Рыбаченко Олег Павлович : другие произведения.

Computer Destroyer

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  • Аннотация:
    Brilliant, but unloved by peers and teachers, teenager Vitaly Akulov makes a discovery that should solve all the energy problems of mankind. But he is faced with misunderstanding and hostility from the world, and from the school, and the mafia, and oil and gas corporations that do not want to lose profits. Only a school friend Albina treats with understanding. However, now, Vitaly Akulov and his partner must take care of their own survival. Teenagers are not taken seriously, but at the same time, mafia clans want to destroy them just in case. But, in fact, children challenge the whole world.

  Brilliant, but unloved by peers and teachers, teenager Vitaly Akulov makes a discovery that should solve all the energy problems of mankind. But he is faced with misunderstanding and hostility from the world, and from the school, and the mafia, and oil and gas corporations that do not want to lose profits. Only a school friend Albina treats with understanding. However, now, Vitaly Akulov and his partner must take care of their own survival. Teenagers are not taken seriously, but at the same time, mafia clans want to destroy them just in case. But, in fact, children challenge the whole world.
  There are many interesting things on the Internet. But Vitalik Akulov was interested in how to find money for a scientific discovery. The teenager was developing a powerful source of energy that would have to solve all environmental problems. The essence of the idea is the transformation of gravitons into electrons and the production of alternating electricity from simple gravity. To do this, the boy had to make an ordinary converter that captures gravitons, which are on planet Earth anywhere in the world. In addition, gravitons also flow from the sun and from other stars in the solar system. And their energy should be enough so that not only a smartphone or iPhone works forever without recharging, but also electric cars drive, helicopters with an electric engine fly, houses are heated and much more.
  Other. These are the ideas that swirled in the head of a fifteen-year-old teenager who had not even finished school yet, despite knowing several languages and remarkable intellectual abilities.
  The boy designed a converter of gravitons into electrons, moreover, so that it was a simple device that could be adjusted in mass production.
  Vitalik set up a whole laboratory in the basement and tried to find the necessary materials for the converter. First of all, it is, of course, magnesium, aluminum, silver, gold, platinum. With the right combination of elements, you can get a unique lattice that will cause the transformation of a graviton into an electron. Further, the resulting current should be converted into useful work.
  Only need money to buy gold and platinum. The boy on the computer tried to download them from various accounts and cards. Of course, choosing rich clients.
  And this is a matter of judgment. Vitalik consoled his conscience with the fact that if the discovery was realized, it would not be necessary to burn natural fuels: oil, gas, coal, peat, and so on. So, the planet will be saved from global warming. And it is fraught with disaster.
  A few years ago, Vitalik watched a film about global warming, and the picture horrified him. First, the oceans will flood the land. And then, when the ice caps at the north and south poles melt, the process will accelerate. Water will begin to evaporate much more, and clouds will cover the planet. And this will further accelerate the greenhouse effect. The temperature will begin to rise rapidly, and all the water will turn into steam.
  Humanity will simply melt, and the planet Earth will become like Venus. A lifeless desert, dark because the sun will not be visible because of clouds of dust and evaporated oceans.
  This made such an impression on the boy that he urgently started looking for something that could replace natural, hydrocarbon fuels. And reading fantasy novels prompted the inquisitive child to use gravity. Indeed, the earth's gravity creates the force of gravitons - elementary particles with a spin in one direction. And they can be converted into electricity. Moreover, gravitons are erupted in large quantities by almost all celestial bodies, and this will enable people to solve all energy problems forever and restore the ecological balance, making the planet a blooming paradise.
  Albina volunteered to help Vitaly, his age, also an unusually smart teenage girl. Young geniuses have already learned how to do this on a small scale, and you can, for example, recharge your smartphone without an outlet. But I wanted something more.
  Albina calls him, and he transfers money from someone else's account - for which he can be sent to a colony, and in general, this is a bad deed. Albina herself offered to ask the state for money. But Vitaly quite logically noted that no one would give money to a teenage schoolboy for this. And more likely even put in a fool. So he has no other choice but to commit a crime, but at the same time save humanity.
  Vitaliy ignores the call and transfers money to the card. Now they can cash them out and buy some details, except for gold and platinum. There is still a lot of work, but most importantly, he and his girlfriend were able to prove that, in principle, the transformation of a graviton into an electron is possible. And what is the future of this technology.
  The boy has finished downloading. Albina calls again.
  Vitalik picked up the phone and hissed:
  - Hello!
  She replied:
  - What, you're making something again that you don't answer!
  The little boy nodded.
  - We have to! But work is done for today, can we meet in the park? It's a serious matter.
  Albina tweeted:
  - All right, my young genius!
  . CHAPTER #1
  Vitalik ran to his friend. He just turned fifteen years old. The boy was of normal height for his age, or even a little shorter. He seemed thin, but at the same time, Vitalik was engaged in taekwondo and beat the boards well.
  The boy, being very capable, he read very quickly and had a rare memory, had a complex in his height. Because of him, he seemed even less years old than he is. And from this the corresponding attitude.
  At school, the boy was often beaten and offended, so he not only studied, but also trained with frenzy. Taekwondo is a martial art with a lot of kicks, which Vitalik liked very much. As he mastered the technique and his small but stiff muscles got stronger, he was respected and rarely harassed.
  But all the same, classmates did not like Vitalik - he is too smart, knowledgeable and erudite, and no one likes this.
  There are also problems with teachers. They found fault with Vitalik, just not to put it perfectly. Yes, and the boy often behaved boldly. In addition, Vitaly, remembering how he was thrashed in elementary grades, constantly stood up for the weak. And this also gave rise to fights and conflicts.
  Vitaly was stuffy among his stupid , cruel, aggressive peers. But he was not taken to a school for especially gifted children, they did not want unnecessary problems. Moreover, Vitalik was registered at the children's police school. I even managed to visit a special school. He hit the offender too hard in the groin, from which he almost died, and apparently remained crippled forever.
  So Vitalik had a very stormy and difficult life.
  You are barely fifteen, and you are already almost an old man with your mind. Vitalik knew how to fight well, and had a reputation as a wolf cub, but other guys shunned him. Relations with girls were better . They loved the witty Vitalik, who could compose love poems and was polite. Outwardly, he is handsome, blond, with delicate features, but too childish. In addition, girls did not like too smart reasoning.
  Only Albina understood him. She was more than a head taller than Vitalik, and also practiced taekwondo. She just started doing it much earlier - from the age of five. And she already had a first dan and a black belt. In elementary grades, she stood up for Vitalik when he was beaten or bullied. Showed him tricks.
  Then Vitalik involved her in science. Albina, too, by nature, knew how to read very quickly and memorized everything. They were very suitable for each other. Naturally blonde Albina was beautiful, but with a too masculine face, and her shoulders from the exercises were not womanishly wide. When they are together, one could even think that this is a son and mother, or a brother with an older sister.
  It was May outside, the weather was sunny and warm. Vitalik really wanted to run barefoot. Moreover, his soles from constant training and kicks became calloused and itchy. And when you touch the rough asphalt with your bare foot, the itching calms down.
  In shorts and barefoot, Vitaly looked like a child in general. But in his hands was a bag with a device that could change the fate of mankind. By converting gravitons into current, it is possible, according to the calculations of the young genius, to pull a truck or a large car for an infinitely long time in any weather with a small flat device. So, it will not be necessary to extract oil, gas, coal, crippling nature.
  True, the child prodigy understood that for such a discovery very many, especially oil and gas corporations, were capable of turning his head. After all, imagine what many sheikhs and oligarchs will lose. Especially since the discovery should be kept secret.
  And it would never occur to anyone that a blond, with a fashionable haircut, a boy in shorts and flickering with dusty, round heels, has something fateful with him.
  Passers-by paid almost no attention to him. Well, some boy is running, and the jester is with him. Although in Moscow, even a child running barefoot is not entirely decent.
  Vitalik ran and sang:
  Understand the Earth, understand the Earth
  And you understand people!
  Second love, second Earth,
  There will be no such land!
  Of a thousand planets
  There is no such green!
  Of a thousand planets
  There is no such beauty!
  Let there be a ray of dawn
  The sun will shine!
  So he ran to the park. The boy's heels, thin but muscular legs flicker. Vitalik even thought that the appearance of a child has its advantages. No one is shocked by the lack of shoes when you look like a child. They will think about an adult that he is a fool, and outwardly it is ugly.
  Albina walked towards him. She's also fifteen, but how grown-up she seems. Tall, broad-shouldered, curvaceous and muscular as steel. Her guys are afraid, if he moves his foot, then it won"t seem enough. The already tall girl was wearing high-heeled sandals, which made Vitalik two heads taller.
  She smiled, looking at her counterpart, and chirped:
  - Barefoot again, Vitya! You are a genius and, at the same time, a child!
  The boy replied:
  - You know, when I was locked up in a special school, they took away all my free clothes and shoes. And they gave out shoes two sizes larger. And they brutally rubbed their feet. And at the slightest chance, I tried to get rid of them and walk barefoot . I got used to it so much that I didn't even cough. There are a lot of nasty things in the special school, and the shoes are not the right size, one of them!
  Albina answered with a smile:
  - I know! I was also closed, and a couple of times! True, not for long. It is necessary to measure the force of impact. Today I will show you how to punch. All styles have weaknesses. Taekwondo does not pay enough attention to the striking technique of the arms and elbows.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Thai boxing is probably more effective in this regard. Although he is rude.
  The girl nodded and remarked, singing:
  - And he beats everything,
  Healthy devil...
  And that means to be in trouble
  After all, boxing is not a fight, it's a sport,
  Be honest you are everywhere!
  The boy slapped his bare foot in a puddle from yesterday's rain. He looked at the spray that flew up, which shimmered like diamonds in the rays of the sun, and noticed:
  - The world is beautiful! But how much grief, suffering, wars, hunger and disease are in it.
  Albina nodded.
  - But our discovery, I hope, will solve the problem of energy hunger.
  Vitaly, as a smart teenager, remarked:
  But for some it will bring grief. How many oil rigs and coal mines will close then.
  The girl-hero logically objected:
  - Well, always so! The invention of automobiles ruined many owners of stud farms. Not to mention that tens of thousands of people are crushed by cars every year.
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  - Yes, that's right! In the same way as the introduction of cheap and efficient robots can cause wild unemployment.
  Albina giggled and noted:
  - And what? After all, it's good!
  And the girl sang:
  How far has progress been
  There was time to spare...
  Now walk around the world
  Before you is the whole world of miracles -
  Forgotten chores,
  Stopped running...
  The robots are pushing
  Not a man!
  Vitalik nodded, and again slapped his bare heel on the water. It is beautiful to watch how the puddle drops scatter.
  The boy remarked:
  - When they invent immortality, coffin offices will go bankrupt. And this, too, will be a consequence of progress. Everything changes and will continue to change!
  Albina suggested:
  - Come on, let's take a look at some attraction. Let's have fun!
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and remarked logically:
  - You get much more pleasure from computer games that you can download from the Internet for free. And what an attraction - you turn around, turn around, and that's it - all the pleasures!
  The girl disagreed.
  - In games, sitting with your nose buried is also a dubious pleasure. And so you achieve a lot. For example, car racing is much more interesting like this for real than in a game console!
  The boy did not agree.
  - Buy yourself a virtual reality helmet, and you will not distinguish the race from the real one. You can also fight dragons. There would be money, then you can literally reproduce everything.
  Albina muttered:
  - There would be money! Yes, the golden calf rules the world.
  Vitalik sang in his sonorous, clear, like a pioneer horn, voice:
  -People die for metal,
  For metal...
  People die for metal
  For metal!
  Satan rules the ball there
  There rules the ball!
  The hero girl sighed and suggested:
  - Come on, then at least we'll buy a pack of ice cream!
  The little boy nodded.
  - It's possible!
  They quickly walked towards the stall. Vitalik felt with his bare feet, stuffed with bricks and boards, the rough and warm asphalt. Still, life is good and how pleasant May is. Oh , it's a pity why there is no eternal summer. For example, in Cuba and India there is no winter. And on the one hand, it's great. But on the other hand, there is so much infection there, especially in India.
  Although now the Indians are not at all as poor as they used to be, there are simply too many of them.
  Apparently people need to learn how to fly to other worlds and spread to planets outside the solar system. And you will need to come up with a special hyperdrive. This, like the one that does not move on the principle of jet propulsion, but on something more advanced. By the way, gravitons fly faster than photons, and when they are converted into electrons, fragmentation of particles occurs, resulting in a lot of electricity. So even airplanes and spaceships can fly at this thrust.
  Vitalik bought himself an Eskimo, and Albina took a coconut one. The girl was very pleased. She seemed quite adult, and reminded Vitalik of her own mother. She is also a woman, quite large and in good shape. I wonder why Vitaly came out only with the mind, and not with growth?
  And who is his father? Also one of the reasons for the dislike of Vitaly's classmates was that the boy was a bastard. And this, of course, is sad. Bastard, this is putting it mildly, there is another word - bastard!
  Vitaly really wanted to have a father, presenting him as healthy, tall, strong, athletic and, at the same time, smart. Maybe even an officer, or a general!
  Albina had both parents, and Vitalik envied her. True, Albina's father is a former convict, but it's still better than nothing.
  Vitalik took it and sang:
  Enough wars and grief on the planet,
  Don't waste your time people...
  Let's not let our children
  Became a victim of their own fathers!
  Albina nodded with a smile.
  - You're musical!
  The teenagers ate their ice cream. They threw the sticks into the bin. We moved on through the park.
  Some unpleasant-looking entity suddenly came out to meet them and growled:
  - Can't you smoke?
  Albina answered harshly:
  - I do not smoke and I do not advise you!
  The guy pulled out a knife and roared:
  'll slash your son now !
  Vitalik shinned the subject right in the groin. He stood at the right distance, and the boy even jumped up and invested in the blow. And the shin of the young fighter famously broke boards and broke bricks. Bandyuga fell and passed out from the pain shock. His disgusting face turned blue and foam came out of his mouth.
  Albina remarked:
  - So you can kill! Do you want to go to a children's colony?!
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  - I don't mind for a couple of weeks . See how they are sitting on a youngster now , and what rules and procedures are there. Well, it's self-defense!
  Albina giggled.
  - Yes of course! However, given your reputation... Shall we call the police?
  The boy shrugged.
  - I don't want to explain. Let him lie down, come to his senses , and next time he will think carefully before throwing himself with a knife.
  Vitalik sang:
  - If there were no schools,
  If there were no schools...
  What would a person get to?
  He attacked with a knife!
  Albina nodded sadly.
  - Yes, people sometimes fall specifically. Here is this obvious bum. Maybe we shouldn't have left it like this. Better go to jail!
  The boy remarked logically:
  - If he hasn't finished the term yet, the zone can only make him worse. Although I did not become worse in a special school, in general. There even, oddly enough, it was easier with the guys. They also valued the mind, and many fathers themselves do not have, or their parents wind up the terms. Oddly enough, but in fact in a children's colony with peers it was easier to find a common language!
  Albina answered with a smile:
  - Because you are strange and different from the rest, and there are also very many different and strange ones. So it doesn't surprise me. Let's go to the cinema or something!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - On the big screen, watching movies is, of course, more pleasant than on a laptop monitor, or even more so a smartphone. Let's run!
  The girl giggled and replied:
  - It's possible!
  And she took off her sandals to make it more convenient to run. Her leg was not small, but tanned, muscular and very graceful in shape. It is unpleasant to walk in high heels, but it gives solidity.
  And so her soles also itch from hard objects broken in training.
  And the heels of young fighters flashed while running. They ran pretty fast.
  Vitalik sang, and Albina picked it up;
  The knight left his father's house,
  Went looking for a girlfriend!
  Moved in a bloody way,
  And life went round and round!
  Finding wealth is not a problem
  Though life rolled down the slope!
  All the gold in the world is nonsense
  A cigarette is clamped in the teeth!
  Boy in love for the first time
  Mouths intertwined under the yellow maple!
  Oh, I appreciate it, sacred eye,
  He fell on his knees before the icon!
  We were born under an evil star
  Who knew our fate, sobbed!
  And life flows - a stream of water,
  Found my God ideal!
  And the church, the Orthodox church,
  Meets with a bell ringing!
  Passed the desert - broke through,
  A stream of suffering with a heavy groan!
  I fight, I suffer, blood is a river,
  The evil onslaught of enemies was repelled!
  And where to find Christ rest,
  Surely only in a damp grave!
  Pallas is writhing in hell
  It seemed that fate was blind!
  But I believe that I will go to heaven
  I will rise from the ruins and ashes!
  Years passed, and children,
  For the glory of God, we gave birth!
  And we became wiser in life,
  Love blooms and is forever in power!
  This is how they ran. Albina slowed down. She picked up a cigarette butt thrown on the lawn, threw it into the urn and sang:
  - Cigarettes are poison
  That's right, people say!
  There is no worse than nicotine
  A pack of cigarettes in the furnace!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - We're going to clean up now. And it will be extremely cool!
  The boy ran up to the guys who were standing and smoking cigarettes, and shouted:
  - Quit smoking! Stop poisoning the atmosphere!
  They growled in response:
  - Where are you going , child! Do you want to be hurt?
  Albina noticed, showing her smartphone:
  I'll call the police now! You are not legally allowed to smoke here.
  Gloomy, unshaven men, swearing something illegible, reluctantly put out their cigarettes and put the packs in their pockets. The barefoot blonde looked very resolute. Yes, and there are a lot of police in Moscow, you look, and violators will be caught.
  Albina very deftly gathered up the cigarette butts with her bare toes and threw them into the urn, grimacing:
  - That's disgusting! I don't understand how you can inhale such an abomination at all. It's just disgusting.
  Vitaly nodded and added:
  - You are worse than drunkards . Those at least poison themselves alone, and you also poison those around you, including small children!
  And the boy jumped up and hit one of the uncles on the nose with his heel. The blow was casual, but smashed to the blood. He leaned back. It's more expensive to fight with a child. Moreover, most likely you will be beaten by him.
  Albina sang with a smile:
  After all, not without reason among the people,
  For centuries they judge
  In inclement weather -
  So it's tobacco!
  And the boy and girl bumped their fists.
  After that, we went to buy tickets. Minors relied on tickets for a half discount, but Albina looked too old, and she had to show a school certificate. I didn't want to spend extra money.
  It was some kind of children's fantasy. Four teenagers - three boys and a girl got into a fairy-tale land. There they stole a cane from the giant, which contained magic. Then they defeated Baba Yaga, and found a map in which Koshchei's death was indicated. And they set off on a journey. Well, behind them, of course, are different creatures from fairy tales. And the children stopped them either with enchanted sweets or chocolates. And in the end, the Serpent Gorynych was also defeated. And they were able to defeat Koshchei himself, having obtained a magic chest and a rich chest.
  That's how it all turned out really great. And it turned out to be really cool, albeit fabulous.
  After the movie, the young couple left the hall. They were fun and good. The mood has risen.
  And Vitalik agreed to ride racing cars. They bumped into each other, and other kids , and turned the steering wheel. Everything looked very interesting and exciting.
  Vitaly sang:
  cool cars,
  The best mood in the world is...
  Although we live as if in a shooting range,
  I'm a cool cowboy boy !
  It will be eternal, I believe childhood,
  Life will come like a glorious paradise...
  And we will find a way to be young,
  So boy, go for it!
  Time flies fast and it's already getting dark. And it got colder.
  Albina sadly remarked:
  Someday childhood will end. Yes, it is already, perhaps, almost over with us. We are no longer children, but teenagers. And then youth. And to be honest, it's scary to imagine being an old woman. As soon as I think that I will become wrinkled and hunchbacked, it is so badly done.
  Vitaly replied with a smile:
  - I think that people will invent something and gain eternal youth. The point here is the stem cells, which should be activated. And I think science will come to this!
  Albina sang with a smile:
  Nothing on Earth goes unnoticed
  And the youth that is gone is still immortal ...
  How young we were,
  How sincerely loved!
  And loved ones are not forgotten!
  Long live our age!
  They went to a stall and bought meat pies and a milkshake. They refreshed themselves, noting with a smile:
  - Looks like it's time to go home!
  Albina remarked:
  - Several drunken subjects are coming here.
  Vitalik chirped, pouting:
  - Let's fight! That's for sure!
  The girl remarked with a smile:
  - Be a boy forever cute,
  Though chaos rages ...
  It is a pity to spend in a fight of strength,
  We need a cart of good deeds!
  The boy agreed.
  The sun is shining brightly
  Sparrow chirps...
  Kind to be in this world,
  Have fun!
  The boy and girl backed off. And from the other side, the swearing was heard again. And they were drunk again. They carried knives and nunchucks in their hands . Brass knuckles flashed. In the uneven light of the lanterns, unshaven, with red noses, very unpleasant faces were reflected . And they trembled and stirred.
  An already familiar, previously beaten subject appeared in front of the teenagers.
  He swore dirtyly and threatened with a knife, hoarsely;
  - Well, young birds! Your thrice unnecessary life is over!
  Vitalik replied:
  - You don't need a life! And we really need it, in the interests of all mankind.
  The bandits around them chuckled nastily.
  . CHAPTER #2
  There were at least twenty of them. In the hands of a weapon, moreover, some knives are very long, and the largest one also has a pistol in his hands. Albina whistled with a disappointed sigh. Against a bullet, her taekwondo is powerless. Yes, and two teenagers against a whole detachment of adults and armed scoundrels - these are very unequal forces.
  Vitalik, however, keeping his composure, confidently said:
  - Everywhere is full of video cameras. Yes, and our smartphone records everything and automatically transmits it to the Internet. And from there the record of all your faces will easily get to the police if you do something to us!
  One of the bandits shouted:
  - Quit with yellowmouths soon!
  The leader hesitated. Too long shone for the murder of children. And even more so, because of the beaten face of some homeless person, it made no sense to risk his head and freedom.
  Vitaly nodded.
  - All of you have already been recorded on video, and the data will automatically go to the police. But if you let us go, we, I promise the kid , will erase it all!
  The leader asked with a grin:
  - Are you stomping the zone?
  The boy nodded.
  - Was on a bark beetle !
  The bandit muttered:
  - For what?
  Vitaly answered with a smile:
  - Recaptured the dignity of one hooligan. And what?
  The leader asked:
  - Do you know how to fight?
  The boy nodded.
  - I think I can!
  The leader suggested:
  - Fight one on one, without weapons, with the strongest corefan of our gang. If you win, I'll give you five hundred bucks !
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Fine! But only a piece of bucks . Not less.
  The leader nodded.
  - OK! But don't be offended if they take you to the hospital afterwards. Our fighter Gorilla knows no pity.
  The boy clenched his fists and replied:
  Soldier, always healthy
  Soldier, ready for anything...
  And dust, like from carpets,
  We're getting out of the way
  And don't stop
  And don't change legs
  Our faces shine
  Shiny boots!
  The leader chuckled.
  - Boots! But you are barefoot! And in general, you look like a child. Even it is a pity to beat such.
  Vitalik smiled.
  - All the better! The more enemies, the more interesting the war.
  One of the robbers remarked:
  - It's tough to fight. They can see us, and swept away!
  Pahan replied:
  - We've got it all! The police won't let anyone in. We will not postpone. Let's fight here and now.
  The bandits hummed in approval. Albina whispered to the boy:
  - Are you sure? What belt do you have ?
  Vitalik squeaked:
  - Red!
  The hero girl suggested:
  - Maybe me instead of you!?
  The boy replied:
  - This is our men's showdown!
  Gorilla out. It really was a big guy. Growth meter ninety, wide shoulders, long arms, sloping forehead. And quite inflated , obviously on anabolics. Weighed, at the very least, an opponent of a centner and a half. And Vitalik is only forty-two kilograms. The forces looked unequal.
  The ringleader took out a thin bundle of one hundred dollar bills and muttered:
  - You will beat, you will receive pieces and ... I will also give you a gold watch.
  And he showed, indeed, a very decent watch with a case made of pure gold. And they cost a lot.
  The gorilla, standing calmly, suddenly rushed at Vitalik. True, the boy, accustomed to the sudden attacks of his peers, jumped sharply to the side. And even managed to substitute the bandwagon. A large, broad-shouldered, long-armed gangster crashed onto the asphalt. It can be seen that he hurt his knee, as he limped. And he began to swear very dirty.
  The public was buzzing. Some supported their Gorilla, while others supported their impudent boy. There was a clear discord here, and the robbers were betting.
  They bet on the more dexterous and small, others on the big and with muscle balls.
  The gorilla tried to attack again. The boy pushed his bare heel into his heavy chin. The impact was not full force. But still it shook, and the bandit buffalo felt it. And he again rushed at the boy , threatening with all the punishments of the underworld.
  Vitaly kicked him in the face and jumped aside. Dodged the heavy fist. Gorilla's arms are so long. But the fists do not fly too fast, and the agile kid deviates very deftly.
  Attack again. Vitaly was punched in the nose with his fist. He also beat boards with his hands. The knuckles fit well, and a thin trickle of blood flowed.
  True, the bandit's fist slipped over the boy's ribs. Vitaly jerked and dived like a lightweight boxer, deviating from another strong poke .
  Then he kicked him under the knee. She's already bruised, and the gangster roars and opens up.
  Vitalik catches the movement he meets, and the boy's round bare heel hits him right in the nose. He gets hit by the whole mass of the kid , and even on the met movement. A crunch is heard, and the nose bursts, like a tomato that has fallen from a height. And the blood now flowed in a stream stronger.
  Vitaly again leaves the opponent's sweeping movements. He tries to kick and kick. But his legs are just a bit short, and the stretch is not very good. Vitali again strikes from the side. Hits the temple. And Gorilla staggered.
  And wheezes:
  - Wait, let's talk!
  Vitaly stopped. And then a sledgehammer fist flew at him. The boy blocked it reflexively. But he was knocked off his feet. Vitali took off. The thug rushed at him. But the boy managed to roll away. And the gangster flopped past.
  Vitalik felt rage in himself. And the kid hit, when the bandit got up, his shin in the chin. The punch was good, but the Gorilla was hard-headed and couldn't be knocked out that easily.
  Here he is on the attack again. True, it sucks. And the whole shirt is covered in blood. Vitalik also took off his T-shirt so as not to get dirty. The boy had a relief and strong muscles. Maybe she lacked mass, but she swayed like ripples on water.
  Vitalik again hit the enemy on the already shattered nose.
  The blood sloshed even harder, and the boy's bare, round heel glistened with blood. The gorilla began to choke.
  Vitalik fisted a classic threesome to the head and beat off the opponent's hands. Then he jumped again and hit the vis-a-vis with his bare heel in the chin. The blow was good, but there was not enough mass to disable such a carcass.
  The boy again carried out a combination with his hands. And punched him in the eye. He turned blue from the impact. And the hematoma began to swell.
  Vitalik tweeted:
  - We will sweep away the enemy with one blow,
  We will confirm the glory with a bare heel ...
  crushed the big ones not in vain,
  So, we will defeat the gorilla!
  The boy dodged again and kicked the enemy in the face. Then jump again, and again exactly in the jaw. And then a shin to the temple. Vitalik beat well. But the enemy still did not want to give in. Although he staggered, he stubbornly did not fall.
  And the bandit crowd shouted:
  - Beat him! Finish it!
  Three policemen in black uniforms also came to see the spectacle. They, too, were amused by the way a small boy was thrashing a large, long-armed bandit with cue balls, like a human head.
  Vitaliy jumped up and down again. And Gorilla stubbornly did not fall. The boy was literally gleaming with sweat and breathing heavily. His opponent dropped his hands and no longer reacted to these blows.
  Then Vitalik took it and climbed a tree. This is indeed a very risky move. The bandits hissed and the policemen applauded. The boy, climbing higher, but how he will jump. And his bare, round heel hit the temple.
  The gorilla crashed, finally passing out. The leader began to count, but the large member of the gang did not even move. And he threw, respectfully saying:
  - That's won, how are you?
  The boy replied:
  - Vitalik!
  The leader raised his hands to him and asked:
  - And how did yours drive?
  Vitalik replied with pride:
  - Shark!
  The leader nodded.
  - Well done, shark! Do you want to be my right hand?
  The boy shook his head negatively.
  - No, I have my way, and you have yours!
  The chieftain handed him ten hundred-dollar bills and a rather heavy watch. They not only had a gold case, but also the hands were decorated: the minute with an emerald, and the hour with a ruby.
  Vitalik hid it in his bag. There is also a shirt. He was slightly scratched, and there were a couple of bruises from the fight. But he got off, I must say, relatively lightly. The thug weighed one hundred and fifty kilograms and he had deadly blows, and very heavy fists.
  By the way, he did not come to his senses. And the police called an ambulance.
  The bandits began to disperse.
  Vitalik was very pleased. He earned both money and a trophy, and proved to everyone that he was a real man.
  And it's better than doing risky hacking.
  Ataman remarked:
  - You are a very strong fighter, and at the same time, a child. You should participate in fights without rules. You can make good money, especially on the sweepstakes. Initially, they will not bet on the boy!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Good idea! But ... T am can beat off all the brains.
  The leader noted:
  - You have a phenomenal reaction, and unusually difficult to hit you.
  The little boy nodded.
  - I agree with that. But nothing, I think to go the intellectual way.
  Albina, who had been silent before, remarked:
  - You can find on the Internet where fights without rules take place. And you know, my boy, I would try if I were you. To be honest, I didn't expect you to move so well!
  Vitaly nodded.
  - I will think. In the meantime, get some good sleep. It's past midnight already.
  And saying goodbye, the guys moved out of the park.
  Albina put on her shoes, it became cooler at night in May. Although it is more pleasant to walk barefoot. Vitaly slapped his bare feet like a young wartime scout.
  The air seemed soaked with freshness, although the exhaust fumes also smelled. Moscow at night is very beautiful. So many lights and advertising posters.
  And a lot of cars of various brands. There are even very luxurious cars among them.
  One of the women passing by muttered, pointing at Vitalik:
  - Don't you see that your son walks barefoot in such a cold?
  Albina laughed. She, due to her large muscles and a hard expression on her face, seems quite adult. And Vitalik, on the contrary, has a round face, and still looks like a toddler. Even his head is not too big, though his forehead is high, but smooth.
  The boy answered her:
  - I'm getting hot! And any shoes pull to the bottom!
  Albina tweeted with a smile:
  - We are in any, know the cold,
  We know how to stuff cones ...
  And already running through the puddles -
  Barefoot boys!
  And she jumped, about two meters, spinning the turntable with her feet in the air. And she landed not quite well - she broke her heel. After that, I had to take off my shoes and barefoot with the boy. Yes, it's an interesting adventure.
  And Moscow, in fact, is a big city. The population is like that of an average European country. And on it you can wander for a long time, and all the time to find more and more new areas.
  Vitalik sang:
  We will fight fiercely with the enemy,
  Locusts that did not know the darkness ...
  The capital will stand forever
  Moscow shines like the sun on the world!
  Albina nodded.
  - This is cool! I like songs like this. But on the other hand, each country and nation has its own way. And no one should be forced to do anything.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Right! But I believe that sooner or later all the peoples of the planet Earth will unite. And the planet will become a single, common and happy family!
  The girl confirmed, though not too confidently:
  - I believe it will be so!
  They parted, and Vitaly rushed to the house at a run. And without wasting time on the elevator, he flew up the stairs.
  And opened the door to the apartment. Nothing special, mom was already asleep. Left dinner in the kitchen.
  Vitalik ate, and felt heaviness and fatigue in himself, did not even want to go to the bathroom. So I fell asleep right on the couch.
  He had different dreams , very stormy and chaotic. In particular, fragmentary memories of the special school. How they cut him bald with a machine. And then they take pictures in profile, in full face, half sideways and behind. It doesn"t seem to hurt, and it"s okay, but you feel some kind of humiliation and shame in yourself.
  Your height is then measured and weighed. Rewrite signs from the body, and take fingerprints. Which is also humiliating for the child and scary, although not painful.
  Then you wash your hands in some kind of solution.
  Well, that's still nonsense. Vitaly was more afraid of other guys. After all, a special school is also a prison, only for children. But then a good team got together, and there was no lawlessness . And the older guys rarely offended the little ones. Vitalik, by the way, played chess very well. And he quickly became the chess champion of the special school, and among all the special schools and closed institutions in Moscow.
  But the boy was not particularly attracted to chess. The game is interesting, but what exactly does it give people? What is the practical use of it. Did chess help grow at least a gram of grain, or cure at least one patient?
  So Vitaly, although he received the first adult category, after his release almost did not play. Unless for money, with adults. But those, after several devastating defeats, quickly stopped it. And the boy did not want to waste time on such a frivolous task as rearranging the figures.
  Although, probably, he could achieve something in this game. He even beat Karpov. And he, having received a checkmate, remarked:
  - And you, a boy, quickly and accurately consider the options!
  Vitaly asked:
  - And what did chess give people? This is just entertainment and an empty game of the mind. Better, invent a cancer vaccine, or make a rocket that can take a person to Mars and return back!
  Anatoly Karpov nodded.
  - Maybe you're right! But chess is a miracle. In addition, one can say about any sport - it only entertains!
  The boy shook his head.
  - Martial arts is a very vital sport. Sometimes, thanks to them , you survive!
  Karpov nodded.
  - It's right...
  And sighed. He himself loved to play tennis, and a zero fighter.
  There were also martial arts in the special school. But since Vitalik was imprisoned precisely because he almost killed a peer, he was not allowed to compete. But this is how he sparred and earned the respect of the prisoner guys.
  The food here is also good. Better than at home. There is no father, in Moscow the prices are high, the rent is high, and it is difficult for women to find a good job. Vitalik, in general, left a good impression. And they were taken to the pool, and on excursions, and you can play on the computer. I mean, it's not hell at all. Although there is also occupational therapy. But it is not difficult, and moreover, there is not always work. So do not say that he suffered there.
  There were even ideas to go back there. There he had real friends among the boys. And then only Albina turned out to be his real friend.
  But mom took his word of honor from him before fighting to think and observe the measure.
  They stopped beating Vitalik, but his peers did not want to talk defiantly. Although not necessary. You can, for example, instead of stupid conversations and various vulgarities, and even obscenities, read books.
  Here, from a smartphone, any.
  And even write something yourself. Vitalik, in particular, outlined the continuation of Gulliver's adventures. A little story like this. There Gulliver got into the world under the shell of Antarctica. And in it, the two powers were at war with each other. In which , there were planes, and tanks, and multiple rocket launchers.
  Gulliver was first taken for a spy. And he ended up in jail. Then they tried to use him in intelligence.
  Vitalik even wrote that Gulliver was able to steal the drawings with a nuclear bomb, and for this he received a knight's cross with golden oak leaves, swords and diamonds as a reward.
  Well, that's just fantasy...
  Vitaly posted the story on the Internet, but no one began to print it. Yes, and she collected few views. Gulliver was already forgotten. And who needs these fanfings. Just like the story "Dunno on Mars", which was also somehow ignored by both the public and publishers. Although the work, objectively, was not bad. Vitaly also wrote the continuation of Carleson's adventures. But this too was not successful. Yes, it is difficult to achieve recognition in the literature. Especially if you write a continuation of something well-known and promoted. Moreover, they involuntarily begin to compare. And usually the continuation is not in your favor inclines sympathy.
  Especially when it comes to Harry Potter. It's already been running like this...
  Vitalik drowsily remembered what he wrote and how.
  writing fanfiction at an early age. He did not want to walk with his peers in the yard. And a cheap used laptop is always available, even for their single parent and poor family.
