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Ecological tourism in uzbek nature parks

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  CBT ORGANIZATIONS. There is no economic body or NGO, which unites CBT. Until now the СВТ of three villages have not yet received legal status (not legalized) and therefore their association into one structure does not seem visible.
  In the meantime there were employees selected and trained within the CBTs of Chimgan, Humsan and Burchmulla, who are able to conduct primary marketing in particularly on supply and demand of any of tourism services, volumes and intensity of tourists arrivals, studying their preferences and quality assessment from the part of CBT.
  TOUR OPERATORS. As of now there are 365 organisations that have license for tourism services in Uzbekistan. 22 tour operators of Tashkent and Tashkent oblast, which work in the sphere of ecological tourism and in particular organization of tours, were chosen from the list provided by the National Company "Uzbektourism":
  - trekking and mountain climbing, rafting;
  - ornithology, botanics;
  - horse-back riding;
  - gastronomy and folklore;
  - beach tour, fishing, paragliding, heliski etc.
  These 22 tour operators within the framework of agreements with the EuropeAid Project have agreed to participate in ecotourism development in Tashkent oblast. Special and the most interest to the Project territory has been shown from three Tashkent tour companies, which are: "Elena-Tour", "Asia-Raft", "Ecosan-Tour", "Yasmina-Tour". They actively use this territory for ecological tourism for more than two years.
  Current legislative and normative documents related to protection of native zones in Uzbekistan include:
  - Law of the RoU "On Nature Protection" from December 9, 1992. N 754-XII. It regulates relations in the sphere of nature protection and rational nature resources use in the RoU;
  - Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the RoU "On Measures to Protect Nature Resources and Ensure Comprehensive and Systematic Approach to Chimgan-Charvak Zone Development" from March 10, 2000 N 83. Regulates the process of development of tourist-recreation zone in the territory of Ugam-Chatkal National park.
  - Administrative Code of the RoU. Section YIII. Administrative responsibility for violations in the sphere of nature protection and management and chemicals not suitable for use. Articles 65-96.
  - Criminal Code of the RoU. Section XIV. Crimes in the sphere of nature protection and management. Articles 193-204.
  Currently the draft law on "Specifically Protected Areas" is under discussion in the Parliament.
  The objective of the EuropeAid Western Tien-Shan Biodiversity Project is creation of the bio reserve in three states (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan), where flora and fauna are preserved, where local economy develops on the basis of ecotourism, and local people use natural resources effectively and revive national traditions, crafts and culture.
  Uzbekistan has fulfilled internal procedures on the agreeing of interstate agreement on the creation of Transboundary Bio-Reserve "Western Tyan-Shan". The process of agreeing the issue between Uzbekistan and Kazakh and Kyrgyz side is on the way. Uzbek experts estimate its signing during 2006.
  The government and local authorities positively assess rural tourism development. Certain decisions have been taken to facilitate development of related infrastructure (roads, accommodation, energy, transport, trading facilities and catering), and investments to tourism sector made. At the same time the government put constrains to tourism in specially protected areas within the framework of current legislation as well as in the border areas where there is special military-police regime.
  Ugam-Chatkal National park is under the authority of Tashkent oblast khokimiyat. Khokim makes a decision on entry fee to the territory of the park. On January 10, 2002 he issued a regulation on entry-exit of transport means and people on vacation as well as rational use of natural resources in the territory of Ugam-Chatkal National Park Љ 9. In this regulation administration of Ugam-Chatkal National park,oblast internal affairs department and department of roads together with the khokimiyats of Akhangaran, Bostanlyk and Parkent rayons arrange for the control posts to regulate entry-exit of transport means and people to the nature areas. There were payment fees established for the use of natural resources, sanatoriums, rest homes in the territory of National Park as well as payment rates to be collected at the special control posts from people on holidays and from transport means entering the territory (Table Љ 1). At the same time it is stipulated that 50% of the funds collected at these posts shall be directed for the improvement of territory of Ugam-Chatkal Park, creating the recreation facilities and nature protective measures (30% - are transferred to the off-budget account of khokimiyat of the current rayon and 20% - to the account of social development of Tashkent oblast khokimiyat.
