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Omofor - Angelic Life 1

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Omofor - Angelic Life.

   At one beautiful moment, you ask yourself: "How is the world built? Why is water wet and sugar sweet?" You're digging for the answer for a long time, since you were a child, like playing with sunlight in different glass pieces until this moment came... Moment of truth, the moment of understanding, and you ask last from all possible questions - who am I? So, this book is about it...
   We hope the reader besides planting tree, building a house and raising kids, will write his/her own book of life.

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   Don't forget about angels. They never, never, never leave you alone... Even if people say they don't exist. Don't interfer with Angelic help to humans, even when you know better. Let Angelic Love help you.
   Be thankful for everything you have.
   Be like Angel - fall in Love with the world!!!
   Every Human...
   21 Jun 2015
   I have a dream. I was among others, same as me, and I said: "We have to find the solution, solution accepted by God". I was very surprised saying so, and started speaking to everyone, the statement was very strange to me... But, nobody was surprised; because it was the sense of their life's...
   10 Mar 2015
   At one beautiful moment, any individual can start understanding that amount of owned information is a lot greater than self-property. Next step, a person will find out that his/her lives are touched by forces with a lot greater knowledge than their own.
   This knowledge suddenly removes shields of egoistic "I" and accept self-consciousness to be a part of something a lot greater.
   If we simplify this knowledge, then we have: "Knowlege of a single is good, but knowledge of more than one is greater."
   So, no matter how smart a single person is, together with another person the potential gets larger. The added experience of two is always greater than that of a single.
   The keyword to get under cover of Omofor is added - united.
   14 March 2015
   Let's take a classical test.
   Every person looking at a partially full glass sees as half full or half empty. It is a very important way you see yourself, your position. We apologize for the incorrect question: "You half alive or half dead?" Half of your life is filled with day or night? What is the motivator of your life, your target, where you going? We understand about balance in day and night, in life and death, but now is different, now the question about motivation. What is your motivation for day and night, when you alive or physical body get back to earth? What is in your heart, what is behind of your heart beat...? It is the core of you, it is who you truly are... It is what you put into yourself, it is like processes absorbing food in your body, selecting necessary ingredients, the same way you absorb what you looking for... So you half empty or half full, are you filling or emptying your life, you bring or take out from Omofor? Omofor is covering everybody who is living under, but it can't exist if everybody will only take. It is like a farmer thinking about future crops, takes part for saving for the future seasons. So, spread your seeds, harvest your thoughts in your hard, in Omofor, and after some time you will see the fruits of it, you will see the harvest. Fill your life with the sun, because it brings light, brings life. Darkness not exists, emptiness is not real, everything is always filled with light, light is everywhere, light is everything, even when you don't see it, even when you think you are in darkness. The single fact of your existence is proving the presence of light.
   Hello, sunshine!!!
   25 March 2015.
   We need to understand the difference between two types of individuals. One type living in the eggshell and another said goodbye to the shell. We should open ourselves to the world and open world inside themselves. This division is visible by way haw statement below is the fulfilling life.
   What is good for me is good for everyone and for all.
   What is good for all is good for everyone and for me.
   We need to stress point of view - understanding is first and then experience. Live in it, life is in it. This principle is filled with unity and wholeness to all and with all, and we arriving at the state of complete self-consciousness.
   When a person is under Omofor, then the heat of Omofor is warming. When sun start shining inside a person's heart, it will pay back a lot more.
   31 March 2015.
   To understand work of Omofor let us highlight connection active-neutral-passive. Apologyze in advance for too much mechanical view, but on the other hand, these are just instruments in the hand of the masters. Creator breathes life into creation.
   So, how it works...
   For beginning let's go to the stage where the material is before the creative process - it is neutral when everything is a calm state of being. In order to show any kind of change, we need a moment of beginning. This starting point is just like a momentary flash of light, but it is very powerful because the neutral matter will be divided into active and passive halves. Part of the material will lose its neutral state and break into active and passive sections. We can say positive and negative, but it is too primitive a view. If your point of view is matching with one of the sides, so this side become positive for you, and other negative. As a result of your position, you become involved in a state which you see as positive and opposite as negative or alien. If you can get out of this stage and become neutral again, then after sometimes you can change polarity to the opposite and be absorbed in the state which was negative before. So, all will be changing upside down and now the previous negative will be becoming positive.