  And why not compose. For example, Gerda found her brother Kai, who was kidnapped by the Snow Queen. If you write, on the contrary, the boy was captured by the sultana of the Arabian desert. And now Kai is languishing in the heat, in a luxurious palace in the middle of the desert. And again, a little blond girl goes to rescue him. And again her bare, childish feet suffer. Only not from the cold of the snow, but from the hot sand of the Sahara desert.
  She found herself in a magical oasis. And then she would die of thirst, her bare feet blazing with sand and hot rocks.
  And the robbers were on camels. And the chieftain's daughter wore a turban. And so on.
  Although the idea, of course, is not bad in itself, but it still needs to be furnished in a humane and interesting way.
  But simply replacing a raven with a vulture is not an option!
  Vitaly has very fast fingers. And he wrote a lot.
  Here is an alternate history. A boy from the end of the twenty-second century flew in a time machine into the past. And he took with him a combat, rather powerful blaster stolen from his astronaut father.
  And so he decided, of course, to help Tsar Nicholas II . And, armed with a blaster, he defended Mount High - the key to the defense of Port Arthur.
  And how he blasted from his weapon. And the rays hit the Japanese. And thousands of brave yellow soldiers were cut and burned.
  The attacks were repulsed. But Port Arthur still suffered from hunger and a lack of weapons.
  However, he continued to hold on. And in January, the tsarist army again tried to break through.
  The boy repelled a couple more attacks on Mount High . But the blaster's hypernuclear battery had run out. And the boy returned back to replenish the arsenal.
  And found the world changed. In particular, Bloody Sunday did not take place in January. The king was not afraid to go out to the people, Port Arthur still held out. And so the revolution did not break out. And the tsarist army, nevertheless, was finally able to break through the corridor by land in February, having received additional reinforcements.
  And the Japanese were exhausted. How many thousands of them were burned by a simple boy of twelve years old with laser fire. In short, Rozhdestvensky's squadron came and, uniting with the first Pacific, they defeated the Japanese at sea. Peace was signed, and Japan returned the Kuril chain to Russia. Also, Korea became a protectorate, and Manchuria became Yellow Russia .
  The tsarist empire was strengthened militarily. The First World War did happen, but the Germans lost it, and faster than in real history. The tsarist empire regained Galicia and Bukovina. Czechoslovakia became a kingdom within Russia. And the kingdom of Poland included Krakow and part of the German lands. Türkiye disappeared from the world map and was defeated by Russia, Britain and France. Russia took Istanbul and Asia Minor, and northern Iraq. Saudi Arabia was also divided. The Romanov dynasty was strengthened on the throne.
  Tsar Nikolai Vtoroy then divided Afghanistan with Britain, having received the north and center for himself. And also captured two-thirds of Iran. Thus ended the redistribution of the world. All Muslim countries were under the complete control of Christians . And in the thirties, Italy captured Ethiopia.
  Hitler came to power in Germany, but he was not given his will. The maximum was allowed to annex Austria.
  There was no World War II ... Nicholas II ruled until November 1939. He died at the age of seventy-one, a record age for Russian tsars. His grandson, eight years old, succeeded to the throne. This is bad, but the regent was already predetermined. And everything went fine.
  Tsarist Russia gradually became a constitutional monarchy. And by the beginning of the twenty-first century, it actually became a parliamentary republic.
  But the most important change in the future led to the fact that the boy did not find his parents, and ended up in a completely different world. Although in the world and good, and developed, and happy.
  But they took him for a criminal and a lunatic, and put him in a children's psychiatric hospital .
  It is, of course, well-maintained in the future - a real sanatorium, but still a psychiatric hospital , and the boy really did not like it there. And he tried to escape several times. And he ended up in isolation.
  Vitalik composed a lot of things, and he liked it. But for some reason, people did not like his works and believed that they were written by a mentally ill person, or an outright schizophrenic.
  Some of the pieces were really weird. For example, Vitaly wrote about a universe in which all people have become children. This is how the effect worked. A supernova erupted, and the Earth was covered with radiation that made all adults look like ten-year-old boys and girls. And, forever... People stopped multiplying. In fact, they became immortal. More precisely, they stopped aging, and greatly increased their survivability. Even if he cuts off a leg or an arm, another will grow. It's almost immortal. But in eternal childhood.
  Old people, especially atheists, are happy about this. Young people, however, not so much. The kids are good too.
  Such a kingdom arose on Earth. The work, however, did not stop. Since the decrease in people in size was compensated by the qualitative growth of muscles, which became more elastic, tenacious and strong.
  And what a blessing that if you knock out a tooth, then you do not need to insert an artificial one, a new one will grow in an hour, better than the previous one.
  And the eternal children preserved both memories and personalities. Only now you will not have other children. But there are fewer problems.
  Eternal happy children who build spaceships and began to live much more peacefully.
  Religion has undergone particularly interesting transformations. In particular, neither the Bible nor the Koran promised people eternal childhood. And this, of course, is logical. Although, many feel nostalgic for childhood , but really old people want to become young, not babies. Although ten years is the age when a person is already thinking and not sitting on the potty, but on the Internet.
  At this age, almost all pleasures are available to you. And it's better than when you're eighty. Although, probably worse than when you're twenty!
  By the way, in the Koran and the Orthodox tradition in Paradise they call the age of thirty- five years. I wonder why not eighteen? Or twenty five? Where did such a figure come from?
  Vitalik used to really want to grow up, and become big and mature. But now he thought there were advantages to being small. Moreover, if you are a big guy, then on the train, or on the bus, you will be a complete torment. But, of course, picking pears is easier for a tall one, but climbing a tree is easier for a kid.
  Vitaly dreams that he wins the Olympic Games in gymnastics and is awarded a gold medal. And he is on a pedestal. Then swimming. By the way, taekwondo has long wanted to be included in the Olympic sport. And that would be great. Here are the boys and girls fighting.
  Vitaly was sleeping, and it raced in his head that he managed to write. For example, the continuation of Ivanhoe. Richard the Lionheart hosted an international tournament. The best warriors from all over the world came to it. And among them appeared such a mighty giant that he managed to defeat everyone. And Ivanhoe, and Richard the Lionheart himself. After that, he won the main prize. And what did he do? Kidnapped Rebekah. And the poor Jewish girl became his prisoner.
  Ivanhoe tried to free her, but only one way was real: to defeat the giant knight in a duel.
  And then Ivanhoe began to teach a special technique of knightly combat to a monk from Japan. And it was a very interesting and instructive study. Ivanhoe really succeeded in this matter.
  The most interesting thing in this novel was that Rebekah asked to take her as a second wife to the knight Ivanhoe, but he refused.
  However, Richard the Lionheart himself found her a worthy husband. And Rebekah nevertheless accepted the Catholic faith. Why not? Christ is the Messiah after all. And the Jews recognized its existence. And prove that He is not God?
  Moreover, the faith of Christians is very attractive: all sins are forgiven by grace, and the Most High God Himself gave His life for people !
  Vitalik's thoughts were completely confused, and he fell into a deep sleep.
  . CHAPTER #3
  Waking up, the boy quickly washed himself, brushed his teeth, and rinsed his mouth. And did the exercises. I really didn't want to go to school. It's clear. How much better would it be to study remotely. Especially over the internet. After breakfast, Vitaly decided to ignore classes for today. And in general, after especially the coronavirus, almost all students learned to play truant. This is how today's youth has been set. And not only modern. A lot of people didn't want to go to school.
  Vitalik already had money. Now you need to buy a little valuable. Order online first. Then pay, either through the account, or in cash . And create a screen that could collect gravitons from a large area and generate electricity, like a decent-sized dynamo.
  Theoretically, the young child prodigy had already drawn several formulas that showed that enough electricity would be released per meter of the area of the converter screen to light and make TVs in a nine-story building work. Or, to accelerate a large truck with a full body to a hundred kilometers per hour with an electric motor. Or even turn the screws of a completely non-childish helicopter.
  Then all the energy problems of people would be solved. And the fact that all sorts of sheikhs and magnates would suffer losses, then that's what they need.
  Vitalik, in principle, believed that all the religions of the world are human fairy tales and fantasies. But no one knows the truth, and no one can know. And to present one's faith as truth and to call fantasy infallible is absurd. And even more stupid when people get killed because of it. Or, for example, they go to a monastery, depriving themselves of earthly joys. If you really believe, then so that it does not interfere with your life and other people. In this regard, Orthodoxy, with its purely formal attitude to faith, when they go to church once a year and get baptized from a hangover, aroused more sympathy. Than that faith in which every two hours they thump on their knees.
  True, Vitaly read both the Orthodox catechism and the Law of God. And it turned out that everything is not so simple even in Orthodoxy. And you also need to take communion at least three times a week. And make the sign of the cross forty times a day. And put candles, and observe fasts. Otherwise, you will not be saved and you will not go to heaven.
  Although, for example, a robber crucified on a cross, wasn"t he saved by grace, and did he take communion at least once in his life?
  The boy chuckled as he automatically typed in addresses on the Internet. No, you can discuss religion endlessly. But why, even if we assume that God exists, should he light candles? And why, for example, posts? And why say the same prayer a million times?
  And what, the Creator of the universe likes to listen to the same thing millions of times ? And He will reward you for it ?
  Naive, I must say, ideas are obtained. Likewise, why should a person be baptized? That God receives some energy from this?
  Okay, there are laws of nature. And they open the greatest possibilities for man.
  Here, in particular, to take and receive energy from ordinary gravity, which reveals very colossal resources that are inexhaustible forever.
  Vitalik also read that it can theoretically give energy and the process of merging quarks. But this, so to speak, is still a matter of distant prospects. And gravitons can be harnessed right now in harness.
  Vitalik made several orders. After that, he left the apartment, taking a suitcase. He expected to continue his experiments in the basement.
  Good , oh when you're a boy. This is what stops many adult scientists in the brain with a taboo: it's impossible! And they slow themselves down. Like, if they haven't done it yet, then it's impossible. And the boy took it and did it. Or at least try to do something like that.
  Vitalik sang with a smile:
  Imagine the situation
  Everything that will come true is known in advance ...
  And why then doubts, worries,
  Everything in the world will provide a schedule!
  And we're defying the storms
  From what and because
  Live in the world without surprises
  Impossible for anyone!
  May good luck, failure,
  On a swing up and down
  Only in this way, and not otherwise,
  Only in this way, and not otherwise,
  Long live surprise!
  Surprise, surprise
  Long live surprise!
  Now he is busy with new ideas in the field of energy.
  Albina called on the smartphone. The hero girl, sparkling with sapphire eyes, natural, slightly yellowish blonde hair, chirped:
  - Hello, my dear boy! Well how are you?
  Vitalik replied:
  - Pulsarno! I have already received something. A film will soon be ready that converts gravitons into current. I think the device will be light, and not particularly expensive. And when it comes to conveyor production, it turns out that even a child can hold an entire power plant in his hands!
  Albina nodded with a sweet smile.
  - Well, you have fantasies!
  The boy sang:
  - Dreamer, you called me,
  Dreamer, you and I are not a couple!
  The girl said with a sigh:
  - You are good to everyone, Vitya, only too small in stature. Looking at you, everyone takes me for mom. And it makes a woman look so old!
  Vitalik answered with a sigh:
  - Yes, there is! But on the other hand, such a husband will not eat too much, and it is not cramped to lie in the same bed with him!
  Albina laughed and sang:
  - My boy, my baby,
  At this hour you do not sleep ...
  I believe that you remember me!
  And in what an unknown country!
  The little boy nodded.
  - You can come to me, it will be an interesting job!
  After that, the smartphone turned off. The young genius sang, with relief and a smile:
  I can unravel any tangle
  Although there are many nooks and crannies in the labyrinths,
  No, I will not leave, believe with a dream,
  Wandering the shady lanes!
  The boy began to make something again. Here he was delivered a piece of platinum. And this is a very valuable acquisition. Platinum is a special metal that can work wonders. And in particular, to make a set of directional electrons out of a graviton.
  Then you can get different types of current, and not just direct and alternating. Even in the future, we are talking about creating a hypercurrent of high power.
  The boy was tired of fiddling with the mechanisms, and he jumped to the makiwara . He started kicking her with his bare feet. And also jump like a dragon.
  And even sang:
  What people say
  We don't care...
  We need a result in battle,
  And a good hit!
  And the boy stood upside down. After that, I tried to throw balls with bare soles. It is difficult to juggle with the lower limbs, but this effect is obtained. And the lethal power of the fighter increases.
  Vitalik sang:
  I'm a great karate boy
  Defeating even terrorists...
  The adversaries flew down,
  How many beaten swindlers!
  And the boy will take it and whistle. His bare toes caught the ball and then tossed it up again.
  A call is heard in the basement. It is clear through the monitor that Albina has arrived. And it will be more fun with her.
  The boy let her into the laboratory and sang:
  Children are now
  No, not midgets...
  As if in the power of Satan
  Burning institutions!
  Can overtake a moped
  Poke out the pins...
  will run into the toilet ,
  The boy is too smart!
  And both young scientists sang with gusto;
  It's only the beginning,
  It's only the beginning...
  It's only the beginning! Oh oh oh!
  After that, we started the design of the trap and converter of gravitons with even greater enthusiasm. This is indeed a very large-scale discovery.
  Albina took off her sneakers and began to toss the ball with her bare foot. She did it, a large and strong girl, very deftly. And yet, her hands continued to construct.
  Vitalik understood that it was necessary to create a miracle. And it's real what's happening. Spin change, charge redistribution, and from one graviton - several electrons. And the current is no longer a joke. And it should also be used rationally.
  And then something, abruptly Tesla turns out. Could it be like this...
  The boy took it and twisted it with a screwdriver. It sparkled harder. And even slightly burned fingers.
  The boy sang:
  Thunder rages, lightning flashes,
  Like a tornado, napalm struck...
  Without you, the days flicker drearily,
  I remember your face, madam!
  And again Vitalik will take something and spin it. And he does it very cleverly.
  Albina crushed a cockroach crawling out of the crack with her bare toes. Then she got embarrassed and ran to wash her leg.
  Vitalik noted that the girl has very developed muscles. She was beautiful, but her beauty was the beauty of a warrior and hero.
  The girl picked up a brick from the floor and threw it up. Hit in flight with a bare heel from a turn.
  The brick cracked on impact.
  Vitalik exclaimed:
  - You're a smart girl !
  Albina was offended:
  - Not a girl , but a girl! And you're a wolf cub, apparently cunning!
  The boy replied:
  - Not cunning, but smart!
  The girl chirped with a laugh:
  - Yes, you are perfection itself, only you didn"t come out tall!
  Vitalik gloomily remarked:
  - I do not like about it!
  Albina remarked:
  - During the Second World War, you would have made the perfect scout! You look harmless.
  The boy smiled and replied:
  - I'm a killer with the face of an angel!
  The girl shrugged her shoulders and said:
  - The boy you hit in the groin will never be able to do anything serious with the girl now.
  Vitalik sighed heavily.
  - I regret it myself. But he was a very nasty and cruel kid . What you sow, you get.
  Albina remarked:
  - And children, like animals, are always cruel. And attack those who are weaker. It's kind of an axiom! Adults, for all their shortcomings, observe the rules of decency. Although not always!
  The Terminator Boy sang:
  Childhood will end sometime
  Because it's not forever...
  The boys will grow up
  Who will scatter where!
  But while we are only children,
  We grow, we grow,
  Only the sky, only the wind
  Only joy lies ahead!
  Only the sky, only the wind
  Only joy lies ahead!
  Albina replied:
  - No, the life of adults is even harder than ours. Have to work eight hours a day. And even more. And so many problems...
  Vitalik, master, sang:
  Adult, you are my mouse
  I'll eat you with bone and skin...
  Happiness is just a breather
  Bright flash...
  In the darkness of problems!
  And the child prodigy picked up the nut from the floor with his bare toes. And he deftly threw it, knocking down a fly in flight. She fell with her paws up.
  Albina whistled:
  - Wow! How did you do it?
  Vitalik confidently replied:
  - I have a brilliant mind. This means that the body is also smart, and this gives such opportunities that are inaccessible to a fool!
  The girl nodded.
  - Small, but remote!
  The boy sang ironically:
  It's good to be an adult
  It's good to be big...
  The rest, like a thread,
  You are above them in arshin!
  But big cabinets
  Like bags...
  No big fuss
  You take down the ambala!
  The heroic girl laughed and lifted the boy by the scruff of the neck. Said with a smile:
  - You're like Bruce L and!
  Vitalik sang:
  - I want to be the strongest in the world,
  Like Arnold Schwarzenegger with Bruce...
  Soak everyone, specifically, in the toilet ,
  And save the girl from demons!
  Albina remarked with a laugh:
  - Yes, Schwarzenegger is special! It seems that fashion has long passed, but he is still remembered.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Like Alexander the Great. And he was still before our era!
  The girl sang poetically:
  You sparkle with a radiant star,
  Through the dark darkness...
  The great hero Alexander
  Knows no pain, no fear!
  The boy prodigy added:
  Enemies retreat before you
  The crowd is cheering...
  Motherland accepts you
  A mighty hand rules!
  And both teenagers hit each other with their bare heels. After that, Albina also tried to throw the nut at the fly, but missed. And growled in annoyance:
  - Sharp eye, slanting hands!
  Vitalik said with a sigh:
  - This requires a special level of skill!
  After that, the guys did a little push - ups from the floor. Vitalik even put a weight on his shoulders. He is only outwardly a child, but there is already a lot of strength in him.
  I remembered the idea to fight in fights without rules. For money it is possible. And the mafia organizes such fights.
  Plus a tote. Here, of course, you can earn decent money.
  The boy raised his leg. He looked at the sole, it is elastic, and is not afraid of either glass or coals.
  Vitalik poked a screwdriver at her and chirped:
  By the looks of it, I'm still quite a boy,
  The mustache did not break through, but already a titan ...
  Mind, perhaps, an adult, even too much,
  And I will smash the enemies like a hurricane!
  After that, Vitalik, how he laughs!
  Albina said:
  - If you think about fights without rules, then I found on the Internet that there will be big underground fights without rules. Both among women and among men. You can have three fights in the final system in an evening. There, age and weight categories are not respected. It is clear that this will be a problem for you.
  Vitalik hissed:
  - MMM has no problem
  Everyone knows us!
  We were able to beat the face of ourselves,
  We'll clean the penny for you too!
  The boy, after that, laughed, and his appearance was very pleased.
  After that, he began to make fibers from platinum in a converter. You could already feel it sparkling. And gravitons turn into current. The air smelled of ozone. And perhaps a discovery that will turn civilization upside down is close.
  Vitalik thought: - Will they give him the Nobel Prize in physics, or not? The idea is to give. After all, he developed something that brings real benefits to humanity.
  And what about the Nobel Prize? The dollar is subject to inflation, and this is not such a large amount. Yes, and he founded the award, some American millionaire, inventing various nasty things, for example, dynamite. And how many people died from this dynamite?
  And then save the entire planet Earth and humanity from heat death! Indeed, it would be a great feat.
  It sparked again and hit his fingers painfully.
  Albina remarked:
  - Wear rubber gloves!
  The boy nodded.
  - And you too.
  And the guys got protection. In general, they did a good job. Vitaly remembered Jules Verne . He predicted one hundred and twenty-six scientific discoveries, which later came true. There was such a literary genius. And he has interesting adventures.
  And it is not only famous for science fiction . Take, for example, the novel "The Fifteen-Year-Old Captain". It doesn't seem to be fantasy, but it's still interesting.
  Vitalik, by the way, wrote a continuation of this novel. But he didn't do very well. And the inspiration is gone. But about Robur the Conqueror , the continuation turned out to be better. There he, this genius, created a machine that could fly to the moon, and there grab the whole valuable artifact.
  Further, Robur decided to become the emperor of the planet Earth.
  The idea, by the way, is not the worst. Not without reason, and in the Middle Ages, people preferred to have one tyrant than a hundred.
  Indeed, one ruler per planet Earth, even a despotic one, could stop wars and restore order. And, of course, to unite the scientists of the sublunar world.
  And then the management of all the resources of the planet by science, and expansion into space. And so, how many resources people spend on enmity with each other.
  Take even the last war with Ukraine. She swallowed trillions of rubles and hundreds of thousands of lives. And still goes with an obscure result at the end.
  With a sigh, Vitalik sang with sadness the song he had just composed.
  Brother raised his hand to his brother:
  Cruel war - the roar of the adversary !
  The machine has become your friend,
  For frivolity came retribution!
  What to do if people are broke
  When dashing bullets whistle around!
  God better break the war by force -
  So that the days of the dragon of prey are over!
  But hell knows no measure and line,
  The earth is burning in napalm, children are crying!
  Here the girls' features turned pale -
  Who, the Holy Lord, will answer for this?
  Well, how many loved ones can you kill,
  After all, a person is born, believe me, for happiness!
  The mother does not let her son go to the front,
  And even in the summer there is bad weather in the war!
  But the duty of a soldier is a sure duty:
  What do you need to fight for the Fatherland in battle!
  At sixteen, already a gray temple,
  Widows of unfortunate faces are swollen from tears!
  But what is it, are you crazy brother?
  No, you are insane, the loved one answers!
  For meanness, who is at the throne, our soldier,
  He thinks that his brother-in-law is filthy Cain!
  In the ground, blood streams tear the veins,
  And the pulse from the core will respond with a blow ...
  A plow smashed in a field by a shell froze,
  Oh, how purple the sun has become!
  But there is faith that Jesus will come -
  Reconcile the brothers, bring Salvation!
  Then let's forget revenge vile account -
  In the soul of all of us reigns, let forgiveness!
  Albina sang along to her friend. But at the last verse she sarcastically remarked:
  - And you're an unbeliever, Vitya!
  The boy nodded.
  - Yes, I believe that all religions are fairy tales. And Jesus Christ in the role of God, also a human fairy tale! But it is a very good story and instructive.
  Albina nodded.
  What the ancestors wrote with a quill pen
  Bring happiness to their descendants...
  Because good remains good
  Past, future and present!
  Vitalik nodded with a smile.
  - Man differs from the animal in that he has a craving for good. And we are special people. We have an over Self. And even such bloody tyrants as Hitler, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane justified their atrocities with a lofty goal and promised, in the future, universal happiness for all people!
  Albina said:
  - Those who will remain alive!
  The boy nodded and remarked:
  - But even the bloodiest conqueror did not call himself evil. At least in your right mind. This is what distinguishes people from animals. We, even while doing cruelty, are looking for good, and we are drawn to light and creation!
  The girl nodded in agreement.
  - We, my boy, are doing a very good deed!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Right! But, of course, there is not only good in it. Although, not very good people will suffer in the first place.
  Albina logically remarked:
  - And who decides who is good and who is not very good? Are we with you?
  The boy shrugged his shoulders and remarked:
  - Good and evil, relative concepts! Although, for example, monotheists say, everything is simple: God is absolute good, and Satan is absolute evil. But at the same time, in the Bible, God killed so many millions of people that it is impossible to count, and Satan only ten, and then with the permission of the Almighty. This once again shows how everything is relative. In particular, Abraham's willingness to sacrifice an innocent boy is praised. But this also says that stupid and unquestioning obedience to God, in the role of a dictator, is extolled. Personally, I don't like this.
  Albina logically remarked:
  - All the same, in life we have to obey. Either voluntarily or not. It is impossible to be completely independent. Even kings, and even then they are forced to obey and humble pride before force majeure.
  Vitalik nodded and sang:
  - Often we are a shadow,
  We learn with sadness and patience!
  The boy sighed heavily. His mood was not the most positive. All sorts of ugly thoughts popped into my head.
  In fact, did not people destroy each other in battle? Here, of course, there may be all sorts of options.
  But humanity needs to be united. And here, for example, different religions do not unite, but separate. Indeed, even in the peace-loving New Testament there is a concept of unfaithfulness. And there is nothing to say about the Koran. And how can people get along with each other?
  Instead of being brothers, they throw themselves at each other. Here, for example, in the history of Russia, what were the wars and massacres between the official church and the Old Believers. But the difference is small. Just how to be baptized, and in the name of Christ.
  And how much blood was shed. But Vitalik was convinced that everything in the world about religion and God is a purely human idea. And the truth is hidden.
  And God, either does not exist at all, as such, or He hid the truth about Himself from people.
  Well done Buddhists, they do not pretend to the highest truth. They don't say that only they are right and the rest are wrong. Although their teaching is not attractive. Indeed, who will like asceticism, monasticism, and for what? Even the Buddha himself did not know what nirvana was. And many suspect that this is non-existence. And it is almost impossible for a mere mortal to achieve nirvana.
  Much easier in Islam. There is Paradise, like a billionaire in a resort, and to get it, it is enough to accept Islam. True, if you do not pray and fast, you can go to hell. But for a while, and there you will atone for your sins before Allah with your torments and again to Paradise.
  And if you make a Hajj to Mecca, then all the previous sins will be written off, and then immediately to Paradise!
  This explains the immense popularity of Islam throughout the world. Dying is scary, and the hopeless abyss of nothingness is frightening. Maybe that's why atheism never became the most widespread phenomenon, even during the communist era. And now the communists have become believers. But do they really believe? But you can understand, the fear of death is the motivation to believe. And to believe even in what is illogical and absurd.
  Albina interrupted the boy's thoughts:
  - You furrow your brow. Again, you probably think about the fate of the world.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - I understand why people believe. But I don't understand when they kill people in the name of faith, and they kill completely innocent people, including women and children!
  The girl sighed and replied:
  - There is no good fanaticism in anything.
  The boy asked:
  - Even in sports training?
  Albina nodded.
  - Even in this one should know when to stop. Bruce L died at thirty-two, precisely because he trained without pity and a sense of proportion at night. And his body broke down! So...
  Vitalik confirmed:
  - Right! No fanaticism.
  The girl sang:
  resourcefulness and courage,
  Courage and luck...
  Get rid of the arrogance
  Be wise, that's the challenge!
  . CHAPTER #4
  The kids are tired of messing around in the lab. And in general, I wanted to move, jump, jump. And they went for a walk. At the same time, you can visit the section along the way.
  Vitalik, as usual, hid his sandals and slapped barefoot. He really liked it too. In fact, he is also a boy for years - about fifteen, and looks even smaller. And he is not ashamed to flaunt bare heels.
  But Albina looks much more solid. She is clearly an accelerator. He likes to walk barefoot and, at the same time, is shy.
  Vitalik ran and jumped, spinning around. He had so much energy.
  The boy even sang, composing on the go in a heroic retro style:
  Berlin is almost under our rule,
  Through binoculars we see the damned Reichstag ...
  I hope there will be peace and happiness soon;
  Which I will describe in my poems!
  Russia opened communism to the worlds,
  She became a family to everyone.
  But the Wehrmacht stuck a pig snout to us,
  And now the blood is splashing from the veins like a fountain!
  What the Fuhrer forgot with us by accident,
  I wanted to get land and slaves!
  Fascism went with a very long campaign -
  And here is a real nightmare of hellish dreams!
  A simple boy, a barefoot boy,
  Recently tied a red tie.
  He wanted to build the world himself without God,
  But suddenly napalm erupted from the sky!
  We had to flee to the front AWOL,
  Nobody wants to take such youngsters!
  But the boy-fighter in a rifle did it,
  The path of the fathers turned out to be worthy!
  Fought where both cunning and force,
  And weakness is also bitter, alas ...
  Comrades had to dig graves
  Planing pine coffins in the frost!
  I'm a pioneer, I'm used to suffering now
  He went to reconnaissance barefoot, the snowdrift crunched.
  Perhaps punishment for unbelief,
  That I didn't want to know Jesus!
  But what are the three hours of Golgotha?
  More than three years of war have passed!
  In any village, widows cry bitterly,
  How the sons of the country perished in the country !
  I survived, was shell-shocked, wounded by a bullet,
  But luckily he stayed on his feet!
  We honestly returned the debt to Germany,
  There, fascism has been trampled to dust by us!
  I have matured, but still a boy,
  The mustache did not break through, but already a titan!
  Yes, an adult, and perhaps even too much,
  After all, the heart became hard as metal!
  Star of the Hero highest award -
  Stalin himself handed it to me, believe me!
  He said: It is necessary to take an example from people like you,
  The fighters are forging the keys to the doors to Eden!
  But now put down the brave rifle,
  Take you pincers, a hammer and work!
  Build a sailboat and a boat out of wood
  And create an airplane so that the bird will fly up!
  The boy composed on the go and sang a whole poem. Passers-by listened to his words. And when he finished, they even applauded. And then Albina took off her cap from Vitalik and walked with it. And expectations were justified, passers-by sketched pieces of paper and metal money.
  Albina winked and remarked:
  - This, you see, is charming in its own way!
  More people began to gather , and they began to ask the child to sing something else. Vitalik is barefoot, in shorts, thin, fair-haired, and in fact seemed like a poor orphan. And everyone felt some pity for him.
  The genius boy decided that extra money would not hurt. Moreover, his voice is so clear, childish and has not yet begun to break, as is often the case with teenagers. Although, on the other hand, it may be a shame to sing like that, as if you were a beggar. However, guys sing in films. Even Dunno sang to save a friend and raised money.
  And it's nice to be in the spotlight when you applaud.
  And Vitalik again sang with great enthusiasm what the young child prodigy and poet himself composed on the go;
  Everyone has their own personal view of love -
  The concept of beauty and ideal!
  Although people have not grown up to him,
  But man is no longer a monkey!
  We want to live in a beautiful world of paradise -
  In which there are no diseases, decrepit heifers ...
  So that the thread of life becomes endless,
  So that every day is happy and cheerful!
  Where the color is like a rainbow in spring
  Water lilies, like gold with emerald.
  Where the reality has long been akin to a dream ...
  Any kid can do a miracle!
  ABOUT Motherland , holy Russia of God;
  Your birches are speckled, the gleam of metal ...
  And I pray to the Lord for one thing,
  So that the Fatherland flourishes in glory!
  But here the fighter has already gone on a campaign,
  He is marching like a Russian warrior!
  We will do good to the planet -
  So that bullets do not pierce your own mother!
  Attack of the trolls, furious pressure;
  Rushing adversaries wa l- avalanche!
  And therefore, why do we need a heated argument,
  When Russia is united in a fist!
  But again the orc fiends grin,
  They are a man, like a bone stuck in his throat!
  And the goblin growled in wild fury,
  But we applied from rati gift!
  But the victory over the enemy is near,
  We will wrest Russia from the quagmire!
  Retribution for the unclean has come -
  Their fur was torn to shreds and lint!
  Oval girl cute face -
  Gave me faith and great strength!
  The boy sang with great feeling and energy. And even danced. And there were a lot more people. Vitalik himself walked, collecting money in a cap. Albina took off her sneakers, it was already the middle of a very warm May, and began to dance barefoot.
  And her legs are so muscular, like she's a bodybuilder. And a feast for the eyes, as the muscles roll under the tanned skin.
  Albina even took and walked on her hands, and her bare feet, graceful with a beautiful curve of the lines of the foot, were on top. She has somewhat large legs. But the fingers are harmonious and agile.
  The girl also had a press with tiles. Very physically strong.
  And she also tried to raise money by showing gymnastic exercises.
  And Vitalik again took it and sang:
  Great, mighty, sacred country,
  There is no more radiant under the blue sky !
  She is given to us by the Almighty God forever -
  Unlimited light, sublime Russia!
  The world has never seen such a power, never know
  So that we proudly trample the expanses of space!
  Any star in the universe sings to you,
  May Rus' be happy with us!
  After all, this is our Motherland, it is such a destiny,
  Command the space of all matters!
  Any of us, believe me, would want this,
  Without any foolishness , babskih superstitions!
  The archangels blow their mighty trumpet,
  They vigorously glorify the march of our armies!
  And the enemy will find his lot in an aspen coffin,
  And he will not receive taxes and tribute!
  This is our Motherland, everything in it, believe me, is beauty,
  She turned the whole universe effortlessly!
  Girls with a pretty weighty braid,
  Hunt for her, so that the barrel is strong!
  Fatherland, this is the mother's look of blue eyes,
  Her hand is both gentle and stone!
  And the adversary young man you kill with a bullet -
  So that the flame blazes brighter in the heart!
  Take an oath to the boundless Fatherland,
  It's good for you too, of course!
  Though blood flows in the fury of battle,
  Retribution will come to the enemy now!
  Weapons and courage are such a powerful alloy,
  The evil one cannot overcome it!
  On a plane with bombs, I flew smartly,
  And as it explodes, they pour in a hail of windows!
  But the order of the ruler - fly the kid to Mars -
  It's time for you to put space!
  And the arrogance of a Martian will get hard in the eye,
  Then we see far beyond Pluto!
  We will come to the heights of space, seeing the edge of the universe,
  Such is our human mission!
  And therefore, dare the boy about exploits,
  After all, know that the reward is a matter of gain!
  Vitalik sang something similar on a bold and beautiful note. He really does have a voice that opera singers would envy. Just too childish. At least perform at Eurovision .
  And he sings with great feeling and grace. And even better with a cap bypasses the gathered people and collects good money. Then they throw him rubles, and dollars, and euros, and yuan, and even dinars.
  Here are a couple of Arabs sprinkled money. One of them even threw a golden ring.
  Vitalik smiled and whispered to his friend:
  - And what? We got along well!
  Thus noted:
  - Here you see! Throw science, become a singer.
  Vitalik laughed and replied:
  - Everything will have its time! Why don't you eat?
  Albina remarked with a smile:
  - I'm kind of shy.
  The little boy laughed.
  - Bare feet to poke, you have no embarrassment?
  The girl answered seriously:
  - I am confident in them, but not so much in my vocal abilities!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - OK then! Then I better take it and sing.
  The boy rushed to perform another verse:
  The covenant of love is given strong, ancient,
  The Lord's endless and pure seal!
  Some in prayers, and others in taverns,
  Alone in the heights, others await death!
  The girl and I are now quite happy -
  She is my light and the grove of a sweet shadow!
  Cherubim bless our way,
  Under silver, like velvet, a gentle shadow!
  We have trodden many paths,
  you God with all my heart!
  For creating magnificent blondes you,
  What grace you give not by the ruble!
  Though fate sometimes rolls the dice
  It happens to be a very sad alignment!
  After all, so many people boil up with anger,
  And blood is flowing waterfall-sunset!
  After all, cherry blossoms do not always bloom in May,
  There is warmth and fluff of rain!
  And the flesh of lovers, tormented, tormented,
  The rabid villain eats without hesitation!
  And not war, there is grief above the roof -
  hundred times harder !
  When the fields were gnawed smartly by mice,
  When the full range of diseases climbs!
  Why is the Lord such torment for children,
  After all, a prank, it means you live!
  And why is the innocent also poor
  And why does lying lead to success?
  Our world, like Janus, is very diverse,
  In it, the verge of malice is not at all rare!
  But it is necessary to curb the character of the wild,
  To conquer wickedness and sins!
  Although from the other side; holiness is boredom
  A world without curves is a void!
  And what in vain did God send to flour,
  Native son - the Lord Christ!
  Vitalik sang a very good song. He felt great. This can be said to be a poet, the second Pushkin. Although, for example, could Pushkin have been able to do the splits like Vitalik did now. Yes, and on the longitudinal.
  Albina looked at him, and also sat down on the twine. This turned out to be much more effective.
  The girl's legs, though muscular, but the stretch is marvelous. Although Albina could sit on her back with a barbell of two hundred kilograms. Which for a girl, of course, is a good achievement. And even more so for a teenager.
