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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   Konstantin Vaginov Konstantin-Vaginov []
   Konstantin Vaginov Константин Константинович Вагинов) (1899--1934) (real name - Wagengejm, Вагенгейм) - a Russian poet. In twenties he was a member of almost all poetic groups of Saint Petersburg. In 1921 he joined the Nikolai Gumilyov's Guild of Poets.
   Petersburg is painted for me since some times in the greenish color,
   which flickers and which blinks, the color terrible, phosphoric.
   Both on the houses and on the persons, and in the souls
   shakes the greenish flame, venemous and giggling.
   The flame will blink - and not Peter Petrovich before you, but sticky reptile;
   flame will shoot up - and you are yourself worse than the reptile;
   and not people walk along the streets: you will glance under the cap
   - snake head; you will scrutinize the old lady - toad sits and moves its stomach.
   But young people each with the dream of the special:
   engineer compulsorily wants Hawaiian music to hear,
   student - to hang the most efficient way,
   schoolboy - by acquiring a child in order to prove the man force.
   You will visit the store - the former General after the counter stands
   and artificially smiles; you will enter the museum - a driver knows that he lies,
   and continues to lie. I do not love the Petersburg, my dream ended, baby.
   Under the thunder of war that thomb's raider
   achieves the way such prompt,
   on the hoarse plates body dragging.
   Boat is light. Houses already blaze.
   He drugged it over. Returned and quiet.
   A Poem, 1923.
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Новые книги авторов СИ, вышедшие из печати:
О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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