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Moldova: War in the Doorway

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  • Аннотация:

  Struggle against communism sooner or later however inevitably leads to appearance of Hitlers, Mussolini, Kaudiglio and similar. It is typical that seizure of power by fascist modes and subsequent expansion were always accompanied by slogans about freedom and general blessing. While it came to the end by big blood and tragedy. Both for the countries injured from fascist expansion and peoples of those countries, whence fascism started from.
  70 years ago nationalists both in east and in the western Europe, desiring "to save" peoples from communism and to receive long-awaited "freedom", agreed on the union with Hitler whose hordes directed on the East "to release" peoples living there from Bolshevism. As a result of that union and expansion which followed it tens millions people across all Europe of whose "blessing" nationalists of Bandera type cared died, turned into gun meat or cheap man power for the Third Reich.
  The third honourlessly lost. But his ideas about transformation of Russia into a conglomerate of vassal states didn't sink into oblivion. Former helper didn't remain without work. 50 years later they again appeared to be claimed.
  The East Europe, Yugoslavia, Ukraine, Georgia and now Moldova. Everywhere one and the same script and everywhere the same result: civil wars, poverty and lawlessness. Present liberal - fascist putsch in Moldova threatens to turn back the biggest in the history of this country tragedy. In case of a victory of liberal - fascist putsch, Moldova will be absorbed by NATO Romania. In this case those from its citizens who dreams to become today Romanians, risk tomorrow to receive status of untermen in structure of Romania Mare (Great Romania) and to fill up the numbers of cheap man power for the Western Europe like guest workers of the times of World War II.
  It's hardly possible that having become thus great Romania will restrict itself to Moldova. Appetite as you know comes with eating and after Moldova there will be Transdiestria and further - Bukoviny, that is already Ukraine. Things which Hitler and Antonesku failed in due time to realize get today quite real outlines due to the efforts of the block of NATO headed with the USA and their executors in Moldova. Therefore present opposition in Moldova is a question not so much of survival of lawfully elected president and his party but of survival of the country and its people. The destiny of the republic depends now in many respects on consciousness of its citizens. One could trust that citizens of the country will make the right choice.

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