  Vitalik is very mobile . Raised money again. Moreover, the boy walked on his hands, and held his cap with bare fingers of his very dexterous and strong legs.
  And they gave more money. And a dozen more Arabs came up. One even slipped a hairpin made of gold and with a ruby. So the harvest was bountiful. And it's even surprising how easy it is for singers to raise money. And how can the boy not sing here, if everything is so perfect.
  And he sang again;
  The sound of a marvelous lyre, echoes,
  I sing, daring, I am not silent!
  The fighting fist is not made of wax,
  We strive for the light - the path to the beam!
  God torments people with illness -
  Fire from hell burned the sinners !
  I want the Almighty to become a friend,
  To not be so hard!
  Christ will come, of course, soon,
  Then, believe me, sadness will go away.
  Do not squint after all, rage from the look,
  The sin of freedom is also a pity!
  I don't want to walk along the line -
  I don't want to be sinless!
  Better tricky deeds
  Than a thread without translucent boredom!
  There will be no war in paradise, he said,
  And sin will disappear, bad for everyone!
  Why such fates?
  We are looking forward to new changes!
  To live forever, you know, it's wonderful,
  But to live sinlessly, to vegetate!
  The knight will love the war passionately,
  Lead the army to the battlefield!
  Fatherland, homeland of a soldier,
  She put a torch in his hand - march!
  Unclean fiends retribution,
  You will give them a warrior in the teeth!
  Let's end the battle with a generous feast,
  Let's have a bite, drink - dance legs!
  After all, our knights are immortal,
  And the word hits not in the eyebrow, but in the eye!
  Although, what to do in a peaceful world?
  You can build a palace there.
  And dedicate the service to the lyre,
  Laurel, having received a crown!
  But there are other worlds, you know
  Where too warriors grow!
  The boy draws a tank on the desk,
  What if the aliens come to us?
  Don't take it easy
  Strengthen your muscles, keep your mind strong!
  We Russians know how to fight,
  When the archangel suddenly fell asleep!
  Here again, Vitalik sang a very good song, and at the same time he also danced.
  The audience applauded enthusiastically.
  There were not enough caps to hold all the money, and the kid took out a strong, plastic bag from his backpack. One of the tourists even threw a golden horseshoe there.
  And so many different kinds of banknotes and small things were poured into the container.
  People wanted to continue the magnificent spectacle. This is truly a miracle boy . Which , such somersaults gets up.
  The boy even stood up. And Albina threw him a plastic ball. Vitalik began to juggle, tossing him with his feet.
  The audience applauded enthusiastically. The girl threw another ball, the boy caught it with his bare sole. And threw it up again. Juggling with your feet is not for everyone.
  And representatives of the glorious city of Moscow, as well as tourists, began to throw money even more intensively.
  Albina also stood up. She is a big, muscular girl . And her legs, like those of the most solid and thoroughbred mare. Albina also tried to juggle using the bare soles of her feet. But she wasn't very good at it. Although she is a black belt fighter. There, however, on the third attempt, the ball began to fly up.
  Added more items for throwing and Vitalik. The boy was full of enthusiasm. And at the same time, he did not forget to sing. And the boy 's voice , I must say, is just hyper :
  Heaven is a patterned carpet of stars,
  The moon will give light to the hills!
  A mountain stream flows down,
  Sparkling gold on the stones!
  The expanses of Mother Russia,
  In the villages satiety and comfort!
  From happiness the maidens were crying,
  How to mow a round dance go!
  Trouble has come, the war-old woman,
  Bared teeth, shells whirlwind!
  Devastation rushes with the Wehrmacht,
  Your comrade died in battle!
  You yourself are still a boy -
  The military registration and enlistment office did not give the go-ahead!
  Like, you don"t have enough extra years,
  The country must take care of the children!
  Ran to the front without any armor
  To bring goodness and light!
  In order not to deprive the Fritz of their will,
  So as not to meet the dawn in chains!
  My friend didn't sleep either.
  Managed to escape - a fighter!
  Doubt the fascists from the pedestal,
  Let the Fuhrer be finished!
  The fight is hard, pain and hunger
  Barefoot girl in winter.
  In rags we endure the bitter cold,
  Sometimes we eat one with birch bark!
  And the enemy rushes on airplanes,
  Like a monster from hell "Tiger" roars!
  Fascism, born of an evil she-wolf,
  A flamethrower is lashing out from the tanks!
  To warm bare feet
  What turned blue in the snow!
  The girl chose the road
  Where the ashes blackened the blizzard!
  But resisted , away from colds,
  Boy and girl ahead!
  We will defeat the grin of Judas,
  Rus' will wipe Hitlerism into sand!
  Flickering heels of teenagers,
  The snowdrift left a light trail!
  Frost is not easy to endure,
  Barefoot running warms us!
  And the Nazis, they have no right,
  They roar from the cold!
  Such a strong state
  Our Russian knight is very cool!
  Cast off the wave from hell
  Now Europe is ahead!
  Such is the fate of the holy soldier,
  To be forever devoted to Rus'!
  And so he sang a whole rapturous poem. And then they, together with Albina, walked with a large package, again collecting money. Which have already accumulated a lot.
  At that moment, as luck would have it, the police showed up. They waved clubs in black uniforms, they looked very ominous.
  Vitalik smiled and sang, with visible enthusiasm:
  My police force is the strongest
  My police are the most stylish...
  Tremble with fear villain
  Child protection cop!
  The police captain growled.
  - You, a minor, collect money from people. And eat in a forbidden place.
  Vitalik nodded his bright head:
  - I thank fate
  That I do not cry, but sing!
  Albina smiled and lied:
  - I'm an adult, and this is my son!
  The police captain muttered:
  - You're crazy mom. Dancing around Moscow barefoot, singing, disturbing public order, knocking down money!
  Albina asked with an even broader smile:
  - How many of us?
  The captain muttered:
  - All your illegal proceeds should be confiscated into the treasury of the mayor's office.
  And the policeman eagerly looked at the bag full of multi-colored bills, coins and other valuables.
  The guys sang money and really decently. And you can use them to solve literally all your financial problems. Well, don't give it to the greedy cops.
  Vitalik also smiled broadly and reached into his satchel with the words:
  - I have permission!
  And the boy took out a small device, slightly thicker and higher than a matchbox. I took it and pressed the button.
  The six policemen bulged their eyes. And then all of a sudden, she took off running. Even throwing clubs. They rushed off the quarry like racehorses given a start signal. And you can see the police are rushing, as if their butts were set on fire.
  Albina whistled:
  - Wow! How did you do this?
  Vitalik, with a smile that became even wider, replied:
  - I'll explain later! Until then, let's get going!
  The children, taking a large bag of valuables, left the square. And the rest of the audience began to disperse.
  Bare feet slapped the path.
  Albina tweeted:
  Along the steep Moscow path,
  Bare feet girls...
  Tired of milking the computer,
  I want to tease my happiness!
  And the boy and the girl sang:
  - Skidded! It took me!
  Drop the Mercedes! And buy a horse!
  . CHAPTER #5
  Albina noted when they left:
  - Carrying a whole bag of money with you is too risky and inconvenient!
  Vitalik nodded in agreement.
  - That's right, you say beautiful.
  The hero girl suggested:
  - Can they be handed over to the bank, and put money into the account?
  The boy answered with a sigh:
  - We are minors, and who will accept such a sum of money from teenagers.
  Albina remarked with a smile:
  - You put the police on the run. Maybe for me, an electronic false card, as if I were an adult, you will make.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - It's possible! On the Internet, you can find the programs you need. Although it takes time.
  The blonde girl asked:
  - Why did the cops run away?
  The boy replied with a smile:
  - I released a wave of infrasound on them. It causes a subconscious feeling of horror in people and animals. The police felt terrified, and did not even realize what they were afraid of. They just rushed off. Their bodies reacted before their thoughts and consciousness.
  Albina giggled.
  - Cool! You are a genius, you made another useful discovery.
  Vitalik replied:
  - I found an infrasonic wave, how to get it to disperse mosquitoes, on the Internet. But he made it powerful enough to scare people away with the help of a stronger source of electricity derived from gravitons. That is, I have shown that one scientific discovery enhances the effectiveness of another.
  The girl kissed the boy on the high, clean forehead and chirped:
  - You are a genius! Einstein is no match for you.
  Vitalik stated decisively:
  - Albert Einstein was a theorist, and I am a practitioner. And I believe that I will prove that it is possible to move faster than the speed of light. The same gravitons are ten trillion times faster than photons.
  Albina was surprised:
  - How do you know that?
  The boy answered modestly:
  - Calculated using the formula. I'm not a bad mathematician.
  The blonde girl nodded.
  - It's right! You really have a very quick mind, but for some reason the teachers do not appreciate you.
  Vitalik recalled:
  - And Albert Einstein was also not appreciated. At least at school.
  Albina sang with enthusiasm:
  What a school life
  Where every day is a control ...
  addition, division,
  And so, right up to the heat!
  The genius boy nodded.
  I don't like going to school either. It really is. But that doesn't mean I'm not looking for knowledge. For example, the concept even appeared on the Internet - google-education . Our generation collects knowledge on the smartphone. And this, I must say, is very cool!
  Albina remarked:
  - I'm hungry. We danced and sang so much.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Let's buy ice cream at the stall.
  The hero girl objected:
  - No! I want something more dense. For example, pork skewers !.
  The boy remarked doubtfully:
  - Fatty pork. Maybe chicken or lamb is better.
  Albina confidently stated:
  - Pork meat is perhaps the most delicious. Even heart valves are transplanted to humans from pigs. This indicates a good combination of the protein structure of a person and this animal.
  Vitalik confirmed:
  - I do not share religious prejudices about pork. On the contrary, I believe that both the Koran and the Bible are purely human ideas about God the Creator and the Supreme Mind. And the truth is that if a person does not develop with the help, first of all, of science, to the level of Almighty God, then he will simply disappear.
  The genius boy stamped his bare, tanned foot and continued:
  - People will either destroy themselves, or some asteroid will hit the Earth . In the coming years, we need to have powerful weapons and spaceships capable of destroying asteroids! Or a laser, or an annihilation charge.
  Albina noted with a sad look:
  - It is more likely that people will destroy themselves with an annihilation bomb than shoot down an asteroid. One gram of antimatter is two atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - It's right! Moreover, the planet Earth needs a single government that would stop the confrontation between countries, and would lead the whole world to something more stable, durable and pleasant for people.
  Albina muttered:
  - OK! We got so mad. Maybe we should go to the barbecue? And we'll make our own orders.
  The boy prodigy confirmed:
  - This is our common money. My prey is your prey!
  And the young genius again jumped up and kicked down a buzzing, rather large, green fly.
  Two teenagers: a tall girl and a boy, flaunting his bare heels without unnecessary prejudice, went, focusing on the appetizing smell.
  They smiled and were cheerful. So much money has been earned that now you can build something serious, maybe a whole power plant operating on gravitons.
  Although Vitalik understood that difficulties were still ahead. The new discovery will surely hit the profits of oil and gas concerns, including in Russia. This means that his own life, the life of his girlfriend and parents may be in jeopardy.
  Like what was in the films with Steven Seagal . There, too, it was clear that the oil sheikhs were not particularly happy with alternative energy, and sent in assassins.
  Although his brilliant discovery should save the Earth from global warming. A little more, and the greenhouse effect will get out of control. After all, if the ice cap of the North Pole melts, then the rays of the sun will not be reflected from it. This means that the process of heating the planet will accelerate dramatically.
  And the water will evaporate more actively. This means that there will be more clouds, which will further accelerate the greenhouse effect. The process will go on increasing. Until all the oceans evaporate in hellish temperatures, and the Earth becomes in climate like Venus. And humanity will perish!
  No, Vitaly has to save the world. And no matter what it cost him. And it is high time for Russia to abandon the pipe economy. We need to develop technologies and our own production, and not hang on the pipe, on gas and oil money.
  Albina ordered pork and tomato juice at the barbecue. Vitalik chose a more expensive roe deer skewers in sauce. And mango juice. The skewers were made of silver.
  The children sat and, slowly, ate and washed down with juice.
  Albina said:
  - I think that all the same fears about global warming are greatly exaggerated.
  Vitalik growled:
  - Where did you get it?
  The girl replied with a smile:
  - During the Mesozoic era, the temperature of the Earth was fifteen degrees, on average, higher than it is now. And in Russia there was a climate of the modern equator. So what? Has nature allowed a catastrophe?
  The child prodigy remarked:
  - It was in those ancient times. Then the planet Earth rotated faster than now, and the magnetic field was stronger, and the composition of the soil was different, as was the salinity of the oceans.
  And in our time, the process can lose control, and humanity will trivially burn out. No, we'd better not risk it.
  The heroic girl nodded reluctantly.
  - Maybe you are right. But I think that your discovery can reduce Russia's profits from the export of oil, gas, coal. And the government will not be happy with such a gift. And the pipe oligarchs, even more so!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - I already thought about it. But you must admit that there are always those who are dissatisfied with the development of progress. For example, writers have been hit hard by the rise of the internet. Paper books don't sell well. But progress, alas ... Soon people will learn how to draw their own films with the help of simple programs, with any fantasy. And then there will be a collapse of all film studios. In fact, why go to the cinema if you can make any film yourself, and even about what you yourself want.
  Albina nodded, chewing fatty, tasty meat:
  - Yes! For example, I would like to watch films about Dunno on Mars, Venus, Jupiter. More precisely, it was a childhood dream. Now it would be more interesting to shoot a sequel about Harry Potter and about his son. Which would also be great.
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and remarked:
  - They didn't write anything about Harry Potter. And usually, it was an open concentration of feces. Here is a better continuation of the Count de Montecristo. It would be interesting. The Count of Montecristo himself is not yet old, and, perhaps, after revenge, he will want something else.
  The heroic girl grumbled:
  - Glory to Napoleon and power over the world!
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  - And it is not excluded. Indeed, why not? With his knowledge, erudition, willpower and experience, he could not have been the worst world ruler.
  Albina grinned and replied:
  And the Earth also has its own guardian,
  And between the stars stretched to him ...
  Invisible, saving threads,
  So that everything does not end in one moment!
  Vitalik remarked with a smile:
  - Yes, there is a single power in the world - it's not bad! Better than today's mess. The planet needs to consolidate. And even the power of a despot is better than the power of hundreds of smaller despots !
  The prodigy girl nodded and remarked:
  - Continuation of the adventures of Count de Montecristo? Or maybe the Duke de Montecristo? This is interesting, but already old!
  So you can scribble the continuation of Gulliver.
  And it will also turn out, I think, for some it is exciting. And we will jump with delight.
  Vitalik remarked with a smile:
  - And Gulliver can write a continuation of the series. Yes, all hands do not reach. Although, I wrote something. But this is a very old work and none of the serious publishers will print it. This is the same as writing a continuation of Pinocchio's adventures.
  Albina suggested:
  - Children of the Three Musketeers write. It will be very fun too.
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  - I will think!
  The children ate the kebabs and drank the juice. There was a day, and so far no one climbed to them. Although the money bag was noticeable.
  Vitalik thought that he really should take the money to the bank and transfer it to a card, and not carry it with him. So it all looks awkward.
  Albina also slept a little with the mood. When the stomach is filled with food, then somehow you become heavier, you are drawn to sleep, and your mood does not rise, but falls.
  The girl noted:
  We have too much cash. May arouse suspicion. Especially for a kid like you.
  Vitalik suggested:
  "Maybe we can hide it in our lab?"
  Albina shrugged her shoulders and noted:
  I doubt such an idea.
  The prodigy boy sang:
  Money gives people happiness for centuries,
  But sometimes, they can ruin life ...
  The gold of the mountain will not help fools ,
  It's like pouring balms in the morgue!
  The prodigy girl noted:
  - A couplet in poetry is not very, but, in fact, very true!
  Vitalik said decisively:
  - While in the laboratory. I have a safe stash there, and then we'll figure out how to cash out.
  - Not so fast baby!
  A shrill, hoarse voice was heard.
  A whole dozen types of clearly gangster-like appearance appeared. With brass knuckles, knives, chains and even a couple of pistols.
  They were unshaven and visibly plump.
  Vitalik whistled:
  - Obviously brought!
  Albina nodded with a sad smile.
  - We're too conspicuous.
  Vitalik grinned at the criminals who crowded on the sidewalk. And the police are not afraid in broad daylight. And passers-by too, although anyone can shoot this disgrace on a smartphone.
  The child prodigy chuckled and sang:
  - Well, guys, I'll give you the dough !
  Vitalik reached into the bag with the money. The bandits stood. And suddenly they trembled like hares that saw a lion. Then their muzzles stretched out and turned pale. As if the wind blew, and they rushed as fast as they could.
  They threw weapons and some banknotes.
  Vitalik sang with delight:
  - And everyone is running, running, running,
  And he shines, shines ...
  And everyone roars, roars, roars,
  And we are children in battle!
  The boy picked up banknotes, and with his bare foot threw the weapon into a pile.
  Albina said:
  - You did it beautifully. It will be extremely cool if you disperse like a terminator.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Not effective, but effective. But this once again says that such a bag should be hidden faster.
  Albina agreed:
  - Yes, and it should be done quickly!
  And the boy and girl ran.
  They are children and, in any case , a boy, brilliant.
  On the run, they were talking.
  Albina asked:
  - Here is an individual movie that a computer draws - this, of course, is a magnificent invention. But it will give a lot of perversions.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Of course, there will be a lot to give. But every medal has a flip side. So it was and always will be.
  The girl asked a question:
  - And faith in the future, where there will be no more crimes and perversions? Or do you think it will always be?!
  The boy laughed and replied:
  - Probably, let it be on a smaller scale. But people will become stronger and wiser. And I believe that in the future, religious differences will be successfully overcome .
  Albina laughed and replied:
  - Yes, everyone will become convinced atheists.
  Vitalik remarked:
  Or, at any rate, get rid of fanaticism. And fanaticism is very bad.
  The hero girl recalled:
  - In one film about the star patrol, there was an inscription: a fanatical belief in any idea, even the brightest one, turns into fascism!
  The little boy nodded.
  - Yes! If the concept of fascism is interpreted broadly. The word fascism itself comes from the French - a bunch, a bunch. Therefore, this is a concept that broadly includes everything that suppresses and oppresses!
  Albina remarked:
  - Let's not talk about politics. Yes, and religious issues, too, already tired. What are your favorite cartoons, for example?
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - I especially like the Ninja Turtles. Moreover, the earlier series. There was Krang's big brain , much more interesting.
  The girl laughed:
  - Yes! Ninja Turtles are amazing! They are fascinating, and it was extremely cool when the animals became mutants. And it's all great!
  The boy sang:
  We have great warriors
  are chopping adversaries ...
  We will show simply the highest class,
  Let's fly to the dream, there are millions of us!
  Albina sighed. She loved to run in sandals. Now she was very pleased. Especially when the feet are stuffed with numerous blows on bricks, boards, slate, ice, logs. Where only the girl did not beat them.
  And she is an extremely strong martial artist. A black belt at her age and in a girl is no joke.
  And what she has very embossed muscles on her legs. She squatted with a barbell and with other items. And bending her legs, and a lot of other things this girl did.
  Vitalik admired her legs. They are so strong and muscular. Here, many men believe that strong and embossed muscles do not suit women.
  But Vitalik, on the contrary, likes it. And the skin is tanned, healthy, clean. Like a cast bronze statue.
  Yes, Albina is the perfection of strength. And she can do such a thing that other guys will stagger.
  Vitalik giggled and sang;
  There are women in our Russia,
  That they drive, jokingly, an airplane ...
  That everyone in the universe is more beautiful,
  Jokingly, he will kill the adversary!
  They are born to win
  To glorify Rus' for centuries ...
  After all, our great grandfathers,
  For them, they gathered an army at once !
  The girl nodded happily.
  - This is cool! You can sing well. Maybe you think that basically everyone can sing?
  Vitalik tweeted:
  - Just do not sing to rest!
  Albina muttered:
  - That's not smart.
  The boy and girl slowed down a bit. Passers-by stared too much at them . Well, okay, even Vitalik, he looks like a child, and it"s somehow natural for him to be barefoot in shorts. But Albina has the figure of an adult woman, and it looks very undignified when she flickers with the bare, dusty heels of rather big legs.
  She even felt dumb, and she put on sneakers.
  Vitalik sang in response:
  On planets floating in eternity
  The prejudices of people are miserable ...
  It is better to live in radiant carelessness,
  And free like the gods!
  Albina nodded with a smile.
  - That's right!
  And the girl took off her shoes again. And the barefoot teenagers paddled towards their lair. The policeman wanted to whistle, but changed his mind. In fact, walking barefoot is not forbidden. Especially in a girl, the legs are very beautiful and seductive in shape. They are distinguished by extreme grace, and the fingers are so even and agile.
  Vitalik remarked:
  - Still, it's better to be barefoot than shod in full.
  Albina agreed with this:
  - Certainly! Especially the day, unusually hot.
  Here they are at home. In the laboratory in the basement. Vitalik hid the bag of money and left himself a pack of larger bills , and Albina put on a gold ring with a pebble, donated by the Arabs.
  After that, the children with ingenious thoughts placed orders for some spare parts, and rummaged through the opening again.
  Vitalik screwed something up. Then I went to the post office and got a plate with platinum.
  After that, I attached a graviton catcher of large sizes and capacity.
  - Here it can give so much current that it explodes like an atomic bomb!
  Albina nodded.
  - Right! But you're a genius and you'll come up with a defense.
  The genius boy nodded.
  - Certainly! In addition, it would be nice to make an electric blaster.
  The girl whistled:
  - Wow! Soon you will have a weapon with which you will conquer the world.
  The child prodigy made something else and made it until he got tired of it.
  Then they ran out into the street again. Albina said:
  - Shall we go to the section?
  Vitalik shrugged.
  - Do we need it?
  The girl replied with a laugh:
  - On the one hand, not much, but on the other ...
  The genius boy remarked:
  - You can train yourself.
  Albina remarked:
  - But the team is better!
  Vitalik agreed:
  - Definitely better. Although, this is a controversial issue.
  The girl retorted with a smile:
  - No! My boy, in the team and other guys and girls inspire you to exploits.
  They ran, flashing their tanned, muscular legs again. They ran just to keep warm and let the blood run through their veins. And they had fun.
  They bounced, and sometimes in flight they performed turntables, spinning like a top. And they were great.
  Here Vitalik slapped a puddle with his bare heel, raising a cloud of spray. And they flew like emerald drops.
  And it looked so charming and unique. And it looked beautiful.
  Albina remarked:
  - It's good to be young.
  Vitalik agreed:
  - Very well. You literally have a hurricane of energy.
  The girl jumped again and twisted somersaults in the air. She is such a strong chick.
  She had to compete. And she remarked with a smile:
  - Yes, fun, you're young and powerful. And the world around you is so interesting.
  Vitalik gloomily remarked:
  - Politics is not that interesting. Here, in Western countries, the elections are not predictable, but in our country the same ones win.
  Albina nodded her head, noticing:
  - Really, only the communists are popular, but their leader is very old, sick, unpleasant in appearance and boring. Most importantly, boring , trying to show himself too righteous.
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  - Right! A real hero should be a little weird. Take, for example, the animated series about the "Black Cloak". Undoubtedly, this guy is cool, but at the same time, comical. What makes him a very charismatic personality and, most importantly, interesting.
  The girl nodded and confirmed:
  - Americans make great films and cartoons! In this regard, they are great! And our hearts are always with America in its love of freedom and experimentation.
  Vitalik nodded with a sigh, noting:
  - Historians will call our time the time of wars and reaction. When one dictator, who has been in power for too long, began to create chaos and throw himself at his neighbors. And this is sad.
  Albina remarked with a smile:
  - And you seem to have an idea about politics too!
  The boy prodigy noted:
  - A talented person, talented in everything.
  The hero girl sang, with a certain amount of irony:
  We wander all over the earth
  We don't look at the weather...
  Where necessary, we will spend the night,
  Whatever we need, we'll eat!
  We are great talents
  But clear and simple
  We are singers and musicians
  Acrobats and jesters!
  Vitalik harshly remarked:
  - Yes, we live in a time of reaction and the dominance of conservatives and various defectors and cowards. And I want freedom!
  Albina said:
  - But while we are still running barefoot around Moscow, and no one touches us.
  The genius boy nodded.
  - No one touches bare feet. But try, unfold the poster - "No to war!"
  The hero girl nodded.
  - This is really dangerous. Yes, reaction time and the power of dark forces. But even at this time, geniuses make discoveries.
  Vitalik sang with delight:
  We will be able to raise the country,
  From the ruins of a tyrant's reign...
  Let's drive out Satan
  And we will tear Rus' out of the arms of Hell!
  There will be peace on the planet
  Happy people in the world...
  A cherub hovers over us,
  And in glory people are all imperishable!
  War will disappear forever
  The planet will become one...
  Let's get rid of the fool
  What fancied himself invincible !
  Stretch out the hands of friendship
  It doesn't matter if you're yellow or black...
  Anyone, we have a lot of relatives,
  And a mighty, proud man!
  . CHAPTER #6
  The guys still decided to visit the section. There was rationality in this. Moreover, there are friends.
  Vitalik was a good fighter and he was respected in the section. And now they are in a group with boys and girls up to sixteen years old. Moreover, Albina is the tallest.
  Traditional jog, then jumps, shifters, push-ups from the floor. And much more, typical exercises for martial arts. And then, more interesting - breaking ice in a special room.
  Yes, this is Moscow, and the section is modern. Uses ice to reduce debris and waste. And the children break it, striking with their bare feet and fists. In Taekwondo, there are more kicks. Children have lower limbs stuffed and strong. And breaking solid objects is included in the program. Like jumping and flipping.
  Vitalik was on a roll and broke large boulders with one blow.
  Then he was paired with a fighter with a black belt, but also fifteen years old, but heavier and larger.
  Both teenagers began to fight. Vitaliy moved faster, and delivered blows that were not strong, but accurate, clearly winning on points.
  The coach, a redheaded, large, muscular young woman, commanded:
  - And now, full contact and fight to the knockout!
  A tall boy with a black belt tried to get Vitalik using a series of punches to the head, atypical for Taekwondo. But the young prodigy was ready, and left, performing hooking.
  His counterpart crashed down and immediately jumped up in a rage. Rushed at Vitalik. But the boy, expecting this, struck towards the solar plexus with his bare heel. And if you definitely get there, then you cut it off with a gentle blow.
  The vis-a-vis collapsed and began to writhe in convulsions, holding his stomach.
  The red-haired woman, the owner of the fourth dan, noted:
  - You're moving well! It's time for you to get your black belt.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - It's long overdue, of course.
  The red-haired warrior suggested:
  "Now, can you fight me?"
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  - With great pleasure!
  She laughed, showing horse teeth.
  The redhead was very large, almost two meters tall and a good hundred and twenty, rather even one hundred and thirty, kilograms of weight. Moreover, she has cast muscles, not a drop of fat. She is a powerful professional and women's world champion. And men are completely afraid to fight with her.
  Even Albina received from her when she fought in sparring and, moreover, it was very painful.
  Vitalik, of course, experienced a certain fear, but his reaction was now very sharp. Part of the energy of gravitons, through a miniature device, the boy transferred to himself directly into the body, and therefore was much faster and stronger than before.
  A day ago, Vitalik would not have had a chance against such a great master as a two-meter red-haired sensei. And now, he is quite ready.
  The boy and the powerful female hero took to the platform for sparring. The woman was wearing only a bikini, and her muscles were bulging in balls.
  Three times more weight than the boy, and tremendous experience not only in Taekwondo. She fought in fights without rules, and in karate, and in women's boxing. In the latter, the redhead could have made a good career, but crippled her partner and was disqualified.
  A monstrous representative of the fair sex.
  Vitalik noted with a smile:
  - You are so charming! It's a pity to beat this.
  In response, the redhead kicked him in the stomach. The boy expected this and moved. Hit her back, under the knee. The heroic woman staggered, but stood her ground. Crashed again. For one hundred and thirty kilograms of weight, she moved swiftly.
  But Vitalik was elusive. This time, the boy put all his mass into the blow and hit the very cartilage with his small but lethal heel.
  And the redhead fell with a roar.
  She began to yell something and jumped up, throwing herself at the boy with a combination of punches.
  Vitalik shifted, and his shin in a jump drove into her temple. The blow was such that it could break the log.
  The red-haired vixen staggered and fell to one knee. But the colossal experience and skill allowed her not to lose consciousness. And she stood, and struck in a wide arc.
  However, Vitalik was able to dodge easily again. And his fist hit the woman hero in the solar plexus. The redhead turned pale, but managed to answer. Vitalik put a block, but the blow was so strong that he knocked the boy of forty kilograms off his feet.
  The thug tried to finish him off again, but the boy shifted and performed a sweep. The large carcass of a red-haired woman fell. And Vitalik hit her on the temple with his heel. Got it, and it hurt. And the woman gritted her teeth. But she didn't want to quit.
  She rose again, albeit more slowly than before. Vitalik furiously moved his shin to her chin in a jump. The impact was very strong.
  She shook, and her colossal muscles rippled. The redhead fell to her knees. But with a desperate effort of will, she did not let her consciousness turn off.
  Then Vitalik jumped up and with all his might loaded the red shrew with his heel in the chin. And again a colossal, crushing blow thundered.
  The red-haired female hero fell on her back. And all her limbs were still twitching, she was trying to get up.
  Vitalik hit her with a finger in the neck, aiming at the carotid artery. And hit exactly.
  The mighty woman finally calmed down, plunging into a dream.
  Vitalik raised both hands and shouted:
  - There is a victory!
  The other students applauded. And one shouted in fright:
  - It's time to call an ambulance!
  After that, everything went haywire. Vitalik felt like a hero. And the red-haired woman was hardly brought to her senses. The boys rubbed her powerful, large, callused soles of the fair sex, the size of a decent mare.
  Vitalik, along with Albina, left the section. They were in a very cheerful mood and even sang;
  Hope, our earthly compass,
  Good luck, a reward for courage ...
  And the songs, one is enough,
  To sing only with victory!
  And the boy, together with the girl, began to jump and spin. I must say, they turned out to be such greyhounds. And in them frenzy, rage passion. And constant laughs.
  Vitalik asked Albina:
  - How do you like my fight?
  The heroic girl confidently answered:
  - Brilliant!
  The boy genius tweeted:
  - I can beat everyone! You see what kind of energy gravitons give.
  Albina muttered:
  - Have you used doping?
  Vitalik replied:
  - Not really dope. But also a very powerful effect.
  The girl asked:
  - And how is it?
  The child prodigy replied:
  - Like this. Electromagnetic processes also occur in our muscles, which cause them to contract. And this nature is similar to biological electricity. And if you add electricity from gravitons to it, then the muscles will contract even faster, and speed will be added and, of course, strength. That's why I have such punching power.
  Albina tweeted:
  - And my wide bone,
  And my natural anger!
  Vitalik nodded in agreement.
  - Yes, you can say that. Even though it's not really my strength. Is she natural? Everything in our universe is natural. In a certain sense.
  Albina nodded.
  - This is like what Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky said - God is Truth and the totality of all world laws!
  Vitalik replied:
  - No! Not certainly in that way. God is, first of all, in the human mind. And the human mind will make us all-powerful.
  Albina slapped her bare foot and chirped:
  - It is wonderful! We will become braver and more courageous than a lion. Let us stand at least once, in the most terrible hour. Because a person is a head.
  Vitalik agreed:
  - Man is a big head!
  The girl remarked with a laugh:
  - But your head is light and not to say that it is very big.
  The genius boy laughed and replied:
  - I'm a great brain in a figurative sense.
  Albina jumped up, stamped her bare foot on the asphalt and roared:
  If the boy had brains,
  Like spilled oil flowed ...
  So it would be fun in the company of such
  With a punched lad's head!
  After that, the boy and the girl increased their running speed. And Albina began to lag behind. Painfully smart Vitalik turned out to be. And his speed is simply phenomenal, cosmic.
  The boy jumped up and twisted into somersaults several times in flight. After that, he sang:
  Smile stuntmen,
  Security, it's still a trifle ...
  Smile stuntmen,
  After all, without us, life will not work, no way ...
  Albina yelled:
  - Come on baby! Take it easy!
  Vitalik chuckled and replied:
  - Yes, I see you want this?
  The girl replied angrily:
  - You still have so much childhood. I am amazed at the genius in short pants that sparkle with bare heels.
  The boy remarked with a sigh:
  Yes, the outside doesn't match the inside.
  Albina giggled and sang:
  Young friend, always be young
  Don't rush to grow up...
  There is no need for a lad to be gloomy,
  All dreams, flights up...
  Bad boy alone
  Not always the same step forward,
  You will be with Satan
  If the way in the brain back!
  Vitalik nodded with aplomb, recalling:
  I have made a discovery that...
  Albina tweeted:
  - Be humble!
  The boy answered with a sigh:
  - And who praises me except you?
  The girl laughed and said:
  - Can you collect likes on the Internet?
  Vitalik nodded with a smile.
  - Definitely, I like this idea!
  Albina giggled.
  My likes, Internet super likes,
  Where are the rubles, everything is past the fingers, like bunnies!
  The boy prodigy noted:
  - Yes, not all goat button accordion!
  The heroic girl grumbled:
  - But what is this for?
  Vitalik chuckled and chirped:
  - But why,
  Are you a first grader?
  Albina muttered:
  - You're more of a first-grader!
  The prodigy boy sang:
  First grader, first grader
  You have a holiday today...
  The hour is great and merry,
  First meeting with the school!
  The hero girl picked up:
  Yesterday I was only a child
  There is nothing you can do here...
  Ceased to be a preschool kid ,
  And his name is first-grader!
  And his name is first-grader!
  And Albina ingratiatingly asked:
  - Do you have childhood nostalgia ?
  Vitalik confidently replied:
  - Of course not,
  I feel sick when I smell cigarettes!
  The girl-hero laughed and noted:
  - That's how funny it turns out. Yes, we are too young. We want to become adults, not return to our childhood.
  The boy prodigy added:
  - And not such a bright and joyful childhood. But now, no one can stop me. I can beat even the whole class at once.
  Albina nodded.
  - Of course, I believe you,
  You can use electronic power,
  Become a kid so agile
  And hit right in the eye
  Cut down for an hour!
  After that, the guys slowed down a bit. Albina asked the boy:
  - Here, in general, for the sake of what you invent?
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - For the good of mankind!
  Albina giggled.
  - Do you care about the welfare of mankind? Which is so cruel and ungrateful. And kids are cruel too.
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  Yes, the man is cruel. But still better than a beast. People with disabilities pay pensions, give benefits, and the animals of the disabled from their midst kill.
  The heroic girl grumbled:
  - Yes, and males fight for females. People don"t have this, at least in large numbers, even now!
  Vitalik remarked:
  - Teenagers often fight. But more for stupidity than for girls. And adults usually use their fists when they are drunk. The sober rarely fight, although it happens with them too.
  Albina nodded.
  - Yes! Animals also fight, but either for a female, or for leadership, or food. Although, sometimes they can fight for no apparent reason. They are pretty brutal in nature!
  The child prodigy remarked:
  - Here God, for example, through Jesus Christ calls not to resist evil, but they hit you on the right cheek, turn your left. But at the same time, the animal world allegedly created by Him is extremely cruel. How to explain it? Why can only a man show mercy, unlike a beast?!
  The girl shrugged her shoulders and replied:
  - It's better you ask the father. Unless, of course, he will know the answer to this question. Although, not all animals are cruel. Cats, for example, are very affectionate.
