Тимофеев Вячеслав Владимирович : другие произведения.

Aron Stepanyan Tales 2 1/3

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  Flat tire
  I was driving along the night road. After several kilometers I got a flat tire. I stopped at the side of
  the road, I had to wait for help. Sitting in a car, I saw a mote approaching. Behind me stopped a car
  and three men came out. One of them was "black". He said his name was "Bad bear". The squad
  began to gang up on me and insisted that I went with them in an unknown direction. They called
  themselves "night patrol". I tried to get off it. I asked where their camouflage and weapons were.
  Bad bear said that I either got into their car or got killed. I was making all kinds of excuses standing
  shoulder to shoulder with him for quite a long time. Then an alarm system in my car went off. The
  bandits started to get nervous and soon drove away. I took the wheel and slowly went home.
  Mistake It happened again and again.
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