Торшина Катарина Евгеньевна : другие произведения.

Elf Girl

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  March woke up early. The clock showed five in the morning. The girl did not want to sleep. She brushed off his forehead a lock of red wavy hair that stuck together during sleep. Today a wonderful morning shines summer sun, the birds sing, smell the golden summer. March down the legs to the floor and stretched. In her eyes beam hit the warm sun. More very early to go to college. Martha liked to learn the girl had many friends and everyone loved this seventeen year old little girl. The girl slyly narrowed his green eyes and deftly jumped to the floor. Miss Gerol bare feet padded in the bath. Wanting to ward off the remnants of sleep, she opened the cold water tap and washed vigorously. Then I take a morning shower and brushed my teeth. The dream vanished. March went to the kitchen to prepare their own breakfast. She loved to toast with peanut butter and a glass of pomegranate juice. March quickly all currently prepared and sat at the table. The house was still quiet; her family were still asleep. Suddenly, home phone rang. March delayed the half-eaten toast and went to the phone.
    Yes, I'm listening to - cheerfully said Miss Gerol.
    At the end of the phone she heard the young man's voice:
    Hey, Martha! I knew that you do not sleep!
    She felt in the heart of bottled soft.
    -Eric, I'm so glad to hear you - with great love Martha replied .-- Come with me, let's go to college together.
    -I, By the way, about this and call you - laughed in the tube Eric .-- Did you know that Mrs. Lynch has decided today to give us a test?
     Martha was frightened of this news. She liked biology and this item was given to her easily.
     -All Okay, Eric. You know that this is my biologiya- << >> horse - Miss Gerol laughed.
     While she was on the phone, I walked into the kitchen of Mrs. Katherine Gerol. Seeing a daughter, the woman smiled at her. Katharina looked attractive: reddish hair fell to her shoulders, blue eyes were soft and kind. March winked mother.
    - Eric, you come, I will wait, - said the girl softly into the phone.
    - I'm going, - said the guy .-- I was in the car. Wait for me, my rosette!
    She smiled and hung up.
    - It was Eric - asked Mrs. Gerol.
    - Yes, Mom, - Martha kissed her mother .-- I will run to gather, and that Eric is about to arrive.
    She vigorously started running around the house; She grabbed a red bag, backpack, put to a packet of biscuits, apple and chocolate. Catherine, the daughter watching the bustle, quietly laughing.
    - Martha, you are so troubled, my daughter - the mother went to the girl and put her arm around her as if to stop her daughter.
    Suddenly, March silently screamed and pulled away from mother.
    - What's the matter, daughter - in fright asked Mrs. Gerol. The girl looked at her mother in surprise.
    - Do not know, Mom, I ... I ... just came back sharply in ...-- she herself could not understand what had happened .-- All right, let go like.
    Are you sure? Maybe invite the doctor - mother sympathetically looked at Martha.
    - Do not worry, Mom, everything is gone, - she smiled and put the backpack.
    Then the doorbell rang. March saw the opening and ran on the verge of a tall young man with dark hair and blue eyes, good, but with a little cunning. A young man smiling and holding a bouquet of roses.
    - Hi, rosette - man gallantly kissed her hand Martha .-- This is for you!
    The boy gave a girl flowers.
    - Eric, I'm so glad to see you! - Exclaimed joyfully Beauty .-- Oh, what beautiful flowers!
    March leaned toward a full-blown buds to inhale the unique aroma of roses. Few come round, she took Eric's hand and led him into the living room.
    -Wait, I'll just see how my asters - Martha kissed the boy and ran to her room.
    Eric began to inspect the living room; He walked over to a large library and picked up a thick book in a thick red-bound. The book was a little shabby. The young man began to inspect it, and a little surprised: the book was about the colors of the world and how to make them elixirs, drugs and more.
    - Hmm, I wonder whose it is a book - Eric asked himself.
    -This Book Martha - heard behind Lentsch deep male voice. The young man turned to see Martha's father, Mr. Greg Carroll. It was a stout tall man, short cut with green eyes. His eyes were calm, but I felt a certain rigor.
    - Hello Mr. Gerol, I did not hear you come in.
    The men shook hands.
    - Martha loves these books - continued Greig .-- She's just crazy about flowers, and even she did not understand where she has this fanaticism.
    Eric said the men marveled. The guy did not even know that Martha loves flowers so much.
   At this time, in March in his room cleaned with a clean cloth flowers asters. A girl having fun singing some song. Marta and really loved the flowers of all kinds. She liked its aroma, tenderness and purity. Miss Gerol even felt some connection with colors.
    Suddenly Martha pierced a sharp pain under the shoulder blades. The pain was so intense that she cried out and fell unconscious. At this point in the window flashed a strange light, and heard a quiet melodious singing ...
    Eric and Mr. Gerol, at this time, sitting in the living room.
