Ускова Екатерина Алексеевна : другие произведения.

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   Recorded on Thursday, 24 August 2000


(A brief report of one vacation,

by Uskova Katherine)

   My friend Alice is terrific lucky to get into adventures. She goes through significant situations occasionally, but usually gets over troubles with a smile on her face or burst of laughing. Her brilliant spirit and sense of humour are worth admiration.
   Alice has a temporary job because she is very curious, fair and her opinion is similar to a boss' one very seldom. She isn't envious of somebody or something and is very independent but doesn't keep herself to herself. She is very sociable and doesn't take after anybody. Alice adores changing her and others lives. Those who see her at the first time consider the girl to be charming or mad. The inconstancy of her activities and behavior doesn't hinder Alice to be responsible and persistent when she's puzzled or worried about something. If the girl finds she's getting fat Alice goes on diet at once and eats a pizza with the real loathing in her eyes (at the same time she accuses herself in bad English!).
   That story I'm going to tell you happened to the girl after she had dismissed one more time. Alice closed her account with the bank, said that she was fed up with everything and wanted to begin a new life. She went to the resort.
   While going the girl wasted a lot of money and had to reach the place by hitchhiking. She looked very smart so when she caught a glimpse of a car the driver was "trapped". In spite of this Alice got the resort too late.
   There was a big queue for accommodation to let. Some of available houses were too expensive to charge for and Alice wanted to save the rest of her money. After long negotiations with landladies she was satisfied with one small old house. The rent was rather cheap and there was picturesque scenery around the house.
   The attic room was vacant so Alice occupied it, decorated it with flowers and furnished a little. She had been very pleasant of herself and the new life until Alice discovered she shared the house with somebody else.


   One morning having made a nourishing mask on the face and used sunburn oil that had to protect her sensitive skin against harmful sunny rays, she bandaged the head with a towel and stretched out in the deckchair. She just needed a smooth golden tan. The gently touches of the sun made Alice relaxed and she didn't feel immediately something crawling on her body. Alice had no time to be scared of it: she got up as if she had been struck by lighting and screamed as loudly as she could. Not stopping to get breathe the girl noticed a hideous rat near herself. Alice fainted. The girl came to herself when she heard somebody say:
   - Poor, poor girl. Are you frightened?
   Alice opened her eyes with interest and saw a strange man. He looked much worn out, had the black spectacles, a big hat, a long beard, which hid a half of his face, and shorts in flowers on him. The man was holding a thick string of balls in one hand and the rat in the other one, and was saying:
   - Little poor Hoover.
   The rat's name was Hoover. Alice was about to loose consciousness again but she was late. The stranger turned round and said in angry voice:
   - Why have you been crying so loudly? She could have had a shock! Noise makes Hoover nervous. His words shook Alice. She was even out of breath but not for a long time. Five seconds later the strange man could hear a lot of new facts of him and his animal. He was listening to her very attentively and patiently because the man realized he would fail any attempts to interrupt Alice. When she stopped shouting at him to catch a breath of fresh air the man just explained:
  - It's not a rat. It's a mongoose.
   Alice was always good at quarrelling and abusing. Having lost his temper the man took his rat and went into the house.
   This small trouble spoilt the morning for Alice. She phoned the landlady and found out that the stranger was one of her neighbors who were renting the house. The other tenants would invade the accommodation a bit later. Alice understood that she wouldn't succeed in getting rid of the strange man and decided to avoid him in-stead of that.


   As she couldn't sunbathe any longer she began cleaning the room. The girl swept and cut down non-fresh flowers. She wanted to wash them but there was bad water in the pail. Without hesitating and thinking of the consequences Alice poured the water out of the pail over the balcony... She heard a cry from downstairs. Alice leaned over the balcony and saw the neighbor. He got wet through.
   - Oh, sorry, - Alice cried. -1 didn't know you were there.
  - You! You are a mad, revenging and wicked woman! If you don't stop chasing me I shall report you to the police.
  - I have made an excuse, - Alice was hurt and furious, - but if you would not like to forget about this small incident I shall call to the police by myself and tell them all things about you and your rat, which is an in-fection.
  - You are the infection yourself, - the man was not going to capitulate. - I have been promised to find here leisure and sophisticated entertainment here. But you are poisoning everything!
  - Do you have a shortage of entertainment? In that case you'd better go away!
  - I prefer that you'll leave this house.
  - You are complaining and hate being here. So you'll be the first to go.
  - I hate only your being here.
  - I feel the same to you.
  - Thank you. To talk to you is a real fascination!
   - You are welcome! I'm always glad to see you.
   The unattractive man took his rope and walked towards Blue Mountains.


