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Reasons of Trafficking from Cis countires

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   Reasons or what leads to the trafficking from CIS?
   The name of the movie is Bucharest-express. Bucharest-express is the fast train, moving from the CIS countries further to the West. West is traditionally even from the days of the tsarist Russia is considered to be the way of escape? The ways of new, extraordinary solution from the crises. So, from the old days, when Slovenians cannot find the ways out of the situation, they move their view towards the West.
   So, what we can see in the modern days from the windows of train, which left from Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, where this movie was shot. On the most of the way- endless green fields, sometimes small railroad stations build at least 50 years ago, very few villages, small amount of cattle- and this is on both sides: of Moldovian and Romanian border. On the custom control rude people will roughly take your documents and will disappear with them for 40 minutes, later explaining to you that they just check through computer to see if you are not criminal. According to the International norms, your documents can be taken from you only with your personal invitation to pass by the checking organs, which both of the countries should respect because at least that one fact that they have enormous credits and debts in the face of Word Bank and European community. Only the United States donated to these countries for years since the time of their so-called independence and this can be calculated in the billions of dollars. The fact that 4 million population of Moldova have the debt for every citizen from 20 bucks (and its not the modern day figure), can give you the sum, which is borrows only during the last decennium from countries -donors.
   Close to the border of Bucharest, the train will unexpectedly slow down and if you will be curious enough to be this time near the window, you will understand why? The smuggling stuff, usually the cigarettes will fly away from the doors of the train to the fields, where the colleagues of smugglers will pick them on and the illegal black economy will continue its flourishing.
   The first impressions after you get off the train will be peaceful and quiet. Modern European building of the railroad station, but it will change in a minutes as soon as you will get out to get the public transportation. The big round square crossroads to the railroad Station will be full of... dirty looking beggars sleeping of the ugly mattresses and this is all over. When the sun get up, this people of course will get up too, going to their main jobs - to steal and to beggar on the streets. It's a way from the cage build CIS counties with totalitarian structures to the modern day Western democracy. Bloody way...
   From 4 million of population of Moldova today more then 1 million works abroad. In Italy, Spain, Portugal, Yugoslavia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkey, England and France. As housekeepers, babysitters, waiters and waitresses, dancers on the night clubs and prostitutes... All over the Europe, where the life standard allows to earn some not big but enough money but to be handsome. It's a paradox, that in their mother-counties this people, being professional engineers, teachers, doctors, and designers of cloths can earn ...nothing. The factories and plants are closed from the beginning of so called independence. Independence from whom and what? Those who still function do not pay salaried for years. Those who succeed to get salaries can hardly survive on their own, paying for the food, electricity, and gas...
   Ok, I briefly described the economic collapse. And as a sequence, the economic collapse leads to the moral collapse. The people having no ability to have normal standard life (to which they had used to have in the times of socialism) try to find the ways out of the country. It's a fact: the majority of the men population in the economically unstable countries goes for work abroad. So, as the Moldavians, as well as Ukrainians and some Russians do. In the scale of such small country as Moldova it can become the real threaten to the women part of the population, who are left without husbands, fathers, potential fiancs. So called suffering women material. And this tendency is widely spread all over the CIS counties. I can conclude about this from the private talks and Internet forums with the women getting out of their native countries. No normal men population of procreative age. Of course, the economical escape is not the only reason. We should look deeper in the past historical background to remember the fact that the first Worlds war together with the Great October revolution in Russia (to whom historically all this territories belonged) killed 17 million of population, then the second World War take as sacrifice 22 millions of life (and those are the best gene fund of the nations) Together with Stalin repressions, dissidents immigration and economic migration these three ways of migration washed out the best representatives of the men, who is biologically more damaged type then the women, what is proved already by scientists) So, modern days of the vast territory form Moscow till the Far East, from the Northern Seas till the Southern mountains, where was before spread the Soviet Union and now is so called CIS counties are overcrowded with women representative. And of course as any human resource the business people to get some profits can use it. Taking in consideration, that this business do not need big investments, and can give income immediately as soon as the innocent victims will be sold. On the markets of Thailand, Turkey, France, Italy, Lebanon even the same Russia- all over where this resource is needed. A lot of Uzbek girls are sold to the sex-markets in Russia, a lot of the same Russian girls are sold to the dance (read brothels) markets in Turkey. A lot of Moldavians and Ukrainians are exported to Italy and Portugal as if to be housekeepers and babysitters - but in reality you are the same sex filet, with only difference that your pimp will be your master who will try to grab you for the same money he pay you for non-sex work. And majority has nothing to do - but agree. Because, they are absolutely have no rights in this countries, where they work illegally or half legally and who just want to deport them back to their mouse-trap, from where they need to pay unproportionally to their income thousand of bucks to get visas and to get out of the countries.