    - It is strange that my daughter did not tell you about his hobby - surprised Greig.
    - Maybe she did not consider it so important - concluded Eric.
     Mr. Gerol nodded. Then Eric, as if caught himself and realized that Martha has long does not come out of his room.
    - Why is there a long time Martha - anxiously asked the youth .-- Is it so long watering the flowers?
    - Do not worry, I told you, my daughter having fun on flowers - reassured Mr. Man Gerol.
    Eric got up from the couch and looked at the clock hanging on the wall. In college, young people clearly late.
    Mrs. Gerol decided to go to her daughter to help with the flowers. Entering the room, Katherine saw Martha in an unnatural position, lying on the floor. Mother terribly frightened and ran to her daughter.
    - Martha! My girl - Katharina screamed in fright and tried to raise her daughter.
    She let out a barely audible sound and fell silent again. The woman panicked. She burst into tears of fear and despair, not knowing what her little girl.
     - Greig - panic cried Mrs. Gerol .-- Rather, here!
    Katharina's husband, heard the cry, frightened jumped from the couch in the living room and rushed to call his wife. Erik also ran after him. Running into Martha's room, Greig saw his wife sitting on the lap around Martha, who was lying unconscious on the floor.
    - Oh, my God! - Whispered a frightened man and rushed to her daughter .-- Honey, wake up! What happened to you?
    Mrs. Gerol looked up at her husband's tear-stained eyes.
    - Greig ... I .. oh ... I do not know that our daughter - a woman with sobs she could not utter a word.
    At this point, Eric ran and saw this terrible picture. The young man rushed to Martha and tried to pick it up.
    - Native! My rosette - scared his girlfriend called Eric .-- What's the matter ?!
    Unfortunately Martha replied.
    - It is necessary to call an ambulance - emphatically said Greig Gerol, although in his eyes was evident fear. The man looked at Eric.
    -Zvoni In an ambulance, and we shifted her to the bed, - ordered the man.
    The young man nodded and began frantically to take the phone out of his pocket. Catherine Greig and gently raised a daughter in her arms and laid on the bed. Then in March abruptly opened her eyes. Parents were confused when he saw the girl's eyes completely blue.
     She sharply arched and screamed hysterically:
    - Astarte!
    The cry of Martha felt the pain and despair. the girl's body is curved so that the parents had to make an effort to keep the daughter.
    - Well, where is Eric?! - Angry Greig .-- It has long had to call an ambulance!
    - Greig, and who the groves - Kathryn asked quietly, wiping the sweat from his forehead with his daughter.
    - I do not know - shrugged his husband .-- I am also surprised to hear that name.
    Then Eric came running and said that he called an ambulance and the doctors are on their way. The guy looked at Martha. She was lying quietly. Eric stood and wept. Catherine looked at him and the woman felt sorry for him. She walked over to the young man and gave him a hug.
    - Do not worry, son, everything will be alright - through tears tried to reassure Mrs Erika Gerol. The woman tried so hard to reassure himself.
    Suddenly the door bell rang. All they startled. Recovering himself, the mother rushed to open the door. On the threshold stood the doctor and nurse.
    - Oh my God! Finally, you arrive - sobbing doctors rushed to the poor woman .-- Rather, let's go to my daughter!
     Katharina literally dragged over the doctor's hand. He was a tall, gray-haired man with brown kind eyes. In view of the doctor was about fifty years.
    - Ma'am, calm down, keep yourself in the hands - a woman doctor reassured Blanks .-- I will search your daughter.
     Katharina and the doctor entered the room, Martha. Around her bed sat a father and Eric. The girl was lying quietly. Dr. decisive step came to Martha. The men immediately gave way to his place.
     - For a long time she was unconscious - said Mr. Blanks. He began to examine the girl pupils.
    - An hour somewhere, but she sometimes wakes up and cries out in pain, - said dejectedly Greig .-- We do not even know that it hurts.
     Dr. Martha silently listened to the heartbeat, felt his stomach. Then he turned and saw the girl two notable build-up under the shoulder blades.
    - Hmm ... what's this - as if himself asked Mr. Blanks, feeling growths .- Did you see that his daughter?
     The doctor turned to his parents. Those surprise looked at Blanks, and then transferred to a startled look on her daughter's back.
    - No ...-- dumbfounded said Katrin.- We did not look at her back, the doctor! Tell me, do you help her?
    Mother looked pleadingly at Mr. Blanks. No sooner had the doctor to answer, as Martha opened her eyes and arched sharply, uttering inhuman cry. From this cry, the blood froze in my veins. Eric threw himself to his beloved and tried to keep her. Mrs. Gerol, crying and rushed to her daughter.
    - My daughter! Honey - the poor woman does not know what to do with fear and despair.
