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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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"Nocturne", the brilliant song, which 
has been created by the composer 
Arno Babajaznyan and the poet 
Robert Rozhdestvenskiy and was 
their emotional testament, was performed
 with the tremendous expressive power
 by outstading singer Muslim Magomaev.
 I dedicate my English paraprase of "Nocturne"   to the memory of these great

Me and you... There are between us
Mysterious sees,
Countless long years,
unshed  bitter tears.
I let them to look for you, to fly and not to miss,
I let them to kiss...
Wait and don"t freeze.
If you can and if you want it, recollect my voice,
Recollect my face,
Overcome time-space.
Out of the blue recall me, overcome the ice
You, my little star, my nice.

Me and you... There are  between us
Overwhelming blight,
Implacable fright,
Long infinite night...
I will nestle to you despite them,
Unquenchable alight
Calling me twinight,
Tender my delight.
Just the memory has left us but it"s not a little,
Though it is so brittle, 
Turning into dribble...
Let the joy inspire you always, let the music run,
My earthbound gentle sun. 

There is between us long unfinite night
With centuries and sees,
Interstellar winds.
I order them to look for you and kiss,
I let my love to find you, not to miss...

How are you today, my vernal, 
Seek me, don"t wait.
I wish you decedent soul and a happy fate,
Let your hearty pain abate...

Everlasting love at full tilt subtilizes you,
Pets and pampers you,
Joys and gladdens you.
Let my heart protect your soul, don"t say "adieu!"
I am every jiff with you...

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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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