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Meeting with Aliens Or The Aliens Around Us. Dream 3

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  • Аннотация:
       Meeting with people from a parallel world.
       The reader will learn to recognise aliens, discover their characteristics, and learn how to fight against them.
       Dream 3. Displacing objects, and the like.

   Dream 3. Displacing objects, and the like
   Displacing small items such as plastic cards and banknotes from your pockets or wallets is something Aliens do with enviable ease, but they resort to it fairly infrequently, as it can attract the attention of law enforcement agencies--something they make strenuous efforts to avoid.
What usually happens is that your card or banknote disappears from your wallet and turns up in another pocket or in your handbag. You start feverishly searching for it and are thereby thrown off balance, and before you know it, you're back to making inept decisions.
   It's also worth mentioning that our heroes can change the packaging of items in a shop in the twinkling of an eye. You take a look, and conclude that the shop doesn't have what you came in for. Meanwhile, what's inside the packaging hasn't changed. You leave the shop empty-handed, and they whip the original packaging back on in no time.
   Let me repeat: their interim goal is to make us do various idiotic things on the basis of corrupted information. The changes to the information are tiny, but enough to plunge a stressinclined individual into complete chaos.
   It's particularly worth noting their effect on telephone conversations. At the ideal moment for you or the other party, you won't be able to get through to each other. Conversely, you'll receive a call or make it precisely when one or both of you least want it.
   Naturally enough, Aliens are appraised of all of your personal information, including credit cards and passwords, but these they rarely use, because credit card and password activity is easy to detect. Your psychological and emotional state is more important to them. They monitor it through your taps on your mobile phone screen and your mouse clicks and touchpad strokes on your computer.
   In this way, these sly creatures play dirty tricks on us the whole time.
   The Aliens' ultimate goal, I am very sorry to say, has proved completely impossible for me to fathom.

English translation Copyright Richard Coombes 2021

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