  The boy remarked:
  - But cats and cats fight among themselves no less than dogs. And indeed, the animal world is cruel. By the way, children are closer to animals, they like to offend the weak and tease those who have defects. But adults in this regard are much more restrained.
  Albina agreed with this:
  - Yes, that's right! Children are cruel people, but still they know what is good and what is bad. And among the children there are those who stand up for the weak and crippled. Much depends on education. So it's not all clear. As one wise writer and poet said: - Heroism has no age!
  Vitalik nodded in agreement.
  - This applies to both one and the other side of the coin!
  The guys circled around a little, holding hands. And then they started running again. Their mood, like a swing, rushed from side to side.
  Albina said with a smile:
  - So, and Christ, do you think God?
  The child prodigy replied:
  - To be honest, I doubt it. In principle, even if the Gospels are true, then a person with Kashpirovsky's abilities could well pass for the Lord God in the flesh. Or, in any case, deification is possible. Especially when you consider how downtrodden the Jews were, and even under Roman oppression.
  The hero girl nodded.
  - Yes, it is possible. But there is a fantasy where the Demiurge Gods are embodied in people. And this, you see, is also quite interesting.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - It is possible that yes! In principle, if I saw Christ in the world, I could believe in him. But Jesus is very kind, and nature is evil. And animals are evil, and people, and countries. And even between fraternal peoples, wars blaze.
  Albina muttered:
  - Yes, there is nothing in the world, but there is not enough kindness. Everywhere anger and hatred and cruelty.
  The little boy nodded.
  - The most cruel ruler of Russia was Stalin. But he was also the most successful. So, where in our world is Christ?
  The hero girl sang with a sigh;
  An angel midnight flew over the world,
  I marveled at the fact that so much evil reigns among us!
  Drink crystal water to your heart's content,
  From a seemingly small, but gentle teardrop of a stream!
  Which way the boy chooses at the start of fate,
  Go straight to hell, or maybe to a bored paradise!
  But the minister of the church, essentially cunning Cain,
  With the motto: love money, but despise Christ!
  Holy Virgin Mary gave birth to Jesus,
  The Savior appeared like the Sun, bringing light to people!
  But the priests discovered that it was only a vein of gold,
  Bourgeois with a wallet of green, was praised by the papacy!
  Repent for the days, buy salvation for the currency,
  With dad you will find an answer for any deed!
  Who rules the dollar, will give forgiveness to the unfortunate,
  Will drive an "Ambrams" tank into Eden, or a Colt pistol!
  Here the merchants in the Sultan turned the temples into a bazaar,
  The goods, though stale, but flavored with a lei of speeches!
  Pilgrims can, desire, if there is, cut miles,
  Though the papacy betrayed Christ, becoming a horde of executioners!
  But the children of love recognize Jesus
  After all, every child is considered a son of God!
  Let the cherubs weave beads from tears,
  After all, the Almighty has opened the way to purity and accomplishments!
  Vitalik remarked with a smile:
  - Well, the Pope is now just a lamb and a holy soul. He even washed the feet of juvenile prisoners. And he knelt before the Africans.
  This is truly a humble person!
  Albina remarked with a smile:
  - Will you wash my feet?
  The boy prodigy nodded.
  - With pleasure. It would be great.
  The heroic girl laughed and remarked:
  - Yes, this is an interesting activity for a teenager - to wash the feet of a girl!
  Vitalik nodded and remarked:
  "Why don't I sing too?" I can do it too.
  Albina chirped in a gentle voice:
  - That would be great. You sing very well, your voice is so clear and childlike.
  The child prodigy remarked:
  - Soon it will break. Like it or not, but you have to shave, and ...
  The girl laughed.
  - Do you want to shave?
  Vitalik replied:
  - No, why ... On the contrary, being an adult means looking more solid. And I don't see anything wrong with a beard.
  And the boy sang in his sonorous voice:
  Here before the men in Rus'
  Often wore beards and mustaches,
  Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy
  He also had a long beard.
  And not by graphs, we stand on that,
  And we differ from women in one,
  Distinguishes a man beard,
  Decorates a man's beard
  beard, beard,
  A beard decorates a man.
  beard, beard,
  A beard decorates a man.
  But let me give you a funny example:
  A pioneer gave way to me on the tram.
  I'm embarrassed, I'm not myself,
  Came out like a joke with a beard.
  Or, met on the bridge with the young ,
  And accidentally pricked his beard!
  Oh! The water was cold
  My beard let me down!
  beard, beard,
  My beard let me down.
  beard, beard,
  My beard let me down.
  Trouble on top of hair
  They disappear, I don't know where.
  E if someone asks, they say, where is the hair?
  I know where it is! Yes, beard!
  But sometimes there is a rumor about someone,
  What, they say, is his bright head,
  Lighten up the head of a year
  But over the years, the beard is getting longer.
  beard, beard,
  The beard is getting longer and longer.
  beard, beard,
  Longer and longer beard...
  Pugacheva somehow tells me
  The beard hurts you, my boy.
  I believe her, the star is above the roof,
  And I love my beard.
  Turned a foreigner in winter
  Hey comrade! Why are you with a beard?
  And I explain to him
  What when it's cold
  That warms in the cold, a beard
  beard, beard,
  Oh! Keeps beard warm in cold weather.
  beard, beard,
  Keeps beard warm in cold weather...
  Passers-by began to look back at the singing boy, obviously not the age of the song.
  Albina immediately tore off her cap and began to collect money. She's a practical girl. And she was thrown some change.
  Then the girl herself took it, and with great feeling, dancing with her bare, strong feet, she sang:
  There is no light in the dark world,
  Behold, the swearing smoke is getting redder!
  Feasting on the bones of the people to know
  And every day the gap in affairs is stronger!
  On the "Mercedes" fat oligarch,
  He has houses and yachts in the sea!
  One bought himself an archipelago,
  Built happiness on a wide mountain!
  And who has lush money,
  Paintings and sculptures in wholesale buys!
  Stocks roll like a kangaroo
  The rate rose by thirty points in May!
  Buy and sell, and rubbish again,
  Bring new updates from China!
  And who bakes cakes only with honey,
  Will receive only a coffin not oak!
  But he, the restless oligarch,
  Doesn't want to part with a little!
  He wants to instill fear in all the suckers,
  And invite a foreigner with a rifle!
  And who is the president for the oligarchs?
  Only a watchman, guard the "cool" wealth!
  There is a policeman, where the "cop" was before,
  Financial is growing stronger with the power of the "brotherhood"!
  What is the hope of those who are in poverty?
  For mercy, or a royal handout!
  The motto sparkles angrily on the shield,
  Buy a beer and chew gum for a snack!
  But man is not born a slave,
  He must fight for dignity!
  Put an end to the boundless "loot",
  So that life is available - like the sun!
  After this song, bills and coins fell much more generously.
  Vitalik, however, noticed, also collecting money:
  - Just like in the movie "Without a family."
  Albina remarked with a smile:
  - But you're not a little boy, and I'm not an old man! We are very solid people. Although for years, still teenagers. And you, outwardly, do not even pull on a teenager.
  Vitalik remarked sarcastically:
  - Don't worry mama
  That I'm small...
  I'm a remote boy
  What a scarlet flower!
  The girl confirmed with a smile:
  - Let's just say it's great! You are awesome boy . And very smart.
  The boy sang:
  - But why,
  It is not possible to live in the mind!
  But why,
  You can't trust anyone!
  But why,
  Life teaches us nothing!
  But why!
  But why!
  Albina giggled and noted:
  - Well, you are Boyarsky. Cool artist.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - In the role of Dartagnan, he is irresistible.
  The girl confirmed:
  - And not only in the role of Dartagnan! And so, in general, this is a cool guy.
  The child prodigy remarked:
  - In life, Mikhail Boyarsky, perhaps, is not as cool as in the movies. As an artist, he is very effective.
  Albina giggled and sang:
  - fa doll, fa doll,
  Why not!
  fa doll, fa doll
  Life is a duel with death!
  Vitalik confirmed:
  - May there be a victory of reason over obscurantism!
  The boy jumped up, spun in the air and sang:
  In schools they teach to be beautiful girls,
  To be friends in joy and kindness ...
  Collect you rather machines -
  It will not be interrupted, I believe the thread of life!
  Albina giggled and noted:
  - Yes, it really turned out to be very cool when we skip school, but at the same time we study perfectly .
  The child prodigy replied:
  - And why sit at a desk, if we already know everything. And what is Google education for then ?
  The hero girl nodded.
  - In fact, why go to school. Now tell me what you know about Nero?
  Vitalik replied seriously:
  - There was such a king, more precisely, the emperor of Rome. He killed his mother. Then he became famous for his love of singing, orgies, and especially the burning of Rome and the persecution of Christians.
  Albina nodded.
  - Well, you know that. Although, to know Nero it is not necessary to be a child prodigy. Movies are made about him. For example, "Kamo Gryadeshi " and others.
  The boy prodigy confirmed:
  - Yes, Nero is a famous person. His Alexander Dumas in the book Count de Montecristo mentioned. Although positive. And so, Nero is considered to be a negative character. But historians argue. Was Rome really set on fire by Nero? The chronicle mentions that Jews, led by Chrest , set fire to Rome . But Khrest is translated as sweet . And Christ is the anointed one. Although a mistake in the name is not ruled out, but still maybe Nero, and Christians have nothing to do with it !?
  The prodigy girl nodded.
  - Definitely, that's the way it is. But in any case, the media created a certain image for Nero, as well as for Tamerlane, who also, perhaps, was not at all as cruel as he is credited with!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Looking at modern Germans, it is also hard to believe that they were so cruel during the Second World War. Indeed, history is written by the winners. Tamerlane's empire collapsed almost immediately after his death. And if it had been longer and more stable, then perhaps Tamerlane would have been portrayed as a model of humanity and humanity.
  Albina agreed with this:
  - Quite possibly. Although, for example, some rulers like to emphasize their cruelty. Like, for example, Tsar Poganin . How he was praised: incomparable, brilliant, tormentor, crusher , strangler! Yes, such praise!
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  - Yes, it is true! Even in the Bible, God called himself terrible and strong, and a consuming fire. Although it seemed to need kindness.
  Albina sang:
  - In a minute, a minute,
  Disappears without a trace...
  But for some reason,
  But for some reason,
  Kindness triumphs,
  Kindness prevails!
  The girl took it and stood on her hands and walked, kicking up her bare, graceful, chiseled legs.
  Vitalik also stood on his hands and sang:
  - My fighting strength,
  Cosmic mind through the ages...
  I'll eat a crocodile in one fell swoop,
  Even in childhood dreams!
  And the boy, as he jumps up and starts tossing a ballpoint pen with his bare feet. And that's pretty cool.
  Albina remarked:
  - You're a good juggler. How about a card cheat?
  Vitalik tweeted:
  - What can I say, what can I say
  That's the way people are...
  Want to know, want to know
  They want to know what will happen!
  The heroic girl remarked with a smile:
  - Don't you want to know the future?
  Vitalik remarked:
  - Bad predictions spoil the mood, and can jinx it. But the good ones, then ... They also create problems, as they can cause premature relaxation.
  The blonde girl squeaked:
  - Yes, relaxation can sometimes cost a life! But it"s not worth driving yourself half to death either.
  The child prodigy sang:
  - The highlight of the marathon program,
  And thirty degrees...
  But the boy is furious
  All bruised faces!
  And the genius boy will laugh like he has mental problems.
  While in the head, indeed, emptiness, and there is no desire to work. Good and bad when you're a teenager. That's if you get into another world. And have the weapons of the future. Then you will definitely be recognized as Zeus, or Jupiter. And you can rule the planet.
  Although, this is not the easiest idea. And if, on the contrary, to please the future? And the world, after all, is, in fact, not so simple.
  Vitalik began to spin again. And he has wind in his head. And full of energy of the terminator boy , who, if he starts up, then you can"t stop him.
  Three policemen in black uniforms jumped out to meet them. Vitalik and Albina waved their hands. The cops whistled back. And they made brutal faces .
  The boy genius tweeted:
  My police, the most impudent,
  My police, the weakest...
  She hurts children
  Well, get off the villain!
  The police, brandishing batons, rushed at the impudent boy. But then, as if they had stumbled upon an invisible wall. Their faces twisted, and then, with a wild howl, they fled, dropping their clubs. They, these democratizers, flopped on the asphalt. And the police boots stomped like drumsticks.
  Vitalik sang with a malicious face :
  - There is no pilot without the sky,
  There are no armies without regiments...
  There are no schools without changes,
  There are no fights without bruises!
  Albina remarked:
  - You don't have to chase the cops like that. Otherwise, you will be held accountable. After all, you alone will not win the whole state.
  Vitalik suggested:
  - Do you want me to make you like that? And we will become a pair of supermen.
  The girl giggled, and bared her teeth, squealed:
  Yes, it's a big temptation. Of course, I am already healthy, and I will become even stronger and faster.
  The child prodigy remarked:
  - When I fought with a redhead, I had not yet turned on my bioelectric muscles at full power, and charged them to a minimum with gravitons. In fact, I can become even stronger and faster. And show a class, such as in science fiction films.
  Albina scratched her head and remarked:
  - You know, I have an idea! We went to the gym "Bogatyr". They pay money for power records.
  Vitalik chuckled.
  - Do you want me to set some records?
  The hero girl nodded.
  - Yes! You can legally, and without beating anyone, get money. If you really are as cool and scary as you pose for yourself!
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders, which are more childish than heroic, and remarked:
  - Yes, I read on the Internet that you can get money for world records in different exercises. But these records are so high that it is almost impossible for an ordinary person to beat them.
  Albina remarked with a smile:
  "But you are, in fact, superhuman. You have a phenomenal bioelectric power.
  Boy Genius said:
  But it will draw more attention to me. And it can have unwanted consequences.
  The heroic girl asked with a smile:
  - Isn't that what you would like?
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders again and remarked:
  - On the eve of the great discovery, it would be undesirable to shine. In general, what do you think?
  Albina replied:
  - Sooner or later you will become famous anyway. So why put this thing on the back burner?
  The heroic boy sang:
  Bedlam reigns in the most boring world,
  Just look, with longing I will play in the box ...
  Cobblestone, or something from above, and the bus in half,
  This is it, this is the right thing!
  The hero girl giggled and remarked:
  - Yes, you have thoughts, so - very cool!
  Vitalik tweeted:
  - Come on, girls, let's make a bedlam!
  Then the boy rested his chin on his fist and said decisively:
  - OK! Run for the record! I'll show them Kuzma's mother!
  The boy and girl flashed vigorously barefoot, slightly dusty heels. And rushed like meteorites. Of course, Albina began to lag behind the young monster. And Vitalik slowed down.
  To cheer up, the boy sang;
  The strength of our children is great,
  I am a very formidable inventor...
  From the blow of the boy-fist ,
  Even the stars can shudder!
  Albina interrupted the boy:
  - Well, at the expense of the stars, you already turned it down. Not a single hero with a blow of the strongest fist will make the stars shake!
  Vitalik logically remarked:
  - It's a metaphor!
  The girl-hero sarcastically threw:
  - Maybe hyperbole?
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  Maybe hyperbole!
  Albina giggled and noted:
  - The young genius confuses metaphors and hyperbole!
  Vitalik suggested:
  - Or maybe you'll sing better! And then, really, you really like to scratch your tongue.
  The girl giggled and chirped:
  And you don't look like Kobzon at all,
  You sing out of tune with a thin voice!
  Vitalik laughed and chirped in response:
  you heard the thrushes sing,
  No, those thrushes are not field ...
  And thrushes, magic thrushes,
  Singing chosen ones of Russia!
  Albina giggled.
  - Is it like State Duma deputies? But rather than listening to them, the trill of a nightingale, or a thrush, is really better!
  Vitalik tweeted:
  - One two Three,
  You are nightingales!
  Four, eight, five
  Send the crows to shoot!
  The heroic girl noted, shaking her powerful shoulders:
  - OK! I'll already be, I'll sing to you. And it will not be another stupidity, but something patriotic and beautiful.
  The heroic boy nodded.
  - Beautiful is good ... And what about patriotism? Maybe Solomon said correctly: - Patriotism, a refuge for scoundrels .
  Albina agreed with a sigh:
  - Yes, now the concept of patriotism is distorted. And here you can"t argue against it!
  Vitalik sang with a smile:
  - In words, we are all heroes,
  We walk like soldiers in formation ...
  But in battle, not roosters,
  Our stupid sins!
  The girl agreed with this:
  Indeed, sins are different. And patriotism is different. But I suggest the following. Let's take it and sing something for the soul. Your heart will become brighter.
  Vitalik chuckled and replied:
  - Sing! If you like it so much I remember that Emperor Nero was very fond of singing. Although for some reason, Catherine did not dare to claim the role of a prima donna.
  Albina asked:
  - What is Catherine?
  The child prodigy replied with a smile:
  - Empress!
  The heroic girl laughed and replied:
  - I can be a real empress. And if I move someone with my bare foot in the groin, it won"t seem enough.
  Vitalik nodded his fair head to her:
  - You can still move your foot. Until then, sing!
  And Albina took it and sang in her very strong and, at the same time, sonorous voice;
  We are girls, cool Komsomol members,
  who were born from love...
  And the voice of the beauties is sonorous,
  Although we often walk on blood!
  And fight, familiar to us from the cradle,
  Even though sometimes it hurts...
  But the Russian knight is not a child,
  We are not afraid of cold and napalm!
  We're running barefoot through the cold
  Even though a snowdrift burns the heels of the beauties ...
  You give your girl a rose
  And drive the bastard sharp into the coffin!
  We are Russian warriors from God,
  We are not stronger, you know on Earth...
  Although, sometimes fortune looks strictly,
   And it seems the world is devoted to Satan!
  It has a lot of very different things, girls,
  There is dirt, there is nobility and love...
  We shoot famously from a machine gun,
  And you better not contradict the fighters!
  In the name of our Motherland Russia,
  We will kill adversaries ...
  Comrade Stalin, you are almost a messiah
  He lifted up Russia's cool army!
  In the name of our Motherland, guys,
  We will, I believe, fight to the end ...
  After all, our mother is the Fatherland, believe, holy
  In the Name of the Family of the eternal father!
  What are we going to do in the new world?
  Which will be - the war will die down ...
  The Almighty opened : twice two is four,
  Let death not break out, and pour wine!
  Girls are fiery beauties ,
  They shoot straight out of their barrels...
  Do not drink a lot of vodka boy,
  And do not throw words into the wind lad !
  We'll be above petty turmoil
  We will conquer the heights of communism...
  Warriors, you know, not suckers at all,
  Above us is a golden-winged cherub!
  Barefoot girl without fear
  In any cold rushes - a hurricane ...
  I cut it with a sword with all my might,
  She struck with the fifth naked!
  For a girl there is no barrier
  She is fascism, believe me, she will win ...
  "Katyushas" hit hard, like "grads",
  Although sometimes beauties look pale!
  No, the Komsomol members will not yield to the Fritz,
  They are cool - a glorious country ...
  A boomerang will be spun with a bare foot,
  They are not afraid, believe me, Satan!
  Here the White God will come to our Earth,
  And resurrect the dead with love...
  He will say, I do not accept cowardice,
  Raise our valor, believe in the shield!
  Since God Svarog rules the universe,
  And above the Almighty, Light Rod ...
  We'll see communism soon given,
  And the radiant Jesus will come!
  Then in the universe of communism happiness,
  The red flag will illuminate the earth ...
  And the sky, clouds in mighty power,
  And Russian friendship is a solid monolith!
  The girl sang with great feeling. And passers-by looked back at her song.
  Vitalik, like a practical, modern teenager, took off his cap and stood up again,
  collect money;
  And they threw him banknotes and coins. To make it more fun, the boy stood up on his hands, and now held the cap with the bare fingers of his legs. And everything looked extremely cool now.
  Vitalik now also picked up and sang;
  The whole universe needs to be afraid of us,
  Because we are not stronger!
  Russians have always been able to fight,
  We will tear you to pieces in a moment, the villain!
  You attacked the bright Fatherland,
  The enemy is insidious, a monster and cruel!
  There will be time, I believe, for communism,
  Happiness to everyone, believe me, give it time!
  First step, believe me; very difficult
  Space is so cold, there is ice in the heart!
  But we people will judge the stars,
  Argument - a mighty beam thrower!
  The Russian knight is not afraid of death,
  Because he knows there is no end!
  With the help of science will be reborn,
  And we do not need to torment Christ!
  The battle is cosmic, severe,
  The bowl is dancing on the scales of fate!
  With princeps-plasma we will level the mountains,
  Let's turn the forest of evil into a landscape of the moon!
  The beauty of the Motherland is boundless,
  Darkness of galaxies under the fifth country!
  And the troll roars wildly, hysterically,
  He's in hell like other cattle!
  The sword, of course, is needed for success,
  Sharpness of mind, guns power!
  But there's also time for laughter
  Humor can help in times of trouble!
  Here we put on a laurel crown,
  Diamonds velvet watered!
  Know, little one in a big and small business,
  There is only one goal - serving Russia!
  Vitalik's good song was performed when he was in his arms, upside down.
  And he held with the toes of his bare feet a cap into which money poured. And it looked really funny.
  Albina remarked:
  - Do you want us to sing for the amusement of the audience again?
  The genius boy remarked:
  - And making money is both easier and more pleasant! How, for example, to raise a barrel a thousand times, for the sake of ten thousand Russian rubles.
  The heroic girl agreed:
  Yes, they don't pay enough. Better to fight in fights without rules.
  Vitalik chuckled and chirped:
  Star fighter trumpets your rock in vain,
  Your land is far away in dubious glory...
  The flame of battle trembles between the lines,
  In a one-sided game without rules!
  The weak can, but the strong can't
  Anger inspired us to exploits ...
  Saber from the case, and forward friends,
  If you are not in an unkind world!
  And again money poured into the cap. There were dollars, and euros, and rubles, and even yuan, and dinars.
  The boy was very pleased, his sapphire eyes shone with joy. That's how you can knock money, and it turned out to be a very profitable business.
  Albina took it and sang in her siren voice. She is, indeed, one might say, a very cool and unique prima donna girl. And the voice is extremely sonorous and beautiful;
  To the glory of our Motherland Russia,
  Motherland of the most radiant saint...
  Where the stars irrigated the velvet of the sky,
  With your pure unearthly love!
  We are the knights of the giant power,
   Who keeps the universe!
  May our Motherland be united,
  Motherland - you won't split the monolith!
  We launched the first rocket
  And flew around the balloon with the astronaut ...
  Our feats are sung in poems,
  The Lord will give us a generous gift!
  When the fascists attacked the country,
  We all took up rifles together ...
  The communists are fighting the horde -
  And you are a radiant arrow up!
  Repulsed the steel hordes from Moscow,
  Near Stalingrad, crushing the ridge!
  The girls look was radiantly proud,
  It brings us proletarian light!
  We are the best knights of the country in the universe,
  You won't find a more radiant Russia...
  Though clouds hang over the country,
  We can't deviate from the glorious path!
  When we took Berlin - it's a joy,
  Such happiness acquired a soldier ...
  We tasted the sweetness of victory honey,
  To face the boy from steel machine gun!
  Now the peaceful weeks have come
  And through the fields of gold rushing suffering ...
  We wanted to live forever and in joy,
  Almighty God with the Fatherland forever!
  . CHAPTER #8
  While singing, Vitalik walked on his hands. His bare, tanned feet were already holding a whole plastic bag, as there were more people, and they were throwing much more money. Everything would be fine, even great.
  One woman even threw a gold ring with a sapphire into the bag. And it's a good addition.
  Then the boy took it and began to sing himself, and did it with great enthusiasm.
  And his voice, like a nightingale's endless trill;
  Russia, you are a holy country of love,
  I love you with all my heart and soul...
  You are the only one in the universe,
  And I will always be with you!
  Let's build a world of great communism,
  In which every warrior from the manger...
  We will cast down to ashes the fangs of fascism,
  And we will become wiser together with Stalin!
  In the country of the great white birches,
  And pearls let poplars ...
  No, don't shed tears, girls
  Our Russian land will rise again!
  We are warriors, believe Jesus,
   Which , together with Rod for centuries!
  The Lord does not love our Almighty coward -
  He needs both steel and a sword arm!
  Svarog with Christ blessed the battle,
  So that you are a warrior and a star ...
  And these Fritzes were beaten so cruelly,
  What a dream embodied in blood!
  We could do a miracle, and we managed,
  Flying to the glory of Jesus...
  Gagarin led us to a great goal,
  He is a real Russian lion guy!
  We'll take a big step forward
  We will firmly become the fifth knight on Mars ...
  May every person be a magician,
  Like God, who created the world in a frame!
  We'll take Berlin, even though the enemy is near Moscow,
  We can make the world a better place...
  Although Hitler is clearly associated with Satan,
  And the Fritz eat very strongly!
  But it will be, know, defeated Berlin,
  Our flag will shine over the whole universe ...
  After all, Moscow is also the Third Rome,
  Will give those who are faithful a place in paradise!
  After this song, one of the girls kissed the boy on his bare heel and immediately put a banknote of five hundred euros into the bag.
  After that, it got even more fun. The girl stood up too. And she walked holding a cylinder in her hands, filed by one of the men. And what, you can also collect money in it. It is both comfortable and beautiful. And the couple's voices are amazing.
  And so they let's sing at the top of their lungs in unison;
  We are warriors of the Fatherland dear,
  The countries of the Soviets under the banner of red!
  Comrade Stalin is a daring falcon,
  With which the whole world will make beautiful!
  We are born with the Motherland for happiness,
  To grow bread and textile flax...
  Such in Russia, know sons,
  That man will be omnipotent!
  A thunderstorm is thundering - fascism has climbed us,
  Armadas of formidable tanks struck...
  But better move the adversary in the eye,
  We are not babies that lap semolina!
  The Fuhrer on horseback broke through to Moscow,
  On white and from steel that is polished ...
  Sold out Adolf Hitler to Satan
  He thought bullets wouldn't stop him!
  Comrade Stalin, daring hero,
  He collided with Hitler in the lists ...
  And it turned out the Fuhrer is not cool,
  The leader's fist stuck in his Adam's apple!
  Now the fascist is shaking like a leaf
  How Stalin crippled him badly ...
  He would rather play whist in the circus,
  Well, now Adolf is just a moronic bum !
  Nightmare of the Nazis of the world, Stalingrad,
  Since our boys have become stronger...
  The soldier of the country of the Soviets is very happy
  We gave the horns to all adversaries !
  Berlin will collapse at the feet of a girl, you know
  Barefoot girls will walk famously ...
  Let's build a paradise on the planet soon,
  And it will be very joyful and quiet!
  Everything will become good in the universe,
  The girls will receive a cloak made of diamonds.
  Sometimes it's too hard
  But we are an ancient country and Atlanteans!
  In Russia, a pioneer and that titan,
  In the Fatherland, every warrior from diapers ...
  Adolf, you are a loser and a tyrant,
  You got a black eye from the legs of the girls!
  When communism is over the universe,
  The cover, as the Mother of God will spread ...
  That will be in a cage any revanchism,
  And Jesus God of Light Name!
  The song was good. And a lot of money poured in. Albina even licked her lips.
  But happiness came to an end. The police showed up again. And this time there were many of them, several dozen and from different sides.
  Vitalik jumped to his feet and whistled:
  - Wow! For me, as for Pinocchio, they sent a whole chase!
  Albina grinned and said sarcastically:
  - Now you're going to a juvenile prison . You will be a boy with a shaved head and march with songs to the drum!
  The young prodigy remarked:
  - With my mind and fighting skills, I will become the leader there. And the boys will listen to me . So let's survive!
  The girl noted:
  - Oh, how the police will dump you. Especially with sticks on the heels. You will find out how the boys in Turkey went crazy from such exposure.
  Vitalik shoved his hands into his backpacks. And turned on the infrasound at full power.
  The whole crowd of people that stood next to the boy and the girl hatched at once zenki. And then she took it and rushed to run.
  The policemen ran along with them. Here it went, just a feast for the eyes.
  Albina was also caught in a wave, and she, too, with a twisted face, rushed to run.
  Only the dusty, bare heels of a tall, muscular girl flickered.
  Vitalik shouted to her at the top of his lungs:
  - Stop! Where are you going!?
  But the frightened girl only added speed. The boy spread his hands in confusion. It turned out really bad luck. He scared hundreds of people, dozens of policemen and the girl herself.
  And now you have to roll yourself.
  It can be seen that tricks using a new, very strong and effective, and most importantly compact weapon, did not go unnoticed .
  The boy took off running, accelerating himself with gravitons, literally at the speed of a racing car. And his bare feet, gray from the dust and asphalt of the city of Moscow, his heels flashed like the blades of a high-speed fighter.
  Vitalik ran as fast as he could, and accelerated like a meteor. And barely managed to dodge cars and walls. Here's how he suddenly broke up.
  The boy sang with enthusiasm:
  We are peaceful children, but our armored train,
  I managed to accelerate on a supercar ...
  We will fight for a bright tomorrow
  Let's fight boldly! Let's fight boldly!
  And the terminator boy jumped up and waved his arms. He pushed off the asphalt with such force that there were dents from his bare feet. And Vitalik himself flew onto the roof of a high-rise building. That was the phenomenal power of gravitons. Which, by the way, is ten trillion times faster than a photon, or ordinary light in a vacuum!
  Vitalik chuckled, looking around him. And the boy ran up and jumped again. This time on the roof of an even higher house. His speed was simply incredible.
  The boy sang with delight:
  In the grass Grasshopper sat,
  In the grass Grasshopper sat...
  Just like a cucumber
  He was green!
  But now he's sped up
  Photon pumped up ...
  And he began to run briskly,
  And jump above the rooftops!
  And jump above the rooftops!
  After that, the boy took out special glasses that multiply the image, and began to explore the city. Looks like he made a fuss. Here again, police units appear around. There are very many of them. And helicopters swirled in the sky. Indeed, if a whole company of police officers fled in a panic, throwing batons, it means a serious matter.
  Vitalik thought he was in trouble now . Surely, one of the numerous video cameras in Moscow filmed his movements. Yes, and the public has iPhones and smartphones. So the boy can quickly figure out.
  By the way, what article will they be able to present to him ? Scared the cops half to death? Or resisting arrest? But no one arrested him. Or maybe a little mischief. But hundreds of people to disperse, it is no longer petty.
  In any case, it's good to change your appearance. And get dressed. Since bare feet are too conspicuous in Moscow. And find your girlfriend at the same time. Where did Albina go? However, the latter is the easiest, he will now calculate her location using a smartphone.
  The boy pulled on his sneakers, changed the color of his clothes, made glasses that enlarge the image, mirrored and pulled on a cap.
  After that, he again became an ordinary kid , looking about twelve years old. And hardly anyone will suspect him of a dangerous terrorist.
  In addition, of course, it would not hurt to erase traces of yourself. The boy understood that his face could be deciphered on the video image and in the records of smartphones, and his identity could be established. Then, at best, he faces a youngster colony . And at worst, such a dangerous genius can be eliminated altogether. Or, if you're lucky, they'll send you somewhere to a closed prison laboratory like a sharashka to work for the state under escort.
  But Vitalik did not want this - he is his own head.
  And the genius boy, for starters, quickly zabatsal mixture of computer virus and blot. It was supposed to quickly cover all the smartphones of the city of Moscow and spoil the images. Moreover, Vitalik was in a hurry, and almost all images were erased, and not just his face.
  Further, it was necessary to connect to the surveillance cameras and remove all records about yourself there.
  Vitalik also bungled a strong virus with an accelerator. And he must rumble the entire video surveillance system in Moscow. This case is already on trial. What article, the boy did not remember. But his barefoot with his girlfriend, it was too bright. And there are many surveillance cameras in the capital. And for the fact that he used infrasound against the police, in any case, criminal liability cannot be avoided.
  And so, once a minor, more than ten years does not shine in any case.
  And in general, you should be smarter and not shine.
  The boy released the strongest virus-devourer into the surveillance camera. Now the whole system will shut down at once. Anyone will be blamed for this, but not a small teenager. And no trace.
  Even if the computer managed to write something to the hard drive, then the hypervirus will cover it and damage it.
  And then all information about Vitalik will be erased. Which means he will never be caught.
  The boy stamped his feet in his sneakers. He went down the elevator and calmly, as if nothing had happened, stomped along the street.
  In sneakers, the legs were a little hot, but disguise.
  Vitalik bought two packs of Eskimo at the nearest stall. Ice cream in chocolate should calm and rejuvenate.
  The boy turned off the accelerators and muscle enhancers. After that, he felt tired and weak.
  Like a drunkard who, after drinking a bottle of vodka, can move mountains, even in his thoughts, and then he starts to drool .
  The boy sat down on a bench and quickly chewed two packs of Eskimos. He felt a little better.
  Vitalik also ordered a plastic gruel of black coffee from the stall. This drink caused a surge of strength in a young, trained body.
  And the boy, feeling vivacity, confidently walked along the asphalt.
  He turned on the smartphone search engine to find his girlfriend Albina. The thought flashed through her head, no matter how she was arrested.
  However, the hypervirus should erase all video images on smartphones and camcorders, and in general in all electronics. So no trace will be left.
  Vitalik went to his friend and sang:
  - Always wearing leather gloves,
  To avoid imprints...
  There lived a terminator boy,
  Greatest innovator!
  Now, indeed, video cameras all over Moscow stopped working at once.
  The police were running around, but they, of course, did not pay attention to the boy in sneakers and a cap.
  Vitalik watched helicopters circling in the sky. Not only the police, but also the military. And the boy thought how much money all this would take. One fuel.
  Then the thought flashed through that it would take billions to repair the video surveillance system in such a large city as Moscow. And if he gets caught...
  Vitalik shivered. He really showed himself to be a computer genius and a destroyer. But only a savvy local virus was released. It uses a breeding system, when gravitons replace photons, and the process goes on like a tornado.
  There you can theoretically damage computers and communications on the entire planet Earth.
  The weapons are insane too. These are the possibilities that gravitons open up.
  But Vitalik limited the duration of the virus, and he only has to clean up one Moscow.
  This, of course, is also a huge loss.
  The boy felt himself sweating. If he lights up, then he will be very bad for such acts.
  of the young colony . In fact, other fellow prisoners will appreciate both his strength and intelligence. Yes, and they are forced to work there no more than four hours a day, but in fact they don"t even have that. And the food is better, perhaps, than in the army or the hospital.
  He will survive, if anything. Maybe even become an authority. What's he got to freak out about .
  But here's the problem - perhaps such a brilliant kid as he is either liquidated as too dangerous, or under strong guard they will be forced to work for the state. Because he is a genius.
  So in any case, it's better not to glow yet.
  Albina was sitting on a bench, she was scratched and received a couple of bruises. Her sapphire eyes blinked every now and then, as if they had sand in them.
  Vitalik approached her and put his hand on her shoulder, saying:
  - Don't be afraid. I'm with you.
  The heroic girl threw back her hand and hissed:
  - And I'm not afraid. You are totally freaked out .
  The child prodigy answered with a sigh:
  "Still, you shouldn"t have fallen into the hands of the police. Well, we're safe.
  Albina sharply remarked:
  - There are so many video cameras in Moscow. Especially now, when there is a war with Ukraine, and rampant crime...
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - Don't worry about that. Everything is captured. None of the camcorders are now working and all images have been erased.
  The hero girl asked:
  What about hard drives?
  The genius boy nodded.