   Mr. Banks dismissed Catherine and Eric. Dr. Martha quickly made soothing prick and took and girl in his arms, carried her to the exit. Behind him followed Katharina, pale with fear and Eric Greig. The doctor ordered Martha on the street. - Rather, the stretcher - Strongly Blanks ordered the two nurse. They put the girl on a stretcher. Greig went to the doctor. Mr. Gerola eyes were red from crying. - I beg you, Doctor, save our daughter - Greig said softly. Blanks patted the man on the shoulder. - Everything will be fine - reassured Michael.- You can go with his wife to the hospital to her daughter. - Of course, we will go. Greig went to Catherine. She stood next to Eric and crying. - My dear, let us go to the doctor - Gerol embraced his wife's shoulders. - Yes, of course I'll go, - Catherine looked at her husband .-- And what about Eric? He loves her. Hearing their conversation, Dr. Blanks nodded. - Of course, the young people also can go, - said Michael. The girl's parents, and Eric got into the ambulance and she moved off.
   In New York, the house threw huge shadows like giants. The weather was wonderful: warm sun was shining, birds were singing, cool streams gurgled. People went about their business. And some of the New York College of Art has a youth.
    High brunette with brown eyes trying to call someone. Next to the girl was her friend, a striking blonde with cold gray eyes, thin cigarette was clamped in his teeth white.
    - Who do you keep ringing, Caitlin - asked the blonde, releasing a thin stream of smoke.
    - I'm trying to call Martha, - he said Brunette.- But the phone is not available.
    - And you try to call this abnormal - girlfriend smiled .-- Do not worry, she will most likely stuck with her flowers and her nor to anybody cares.
    - How can you say that, Elizabeth?! - Protested in March .-- Caitlin loves flowers, but it is a responsible person! I think something happened ...
    She tried again and again to call Martha. Here the girls passed by a woman of thirty-five years with blond hair, braided in her hair, and green eyes. In the hands of a woman carrying a folder with documents.
    - Ms. Starks! Miss Oldman! Why are you not yet in the audience? --- Strictly she turned to Katie and Elizabeth.
    - Excuse us, Rector Kurtz, we go - sorry Katie Starks.
    Mrs. Kurtz nodded and entered the building college. After it passed a few students. Kathy thoughtfully staring at the phone. Suddenly she was startled by the touch of someone's hand on his shoulder. Turning around, she saw her friend Caitlin Elizabeth Oldman.
    - Hey, honey, what are you hung - Beth laughed .-- Come on, then call back to Martha.
    Ms. Starks silently nodded and the two friends entered the college building.
   At this time, a tall, handsome young man running down the
   street. His blue eyes beautiful cold and indifferent, they betrays arrogance.
   Black hair like a raven's wing, gleaming in the sun like silk. Outside this
   guy attracted attention; He was indecently handsome with athletic.   
    The young man ran down the alley past the people who looked with surprise
   after him. But the guy did not pay attention to them anyone. He ran a few
   meters, the young man found himself near the house Gerol family. After opening
   the gate, the young man went into the yard and looked around. He immediately
   noticed the flower bed with beautiful flowers, rose bush, who grew up near the
   flower bed. The young man bent over to inhale the fragrance of the flowers,
   then ran his fingers along the petals. Suddenly his eyes Man became completely
   black, and around the body appeared dark glow. Beautiful flowers wilted
   Suddenly, everything stopped because an unusual young man called out a
     - Excuse me, but what are you doing here?
     The boy looked around and saw the neighbor's fence for an elderly woman. She
   looked at the stranger with suspicion and curiosity.
     - Madame, you will forgive me for such a daring visit, but I came to the
   call of his princess - politely said the guy with the bow.  
     A neighbor raised her eyebrows in surprise. She entered the courtyard of
   the family Gerol, and came to the young man, looked him up and down. The woman
   struck the kind of guy he was dressed in a black leather suit, was draped over
   a dark coat with the collar turned up, on legs leather boots. Around his neck
   hung a gold chain boys.   
    - Son, and you're not there come to Martha - the woman asked.  
    Yes, madam, - the young man gallantly kissed the hand of an elderly woman .-
   - She called me, and here I come.  
    The woman shook her head sadly:   
   - Oh, the handsome, so Martha on the ambulance was taken to hospital. Poor
   her poor thing!  
    Suddenly the guy kind smile disappeared from his face and there was a wicked
   grin, and turned black overnight. But the neighbor did not see anything,
   because the mysterious stranger turned away. He turned to the young man's face
   again assumed a friendly appearance.  
    - The hospital - with indifference .-- asked the young man she was ill?  
    - I do not know, - said the woman .-- I saw just how it was put on a
   stretcher and taken away in an ambulance.
     - Thank you, madam, I will find the hospital and come to see Martha -
   handsome neighbor kissed his hand and turned and walked away.
     An elderly neighbor looked after him in surprise.  
    - What a strange guy - surprised lady .-- Even the hospital address is not
   asked. Okay!   
    The neighbor waved his hand and went to his house.
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