Does the technology seem....familiar to you?'
  'Yeah, it does...Kang....of course...Kang's a time traveler.....this wasn't his first trip through time, Apocalypse must have gotten a hold of Kang's technology and used it to increase his own power,' Gwen remarked to Harry as he sped over to take out the latest batch of Marauders that showed up in one fluid motion.
  Now that Gwen had the thread, she was able to figure out a way to counteract everything. The blonde frowned as Harry stood up straight and looked over his shoulder to give her an encouraging smile. The young blonde focused her expression intently on what she had to do.
  Apocalypse broke out of the energy cocoon to stand before them in all his glory, he was tall with blue skin and glowing red eyes. Purple and silver armor swathed nearly every inch of his body except for his head and that was only the tip of the iceberg. He was truly larger than life.
  "So, we meet again,"Apocalypse stated in an unearthly sounding voice that seemed to echo through their minds as well as their ears as he went face to face with Harry. "Har-Rell, it has been a long time but now I will make sure that you do not defeat me in the past by erasing your future."
  "Good luck with that," Harry offered as he went at Apocalypse with super speed but an energy field manifested around him at the last second.
  Harry put the brakes on coming to an immediate halt and took a step back, he had to rethink this strategy. What he was trying now wasn't working.
  "You cannot hope to defeat me,"Apocalypse stated in the manner all villains seemed to do when they were certain of their own superiority, but was interrupted from continuing to speak further as an energy blast burst through the doors sending them hurtling open.
  "Take him down!" Cyclops yelled as he ripped off his visor and nailed Apocalypse with a full force optic blast.
  It had an interesting effect as Apocalypse was forced back a few steps as the concussive force of the beam exerted itself again him and Wolverine stepped forward to take advantage of his temporary distraction.
  Apocalypse reached forward and nailed Cyclops with a huge super powerful punch. A huge punch caused Wolverine to be obliterated in the backwash as well. The energy blast was too much for the feral mutant to deal with.
  "Take him out!" Kitty yelled as she tried to phase through the energy field but ended up screaming in agony instead as the field negated her ability and instead ended up shocking the hell out of her.
  Harry super sped her out of the way before she could be destroyed. The brunette was dazed but otherwise seemed to be fine. Kara and Rogue tried to hammer through the force field. They couldn't even get it to budge slightly despite the force of their blows.
  'Gwen, not to rush you but...'
  'I'm trying....he's made a lot of modifications to the technology you showed me,' Gwen thought frantically. The Marauders hovered around her like ever present bees.
  'What's he waiting for?' Wanda asked them.
  Harry smiled as he figured it out. 'I'm not sure he's at full power, this was a back up plan since they weren't able to use Rogue as the third key.'
  'Good, let's figure out how to take him down before he gets back to full strength,' Wanda thought as she kept the Marauders off Gwen's back so she could work her magic with technology. 'I don't suppose that sending a hex bolt at it would...."
  'Well if you want to destroy reality than have at it,' Harry thought as he realized that in the chaos, Jax-Ur had slipped off into the night. Given that there were dozens of bodies in this chamber, it was easy to miss him.
  'Ah good point,' Wanda thought as she closed her eyes and focused so she could feel the energies around them.
  Apocalypse stood, ready, as he knocked Gambit and Pyro back into the wall like they were insignificant cockroaches.
  Using his X-Ray vision Harry was able to find a weak spot in the energy field. Focusing a great deal of his magical energy into his right hand he fired off a punch which caused it to shatter like it was glass under the strength of the blow. Harry followed that up by grabbing onto Apocalypse. He could sense that he could blast everyone into atoms if he had the motivation to do so once he returned to full power. The emerald eyed wizard hoisted up his enemy and plowed him into the side of the temple, then keeping hold of him slammed Apocalypse back into the door.
  "ANNOYING INSECT!" Apocalypse screamed out as he tried to pound his enemy into the ground but Harry dodged the attacks with swift precision.
  'Gwen, not to rush you or anything but...'
  I think I got something,' Gwen thought as she felt a slight headache coming on but she saw every piece of tech that was active around her. The technology present in this temple, it was nearly overwhelming. The blonde kept her head up and Harry gave her a confident gaze giving her the courage that allowed her to act. 'Almost there, so close, closer, closer, almost got it, and....here we go.'
  Gwen saw the blueprints of the temple pop up as she tried to translate the binary code. There were a few different languages, many of them that she did not understand and she bit down on her tongue. She had to concentrate, if she lost focus, it would be over.