   This story in Bucharest-express is about this. The helpless victims, who had past but have no future, the outraged in their dignity women who needs to take care about their kids and families and are forced to repeat this way more and more. Even taking in consideration the sad experience of their friends...
   Trafficking has different faces. Sex business, serving business (when people works just for the food and the roof above their heads) There are some other varieties of trafficking more - marriage trafficking. Of course it's the most honorable type of this widely spreading event. But the event will not stop to be event even if it has the other pack. In my article Women and the destinies which you can find in Russian on the site http://zhurnal.lib.ru/t/tkachenko_n_n I just analyze what is going on with the women whom I personally know after they cross the bother. For example one-woman designer of cloths who was forced due to the circumstances to dance before 7 years in Turkey to pay for survival of her kid and mom got married with the French in October 2001. Finally, we think, she will find her calmness and security in her life. But only 2 month passed when this nice and handsome man start to beat her regularly in France. What to do? To go to the police? But she will be deported home, where nobody (even the country itself) is waited for her? To run away from him? It takes some time before woman can get after the marriage the right documents. And where to run if you can hardly speak the local language? And on what to live, if not to repeat the trafficking circle again. It's the fact that being involved at least once you can never get out of this vicious circle. And all the attempts of the government structures to help on the level of non-profitable women organizations are only the drop in the sea.
   You think, my dear audience, the sex-slavery does not exist in such refined shapes in USA? Then you are mistaken. A friend of mine, educated woman-pharmacist from Moldova got married here in USA with the men with 3 kids older then her in 33 years!!! All the reasons should say that such men inherited with age and kids should take the best care about her? Do not wait! First of all, he checked all her e-boxes and telephone calls, then he give to her no pocket money and even do not buy for her telephone card to call to the relatives in Moldova. He did not love her; insult her all the possible ways. He even dares to correspond with the new girl friend from Russia, promising to come to visit her. He did not sleep with her, but regularly threatens that he will kill her if he will know that she is not faithful to him. After she try to settle friendly relations with the local church he told the priest that she believe only in Karl Marks - so this cut for her this connection. He did not allow her to take the driving course; do not want to take her to language school, categorically against her to go to work or to study. And what is the most worst did not change here visa status in immigration after they get married 5 month ago. So, she is out of status. The only stuff what the poor woman can do is to wait 2 years after the date of the marriage to get herself her Green card. But nobody guarantee that he will not accuse her in false marriage in face of immigration to get rid of her. And this is not the only one case I know.
   So, trafficking can have different reasons and different faces. The only similar to this event - which is the trap from which no one can come out. About this our movie.
   Natalia Tcacenco (Tkachenko)
   Contact me on nntkachenko@aol.com
   Natalia Tcacenco (Tkachenko) professional journalistic site www.iatp.md/jurnalist
   Literary site of the same author http://zhurnal.lib.ru/t/tkachenko_n_n
   Bucharest-express movie site www.bucharest-express.org
   Russian women Internet magazine in USA where you can find my articles and the other articles on this issue www.russianwomenmagazine.com
   Stories about life of Russian abroad on www.well.com.ru
   Useful links about destinies of Russian women www.russianwomenabroad.com
   Thanks for attention

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