Шарафутдинов Эмиль : другие произведения.


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Школа кожевенного мастерства: сумки, ремни своими руками
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  Перевод на английский стихотворения "Жираф" Николая Гумилёва, убитого российским правительством в 1921г.
  Today, I can see, your look is remarkably sad
  And your hands, embracing the knees, are remarkably thin.
  Listen: far, far away, by Lake Chad
  There is an exquisite giraffe wandering.
  Graceful slenderness and languor are given to him
  And a magical pattern covers his hide,
  Of equaling which only the moon would dare to dream,
  Fragmenting and swaying upon a vast tide.
  He looks like a colored sail of a ship at a distance
  And his stride is as fluid as a joyful bird's flight.
  I know, much wonder the earth is to witness,
  When he hides in his marble grotto at night.
  I know cheerful tales of mysterious folks
  About an ebony maiden and passion of a young chieftain,
  But you for too long have inhaled heavy fogs,
  You want to believe in nothing but rain.
  And how am I to tell you about slender palm trees,
  About the smell of unthinkable herbs, about a tropical orchard
  - You're crying? Listen... far away, there is
  The exquisite giraffe wandering by Lake Chad.
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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