  The X-Men, the Acolytes, and the Marauders were all taking a nap on the ground. Harry's team was just barely holding their own.
  'I've got him held off, Gwen, you need to help me keep him in the box....'
  Harry's expression faltered as he was blasted hard in the back and Apocalypse managed to escape the temple.
  Without any hesitation Harry, Jean, Kara, Rogue, Kitty, and Wanda followed him through the portal.
  'It's not going to be that easy, not for him,' Rogue thought through the bond link to them all.
  Jax-Ur left the temple as he experienced the energy flowing in the air. As a man of science, he was intrigued by this event and he wanted to find out even more about what was happening. He made his way to the designated meeting place as he waited for the third and final phase of the plan to come to fruition.
  "I take the plan went as you intended."
  The monotone voice of Brainiac could be heard, as he stood, waiting.
  "The plan is going perfectly," the man told the machine. Soon the man that would lead Krypton to a new age on this primitive mud ball would be released from this cage. He clasped his hands together and awaited to see what would happen next.
  "Careful, Jax-Ur, pride comes before a fall, until the Star Child is finished off, it would not be prudent to toot your own horn as the statement may go," Brainiac warned him as Midtown High was now a ghost town after SHIELD cleared it out. "Using this Apocalypse has worked out well, the timing of his escape is perfect for it will distract them from our true goal."
  Jax-Ur smiled, he had not intended to give his blood to release this extremely powerful force but losing a small amount was worth it to provide a necessary distraction.
  "I see that your device is nearly ready, and the vessel is nearly ready as well," Brainiac commented to him. "He has no idea that he is a puppet, does he?"
  Jax-Ur answered in the negative. "He has no clue whatsoever what he is; he's ignorant that he's a pawn."
  "Ensure that is kept that way," Brainiac warned him.
  "I will," Jax-Ur offered him, annoyed that he was being treated like an afterthought by this machine. It was on the tip of his tongue that if it was not for him, Brainiac would be a glorified pocket calculator, likely rotting in space with the rest of debris that was once Krypton.
  He would release Zod but Jax-Ur would show his power and he would ensure that he was able.
  "Remember who rescued you from the Phantom Zone, someone such as yourself would not last that long and if you make a mistake that messes up this plan, I will send you back without any hesitation, without any regrets," Brainiac warned the scientist in a cold monotone. "And if anything has happened to Kandor...."
  "It is where I showed you it was left, in pristine condition, all of the occupants, perfectly preserved," Jax-Ur stated as he watched him. "Some of the greatest scientific minds in that city are preserved for Zod, all you need is to say the word."
  "Only I have the ability to release them and they will only be released when Earth has been cleansed of these humans and all information is the domain of the true face of Krypton," Brainiac said as he stepped forward and began to check Jax-Ur's work. "Your calibrations are up to specifications, well done."
  Jax-Ur closed his eyes in frustration, he wanted to wrap his hands around throat of the machine and rip it's head off. It was not as if this was his first day on the job, he had been around long before Brainiac was ever created.
  "Estimated time for completion, one hour, twelve minutes," Jax-Ur offered as he ran over everything and paused for a second. "It will be done."
  "Yes, it will be done," Brainiac agreed as he waited. "Do not mess this up or you will be returned to the Phantom Zone."
  Once again Jax-Ur felt annoyance bubbling through him. It was true that Brainiac had freed him from the Phantom Zone where he could have been destroyed by the Wraiths after an experiment had transported him into the Zone prior to Krypton's destruction. It was funny, a version of the same device that he had used that sent him to the other side, would be the means to transport Earth's population off of the planet, leaving it ripe to create a brand new Krypton.
  "Osborn needs one final dose before he is ready," Jax-Ur offered to Brainiac.
  "I am well aware, I formulated the plan," Brainiac commented as the machine's eyes glowed brightly. "SHIELD is distracted as I have directed them to Apocalypse's present location."
  "That will allow us to cripple the defenses so this Fury will not be able to put us down," Jax-Ux offered.
  "All technology on this planet has a backdoor through SHIELD, and they brought a microscopic nano-tech Trojan with them to weaken their defenses further," Brainiac commented and Jax-Ur acted like this was not news to him. "Naturally, they thought of a way to cripple one of the primer defenses on this planet. It will allow them to take the resources of this planet much more easily. Unfortunately for them we'll be using it our own advantage first."
