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Fallen Star

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Save my soul, the fallen star.
How many days have gone?
How many years have gone before taking the stand?
And I think that I do understand
How to hide my head in the sand;
But I hope that I'm taking the stand.

Save my soul, the fallen star.
Aren't you bored with this game?
Aren't you bored hitting my head again?
And I'm washing the floors,
And I cry to your soul,
But I think that I have lost control.

In times,
I like it when the bells are ringing.
In times,
I like it when the bees don't sting.
And this time, I can almost hear them singing,
And I fool myself that it makes me free

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