  For the entry of transport means of the RoU and CIS countries For the citizens of the RoU and CIS
  а) autobuses and tracks - 400 soums;б) minibuses - 300 soums;в) automobiles - 200 soums;г) motorcycles - 100 soums. а) nationals of the RoU- 100 soumsб) for foreigners:- for vehicles - $10;- for adults - $5.
  The fee is not collected from the children not older than 14, living in this territory, employees of the law enforcement bodies, rayon and oblast khokimiyats (business trip), forestry, inspectors from the State Committee on Nature Protection and experts conducting research and working within the framework of international programs. Note:1. The fee from foreign citizens is collected in soums at the current exchange rate of the Central Bank of the RoU.2. Citizens arriving with special tickets to the territory of National Park pay the above amount one time.
  Besides that, according to the instruction of the khokim of Tashkent oblast "the volumes of payments collected for additional use of forests, sanatoriums, rest houses, located in nature protected areas" from August 19, 2002 Љ159 are defined on the basis of agreements concluded between the administration of Ugam-Chatkal National Park (except recreation zones and left bank of Charvak water reservoir, Bakachul to Burchmulla) and tourism and recreation agencies, taking into account that for each person (for one season) calculation is made in the amount of 50% from the minimal salary.
  Payment for ecotourism services, i.e. familiarization of people and students with flora and fauna, is set (except for the school children) as 10% from the minimal salary. The same fee is set for the entry to the natural museum of Chatkal nature reserve.
  Brichmilla ALONG PATHS OF KULOSII RIVER1 day. Travel from Tashkent to Burchmulla village (120 km, 2 hrs.). Accommodation in guesthouse or tent. Rest on the Charvak lakeside.2 day. Early start of the route. Simple ascent to Teksai pass 1560 м., 1 h. 30 min. Panoramic view of Charvak water reservoir, peaks of Aukashka (Hunter), Big Chimgan (3309 м.), Small Chimgan (2099 м.). Descending by good pass of the left bank of Kulosii River to Burchmulla village (1 hour, 30 min.). Rest on the Charvak lakeside. Evening leaving for Tashkent (120 km. 2 hours).
   HORSE RIDE ALONG PSKEM RANGE (HORSEBACK RIDE ROUTE)1 day. Travel from Tashkent to mountain village Burchmulla (120 km, 2 hours). Familiarity with с life of local people. Rest and swimming in Charvar water reservoir. Overnight stay in the local house in Yakkatut settlement (900 м).2 day. Horse-back riding to upper stream of the Chavata River. Ascending to Kelenchek pass (2355м). Gorgeous panoramic view of Charvak water reservoir circled by mountain ranges of West Tien Shan. Descending to the Pskem river valley to Nanai village (880м). Stop in the local house. Evening leaving for Tashkent (120 km, 2 hours).
  Khumsan HORSEBACK RIDING ALONG KARJANTAU MOUNTAIN RIDGE.1 day. Travel from Tashkent to the mountain village Khumsan located in the valley of Ugam river between Ugam mountain range and Karjantau mountain range of Western Tien-Shan (90 km, 2 hr). Accommodation in the house of local man. Walking around nearby surroundings. Rest by Ugam river. 2 day. Horseback riding from Dalya village (1000 m.) to the upper reaches of Urkutsay river. Panoramic view of the Chirchik river valley. Descending to Dalya village. Meeting a car. Leaving for Tashkent (90 km, 2 hrs.).
   KHUMSAN-PUSTONLYK 1 day. Evening travel from Tashkent to Khumsan village, situated in the picturesque valley of Ugam river at the junction of Ugam mountain range with Karjantau mountain range, Western Tien-Shan (90 km, 1,5 hrs). Accommodation at home of local people. Dinner. 2 day. After early breakfast horseback riding along the gorge of Pustonlyk river to the place named Pustonlyk-bouva (7 km. 1,5 hrs). A walk to Kyrk-Kokyl waterfall (from Uzbek "Kyrk-Kokyl" means "1000 braids"). Return to horses. Ride to Khumsan village. Lunch. Rest by the Ugam river shore. Evening leaving for Tashkent (90 km, 1,5 hrs.)