   For simplicity, let's imagine the neutral state is everything in any direction, covers every possible appearance like Omofor. So, as we see before, this cover has the ability to create two identical and opposite by polarity pieces. All this is like a huge mirror, the source of opposite figures, figures of men and women appearances as a reflection of each other, as incarnating vessels. Between these two figures is established connections, each partner has a piece of the other inside themselves. Pure women or men energy doesn't exist. The only moment of domination is in the moment of incarnation. Different sides of character belong to different genders, but none of them belongs to only one gender. It is natural for one gender to get magnetised by the other in order to compensate for a missing part. For incarnated period it is the partner and for longer prospective, for multiple incarnations, we take part in different roles. We need to stress the following: every creative entrance is highlighted by a fixed time frame, incarnation time, and then is going back to the neutral state. Next incarnation came as the logical continuum of previous experience. The pendulum moved out of a neutral state will count the time until the beginning momentum is not done. Then all will go back to the neutral state.
   11 April 2015.
   To continue to get familiar with Omofor, we need again and again to get an understanding of the barrier, the cover of Angelic Life. So again:
   What is good for all - is good for everyone.
   What is good for everyone - is good for all.
   Win of all - is a win for everyone!
   Win of everyone - becomes winning for all!
   Now be attentive, if you swap win and lose, then it will look very similar, but it is incorrect... This way of looking is a simplification and not seeing the whole picture. It is a mistake of attaching privileges to be man or woman, to live in one or another environment, on the north or on the south etc. Please note, you start such discussion already in your position and obviously get related standing by viewing things as positive or negative, good and bad, acchording to your point of view. Omofor doesn't have polarity related to incarnation, it is harmonising disbalance. So, under Omofor nobody loses, everybody wins. The only question is - how much you win. In a period when the individual is forming, when it is shredded by emotions, the day can be painted in winning or losing colors. In another period of life, days are divided on winning and successful. Losing doesn't exist! As soon as you start to understand this, th sail of your life will fill with fair wind.
   Let's go back to Omofor.
   As we said before - it is the imaginable cover, and it is covering some territory. Let's imagine a tremendous blanket is covering America. Quilt blanket is blooming by different artistic pieces, different architecture, dips of colors... All depends on what is happening under, what brain food is absorbed. Our thoughts from Omofor standpoint is our food; it is building material for a quilt blanket. It is our dress in which we will dress after the incarnation, after the physical body is gone.
   Wen you look at a globe of earth you will see a huge cover made by different pieces and under every section life is progressing.
   For your better understanding look upon dreaming. Your body is sleeping and you still continue the journey. Please note your journey is not in the body, it is in your thoughts. Also, the law of the physical world is not valid anymore, only as far as you hold them in your thoughts. As soon as you change your point of view, and new thought process come new way, all will change. The limits are only in YOU, but... As in the physical world, before you get fruit, you have to farm your land. It is the same way with thought - you have to farm your spiritual field.
   Let's ask ourself about the difference of recognizing the world before and after consciousness except itself as part of Omofor, before and after the moment when things stop being with a marker of plus or minus, when self-consciousness becomes one, where is right and left parts. Please note - by consciousness, not knowing, not understanding, but consciousness accepts it. Are you remembering, your thoughts harvested in the spiritual field will create a result, and this result is new consciousness, and at that moment this consciousness becomes part of you. Like food, thoughts go inside the spiritual heart and they are affecting all parts of your body.
