Журнал "Самиздат": Миниатюра

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 Аламов С.В.
 Асеев Р.С.
 Балакин А.В.
 Богданов К.А.
 Бокулева М.А.
 Борзенко С.Б.
 Борщевская Н.В.
 Бурлаков А.Н.
 Вербицкий O.А.
 Волгин А.В.
 Гай О.В.
 Гайдучёнок В.А.
 Годунова А.В.
 Дмитреева О.
 Доронин В.Н.
 Дуйкова И.П.
 Жужа И.М.
 Зайцева А.А.
 Иванов А.А.
 Издательство С.К.
 Икида Л.
 Илларионов М.
 Кай М.
 Кая Т.
 Кейн А.
 Клизмин А.Р.
 Клыков М.А.
 Ключник Р.
 Кобринович Ю.О.
 Ковальски О.
 Колдовко Ю.Л.
 Комарова С.В.
 Кондратьев К.Г.
 Коняхин Д.В.
 Кротов В.Г.
 Лаврентьев Н.П.
 Лебедев М.А.
 Левашов Н.В.
 Лиса М.
 Лопырева Г.Б.
 Мазуркевич Н.
 Маликов М.Н.
 Марсал Т.М.
 Матора А.М.
 Мельник А.Ф.
 Морозова Ю.
 Мохова С.Ю.
 Мягкова И.
 Наумов А.П.
 Николаевич М.
 Павелин В.В.
 Панкина Н.С.
 Простой И.О.
 Разина Т.А.
 Ремпель М.
 Рысина Л.
 Сабельникова М.В.
 Самойлова Л.
 Сачева И.
 Свиркин А.В.
 Сказочник В.П.
 Соловьев М.А.
 Сорокин В.В.
 Тиранин А.М.
 Федоренко Д.Д.
 Хайлайн М.М.
 Хаяши А.
 Чернова М.Н.
 Шуравин А.П.
 Эванджелин Б.
 Эйр М.
 Яблочкова Н.
 Kaganov I.
 Quan C.
Страниц (691): 1 ... 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Caring: big and a very big. Забота: большая и очень большая. A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 3k   Философия
    Caring: big and a very big. Забота: большая и очень большая. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Cash Flow Balance (saldo) and Vice Speaker. A financial note 4k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Cash Flow Balance (saldo) and Vice Speaker. A financial note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Cats in space. Sketch 2k   Переводы
    Cats in space. Sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Cessna, Russial aircraft, on Kosti-Nf. A story 12k   Переводы
    Cessna, Russial aircraft, on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Chapel and Kanatnoye. An essay on geographical and historical associations 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Chapel and Kanatnoye. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Cheeky neighbours. A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    Cheeky neighbours. A story for children about Seryozha.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Chekhov's pince-nez. A story for children about Seryozha 6k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXVI. Chekhov's pince-nez. A story for children about Seryozha. - July 25, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Chervona Glinska. An essay on geographical and historical associations 6k   Переводы
    Chervona Glinska. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Chicks. A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXXII. Chicks. A story for children about Seryozha. - September 29, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Chief (East-Republican) historian of Russia of the 20th century. An essay on the Antonina Pikul's book ... 10k   Переводы
    Chief (East-Republican) historian of Russia of the 20th century. An essay on the Antonina Pikul's book "Valentin Pikul".
  • Zalessky Vladimir: China space program and the Lunar space station. A brief essay on the history of space exploration 8k   Переводы
    China space program and the Lunar space station. A brief essay on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Chingachgook and 60 electric vehicle drivers. A drawing 4k   Переводы
    Chingachgook and 60 electric vehicle drivers. A drawing.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Compensation will soon be paid and the constitutional right of ownership will be protected. Ironic note ... 4k   Переводы
    Compensation will soon be paid and the constitutional right of ownership will be protected. Ironic note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Comrades in arms fought on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. The letter by Leonid Starodubtsev dated ... 7k   Переводы
    Comrades in arms fought on Rostov-Gora on November 20, 1941. The letter by Leonid Starodubtsev dated June 13, 1989. An archival essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Conference. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Проза
    Conference. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Container with bananas. Контейнер с бананами. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    Container with bananas. Контейнер с бананами. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Crabs in a diesel sauce. Крабы в дизельном соусе. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 4k   Философия
    Crabs in a diesel sauce. Крабы в дизельном соусе. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Cuba (our happiness is constant: eat coconuts, chew bananas). Куба (наше счастье постоянно: ешь кокосы, ... 3k   Философия
    Cuba (our happiness is constant: eat coconuts, chew bananas). Куба (наше счастье постоянно: ешь кокосы, жуй бананы). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Cultural Observers of Kosti-Nf and "How Young We Were". Культурные обозреватели Кости-Nf и "как молоды ... 4k   Философия
    Cultural Observers of Kosti-NF and "How Young We Were". Культурные обозреватели Кости-NF и "как молоды мы были". A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Cute stylized women's asses, naked boys, Crimea, sports, cars, airplanes... A culturological note about ... 7k   Переводы
    Cute stylized women's asses, naked boys, Crimea, sports, cars, airplanes... A culturological note about the book "Deyneka. Graphics".