  Jax-Ur did not say anything, he merely remained calm and he saw his creation looking up towards the sun.
  "You do realize that once Har-Rell takes care of Apocalypse, he will try and meddle into this plan," Jax-Ur stated and there was an instant where Brainiac paused.
  "There is a point seventy nine percent chance that he shall reach us in time, and if he does, I have a contingency in place, do not even being to think that I have not calculated everything out to perfection," Brainiac told Jax-Ur in his cold monotone.
  Jax-Ur did not say much of anything else, all he knew was that they were dealing with a delicate situation. The scientist checked the calibrations and once again they were to exact specification. It was getting closer to zero hour.
  "Stick with the plan and you will see history being made, fail and it's back to where you come from," Brainiac told him. "Zod will rise."
  Jax-Ur nodded, Zod would rise, that was the plan. The man who could have saved Krypton from its demise would return. He would save this planet from Har-Rell and if the humans had a problem with that, well it would be hard to protest from a completely different dimension.
  There was less than an hour before the device would activate.
  Harry sensed the temple and knew that he had to get there first before anyone else.
  'I'm the only one who can stop him,' Harry thought as he made his way to the temple. 'The X-Men, the Fantastic Four, the Avengers, SHIELD, even my team, they'll give a damn good effort, but they'll be bloody crushed. The Apocalypse that we fought earlier was just a minor threat.'
  Harry could see the temple and it was one of the three that had been set up. Of course, he knew where he was going. This was where Apocalypse set up shop, the strongest residue meant that he would be there. The green eyes of the wizard watched as he dropped down.
  'Jean, Rogue, Kara, Kitty, Wanda, in position, but.....civilians are our first priority,' Harry thought to them, he was not about to risk their lives to save his.
  Harry had died twice before and neither time was pleasant. He had a feeling that if he did not time this right, Apocalypse would rip him apart just as much as he could the next person.
  The plan was obvious, he wanted to turn all humans into mutants.
  Only about twelve percent of the Earth's population would survive and only a small percentage of those that did survive would retain their sanity. Sudden power drove people mad.
  'Okay, let's do this,' Harry thought to himself as he interfaced with the Fortress. 'I think that if I time this right, I can defeat Apocalypse without lifting a finger.'
  'Let's hope this plan works because I'm not fond of Plan B,' Kitty thought to him.
  'Neither am I,' Harry offered. 'The scans that I got from Gwen's Extremis scan, I'm sending them to the Fortress, to compare them side by side with Kang's Technology. Apocalypse is a mutant but his armor is technology. Remove the technology, and we have more of a shot at beating him.'
  'He's growing more powerful by the second, thanks to....thanks to the way that he was released from his containment,' Phoenix interjected. 'The blood of a Kryptonian is worth more then the power of a thousand mutants combined with that technology.'
  'The blood of a Kryptonian brought him out, the blood of a Kryptonian can put him back in but he's got about three hundred and seventeen different defenses, with at least three different ways to kill us with each,' Harry thought. 'And he's evolving, varying them. SHIELD could drop their biggest weapon and it wouldn't even dent the paint job of his armor.'
  'So, now what?' Wanda asked.
  'Evolution is what my powers do, I'm going to have to evolve faster or pick out the one flaw within his armor before it evolves again,' Harry thought to his bonded.
  'Harry, good luck,' Kara said to him.
  Similar sentiments were echoed, the girls had a job to do.
  The SHIELD agents laid out on the ground obviously indicated how well this was going for them.
  "We can't put a dent in him, sir!" one of the agents stated and he fired against the shields in front of the pyramid.
  Fury watched. "Get out the heavy weapons, do not let up!"
  Har-Rell watched and waited a moment before he started to fly around the Earth at super speed to gain the necessary momentum.
  Har-Rell's magically enhanced fists impacted the shield causing it to crack from the impact.
  "FIRE!" Fury yelled as he saw the crack was large enough his men could slip through an attack of their own.
  Harry smiled, he was glad that they were firing because that allowed him to have an easier time against the distracted Apocalypse.
  Not that it was going to be easy, things like this rarely were easy but Harry knew that beyond a shadow of a doubt he had to do what he needed to do.
  He could win, he had that thought in the back of his mind. Confidence never left his mind, never left his thoughts.
  His fists were raised in the air as he blasted high into the air and slammed down on the top of Apocalypse's head.
  Har-Rell was inside and staring Apocalypse in the face.