   Some hours later Alice forgot all happened. She decided to go shopping. The girl smartened up, dressed and made up. When she looked at the mirror she saw a young fragile woman. Every man must be pulled down at one glance of her as if he was shot at.
   Alice was walking along the streets looking at shops' windows and making small purchases.
   Suddenly a young guy riding a bicycle rushed near the girl and tried to stretch the bag out of her hands. Alice didn't let him do it. Both she and the robber fell down. Alice called for help. After seeing that one witness who had been staying before at the dispensary was approaching quickly the unlucky hijacker got on the bicycle and disappeared.'
   - How are you? - The man from Alice's dreams ran up to her. - Did he wound you or make any injures?
  - No, he didn't. I'm well. He was scared of you and didn't have time to do any harm.
  - Shall I help you to stand up?
  - Oh, I would be very grateful to you.
  - You are a drastic woman. You've managed to save your bag, - he praised the girl with admiration.
  - I try to keep fit.
   The handsome man smiled:
  - My name is Jack.
  - I'm Alice.
   The girl examined herself very carefully, stood up and realized a cramp in the left leg. But she coped to move up.
  - Alice, you should move slowly, step by step, and you'll be getting better soon. Is your car closely?
  - My car... - she decided to tell a lie, - no, I don't drive during these hours because of traffic jams.
  - Then I'll try to take a taxi which will deliver you home.
   Alice didn't want him to succeed in. She was glancing at Jack by stealth. Without fail he was a wealthy and very attractive man. There were evidences of luxury and good style on his clothes and manners. And those ideal shaved cheeks and strong-willed chin...
  Jack failed to find a taxi.
  - We'd rather call at a cafe than wait here. How would you like my suggestion?
  - I'd love to, - she said.
   - Okay. I know there is a wonderful place near the drug store. Let's go. If you don't keep up with me then tell me, - he offered her to lean against his arm.
   It was very exciting. Alice's leg didn't give trouble any more. While having delicious dishes and refresh-ments Jack told her that he was engaged in his own business. He invested in photos producing. The man said he was keen on music, animals, was crazy about mountain climbing and got interest in flying saucers. As it turned out humanoids were everywhere. They could easily tap telephones, watch people through the walls and even control life expectancy. He explained to Alice that usually the most well-known contacts with the UFO had taken place at the turn of the centuries and the scientific forecast said in 2000 - 2002 we would be the eyewitnesses of not minor the invasion.
  - Does your wife share your interests? -asked Alice looking directly in his eyes.
  - I am a divorcee, - Jack answered. - Two years ago I was an ordinary bookkeeper.
  - My salary didn't satisfy my wife. Then I was redundant and had to mend watches, radio and TV sets and so on to survive. I didn't build castles in the air. Some months later she left me for my bloke, the cool businessman. My ex-wife and ex-bloke...- he became silent.
   - I'm sorry, - said Alice sincerely.
   - I have already got over that all. This pain made my willpower stronger and inspired me to begin every-thing from the scratch. I applied to a bank for money to borrow. They satisfied my application. I started my own business. Soon my laboratory began giving a surplus. But stop talking about me. Will you tell me something about yourself?
   Alice was about to tell the truth bun instead of that she kept on lying.
   - I've been lucky. My aunt remained the inheritance and in this way I've made a fortune. Now I'm living on the percents. And I've come here to have a holiday.
   - Your tan is fantastic.
   - Oh, yes. I have been to the Canaries before, but then I wanted to have a rest in the Motherland, - Alice went on creating a story of a rich extravagant heir.
   They were talking for some hours. It was getting dark. Then Alice said it's time her had gone. Jack took a taxi though Alice had told him she was living not far from there and she would manage to get home by herself. She pointed him out at one luxurious house. Her one seemed to be too miserable for the girl then.
   - Alice, in your place, I'd take precautions. You'd better not walk in the streets alone. Otherwise you might suffer from another mugger. I suggest that we should go sightseeing together since tomorrow.
   - It will be fine, - said Alice.
   Jack kissed Alice's hand and asked the driver to give her a lift to home. The girl got into the taxi.
   - Please, go straight on, take the first turning on your right, hmm..., keep on, then turn on your left... and return back.
   The taxi driver stared at Alice but she was looking for money in her purse and didn't pay attention to his reaction. She only asked him:
   - How much will it be?


   When the girl got home she remembered the morning incidents. There weren't lights over the house. Al-ice went upstairs to her attic room. While making preparations for sleep the girl imagined the day in all details. Some things made her angry again and some ones made her bloom with the happiness. She lost in dreams.
   The terrible noise woke her up. The sound was from inside the basement. Alice wasn't superstitious but that looked like a ghost very much. The girl made herself get up, turned the light on and began going down-stairs slowly. The entrance of the basement was locked. The noise stopped.
  - Who is there? - She asked angrily but with a kind of tremble.
  - It's me, - Alice recognized the disgusting voice in no time.
  - I've mistaken you for a burglar. What is the hell are you doing here?
  - I'm busy. Don't bother me and don't turn the light on there on. I'm working.
  - I can't sleep because of your work. Why didn't you work during the day?
   - I dropped several of my tools accidentally, so this could cause some sounds. I give my apologies to you. But why should I have asked for your permission to do my job? - The neighbor wondered aggressively.
  - You've got bad customs and manners.
  - I can say the same about yours.
   - What a bore you are! Stop making noise and shut up so that you aren't be killed, -Alice returned to the room. She was sick and tired of the neighbor. In fact he loathed him. "But what is he doing in the basement at nights?"- She thought and fell asleep again.