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Dance of the little swans. Танец маленьких лебедей. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    Dance of the little swans. Танец маленьких лебедей. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Dare mighty things in the information cosmos. A note 4k   Переводы
    Dare mighty things in the information cosmos. A note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: December 29, 2021. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 2k   Философия
    December 29, 2021. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Defender of kids. A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXСIV. Defender of kids. A story for children about Seryozha. - November 13, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Defense Ministry spokesman presenting to Defense Attaché the book by Stanisław Lem "Faithful ... 2k   Проза
    Defense Ministry spokesman presenting to Defense Attaché the book by Stanisław Lem "Faithful Robot". A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Derzhavin, Schliemann, Tolstoy (Igor Bogdanov and an advance copy of the book "a tutorial of a writer's ... 8k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXСVI. Derzhavin, Schliemann, Tolstoy (Igor Bogdanov and an advance copy of the book "A tutorial of a writer's success. Part I. Heinrich Schliemann and his lessons."). A culturological essay. - November 18, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Deunaquasation. The construction of a water conduit from the Rostov oblast to the Donbass. An essay 6k   Переводы
    Deunaquasation. The construction of a water conduit from the Rostov oblast to the Donbass. An essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Digital Platform. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 0k   Философия
    Digital Platform. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Diplomatic Ceylonian on Kosti-Nf. A story 13k   Переводы
    Diplomatic Ceylonian on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Dmitrovka and Nova Praha. The May. A geographical and historical note 3k   Переводы
    Dmitrovka and Nova Praha. The May. A geographical and historical note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Do a privivka! A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Do a privivka! A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Doctor Evil changes his mask. On Kosti-Nf. A sketch 8k   Переводы
    Doctor Evil changes his mask. On Kosti-NF. A sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Don't stomp like elephants! - on Kosti-Nf. A story 10k   Переводы
    Don't stomp like elephants! - on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Dostoevsky on Kosti-Nf. A humorous story 17k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXXXVII. Dostoevsky on Kosti-NF. A humorous story. - October 26, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Driving into the oncoming traffic lane (when bypassing a jeep that suddenly stopped). An autobiographical ... 8k   Переводы
    Driving into the oncoming traffic lane (when bypassing a jeep that suddenly stopped). An autobiographical story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Eastern dances. Восточные танцы. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    Eastern dances. Восточные танцы. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Effective manager. A play 10k   Переводы
    MMMCCLXXXIX. Effective manager. A play. - June 8, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Effective strategies of confrontation. Эффективные стратегии противостояния. A work of the East-Republican ... 4k   Философия
    Effective strategies of confrontation. Эффективные стратегии противостояния. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Electric scooter. A story for children about Seryozha. (From "stories on the little sheets of paper") ... 2k   Переводы
    Electric scooter. A story for children about Seryozha. (From "stories on the little sheets of paper").
