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The Waltz Through the Looking Glass

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    История одной любви. Warning: in English

  Michael_white_rabbit (29.09.2009. 23:15): Omg, this city is too small...Today, when I came to PoM1, I met a lot of my friends. Of course, I understand that the 21 block and PoM is the nearest place in the town, but I wanted to be alone. . While I was speaking with them I realized that everybody sees only what he wants to see. And naturally, if I"m the man wearing black clothes and long black hair, I"m cold and gloomy person. Of course. How could it be otherwise? And nobody understands me, in spide of the fact that understanding is the dream of my life. In any case, I"m the 21-years-old man. The biggest part of my friends has family, when I haven"t got a girlfriend. Except the bottle of wine. The least thing what I want is becoming alike Dima and Teo. Every night have a new girl, every night drunk. No, thanks. But, from other hand, if I continue like now, my life will be like that. I ought to do something. Surely, in my life is the girl from my dreams but she is too independent for interested in me. Well, my dear diary. I should go to sleep. Dear God, make my tomorrow more nice and less drunk, please. Nox!2 (Michael_white_rabbit off-line)
  Alice_in_the_mirror (29.09.2009. 23:15): Well, my dear diary, now I"ll write into you about my today"s thoughts and feelings. Every day my confidence in wearing masks by every people becomes stronger and stronger. But somebody (like me) has got used to do wear masks. And often if the mask is aggressive and angry, person under it is very shy and non self-confident. How many times had seen the world, when people like each other, but can"t or afraid to look under the mask. For example, the man who is very sympathetic for me looks very cold and impregnable (off-top: I like somebody.. the sky will fall). But I doubt that he really has this personality. My main dream for a last month is being with him. I want to understand and know his real. But it is only dreams. However, it"s time to go to bed. Sleepy night! (Alice_in_the_mirror off-line)
  Cold and windy autumn...The leaves are falling. The young sits on the Fountains as usual. B ad weather doesn"t annoy teenagers because they love it. Bad weather is the best reason for date under one umbrella. Some couples which don"t react to others. The voices of guitars and loud laugh. Everything is normal, except two strange people. Nobody can believe in the same behavior in case of these teens. Who are they? She - girl in nice black dress and high-heeled boots. She sits in and out company at the same time. This feeling reached due to her laid-back sight. She looks absolutely indifferent but her Sister sees that sometimes Girl glances on the boy staying not very far. He - boy in black clothes and cape and he has long hair. He stays near our heroine, chatting with friends. Nobody, except the Sister, sees that he glances on the Girl, too. It goes without doubt, they"re interested in each other but don"t know about it. Every of them believes that he"s the ones with this feelings. The Boy comes to Girl. It"s the start of their everydays Talk.
  Alice_in_the_mirror (20.01.2010 00:15): I"m tired to be a Doll without soul! However more seem than be. Answer the questions about my feelings that I hadn"t got any. Although no, I told a lie. . . The most complicated thing is don"t tell the True only one person. He can"t understand it. And my love isn"t enough reason for destroying our friendship. Better live like used to. Refuse from all emotions. Hide all feelings in the deep of my heart. Let myself to feel bad now than later. And me than somebody else. To my success in psychologies - I have some. I can to see the people"s souls under the masks, don"t allow them see mine. But with some people I can"t do it. For example, with my Sister it"s unreal. Although, it isn"t pity unlike the same situation with Him. Unless, I have too much time in future. I won"t give up attempts to do it. I can"t live easy before unmask Him. Now I"m going to sleep. Good night! (Alice_in_the_mirror off-line)
  Michael_white_rabbit (20.01.2010 00:15): I have quarreled at home again. Parents have eaten my mind with morals about my private life. I believe that someday I and my Dear Girl will be together. Sometimes I want to have a one-night-woman but the thought about Her stops me. What She will think about me if I do it? No, thanks, I don"t want. I wouldn"t Her thought that I"m alike all other gays... It will be the end of our friendship. Friendship...The destiny has very funny joke. I love my Best Friend. And there are 99 per cent from one hundred that I"ll never have a chance to tell Her about it. I sometimes see how other boys flirt with Her but I can"t do anything. It"s very painfully for me. It"s hurt not have a chance to embrace her.... Nevertheless, it"s my Life. You know, my Diary, I have light moments too. For example, when we"re listening to our favorite song on my Walkman, I"m dreaming that She is mine and I"m her. But the song"s ending and so nice moment"s going away... Well, I"m going to sleep until caught a depression. Nox! (Michael_white_rabbit off-line)
  Summer had come. All our heroes" friends realized the situation and tried to lighten the road for them. Butl all attempts were unsuccessful . Our Heroes only nodded in disbelief. The most complicated situation was had by Sister: she knew everything but had to have a silence.
  Michael_white_rabbit (16. 08. 2010 21:20): I revealed Her secret and now I"m happy. She loves me! And after all troubles we"re together.
  Alice_in_the_mirror (16. 08. 2010 21:20): After all, I put His mask off. Miraculously, he hid a love to me under it. I"m crying and laughing at the same time. Happiness...
  1- Palace of Marriage
  2- spell, which turned the light off (from "Harry Potter")
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