Венценосцева Александра Дмитриевна : другие произведения.

Battle of Verity

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   Battle of Verity
   From day to day
   And from night to night
   Each minute I'm getting stuck
   In eternal insane fight.
   No enemy or external threat,
   Each step is like leaky precarious tread,
   All attempts - for the sake of the only goal:
   Hard-hearted battle between thoughts and my soul.
   Each moment of life is a challenge of fate,
   And with the Verity I make a new date.
   To perceive solemn truth - is obsession for miss,
   Each "Eureka!" senses like a gulp of heavenly bliss.
   I still feel myself a blind fragile bird,
   Which is trying by touch to tear its deterrent cord.
   I know that the answer is somewhere in here,
   And I'll grope after it, no matter how, I'll dare!
   Almost all information that comes from outside
   Is coated with scab as opaque as night.
   Now I learn how to sort the wheat from the chaff,
   And even then I still trust the results in half.
   Far and wide there is falsehood and traps,
   The Verity coated fully, without any gaps.
   My daily triumph - to win over a grain of truth,
   I promise, I'll find all the missing proof.
   I hear some words, and my head answers "yes",
   But my heart and my soul start to assess.
   They feel the untruth and they try to make hints,
   And I have the results - in clichИ deep sharp dints.
   I do not believe people, their rumors and threats,
   I have my own credo and I ignore daily dreads.
   To close my ears and to open my chest
   Is the way to my soul to obtain all the best.
   I sense with my heart, no religion, no words,
   And now understand our world's accords.
   Down with blinkers, down with shroud,
   When it's hard, please, remember, our truth is around!
   Very soon I'll get all the scattered pieces in one
   Then the internal mission of soul will be done.
   The life will come easy with this battle gained.
   At the time when misgivings become drained.
   February, 2013

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