   TO THE SOURCE OF KANSAY RIVER (horseback riding)1 day. Travel from Tashkent to the mountain village Dalya at the foot of Karjantau mountain range, Western Tien-Shan (90 km; 1 hr 30 min). Horseback riding along the left-bank slope of Kansay river to Kourgantash Pass (3 hrs.). Stop for lunch in the summer house of herdsmen near the source of Kansay river. Walking on the slopes and going out to panoramic points. Wonderful view of Ugam, Pskem, Chatkal mountain ranges of Western Tien-Shan, and Charvak and Khodjakent water reservoirs. After lunch descending along the flat right-bank range of Kansay river to Dalya village (2 hrs). Stop in the house of local man. After short rest with drinking tea, meeting a car. Evening leaving for Tashkent (90 km; 1 hr 30 min).
  Chimgan AROUND BIG CHIMGAN1 day. Travel from Tashkent to mountain-ski winter resort Beldersai, (80 km, 2 hours). Crossing along the Beldersai river ravine to the vicinity of the Chet-Kumbel pass. Overnight stay in tents in the picturesque meadow. Camp No1. 2 day. Short day. Crossing along good path to the upper reaches of the Beldersai River. Ascending to the Kumbel pass. Camp No2 next to the spring.3 day. Tense day. Crossing along southern slopes of Big Chimgan Mountain 3309 м. to the Komsomoletz pass. Camp No3. 4 day. Descending from Komsomoletz pass to the Mazarsai River ravine. Crossing to the place "water pipe". Camp No4 next to the spring. 5 day. Descending into the gorge of Gulkamsai River. Visiting Gulkam Canyon. After lunch crossing Gulkam pass (1830 м.) to the Chimgansai River Valley. Meeting a car. Leaving for Tashkent (90 km, 2 hours).
   FOOT ROUTE ALONG WESTERN TIEN SHAN1 day. Travel from Tashkent through Galvasai village to the recreation area of "Chimgan" next to Chatkal mountain range of Western Tien Shan (100 km 1,5 hours 1300 m). Ascending using good footpath to the Pesochnii (Sandy) pass (1830 m). Descending to the gorge of the Gulkamsai River. After the rest in the birch wood - crossing of the most beautiful places in Uzbekistan mountains, Gulkam Kanyon. Rock crevice which sometimes shrinks up to 5 meters with plentiful small waterfalls, dishes, rock plugs and frequent wades is taking two hours to go through. At the exit of the canyon - lunch in the scenic grove. After the rest - crossing along the country road around Small Chimgam mountain (2100 m). From the road one can see the grand panorama of Ugam, Pskem and Koksu ranges of Western Tien Shan, which surround Charvak water reservoir.After three hours of the way - descending to Chimgan settlement. Meeting a car. Leaving for Tashkent through Charvak water reservoir.
   HORSE-BACK RIDING AROUND CHIMGAN MOUNTAINS. 1 day. Pm. Transfer Tashkent- Chimgan settlement, where ethnic Kazakhs are the major population (90 km.). Accommodation in national house or in a cottage. Walking tour to Black Waterfall in the foothill of Big Chimgan.2 day. Breakfast. Horseback crossing starts at 07:00. Tourists on the horses ascending the mountain range, which splits the rivers Chimgansai and Ishakkupriksai. Further way is along the range from where one would see majestic panorama of mountains, ravines and villages of Western Tien Shan. Tourists stop for rest in the surroundings of Kyzyl-Djar (Red Precipice) mountain with the local shepherds. They familiarize themselves with their life style, try fresh tea, see how kurt (dry curd) and kumys, national drink from mare"s milk, are made. After lunch tourists go around red precipice and descend to the foothill of Big Chimgam and leave for Tashkent.
   BELDERSAI RING:1 day. Transfer to Beldersai River ravine to the junction of the Beldersai and the Mramornaya (Marble) Rivers (75 km, 2 hours). This is a starting point of the tour. Ascending along the left bank of the Mramornaya River, 2,5 - 3 hours. Stop in the birch grove. Camp. Rest and learning the surroundings. Acclimatization and preparation to the next day.2 day. Breakfast. Ascending to the Urta-Kumbel pass, 1 hour. (1850 m. above sea level). Wonderful view from the pass of the Chirchik River ravine and Chet-Kumbel pass. Gently sloping brings to the small grove on the bank of the Beldersai River. After short rest - continue of the crossing to the anticline of the Chet-Kumbel pass. Camp. 3 day. After breakfast - 4-hour walk to petroglyphs. Return to the camp, dinner. Descending along the Beldersai River ravine to the road. Meeting a car. Transfer to Tashkent.