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Electrification and demilitarization. Электрификация и демилитаризация. A work of the East-Republican ... 5k   Философия
    Electrification and demilitarization. Электрификация и демилитаризация. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Elon Musk's plan (2021) of stock sales; new levels of the culture of inventionship. A culturological ... 5k   Переводы
    Elon Musk's plan (2021) of stock sales; new levels of the culture of inventionship. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Elon Musk's words about the possibility of bankruptcy; the prospects for Spacex. An essay 3k   Переводы
    Elon Musk's words about the possibility of bankruptcy; the prospects for SpaceX. An essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: En plein air. Russial tourists visit the Digital Platform. A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 1k   Философия
    En plein air. Russial tourists visit the Digital Platform. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Energetic cultural observers. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Energetic cultural observers. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: English language courses. A story for children about Seryozha 4k   Переводы
    MMMCDXIII. English language courses. A story for children about Seryozha. - December 11, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Estol Electra - a model of an electric silent aircraft using the roofs of skyscrapers. (From a high-altitude ... 4k   Переводы
    ESTOL ELECTRA - a model of an electric silent aircraft using the roofs of skyscrapers. (From a high-altitude UAVs towards the urban mobility optimization). The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Ethiopia had launched two satellites into space. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    Ethiopia had launched two satellites into space. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Eugen Sänger, Werhner von Braun. Reflections on some chronological comparisons concerning events ... 8k   Переводы
    Eugen Sänger, Werhner von Braun. Reflections on some chronological comparisons concerning events in the biography of Sergei Korolev (1945). A biographical note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Evilwaveevilwaveev 0k   Киберпанк
    evilwaveevilwaveev. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art. October 14, 2021 11:59. { 2454. evilwaveevilwaveev. Интернет-картина. MMСCCСXXIV. evilwaveevilwaveev. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art. }
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Exhibition Saha Expo Hybrid 2021 in Turkey. Asisguard's Songar armed drone system. A drone with a video ... 6k   Переводы
    Exhibition SAHA EXPO Hybrid 2021 in Turkey. ASISGUARD's SONGAR armed drone system. A drone with a video camera, sight, machine gun and grenade launcher. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Experimental and educational fields, botanical gardens; out off the 20th century into the 21st century ... 1k   Переводы
    Experimental and educational fields, botanical gardens; out off the 20th century into the 21st century. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art. October 15, 2021 20:39. { 2457. Опытные и учебные поля, ботанические сады, из 20-го века в 21 век. Интернет-картина. MMСCCСXXVII. ...
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Facebook and a turntable. A philosophical note 4k   Переводы
    Facebook and a turntable. A philosophical note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Fairy tales about the methodology of increasing income of ordinary citizens on Kosti-Nf. A story 16k   Переводы
    Fairy tales about the methodology of increasing income of ordinary citizens on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Favorite fellow citizens. A project of a film script about the Russial cinema-creativity 6k   Переводы
    Favorite fellow citizens. A project of a film script about the Russial cinema-creativity.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Feuille d"automne. Nature morte. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Feuille d"automne. Nature morte. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Financial schemes for a film expedition; cosmos, the Moon and a super-heavy rocket. The note 6k   Переводы
    Financial schemes for a film expedition; cosmos, the Moon and a super-heavy rocket. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Florence of Medici. Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti. A culturological essay ... 5k   Переводы
    Florence of Medici. Sandro Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Following along a ways of Lomonosov. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Following along a ways of Lomonosov. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Forks, a housekeeper and a festive toast. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCDXXVII. Forks, a housekeeper and a festive toast. A story for children about Seryozha. - January 3, 2024.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Former Minister of Economy and principles for the evaluating of a statesman activity. A culturological ... 3k   Переводы
    Former Minister of Economy and principles for the evaluating of a statesman activity. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Fridtjof Nansen is worrying. A mystical story 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLX. Fridtjof Nansen is worrying. A mystical story. - September 9, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: From a 500 Days Program to a 5000 Days Program. The effective Turkish drone Bayraktar and the Russial ... 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. From a 500 Days Program to a 5000 Days Program. The effective Turkish drone Bayraktar and the Russial nuclear power plant in Turkey. An essay on an effective economic program.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: From an air bicycle to an electric "helicopter scooter". An essay on the development of technique 7k   Переводы
    From an air bicycle to an electric "helicopter scooter". An essay on the development of technique.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: From Inspiration4 towards Axiom Mission 1. The private business masters the Iss. The note 4k   Переводы
