Янченко Тарас : другие произведения.

When love, pleasure, the world

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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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Can be.....
You will understand that means to live,
To be meaning of the life in the world, for me.
I will merge, I will become reserved, but suddenly,
Something will shout in a shower, mine.
Time goes, on heart gently beats,
I cry, I shout, I choke.
But you wish, to play with me, and night,
Kills day, love....


You understand.
I live that sky (when love, pleasure, the world)
You understand.
To heart it became easier (when love, pleasure, the world)
You understand.
I wish to love the world (when love, pleasure, the world)
You understand... You understand...

Couplet 2

Can be...
The way will be sometime,
Way of my love.... To you....
But the sight has gone blind,
You do not see my feelings,
Can will suffice to be? To live? To love?

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