  "I know what you're trying to do and your plan, it won't work,"Apocalypse told Harry but the wizard's grin while subtle was still visible on his face.
  "We'll see about that," Harry stated as he readied himself for the next part of his mission. He was going to go in there and get things done.
  "You stand in the way of progress, therefore you will be annihilated just like all others who opposed me, it was a misstep on my part that I was placed inside that crypt the first time, it will not happen again,"Apocalypse claimed. "You should not stand in my way, together we can accomplish much."
  "I've heard that speech so many times that I know it by heart," Harry commented dryly to the villain and then he paused. "Save it for someone who might actually be swayed by it."
  "Insolent child, I shall use you as an asset, you will serve well as...."
  Harry slammed his fist directly into Apocalypse's face but that only served to incense him further.
  'Are you trying to piss off the second most powerful mutant in all of the universe?' Jean asked in an exasperated voice but Harry blocked the voices in his head out for now. He reared his hand back and nailed his enemy in the face again with a huge haymaker blow.
  Harry's eyes started to glow and he sent heat vision out but it was avoided. He super sped behind his adversary.
  'Are you getting these energy signatures, Mum?' Harry asked Lily back at the Fortress.
  'Yes loud and clear, pretty crisp, we're locking onto him now,' Lily offered Harry. 'Would it help to tell you to be careful against whom you're dealing with?'
  'Wouldn't hurt, but he's getting stronger,' Harry thought as he moved around and utilized a pair of heat vision blasts with swift precision which staggered him back. Harry teleported behind him and conjured several flaming daggers. 'He has a weak spot, he's taking a lot of care to protect the back of his head and neck. I see the energy field around it, he's diverting a fuckton of power towards it.'
  'Attack his strengths,' Lara thought to him.
  'Don't you mean attack his weaknesses,' Harry thought back.
  Lara shook her head and decided that it was best to clarify what she meant. 'He's expecting you to attack his weaknesses, so go for his strengths.'
  'So create new ones,' Harry offered.
  'That plan is completely insane!' Kitty cried but then she paused and thought about it for a second. 'It might be insane enough to work.'
  'It's got to be insane enough to work,' Kara chimed in as she managed to clear the path on the other end.
  'Just be prepared to jump in if things get ugly but I've got one shot,' Harry thought as he locked the Fortress onto him. 'Take out the temple, it's going to cause him an inconvenience.'
  'You've weakened the fields enough for the beam to get through, ready, aim, fire,' Lara offered Har-Rell.
  Harry smiled, he had to drill this one through and do it now, otherwise there were going to be a few problems with this one. His eyes swam with even more frustration as he kept his head up and nailed Apocalypse with another punch.
  He had to back him up into position.
  Fury watched in abject disbelief and he muttered under his breath. "What in the name of Sam Hill is he doing?"
  "Saving the world," Natasha offered Fury matter of factly. As if it was the most obvious thing in the world, and to her it was.
  Apocalypse was about to take out Harry but a beam of red light erupted through the dome and engulfed both of them.
  "You will bow beneath my feet!" Apocalypse yelled. "You cannot stop me, I'm eternal!"
  Apocalypse tried to attack Harry but he was hurled off like he was nothing and to Harry, he was.
  "You derived your powers from a Kryptonian," Harry offered to him with a smug expression on his face. "You got all of the positives, all of the strengths, along with all of the drawbacks."
  Red solar radiation, it brought the mighty Apocalypse to his knees.
  Sinister watched from the shadows, he saw his plan become undone. He slipped off; cutting his losses.
  Har-Rell sped behind Apocalypse and knocked him down from behind. Despite depowering him on certain levels, Apocalypse still had technology at his disposal that he could use.
  He jammed Kang's technology once before he could do it again. Harry smiled as he ran around Apocalypse who lifted an arm to block his punch.
  The two locked hands with each other as Harry tried to overpower him.
  "I will regain my strength before you draw your next breath," Apocalypse grumbled as he tried to enhance his strength to beat the Kryptonian in this knuckle lock battle.
  'You'd be surprised how long I could hold my breath,' Harry stated as he vanished with a pop, causing the temple to explode.
  Apocalypse was launched high into space with Harry flying up with him. The two looked like a pair of shooting stars that blasted high above the clouds.
  Harry shifted focus and grabbed Apocalypse around the waist, twisting so that he was below him as they descended through the atmosphere at mach twenty-five. The emerald eyes of this young man burned with power as he tried to bring his foe closer and closer to the ground.
