Семенов Никита Сергеевич : другие произведения.

Dark cry of soul

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    Who are we for now, why should we obey?..


What we have to do is what we told to kill.
For that we live.
Just to set a start, honour is our will.
Cannot forgive.

Something takes you up, someone pulls you down.
'D you feel correct?
Soul is like a bird, there's no time to doubt.
It's time to act!

Awakening far from home, striking through the pain.
Know only "Destroy!".
Trying to forget; crying, but in vain.
Fear is our joy.

Death shall come at once, night instead of flight - 
Pilot now is dead.
Existence of life, signature of mind - 
All come to an end.

Memory shall live, ruins stand remain.
Spirits of the past.
Shadow of the night, brightness of the day.
It's our turn at last.

Something's in the air, flying in the wind.
May be it's our fate.
Something that we smell, feeling like a heat,
What we love and hate.

Fighting with ourselves, can we win? You're mad!
Victory in fall.
Look for something new - finding something sad.
It's defeat at all.

Who are we for now? Why should we obey?
Orders are ignored.
There's a reason why, outstanding way.
And now we fight for more!

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