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French Kiss

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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    Inspired by Coldplay. Dedicated to Ladybird.

French kiss

Na-a-a-a...I touch the skies, I fly with winds, I drink the ocean, I look at the heaven...when you kiss me!

Na-a-a-a...See the same I see, feel the same I feel, it's not December, it's always spring...when you kiss me!

Na-a-a-a...No shame, no guilt, we do it everywhere, people gaze, people glide while we stay calm and sober...when you kiss me!


When you kiss me, it's French,

Time is slow,

No motion,

No fear,

Eyes are closed,

Lips are close,

Feel the rays through my breathe...

Na-a-a-a...I touch your skies, I fly your air, I drink your passion, I look in your eyes...when you kiss me!

Na-a-a-a...no rain would stop us, no noise, no hesitation, it's always spring...when you kiss me!

I am here, kiss me tender, kiss me French, touch my lips with fiery wish, kiss me French!

Refrain: 2x

Kiss me French...

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