  - They, too, will be damaged beyond recognition. So the police will be helpless.
  Albina remarked with a sigh:
  - What about smartphones?
  Vitalik confirmed:
  - And their video will be out of order. Don't be afraid. I am very good at computers. And the energy of gravitons opens up possibilities that seem completely outrageous.
  The blonde girl tweeted:
  - You are Fantomas , you are a gloomy genius,
  You are Fantômas , and a song without dreams...
  You are Fantomas , the ruler of cool generations,
  You are Fantômas , ruler of the great cities!
  The genius boy nodded.
  Yes, I can do a lot. Right now, one kid in shorts covered the entire Moscow police. That's the kind of mind I have.
  Albina sang with delight:
  It's good to be strong
  What to say...
  But we must also boil the balls,
  Balls, balls, balls to cook!
  Balls, balls, balls to cook!
  Vitalik chuckled and noted:
  - It's good that I have a big head, far away, not in the truest sense of the word!
  The blonde girl agreed:
  - It's right! But do you have any idea what awaits you if you get caught?
  The genius boy nodded.
  - Yes! I understand - a cage, and they will force you to work for the country.
  Albina smiled.
  - What, you don't want that?
  Vitalik remarked:
  - If I'm so smart at the age of fifteen, what will I be like when I'm an adult? Maybe it's better for me to become, with such genius, a world dictator?
  The heroic girl shook her head.
  - What will you do alone against the whole world? It is truly unrealistic to overcome the entire planet!
  The boy genius remarked:
  - And why exactly all? There are many countries and they are all different. And the interests are sometimes directly opposite. Why should they unite? They hate each other more than they hate some kid who claims to be the world leader. Moreover, I could put an end to wars, and people on the entire planet Earth would live in my loving fist much better than now!
  Albina giggled.
  - Well, ambitions, you're cooler than Napoleon.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Probably more talented.
  The hero girl nodded.
  Yes, you never cease to amaze me. What a wonderful generation this is.
  Vitalik confirmed:
  - Google education !
  The boy turned on his smartphone and began to check via the Internet how destructive the effect of his hypervirus turned out to be .
  Indeed, over a large area, smartphones not only erased images, but also failed. The boy had a special protection against viruses, and the rest flew. And not only in Moscow, but also outside within a radius of a thousand kilometers. St. Petersburg, and partially Belarus, and Ukraine, and the Baltic states, and east to Kazan, inclusive, were hurt.
  Yes, exposure to a hypervirus serious . And video surveillance was covered.
  And how much, so far, both the police and the FSB cannot establish the scale. But also within Moscow and neighboring cities. And the base of the police, apparently, flew.
  Vitalik looked through all this and whistled:
  - Fatherland, the greatest of countries,
  The universe will be under you...
  But then a hurricane of death swept through,
  What happened to my holy Motherland!
  Albina leaned over and asked:
  - Well, how, the pest, did a lot of damage?
  The boy answered with a sigh:
  - Even too much. Gravitons accelerate the spread of the virus with catastrophic speed. It's good that I limited the hypervirus in time.
  The heroic girl grumbled:
  - Genius fool!
  Vitalik remarked:
  - Here Genghis Khan could neither write nor read, but captured half the world. And I was able to do this at the age of fifteen that no one else in the history of mankind.
  Albina wanted to say something, but fell silent. She looked at her feet. They were muscular, strong, tanned, but at the same time barefoot and dirty. She suddenly felt ashamed. And she began to look around, where to wash them.
  The boy remarked with a smile:
  - What, are you embarrassed?
  The heroic girl objected:
  - It's hard to embarrass me. But you didn't learn something.
  Vitalik growled:
  - What exactly?
  Albina did not answer too confidently:
  - That people still have memory in their heads. The police and the FSB can conduct polls, compile your and mine sketches, and calculate our bright personalities from them.
  The child prodigy shivered and remarked:
  - I somehow did not think about it.
  The heroic girl remarked:
  - I can be sued for complicity. And sent to a juvenile colony for girls.
  Vitalik shrugged.
  - With a black belt, you'll be fine there.
  Albina smirked.
  - Well, yes! And the guards, nasty women, will search you and feel you from head to toe. And you will sleep in the barracks and work.
  The boy remarked:
  - This is fine. Now the colonies are half empty and it is better in them than in other children's camps. I know what to compare. Here I rested in one camp for children, so the washbasins are on the street and the water is only cold, and the toilet in the forest is the most antediluvian , And they lived in a barrack, twenty-five boys in one room. In a special school, the conditions are much better. And in a modern children's colony, in general, there are few prisoners now, and you are like in a sanatorium.
  The girl logically remarked:
  - For such pranks, there will be some special colony for you and me, where they will beat you with rubber clubs with sticks on your bare heels. And feed gruel and stale bread, and make donkeys twelve hours a day.
  Vitalik remarked:
  - There are no such colonies for children now. These are just horror stories. And with my skills and knowledge, I can easily escape from any prison. So it doesn't scare me. Let's better think about what to do with human memory?
  Albina remarked:
  - In the fantasy series "People in Black", memory was erased with some device. Maybe you will make a biological hypervirus and clean up people's memory files?
  The child prodigy twirled his finger at his temple:
  - Not only did I damage people's smartphones and iPhones , and cell phones, but you also want me to make them complete idiots, depriving them of their memory. And if the virus gets out of control, then all people on planet Earth will become intellect babies?
  The hero girl shuddered and remarked:
  - Yes, it looks awful. And you can only erase the memory that concerns specifically you and me?
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  - Theoretically, this is possible. But this is delicate work and takes time. And they can find us pretty quickly. So things are minor for us. A virus that acts in human bodies and clears all their memory and damages boxes and personality can be done much faster, but this is, after all, genocide.
  Albina answered with a sigh:
  Yes, that would be bad. But ... How can we be saved?
  The child prodigy remarked:
  - Now the police and the FSB will not be up to us. They will be busy restoring the video surveillance system in all devices. And we will be forgotten during this time. For now, let's go to the lab. Work will need to be accelerated. I will need more power and better devices.
  The girl remarked:
  - I read a novel by Belyaev - "The Lord of the World." How people were given orders by radio. Maybe you will do that too?
  Vitalik laughed.
  - That's a good idea! It was like that in the movie about Fantomas. I already thought about it. But here we need a special wave that would affect the brain. A type of telepathy. For example, Wolf Messing could capture people's thoughts and read them. But it's not as easy, and not quite, as in the radio.
  Albina remarked:
  - But such radiation will make you a world dictator without firing a shot.
  And you will unquestioningly obey billions of people all over the globe! And you will be the emperor of the Earth!
  Vitalik looked at his friend and remarked:
  - If we are calculated and caught, they may well be sent to a psychiatric clinic. Because our ideas are very ambitious ! But okay. You came up with a great idea. Either I will rule the world, or I will be trivially destroyed.
  Albina nodded and confirmed:
  - So people will either become omnipotent, like Gods, or disappear as a result of a planetary catastrophe. So you have a choice, either to rule the world, or to be tied to a bed.
  The boy nodded and said:
  - Let's go to the lab. We have a lot of work to do there. We must save the Earth.
  The girl chirped, jumping up and down with her bare feet, stuffed on various hard objects.
  Her voice was radiant and sonorous;
  We bring heavenly light to the whole world,
  Let us die - we will save the planet ...
  Let the fate be terrible - evil death has come,
  Do not die in vain, because our Motherland is alive!
  Vitalik confirmed with aplomb:
  Is it really honor
  Can't be found in the sky
  Heart yearns for revenge
  Wants to save the world!
  Both the boy and the girl jumped higher and turned their pinwheels in the air.
  . CHAPTER #9
  The queen of the underworld of Moscow, the godmother of the Russian mafia, Agripina Belyaeva, aka the White Devil, was also angry.
  A powerful, muscular, trained and outwardly young woman drove her boot heel into the groin of one of the mafia bosses. It flew up from the crushing blow and crashed, disconnecting.
  The White Devil was terrible in anger. In fact, she was the head of a real octopus, the largest and most powerful criminal group in Russia.
  At the same time , a natural blonde with a powerful neck, strong muscles. Agripina Belyaeva was able to subjugate the fragmented groups of Moscow. She had a secret, invisible power that extended far beyond the borders of Russia.
  She could be called beautiful, if not for the overly powerful shoulders and muscles, as well as a scar on her left cheek. The mafia woman's eyes were hidden by mirrored glasses, and in her right hand she held a very heavy pistol with twenty rounds in the drum. And it was scary to look at her. All in leather, an aggressive lady, before whom crime bosses tremble.
  And now she roars:
  - So, all our smartphones, iPhones , cell phones are out of order and in their information was erased?
  Mafia leaders mumbled something indistinct. One of them, younger , remarked:
  - But the video surveillance system of the police and the FSB was covered with a basin!
  The White Devil hissed:
  - What's the point? She just didn"t interfere with us, since we have strong garters in law enforcement agencies, only our competitors from Arab countries benefited from this.
  And the woman shot at the young authority. The bullet flew past, lightly catching his temple and cutting off a tuft of hair.
  Mafiosi turned pale, but stood on his feet.
  Agripina muttered:
  - Well, okay ... I understand that this is a large-scale sabotage. But someone will answer.
  And the White Devil fired again. The man in the top hat fell, clutching his stomach with his hands. And he began to writhe in agony.
  Agripina smiled and remarked:
  - Today I'm kind. Find the one who staged this diversion and deliver the bound to me.
  One of the bosses elaborated:
  - Dead or Alive?
  The white devil muttered:
  - Better alive!
  And she shot right in the groin of the one who asked such a question. The bullet hit the most sensitive spot. Mafiosi fell and fell silent, paralyzed by pain shock.
  Agripina nodded.
  - I give you seventy-two hours to search. And the time has come! If you do not have time, then the survivors will envy the dead.
  The bandits fussed. The White Devil kept everyone in an iron fist. And she had a lot of power. May not be absolute. I had to unfasten the share of official power and the security forces. Agripina Belyaeva was known in criminal circles under the nickname White Devil. But few knew her real name and surname. She committed her first murder at the age of five, and she was not even suspected. In fact, a girl with white hair, beautiful, only too big and strong for her years.
  She could have made a career in martial arts, but she preferred crime.
  However, despite her authority, she had only one conviction for a youngster . And then she turned things around so cunningly and unfastened the security forces that she no longer came across.
  Agripina was able to subdue all Moscow groups. What seemed impossible in such a big city. The official authorities were even pleased, since the bloody showdown between the gangs had practically ceased. And there was less chaos . Agripina banned the sale of drugs near educational institutions, introduced some other restrictions in the criminal business. In response, the authorities did not touch her, and even helped in the fight against competitors.
  Agripina had great influence on politicians, and could force her to vote the way she wanted.
  At the same time , she was ferocious. Even ministers and vice-premiers were afraid of her.
  Agripina even began to look closely at the presidential crown. Indeed, why not become the formal queen of Russia by combining the power of the mafia and the state?
  But this is still a dream. And now, at this moment, imagine that all smartphones, iPhones , cell phones and communications equipment have flown for you and your environment.
  This is what will make you freak out .
  Agripina looked at herself in the mirror. She is not old - only thirty-six years old. At that age, only kings had so much power and influence. But her beautiful face was disfigured by such a deep scar that so far the best cosmetologists in the world cannot repair it. He ages her. Hmm ... She still has plenty of time and, if they don"t kill her, then power over the empire will not slip away.
  Her hair is very light, like snow. Many probably think that it is painted. But no, it's her natural color. She is beautiful, but too muscular, and her shoulders, like those of an athlete, are completely unfeminine. And so many murders on her hands.
  Agripina has already found out that the Western intelligence services have nothing to do with this catastrophe. So someone is local.
  But who? Who can find such a powerful virus, and who is this genius? Or maybe it's her?
  Agripina herself is a woman, and she knows perfectly well that the fair sex can be truly brilliant. How she was a brilliant villain .
  But why was it? She is now!
  Agripina thought that a scientist who could create such a hypervirus could be very useful for the mafia. After all, this way you can disable computers and video surveillance systems around the world.
  And this could give simply unthinkable power. And power is so sweet. Become the empress of the whole world.
  Agripina even sang in a low voice:
  Ladies love to dress up
  Ladies love to eat 1
  The stronger sex knows how to fight
  And the man is a thief!
  I have another passion
  This is power, only power!
  No need for gold and money
  And it is necessary that in front of me,
  People were on their knees
  People were on their knees
  All over the earth!
  Agripina jabbed the point of her boot into the groin of one of the servant boys, who brought her champagne on a tray. The blow threw the young servant up, and he even rolled over in the air. And stretched out on the floor unconscious.
  The white devil nodded with a smile.
  - Sorry! I always want to hit someone.
  The teenager passed out from the pain shock. Yes, this godmother is a very evil person.
  However, I drank champagne. She loved this sweet water. Another handsome boy brought her a black game in a vase studded with diamonds. The white she-devil barely restrained herself from the blow. She was very fond of beating the representatives of the stronger sex. Especially cute and young ones.
  But now it occurred to her that you can cripple the guy forever. And I felt a little sorry. And she limited herself to just a very painful flick on the nose.
  Her mood now was aggressive, and at the same time, cheerful. It turns out that there are geniuses in our country that are capable of misbehaving a thousand miles in a circle, and creating similar things. Wow!
  How fantastically effective a cyberattack can be . And of course, it is necessary to find out who could arrange such a thing.
  Surely, this is not a weak genius. Or maybe an entire organization?
  Here Agripina grimaced. Suddenly, she had very strong and technologically savvy competitors?
  Then I remembered the animated series that she watched as a child. There, one brain created and gave out such things - cool and unusual! What if some extraterrestrial civilization is behind this?
  Agripina, one cannot say that she was a stupid and rude criminal. I have read and watched some. And her horizons were not limited.
  In principle, the existence of other civilizations does not contradict science at all.
  Even vice versa. Just science says that there are stars older than the Sun, and planets much older than the Earth in the universe. This means that intelligent life could well develop on them through evolution. And even surpass the level of human development .
  And surpass so much that they have reached the planet Earth and superluminal speeds.
  Which, in principle, is not only possible, but perhaps even should be so. There are approximately seventy to one hundred sextillion stars in the universe. This means that even if there is only one planet for a million stars, then how many civilizations should there be that surpass the human one.
  And the stars, most likely, have even more planets. There can be a variety of forms of life, and not only protein .
  Agripina grinned and said aloud:
  - Only competitors from other worlds were not enough for us to be completely happy!
  A large strong woman also ate black caviar. And I decided that she should stretch a little. Although Agripina was full of militants, she preferred to beat men, and even women, herself. And keep fit.
  Like, so that they don"t think that the godmother has weakened. After all, their female sex is called weak.
  However, this is misleading. So a female, trained and genetically gifted, can be more dangerous than a man, any member of the stronger sex.
  Now she has gone to the gym. Here she has a whole sports complex at the palace. Both boys and girls of adolescence are engaged together. There are also older ones.
  Agripina changed. She was in a kimono and barefoot, as expected in karate. If not for the hair and magnificent breasts, she could be mistaken for a young man. A very hard face, strong-willed chin, a scar that gives an ominous expression, and steely eyes, like a she-wolf.
  Right now, a red-haired harpy was supposed to spar with her . The owner of the fourth dan, two meters, she was almost the only woman in Russia and in the world who could fight Agripina , also a tall and massive woman, on equal terms.
  However, now, the red-haired harpy called her on a more primitive, wired and therefore less damaged phone and said:
  - My head is cracking after sparring, I was knocked out, and the doctor recommended rest for three days.
  Agripina muttered:
  - What, a concussion!?
  The redhead muttered:
  - Yes! They kicked me very hard.
  The blonde mother of the mafia grunted:
  - Then send me the one who beat you like that.
  The red-haired vixen , who was ashamed to admit that she was beaten by a teenager who looked like a boy of about twelve, groaned:
  - I do not know him. He was wearing a mask, in a black uniform, and did not introduce himself.
  Agripina chuckled.
  What is this, a ninja?
  The red-haired warrior nodded.
  - Maybe yes!
  The blonde mother of the mafia asked:
  - So contact him. And invite him to my service.
  Megara with the fourth datum replied:
  - All cell phones, smartphones, iPhones are out of order. How to contact now, I do not know!
  Agripina muttered:
  - I understand. Okay, I think such a person will turn up somewhere, and I will send out warnings. And we will import smartphones and iPhones from China. They will only be happy to sell us an extra batch!
  And the blonde mafioso passed out. She suddenly felt that the appearance of a mysterious fighter, and a sudden strong cyber attack , were somehow connected with each other. And this should be found out. Well, she will send who needs to know the details and details of the battle. Maybe there will be something interesting.
  In the meantime, you can stretch your strong body.
  In addition to the redhead with the fourth given , there is also a brunette with the third. And also under two meters tall, and one hundred and thirty kilograms in weight, approximately equal to the redhead. Sparring with her is also interesting and instructive.
  But Agripina felt a surge of anger within her. And she wanted to hit someone hard.
  And she invited the boys. A whole dozen barefooted, cute teenagers in kimonos entered the hall. They were fourteen, fifteen years old. And these, I must say, are already good fighters. However, against the level of Agripina...
  The woman mother of the mafia ordered:
  - Two to me!
  A couple of boys ran towards her. Agripina charged the first of them with her bare, lethal foot in the head. And the second one she punched in the chest with her elbow. And although she weighed almost one and a half centners, she moved very quickly.
  The boys fell unconscious.
  Agripina hissed:
  - Learn, jerks ! When I was your age, in fights without rules, a seasoned wolf was put up against me. And the teenage girl didn't even have a dagger. And I had to either kill with my bare hands or die myself. As you can see, I'm alive, which means the wolf has been killed! Now attack the woman.
  The fight began, as if in a Hollywood scenario. Big, fast, muscular woman versus boys.
  She punched and kicked. And with each blow, someone fell. If the boy had time to put a block, then he could still get up.
  But if not, then calmed down without consciousness. Agripina has very strong fists and legs. It is clear why such a woman was able to subdue the underworld of Moscow and most of Russia. Create branches in foreign countries. And make almost anyone in the world tremble.
  Soon the boys were all unconscious on the floor.
  Agripina took up the torch. And she began to bring fire to the bare heels of teenagers. When the flame licks the boy's sensitive heel, it hurts a lot. They scream and twitch.
  Then they whine, beg for mercy and crawl away. And the air smelled of fried meat, from burnt, young healthy skin.
  Yes, she did a great job.
  After that, she invited a giant brunette to fight . And again began a hard and stubborn battle.
  Agripina and her partner did not force things, but worked for the technique.
  Agripina remembered how she had been engaged in a carriage since childhood and fought in fights without rules. She was put against the boys. Since she beat the girls too easily.
  They fought in special fights, which were arranged semi-legally by the mafia.
  And sometimes not only with arms and legs, but also with weapons. Somehow she got hit in the face with a sword, so that there was a scar. And this is what is noticeable, but there was something else.
  But she has become a great master. At first she was considered a torpedo, but then she broke into major authorities.
  Agripina grew up ruthless, and at the same time, sometimes a wave of conscience came over her. Like, you can"t do chaos like that . Childhood and youth fell on the turbulent nineties. Then in the noughties, somehow it all went downhill. The mafia became more respectable, although the killings and showdowns continued.
  And she made a career for herself ... And rose to the very top of the criminal world.
  And now she made a sharp blow and knocked down the brunette, and then added to the back of the head. That's how it lulled vigilance and dealt a crushing blow.
  Seeing that she was quiet. Agripina picked up the torch again and brought the fire to the brunette's large, but rather beautiful and attractive feet.
  It smelled of burning , which tickled the nostrils of the mother of the mafia.
  The brunette came to her senses from the pain and jumped up. Yes, there are many sensitive endings on the feet.
  Having finished the fight, Agripina wanted to eat. Her maidservants immediately brought her shish kebab on a platinum skewer. So yummy and greasy.
  Agripina gave them an order:
  - Sing something, girls!
  And those in response gladly began to fulfill;
  Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov
  Have not sat at the table in vain
  The raspberries bloomed in a riotous color,
  Various creatures
  swung around , There was no bread, but full of shoe polish, Yes, the hunchbacked leader sneers - And the girls began to dance, stamping their finely chiseled graceful legs.
  Atas , hey, have fun working class, atas ,
  Dance, boys, love girls,
  Atas ! Let them remember us today,
  Raspberry-berry, atas , atas , atas !
  Atas , atas , atas !
  Atas , atas , atas !
  The girls continued the song, stamping their feet again.
  Until the morning the window does not go out, Gleb Zheglov and Volodya do not sleep, The notorious black cat
  Z is afraid of our guys!
  Here the girls raised their voices half a tone higher. Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov
  Served in the battles of the order!
  After a peaceful day of labor, Be calm, dear country! And again the girls began to sing;
  Atas , hey, have fun working class, atas ,
  Dance, boys, love girls,
  Atas ! Let them remember us today,
  Raspberry-berry, atas , atas , atas !
  Atas , atas , atas !
  Atas , atas , atas !
  Agripina ate and listened to the song. Yes, the song is not new, but interesting. Her godmother of the mafia listened to her in early childhood. Although, like Gleb Zheglov and Volodya Sharapov are her enemies.
  More precisely, the enemies of the bandits and the mafia, and she is the main bandit in Russia, and maybe in the world.
  Agripina nodded to the girls. And invited them to eat.
  Well, respect should be shown. After all, she is fighting, one might say, a warrior, but she can show her grace.
  After that, again she ordered one of the girls to sing. You can do something of your own, sincere.
  And the girl sang in her clear voice:
  Pearls, sparkling in emerald waters,
  A snow-white swan breaks into the clouds!
  The sun is playing, nature has blossomed,
  Let happiness shine on people for centuries!
  And the flowers in the meadow are bright rubies,
  Dandelion in a golden leaf field!
  Be people together friendly and united,
  Let the Fatherland be the Mother of the Native!
  A rainbow in the sky is a bright lightning,
  Silver of birches, in the fluff of poplars!
  The passionate tit pours out a song,
  Music plays, happy earth!
  is no peace in the universe
  A hurricane is raging between the stars!
  It is difficult in the universe for a person,
  Satan has struck an evil blow!
  The girls sang with great feeling and enthusiasm. And Agripina patted them.
  After that, they brought her a new, just brought from China, smartphone. And she started calling everyone again.
  But for now, it's not easy to do. You can call outside of Moscow. And Agripina's mood rose.
  She ordered the boy in a stern voice:
  - Sing me a romance about love!
  He bowed and began to sing with great feeling and expression the beautiful song of a young man in love.
  I remember how it is now, the face is radiantly bright,
  The look pierced my heart with the edge of a dagger!
  I burned in the streams of the fiery wind,
  You just remained silent!
  After that, several boys at once, who brought the cake and milkshakes to it, began to sing along;
  Your voice, how beautiful and pure it is,
  I believe in the endless waterfall of your caresses!
  Without you, I do not need a hateful life,
  And now an eternal beam will illuminate me!
  You are the goddess of endless love
  An ocean full of wondrous light!
  Icy shackles, jokingly break,
  I won't see the dawn without you!
  Your face shines like the sun above,
  There are no more beautiful figures in the universe!
  The feeling of passion covers like a hurricane,
  Being with you forever is happiness!
  The boys again began to sing along with feeling, stamping their feet . t a
  Your voice, how beautiful and pure it is,
  I believe in the endless waterfall of your caresses!
  Without you, I do not need a hateful life,
  And now an eternal beam will illuminate me!
  You are the goddess of endless love
  An ocean full of wondrous light!
  Icy shackles, jokingly break,
  I won't see the dawn without you!
  The pain in my soul rages like a violent storm,
  And the fire in my chest blazes mercilessly!
  I love you, in response you look proudly,
  Ice breaks the heart into fragments!
  And again the refrain, performed by teenagers, who now and then received beatings from their mistress and much less often gifts:
  Your voice, how beautiful and pure it is,
  I believe in the endless waterfall of your caresses!
  Without you, I do not need a hateful life,
  And now an eternal beam will illuminate me!
  You are the goddess of endless love
  An ocean full of wondrous light!
  Icy shackles, jokingly break,
  I won't see the dawn without you!
  Your voice, how beautiful and pure it is,
  I believe in the endless waterfall of your caresses!
  Without you, I do not need a hateful life,
  And now an eternal beam will illuminate me!
  You are the goddess of endless love
  An ocean full of wondrous light!
  Icy shackles, jokingly break,
  I won't see the dawn without you!
  Between the fires in the boundless starry ocean,
  You and I soared like eagles in the sky!
  And your lips sparkling with rubies,
  Something gently with passion said!
  Your voice, how beautiful and pure it is,
  I believe in the endless waterfall of your caresses!
  Without you, I do not need a hateful life,
  And now an eternal beam will illuminate me!
  You are the goddess of endless love
  An ocean full of wondrous light!
  Icy shackles, jokingly break,
  I won't see the dawn without you!
  Agripina was very pleased with the boys' song. She liked to look at the gentle, clean, beardless faces of teenagers. She didn't like beards, it annoyed her.
  And at the same time, she really liked to put bruises on the faces of the boys. Yes, that's the kind of woman she is.
  Well, it's time to think about the following: who is behind the cyberattack . Secondly, are there any intrigues of the Arabs here. From the south, there are also those who want to gain control, including over the drug market. Yes, and in Europe, and especially in Ukraine, such craftsmen could be found. Even the version of aliens from another world should not be discounted.
  So the situation is confusing.
  Agripina called a karate girl and said:
  - Find out in more detail who beat the red vixen like that . I have something, some vague doubts. It is possible that she is hiding something, or lying. Perhaps this will be very important information.
  The girl bowed and muttered:
  - I know, great !
  Agripina sang:
  New Russian, you are my ideal forever
  A new Russian, an influential person!
  But there's a mafia for you
  That's geography!
  After that, the karate girl bowed and left. Agripina began to eat a cake with a cocktail and felt herself on a white horse.
  She asked the young men again to take something for her and sing.
  And they began to perform;
  My princess, you are a flower
   Glittering in the garden of the Lord!
  Your gaze is like a fresh breeze
  Dispel the flames of hell!
  After that, the boys began to sing along in chorus, and stomp their feet, beaten on the heels more than once.
  Oh how I love you sunshine
  You shine in my heart in spring ...
  The boy's heart is beating happily
  Your hair is so golden!
  Sacred girls love
  Heroic sword, squeezing with honor!
  I will shed blood in a stream,
  An angel will be with you forever!
  And again the boys fervently and joyfully sing;
  Oh how I love you sunshine
  You shine in my heart in spring ...
  The boy's heart is beating happily
  Your hair is so golden!
  A secret lit up with a dream
  Your image is a sweet fragrance!
  You were sculpted by the creator of the universe
  All servants of evil will not defile!
  Now the girls have joined the boys' choir and have begun to wind up and sing with great fervor.
  Oh how I love you sunshine
  You shine in my heart in spring ...
  The boy's heart is beating happily
  Your hair is so golden!
  Maybe only in heaven
  Fate will unite the lovers!
  But God won't let us crumble to dust
  Merge the union of hearts in separation hardened!
  And here Agripina herself joined in the beautiful and cheerful singing.
  And her voice is very strong;
  Oh how I love you sunshine
  You shine in my heart in spring ...
  The boy's heart is beating happily
  Your hair is so golden!
  After that, the mother of the mafia said:
  - Well done boy, you composed well, what is your name?
  The teenager bowed and replied:
  - Peacock!
  Agripina nodded.
  - I, as a sign of special favor to you, allow you to make a tattoo as if you have as many as three walkers per zone.
  The boy spread his hands.
  - I, oh great, never stomped the zone. Wasn't even in a box .
  Agripina nodded.
  - It's a pity! But don't worry, you'll stomp more, I'll arrange it for you. And before that, they will give you a tattoo so that you enjoy authority in a youngster .
  A boy of fourteen, of course, did not want to go to the zone. But he was afraid to argue, realizing that it would only get worse. And bowed in gratitude.
  The woman head of the mafia ordered:
  - Now sing, something thieves!
  . CHAPTER #10
  Vitalik and Albina were already in the laboratory. And a lot of things awaited them. In particular, the girl asked if the genius boy could restore iPhones , smartphones and cell phones damaged by the virus?
  Vitalik quite logically remarked:
  - The very last fool on Earth is capable of killing a man. But so far, even the greatest genius is not able to resurrect. Breaking electronics is much easier than restoring. So, while I myself do not know how to restore here. The hypervirus , pumped up by gravitons, turned out to be very strong. If I had not limited it in time, then the electronics on the entire planet would have been damaged, and not a single whole computer would have remained on earth.
  Albina remarked with relief:
  - It's good that the destructive process has not reached laptops. And that would be bad for us!
  Vitalik remarked:
  - I've been making my own model of a wireless laptop with enormous capabilities for a long time. We can use it to download money from all banks and cards in the world.
  The girl whistled and cooed with a sad look:
  - You're, and in fact, has become a real criminal. Now you will have no mercy!
  The genius boy sang:
  - But to be honest,
  From the cradle I was very bad ...
  You say it can't be
  However, this is very true!
  Albina noted with a sigh:
  - And I can be imprisoned for complicity in your antics. Is not it?
  Vitalik replied:
  "Maybe you'll denounce me and they'll forgive you?" And then they will also be held accountable for not informing about the crime.
  The girl-hero resolutely declared:
  - No! I will never betray you. If necessary, I will go to the bench with you!
  The boy genius remarked:
  - Sooner or later the FSB and the police will get to the bottom of me. So I have one choice, either behind bars, or even to death, or power over the world!
  Albina grinned and noted:
  - Power over the world! This is good! The emperor of the planet, the emperor of the Earth, who had no equal ! Genghis Khan in shorts!
  Vitalik caught the irony in the girl's last words and remarked with an evil smirk:
  - Genghis Khan did not conquer the whole world. He didn't even have half the world underneath him. And I have no choice but to fight for world domination.
  The girl-hero seriously asked:
  - And what's your plan?
  Vitalik said with a smile:
  - Create a telepathic device that would spread my orders to almost all over the world. Theoretically, it is possible to make a station with special waves. Not ultra-short and long, but such a range to cover the entire planet. And give orders to all mankind by the power of thought.
  Albina remarked:
  - To create special waves, and even for the human brain, I think it will be very difficult. And it will take a lot of time. If so, it's actually possible. Some believe that telepathy is generally a fiction, and Wolf Messing and others like him are just magicians. Whether it is ventriloquism, or the person is prodding, or a very keen ear distinguishes between clues and articulation.
  Vitalik shrugged.
  - The human brain is as material as the computer. If cybernetic viruses affect electronics, then biological viruses can affect the material brain and force a person to obey. Hypnotists, moreover, of considerable power, after all, really exist, and they are even shown on TV. So it might be an impact. And not only by word and look, but also
  with the help of a wave, or hyperwave .
  The hero girl asked:
  - And how is that?
  Vitalik nodded.
  - I had an idea for a long time to create special hypershort waves that could gain speed above the speed of light, at least a thousand times. After all, if gravitons can be ten trillion times faster than a photon, then you can create a hybrid photon that would move much faster. And he could instantly reach any point on the globe. Theoretically, such a wave is capable of destroying all electronic products on planet Earth, or, for example, subjugate me. The boy took off his sneakers and angrily stamped his heel. "This means that a hyper-short wave of great power can create a raptor zone in the brains of all people. This effect is much stronger than hypnosis. And no one can then resist any of my commands!
  Albina nodded with a smile.
  - Good idea! But he burned people all smartphones, iPhones and cell phones, as well as some of the tablets and laptops. Plus, the information in the database of the police and the FSB also burned down, the virus turned out to be so destructive. And suddenly, you will make real clinical idiots out of people. You know, it's easier to destroy than to restore. And if you burn people's memory, how will you restore it?
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  - Yes, of course, here you need not to rush, and do everything right. And to test on individual people before putting it into mass circulation. In this regard, hurry up - you will make people laugh!
  The hero girl asked:
  -What are you going to do now?
  The genius boy nodded.
  - Work, and you will help me! I think the police and the FSB won't bother me for now. No one would ever imagine what a teenager did. And then, when I'm ready, then ... No forces will stop me.
  And the terminator boy set to work. And together with him, the hero girl also took up the matter.
  Work began on the creation of a very powerful weapon. Moreover, as against electronics, it is also for subjugating people.
  And for this, it was necessary to order both materials and various spare parts.
  Several times Vitalik left the laboratory and bought something, and then returned with whole bags of various devices and spare parts.
  So it was already past midnight, and the boy-genius, exhausted and tired, fell asleep in the armchair. Dozed off on a leather sofa and Albina.
  And the girl dreamed something interesting;
  Here she is picking berries in the forest. It's almost like a forest. Unless there are trees resembling violins stuck into the bottom of the trunk. But this is also interesting.
  Albina ran her hand along such a string. There was a creak, and then a dwarf appeared.
  The girl squeaked:
  - Wow!
  The dwarf was as tall as a squirrel, quite small. But at the same time, he held a magic wand in his hands.
  He looked at a tall, barefoot girl in a simple white peasant dress and asked:
  - What do you want, girl?
  Albina blurted out:
  - I want to become the Empress of all Russia!
  The gnome chuckled and muttered:
  - Oh, that's what you want! Good ambition!
  The girl nodded.
  - And if the whole world, then even better!
  The gnome whistled:
  - That's how? Do you remember the story about the old man and the old woman and the golden fish?
  Albina was offended:
  - I'm not old at all. I am only fifteen years old.
  The little man with the cap nodded and asked:
  - Did you finish school?
  The girl answered with a sigh:
  - Not yet!
  The dwarf nodded his cap again:
  - And you want to rule the world?
  Albina remarked:
  - I have a boyfriend. He is a real genius. Let him be the emperor, and I the empress.
  The gnome asked:
  - Also a boy?
  The hero girl nodded.
  - Yes, boy. But such a great genius that he has never been equal in the history of mankind.
  The little man nodded.
  - Yes I know! He broke such firewood in history, cooler than Genghis Khan. And it will hurt even more if you don't stop it.
  Albina logically noted:
  - It's better for the planet to have one big dictator for all than two hundred smaller despots in different countries!
  The gnome nodded.
  - Maybe! One king, at least, will not steal from himself, and will not allow a nuclear war between states to unleash, which will destroy the entire Earth.
  The heroic girl agreed:
  - You see, you understand. So give us power over planet Earth!
  The little man in the cap remarked:
  "It requires a lot, or rather, a huge magical power. And I'm just a little gnome. Only the highest Demiurge Gods can give you such power.
  Albina muttered:
  - So lead us to these Gods.
  The gnome remarked:
  - It's a long road to them, girl. And not the fact that they will fulfill your request. World power must be worthy. And you, just playful teenagers who haven't finished school yet. How can you give such a colossal responsibility ?
  The girl took a deep breath and replied:
  - Don't know! But no one is better than us. And Vitaly Akulov is such a genius. I'm sure he can use his power over the planet for good. And lead mankind to the stars.
  The gnome nodded.
  - For now, I'll fly to the mirror of truth, and I'll take a closer look at what Vitaly Akulov is like . And you, pick bigger and sweeter berries to treat me!
  Albina nodded.
  - It's coming! I will do so.
  After that, the gnome waved his wand and disappeared.
  And a barefoot, beautiful girl in a simple peasant dress began to pick berries. She did this with her tender, but at the same time, long and graceful fingers.
  Then she tried to pluck the berries with bare girlish feet. But it is more difficult and inconvenient.
  The girl worked and sang cheerfully:
  Beckoned me into the distance...