   At this point, we have a very important moment. When you are under the cover of Omofor, you do not understand the presence of cover, it exists and that is. When sensitive people are travelling, they can tell you alot about what you have around, and not recognize. What you see and don't see, or what you go thru by incarnating. When you in daily consciousness, it has a special characteristic, consciousness is seeing things under a microscope, or just under the light beam of consciousness. So, you go thru slowly and step by step you learn surrounding and then get the experience of things you are working on. When you recognize Omofor, then the area of your vision is alot greater than the personal frame. At one moment recognize you start knowing all about all. It is no surprise, your standing at that moment is outside time flow, but... The moment of learning starts to become alot harder because you start using all you know in full power. Life in the body is similar to a spiritual surgical table, where you divide the spiritual body into different pieces and work on them one by one and harmonising piece by piece. Life in Omofor is similar to use all spiritual parts in full power. We can say, in the physical body you working to be ready for a spiritual life, and in spiritual you use this experience. On earth you angelic wings start growing, but you use them in the sky!
   6 May 2015
   For a moment we stop at the entrance to Omofor, thinking that I can describe what is to happen as an outside viewer, reality telling me that without going inside I'm not able to explain... So, what do the gates look like? They look like the entrance to purgatory? No, the process of filtering is not there, it is happening under self-work or by outside help if necessary. To see the entrance, imagine a water wall, waterfall covering the entrance and when a decision of entering is made, when the individual decided is clean enough, then a step forward is made, a step forward to the flow of purity. This stream is splitting individual on pure and delusion part... Purity present in person is passing through cleaning wall with no obstructions but dirt is rejected. A person with deep delusions, is not possible past this barrier. If delusion is the core part of the person from Omofor standpoint, then this person is not complete and will be rejected for additional rework. On another side, the person sees this barrier as a huge gap impossible to pass.
   Let's see this from everyday life and impurity in action. Although it looks like impurity, but a correct word is - delusion. What is happening? How this is splitting the individual?
   Lets imagine you have a conversation with a person and at some moment realizing the person is lying - delusion is present. Do you have any interest to spend any more time for conversation if it is built on lying or be interested in what is next, if the conversation is built on fake foundation? When will you spend time and energy and then everything will fall apart without a foundation. The worst case scenario is when the foundation is partially delusional and the fake part is hiding. As a result, you spend time and energy thinking the foundation is concrete, but is just sand...
   So, when you have conversation first question to yourself, are you believing person, do you have trust? When trust is missing all the rest doesn't matter anymore, why it was lying, maybe it was in some more "important" reason; all this doesn't matter anymore. It is the same way at the entrance to Omofor you split into two parts existing "I'm" and the fake one. If your consciousness is on the unexisting side, you will not be able to pass through this canyon of distrust.
   15 September 2015
   Let's talk about the feeling when you get inside of Omofor.
   If you like short expression - home. Feeling of home warmness, family reunion, and love. More detailed exploration is not that easy; we need to point requirements of consciousness experience to be in the state of Omofor, in the state of self-recognizing existence of a higher self. From one perspective, we talk about abstract things that are not possible to touch and on another hand experience is required for understanding. It is very similar to air for the breathing process; on one hand we know, we have experience of breathing and on other air is not possible to touch. Also, it is like music; it is creating emotions experience and it is impossible to measure this process. The emotional meter is impossible due to unlogical complexity. Same music creates different emotions at the different time.
   In the state of Omofor, you do not have personality... No, no, you are, you continue to exist, but in a different form, in the form where personality is resting, sleeping, like your body in dreaming, and you continued to have an adventure.
   So, when you use cookie cut perceptions, you have to know - you are not in Omofor. As soon as you identify yourself as gender, nationality, culture, religion you are in one or other illusion. We know it is hard to understand, but... Though in a pure state is not limited by language, and as soon as it has become expressed by language, a thought is not pure anymore, and become inperfect, inperfections created by language limits. And this text, dear reader, it is not expected from this rule. So, skill of holding the thought in a pure stage is key to Omofor door. Knock on the door and it will be open, don't be shy - try, live your life!
   24 September 2015
   We continue to better understand Omofor; today we will have more practical information
   on how to separate things having on impact on Omofor from others. We need to note, all is under Omofor cover, and then others do not exist, because everything is under Omofor blanked... Not quite right. Things can be separated on where Omofor has a direct impact and where the influence of Omofor continues by inertia. Now please be attentive, all we see in the hard of a materialistic world is a just result! All under the time influences is the only result of the previous action! Then everything is under Omofor and at the same time it is the result... Things become easier to understand when we change the angle of view when we ask - what is the cause of the event? We can say - other events :) And it will be correct, but... All events are part of an uncertainty, when it is in the state of balancing rock, and outside influence, a just breath of Eternity of Omofor, is a decision on one or the other side. Omofor is acting exclusively in a thoughts world. When any action you brake on pieces you always find the first trigger, and it will be tough and in the beginning, was Word and the Word was truth. And we will add, this Word was balanced, in harmony, melodic - on beginning was Song, song of Universe Love...