  There was a loud explosion that echoed through the air as the green eyed wizard kept pushing his adversary closer and closer to the ground, driving Apocalypse back to the location they'd teleported from.
  A loud boom echoed outwards as they slammed into the ground at re-entry speed, the force of the impact causing the ground to crater beneath Apocalypse as he driven into the ground. With a grunt Harry pushed himself up off the ancient Egyptian mutant.
  Apocalypse was regaining his power and Harry knew that he had to wrap this one up pretty soon. He picked up Apocalypse and hurled him in the direction of the temple with a combined strength and magical attack.
  Using his super sped Harry caught Apocalypse while still in mid flight and drove him into the temple. Leaving the two of them standing in the middle of a cloud of dust when they arrived there.
  "FOOLISH CHILD!" Apocalypse yelled as he summoned the powers of the temple to him because he needed every advantage he could manage against his foe.
  "Say that enough times, and it might someday be true," Harry commented as he blocked the energy blast fire off at him before responding with one of his own.
  Eyes squinted, heat vision blasted outwards, and Apocalypse was driven backwards again.
  'Got to get him through that door,' Harry mentally stated to himself as he pulled out a handful of metal spheres and primed them. He flung them one by one like marbles, their energy causing Apocalypse's nervous system to go haywire when they connected against him. He had not tested them yet which was why he was glad that they worked.
  His hands were clasped together and then he raised his arms with a huge axe bomber type blow, to nail Apocalypse in the face.
  Apocalypse went flying head over heels through the gates and Harry paused as he placed his hand on the side of the temple. He prepared to seal the door with his own blood.
  'If this doesn't work....well we're kind of screwed,' Harry thought to his girls and smiled. 'So wish me luck.'
  There were some mutterings of good luck as Harry worked through the device as he sealed it shut before him.
  The energy around the temple was amazing and Harry translated the runes using his skills to read through them quickly to ensure he was utilizing their powers properly.
  There were some threats that were mumbled by Apocalypse through the walls but Harry knew that if he timed this right, he could bury Apocalypse where no one would be able to break him out any time soon.
  It was only temporary at best but by putting the Fidelius Charm on the temple, unless one had a level nine curse breaker, they were not finding him any time soon.
  The crystals sealed around the door, sealing it shut forever and Harry smiled as he caused the temple to sink further and further beneath the Earth's crust.
  'Harry, what are you doing, the temperature readings are off the scale, it's almost at boiling point,' Lily thought frantically.
  'Everyone else is out of the temple, I'm going to make sure Apocalypse isn't going to come back any time soon,' Harry thought.
  He flew out of the side of the temple and used his heat vision to seal the damaged section. It was as tightly shut as it was ever going to be.
  Harry flew out, it took a lot of energy to do what he did. He tried to drop down to the ground and seal the ground shut.
  There was a huge hole in the ground where Apocalypse once was and Harry staggered out of it, collapsing to the ground and letting out a huge breath.
  His clothes were charred, his hair was worse, he had bumps, bruises, scrapes, and cuts all over his body, his joints were killing him but he saved the day. He was broken, beaten up, battered, and abused, but he saved the day.
  Apocalypse was done.
  'Mission accomplished,' Harry thought as he performed a few more enchantments on the ground, he was not taking any chances that someone would stumble upon this place and by some freak accident, raise Apocalypse once again.
  He got lucky this time, next time he would not be so fortunate.
  This thing could not have been killed but he made sure that he was not going to be able to live any time soon.
  Harry closed his eyes in pain as he staggered back into the city with Jean, Kitty, Kara, M'gann, Laura, and Rogue waiting for him.
  "Everyone got back fine," Harry breathed to them.
  "Harry, you should sit down, you look dead on your feet," Kitty said as she bit down on her lip as Gwen joined the rest of the group.
  "Look dead, feel like I'm dead, likely sound like I'm dead, but hey....nothing's going to upset me," Harry offered as Kara and Jean held him up and they made their way over to a bench where Harry could sit down. "It's nothing that a warm bath, a good meal, and some relaxation can't fix."
  "And sex, let's not forget about the sex," Kitty offered.
  Gwen smiled as she chimed in. "Yeah, lots a lot of sex. It's good for healing."
  "Well that's been scientifically proven,' M'gann offered to them with a smile on her face and she sat down next to Harry. She had not been in the thick of things as much today.