  Until the dawn of autumn
  Waiting in gold...
  How did these sparkle?
  Sparks at dawn
  Ah, what a sweet raspberry!
  The girl was picking berries in a basket. Moreover, not raspberries, but something like strawberries, only brighter, and looking like rosebuds. Yes, this is a beautiful berry.
  The girl thought, why does she need power over the world? So many worries and troubles, not a single moment free. And although millions bless you, but millions curse you! And most importantly, with any practical decision, there are victims and dissatisfied.
  For example, what about alcohol? On the one hand, it is harmful, but on the other hand, for many people, vodka is the only joy in life! Even though she is bitter and nasty.
  Albina, of course, has seen a lot in her life, but vodka tastes so disgusting that it is impossible to understand adults who drink such disgusting things. However, a cigarette is even more disgusting, and many girls smoke. They say they want to be slimmer.
  But Albina is a fleshy, muscular girl, like a thoroughbred horse. Why would she be skinny? And it suits her just fine.
  Really, what, the girl should be a skeleton? And at the same time she has no fat, only muscles!
  The girl picked berries, and sang again:
  Kalinka, Kalinka, my Kalinka,
  My raspberry, my raspberry!
  I collected a whole bag of raspberries,
  And from this weight tore the barrel!
  After that, how to take and laugh. Yes, this looks extremely funny.
  And she also wanted some guy to stroke her strong, muscular legs. And it was nice, like a cat.
  The gnome has finally arrived. And the basket was already full. She brought the dwarf. A very beautiful, but small girl with wings appeared next to him.
  She shook her magic wand, sparks flew out of it, and chirped:
  - Hello, honey!
  Albina nodded.
  - Hello! And who are you?
  The winged girl replied:
  - I'm a fairy!
  The heroic girl nodded.
  - I thought so! So how about Peter Pan ?
  The fairy shook her head.
  - No! I am different! But also very strong, and I can give you the ability to fly. Or eternal youth!
  Albina whistled:
  - Eternal youth is great, but what about the power over the world?
  The fairy smiled and replied:
  - And you will be queen?
  The girl corrected
  - Empress!
  The fairy shrugged.
  - It's hard to achieve. Better ask for eternal youth. This is what more than anything else, more than power, women have wanted at all times.
  Albina nodded.
  - Fine! From you I will take eternal youth. And I will ask other fairies or wizards for power over the world!
  The fairy fluttered her wings and remarked:
  - You still have to earn eternal youth. For example, what can you do?
  The girl, proudly straightening her back, said:
  - I have a black belt in Taekwondo! And I helped Vitalik to do real miracles.
  The fairy nodded with a smile, asking:
  - What do you prefer, a duel with swords, or an intellectual fight?
  Albina shrugged her shoulders and answered:
  - To fight with swords, this is Kendo! I only know him like that, indulging. Even though she's a smart warrior. And at the expense of intelligence, not a fool! So, ready for both!
  The fairy grinned and remarked:
  - How about a fight with a goosebump ninja on swords?
  The girl scratched the top of her head and remarked:
  - Ninja-Goosebump, sounds somehow menacing! Not very willing to get in touch. Can it be better to measure intelligence?
  Fairy said:
  - And if with ninja goosebumps not on swords, but with bare arms and legs?
  Albina nodded.
  - In battle, I'm a beast! Quite ready to fight, even with goosebumps, if without weapons!
  The fairy with wings nodded.
  - Come on, then fight!
  And the little sorceress waved her wand. And a very fighting ninja appeared in front of the girl. More precisely, he was a head shorter than Albina in size. And he really looked like an ant, only in a mask. And he immediately has six limbs in which he holds swords and daggers.
  Fairy chirped:
  - Put down your weapon! Let's fight with bare hands!
  The Goosebump Ninja put down his swords and daggers, while remarking:
  - It is inconvenient somehow for a famous warrior to fight with a barefoot girl!
  The fairy nodded in agreement.
  - I understand! But this girl wants to be forever young and beautiful. And just like that, nothing in this world, and in any other, can not be obtained. So next to that, she has to beat you and, of course, answer three questions.
  Albina said with resentment:
  - What, I still have to answer questions?
  The fairy nodded with a smile.
  - Certainly! But after all, you will not only gain eternal youth, but also ... If something is cut off from you, then it will all be restored with ease. And no one can ever hurt you. And that's already cool.
  Albina agreed:
  - Yeah cool. For this, you can sweat.
  The winged sorceress explained the rules of combat:
  - You will have six rounds. Knockout, as in classic, professional boxing. When knocked down, until the referee counts, move to the corner. In the event that no one is knocked out in six rounds, victory will be determined by points.
  Goosebump Ninja remarked:
  - Then it's better to have twelve rounds at once, like the professionals! Let's fight for real and for real!
  The fairy nodded her head.
  - Maybe twelve! But I hope there will be a knockout!
  And waved her magic wand again.
  There was immediately a ring with ropes, and the referee - a girl in a tracksuit.
  Albina took off her peasant dress so that it would not interfere with the fight.
  After that, she remained only in one bikini. Her muscles were visible now very well. They are so embossed, and the girl herself is beautiful, and a delightful blonde.
  She, I must say, is generally simply unthinkable magnificent charm.
  And the face and, at the same time, tender, almost childlike, the girl, but with a courageous chin.
  Both fighters bowed to each other. The gong sounded and the signal to start the battle.
  Albina was already a sophisticated fighter, who had been engaged in martial arts since the age of three. And she saw that the enemy was inferior in height, and even more in the length of the limbs, well, what can you take from an ant.
  However, ants are very strong and agile insects. And they should be kept at a distance.
  And the girl with her bare foot loaded the ninja ant into the stomach. And he, having received a blow, stopped. Then he rushed to Albina.
  The hero girl met him with a blow from her bare shin. The insect ninja was covered with a chitinous shell and, therefore, the strong blows of the trained girl had practically no effect on him.
  Albina stopped the ninja goosebumps several times with kicks in the attack, and also held a triple with her fists in the head. And so far, she hasn't let herself get caught.
  The first round ended, and both opponents went to the corners.
  The fairy remarked with a smile:
  - Something you let her beat you!?
  Ninja Goosebump replied:
  - I'm just looking at her!
  The gong sounded, and again the fighters began to approach. And then the goosebump ninja suddenly accelerated sharply and kicked Albina in the chest with his paws. The girl flew off her feet. She fell on her back, and her bare heels flashed in the air.
  The referee began to count the knockdown. Albina, however, immediately jumped up. And rushed to recoup with fury. Her bare, tanned, muscular legs twirled like a propeller.
  But the goosebump ninja took them with his paws on the block. Repelled attacks. And then it accelerated sharply. And again his paws hit the girl on the stomach and chest. Leaving bruises and abrasions. And then a headbutt in the nose. And flowed down the face of Albina Yushka. And the girl herself fell.
  The truth rose, but the judge still began to count the knockdown.
  Yes, Albina's affairs were unimportant.
  The fairy chirped, waving her magic wand:
  - Well done goosebump ninja! You seized the initiative!
  The ninja fighter accelerated again. And again knocked down Albina. He hit her quite hard, and the girl fell and jumped, fighting back.
  Goosebump Ninja hissed:
  - Whether you are on horseback, whether you are on foot,
  Superchampion ...
  The goblin will run over you,
  Ratyu millionth!
  Albina rushed to recoup, but stumbled upon strong blocks. And her attack was repulsed. And the sharp end of the paw hit the girl on the bare sole, which caused a blister to swell.
  The gong sounded to end the round.
  The girl, limping and staggering, retreated to her corner. Yes, she was beaten well and hard.
  Albina flopped into a chair. And she breathed heavily. Hmmm , she never had such an opponent. And the enemy is not a man, but a ninja ant. Which is very serious.
  Here is the gong again and a new round!
  Albina again tries to get kicks. But the enemy, being an insect, is faster than a man. And here he again breaks through with short paws, grabs the girl by the bare foot and pulls her, throwing her like a doll.
  Albina rises, but again a hard blow follows her right in the chest. And there are bruises, the girl falls.
  He gets up and gets punched in the face again. And that, too, is painful.
  Albina felt a bruise swelling under her eye. Yes , the duel turned out to be very difficult.
  The ninja turtle clearly dominates and leads on points. And again he charged the girl with a pretty face.
  Albina fell, and the gong signal announced the end of the round.
  The girl has literally crawled into her corner.
  The fairy flew up to her and asked:
  Do you understand why you lose?
  Albina answered with a sigh:
  Because it's an insect!
  The fairy nodded and asked:
  - Do you want to become twice as fast?
  The girl confirmed:
  - Of course I do!
  The winged girl said:
  - Answer the question correctly. And then you will be really good!
  Albina replied with a smile:
  - Well, I'm ready!
  Fairy chirped:
  - Why does God have many days!?
  The heroic girl widened her eyes and muttered:
  - Nu and question? I didn't understand its meaning.
  The fairy said decisively:
  - And you don't need to understand the meaning. You just take it and answer as you can and understand!
  Albina grinned, and then, feeling inspired, said:
  - Because God could do a lot of days!
  The magical girl nodded.
  - Well done! This time she answered correctly. And your speed has doubled.
  The fairy waved her magic wand. And, indeed, Albina's muscles filled with phenomenal strength.
  And so she went into battle. And her bare feet flashed. And then the blow fell in the stomach of the goosebump ninja. Even herself, the trained Albina, appreciated the speed and strength with which this blow was dealt and the concussion that pierced her.
  Albina grunted with rage:
  - Get a fascist grenade,
  Sing a serenade!
  Goosebump Ninja tried to attack her. But now Albina's legs, which had become faster, managed to meet him. And they hit the chitinous shell.
  It was clear that the goosebumps were uncomfortable with these blows, but they did not cause serious damage to him. And the girl beat, but she was ahead of the enemy, and now she was already leading on points. More precisely, this round was left for her.
  In the end, Albina even made a low kick and knocked down her counterpart.
  They parted in the corners, and already the ninja-goosebumps looked rumpled.
  The fairy again flew up to the hero girl and noted:
  "Now you're doing pretty well." But you want to double your speed and strength again?
  Albina nodded in agreement.
  - Of course I do! What should be done?
  The magical girl said with a smirk:
  - Answer one more question.
  The heroic girl confidently answered:
  - I'm ready!
  The fairy cooed:
  - Why is it frosty in winter, pinching children's noses!
  Albina grinned and replied:
  - That's the question! But it is meaningless and allows a lot of answers.
  The magical girl replied:
  - And this is just for humor. Here try, give the answer witty.
  The hero girl issued:
  "Because it"s cold in winter, it pinches the nose of the kids, because it"s not old enough to chop off the nose from the roots!"
  The fairy nodded.
  - Yes . that can be counted! And your speed and strength will now double again.
  And the magical girl shook her magic wand.
  And Albina felt a new, incredible surge of strength and energy.
  She ran into the ring with a rage. And pounced on the goosebump ninja.
  And let's beat him. What is not a blow, as if beaten with a sledgehammer. And the insect fighter began to fall and fall very hard.
  Albina beat the enemy, and he fell and with difficulty, but got up. However, the whole round was dictated by the girl.
  Then she proudly jumped back into the corner.
  The fairy asked with a smile:
  - Want more doubling speed and strength?
  Albina nodded.
  - OK! Let's!
  The magical girl asked the riddle again:
  - From what and why, wolves howl at the moon!
  Albina laughed and answered confidently:
  - Wolves howl because they can't eat the moon!
  Fairy said with a smile:
  - You really are a genius. I think a lot to get worthy!
  And the magical girl twirled her magic wand again.
  Albina literally flew up into the air. So much now it has become incredible strength and energy.
  And so she rushed at the goosebump ninja. And so she moved his bare, round heel to the chin. And the insect fighter fell into a knockout.
  The referee counted to ten and announced:
  - The fighter Albina won by knockout! Well done!
  She raised her hand to the girl.
  Albina sang:
  - The girl is not even afraid of death,
  Her horde is not afraid of any ...
  A woman will fight heroically with the enemy,
  And even when dying, he will win!
  The fairy solemnly announced:
  - Since Albina defeated a powerful fighter and answered correctly and, most importantly, witty to all three riddles, she is granted eternal youth and absolute tissue regeneration.
  And the magical girl made a figure eight with a magic wand. And then a miracle happened, Albina gained actual immortality.
  And the heroic girl sang:
  Nothing on Earth goes unnoticed
  And the youth that is gone is still immortal ...
  How young we were,
  How sincerely loved!
  The peaks were conquered
  To spite the storm of fate!
  . CHAPTER #11
  Godmother Agripina, meanwhile, listened to a fresh report aimed at verifying the information of the karateka.
  The mood of the mafia leader was quite good. She earned a lot on the supply of electronics from China. In addition, she managed to rip off insurance for damaged smartphones, iPhones and cell phones.
  So the mafia even won from a cyberattack . Moreover, the data in the computer databases about all the criminals burned down, which also plays into the hands of the mafia. And it's easier to get your accomplices out of prison.
  So Agripina was satisfied. Although, the official authorities suspected that this was not her handiwork? But so far she has not risked opening a front against the mafia.
  Moreover, the information from the fighter who checked the information on the red harpy was interesting.
  Fighter Girl said:
  - There was no man in a black mask and cloak. She was beaten by just a little boy who looked no more than twelve years old.
  Agripina giggled and looked at the karateka in disbelief:
  - What? Are you serious?
  The girl confirmed:
  - I interviewed a dozen boys and girls. True, the videos of the battle on smartphones have not been preserved, but a computer virus cannot erase human memory!
  The blonde boss giggled and bellowed.
  - That's such a small talent! So, has the boy's identity been established?
  The girl nodded.
  - He has been in this section for a long time. His name is Vitaly Akulov. There is no patronymic, since he grew up without a father. But his girlfriend Albina Korshunova is with him. He is also a very strong fighter and a black belt in karate.
  Agripina asked with a smile:
  - Also a little girl?
  - No, it's big. Although, they are both fifteen years old. It's even funny - a big girl and a short boy , but very fast and strong.
  A female mafia boss remarked:
  - They should be delivered to me.
  Several militants clicked their guns:
  - It will be fulfilled, oh great!
  Agripina suddenly changed her mind:
  -No! No need. It is better to arrange for them secret, but professional surveillance, and find out absolutely everything. Then report back to me. Intuition tells us that these are not ordinary teenagers at all.
  The karate girl nodded.
  - Yes, that's right. The boy does not study very well, skips school, but sometimes he amazes with his knowledge, and said that humanity needs to be saved.
  Agripina nodded.
  - Especially. Check this couple carefully, and especially the boy. Only imperceptibly. Is his surname Akulov? This, I must say, is very symbolic.
  After that, the mafia boss began to give new orders. Controlling the octopus took a lot of time. And here, I must say, on both sides the power is very great, both the mafia and money.
  And the official government uses the mafia for their own purposes. Especially in the fight against the opposition. Sometimes there are unexpected deaths.
  Agripina is about to turn thirty-seven years old. And big shots from all over the world will secretly gather for her birthday. The ministers will also be present. Yes, she is the queen of the underworld in Russia, and her power cannot be accurately measured. Of course, those who want to challenge the throne are full - full. She is both young and a woman, and very cruel. And here many old thieves in law and young authorities are unhappy with her.
  But Agripina firmly holds power in her hands. But she was very interested in this teenager. Maybe he was involved in a cyber attack of unprecedented proportions.
  True, it was not believed that a teenager could do something like this, but Agripina herself, in her teens, did what adults could not do. So...
  But it's too early to draw conclusions. Others have problems. In particular, why not buy herself a couple of Picasso paintings. She loves when the images are non-standard and a little crazy. Yes, and Picasso is considered almost the best artist of all times and peoples.
  Although, someone blurted out that, perhaps, a little daughter draws better.
  By the way, Agripina did not want to bear the child herself and give birth, which spoils the figure and hurts. And she chose a surrogate mother for herself, ordering twins.
  Naturally, the male donor was chosen both physically and intellectually as gifted as possible. And the surrogate mother was a major Olympic champion on a special diet.
  So Agripina had a couple: a boy and a girl. They are still small, but they are already trained by special ninja mentors and taught to kill and fight.
  The children of the mafia boss must become superhuman and continue the work of their mother. Let them until on four years just. And they have already personally killed people, and were present during torture, and even tortured themselves.
  Here is a pair of monsters growing in Agripina. This woman is a beast! And her children will be superbeasts ...
  The godmother of the mafia decided to have some fun. So far, pretty harmless. She picked up a whip and began to flog two beautiful, muscular teenagers in turn on their bare backs. It's still nothing to worry about.
  Although, the skin immediately burst and blood poured. Yes, she loves blood.
  And it turns her on.
  Agripina even drank blood along with milk for infants. Blood was drained from physically strong, healthy teenage boys, and sometimes small children. Agripina believed that she was so rejuvenated.
  Here she is such a vixen , hyperharpy ! It is not necessary, of course, to kill, you can just draw from everyone. Moreover, often drinking blood is harmful to health. It also contains various enzymes.
  Agripina lay down on the sofa, and two handsome young men began to massage her back. Two more handsome youths took up their bare soles and feet.
  The young woman purred with pleasure. And so far, she's been doing really well. And she called her branches. For example, for the second year there has been a war between Russia and Ukraine, which is a great tragedy and a lot of blood. And the mafia makes a lot of money on it. And, of course, no one wants peace. And the Russian mafia does business on this, and the American one. As they say: the hand washes the hand. And a lot of things are spinning and supplied during the war.
  Criminal clans here earn very colossal money, and ordinary people are at a loss.
  Agripina chirped with a smile, baring her very large teeth:
  Make money, make money
  Forget about sorrow and laziness!
  Make money, make money
  The rest is all rubbish!
  The rest is all rubbish!
  The young woman smiled. She remembered one of her exploits. When she robbed the apartment, and then she forgot to bring gloves with her. Realizing that she left a lot of her prints, Agripina took and opened all the gas taps, and then started a fire. Half of the nine-story building burned down. Three people were killed, more than ten received severe burns.
  This is how she covered her tracks in a barbaric way. And killing people, she experienced excitement and pleasure. She so enjoyed inflicting pain. Especially cute boys. In particular, breaking their toes. Even though it's cruel. True, then the bones grow together, but the knuckles ache for a long time.
  And in general, violence attracted Agripina. What about higher powers?
  She believed that higher powers love her, and love evil. And she did not believe in the Bible, and considered it a fairy tale for fools, on which money and politics are made.
  Indeed, if there is a God, then he most likely loves evil and destruction.
  Look at the history of mankind. Cruel and bloody rulers were, as a rule, more successful. For example, Genghis Khan, the most successful ruler and conqueror of all times and peoples, was very cruel, but at the same time he could neither read nor write. Tamerlane is also extremely cruel, and even built a tower of one hundred thousand severed heads. The most successful conqueror in the Ottoman Empire, S Elim, was also distinguished by extreme bloodthirstiness and cruelty. So in Russia the most cruel tsars: Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Joseph Stalin were the most cruel. As Batu Khan said , he is a great ruler and must be cruel.
  Hitler was also cruel, who achieved considerable success at the initial stage of his reign.
  Yes, and Napoleon Bonaparte is not at all a model of humanity. It seems that Ekaterina Vtoraya was not considered cruel, but she was a whore. And Peter the Great personally chopped off the heads of archers and tortured people.
  And in general, which of the greats was not cruel? Magomed, for example, having captured the city, ordered the killing of six hundred Jews. And his successors fought even more cruel and bloody wars. Even Jesus Christ said:
  I brought not peace, but a sword! And some of his statements liked to quote the inquisitors. For example: - Somebody is not with Me, that one is against Me. So everyone bled. Perhaps only one Buddha was a man of genuine kindness and an opponent of violence, and did not claim to be exclusive.
  Agripina, therefore, sincerely believed that it was necessary to show cruelty and be merciless to enemies, and to friends too. It is possible that Stalin ended up in the Twentieth Congress because he did not manage to shoot the old team in time.
  Agripina smiled. And she pinched the young man for the relief press. He bowed and said:
  - Thank you, ma'am!
  Then she remembered and asked the secretary:
  - And that boy, whom I awarded the first walker, is already in jail, or what?
  The secretary nodded.
  Yes, he's already under arrest. How old should he be given?
  Agripina asked:
  - How old is he?
  The secretary replied:
  - Fourteen!
  Agripina muttered:
  - Three years of a youngster's colony will be enough for him. Let him be respected.
  The secretary nodded.
  - Yes, he is a strong boy and knows how to stand up for himself. And he has a special tattoo that will ensure respect and authority.
  The young woman sincerely stated:
  - I'm still very kind. Gave such a start to a criminal career. But this boy has to work. Deliver him to me in the evening, let him entertain me for a good deed.
  The secretary nodded.
  - Listen, great!
  Agripina sang ironically:
  Russian mafia, what have you done
  Russian mafia, you ruined me!
  Russian mafia, a century goes to school,
  Good in the wild, hard in the zone!
  And the young woman demanded more black game and pufferfish liver. This is such a Japanese poisonous fish. And her liver is a very sophisticated delicacy, although the most poisonous part.
  Agripina called the girls. Those arrived at the eyes of the great crime queen.
  The head of the mafia growled:
  - Dance and sing!
  The girls began to dance, singing:
  Fairy tale world can be evil
  After all, magic is also two-faced!
  Everything seems to be good young
  I want the truth, live in honor famously!
  But somewhere a troll weaves a network,
  An evil ghoul is setting traps!
  We're going on a long hike
  They are waiting for us to be tested, not toys!
  Maybe the moss is terribly prickly,
  Well, a water lily instead of a trap!
  Blood sobbing tears from the clouds,
  Instead of the moon, the blades shine like a corsair!
  But my friend, a fair elf,
  The curls of a friend shine with gold!
  The fairy said - boy, don't drift ,
  And stretched out tender hands!
  Gave the elf friend a sword lesson,
  Lunge, rebound, variable poses!
  So that the trunk of life in evil does not shrink,
  You give the sorceress two roses!
  The dwarf blacksmith forged a saber,
  He tells me, smiling with a smirk;
  Do you want a glorious end in the battle,
  It is necessary to be friends with physical culture ardently!
  Merged forty streams in training,
  And, finally, damask steel became obedient to me!
  You cut first from the tree of knots,
  Well, then you will become a noble warrior!
  Here is the battle, I am with the elves,
  Trolls, and ghouls roar with them!
  But for me the army is a family,
  And there is no desire to shirk in a fight!
  I remember the movements, the lunge of the blade,
  The evil ghoul choked crimson !
  We gave the creatures a strong blade,
  We will build a world, clean and new!
  The girls sang very beautifully and with feeling. Agripina, however, was not satisfied. It seemed to her that there was little drama, and she firmly ordered:
  - Coal under their feet!
  Young men with baskets appeared immediately. They had smoldering flames.
  They knew that the cruel Agripina liked to fry girls' bare soles.
  And let's throw under the feet of the girls who went without shoes, because there is less noise, and it is more convenient to fry the heels.
  The girls stepped on their bare soles and screamed, but continued to dance.
  Agripina remarked with a smile:
  - That's what I didn't like in the movie "Treasure Island" that the cabin girl never got her heels fried. And it would be really funny, too.
  Yes, the smell of burnt skin is very appetizing. Especially if it is the delicate skin of young, beautiful, healthy girls. This is just adorable.
  Agripina sang:
  The tongues of the fire lick our heels,
  Why is it so disliked by the untouchables...
  Knife and ax workers
  Romantics from the main road!
  And again he will take and laugh. Yes, she has a happy life. I remember that somehow the teacher gave her a bad luck for her behavior. Agripina nailed her hands and feet to an oak door for this. And then she burned all the hair on the woman's head.
  Yes, she was such a schoolgirl. Just a white devil! It is the Devil with a capital letter!
  No wonder the criminal authorities of Russia, and some countries of the world, obeyed her.
  Who wants to be associated with such a thing. Especially if the government is afraid of it. Times were tough when she was a child. And it's like she was born for the underworld.
  And he loves to kill, and even more to mock and torment. How, for example, she tortured girl prisoners in a juvenile colony , as well as male guards if they did not give joints.
  Yes, she loved to show her power. And make people dumb.
  Here is one beautiful prisoner girl who was too independent.
  Agripina dripped hydrochloric acid on her bare, girlish soles. And it hurts a lot.
  Yes, such as the godmother of the mafia, nothing can stop. Is that a sniper's bullet. Yes, and shot at Agripina, and more than once. But, unfortunately, all by!
  However, which of the mafia bosses was humane? Crime is crime.
  Agripina issued several more orders of various kinds. Then I looked at a brief summary of the news. The State Duma discussed a cyberattack . And demanded blood and war. And again, these laws, when they impose punishments, there is nowhere else to go. It is also surprising that the number of prisoners is declining. Although no, it began to grow. And the situation in the country is getting worse.
  Another piece of news: Taliban attack on Russian troops in Tajikistan. Indeed, provocations were expected there for a long time. The Taliban understand that if they attack Russia, only when her hands are tied. And here, there is also a cyberattack , which showed another weakness of the authorities.
  Next year, in March, the presidential elections in Russia. Agripina thought, why shouldn't she herself fight for the chair of the actual king? A young and energetic mafia boss could play the role of another savior.
  And now in Russia, in fact, the problems in the economy have become aggravated, and the Caucasus is again agitated, and the price of oil and gas is falling. Yes, and China is no longer against revising the borders with Russia. Like, you guys have no way out, but you already have a lot of land, come on, share it.
  And most importantly, the situation is getting worse and worse every month. As if the powers of hell had awakened.
  Agripina knew the history of the whole world well. There is some kind of almost physical and mythical force that is crushing all empires. Look at history - all empires, without any exceptions, were destroyed. Including the gigantic British, Spanish, Portuguese, and before that the Roman Empire. How the power of Alexander the Great, and the Persian kingdom, and the Arab Caliphate collapsed. The Ottoman Empire also collapsed, and not only it, of course. The largest empire of the Mongols, led by Genghis Khan, collapsed into oblivion.
  First split into several parts.
  And Tamerlane's empire ceased to exist almost immediately after the death of this commander. And there are plenty of such examples .
  The Russian Empire was no exception. First, it was crushed under Nicholas II , because of which the control system was changed. Then under Gorbachev.
  And these are the two most catastrophes of the Russian empire. And now the third collapse is rapidly approaching, in which Russia can be reduced to the size of the Moscow principality.
  And only such a strong, young and aggressive woman as Agripina can save the empire. And the rest are all weaklings , both literally and figuratively.
  It's time to change kings. Otherwise it will be very late. Agripina thought she might have won. Although, at the moment it is little known to the people. In fact, all sorts of shows and cheap artists are not for her. She's fourth . invisible , invisible, but at the same time, real power. And it can turn mountains and necks.
  Moreover, the number of competitors is small and rapidly declining.
  The most important one, who is already on the throne, has grown old, decrepit and has lost the trust and love of the people. The rest are even weaker and worse.
  Some are in prison, others have received foreign citizenship, and some are already too old to claim much.
  And new, young stars are not visible. It is less than a year before the presidential elections, and in society and in the media they are somehow not even discussed. Apathy reigns, disbelief that it will get better, and some kind of sleepy mood. At the same time , there is also a hidden thirst for change in society. And a longing for freedom.
  And who is Agripina? She is the biggest bandit! And since she is a bandit of bandits, then she also has an indefatigable craving for freedom.
  As they say, a portrait of a dictator and a rebel. And then, and at the same time, both of them.
  As, in particular, Stenka Razin, who was at the same time a rebel, and at the same time, could, in case of victory, become a bloody despot. Or maybe Stenka Razin would have become a great conqueror.
  Here, in fact, any option is possible.
  Agripina liked Stenka Razin. And she even ordered to make a monument to him on the Don.
  It would also be possible to erect monuments to itself. After all, she is a woman with a great imagination, and in some ways the terminator is not seen and unheard of.
  Even generals tremble before her.
  She may well grab the minister or the mayor by the nose with her fingers and squeeze it so that it turns out to be a drain. And he will only grunt and ask for forgiveness.
  But still, her power is not absolute and invisible. There are only rumors in Moscow about a monstrous white she-devil. And she wanted her portraits to hang everywhere, and people fell to their knees. And kissed the prints of her soles.
  The young female boss sang:
  - To make everyone tremble!
  To make everyone tremble!
  To be respected!
  Here, for example, thousands of children walk around Moscow with her portraits, and sing songs about the ingenious she-devil.
  Or maybe even establish your own religion? For example, as if Agripina is a bodily embodiment of the Creator of the Universe? Which would be cool. And science would make her immortal.
  And now imagine the power over the planet Earth. Flight to the Moon, where her portrait is painted with paints. This one, in color, and very bright, capable of blowing the roof off lunatics.
  And then on to Mars. And to all the planets of the solar system without exception. And then flying to the stars. Building a space empire, and the starships are so huge, the size of a whole Jupiter, which was very cool, and as hell.
  And comic battles. When a trillion starships on one side, and a trillion on the other. And individual flagship battleships carry billions of cannons capable of erasing an entire star system with one salvo.
  Then she Agripina shook her strong, muscular body and sang enthusiastically:
  Queen of rock and roll
  Queen of rock and roll - I don"t dream of being Queen of the screen Queen of the screen - I don"t want to
  be bare, round heels.
  I will not dissemble, I want to rule, But not a machine rusting o yu ,
  But a whole power !
  Agripina also cheerfully and energetically imitated in her provocative style: In the clouds of girlish dreams I no longer fly
  Beauty queen will not be chosen now
  I will become just a queen I will become just a queen - I think thisAtamanche in our time
  And again the rest of the girls began to jump up and tap dance with their bare feet, singing
  I will not dissemble
  , I want to rule, But I am not rusty with a machine ,
  but with a whole power !
  After such a song, and in fact, such a tangible and unique energy manifests itself in you.
  Agripina picked up the dagger in her bare toes and hurled it sharply. She hit the young man in the leg, and with such force that she literally nailed it to the oak wall.
  The boy screamed in pain.
  Agripina sang with a laugh:
  We don't want to live differently
  We don't want to live differently!
  We are walking on the edge! We are walking on the edge!
  We walk along the edge of our native land!
  After that, the chieftain jumped up to the wounded teenager and butted him with her head in the face.
  The boy lost consciousness and fell silent.
  Agripina growled angrily:
  - Throw it to crocodile food!
  The young man was torn off the wall and dragged to the zoo, where predatory creatures lived. And crocodiles, and other types of living creatures.
  The godmother sang:
  - Well done, well done
  Showed strength!
  Being friends with her is like playing with a crocodile!
  The female mafia boss was in a very combative mood.
  She wanted to fight for real!
  And she took and banged on the trash can. She flew up and knocked down three boys and a girl at once.
  They hit at once, like skittles from a ball thrown by a skillful hand.
  Agripina hissed:
  No mercy, no mercy, no mercy for the enemy
  I have cut all the boys and girls in peas
  implants in her tongue , which allowed her to release poison if something happened.
  And kill any man with a kiss.
  Agripina thought that if she was elected president of Russia, she would change the constitution and be crowned, establishing a monarchy.
  And it will be much cooler and better. And her crown will be the largest and most expensive in the world.
  And there will be so many different kinds of diamonds and jewelry on it. Whole bunches of everything. She will steal the crown from the British king. And others
  monarchies too. Here in Spain there is, for example, a king. By the way, there are eleven monarchies in Europe, and only three in Africa. And that also says something.
  She has children, so there is someone to transfer the throne to. And she can, if anything, turn the whole world around. Since the mafia is power!
  Agripina took it and, without thinking twice, grabbed the metal ball with her bare toes. She really wanted to gouge out one of the servant boys' eyes.
  She already swung, but changed her mind. In fact, to disfigure one of the cute teenagers is somehow. Without an eye, the faces are nasty, and it might be better to take and kill.
  Agripina took it and sang:
  The evil mountaineer crawls over the rocks,
  Throw napalm at him...
  You don't spare them
  Exterminate all the bastards
  How to crush bedbugs!
  Hit like cockroaches!
  And the godmother of the mafia, completely out of her mind, picked up a whip and waved it with a whistle through the air. First she hit the boy servant, and then the teenage girl, and roared:
  - I will beat people, I will beat people,
  And beat the buckets!
  We are evil robbers!
  Bang Bang! And you are dead!
  Dead! Dead!
  . CHAPTER #12
  The boy and the girl worked hard in the laboratory. This time they were pressed for time. And Vitalik found himself in a position where you literally: hit or miss.
  In fact, it seems to be worse than ever. The police and the FSB, of course, are shocked by the super-powerful cyber attack, and so far they are not looking for some kind of bully boy who dispersed a whole crowd and a police detachment.
  But still, the investigation will undoubtedly go on. And perhaps they will understand that the crowd ran away not by chance. And then they will sit on the tail. True, while they think of it before, time will pass.
  New video cameras and various electronics were brought from China, and they are hastily installed in Moscow and other cities. Even the dollar and yuan rose in trading.
  And in general, changes are brewing in society. Many do not trust the authorities and want things to be different.
  By the way, it's already the end of May, and school classes are coming to an end. I should start taking exams. But this is a problem: Vitalik and Albina are busy in their laboratory and are secretly preparing to seize power over the world. Which, of course, is far more important than anything else.
  Albina remarked:
  -If we don't show up for the exams, it might raise unnecessary suspicion.
  The boy genius, continuing to fool around in the most complex schemes, logically answered:
  - Skipping exams for a modern school is not nonsense at all.
  Especially for someone like me!
  The hero girl nodded.
  - This is, of course, true. But anyway, I have some interesting ideas on how to avoid problems.
  Vitalik answered harshly:
  - It is necessary to create a transmitter that would give orders to the human brain on hypershort waves. And not only, of course, human. Here, I've already done something. While small in size and power. Let's try it on cats.
  Albina cooed:
  - Or maybe in public?
  Vitalik noted:
  - Maybe in public. But after all, even a dog and a cat were the first to be sent into space! Wait another two hours, I'll finish the setup and we'll go outside. And let's see if the hyper-short wave, telepathic cannon works . I myself will give orders, by the power of my thought!
  The hero girl giggled.
  - By the power of thought? This will be very interesting. Do you have any thoughts at all?
  The genius boy sang:
  My thoughts are my horses
  Like a whirlwind they carry me into battle ...
  You rush at a pace
  And do not recognize the bridle,
  God with me!
  Albina giggled.
  "But you don"t believe in God!"
  Vitalik nodded.
  - I don't believe in the Bible!
  The hero girl nodded.
  - I don't like the Bible either. She constricts the mind. In particular, the teaching that the Earth and everything on it will burn does not inspire optimism. Especially now, when there is actually a hybrid third world war going on. And here, indeed, this Bible can croak trouble!
  The boy who did not like shoes angrily stamped his bare foot so that the tiles clinked:
  - Moreover , I must seize power over the world and save humanity! Not for the sake of your vanity, but for the sake of life on Earth!
  Albina smiled.
  - Dictator-savior!?
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - Rather loving, older brother. We need to help people become better, and live in peace and love. So that they do not waste their strength, life resources on confrontation with each other and massacre .
  The girl remarked with a smile, baring her teeth:
  - To save humanity
  Christ ascended to the cross...
  To take us from the abyss
  The Lord has come down from heaven!
  Vitalik nodded his head vigorously.
  - Yes, of course, it's great, a single power over the planet with the prospect of stellar expansion.
  The boy, with his bare fingers, his childish, but very strong legs, bent a five-kopeck coin, and continued his thought:
  - But in order to benefit humanity, one should ascend the throne, and not hang on the cross. Moreover, I don"t understand Jesus, if he has all the power on Earth and Heaven, then why so many troubles and evil on Earth?
