Для среднего жителя России половые, расовые или этнические квоты - не более, чем злая история из США или стран Западной Европы. В этом маленьком исследовании изучается вопрос: а есть ли подобные квоты в современной РФ?
Осознанные сны против робота бармена. Эксперименты с мозгом и психотропными веществами. Изменение ДНК и сохранение мозга. Искусственный Ленин на броневике.
Симуляция - дед против приставов. Реальность - 23 полицейских убиты в перестрелке. Симуляция - бабушка ожила Реальность - поэт выстрелил в президента Амнезия и травма головы Агаты Кристи. Агата Кристи и стрихнин против своего литературного внука Кинга и револьвера
Бабушка доводит деда до кладбища Пер ла Шез. Будет смотреть. ка разлагается дело Деда. Только дед окажется в соседней галактике вместе с орденом адвокатов и одним особенным адвокатом.
"Високим" жанром вважається класична лiтература, в той час як масова - зорiєнтована на досягнення швидкого успiху. Це вiдрiзняє її вiд лiтератури "високої", представники якої можуть дозволити собi писати "в шухляду" або "для нащадкiв", сподiваючись на належне поцiнування свого шедевру ...
The consciousness of a person is characterized, first of all, not by the mind, which is inherent in all living things in one form or another as centers that process information coming from the senses, but by the awareness of oneself, which implies not just the acceptance of information ...
If we do not touch on physiology, then it should be noted: the processes that occur in sleep with a person, till now either obvious or incomprehensible, although there are enough assumptions of various kinds. But they have no convincing grounds. Therefore, it makes sense to try to ...
Philosophers have explained the world. Thinkers-designers", for example, Marx, have been pointing out, how to change the world. But no one clearly explained, why to the world not to do without a person.
Our lives began to change very quickly and not for the better. All sorts of wiseacres can't really say anything about the near future, except for obvious nonsense, based on nothing, although our civilization on Earth is not the first, and these past civilizations, alas, have gone ...
It is believed that the intangible otherworldly as a thing in itself is absolutely inaccessible, invisible and terrible because no one returns from there. Let's try to understand why this is not the case using examples of known facts.
A person, although separated from nature, but not so much as to lose his animal essence. This essence, more precisely, the animal consciousness, manifests itself to one degree or another in each person in the form of his individuality, whereas the personality of a person is a reflection ...
Here an attempt is made to overcome the one-sidedness, as well as the incompleteness of both materialism and idealism, by putting forward a hypothesis that balances the inanimate matter (the passive) and the matter represented by consciousness in alive (the active) in Creation, thanks ...
Consciousness in alive uses the sense organs of the living being, its centers that process information, as well as programs that are realized in the form of form-building abilities, which together makes it possible to select out from the incoming information the surrounding that can ...
There are various theories about a person, for example, that he is not an independent entity, and his life is predetermined from above, although it is not clear why, or, on the contrary, that a person exists by oneself in his disposable life, which is not determined by anyone but ...
About possibility of emergence of an equilibrium and ecological civilization in the form of self-organizing and self-governing communities on ruins of the present technological civilization based on a state and capitalist control system.
After the invention of computers and, accordingly, - games based on it with simulated reality, the consideration arose: maybe we are the inhabitants of the simulated game of some higher intelligence that produced us and amuses oneself, watching us? Therefore, it makes sense to compare ...
An exact definition of an integral community has not yet been found, whereas one can proceed from the general concept of an integral community as a union of individuals based on common principles and values of beingness, both material and spiritual, found by them in the course of ...
Until now, the question of the emergence and role of labor in the emergence and formation of a person is on the agenda for the reason that a number of living beings also work quite intensively, having, moreover, one can say, an ideal organization of labor with its division into appropriate ...
Since L. N. Gumilev"s definition of the dynamics of the integral communities, who called them ethnic groups, is quite problematic, it makes sense to use a number of examples to determine the dynamics of the integral communities by their activity.
Creativity in a person is the only thing that determines the progress of civilization in the technological and cultural spheres. Where did this creative beginning come from, science has not yet discovered, although much has been written about it. It is not even clear with what, in ...
How to cope with the people the most effective? Even in ancient times, Plato spoke out very definitely about this. What changed lately both with the people, and with rulers? And what to do to the ordinary person in a situation when he is being robbed and deceived constantly? Neither ...
Infinity, not existing in itself, manifests itself only through the finite. Therefore, the development of civilization cannot last indefinitely with the capture of more and more space, as many futurologists believe. Sooner or later it comes to a natural end, but after some time it ...
Until now, intuition seems to be a mysterious and even otherworldly phenomenon, which to a certain extent is so, but the very fact of recognizing its existence contains a moment of solving, if, of course, we turn to the origins of the emergence of consciousness, which in a person ...
It is obvious that without giving a clear definition of the concept of reason, it is impossible to answer this question. We can only state that in beingness known to us, continuity and infinity are clearly manifested only in mathematics, and even in physics, limits are set for everything. ...