    From Inspiration4 towards Axiom Mission 1. The private business masters the ISS. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: From London, the idea is transferred to Kyiv. The note 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. From London, the idea is transferred to Kyiv. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: From Troy to Donbass. Из Трои - в Донбасс. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    From Troy to Donbass. Из Трои - в Донбасс. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Fundamentals of Foreign Policy (Основы внешней политики). A work of the East-Republican fine internet- ... 4k   Философия
    Fundamentals of Foreign Policy (Основы внешней политики). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Gabon on Kosti-Nf. A story 16k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLI. Gabon on Kosti-NF. A story. - August 30, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Games of Kindness. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCDVI. Games of Kindness. A story for children about Seryozha. - December 2, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: General Bulgakov on the Bureya River (and some other events). A patriotic sketch 7k   Переводы
    General Bulgakov on the Bureya River (and some other events). A patriotic sketch.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Generator of Ideas. (Golden Digital Ruble and Profitable Texts from Artificial Intelligence). A story ... 6k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLVII. Generator of Ideas. (Golden Digital Ruble and Profitable Texts from Artificial Intelligence). A story about Seryozha for children and adults. - September 8, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Getting money (water) out of thin air. The Far Eastern hectare - the Far Eastern quarter - the Far Eastern ... 4k   Переводы
    Getting money (water) out of thin air. The Far Eastern hectare - the Far Eastern quarter - the Far Eastern demographic failure. An economic essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Girls are walking along the capital. A note on the release of cultural radionews 3k   Переводы
    Girls are walking along the capital. A note on the release of cultural radionews.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Glasgow, Cop26. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 0k   Проза
    Glasgow, COP26. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Glex-2021, the Moon and a Super Heavy Rocket. A note on the history of space exploration 3k   Переводы
    GLEX-2021, the Moon and a Super Heavy Rocket. A note on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Gombos is a star blogger from St. Petersburg. A culturological essay 3k   Переводы
    Gombos is a star blogger from St. Petersburg. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Good deeds, gratitude and solidarity. And the values of the Bible. A culturological essay 3k   Переводы
    Good deeds, gratitude and solidarity. And the values of the Bible. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Gorky, Grinevsky (Grin), Paustovsky. A small secret of a great success in the progressive Soviet literature. ... 7k   Переводы
    Gorky, Grinevsky (Grin), Paustovsky. A small secret of a great success in the progressive Soviet literature. A literary essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Gorky, Paustovsky and Suslov. A story about the secrets of literary creativity 5k   Переводы
    Gorky, Paustovsky and Suslov. A story about the secrets of literary creativity.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Graceful gestures on Kosti-Nf. A story 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXLIII. Graceful gestures on Kosti-NF. A story. - August 16, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Gray sparrows, large crows and a powerful vacuum cleaner. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    Gray sparrows, large crows and a powerful vacuum cleaner. A story for children about Seryozha.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Greetings from Sochi to a Rostov umbrellas. A drawing 5k   Переводы
    Greetings from Sochi to a Rostov umbrellas. A drawing.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Guys. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Guys. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Gypsy choir. A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXXXIV. Gypsy choir. A story for children about Seryozha. - October 18, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Haberdashery Tie and Cardigan on the Third Moscow week of a mode. A work of the East-Republican fine ... 2k   Проза
    Haberdashery Tie and Cardigan on the Third Moscow week of a mode. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Happy New Year! Sparrow Chirr congratulates. A drawing 2k   Переводы
    Happy New Year! Sparrow Chirr congratulates. A drawing.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: He is more popular than Leo Tolstoy. An essay on modern Russial culture and literature 4k   Переводы
    He is more popular than Leo Tolstoy. An essay on modern Russial culture and literature.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Heinrich Stoll and his books. The note 5k   Переводы
    Heinrich Stoll and his books. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Helping young authors on Kosti-Nf. A story 14k   Переводы
    Helping young authors on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Heroes of the Trojan War admire the open sky. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 2k   Философия
    Heroes of the Trojan War admire the open sky. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Hey, you, up there! Эй, вы, там, наверху! A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 3k   Философия
    Hey, you, up there! Эй, вы, там, наверху! A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Historical Parallels of 1920 and of 1941 on Kosti-Nf. A story 10k   Переводы
    Historical Parallels of 1920 and of 1941 on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Hot meals. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 0k   Философия
    Hot meals. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: How to steal a culturology? The culturological sketch of the modern Russial history 6k   Переводы