   Let's get back to the ground, we promise to be more practical. The thought is momentary and it is not under the law of the time; all attempts to connect nerve impulses of the brain to human intelligence will be unsuccessful. Thoughts, Omofor, exist out of physical reality; we can say thought hovers over the world or over results. So, touching existing living in a time world is done by a touch of thought. Now, attention! Do you remember when you have thoughts not completely belonging to you when suddenly you start to understand things that were not visible before? Do not rush with an answer, speak to artists and patiently listen to stories about muses. Please note a solid position on the source of creativity. The best you can get they will say: "It just flows thru me..." Speak the way like they are an instrument. Another way to describe it is impossible because it happens momentarily and they are present in time :) For a better understanding, we need to point their bodies located in time and not necessary as they are. It all depends on how mutch of an illusion is the personal "I", time illusion, catch them. Less they spend in a state of creativity; a stronger possibility illusion of "I" will hug them.
   Now let's get lower on a household level. We need to note, all these levels is a just simplification of a very complex picture. This simple thought instrument is selected acchording to the situation.
   Let's see how Omofor express as itself in everyday life, not when artists ask for inspiration, but when Omofor is touching a physical plane. We have to understand, time by time life is touched by an invisible force. Can you find in past when from nowhere arrives new thought, not just a thought, but the thought which changes life flow... It is very important, what spiritual emotions you're feeling at that moment.
   Let's get lower by one step. If your hard shielded, your spiritual structure is extremely stale and Omofor is not able to reach out to the recipient. At this state physical consciousness completely take over every thought outside time illusion, then dreaming instrument take place. Your daily consciousness gets to rest with the body, and surprise, your existence is not stopped! Dreaming is the most useful channel for delivering necessary information.
   Let's get lower by the next step. Sometimes dream channelling is not available. In this case surrounding people will start to do the delivery job. The main requirements for a courier is to deliver information clear enough for understanding the main part. In this case, other persons receive information and then delivers to the final recipient.
   But sometimes nobody is available for the thought delivery job or the receiving person is not accept outside influence. In this case, light materialisation takes place. Coincidental things start happening to the person and push to necessary thoughts and conclusions. We need to stress to the point of impossibility to force the person to make one or another decision, free will is always in place, but suggestions are permitted. Help from an audience, or call for a friend help.
   Now the last delivering technique is heavy materialisation. Describing this method is not necessary because it has alot of variations. As we stated at the beginning, all in the world is thoughts, then thought can create anything.
   We need to point that all actions required energy, especially materialisation. So, the act has to be very important in order to attract the necessary amount of energy. Just talk to people who have near death experience, or just look patiently around yourself... Be thankful for the help you are receiving!
   So, if you work in a thoughts world, you can't use the time form of past or future. Omofor simply will ignore this. If you decide to quit a bad habit saying "I will not" you automatically shift this event into an unknown future. Thoughts world, Omofor is interesting in "I am" or "I'm not". If you decided to quit smoking, it is necessary to say "I'm not a smoker" instead "I will quit". If you interesting in music, say "I'm a musician", not "I was/will". Remember thoughts are materialising. The best shield is Love! By thinking - do it in Love! In this case, you will never fall.
   10 October 2015
   In order to understand Omofor, we need to get one important thing. All, absolutely all living things have a shell. We can say in a different way - all is inspired by the creative thought, from creative sources, and is covered by shell. At this point we will not touch the moment of creativity, the only reminder - creative impulse is happening outside time.
   All things we may divide on living and none living nature, with creative ingredients and without. The difference between these two states is the individual shell or miniature copy of Omofor.