Whose will win in the confrontation between Russia and the entire Western world, led by the United States? Weak Russia nowadays or the strong America? Is it possible to actually the victory any of the parties at this stage of development of a civilization? Why only Russians do not ...
The best minds of mankind have been struggling for several thousand years to solve the problem of establishing a fair people's state, but this tempting goal has not been achieved in any way, despite repeated attempts. What is the reason for the collapse of these blissful hopes?
In connection with the preparation in several countries of the flight to Mars, which has already spent billions of dollars for, it makes sense to ask: whether is the space exploration possible, as well as the manned space flights at present to planets of our star system and supposedly ...
Here, using the example of an ordinary mirror, we present a way out of the impasse in which science finds itself, considering time to be an objective reality within the framework of the only one formation (Creation).
The work explains how nothingness turns into everything, remaining nothing. Creation is presented as a dual system of infinity out of time, and its holographic superhigh-frequency projection, which is integral zero in any position. Beingness in the form of universes with inhabited ...
One of the most topical issues is considered in work - elimination of near-surface inflammations, especially chronic inflammations which hundreds millions people suffer and which very poorly give in to treatment. Thanks to the offered designs are eliminated (are significantly slackened) ...
Truth exists as the certain information about objects, obtained in various ways, which reveals in the current reality their specific essence only for subjects at a certain level of consciousness for their benefit, as well as for the application, that develops them, and changing with ...
The initial idea of total cosmos exploration, which is currently being tried to implement, comes from the theory of the Russian thinker N.F. Fedorov, the basis of which is the universal raise of the dead, which in itself indicates the utopianism of both the second and the first. Nevertheless, ...
The dualistic - the animal consciousness and self-consciousness - of a person determines all consequences of the human activity, which are manifested, on the one hand, in the aspiration to know the world and oneself, reflected in the development of the human self-consciousness and, ...
Until now, only psychology recognizes self-consciousness. However, psychology explains the emergence and essence of consciousness and self-consciousness only within the framework of their external manifestations. An attempt to expand these frameworks based on a new approach to them ...
Until now, there are only two main positions regarding the emergence and existence of Universe, which is considered to be synonymous with beingness: the eternal moving matter progressed until the appearance of the living beings; some life-giving force created everything that exists ...
Too often a people, population and nation are presented as one and the same, especially since ethnos and nation in translation mean people, and, indeed, the explanation of the differences between these concepts is too general and does not reveal the essence of these concepts, although, ...
Humanity will always strive for harmony, although until now all its attempts to achieve this blissful state have failed, but in this seemingly fruitless striving, civilization has reached an unprecedented flowering, which, literally, immediately gave way to withering. So, is harmony ...
Each person understands that his consciousness is inseparable from himself, but he cannot imagine how and why something invisible and intangible makes him suddenly temporarily alive, and then suddenly disappears, leaving him dead? Both science and well-known thinkers individually ...
Any person is faced with contradictions in determining the true and false. But it must be so, because the path to truth, or rather, from the phenomenon to the essence is difficult and comprehension of truth at any level happens during many lives, through a number of mistakes, delusions, ...
If you look at the course of life of humanity in its development, it turns out that it goes with acceleration, which is increasingly condensing the main phases of this development - from slaveholding up to capitalism. Moreover, even before the emergence of civilization, the living ...
Until now, the source of entropy as an irreversible dispersion and a measure of disorder or uncertainty of a system has not been identified, whereas the entropy carries not only a negative charge, but is one of the factors that ensure living things, and for a person it represents ...
Such, widely used still in the ideology, the currents of the human thought, as racism, humanism and internationalism, as shown in this work, are nothing more than falsehoods that allow to mislead the entire nations, thereby causing wars and other innumerable troubles for them.
Many branches of science are aimed at studying the essence of consciousness, the main of which is psychology. Success, judging by the results of this turbulent and costly activity, is actually not observed. In particular, not only is there still no clear definition of consciousness, ...
Dreams about free time at the real triumph of robots and computers turn into the search for at least some occupation, so as not to fall into prostration. Than all this threatens us? And what could be the solution?
The duality of the human consciousness implies the inevitability of the manifestation of his animal nature. The struggles of the instincts and passions that form the basis of the slavish psychology, egocentrism, stagnation, and creativity of the person, whose foundation lies in his ...
Household and religious idea of the good and evil as opposite ethical categories is absolutized up to recognition them by comprehensive. How the situation with them in fact is? and why these concepts are inapplicable to the world of the nature?
Science still cannot explain the widely known and numerous facts of acceleration and deceleration of time, in particular, apparent acceleration of time in an old age. These facts find an explanation from a position of representation of time in this work as informational product.
It is known, that the appearance of coups that radically alter the course of civilization"s development, is explained in different ways. Nevertheless, each coup is preceded by an accumulation in a certain combination of factors acting implicitly, but which inevitably produce the decisive ...