  If God allows suffering and evil, then what kind of God is he after that! Any responsible ruler is simply obliged to take care of the welfare of the people and subjects. Otherwise, he must be displaced and hanged! That is, even if you do not hang up, then in any case change it to a responsible person who does not withdraw himself from solving the problems of mankind.
  Albina nodded vigorously.
  - With this I agree! God must bring order to the universe. Or give your power to someone more worthy!
  After that, the hero girl looked at the latest news on the Internet.
  The long-awaited invasion of the Taliban into Tajikistan has begun. Of course, they seize the moment when the government weakened and Russia staggered.
  Large forces dealt a blow to Tajikistan. The Taliban are large in number and they have many young people. And the Tajik army offered almost no resistance, either running away, or surrendering, or even going over to the side of the Taliban.
  Mujahideen, at the same time, there were hundreds of thousands. And they literally crushed their positions, although Russian aviation tried to strike at them.
  Among the Russians there are already the first losses, and even prisoners. Although , the authorities have not yet officially confirmed this. This is the main news so far.
  Yes, and in Moscow in the autumn mayoral elections should be held. And the mood of Muscovites for change. I'm tired of seeing the old government. Moreover, life is not getting better. And how long will one and the same mayor sit.
  Yes, and with quarantine measures, the former mayor of people, specifically, got it.
  This is all true, of course. But the authorities do not allow serious candidates to participate in the elections. Only a representative of the communists is a more or less well-known person, and has some kind of resource.
  Perhaps this time, for the first time since 1991, a mayor from the opposition may appear in Moscow.
  There is also more and more shooting, noise and protests in the Caucasus. The separatists have stepped up. And it is clear that this is indeed, very serious.
  The empire began to stagger. Albina thought that the power of a young genius with such superhuman abilities over the world would be a great boon in a world of total chaos. And that two hundred countries in the whole world is already a clear overkill. More precisely, even ten countries in the world is already too many.
  Even two empires on the entire globe is enough to, in which case, the planet would burn out in a nuclear war.
  And if Iran gets nuclear weapons, then warheads will fly to Moscow much faster than to Washington.
  The world is in chaos, and chaos, and there are more and more wars. And everything threatens to flare up with a new, furious force.
  Yes, and so it is already blazing and gaining momentum.
  Vitalik is a teenager of such a level of ability to invent that Tesla also gives in to him. Moreover, although Tesla lived for quite a long time, his real return on discoveries was small. And it didn't really solve any of the problems. Even in the military sphere, Tesla did not particularly show himself. So why is Tesla elevated, moreover, right now, and not during his lifetime?
  The unified power over the planet Earth is the salvation of mankind. Sooner or later, after all, some narrow-minded ruler, or a religious fanatic will use nuclear weapons. And then humanity will die.
  Albin sang with a sigh:
  The earth will see its last dawn
  Cold darkness will forever block the light of the sun!
  A powerful blow, and there is no life!
  Here is new data from Tajikistan, yet unofficial, that the Taliban have actually surrounded the Russian base, and fierce fighting is underway. It seems that even a general of the Russian army was killed. But this once again says that the country needs a savior. And that the old power has become obsolete! And that a young genius, gifted and all-powerful like a comic book hero, will save the whole Earth.
  And all nations, countries, peoples, formations and unions will merge in his loving fist, and world peace will come!
  Moreover, unlike Stalin, no one will have to be shot or imprisoned, everyone will obey the new leader unquestioningly and with joy!
  Then there will be perfect order on planet Earth, there will be peace, prosperity, crime, terrorism, wars, unrest will disappear, prisons will become unnecessary. And then, under the guidance of the young genius Vitaly, doctors will defeat all diseases, and agronomists will defeat hunger. And people will fly to conquer other stars and galaxies.
  These are the thoughts circling in Albina's head. And she helped Vitalik design the weapon that was supposed to bring happiness and prosperity to humanity, and most importantly, peace and dynamic stability in development and improvement.
  Vitalik stated decisively:
  - Everything is already done. The device measures from an ordinary smartphone, but, thanks to gravitons, it is very powerful. We will now go outside and conduct practical tests. Let's start with cats and dogs. If it works out, it means that the key to the salvation of mankind and its happiness for many centuries will be opened!
  Albina sang with delight:
  People will be happy
  Happiness for the ages!
  At the boy Viti,
  The power is great!
  Akulov looked around his laboratory. She looks pretty solid, the genius boy stocked up . Seriously, he worked. Now we need to check the Hypno Beam and Hyper Short Range. There, the hertz frequency is such that you can"t convey it.
  Vitaly sang:
  - Photons rage in a whirlwind,
  The enemy of the regiment moved forward ...
  But we are, in fact, Newtons,
  We can't retreat!
  After that, the boy left the laboratory, and the terminator girl followed him. Here is such a fighting couple of teenagers.
  They moved like predatory cats. Exhaust fumes blew into the children's faces. The mood, of course, for an epic battle.
  Vitalik was very good. More precisely, he looked completely frivolous, barefoot and in shorts, but he was more dexterous that way.
  In addition, the boy specially connected muscle amplifiers and accelerators to himself. And now he could, theoretically, accelerate twenty times faster than a trained person. And in this case, the sneakers are guaranteed to tear. And Albina went out barefoot for the company. Moreover , the end of May turned out to be very hot. And here it was still necessary to smack two young talents in order to create something more powerful.
  Externally, the device made by Vitaly looked like a smartphone, and the teenagers should not have aroused suspicion.
  The boy again felt discomfort from the presence of Albina next to him. He hates being so small. Moreover, although it is generally accepted that Napoleon was undersized, he, in fact, had a height of 167, which at that time in history was even above average.
  So Vitalik, not even Napoleon. And it looks like a boy who doesn"t even look like a teenager, flaunting his bare heels on the asphalt. At the same time , this child seriously thought about conquering the world. And he has, perhaps, more chances than Genghis Khan.
  The boy walked confidently, as if he were the crown prince of the emperor of the universe.
  Here is the first target - this is an ordinary red cat. He sits at the entrance.
  Vitalik gives her an order. The cat jumps up and runs to the guys.
  Albina sees that the animal is standing on its hind legs, like a dog, and begins to jump. She asks Vitalik:
  - Well, how does it work?
  The boy was distracted, answering her:
  - Looks like it does!
  And the cat immediately broke and rushed to run. Vitalik tensed his forehead.
  The animal stopped, and hastily trotted towards them.
  The boy said:
  - Slap her lightly!
  Albina asked:
  - For what?
  Vitalik logically remarked:
  - Let's check which is stronger, my mental commands, or pain?
  The girl slapped the cat with her weighty palm. She took it and screamed in fright. But then she pulled herself into line. Then she jumped up to Albina and licked her bare sole of her right foot.
  The girl chirped with a smile:
  - This is such nonsense
  The cat married the cat!
  For the cat Kotovich ,
  For Pyotr Petrovich!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - And now the order to attack!
  The cat rushed forward with wild fury. And she ran into a middle-aged woman, and with fury dug her claws into her. She howled in fear and pain and gave a tear. And the cat rushed after her, furiously meowing .
  Albina tweeted:
  - Enough! You are quite persuasive!
  The boy smiled. The cat suddenly calmed down. She stopped, curled up and sniffed her little nose.
  Vitalik sang with joy:
  Who is used to fighting for victory,
  Let him sing along with us ...
  Who is cheerful - he laughs,
  Who wants - he will achieve
  Who seeks will always find!
  Albina smiled and cooed:
  - This is really cool! But maybe we can try it on people?!
  Vitalik nodded.
  -Let's try! Just so it's not too noticeable. And away from our home.
  The teenagers stepped up. Vitalik even broke into a high-speed run, but immediately slowed down. You shouldn't give yourself away. Moreover, a person cannot run so fast.
  The boy began to walk carefully. It seemed to him that all the people were looking at him, and looking with admiration. And not only people. It seems that the leaves of the trees are looking at him, and the lights of traffic lights, and in every beam one can hear: - Emperor of the planet, emperor of the Earth!
  Or maybe even God the Creator himself!
  Vitalik proudly puffed out his chest and walks to himself, stamping his bare, childish feet, as if the universe is subordinate to him.
  But three policemen showed up. In general, there are so many police on the streets of Moscow, and after all the video cameras and smartphones went out of order and the database was covered, there were more of them.
  Vitalik, with his strong, developed brain beyond his years and growth, gives the command.
  The policemen stopped and stretched out. Then their hands reached for their caps and they saluted. They moved, however, somehow not quite naturally and forcedly. Then they took off their hats. On the orders of the boy-genius, they threw them under their feet. After that, they began to stomp.
  Albina was surprised:
  - How do you them!
  Vitalik did not answer. The policemen trampled on their caps. Several passers-by also stopped and began to stamp their feet, as if trampling on cigarette butts. And then the cars slowed down. And a couple of them collided, breaking glass.
  Vitalik tensed his forehead. The cops stopped stomping and their bewildered faces twisted. They turned pale and began to whistle. Passers-by were also dumbfounded. Their eyes were clapping and their bodies were trembling.
  Vitalik again rubbed the device with his finger. And already the whole street was in motion. And people, including even small children , began to march.
  The cars slowed down, and immediately there was a traffic jam. And a few collisions. Yes, it is not an easy job to manage people.
  Vitalik whispered:
  - Enough! Forget everything!
  People moved again, as if nothing had happened. And the policemen moved on, leaving their caps, broken and dented, lying on the pavement.
  Albina said:
  - You see, it works!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Yes, that's right! I have power, but I still need to be able to control it.
  The girl nodded.
  - Learn!
  Vitalik tensed up again. An expensive car drove up to them. The driver nodded.
  - I listen and obey!
  Vitaly told his friend:
  - Let's ride! And you, get out of the cockpit!
  Two fat rich men: an uncle and an aunt, left the cab. And timidly got up. Then they collapsed on the asphalt and instantly snored.
  The genius boy said with a smile:
  - They will sleep for three days and three nights, and even a cannon will not wake them.
  Albina said:
  - Wow! Directly Old Man Hottabych.
  Vitalik corrected:
  - I, the Demiurge Boy! More precisely, the greatest genius of modernity, and indeed of the entire history of mankind.
  The hero girl noted:
  - And if you knock money off rich people? Do business like this.
  The boy genius replied:
  - We are not criminals, but the saviors of mankind. Let's take something though.
  To control the world, we need something more powerful. Here we need the energy of a nuclear power plant. Or a graviton station.
  Albina remarked:
  - But this is already quite real. You really can.
  Vitalik remarked:
  - And the transmitter is needed more powerful. I'll think about it some more. In addition, you will need to practice, give one command to one, others to others.
  It is difficult, for example, to get several people to do different things at the same time!
  Albina nodded.
  - I understand. But I think we can handle it!
  Vitalik nodded and remarked:
  - We have access to a phenomenal, previously unseen power. We must remember that our main goal is not power for the sake of power, but power, for the sake of saving humanity, which is already hanging over the abyss.
  The boy stopped the car, as the police whistled when they saw a child driving a wheelbarrow.
  I had to turn on my device again, erasing the memory of myself. The police, the whole squad, fell asleep.
  And the boy and the girl, having left the wheelbarrow, went on foot along the asphalt, getting their bare feet dirty.
  The hero girl noted:
  - Can we have some fun? For example, I know there is a semi-legal casino and a very rich one. With your abilities, breaking the bank there will not be a problem.
  Vitalik shrugged.
  - It is possible, of course. Although, children are not allowed there.
  Albina giggled.
  - You tell them that you are an adult.
  The genius boy nodded.
  - I can convince everyone that even I am the president of Russia! And above the president.
  The hero girl giggled, noting:
  - You are, indeed, smarter than our president, who almost got into the third world war, but not in height, that's for sure!
  Vitalik sang:
  - The mind does not depend on growth, that's for sure,
  The ant is not big, but very strong!
  The boy took and deftly caught a mosquito with his bare toes. And he threw it with such force that it burned like a spark from the friction of the air.
  Albina whistled:
  - Wow! What speed! Can you catch a bullet with your fingers?
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and remarked:
  - Don't know! But if they hit me with a machine gun , then it will be difficult to catch all the bullets. You can get damaged.
  The hero girl suggested:
  - And you make such a force field that it reflects all the bullets and shells, and even the rays. Just like in science fiction films. Have you watched blockbusters?
  The genius boy nodded.
  - Yes, I did! Theoretically, this is quite possible. Since electricity of great power, dispersed on gravitons, can create a strong electrostatic field that will repel both bullets and projectiles, and even , if the range is adjusted , photons of laser beams.
  Albina remarked:
  - Yes! I read that they tried to make such fields in the USSR even before the Second World War. However, in practice they did not work. But the very fact of the work says that it is, theoretically, quite possible.
  Vitalik nodded, and again his bare foot caught the insect and launched it up .
  The boy remarked:
  Yes, it is practically possible. But this development takes time and resources. And now, the main task is to save the world and humanity. And for this, you need to subordinate it to your will.
  Albina remarked:
  - To save - to subdue?
  Vitalik stamped his foot:
  - And how, for example, a mad horse, they throw a lasso, and force them away from the abyss.
  The hero girl nodded.
  - Yes, there is nothing to object. But the force field is a guarantee that you will not be killed. Any genius is mortal. And even Genghis Khan sought immortality and yet died.
  The genius boy remarked:
  - Genghis Khan lived for seventy-two years. That's a pretty long time in those days. For example, none of the tsars lived in Russia for so many years. If Genghis Khan had gained immortality, he would have been the ruler of the world. So the Mongol empire was so strong that it would not have been stopped by fragmented, European armies. Like fragmented Rus', it was conquered, except for Novgorod and the Polotsk lands.
  Albina nodded.
  - Yes, Genghis Khan was unique. But you have a long, young life ahead of you. And then, perhaps with your genius, the best doctors will find a way to make even you alone immortal.
  Vitalik sang with a smile:
  Immortality for a long time
  A man was looking for, captivated by a wondrous goal,
  In the religions of ancient books,
  And rigorous sciences , later times,
  They were driven not only by fear,
  And also the desire to go all the way,
  See the dawn, hear the answer
  Step to the heights of unprecedented knowledge!
  Albina asked:
  - Why didn't you look for the elixir of immortality?
  The boy genius replied:
  - I'm still too young to think about it. First of all, humanity must be saved. And we have to fight for it.
  The hero girl also tried to catch the insect with her bare toes. But she didn't succeed right away. And in annoyance she moved her heel into the tile of the curb. The blow was strong, and the marble tile cracked.
  Passers-by began to look around.
  Vitalik noted:
  - We're going to break it all down. Yes, you need to learn how to manage the whole world, but first, master yourself!
  Albina said:
  - It is, in principle, possible. Yes, the question is, what kind of power is needed for the entire planet to be under control?
  The boy genius replied:
  - We will make the necessary power. If necessary, I will capture Ostankino, and there is such a large antenna that, in order to control, over Enough for all planet Earth. The problem is different. It is necessary, at the same time, to manage different groups of people, and give them different orders too. And it's more difficult.
  It is very difficult to manage all the planet manually. Here you need to come up with something.
  Albina remarked:
  - There are computer games in which you are the king. And in them, for example, ministers. They follow different branches of the economy. And you, pressing the buttons, give them orders. Like a pyramid of control.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Yes, we need a pyramid of power. One person, even a genius, cannot manage more than eight billion people by giving commands . You have to submit. But at the same time, develop a program, otherwise people can even forget how to go to the toilet .
  Albina jumped up and hit her heavy leg on the traffic lights. Glass flew in different directions, and sparks rained down, as if the sewer manholes had burst from hell, with the flames of the fire of the underworld.
  The hero girl chirped:
  - We will sweep away the enemy with one blow,
  We will confirm the glory with a steel sword ...
  We are friends with science, after all, not without reason,
  Into chips, who is ignorant, we will break!
  Vitalik took it and also jumped, as he crashed that the trunk of the traffic light bent and burst.
  And the metal was like plasticine. This was really, really tough.
  The people bulged their eyes, blinked. But having received an impulse, he moved on, as if nothing had happened.
  Vitalik noted:
  - I'm taller than the president. I forced people to obey me, because even the Lord God could not force them!
  Albina giggled and noted:
  We need to replenish our financial stock now. Maybe we should go to the casino. There you will put on and undress everyone at the same time.
  Vitalik ironically asked:
  - And why not immediately to the Central Bank? It's easier and more money!
  Albina, not too confident, answered, stomping on the asphalt. One of her legs scratched hard on the broken glass.
  - But it will be a robbery. And so, in the casino - it's like a gift of fortune! Everything will be natural and fair.
  The genius boy nodded.
  I have never played in a casino before. Well, let's have some fun. Moreover, this is the best Casino in Moscow, and even ministers play there. And I'll show them where the crayfish hibernate!
  Albina sang with a smile:
  Great genius minion of fortune,
  I have never met more beautiful people...
  In poetry, lyrical strings,
  You embodied the universal ideal!
  Vitalik jumped up and sang:
  fortune hour,
  It's time to play...
  fortune hour,
  Try not to miss this hour!
  Albina added:
  It happens, it happens
  What separates from luck is only a trifle ...
  Can't lead us
  With fortune, guys on the way!
  . CHAPTER #13
  The main gangster of Russia, the godmother Agripina drank some blood, which was expressed from strong, trained boys of fourteen and fifteen, half mixed with milk from mothers who feed babies.
  After that, this super-robber dozed off. And she dreamed of a very amusing action.
  Agripina saw the solemn ceremony. As if she ascends the throne and sits on a throne studded with jewels. And a crown studded with stars is placed on her head. And all the presidents, monarchs and other rulers of the world kneel down and praise her.
  And the salute is carried away into the sky, and the cannons are beating. And everything sparkles. And she is now the empress of the planet Earth. And fanfares are sung to her, and orchestras play. And the throne room in which she sits is fifty times larger than the Luzhniki stadium. And he has a whole army. Thousands of beautiful girls in short skirts, with bare legs, with machine guns behind their backs, salute her and sing:
  You are a great goddess
  Emperor of all people...
  boundless element,
  Kill all your enemies!
  Agripina bared her teeth and roared:
  I cut down enemies on a tangent
  I hit them so fast...
  Everything turns out great
  I'm a queen, I don't know all the spectators!
  After that, the first victim was brought to her. It was Pavlusha, a handsome, fair-haired, muscular teenager of about fourteen. He is in only red swimming trunks and with handcuffed hands and feet. The boy was lashed with whips and put on his knees.
  Agripina took a heavy whip of barbed wire in her hand and whacked Pavlusha. The boy screamed in excruciating pain. And a young, strong, muscular woman continued to whip him, and sang, baring her teeth:
  - My boys, my baby,
  At this hour you do not sleep
  And gettin' seen shish ,
  Whip on the back!
  And the mighty woman was beating the boy. And so that the skin burst and blood flowed in a stream. And Pavlusha screamed from unbearable suffering.
  Suddenly, a terrible roar was heard. The palace collapsed and the walls collapsed. And before her appeared a huge, sparkling angel with two swords.
  Thunderous voice said:
  - You, the world empress, have crossed all limits! You will be punished for this. The Almighty God will take away all power from you, and will make the one who exalts herself, humiliated.
  Lightning struck. The palace was gone, and all the servants, and the heads of state too.
  And Agripina, instead of luxurious robes and a crown, turned out to be a half-naked slave in shackles. On her bare feet and hands were heavy, steel chains. The body was almost naked - only one loincloth.
  And she was shackled along with other almost naked slave girls. And her bare, strong feet burned the hot sand of the desert.
  Agripina , a powerful, very muscular woman, with her head held high, became a slave herself. And the scourge of the overseer fell upon her embossed back.
  And the whip whistled. The overseer was not even human. This is a huge, shaggy bear, and with a very nasty and ugly face . He sat on a camel and inflicted blows with all his might on the former, world empress.
  Agripina was in pain and groaned. She remembered how, after her arrest, she was taken to the search room. They forced me to take off all my clothes, and began to examine the strong, girlish body. This was done by several women in white coats. As if this is a hospital, not a prison, and not a shmon, but a medical examination.
  Then they ordered to squat in front of a mirror and illuminated with spotlights. Agripina squat, of course, is easy. But it's unpleasant when several women in white coats look at you eagerly. They admire the strong, embossed muscles, more suitable for a man than for a girl, that roll so much when moving.
  And their eyes are lustful. Agripina has the body of a very strong youth with muscles rather than a girl, although the skin is smooth, clean, developed chest and wide hips. But the shoulders are broad.
  Agripina crouches, but everyone does not give her the command to stop. Already she began to sweat, and her tanned skin shone, because of which, she looks even more like a statue of an ancient, Greek warrior goddess.
  Finally, she got tired of being devoured with her eyes. And the female warden in uniform ordered to stand in a square, and put her chin in a special recess. After that, defiantly took off her thin, rubber gloves and, clutching her chin, reached Agripina's mouth with her fingers.
  And they are unwashed, sweaty. And she climbed by the cheeks and under the tongue. Agripina was indignant and, pushing her away, growled:
  - Put on gloves, bitch! You will infect!
  She was somehow embarrassed after that, and the search was stopped. Photographed, however, naked, so that the tattoos were visible. They rolled not only the fingers, but also the bare soles of the feet. And they even enlightened the stomach with an X-ray, apparently suspecting that there might be drugs there.
  After that, they took me to the shower. They even gave a bar of soap, and then a towel. Next came the uniform.
  Agripina was not particularly afraid of prison. On the contrary, she was sure that she would be the most important and cool.
  But it was a bit crowded in the cell, there were twelve girls, and there was a smell of buckets.
  She immediately built them and made them clean up. Then she asked me to fix the toilet. And they listened to her.
  Agripina was cool even in the pre-trial detention center. And she could make me obey.
  But now there are two dozen girls in chains around her, and a whole squad of orcs with whips.
  And these bears began to beat Agripina severely. And it was so painful that even this heroic woman howled from suffering and asked for mercy. In fact, it was kind of a nightmare. Then they also chained her neck, which is completely unbearable.
  Agripina moved across the sand. And her mood was minor. She is beaten and scratched, covered in bloody smudges. And the shackles tinkle, and the metal glistens.
  Agripina stomps silently. The sand is hot and hurts bare feet. Although she still has nothing - her legs are stuffed during fights and training. And what about the slave girls. Many of them did not always go barefoot , and their soles are not so rough. And it burns so hard that even blisters appear.
  A young woman walks and thinks with horror: she is in chains and a slave, on whose back a whip falls from time to time. But soon she will raise a rebellion and seize power over this planet.
  A powerful, muscular lady attracts the attention of orcs. And from time to time they hit her with a whip or barbed wire.
  Agripina shouted back:
  - Weak beat!
  And in that moment everything changed. More precisely, sharp, tempered arrows flew at the orcs from behind the dune. They punched shaggy bears, and came out of the eyes, and stitched through the groin and chest.
  Agripina took it and rushed, clanking chains, at the orc. She pierced his head with a chain.
  And she sang:
  - I'm like a devil devil! I will destroy the capital!
  The elves jumped out of the ambush on the surviving orcs. They were representatives of this glamorous people, on small and graceful unicorns.
  The orcs were quickly slaughtered and slashed. After that, the girls began to be released from the chains. Also, with the help of the magic of magic wands, Agripina was also unchained.
  The young woman became free. And powerful, with tubercles of muscles.
  After that, she had a whole team of girls. And now the beautiful warriors stamped their bare, chiseled feet in the desert.
  Agripina hummed, baring her teeth:
  The path runs along the curve,
  Bare feet girls...
  Tired of bedbugs to crush evil,
  I want to tease my happiness!
  The girls were also very aggressive and combative . They wanted to sing and jump. And their legs, in fact, are graceful, although they are exhausted, knocked down, punctured.
  Here is a team marching. And with them elves on unicorns, and with bows.
  Agripina feels strength in herself and sings:
   Since the time of Spartacus - this faith lives,
  That there should never be slaves in the world!
  If the master is impudent - he warms his stomach with a stove,
  And the peasant froze in the cold - believe it is not fate!
  Russian guy Spartak - he drew a sword for us,
  And behind him, the river of the oppressed rose without end...
  If you are a man - honor is more precious than life,
  If you want life to flow in the happiness of the world!
  Stenka Razin wanted to straighten the camp of the slaves,
  So that there is a will, everyone can manage ...
  And people like him could not accept shame,
  And behind them the people - there was an uncountable army!
  Torture, rack and stake - the arguments of the kings,
  seize everything for centuries!
  But freedom, believe me, is a mile of bread and honey,
  And such a dream has been burning in our hearts for a long time!
  Thunder came - October, and now our power,
  The country is on fire, a lot of blood and pain!
  But Jesus will not let the right abyss in hell,
  The one who is fiercely flogged will be happy in the good!
  Lenin opened the door, Stalin boldly leads,
  With every step we are getting closer to the sacred goal!
  But Satan came, the forty-first evil year,
  And now our blood, like a stream, vomits from a vein!
  We are a country with you; our honor is your life,
  Never put the peoples of Rus' on their knees!
  Hold on to Russia, fight for the Motherland,
  This is the meaning and salt of the courage of generations!
  The Fuhrer is a vile corpse, well, and Rus' is a Giant,
  And a Chechen with an Uzbek and a Russian are united !
  Communism is a monolith, an ideal for the soul,
  And the regiments of adversaries are smashed into a cake!
  The cosmos calls the young - the horn trumpets invitingly,
  There will be a new frontier, beyond Mars!
  We are building communism - they canceled the ruble,
  Doesn't matter any citizenship!
  The whole universe, believe, will turn red now,
  There will be gates to paradise - red stars.
  Man is a brother to others - in the past a rabid beast,
  And love, beauty is sung in pure hymns!
  Therefore, do not spare your callousness and laziness,
  For our Fatherland, fighting like a falcon!
  And you fighters work both at night and day,
  What would the Garden of Eden bloom and give sweet juice!
  Agripina sang along with her barefoot team. And suddenly she caught herself thinking that she seemed to be for communism. Well, Agripina did not know Soviet times: she was too young . Soon she is thirty-seven years old, and the year is now 2023. So what can she remember about Soviet power? This is a legend, in her eyes and mind. Agripina, as they say, is a child of her time. And, of course, I heard not the best reviews about Soviet times. Like, and in fact, even such a thing as bananas was in short supply. Yes, and candy, and chewing gum, too. And jeans were rare. And under Gorbachev, even bitter vodka and cigarettes disappeared from the shelves. Long queues, coupons, cards, empty stores, a total shortage - this is how people remember the Soviet times.
  And no one wanted them back. In any case, in Moscow, the Communists collected an insignificant percentage of the votes even in the difficult nineties. But Agripina was very rich, and of course for capitalism. So why did she suddenly start singing about leftist ideas?
  The young woman punched herself in the chin with her fist and hissed:
  Our king, the chosen one of heaven,
  Our king is like a ghostly demon...
  Our king, messenger of fate
  Our king is only you!
  Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!
  Agripina took it with wild joy and sang:
  - You are the great Lucifer, shed a ray on the light,
  And the sacred sword of war - cut the secret!
  And again the girl, or rather, an adult and seasoned woman, began to sing;
  Our king, the messenger of heaven,
  Our king is like a ghost demon.
  Our king , the chosen one of fate,
  Our king is only you!
  Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer! Lucifer!
  This is how the warrior sang and stomped in the desert. And her mood was high. Why should he be minor.
  But here again, the unrest is visible. The elves received a signal about the approach of the orcs. And lined up in a semicircle. Half of the riders, they were elves. Beautiful girls, almost naked, but covered with precious jewelry.
  They were clearly ready for a deadly battle.
  Agripina stamped her bare, strong foot. And in her hands appeared a weighty bow. A big one that can hold a lot of arrows.
  The girl, more precisely, the woman-hero sang:
  Clouds flew from the bloodsuckers,
  Hell erupted from the Earth not far away !
  The serpent is crawling on the panzvale, the rattling bastard,
  Clouds lit up with blood!
  The waves are blazing, splashing like a hellish storm,
  And he will meet an army of the bravest daredevils!
  We will protect beautiful lovely women
  We will be worthy of the exploits of our fathers!
  My land, how painfully you moaned,
  The adversary left a hundred wounds of traces!
  But let's drop the orcs, at once we are off the pedestal,
  The pestilence of dashing years will not be long!
  And death is already whitening behind the clouds,
  But our thoughts are torn to heaven!
  Let's crush the notorious villains to dust,
  And tear, know, orcs in half!
  We do not know peace and old age rot,
  We are the children of our holy Motherland!
  Everything bright fought with bears,
  Shoot we mighty these roots!
  And that the evil bomb exploded with force,
  What do we need a shell burst, this thunder!
  Elfi fighters are capable of much,
  And the top will become the bottom for the Fuhrer!
  Hell of the underworld , hell flared up,
  Crawled along the rocade with a predatory muzzle "Tiger"!
  And all the fatigue flew off us in an instant,
  The time for fun games is over!
  A grenade at the hand, a deadly throw,
  Here is the "Tiger" in the snout firmly received!
  And the Fuhrer in the boiler in the Tartar boiler room,
  So as not to reveal the world to the elves!
  The bear is shaking from the furious volleys,
  Here is a flag flying over the Reichstag of the elves!
  And the sun blazed over the Motherland,
  After all, the Orc Reich has fallen to dust and ashes!
  Agripina sang, and the other slave girls picked up, and the elves. Everything looked great and just amazing.
  And the slave girls had bows in their hands, and the couple even had crossbows. And they pulled the string and began to shoot arrows. They raced in an arc and pierced the advancing orcs.
  These beasts, shaggy and smelly , rushed into battle with a wild and frenetic fury.
  This really was a battle. The elves, almost naked, were shooting from their bows. And the male elves used more powerful and lethal crossbows.
  They threw bolts with great force. Which spun and pierced the orcs climbing to storm. And dealt them crushing blows.
  One of the elves, wearing a jeweled crown, bellowed:
  - In the holy war, there will be our victory! Elvish flag forward - glory to the fallen heroes!
  And so she fired a large arrow, pulling the string with her bare foot.
  And again, as it roars:
  - Nothing will stop us! Nobody will defeat us!
  And the elves, together with the female slaves, pelted the orcs with arrows. And filled them thoroughly. It was their very aggressive panorama of the fighting.
  The warriors turned out to be just super, demonstrating phenomenal and incomprehensible strength.
  Then again the songs of the glamorous and very playful people.
  There is nothing more certain than a coin
  She truly shines without falsehood!
  In fact, the doubloon is the ruler of the world,
  His support is a strong sword and shield!
  In it the pagan gods are hidden ,
  Like the sun, a radiant golden face...
  Although there are still bandits-parasites,
   Who set off in the bargaining of the soul!
  Coin, this is an idol and an archangel,
  He is the savior, the destroyer of all.
  Without gold, hired damask languishes,
  Without money, success will not come in battle!
  But what do you want, human heart,
  Hunting to buy immortality for you ...
  To greedily open the door to bliss,
  To weave a thread of centuries of life!
  But can a doubloon get that too?
  Is the golden circle capable of dreaming?
  So that the old man with a scythe does not come with greetings,
  And he didn"t put a seal on his forehead in the morgue!
  Although a coin needs a lot of happiness,
  To let us indulge in sin!
  But man has no power over passion,
  Him girls, like millet to a rooster!
  He wants to get a lot to the stomach ,
  Eat pheasants, pineapple pounds.
  Although you can not eat to the grave,
  Even if you are extremely cool with money!
  And the coffin, it even costs too much,
  Because it has a place for kings!
  After all, an angel will draw a zero in the form,
  A blow to the forehead and a stick to the brain!
  Warriors, of course, are not inferior in battle. And when the orcs, having suffered heavy losses, broke through to the distance of the battle, the beauties launched their swords.
  Albina smiled. Two swords immediately appeared in her hands. She swung them around, turned the windmill, chopped off a couple of orc heads, and hissed:
  - You ran into the wrong one!
  And after that, she took it with her bare heel and kicked the orc general in the chin. It crashed like a sandbag. And teeth fell from his broken jaw. And it all looked so beautiful and cool. That the girls sang in chorus with tremendous enthusiasm:
  I ask, Lord, that the day does not fade away,
  So that the girl's gaze is forever young!
  So that our knight soars above the rocks,
  So that the cover of lakes is cleaner than crystal!
  What a beautiful world the Lord has created
  They ate silver in it, and the maple is a ruby!
  Looking for a girlfriend, God's ideal -
  To do this, he chopped enemies in battles!
  What is so hard in the heart of a young man?
  What does he want to find in this world?
  Well, why is the oar broken?
  How to solve a tangle of big problems?
  I want, God, to be happy too,
  Find your heavenly dream!
  So that good luck does not break the thread,
  To bring under the path, ballast-line!
  But what should I look for in a measure without love,
  What can be more expensive for a girl?
  It is difficult to build happiness on blood,
  On it you can only swim in the hell of hell!
  Separation is torture for me
  War is still such a nightmare!
  Here's a foot in the stirrup, saddled a horse,
  Although the evil orc brought the executioner an ax!
  Take away our daughters in full ,
  They torture them and burn their bodies with fire!
  But we will inflict defeat on the Fuhrer,
  Know that our Elf never died!
  Let's play a wedding, after an evil war,
  Then the kids will give laughter!
  They are all blood relatives to me,
  I'm on the hunt, there will be fat game!
  And the oak, like an emerald, its foliage,
  Said the guy did a great job!
  Let the conscience be as clear as a crystal,
  And only in the pros in the balance will be tons of numbers!
  These are the singers here, these delightful and unique girls. Which, if they already began to fight, then the shaggy bears could not resist them.
  Agripina, baring her face, hissed, cutting off a couple more orc heads with her swords:
  - I can do everything, and you will see it!
  Then she moved her bare foot in the groin of an officer, one of the aggressive and shaggy bears. And she really took and beat off his balls. That really was a girl - Superman.
  And against such, probably, any army of furry bears will be powerless.
  Agripina grinned and shoved her fingers into her mouth. And she blew with all her might. There was a terrible, aggressive, scraping sound. It was like being skinned from the air.
  And several hundred huge vultures circling over the battlefield got a heart attack and fell down like hailstones. And their sharp beaks began to pierce the skulls of the crawling orcs and split the bones. And, literally, knocking out brains.
  Agripina performed a butterfly technique with her swords, cut down several heads of these bears of a large gang and roared:
  - I'm cool, everything is subject to me,
  It's clear, it's clear!
  And the whole earth trembles,
  Crushing them with your bare heel!
  After that, the orcs, unable to stand it, turned into a wholesale flight. Girls and elves rushed to pursue them, and at the same time, performing a fighting and aggressive song;
  Nightmare always comes like a snake
  You do not expect him, but he creeps in the door!
  You are happy, generously well-fed family,
  You don't know that people are animals!
  Here began the raid of the dashing horde,
  Tatars are showering us with arrows!
  But we are born for a brave feat,
  And we will endure severe blows!
  No one knows if the good God
  So man went cruel!
  Death is knocking on the threshold -
  And Weselvul stuck his horns out of the fire!
  Yes, these are ancient times,
  In which we got so cool!
  After all, that was not my dream,
  We did not go to this, through the mountains-distant!
  But if you're in hell
  Rather, in the world of pain, slavery, battle!
  I still keep hope
  Let your heart beat all the rhythms!
  But trials, this is our chain,
   Which will not let thoughts be easy!
  And if necessary, we must endure,
  And if you shout, then with all the strength of your lungs!