   Look at any act in your life. When you bay any object or planning vacation travel, everything has a seed of beginning, then we collect resources, and finally, we get a result. So, we have two stages of every act. The first stage is possible, it is on the subconscious level, outside understanding. Next is the second stage, Eureka stage - insight, the idea is shifting from shade to recognition, from subconscious to awareness of the recipient. We need to point, client recognizes an idea as his/her own, but as an outside sourcing. It is proving a limitation of personal "I". Human "I" is not capable of understanding all complexity and deepness of human spirit. For this reason was introduced a concept of higher "I" or Angelic part, Angelic life, which is very well hidden from daily consciousness.
   So, all things are living, and the whole world is alive and has shells. Every single body cell has a shell, atom, planet, homo sapiens... Not everything has a spiritual duality, where behind shell and behind time, present the higher spiritual part, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in. Also, we have another type of people, where the spiritual part is just an additional load, sleeping load without an understanding of a coming harvest...
   Let's go back to shell. Now attention! Everybody is carrying their own shall and do not now about it. Shell is a necessary attribute of life and it is correct, but... It is only for the owner. The owner of the shell is not knowing any difference because all life is inside a personal shell-bubble. Like a snail carrying home on the back humans carrying a bubble-shield without knowing about it. Attention! The same individual makes the same mistakes because he/she is carrying them in the shell-home on the back... Don't you see it? Look closely on humans, see how from day to day they repeat thesame things like first time. An interesting point is when you try to help them by pushing into a new program, you use personal time, energy and the positive effect is only temporary. It will be the same things because it is your copy, alien program not accepted by them. Now look at yourself and you will see the same picture. These fluffy animals (shortcomings) live and are parasites in your shell, on your back, and no one can kick them out, but only the shell owner - you. Certainly, help can come from the outside, for example providing broom, but sweeping has to be done by the owner.
   Everyone carrying own shell and self-cooking process it is like a chick under a hen(Omofor) until the time came to open... We will talk about this later.
   So, two shells exist, one in time and other not... From here we have difficulties of perception, because of description, as well as understanding, has to be done in time, and it is almost impossible. We will try. Let's look on a human life like it is an abstract earth, and you have to travel from one pole to the other. We got the starting point, birth point, then distance of life, and finishing spot. Starting and finishing places are the same, but not identical point of entering the body (receiving) and time to say goodbye (farewell). Ways to go between these two poles are many, but they are limited, the way is limited by earth configuration. So we have a point of entering and a point of exiting life. The trigger to start and trigger to finish the time count, part of our soul exists out of the time state and then entering back between time states. We have the model of human life and it is very similar to the earth is globe. Let's imagine a drop of water on the South Pole and time is represented as an inside movement, inside temperature. Time is present only in the liquid state. So in a frozen state, in an iceberg, there is no time movement. The frozen piece always has the same configuration. At one wonderful moment, some part of the ice gets cracked out of permafrost, out of between time region, and drifts start. The force of time gets involved and ice changes into liquid. And then after a lifetime adventure force of aging pulls to the North Pole gets a vice versa direction a frozen process. Now we have the question: "What is forming humans, what is forming the shield shells were pouring in, where life is flowing?" Let's don't rush and go step by step shell owner travel in out of time area.
   So, after geting from time, at the stopping point shell is separated from the owner. The owner, soul part, is going back to home, to source place, and shell filled with experience getting to Y intersection. Next, we have two different ways and they both will increase the internal temperature. It is an artificial time where all life replays again without any changes. One of the ways, when the temperature reaches the boiling point, experience change into gaseous, or a winged condition. This state soul getting is a result of collected deeply spiritual experiences, which lifts like wings into a spiritual part of Omofor, where all living things on the planet are embraced with love, and a lot more... We need to note, this kind of high spiritual fly is very rear. Also - all souls sooner or later will get to this state of being.