    How to steal a culturology? The culturological sketch of the modern Russial history.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Humor and Greetings for the vietnamese man on Kosti-Nf. A story 11k   Переводы
    Humor and Greetings for the vietnamese man on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Hydrogen sulfide in exchange for imperials. A fantastic economic essay 3k   Переводы
    Hydrogen sulfide in exchange for imperials. A fantastic economic essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: I am compiling a list of (rare) things for sale. An app-antiquarian note 8k   Переводы
    I am compiling a list of (rare) things for sale. An app-antiquarian note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: I am putting up for sale a document on the return from evacuation in 1944 of the defenders of Rostov- ... 4k   Переводы
    I am putting up for sale a document on the return from evacuation in 1944 of the defenders of Rostov-on-Don (who participated in the defense of the city in November 1941). A semi-antique note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: I have come to give you a grain. Without any payment. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXXV. I have come to give you a grain. Without any payment. A story for children about Seryozha. - July 24, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: If there will be a hunt, so will be a participant. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Проза
    If there will be a hunt, so will be a participant. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Igor Kurchatov, Sergei Korolev, a priority of the East-Republican (Soviet) space program. A culturological ... 4k   Переводы
    Igor Kurchatov, Sergei Korolev, a priority of the East-Republican (Soviet) space program. A culturological note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Illustration for the song by Hands Up group "someone else's lips caress you". A work of the East-Republican ... 4k   Философия
    Illustration for the song by Hands Up group "Someone else's lips caress you". A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Ilya Glazunov. (Didn't notice). A culturological essay 4k   Переводы
    Ilya Glazunov. (Didn't notice). A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Ilya Repin. Barge Haulers on the Volga. A note on some my reflections while reading the book "Repin" ... 9k   Переводы
    Ilya Repin. Barge Haulers on the Volga. A note on some my reflections while reading the book "Repin" (the author of book - Igor Grabar).
  • Zalessky Vladimir: In a Berlin café. В берлинском кафе. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 4k   Философия
    In a Berlin café. В берлинском кафе. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: In honor of Victory Day. The exhibition of photographs and postal documents of participants in the battle ... 3k   Переводы
    In honor of Victory Day. The exhibition of photographs and postal documents of participants in the battle in Rostov-on-Don on November 20, 1941. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: In the native school, in native language. A monologue 1k   Переводы
    In the native school, in native language. A monologue.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: In the storehouse for the theater property. В хранилище театрального имущества. A work of the East-Republican ... 4k   Философия
    In the storehouse for the theater property. В хранилище театрального имущества. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Indian-American Multi-Prosperiton 3k   Философия
    Indian-American Multi-Prosperiton.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Indians know about Russian roulette and are able to crack the glass ceiling. A note 0k   Философия
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Indians know about Russian roulette and are able to crack the glass ceiling. A note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Inflated from consciousness of his own importance. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 2k   Философия
    Inflated from consciousness of his own importance. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Information about the Olympiad on Kosti-Nf. A story 12k   Переводы
    Information about the Olympiad on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Inheritance Hunters. Охотники за наследствами. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 5k   Философия
    Inheritance Hunters. Охотники за наследствами. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Inspiration4 and the movement to the first private space station. A scientific and historical essay 5k   Переводы
    Inspiration4 and the movement to the first private space station. A scientific and historical essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Instead of "Makhachkala" - "Krasnodar". A diary note 1k   Переводы
    Instead of "Makhachkala" - "Krasnodar". A diary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Intellectual cucumbers. A story for children about Seryozha 2k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXСIX. Intellectual cucumbers. A story for children about Seryozha. - November 24, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Internet art is "cleared of authors" and turned into money. The "Bible" of memes, the "stock exchange" ... 7k   Переводы
    Internet art is "cleared of authors" and turned into money. The "Bible" of memes, the "stock exchange" of memes. A culturological essay.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Internet tossico. Un'opera di Est-repubblicano visiva Internet-arte 3k   Философия
    Internet tossico. Un'opera di Est-repubblicano visiva Internet-arte.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Is there a shortage of labor resources? A scientific reflections 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXXIII. Is there a shortage of labor resources? A scientific reflections. - September 30, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Iss and the Axiom Orbital Segment. A note on the history of space exploration 5k   Переводы
    ISS and the Axiom Orbital Segment. A note on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: It"s raining heavily. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    It"s raining heavily. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: It's all good. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    It's all good. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: It's better to be wrong with everyone, than to be right alone. About the book by Giovanni Della Casa ... 5k   Переводы