   The next morning she got up late. The last night seemed to be an awful dream. It was still quiet. The neighbor couldn't been seen and heard as though he had disappeared or vanished. Alice was pleased. She sunbathed a little in the deckchair and started making arrangements for the appointment with Jack. She made the hairdo and manicure in advance.
   The meeting was wonderful. They weren't short of funs and smiles. Alice and Jack were seeing the sights and chatting. Jack told her he was good at playing musical instruments. Alice said she was a terrific cook (it was almost the truth).
   The girl felt very happy close by Jack despite she had to lie during all the time. Alice didn't want to tell him her real story then as she was afraid to push Jack aside.
   - I have a request to you, - said Jack in the end of the meeting. - I'm asking you for dinner to my place tomorrow evening.
   Alice agreed with pleasant.
   - But I must say that I'm sharing the house. My neighbor is a very bad tempered woman. She can't stand anything and anybody. She's very nervous and shouts at for no reasons at all.
   - I can imagine what means to share a house. I used to live that way and my experience was terrible, -said Alice and wondered: - Is she beautiful?
   - Oh, of course not. Her appearance is just the same temper: she is an ugly, old woman. She wears hideous make-up and looks like a cabbage. If I were her husband I would commit suicide. Probably he did that in fact.
   - It sounds as if she is a monster, - Alice laughed.
   - You will see I don't exaggerate. But it would be better if you don't meet her. I can assure you it's not a great pleasure. I shall show you something more interesting besides this ancient lady. Well, where and when should I pick you up?
   They decided that Jack would pick her up near "their" cafe as they had called it. He said the house wasn't far from it.
   After that Jack apologized to Alice, gave her several photos of the resort which he had printed lately and said he had an urgent business.
   But Jack was remaining for some minutes... They had their particular reasons for that.


   While getting back Alice realized that she was falling in love. At home she chose her favorite cassette and put it into the tape. Lovely music spread over the attic room. Alice was dreaming and enjoying for some hours. Then she was hungry and made up her mind to fry toasts. She kept on listening to the music but sud-denly the girl heard something add to it. And she didn't like the addition. Alice bent over the balcony and saw nothing except the familiar hat and the rat sitting in the cage. As the girl guessed the malicious neighbor was in the terrace. He was whistling and playing the guitar. He was very poor in both the activities.
   Alice tried to cry as sarcastically as she could:
  - Aren't you afraid your rat will get a shock because of these wild and vile sounds?
  - I am in a good mood today and you won't succeed in spoiling it, - the disgusting man replied.
   - You'd better not do things you are hopeless at if you are not going..., - Alice stopped as there was an explosion behind her back. Something caught fire and the room was filled with a suffocating smoke. It was the toaster she had forgotten about. Alice gave a short but vocal cry and began extinguishing the fire. The smoke made her coughed and it caused tears upon her eyes. When she had already managed with the blame Alice heard a knock at the door.
  - What4 s the matter? Can I help you?! - The neighbor burst of shouting.
  - If s all right. I'm just cooking.
  - If the things you feed yourselves" on taste in the way they smell I wouldn't eat them. Open the door until you set the whole house on fire!!!
  - Get away! In that case you will have an opportunity to remain alive.
   The neighbor was still indignant for some time but at last he went into his room.
   "How the Earth can stand such people!? Jack and I aren't lucky with the roomies," - thought Alice.


   The next day was full of preparations. Alice tried the best dresses on and looked herself through the mir-ror for a great number of times.
   The girl knew she was late for the meeting but she wasn't going to hurry. That evening Jack was likely to say to her the most important words and Alice had to be ready to answer them in not a big rush. Alice heart was beating fast.
  - You are especially beautiful today, - said Jack. -1 am happy to see you.
  - I am very glad to see you too, Jack.
  - Shall we go? I'll show you my modest shelter and photo laboratory.
  - Can we see your house from here? - Alice asked while they were walking.
   - Yes, we can. It is over there, - Jack pointed out the place where two houses in a long distance from each other were. One of them Alice recognized easily: it was hers.
  - That big, white, four storied house surrounded by a lovely garden is fascinating!
  - My house is grey, small and there is no garden round it.
  - Are you sure?
  - Of course, I am. But why do you ask me about this?
   - It is you! My hideous neighbour is you!!! How could you call me an old, bad-tempered woman?!! And you have been pretending to be a decent person! Scoundrel! Maniac! Get out of my house! How much I hate you!!!
   Alice burst into her room, gathered all the things and was about to leave the resort.
   There was Jack in the doors.
   - I shan't let you go. I have stood because of you so much that I can't lose you now. I have got used to your bad temper, my sweetheart. I would miss you. I love you too much.
   Jack embraced and kissed Alice.
   - I have lost all my senses: I can't live without you, - the girl confessed, - but first you must get rid of your rat.
  - Hoover is a mongoose.
  - Don't argue with me otherwise I can change my mind.
  - Well, we'll discuss this later on...

The End.

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