   A more classical is second way when the soul is burdened with "heavy" experience and get pulled into a deep earth, like water through the sand. Negative experiences goes to a melting pot... We need to point, the word "negative" is not completely correct, more exact will be unharmonized, not honest, deceptive. Inside the soul, this experience is seen as an alien object, as a splinter, and doctors helping to get it out; then this piece is going into the melting pot. Doctors work is very gentle and requires special skills, because individual parts have to stay unharmed, remain whole. And very often humans get permeates of misperception, wrong ways of seeing outside. Very often human has wrong identity itself, it is misperception, and this goes too far, like dark splinters into the light part of the soul, as heart thorns. The doctors job on one side is not pleasant to patients, but the main point as always is the doctor motivation - to do no harm.
   Soul by going through reading the book of past life is in process of filtration or cleaning itself, by doing this as an outside judge, the point of view of past experience is changing and it is changing inside a soul structure acchordingly. As a result of self-cleaning, a new view on life starting to crystalize and new selfview getting in conflict with old selfview in order to establish its viability. In this process, a new start to be starving for experience pushes into the incarnation process and this force pushes into the South Pole where a selection of new, necessary body, begins. We need to point, sometimes the soul stacks for a limbo time period because destructive processes caused by this soul are not finished. It is like a prison; the soul is tight by previous actions and until a created momentum exist, splinters will hold a soul in underworld dungeon. Certainly, help exists but it is limited to let soul do most of the cleaning; an it is like doctors limit the diet of patients, to let the body recover from sickness faster. Sometimes help comes from incarnated souls; it is happening in dreams, a meditative state, when the soul is not in the hands of everyday "I".
   On the other hand Omofor souls, Angelic souls, which gets freedom of flying is not under a force of reincarnation but continues to incarnate by the call of the soul. Their motivation is not coming from outside, like souls going through the underground. It has inside sources, main by motivation sounds in unison with outside Love, not inside, back home is not existing anymore for them, only WINGS...
   So, after getting separated from the whole, in a moment when soul lives Omofor and get into an illusion of temporary "I", and at this moment starts to forget who the really we are, where we are coming from and where we going. The function of forgetting is perfectly done by routine "I" and an illusion becomes alive, fake replacement of reality. It is the most interesting secret of life - to find out who you are. And no matter who and what is telling you after the moment of self-understanding you never will be a snail, because where wings are growing there is no place for a hard shell, no place for memory loss, no place for craftiness, no place for delusion.
   And so it is!
   21 December 2015
   In order to continue our story, we need to bring an understanding of what is in harmony. It is directly connected to balance and on the physical plane, it is connected to health.
   Let's look at music. Let's see what is vibration. If you look at yourself, look at everything surrounding you, and try to find something connecting all existence, sooner or later you will find out - it is vibration, it is connecting everything. Everything is vibrating! Everything is moving and changing. Even when you pick up something you believe is the ultimate truth and thinking it is not changeable... For example, the concept of Parenthood will be changing when you become a parent, the concept itself is not changing, your view wiil be different. Everything is in a process of movement, everything is vibrating. When you look at nature, on the universe, it is a breathtaking moment, a moment of harmony, peace, happiness... Now attention! Everything is not just vibrating it is vibrating in harmony!
   Now, turn time back to music and see the way of harmony existence. Why the same melody is perceived different in a different time, why the same note, same chord, in different moments sounds differently... It sounds same, vibration is same, but it is different. The key part of understanding differences - in one case it is more harmonized and in an other, dissonance. Sounds are the same, but view of it is different and way of looking is a source of harmony or dissonance feeling. The same thing on one case creates the feeling of wholeness, joy, happiness, and in other cases not... So we are bound over and over polishing our vibration, singing skills, to the Masterpiece level. As you probably recognize - life is this singing. Every human has living sounds, one or the other way. We can say - the body is the instrument on which human soul are playing... And it is a very important moment, the moment of understanding - how an instrument is tuned is directly affecting the quality of play. How healthy is a human body, healthy interests, connection to the outside world, all this is changing our way how clear will be the next chord of personal life, of a personal song. If the balance is disturbed, if health is weak (do not misinterpret aging), then thinking and action is affected by circumstances. You have two choices; one to find a good excuse, or second to look closely by trying to understand the root of the problem. When you find the cause and effect chain sooner or later you reach filter, and next a blockage in the filter. All things before become reality, before materialisation, going thru filter by principle "the best choice is going thru". Blockages are limited by this choice, feeling of harmony becomes partially corrupted. And it is not through by accident, all this blockage is a result of previous actions - our choices. All splinters taken from a spiritual body, after a death of the physical body, do not disappear, and come back in the form of a filter blockage. They are finding necessary, consonant vibration, and blocking them by causing this uncomfortable feeling luck of harmony. Of course, the recipient is trying to escape this uncomfortable feeling, but other than self-work on removing a splinter, the best case will create temporary relief by forgetting; in the worse case makes sickness exacerbate. The patient has the direct interest for self-work on splinters one by one.