    It's better to be wrong with everyone, than to be right alone. About the book by Giovanni Della Casa "Galateo or, The Rules of Polite Behavior" (1551-1554). The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: It's time to change the mask. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    It's time to change the mask. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Italian villa on Kosti-Nf. A story 12k   Переводы
    Italian villa on Kosti-NF. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Ivan Kramskoi, the Marshal of Russian Fine Arts of the mid-19th century. The note 6k   Переводы
    Ivan Kramskoi, the Marshal of Russian Fine Arts of the mid-19th century. The note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Izyum. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 5k   Философия
    Izyum. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Jacques Paganel is catching butterflies in Cordillera de los Andes. A work of the East-Republican fine ... 5k   Философия
    Jacques Paganel is catching butterflies in Cordillera de los Andes. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: James Webb Space Telescope. From 0.5 billion to 10 billion dollars. A note on the history of space exploration ... 6k   Переводы
    James Webb Space Telescope. From 0.5 billion to 10 billion dollars. A note on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Jeanne Medvedeva, Exolaunch и Loft Orbital fill space with satellites. A note on the history of space ... 3k   Переводы
    Jeanne Medvedeva, Exolaunch и Loft Orbital fill space with satellites. A note on the history of space exploration.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Jsc Antipinsky Oil Refinery (in Tyumen) sends oil products to Eurasec partners. A work of the East-Republican ... 2k   Философия
    JSC Antipinsky Oil Refinery (in Tyumen) sends oil products to EurAsEC partners. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kalashnikov, Mauser, the designer of an effective Turkish drone? A biographical note 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Kalashnikov, Mauser, the designer of an effective Turkish drone? A biographical note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kara Gate (November 24, 2021). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 1k   Философия
    Kara Gate (November 24, 2021). A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Karin Muller's book about traveling the ancient Inca trail. A literary note 3k   Переводы
    Karin Muller's book about traveling the ancient Inca trail. A literary note.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Karzai was coming and the Karavay was eaten. Пришел Карзай, съели каравай 0k   Философия
    Karzai was coming and the Karavay was eaten. Пришел Карзай, съели каравай.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kata and a loud scream. A story for children about Seryozha 3k   Переводы
    MMMCCCLXXXVI. Kata and a loud scream. A story for children about Seryozha. - October 24, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kaz Minerals in Chukotka. An Arctic Landscape Painting. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art ... 2k   Философия
    Kaz Minerals in Chukotka. An Arctic Landscape Painting. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kazachya Lopan (Cossack Water Well). An essay on geographical and historical associations 6k   Переводы
    Kazachya Lopan (Cossack Water Well). An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Khokhloma. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art 0k   Философия
    Khokhloma. A work of the East-Republican fine internet-art.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Khonzhenkovo, Khanzhonkovka and Khanzhonkov. An essay on geographical and historical associations 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Khonzhenkovo, Khanzhonkovka and Khanzhonkov. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kino-General Buldakov turned into Kino-General Ivolgin. A note about the history of Russial cinématographe ... 2k   Переводы
    Kino-General Buldakov turned into Kino-General Ivolgin. A note about the history of Russial cinématographe.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kitovsky and Yurganovsky (municipal districts). An essay on geographical and historical associations 8k   Переводы
    Kitovsky and Yurganovsky (municipal districts). An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Komyshuvakha, Zelenyi Hai. An essay on geographical and historical associations 10k   Переводы
    Komyshuvakha, Zelenyi Hai. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kramatorsk and Kramskoy. An essay on geographical and historical associations 6k   Переводы
    Kramatorsk and Kramskoy. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Kremidovka. An essay on geographical and historical associations 9k   Переводы
    Kremidovka. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Krestishchi. An essay on geographical and historical associations 4k   Переводы
    Krestishchi. An essay on geographical and historical associations.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Labor lessons make out of you a real man and as well as a support of the family. A story for children ... 9k   Переводы
    Labor lessons make out of you a real person and as well as a support of the family. A story for children about Seryozha.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lao Tzu leaves China riding a buffalo. Or the long road from the Shaolin Monastery to Moscow. A sketch ... 2k   Переводы
    Lao Tzu leaves China riding a buffalo. Or the long road from the Shaolin Monastery to Moscow. A sketch about modern Russial science.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lecture on postage stamps. A story for children about Seryozha 5k   Переводы
    MMMCCCXСVIII. Lecture on postage stamps. A story for children about Seryozha. - November 22, 2023.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenta and Utkonos. A brief economic study using the "method of putting puzzles" 3k   Переводы
    Lenta and Utkonos. A brief economic study using the "method of putting puzzles".