  "Well, I'm not about to argue about that," Harry told them as he leaned back and felt the tension in his joints really escalate. Apocalypse was no picnic.
  His eyes were half opene.
  "You'll be okay," Kitty said to him and Harry put an arm around her as she rested on one side of him, with Jean on the other, and Kara on his lap. The other girls would get their turn.
  "I wish you could have seen me take out that stone statue that tried to attack us," Kara remarked as she smiled.
  "Well I'm sure it was pretty amazing," Harry said as he stroked his fingers through the blonde hair of his fellow Kryptonian survivor. Kara smiled.
  "Oh, yeah, so totally, completely...."
  Wanda magically flicked Kitty in the back of the head causing her to bite her tongue.
  "You were warned," Wanda commented in a faux sweet voice as she smiled. "I can't help but think...."
  "That it was too easy," Harry offered and Wanda nodded. He figured that it was time for him to get home. "And then there's our two rogue....."
  Harry could not finish that sentence because there was a loud whirling sound that could be heard through the air and Harry stood with tension flowing through his body. He heard him in the air above, before he saw him.
  'Fuck not now,' Harry mentally groaned.
  "MISS ME!"
  The Green Goblin appeared, more insane than ever before and pumpkin bombs were hurled.
  Jean could sense that Harry was beaten up from the battle so she put up a telekinetic shield and Wanda aimed a hex bolt at the glider causing it to go dead as the electronics were fried and plummet to the ground, but the Goblin aborted his descent by jumping onto another glider that had been brought in by remote control.
  "Here, have this!" Green Goblin yelled as he hurled a sphere at Wanda which was causing a sonic vibration that made it feel her head was splitting.
  Kara launched herself into the air but the Green Goblin blocked her punch.
  "No, you can't...."
  "You can't be that strong, well blondie, you'll find that I am that strong!" Green Goblin yelled as he hurled Kara halfway across New York.
  Rogue flew interception and caught Kara before she took down the Daily Bugle Communication satellite towers.
  M'Gann flew up and tried to attack Norman Osborn, but she was thrown into a billboard with the face of J. Jonah Jameson on it.
  Har-Rell watched and he knew that this was his time. He kicked his feet together and blasted, up, up, and away. His arms were extended outwards in front of him as he blasted forwards at Osborn.
  Osborn caught his hand with surprising reflexes. Despite the fact every nerve ending of his body felt like they were on fire, Harry had to try and blast his adversary back. His eyes glowed with furious fire as he tried to break the grip the Green Goblin hand on his hand.
  "Oh you want to arm wrestle?" Osborn asked but Harry grabbed Osborn and managed to exert enough power.
  His right shoulder completely cracked as he slammed Osborn down to the ground. A huge crater could be seen in the middle of New York.
  Osborn reached into his bag but Kara rushed in, ripping his goblin bag of tricks away from his hands, which lead to a bit more of an even fight.
  At least until Osborn unleashed the heat vision. A bolt of molten hot energy shot from his eyes but Harry dodged it and shot back heat vision of his own, connecting with the beam.
  Both beams cancelled each other out and with a slight glimpse with his X-Ray vision as he could sense that Osborn's bone structure had been mutated and it wasn't just because of the goblin formula. There were other things that changed him. He kept his heart pumping against his chest as he kept pushing back and forth.
  'Got it, got it, I've got it,' Harry thought as he felt frustration fill his body as he felt his eyes burn but he refused to back off, no matter what. He summoned all of the power that he could.
  Wanda blasted Osborn with a hex bolt but he shrugged it off.
  "Immune to magic, remember!" Osborn crowed, this was his moment of triumph and Harry smiled as Jean lifted a huge tanker truck off of the ground.
  With a mighty swing, she nailed Osborn with it, burying him underneath it before it exploded into an inferno with a roar of sound and fury.
  "Is it over?" Kitty asked as she staggered forwards to join them only to see Osborn trying to punch his way free from the flaming wreckage.
  "Look, it's Jax-Ur, I think, it could be the other one," Gwen breathed as she got Harry's attention and Harry sighed.
  He didn't have time for this but before anyone could make a move, Jax-Ur sped down at super speed.
  Harry, Kara, Rogue, Jean, and Kitty could see him at normal speed but things went too fast.
  The man dropped down in front of Osborn who'd finally ripped himself out of the constraints that held him.
