Velvet Sky
Touch the velvet sky over my head,
I dance like a fool, I'm not dead,
I commit my crime, I refuse to come back,
Your dagger's playing behind my back,
I'm no fool, velvet sky's my ally,
It's so cool to know the truth's a lie,
But we don't stop, we keep going, we roll,
Yea-a-ah...Who cares if the devil or Jesus' in control?
Show me some mercy, stop my pain,
No matter where you go, I'll see you plain,
Velvet rain pours down velvet sky,
You just stand by me, spread wings and fly!
Refrain: 1x
I'll try to believe it's all not in vain,
My search ends here always the same,
I stick my flag on the very top,
I hold it like a dead man's rope,
What a shame there is no sope...
Refrain: 1x
Oh, no, I am no fool...Yea-a-a-h...
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души"
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