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov admires the Sea of Azov and reflects on the Beijing Declaration of the Brics countries and ... 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov admires the Sea of Azov and reflects on the Beijing Declaration of the BRICS countries and on the plan of António Guterres on a transport out a grain. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov and the import substitution during a cruise along Volga River. A story 9k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov and the import substitution during a cruise along Volga River. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov attends the International Archaeological Conference. A story 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov attends the International Archaeological Conference. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov begins a tourist tour to Sweden and Finland in honor of Peter the Great and Alexander the ... 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov begins a tourist tour to Sweden and Finland in honor of Peter the Great and Alexander the First. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov begins to read the Anatoly Kalinin's novel about the construction of the Volga-Don Canal ... 9k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov begins to read the Anatoly Kalinin's novel about the construction of the Volga-Don Canal and goes to the "Scarlet Sails" holiday - to the places that remember Alexander Grin. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov calls to buy a real estate in Russia, not abroad. A story 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov calls to buy a real estate in Russia, not abroad. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov cannot decide how to submit material about the weather in Crimea, and whether he should ... 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov cannot decide how to submit material about the weather in Crimea, and whether he should fly with bloggers to Primorye. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov cannot to fulfill financial obligations because of technical reasons. A story 7k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov cannot to fulfill financial obligations because of technical reasons. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov completes his river journey in Rostov-on-Don and reflects on political meanings. A story ... 7k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov completes his river journey in Rostov-on-Don and reflects on political meanings. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov designs the "Eastern Elevator" reserve currency. A story 6k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov designs the "Eastern Elevator" reserve currency. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov draws attention to the Arctic and to the Northern Sea Route. A story 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov draws attention to the Arctic and to the Northern Sea Route. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov draws up a Mir card for a trip to Turkey, but he does a stop in Samarkand. A story 3k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov draws up a MIR card for a trip to Turkey, but he does a stop in Samarkand. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov dreams of becoming an international doctor for the North East Africa. A story 3k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov dreams of becoming an international doctor for the North East Africa. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov during Scarlet Sails listening to the speech of the representative of the Union State. A ... 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov during Scarlet Sails listening to the speech of the representative of the Union State. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov feels interest in the history of turbines. A story 3k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov feels interest in the history of turbines. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov foresees the new Tagaz cars. A story 2k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov foresees the new TagAZ cars. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov gets acquainted with the problem of packaging drinks and with an innovative solution to ... 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov gets acquainted with the problem of packaging drinks and with an innovative solution to it. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov glorifies the magnificent tea from the wonderful island. A story 7k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov glorifies the magnificent tea from the wonderful island. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov hears the mysterious predictions of Count Alessandro di Cagliostro at the Summer Theatre. ... 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov hears the mysterious predictions of Count Alessandro di Cagliostro at the Summer Theatre. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov helps to replenish the loss of cars in Sochi. A story 5k   Сказки
    Lenya Bobrov helps to replenish the loss of cars in Sochi. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov hopes for a lucrative oil deal between Russia and Sri Lanka. A story 2k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov hopes for a lucrative oil deal between Russia and Sri Lanka. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov imagines how they roll from Russia to Sri Lanka. A story 2k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov imagines how they roll from Russia to Sri Lanka. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov imagins Napoleon, Joan of Arc and Robespierre in the painting "Parisian Cafe". A story 3k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov imagins Napoleon, Joan of Arc and Robespierre in the painting "Parisian Cafe". A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov imagins the river route of the international mission to study the energy of the Dnieper ... 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov imagins the river route of the international mission to study the energy of the Dnieper region. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is getting ready to buy an armchair from Ikea and to eat fish from the Barents Sea. A story ... 1k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is getting ready to buy an armchair from IKEA and to eat fish from the Barents Sea. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is going to make money out of air, depicts financial gears and becomes the Leader of modern ... 7k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is going to make money out of air, depicts financial gears and becomes the Leader of modern science. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is going to visit the Black Sea coast, but stays in Taganrog for a few days to practice ... 5k   Переводы