  "Yes, give me that, you've been holding out on me," Osborn stated as he held the crystal into his hand and stabbed it through his arm.
  Harry recognized it, about a split second too late. His senses and his reflexes had been dulled by the battle earlier tonight.
  Osborn screamed as an energy vortex appeared over the top of him. His eyes glowed with malice as there was a rumbling on the ground beneath him. No matter what, he could not stand on his feet properly.
  "Nothing good, nothing good," Harry stammered, he tried not to lose his head he went to move forward but there were a lot of pops that appeared in the sky of New York.
  'Har-Rell, we have a problem,' Lara thought to him frantically from the Fortress.
  'No kidding,' Harry thought, not meaning to be so short with his Mother but the situation had caused him to become a bit frazzled to be honest. 'I'm seeing multiple energy portals....'
  'Oh it's far more serious than that,' Peve chimed in as she sighed. 'I would highly recommend emergency protocol nineteen.'
  'We're on the same wavelength,' Harry thought, glad that they did not have to go all the way up to twenty two because he because he was not feeling twenty two. The collateral damage was too immense. That being said, as he prepared to get ready to initiate the plan, rumbling began to occur beneath them.
  Osborn was not in his right mind, in fact right now someone else was in his mind. His eyes became cold and lifeless, along with becoming much more focused.
  "It's done," Osborn offered as he saw a few dots fly in from the portals that had opened up in the Earth's atmosphere. "The true spirit of Krypton is free, you've waited in stasis for some time but now you can run free and all humanity can kneel before Zod."
  Harry went to take one step forward but found that he could not. The other girls were in a similar position.
  "Okay, why the hell are we stuck to the ground?" Jean asked as she felt the force of gravity weighing her down.
  "I don't know but I don't like this," Wanda stated but much to her dismay, she could not even lift her arms enough to fire off a hex bolt which made the situation more perilous.
  'Protocol nineteen, protocol nineteen, do it, do it, do it,' Harry chanted as he tried to push himself up but he only hovered a few inches off the ground.
  'It's him, it's Zod,' Kara thought as she tried to reach for Harry but she couldn't quite get to him.
  The man who caused so much destruction on their planet was back and it was obvious what the full scope of the device was.
  "We have one minute to get out of range, make sure you do," Osborn stated to his followers and they nodded.
  Several SHIELD agents moved in and Harry tried to articulate for them to move.
  He managed to force his head to turn to the side and used his X-Ray vision, seeing the energy pulses that were erupting from Midtown High and a vortex emerged above them.
  With a burst of energy, Harry managed to summon all of the strength that he could and fly as fast as he could.
  The vortex of purple energy that flowed out hit him flush but Harry managed to destroy the device before all of New York was sucked into the Phantom Zone.
  Harry and his girls, along with a huge portion of SHIELD agents and a handful of bystanders, they were not so lucky.
  Coulson dropped down and he looked around. He had been in wars, fought monsters, alien invasions, been the principal of a high school, been given the code name Cheese, but he's never had to deal with anything quite like this.
  'Somehow I don't think we're in Tahiti," Coulson stated as he observed his surroundings. "Barton, Romanov, Mimic and Morse, stick with me, we've got to find anyone else who got sucked through."
  Barton looked nervous. "Wherever here is."
  Nick Fury was not having a good day as he placed his hands on the side of a console in the Triskelion facility.
  "All of the equipment is dead, well that's just fucking great!" Fury yelled as he slammed his hands over the console. He tried not to lose his cool.
  Fury turned around and saw a female figure approaching. She had medium length dark hair which was tied back into a low ponytail with blue eyes and pouty lips. Her amazing curves were wrapped in a tight black SHIELD uniform and she wore a business like expression on her face.
  "Agent Hill, please tell me that you have some good news," Fury said in a tentative tone.
  Fury turned around and saw the computers blink to life, giving a loud sound that was worse than nails on a chalkboard. The eagle eyed director of SHIELD kept his eye on it and saw three dots appear.
  They formed into an open upside down triangle.
  "Well, no sir....all of the technology....every computer in the world, it's been taken down, including SHIELD," Maria told him and Fury turned around to the technicians.
  "Take everything and get it back on line yesterday, reboot the systems...."
  "I'm afraid I cannot allow that, Commander Fury," a voice stated in a cold electronic monotone and Fury turned in the direction to where it was coming from. "I am the BrainInteractive Construct but you have given me the more primitive name of Brainiac."
