Ткаченко Наталья Николаевна : другие произведения.

Three "M"

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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   By Natalia Tkachenko
   Three “M”.
   Three “M” were in my life - Moscow, Mississippi and Moldova. The most beautiful, beloved and passionately worshiped, for sure is the last one, its like the love with no recklessness. The most clever, smart and educated is for sire the first one. That's why here began all my schools of life. The most peaceful, not urging you anywhere, never offended you is the middle one. Like spacious lady, good hearted with plain face.
   Such flowers that grows on my real motherland I will never see neither here, no anywhere else. The way smells my land - nothing odor in the world. The flight of the soul, which you can feel there, only getting outside and welcoming the current sunny day, you cannot compare with anything.
   But why we are built such way - we run away from the place where we were warm, to the other places where the heart will be frozen from the cold. Disavowing from those whom we love and who loves us. And there is no ways to change this - entire imperfect is human nature. And there is no ways to rebuild it in one whole picture - only may be reminiscences, memories, regrets of repentance and expectations... The hopes only will allow us to move on in this bloody worlds, the hopes only stays with us from the early days till our last hour, with them we should never get apart...
   Natalia Tkachenko: was born in Moldova, were studies in Moscow, now lives in Mississippi
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