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is going to visit Turkey with Us dollars, and he flies from Samarkand home. A story 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is going to visit Turkey with US dollars, and he flies from Samarkand home. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is preparing for a trip to Indonesia. A story 3k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is preparing for a trip to Indonesia. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is rereading "The Forty-First" by Boris Lavrenyov (a native of Kherson). A story 10k   Проза
    Lenya Bobrov is rereading "The Forty-First" by Boris Lavrenyov (a native of Kherson). A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is sailing along the Tsimlyansk Sea and evaluates the usefulness of the Volga-Don River ... 7k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is sailing along the Tsimlyansk Sea and evaluates the usefulness of the Volga-Don River Transport Route. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is trying to make a choice. Russial shamans, tourist cashbacks, import substitution, technological ... 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is trying to make a choice. Russial shamans, tourist cashbacks, import substitution, technological breakthroughs. Turkish (Russian) brides, gas, grain, financial tranches, sales markets. Chinese economic secrets. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is trying to portray how they make spinning (twisting). Gearwheels of the Russial South ... 3k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is trying to portray how they make spinning (twisting). Gearwheels of the Russial South Caspian policy. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is walking around the Super-Market and trying to buy a side table for a desk, a tea in bags ... 8k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is walking around the Super-Market and trying to buy a side table for a desk, a tea in bags and a printer paper. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov is writing an essay about the Autobiography by Boris Lavrenyov. A story 6k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov is writing an essay about the Autobiography by Boris Lavrenyov. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov learns by phone in the Ministry of Finance how to protect the constitutional right of property. ... 3k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov learns by phone in the Ministry of Finance how to protect the constitutional right of property. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov makes a culinary invention and describes how they cleanse, liberate. A Belarusian-style ... 6k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov makes a culinary invention and describes how they cleanse, liberate. A Belarusian-style potato passport with cheese and butter in uniform. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov makes a material about a misunderstanding while an exhibition of paintings by Vasily Vereshchagin. ... 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov makes a material about a misunderstanding while an exhibition of paintings by Vasily Vereshchagin. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov makes a photography of a sunny day. A story 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov makes a photography of a sunny day. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov makes an attempt to explore the global food market and the role of Belarus in this market. ... 7k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov makes an attempt to explore the global food market and the role of Belarus in this market. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov makes payments in connection with a sudden acquisition of real estate. A story 9k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov makes payments in connection with a sudden acquisition of real estate. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov offers to jump over onto the robot Fedor. A story 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov offers to jump over onto the robot Fedor. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov on a cruise ship and a grandmother from the Donbass on the Volga pier. A story 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Lenya Bobrov on a cruise ship and a grandmother from the Donbass on the Volga pier. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov participates in a steeplechase in memory of Chekhov and puts up a book product for sale. ... 6k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov participates in a steeplechase in memory of Chekhov and puts up a book product for sale. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov plans to prepare material about the ordinary life. A story 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Lenya Bobrov plans to prepare material about the ordinary life. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov postpones a tourist trip to Sri Lanka. A story 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov postpones a tourist trip to Sri Lanka. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov posts an optimistic statement on the Internet about Russia's prospects in the global grain ... 0k   Переводы
    Текст временно не публикуется. The text is temporarily not published. Lenya Bobrov posts an optimistic statement on the Internet about Russia's prospects in the global grain market. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov posts material on the Internet about a great vacation in Sri Lanka. A story 4k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov posts material on the Internet about a great vacation in Sri Lanka. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov prepares and places on the Internet material about Grandfather Mazay and about hares. A ... 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov prepares and places on the Internet material about Grandfather Mazay and about hares. A story.
  • Zalessky Vladimir: Lenya Bobrov reflects on a statistics of prices using the example of sprat in a tomato sauce. A story ... 5k   Переводы
    Lenya Bobrov reflects on a statistics of prices using the example of sprat in a tomato sauce. A story.
  • Страниц (691): 1 ... 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691

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