   TO THE UPPER REACHES OF BELDERSAI (horseback riding tour)1 day. Travel from Tashkent to the Beldersai River ravine (80 km, 1,5 hour) to the mountain village of Kyzylora (1300 m). Meeting with the groom and horses. Horse riding through scenic groves and alpine meadows, along the Badamsai River to mountain range top of Maigashkan (2310 m). Grand panoramic view of the Chirchik River ravine. Descending through Toganbulak spring in Kyzylora village. Stay in the forester house. Familiarization with local life.2 day. Hiking to rock dishes of the Badamsai River. Swimming. Rest. Walking around. After lunch - descending to Kyzylora village. Meeting a car. Evening leaving for Tashkent (80 km, 1,5 hours).
  PRESENT SITUATION. On 24 July 2004 the Governments of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan signed agreement "On check-points through the state border". This document defines three categories of check-points for citizens of the two republics and citizens of other countries.
  International check-points operate admission of persons, freights, goods, carriers, animals and other property of participating countries (Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan) and all other countries
  Double-ended (bilateral) check-points operate admission of persons, goods, carriers, animals and other property of only Kyrgyz and Uzbek citizens.
  Simplified (local) check-points operate admission of citizens of Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan which life in the region. The order of work of simplified check-points shall be established by agreement between border and customs agencies of participating countries.
  Moreover the appendix includes information on check-points and category of each check-point particularly there are the following check-points in our project area (table 3):
  # Name of check-point in Kyrgyz Republic Place of check-point in the Kyrgyz Republic Name of check-point in Republic of Uzbekistan Place of check-point in the Republic of Uzbekistan Status of check-points Regime of work
  1 Dostuk-road-transport Osh oblast, Karasuu rayon Dustlik-road-transport Andijan oblast, Hodjaabad rayon International Twenty-four-hour
  2 Madaniyat-road-trans port Djalalabadoblast, Nooken rayon Madaniyat road-trans port Andijan oblast Pahtaabad rayon International Twenty-four-hour
  3 Baimak-road-transport Djalalabad oblast, Alabuka rayon Kasansai road-transport Namangan oblast, Kasansai rayon Double-ended Day-time
  4 Sumsar-road-transport Djalalabad oblast, Alabukarayon Karakurgan road-trans port Namangan oblast, Chustski rayon Simplified Day-time
  5 Kensai-road-transport Djalalabad oblast, Nookenrayon Uchkurgan road-transport Namangan oblast, Uchkurgan rayon International Twenty-four-hour
  NEW CROSSINGS NEEDED FOR TOURISM DEVELOPMENT. For international (e.g. rafting) and Tashkent region tourists it is important to open up the Sumsar border crossing in order to limit the transport distance (150 km) and travel time (4 hours) from Tashkent to Chatkal Valley.
  Uzbek government could establish a seasonal crossing point for rafters on Chatkal river near Brishmulla village. Special permits could be issued (seasonally) for crossing the boarder even on a certain time. The cost of extra border service could be included into the special permit.
  Skem boarder / for walking routes / Chatkal valley for pelgrims and other mountain from the Tashkent region (during Sowjet time this was a popular route)
  PROCEDURE FOR NEW BORDER CROSSINGS. The Agreement states that creation of new and closing existing check-points or alteration of their status and regime of work shall be done by diplomatic ways and registered in protocols that will be an integral part of the Agreement.
  The responsible authorities on execution of provisions of the Agreement are:
  The Kyrgyz Republic - Border Service of the Kyrgyz Republic and Department of Customs Service of the Committee on Income under the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic;
  The Republic of Uzbekistan - Committee on Protection of State Borders of the National Security Service of the Republic of Uzbekistan and State Customs Committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
  To solve the situation related to borders crossing by tourists visiting West Tien Shan and Chatkal Valley it is necessary:
  - to include articles on tourism development as important part of developing cooperation on West Tien Shan biodiversity conservation and Agreement on establishment of the Trans-boundary Biosphere Reserve.
  - after signing the Agreement to initiate the responsible authorities on creation of check-points of international importance on places of state border crossing with popular tourist routes.
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