  Fury had gotten Coulson's report and knew that this was not over even though the Apocalypse incident ranked higher precedence.
  "You need better security, Fury," Brainiac offered. "But you won't have a chance to correct that mistake for the true face of Krypton has returned and you're being sentenced to a fate that is far worse than death."
  At that exact moment, the doors of the SHIELD facility broke open. They were not in the main Hellicarrier but never the less, they were rather high off of the ground. Fury looked around.
  A striking woman with dark hair who stepped through the doors. She had green eyes that burned a hole through Fury and shoulder length dark hair which she wore a helmet over. She wore sleek body armor with a skinsuit underneath that wrapped around her like a second skin.
  "Welcome to the future, Commander Fury," she commented lightly. "Your too proud to kneel before General Zod, aren't you?"
  "Never," Fury managed as two of the soldiers walked behind him. Fury made a note that this female was the only one among the group that was in fact female.
  "So, you're the leader of this planet, are you?" Osborn asked.
  "Osborn, have you gone even further off your nut?" Fury asked as he tried to push himself forward but Osborn placed a hand on his chin.
  "No, not Osborn, Zod, General Zod, the true face of Krypton," Zod stated as he stared down Fury. Two eyes locked onto one. "You will kneel before me, Nicholas and I may spare your life and that of your followers."
  The Agents of SHIELD were grabbed and secured, unable to move from their positions.
  Fury had protocols in place in case Potter went rogue that might as well work on Zod but it was a matter of accessing them. With technology virtually crippled, the Hellicarrier might have existed in another dimension.
  "Kneel before me Fury, kneel before Zod," Zod stated.
  'You're obsession with having other men kneel before you is somewhat unsettling,' Osborn commented to him but his statement was ignored.
  The Kryptonians moved in as technology was crippled.
  "Time for Phase Four, the birth of New Krypton," Zod said.
  "Let it be known that the world is now mine, the world now belongs to General Zod."
  In Latveria, Victor Von Doom sat on his throne, hearing this he couldn't help but be angered by these words. The world was his, NO ONE RIVELED DOOM, especially this Zod. He made preparations to defend his borders and destroy this upstart.
  "Thor's in Asgard. Arcane, Widow, Mockingbird, and Hawkeye are missing," Wasp stated as she closed her eyes. "And we can't get any reception on these things."
  "Working on it," Stark commented, it was only by a miracle that his armor still worked although he made more than a few modifications to it to the point where it had a stronger firewall than SHIELD. How much it would hold up was the question now.
  Captain America remained silent, focused, he was ready.
  Zemo watched, the Masters of Evil would not yield to someone like this Zod, not without a fight.
  Helena Wayne watched from her cave in Gotham City. Karen showed up in a flash of light.
  "You should learn how to knock," Helena said to her.
  "I know, but this is serious, how committed are you?" Karen asked.
  "You should know that I'm committed, the Church always suspected that there were more of them and not all of them were like Har-Rell," Helena stated as she moved over towards a certain area of the cave.
  "And you have a contingency plan," Karen told her.
  "Always," Helena stated. She just hoped that it would be enough.
  Reed Richards frowned, he managed to shield most of his technology from this alien virus although he had his share of problems.
  The Fantastic Four were not going to go down without a fight. Saving the world from a huge threat, it was just another Tuesday for them.
  Rachel waited, she could sense that most of the group had been sent away. She wanted to see how many of them were out there.
  As much as she hated to do this, she had to go to the X-Men, which meant she had to go to Cyclops, and swallow her pride.
  She didn't think much of their chances but anything that gave them a fighting chance.
  Osborn appeared outside the church with Zod in the driver's seat and saw the huge statue of Har-Rell before him.
  "Well, he's magnificent," the female said as she eyed the statue in an appraising manner and wondered what the real thing would be like.
  "It's underwhelming," Zod remarked to her dryly not seeming to have heard her slip of the tongue. "Faora, keep watch, I want you to ensure that no one gets in my way as I burn this house of lies to the ground."
  Zod prepared to burn the church of Enlightenment to the ground, he would build a statue of himself ten times as magnificent over the ashes that all would kneel before.
  With the last son of Krypton in the Phantom Zone, nothing could stop him now. He used his heat vision to set the Church on fire and smiled.
  Fury and SHIELD, they were out of the way, imprisoned. The only person who could threaten him was trapped in the Phantom Zone forever.
  To Be Continued in Book Three on December 9 th 2013.
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