   We need to point - this mechanism is felt with reasonableness, a person is not getting more than one can handle, but... All is provided on fixed time frames, a special checkpoint exists where one problem is replaced by the other. If a previous problem is not solved, it will affect the following passage.
   Sometimes a person has difficulties understanding what is happening and at that moment feelings of harmony are coming for help, feelings of joy and happiness are from a simple fact of existence.
   In the beginning was the Word... The Creator was singing and still singing...
   29 January 2016
   And I take a look at people, and I saw imperfection... I became sad and darkness began to wrap my soul :
   "Who can endure this?". I suddenly felt the breath of the wings, the Angel stood before me, and his eyes were looking down somehow miraculously seeing the deep earth. I got the uncomfortable feeling, I suddenly felt that sadness inside the angelic nature when they see human imperfection. I repeated my question :
   - Who can endure this?
   We quietly stand in a pause... He looked deep into the earth, and I tried to look eyes to eyes. Suddenly I felt the rustle of its wings... Wings, well, of course, as I still have not noticed, and then I understood why Angels have wings. He embraces them, he protects by them, he... He stood before me and silently by wings cooled a fever that occurred there, inside the earth, inside my heart. He turned for a moment his eyes at me, on a breathing chest. Suddenly I felt my breath coincide with a wave of his wings. From the incredible rise, my heart started beating furiously, suddenly I start feeling something very familiar, and he said:
   - You know, the answer is - LOVE!
   - Yes, but also, how to endure the betrayal, meanness, imperfection...
   - Don't you know that Love forgives everything?
   - Yes, but how to forgive the one who did not even see our own guilt? One who obviously will do the same things again tomorrow, and over and over?
   The Angel looked away, and again plunged deep into the earth, and he continued .
   - Human nature was not able to understand this...
   And sadness wrapped me again, and now in a different way... Now I saw human imperfection in myself, I saw myself in the human imperfections. Pity and sorrow started embracing me for the imperfections of human nature, for not complete the learning... I plunged into the bowels of my soul.
   Suddenly I caught myself thinking that no longer to look at the Angel, and I do the same way as Angel, by looking down I draw unknown, new feeling, from deep of the earth. I started slowly moving my look to Angel's chest and felt with my whole being how our hearts simultaneously counted beats of the eternity. In the next moment, I felt that the Angel is no longer looking at earth, I felt him look at myself, I felt amazing light flowing through all of my essence. And I realized the last step is to look into his eyes... Suddenly everything I felt, all I was, flooded with pure bright white light, light of all things. And the Angel said:
   - Love can not be comprehended... You can only be as Love...
   I dive into the limbo state of time and space, I felt like losing the ground under my feet and a new force is holding me like a cloud. I'm not standing on the ground but hovering over it. Suddenly everything changes and I see only one face, Angel face, the image that captured the world from end to end... I peered at the image... and recognized myself like in a mirror... Automatically I pulled questions:
   - Who am I?
   - You're me in the past...
   - Who are you?
   - I'm you in the future...
   My mind begins to betray me.
   - How can this be...
   - We have already said, it is impossible to understand the human mind, this can only be.
   - We?!?
   - Yes, if you become Love, "I" no longer exist, but only WE...
   Suddenly all spun like a film in the opposite direction and I go back to myself with the same thoughts in the same position as before. And it seems nothing has changed, the problem does not become smaller, and deep down in my heart I knew, these problems can't be solved, I can't solve them, but WE can. And soul filled with light and joy. :) How nice is - Angels exists, and how well that WE are too...
   7 March 2016

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