Surprisingly, until now, all segments of the world's population feed on utopias of various kinds, from which they are unable to abandon, with rare exceptions. However, the situation is saved by the fact that civilization develops according to objective laws, and the consequences of ...
Cunning is often confused with ingenuity, while it is nothing more than a tactical machination, at the expense of which will not win the war, but you can deceive some people. Therefore, it makes sense to clarify the origins of cunning and creativity (ingenuity), and to identify on ...
Certainly, the main thing in Creation is just what is capable to be separated from it, evaluate it and itself, to move forward together. A person arose in itself or not? What is really his mission and whether there is this mission, per se? The riddle of emergence of the subject, which ...
What are the root causes of the rottenness of power elites at all times - their stupidity, greed, hypocrisy, deceit, corruption, pursuit of their own predominantly mercantile interests, an enduring desire to sow discord, contempt for ordinary people, constant mistakes at the management ...
Beingness in a certain way contains consciousness, without which its manifestation would not be possible. Consciousness injects beingness through itself in the living beings into current time forming own surrounding out of things, giving beingness sense, and life to oneself through ...
The time factor is an integral element of consciousness, not existing outside of it. Consciousness of any living being is characterized by two types of time - the own time of each living being (its present) and the external time, which is being formed by the whole totality of living ...
Consciousness manifests beingness through its own carriers, giving it meaning, and life to itself through the selection of information about being that it is able to decipher, copy and process for further use. Consciousness fixes the changes of beingness available to it in the form ...
New two-level pile highways on the steel framework, providing unceasing movement of trains, vehicles, being characterized rather low expenses and capable to combine in one volume unceasing movement of railway transport, motor transport, raw materials transfer on pipelines, information ...
For more than one thousand years, thinkers have been proceeding from the idea that a person is the pearl of creation, and all their constructions are tuned precisely to this idea; therefore, they are, at the very least, insufficient and too often misleading, which is also characteristic ...
The creative beginning is present in every person, reaching its peak in not much individuals. However, these geniuses, with rare exceptions, suffer from diseases that are not often inherent in their less talented and numerous brethren. Why is this happening, modern science has not ...
Until now, the clear definition of the concept of fear, as well as the place and significance of this phenomenon in relation to both the main strata of society and society as a whole, has not been given. The attempt to solve these problems is presented in this article.
Existing theories about the development of a person and humanity are divided into three main categories: some consider a person as the only representative of the reason, which he must develop, forgetting that a person and humanity are finite, and a person himself is a semi-primate; ...
Until now, no explanation has been found for the inefficiency of non-violent methods of struggle of peoples both against oppressors and for their rights to a better life. At the same time, for the entire time of the existence of civilization there has not been a period without wars ...
There are many opinions about who or what makes history. Some argue that the main actor in the history of mankind are the personalities, others - peoples, others believe that we are controlled by certain forces. Therefore, it makes sense to figure out what is really happening to us, ...
Alive is an expression of consciousness in beingness, containing in oneself, in contrast to inanimate matter, its own consciousness, but this consciousness in the living cannot do without the inanimate, which constitutes its material basis, a kind of carcass of any being, and this ...
The role of self-consciousness, which is characteristic only for a person, is still underestimated. It is even more incomprehensible to everyone and everyone: what the civilization will come to thanks to the participation in this process of this truly human property, why is self-consciousness ...
Some problems going beyond a consideration circle science and religion, nevertheless, do not disappear anywhere. Some of them are a subject of inescapable interest, in particular, that which concerns the ultraboundary for our sensations (otherworldly). The following are considerations ...
Science to this day is powerless in determining the mechanism of imagination, which makes a decisive contribution to the implementation of the process of human creativity. At the same time, science, denying the imagination in animals, removes the basis for explaining the process of ...
Could a genius of thoughts and feelings emerge from primates? The answer is obvious. This means that there are certain potencies in a person, allowing to solve the problem of genius. On the other hand, geniuses among individuals is impossible to project and grow up at all diligence ...
There is no such term as the intelligentsia, except Russia, generalizing all representatives of intellectual labor. In the rest of the world, the cultural layer of the nation is called intellectuals, and the term intelligentsia is not applied. However, in reality, representatives ...
Могут ли появиться герои в наше время распада общества, в котором тон задают одни проходимцы и корыстолюбцы? Быть может и не стоит героям спасать подобное общество, на место которого придет новое, где они смогут действительно развернуться? Ответ на этом вопрос можно поискать в этой ...
In order to doubt, that a person's intellect is his mind, or consciousness, make sense to compare it with artificial intellect. Then it becomes clear that intellect by itself and consciousness in general differ significantly and an attempt should be made to clarify the essence of ...
Is it possible to equalize everybody in the aspiration to build a fair society or is it impossible? What role does inequality play in society - is only negative? In which sectors of society there is practically no inequality?