  A poet, he is a songwriter and a rogue,
  But not on a hot battlefield!
  The vile enemies of the Fatherland will die,
  They will be buried quickly and for free!
  Now take it, rebuff the bow to Christ,
  Cross yourself, kissing the icons!
  I believe I will tell people the truth,
  As a reward, the Lord will give the lot of peculia!
  . CHAPTER #14
  Vitalik and Albina were finally near the Casino. The building was large and looked like a mixture of a winter palace and a circus. There are guards at the entrance, including German Shepherds.
  Vitalik turned on the command: you can't see me, you can't hear me, you can't touch me.
  The dogs and guards ignored the two teenagers, who didn't even bother to put on their shoes. Moreover, the carpets inside the casino pleasantly tickled the children's bare, hardened soles.
  The audience, of course, was surprised that someone was walking around barefoot in such luxury. Moreover, a boy who is not even tall enough to grow tall, stomps so confidently here.
  Vitalik, indeed, walked like this and puffed out his chest, as if he were the ruler of the universe, only flaunting his bare, childish heels. But, indeed, he has such power that both kings and presidents, and even elephants and crocodiles will obey him.
  The little boy was very pleased. Now he gave orders. And immediately fifty rich bourgeois fell on their knees before him. And the two ladies not only knelt down, but also hit their heads on the floor.
  Vitalik sang:
  - And even the enemy shouted at times,
  Hiding the fear that I'm the king!
  That I am a king!
  Albina corrected the genius boy:
  - You're not a king. You are a god!
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and remarked:
  - God forbid the blind to open their eyes,
  And straighten your backs humpbacked ...
  God forbid, to be God at least a little bit,
  But you can't be a little crucified!
  The hero girl nodded with a smile.
  - You all think about people. It would be better if you were the Almighty God than the one who is in heaven now!
  Vitalik angrily remarked:
  - If a real God existed, then in the first place he would strike with lightning at those priests who profit from religion.
  Albina tweeted:
  Anything you want
  You will receive one...
  Anything you want
  After all, you are the Lord!
  And you walk confidently
  I don't remember those
  On whose dreams it is measured,
  You built success!
  Vitalik objected, rubbing the carpet with his bare feet:
  - No! On the contrary, I will give an opportunity to humanity to realize, to make dreams come true. Including, with me there will be much more freedom.
  Albina sang with delight:
  Under the sacred banner of freedom,
  In peace, friendship, happiness and love...
  Peoples merge into a bright beam,
  To dispel the darkness ahead!
  The genius boy nodded.
  - Yes, they unite in my loving, albeit childish, fist. Both our ideas and embodiments are the coolest in the world!
  The hero girl laughed and chirped:
  - And dashing guys go to sea,
  Sea element! Sea element!
  After that, the young genius added speed. Moved to the tape measure, which sparkled with gold. The boy said:
  - I'm betting! Number thirteen!
  After that, the kid took and spun the drum.
  Albina tweeted with aplomb:
  - In front of me, any fakir, well, just a dwarf,
  I keep them, only instead of small fraers ...
  Buy me a ticket to Monte Carlo
  I'll disturb the local cheaters!
  Vitalik won the bet and stated:
  - Well, it turned out cool!
  The hero girl noted:
  - You are a rare fighter!
  The boy genius, having won gold chips, bet again, this time for thirty-three.
  And again he enthusiastically spun the drum, and not with his hand, but with his bare, agile foot, like a monkey's.
  And again the drum spun.
  Albina noted with a smile:
  - This is not a game, but a charm!
  The boy broke another bank, and a whole bag of money was hastily brought to him.
  And Vitalik again began to turn the drum, and hummed with a smile and magnificent aplomb:
  - We are very aggressive in grabbing money!
  Albina tweeted:
  - Money is power! Money is power!
  The genius boy remarked:
  - And I have power not on money, but on the mind!
  The girl giggled.
  - But why,
  It is impossible to live in the mind!
  Vitalik giggled and sang:
  - That's why, that's why
  That the world is going down now!
  And therefore, and therefore,
  He loves the movie so much!
  Albina wisely noted:
  Yes, you are a player!
  The boy again bet on the number seven, and again spun the handle of the drum with his bare toes.
  And everything played, and the music sounded. And it was so beautiful and full of sound.
  Vitalik sang, winking sapphire, childish eyes:
  - What is our life, game,
  Let's break through the fraera !
  I made a strong move
  Led the enemies to waste!
  Albina giggled and also made a bet. She also twirled her bare toes.
  The game went big. The kids here were so cool and very frisky.
  Vitalik noted, giggling and baring his teeth, sharp as a wolf cub, in a sonorous voice:
  - We play to win. So spin harder.
  Indeed, the girl and the boy parted ways. And broke one bank after another. And they raised a lot of money.
  Here they have, in fact, a team that is not just lucky, but technological, and uses the achievements of science.
  Albina sang, and bared her teeth, noting:
  Money melts in the wallet
  In the growth of capital ...
  And in our language
  Money means manna!
  Vitalik seriously noted:
  - We earn a lot.
  The girl added:
  - Already earned.
  And winked at the boy. The atmosphere in the casino was solemn. So much luxury, mirrors, gilding and an audience that looks with admiration at the boy genius.
  Vitalik thought that he should have played at all. You could just come and take everything at once. But it's too simple and uninteresting. For example, the war between two Slavic states. If it were one-sided and fast, it would not be interesting. But it turned out that everything was serious and for a long time.
  But the war between Armenia and Azerbaijan turned out to be quite short, only six weeks. And Azerbaijan, unexpectedly, quite easily won. Although the Armenians won the last war. And indeed, once in a while it is not necessary.
  Now, if a player breaks the bank in a casino, this does not mean that he will break it further. Maybe even the other way around. Everything in the world strives for balance. And the period of success ends sooner or later. Probably, only one Genghis Khan did not know the measure of luck. But then his empire collapsed. The Mongols made huge conquests. However, their empire disappeared without a trace. Mongolia itself became a province of China.
  Sometimes you think: - For the sake of what Providence gave good luck to Napoleon, Hitler, Genghis Khan, Tamerlane and others? One Russia, at least something kept from a big empire. And still the largest power in terms of area.
  However, the attempt , within Russia, to restore the Soviet empire ran into resistance. And very stubborn resistance. When the second army of the world stalled and even stepped back. And what does it say? There is some kind of force that destroys all empires. Indeed, after the collapse of the USSR, the United States became the most powerful power in the world. And America, too, is in trouble in the twenty-first century. The terrorist attack on September 11, 2001, seemingly easy victories in Afghanistan and Iraq at first, but then I had to leave without holding back. And the presidents were not very good.
  Plus, there is a lot of damage due to the coronavirus. Yes, that's the story.
  China is also on the rise. But it also has problems, and economic growth has slowed down. And the chairman isn't very smart either.
  Now, I wonder if Vitaly Akulov will be able to overcome this trend and, once and for all, create a world empire?
  If you think about it, with his unique mind you can. If he is such a techie, then maybe in medicine he will find a way to make at least himself alone, or with his girlfriend Albina, immortal.
  Vitalik cleaned up the treasury of the casino and he was already tired of it. Grabbing a couple of porters, they dragged whole sacks of money.
  Now it will be possible to create and build such a powerful gravioton generator and, by connecting it to Ostankino, cover the entire planet Earth with waves of hyperhypnosis .
  Vitalik, of course, can succeed in this. Although, looking at a barefoot in shorts, famously marching boy, it's hard to believe that this is the future ruler of the world.
  The boy also thought that on the planet Earth, it would still be necessary to give some long-term commands and installations. Thus, he can constantly control the entire globe with his mental commands.
  You need to learn how to form fixed ideas and long-term suggestion. So that it is firmly sealed in the brain.
  Vitaly took it and sang with a smile:
  Obey me all the people on the planet,
  You will be happy and a real paradise ...
  Everyone rejoices and rejoices like children,
  We will rush to the stars, boy , go for it!
  The boy thought, and if, indeed, all rejuvenate up to sixteen years. So that there are pleasant, young faces, and the hair does not spoil the faces. Since the bristles are disgusting.
  But this, of course, can be done later. And now, the whole planet should be subjugated to itself.
  And go to the laboratory and create faster, something powerful and fundamental.
  Albina asked with a smile:
  - Vitaly, what would you do if you were God?
  The boy said emphatically:
  - Would make all people absolutely happy!
  The heroic girl shook her head.
  - Everyone, absolutely, happy ? But that's impossible. People will always be unhappy with something, at least some of them! Satisfy one need, another will grow!
  Vitalik smiled and replied:
  - Well, God could satisfy reasonable needs, right now! For example, to give everyone health and eternal youth. I don't think it hurt anyone!
  Albina remarked:
  What about resettlement?
  The genius boy nodded.
  - You can teach people to build spaceships with superluminal speeds and resettle humanity on other planets of the universe!
  Albina nodded.
  - Logically! And very reasonable too. But what if the planets run out?
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - Almighty God will create new ones ! It's not a problem!
  The heroic girl sang:
  Everything impossible is possible in our world,
  It is not necessary only to wet all people in the toilet !
  The genius boy nodded.
  - Yes, don't!
  And the young superman sang:
  Do not be sad,
  Whole life ahead...
  Whole life ahead,
  Hope and wait!
  Albina agreed with this:
  - Yes, hope and wait, but do not sit idly by!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - We'll work.
  The hero girl suggested:
  - Let's go by car. Why do we need to stomp on foot.
  The genius boy nodded.
  - So it will be.
  Then he gave a mental order, and drove up a chic "Limousine".
  You can ride with the wind. And it's really great.
  Albina noted by singing:
  Cars, cars,
  Literally filled everything...
  Where the age-old dust lay,
  The car left a trail!
  Vitalik nodded with an Atlantean smile:
  - Yes, cars are great and dumb at the same time!
  The boy and girl rode without too much fuss and with style. On the way, Vitalik took ice cream, and Albina ate it with pleasure.
  Superman kids also brought cocktail cakes and chocolate-covered donuts.
  And they all ate it with pleasure.
  Albina remarked:
  - Here comes the war, and in the stalls there is any delicacy. Do people need change?
  Vitalik pointed at the old woman:
  - She would really like to regain her youth!
  Albina agreed:
  Yes, she would like that! But can you do something like this?
  Vitalik replied:
  - Theoretically, it is possible to create such waves and radiation that rejuvenate the body. And it's real.
  The hero girl nodded.
  - Of course I believe you. But still, why hasn't anyone done this yet?
  The genius boy remarked with a smile:
  - And why did smartphones appear only in the twenty-first century? Progress, you know, progress!
  Albina smiled and sang;
  Mankind has iron technology,
  Of course, it is necessary and very useful.
  Only the miracles of the people are more pleasant to me:
  Talking wolves, self-propelled shoes.
  I believe that
  people will not part with a fairy tale
  And faithful friends
  will forever remain.
  The scientific lecture replaces miracles.
  Although it is useful, it is terribly boring.
  I'd rather listen to a terrible fable
  About dragons on a chain, hand-to-hand battle!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Good song, but childish. Maybe you will sing something more serious?
  The girl remarked:
  - We remain children forever,
  Only the years change!
  The boy genius muttered:
  - I'd rather sing mine.
  And superman in shorts sang;
   We are the children of our unfortunate Fatherland,
  Parents sinned, and the punishment is on us!
  And so that the great Redeemer saves everyone from sorrows,
  We must turn our hearts to God that hour!
   Oh dear Great Lord Jesus,
  I love you, be glorified the Savior!
  In the service of the Great, the boy is not a coward,
  We believe that the tempter will perish in Sheol!
  So the children went on Hajj,
  The road is hard, but the spirit is uplifted!
  Let Christ the Victor be in my dreams,
  And he who creates evil forever is humiliated!
  We observe fasts, and we go for a long time,
  And my bare feet are already bleeding!
   But our planet, God's house,
  And gloomy nights seem bright!
  Of course, the rich man will laugh in response,
  He will say: chimera, heavenly kingdom!
  But the Cherub sends greetings,
  And the arrogant nobility will end in Gehenna!
  But we forgive everyone in our prayer,
  Each icon has a sacred name!
  Let people become a little kinder heart,
  Let the villains become different in spirit!
  Why do we go, suffering so much along the way,
  Why do innocent guys need it?
  We want to enter the city of God, where He lived,
  Where Christ ran on empty roads!
  And most importantly, seeing that faith is strong,
  Famously the wicked fell to his knees!
  The road to salvation is hard and long
  But there is no sin more criminal than laziness!
  Holy Jesus, did not want grief for us,
  His thoughts are bright, full of peace!
  After all, he is not like the ancient gods,
  The motto is do not create an idol from a person!
  But how did it happen that our world is cruel,
  That hell rules the planet!
  What joy, bliss is just for an hour,
  That Abel died, and the evil Cain is on the throne?!
  The Lord answers: it is the will of the people,
  What a choice they have, to do bad to their neighbor !
  That the main ruler, the cruel villain,
  That the main idol is the unprincipled Judas!
  But you are children of life, with a pure soul,
  Walked hundreds of miles over rocks and thistle!
  You want to rule with the great Christ,
  So that the tempter does not lead the serpent into the swamp!
  Believe that the power of the Savior will be upon you,
  He poured out grace, healing small wounds!
  Let the heat of repentance in the soul not fade away,
  May they be in the family of the Faithful God of the country!
  Vitalik sang very beautifully, and they drove up to the laboratory.
  The mood of the guys rose and they set to work.
  Now you need to build a generator of great power. To gain power over the whole world.
  Vitalik did not work alone. A dozen large men obeyed him. And the child genius gave commands.
  Albina asked Vitalik:
  Why don't the waves work on me?
  The boy readily replied:
  - Because I learned to manage them well. And don't be afraid. My genius can solve any problem.
  The heroic girl asked with irony:
  "You are, in terms of abilities, much higher than an ordinary person. Maybe your father is an alien?
  Vitalik nodded in agreement.
  - Maybe! In fact, I myself am surprised at my ingenuity. My superpowers amaze even me.
  The hero girl suggested:
  - Come on, sing something else. It will be much more fun to work! You compose no worse than Pushkin!
  The genius boy nodded.
  - Pushkin in technology zero.
  Vitalik began to sing, composing as he went;
  Our people will not endure suffering,
  Let the cannons - the hellish voice of war, rumble!
  We will stand, with the hope of an exclamation,
  Shoulder to shoulder, old and young rallied !
  Bayonets hand, raising calluses,
  The stern look of the fighters - just guys!
  The earth from grief became all gray-haired,
  Girls braids timidly pull!
  We are the children of the glorious, Soviet people,
  We can't be broken by steel or fire!
  Let's fight with all our might for freedom!
  Fascism is a flock, I believe, we will break it!
  Let them not be taken into service - bitterly from annoyance,
  But the pioneer gathered himself into battle!
  The tie is blazing - all eyes are hidden in it,
  In the glorious Bolshevik footsteps !
  A crowd of soldiers fled to the attack with fury,
  The fascists are silent, the roar of the cannons is torn off!
   From the crushed red power of metal,
  The broken flag with the swastika has drooped!
  Where are our batteries, they knew for sure
  And why? daring boy,
  Though snow clods hurt, tormented evil,
  When barefoot in the night he walked with a bag!
  When you are small, it is easier to scout, easier,
  You can poke your nose into any crack!
  You took an oath in the cold in the grove,
  But someone laughed: the guy is not mature enough!
  The girls, too, did not know cowardice,
  They fought no worse than brave boys !
  On vacation we danced in pairs,
  They chatted sparingly, it's a pity to waste words!
  Cruel Hitler - Satan's servant,
  People without an account, the bastard ruined!
  But the liberator will crush the horde,
  After all, there is no limit to the councils of forces!
  The Communist Party loved and raised,
  We are the pioneers of the brave in order
  So as not to endure the Fritz gentleman,
  Lest you put on the yoke!
  We were taught to believe sacredly in a dream,
  And spare no effort for the country!
  What we endured, simply cannot be measured,
  Dear, sons of the Soviet army!
  None of us referred to age,
  Feel sorry for yourself - do not respect others!
  Dying is scary, but I was not afraid
  Rus' is invincible - the army of councils!
  And a happy world will come on Earth,
  There will be no pain, no tears, no sorrows, no need!
  Banner over the entire planet of communism,
  Those who have fallen will be resurrected in the realm of beauty!
  The boy sang very well and colorfully. And his voice is cooler than Caruso 's .
  After that, the boy began to dance. And the work went even faster.
  A powerful generator was being built. He was supposed to, in which case, illuminate half the city.
  Vitalik has already planned to drag him to the Ostankino TV tower. And then the whole world will be covered by hypershort waves. And his people will obey like no one else in the history of mankind.
  But this is not enough, we need to select and formulate more advanced teams, so there is still plenty of work to do.
  And you need a special computer to put everything on the shelves. And it will be extremely clever and cool involved.
  Vitalik worked. And Albina took it and sang;
  Fight for the motherland to the end
  As the radiant Stalin commanded us...
  Let's make our hearts beat in unison
  May our muscles be stronger than steel!
  Fatherland heroic destiny,
  Fight for my sacred Mother...
  We have a lot of important things, you know,
  After all, the Russians have always been able to fight!
  Although, just a pioneer boy,
  But I will salute my Fatherland...
  And I will be the one who is younger, you know, an example,
  Russia, I believe, to live under communism!
  We will build, believe me, a glorious world,
  In which poverty, believe me, will not be ...
  There we celebrate a feast for free,
  And people live forever in happiness!
  Then the dream will fulfill its covenant,
  For the glory of radiant generations...
  Stalin himself burns, a bright star,
  And our teacher, the proletarian Lenin!
  And we also believe in God, believe me,
  To pray to Christ without thoughts of the back ...
  Let the beast in the underworld of hell
  From the icons we will be greeted with a good face!
  We will come under the flag of the party to Christ,
  Let's build socialism and communism...
  Hope to the light, I believe, I will bring,
  So that everyone becomes a serious hero!
  . CHAPTER #15
  In the huge palace of the godmother of the Russian mafia, Agripina, there was a revival. The report of a genius boy doing fabulous things turned on the thug woman and she noted:
  - Wow! It happens?
  The karate girl nodded.
  - Yes! These are all miracles!
  Agripina remarked:
  - Such opportunities here! It's power over the world!
  The head of the syndicate's secret police, Nikolai Fatrushev, suggested:
  "We'll use sleeping gases and capture the boy and all his equipment.
  The godmother of the mafia objected:
  - Do not hurry! Let him do what he wants first. And then we'll capture him like a fat calf.
  The head of the secret police remarked:
  - Judging by the reports, he controls people like puppets and can be very dangerous.
  Agripina squeaked:
  - In this case, we have a sniper with sleepy bullets!
  After that, the godmother began to give additional orders.
  The situation in the world has worsened. The Taliban pinned the Russians at the base and fired heavily at them. In response, troops from other regions were intensively transferred to Tajikistan. A real war broke out in the south. And in the West, the Ukrainian army has already gone on the offensive. And the battles again unfolded in full force.
  Yes, it got hotter.
  However, the syndicate bought drugs from the Taliban. And the war did not interfere with business. The situation in the world became more and more alarming. The US welcomed the opening of a new front by the Taliban. And there was already talk of recognizing the Taliban as the legitimate Afghan government.
  In the Caucasus, the people are revolting again. Discontent grows. In general, people are becoming more and more critical of the authorities. Even TVs began to break.
  Zyuganov is seriously ill, and the Communist Party is already fighting for power. Many communists, especially young ones, rush to the barricades. And in general, people have become more politicized. Changes are ripe, and people want a new life. The old politicians are very tired.
  Agripina thought, why not take on the role of the new Lenin in a skirt? Well, she's still a rebel. And it is able to bring to the streets many thousands.
  The people in Russia are tired of the previous regime, and, of course, people who have seen the same aged face for almost a quarter of a century have a desire for something new and unknown.
  Agripina looked at herself in the mirror. If not for the scar, her face would have been masculine and beautiful. Yes, on the one hand, it spoils , but on the other hand, it gives the face a more severe expression.
  After all, she is like, indeed, a people's leader, who strives to the heights of power. Although even now she has considerable, real, albeit not too public, power.
  And she has connections in all circles of society. The only pity is that many folk artists have already died.
  I remember that once Kobzon sang with her.
  And what do all these singers want? Money and fame. Moreover, they do not care for whom to sing.
  Agripina chirped:
  - Tinned throat, and vodka goes to it!
  After that, she took it and winked with her eyes, which are a mixture of sapphire and emerald. But the blonde herself is very cruel. Now she wanted to torture the boy.
  And a handsome boy , fourteen years old, obediently knelt down and put out his bare, round, with a graceful bend of the heel.
  Agripina picked up the blowtorch that had been brought to her. Turned on the flame. And going up to a handsome boy, as he takes his bare soles and burns.
  It smelled of burning , and the teenager, whose bare feet were set on fire, screamed.
  Agripina seized the boy by the blond hair, tugged at it, and brought him back to his knees, hissing:
  - Be patient, Cossack, you will be an ataman!
  And the other bare heel of the boy with a twinkle. And he screams again. When you are scorched with fire, especially the sensitive sole, it hurts so much. That not everyone can handle.
  The godmother enjoyed the screams and even sang:
  Break, crush and tear apart,
  This is life, this is happiness!
  And let's whip the kid with great enthusiasm. She was thrust into her hands.
  Here she is, indeed, the godmother. And it's so cruel. A real, shall we say, vixen .
  No one and nothing will suit such a woman.
  Agripina beat and sang:
  You don't spare them
  Kill all bastards ...
  How to crush bedbugs
  Hit like cockroaches!
  Then she got tired of it. And the boy lost consciousness from the pain shock. She made a gesture and the boy was carried away.
  Agripina noted:
  - Still, the Marquis de Sade was right, what pleasure brings someone else's pain. Not everyone understands and realizes this!
  After that, the white she-devil began with great pleasure to devour the cake brought to her in the form of a cocked hat of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  She respected Napoleon , but considered him a failure. Her greatest respect was for Genghis Khan, who did not know defeat and conquered half the world.
  Alexander Suvorov did not know defeat either, but how much did he manage to win?
  Agripina snorted contemptuously. The current president of Russia is bogged down in the fighting in Ukraine, and now only the lazy do not kick him . Also something like Napoleon: first a lot of luck, and then failures. And even worse at the end than it was at the beginning. And there is nothing to say about Hitler. Did he have a chance? In principle, if he had taken Moscow in the forty-first and would have pursued a wiser policy in the occupied territories, he would have . like Napoleon did in his time.
  Here Genghis Khan and his successors managed to conquer Rus' for a while. There was an empire unprecedented in history in terms of size and power. But even before the mass invasion of Rus', after the death of Genghis Khan, it was divided, and in fact Batu became the ruler of an almost independent Golden Horde, and the empire of the Mongols arose in Persia, already separate. Although formally there was a common capital in China.
  For some time there was still some semblance of unity in the empire. But just a semblance. For example, during the invasion of Egypt, the Golden Horde did not help their brothers in Persia. Batu himself quickly became decrepit and died relatively young. The Mongol Empire fell into decay and sunk as if it never existed.
  Tamerlane was the last khan who tried to connect it, but after his death everything crumbled to dust, and without a trace.
  Even later, the idea appeared that Genghis Khan and Prince Red Sun were one and the same person, and the Golden Horde was a Russian state.
  Agripina laughed. Yes, empires have fallen. And the most stable empire is the Russian one. If you look at what is left of the British and Ottoman Empire, then it has retained much more territory. And the Roman Empire and the Arab Caliphate completely evaporated.
  The godmother of the mafia thought that Russia could collapse to the end, if not her genius and cruelty. The former president has grown old and exhausted himself. And now everything is out of his hands. Everyone has their own cycle. Be you at least three times Genghis Khan. There are no eternal kings.
  But if there is a system: the tsar is dead, long live the new tsar, then tragedies do not occur.
  In tsarist Russia, after Paul the First, the Romanov dynasty finally gained stability. It was a legitimate, competent, thoroughbred government that ruled for centuries, and the people adored and believed in it.
  What happened next - a surrogate! We need to establish a monarchy. Agripina thought so. In some places, a monarchy has actually been established: in Turkmenistan, in Azerbaijan, in Korea. Even in Belarus there are talks about this. Although , it is unlikely to work out there, too European country.
  There, neither the people nor the elite can digest the monarchy.
  Agripina considered herself a great personality. And she had a desire to rule.
  Now it looks like a boy, still looking like a child, has invented something that can give absolute power! Such power, in comparison with which, the power of the emperor is nothing! And even more so, the power of the president! Her power, it will be the power of the real, and not the God invented by people. It will become the center of the universe and the universe.
  And no one will ever be able to overthrow her. And there, or children will rule after her. Or find a way to make her immortal herself. Science, theoretically, can do anything.
  And then it will be the coolest in the universe. And earthlings will build spaceships, and billions of galaxies will fall at her feet. And kissing her footprints will be the highest honor and reward.
  Agripina thought that having conquered one universe, she could take on the conquest of other universes.
  And it will be cool. And then she will learn to create universes herself. And raise the dead, which is cool!
  The young woman looked at her smartphone. It was clear that something huge was under construction. And this is led by a barefoot boy in shorts.
  Agripina was surprised how small Vitaly Akulov was. Like a preteen child . And shorts and bare feet reinforced the impression of a child. At the same time , he forced adults to obey him. And his orders were, including mental ones.
  The godmother of the Russian mafia thought that it would not be easy to defeat such a boy. Maybe, indeed, cover it with gas. Or send a sniper and shoot.
  However, the young genius can give her more than one discovery. And, indeed, to make immortal. Theoretically, a person can live forever. He is not a computer, but is able to be updated and regulated.
  And if you have a constant and strong source of energy, then the human body can be eternal, like the cycle in nature. And this boy is such a genius, which has never been in the history of mankind. Before him, even Leonardo da Vinci and Tesla give in. Especially in the practical implementation of the plan.
  What is the use of the inventions of Leonardo da Vinci, if not one of them gave a practical return?
  In fact, Leonardo's machines did not bring any benefit to mankind, and none of them worked. Tesla also seems to have invented a lot, but what was the return on implementation?
  And here you can see that the radiation that subjugates people is working. Plus, the kid , perhaps, strengthened his muscles. And that's even tougher.
  What a great genius! If at fifteen he invents such things, then what will he do as an adult?
  Or maybe, on the contrary, it gets dumber ?
  As they say, geeks get dumber with age. Here, in particular, you can see how many real geniuses and stars were born from geeks?
  And most of the billionaires and heads of state were quite normal children.
  Agripina sang with a sigh:
  Where does childhood go?
  Which cities...
  And where can we find a remedy,
  To get there again!
  It will go unheard
  When the whole city sleeps
  And he won't write letters
  And he won't call!
  And winter and summer
  Not experienced to wait for miracles,
  There will be childhood somewhere
  But not here!
  And through the snow in winter
  And through the puddles by the stream,
  Someone will jump
  But not me!
  Agripina finished singing and bared her teeth. Thinking about it, it would be stupid if this brilliant boy, becoming an adult, falls to the level of a mere mortal. In fact, these are superhuman abilities. And they need to be nurtured. And grow with renewed vigor.
  A girl in a short skirt and bare, tanned legs offered the white she-devil a small chocolate egg.
  Agripina bit him, and hit the girl's muscular legs with a whip, making her scream.
  Then she sang:
  The flesh in hell languishes from the heat,
  And it's time for us all to understand for a long time ...
  Anyone who does not know faith in the mafia
  Will fall under the fury of the yoke!
  An honest man will get his
  It will be like a spider on fire...
  Demons will torment in the underworld,
  Who has not bowed to Satan!
  After that, she gave the command:
  - Sit in ambush and wait! To avoid revealing yourself.
  And Vitalik and Albina, meanwhile, continued to work. And a generator of enormous power, and on wheels, was built. In addition, the boy genius attached joystick buttons and began to build an automatic obedience hyperprogram . So that all mankind and Akulov obey, since it did not obey the Lord God, and at the same time did not give up its usual work. Although, depending on what. Wars must be ended. And for Ukraine, the perpetrators will still answer to the new, world king.
  Vitalik sang furiously:
  What is war and what is war
  She's a bad aunt and a bitch!
  Murder, abomination, just dirt
  And in the war, the bastard prince!
  There will be no victory for the anger of the regiments,
  The empire of malice is a country of fools!
  And the boy threw a steel bolt with his bare toes. He flew at the speed of a falling meteorite, and literally burned up in the air.
  Albina said:
  - This is class!
  The genius boy nodded.
  - And the greatest class will be when humanity unites in a single, loving impulse! More precisely, if everyone becomes brothers.
  The girl sang with a smile:
  Through the storms the sun of freedom shone for us,
  Through storms and storms we walked together...
  Let the nations become one
  Let all the countries of the Earth be together!
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - Yes, together all are strange and peoples will be! Under my just and loving authority! And this moment when people will never kill each other again is close! What the communists dreamed about, but despite all the sacrifices, they did not come close!
  Albina chirped, baring her teeth and tightening nuts and bolts:
  Don't care about humiliation
  Yes, I'm ready to humiliate myself! Yes, I'm ready to humiliate myself!
  But if only to a glorious goal, at least a little closer!
  But if only to get to the glorious goal, at least a little closer!
  Get a little closer!
  Vitalik ironically asked:
  - And what do you sing in the masculine gender?
  The heroic girl replied with a smile:
  - That there was a rhyme!
  The genius boy chuckled and sang:
  He rhymed whatever
  Just got exhausted...
  And to the village for the amendment,
  Where the cows graze
  He was corrected soon!
  Albina grinned, and twisting another bolt and rearranging the transistor, she gave out:
  -Great genius, invented the light of the world,
  I have never met more beautiful people...
  I sing odes to the idol boy,
  Which , the embodiment of the ideal!
  Vitalik nodded his bright head:
  - Yes, you sing well. But no one is perfect.
  And the boy began to program again. Subjugating the whole world is not an easy task. What do people want? They themselves do not know. As, for example, very often dissatisfied with the choice, or elections. But there is no perfect power. And since there is no ideal power, can it be possible to make power absolute? When you are obeyed without asking, and without knowing the word - no?
  For example, Garin had similar ideas. He wanted power over the world. And he came close to it, but could not resist. But overall, it was a fairy tale.
  And here is something real, and something that will finally give people confidence in the future. When no dictator presses the nuclear buttons with trembling fingers. And there will be no nuclear war. And conventional wars are still raging and simmering.
  According to the latest news, the Taliban have practically destroyed the Russian base, and they are already cutting off the heads of the prisoners. Yes, the Mujahideen invasion is serious! And the bloodshed will be significant.
  Vitalik sang, continuing to work:
  A civil war breaks out
  From dark to dark ...
  Evil bald Satan has come,
  And drove people crazy!
  After that, the boy continued to work and design.
  Power over the world is not for the sake of power, but for the happiness of all mankind. The genius boy thought that maybe Lenin also wanted this. But it turned out too much blood and victims. And in the end, something ugly was built. Instead of people's democracy, the dictatorship of the apparatus. And people have lost the meaning of life. They believed in building communism, but the result was perestroika and a wild mess. This is what real democracy has led to , for which the people are not ready.
  And for him it will be a hyper king who controls everyone, from babies to the elderly. Moreover, it is necessary to create a system so that people's brains do not burn out .
  So that they obey even without radiation. But this is a long-term perspective. But there is after all long-term hypnosis.
  Vitalik took it and sang:
  We can't be conquered
  We'll bring everyone to their knees...
  I made a sketch in a notebook,
  For the glory of new generations!
  The boy is indeed a genius. Albina reminded him:
  - And a force field so that we would not be shot during the assault on Ostankino!
  Vitalik nodded, showing his white and sharp, like a wolf cub's teeth:
  - Of course, we will. In fact, creating a strong induction is much easier than hypnowaves . And then nothing and no one will stop us!
  Albina tweeted:
  And the fight goes on again
  The hyperplasma fire is boiling...
  Our boy is so young
  Has an incredible gift!
  Vitalik nodded with a smile.
  Yes, I have a great gift. But any ability should be developed. And ahead of us are not only victories, but also risk.
  The girl remarked:
  - The police can come to us at any moment, are you ready to meet her?
  Vitalik laughed and said:
  - Let them dance the lezginka if they want to warm up!
  Albina laughed and sang:
  - danced, danced,
  After all, we are tired of working ...
  We'll get some rest
  And then we'll start again!
  The genius boy nodded, and again threw his bare, monkey-like foot, a piece of metal that melted and evaporated from friction in the air.
  The boy sang:
  Big shot and chaos ,
  I am a son of my era...
  I'm a gentleman and superman
  My work is good!
  Agripina looked at this with interest. The micro-cameras worked. This is what children really are. Not even monsters, but something like that - super.
  The Mafia godmother turned on the news column again. Ukrainian troops were advancing, and have already recaptured several settlements from Russia. And in the State Duma there are clear signs of rebellion. The opposition raises the question of trust in the government. And there is a big buzz. And the president seems to be unwell. Something has not appeared in public for a long time.
  Well, this is the heyday of the mafia. And the achievements of her syndicate will be extremely great. The possibilities are great. True, the question is how to capture these brilliant children? What to do if the gas does not take them? That's how strong this boy is. Throws iron and steel that it burns in the air.
  She would like to have such a soldier. This terminator boy has such power .
  Agripina sang:
  President you swam too long
  I fell in love with you...
  Now I like the kid , the Devil,
  I want to love him!
  And the godmother of the mafia took and scrolled her luxurious hips.
  But you can see with one eye. Until then, let her be entertained.
  Two boys of about thirteen, muscular and tanned, entered the ring. Their hands are in boxer gloves and their feet are bare. And let them hit each other on a signal.
  When children fight, there are always many light, swift blows. And bare heels flash just like boxer gloves. And you will not understand who takes whom.
  Agripina really likes it when the boys fight. She has a desire to fry their heels again. Of course, that would be great! Or break your toes with red-hot tongs.
  The godmother of the mafia licked her lips. Yes, cruelty is in her blood. Like the desire to torture and torment.
  Here the boys have beautiful legs, and the shapes of the feet are graceful without hair and any irregularities. And it is pleasant to prick such with red-hot needles, or set fire to it, or beat with a rubber truncheon.
  Agripina sang furiously:
  I want to see emptiness in front of me,
  In it I will build my castle, my dream!
  The girls chorused:
  The troops are ready ma'am,
  We will destroy everyone!
  The godmother of the mafia tweeted:
  Black raven in the face of death
  The victim is waiting at the midnight hour ...
  Black raven, hell is immortal
  At the grave will meet you!
  And she opened her mouth and moved her long pink tongue.
  Then she added:
  Even in my sleep I dream of a fight
  Barmoley himself is afraid of me!
  And she laughs again.
  The boys are sweating and their bodies are shiny. From this relief muscles seem even more beautiful.
  Agripina took a long whip in her hand and began to whip the young fighters. And hit with all your might. And they screamed in pain. Sweat and blood sprayed in all directions.
  The godmother of the mafia bellowed:
  I will destroy them all at once
  I'll take it out like an infection!
  The boy fighters rolled out of the ring. But they were captured by mafia warriors in masks and black suits. They dragged them to the fair-haired vixen .
  Agripina noted:
  - You wanted to run away from me!? Maybe roast your heels?
  The boys chirped, blinking in fear:
  - Have mercy! We are good!
  Agripina shrugged. And suddenly softened:
  - Okay, as long as your heels are intact! Better sing me something cheerful and invigorating!
  The boys sang with joy;
  We are in the jungle in the land of wild monkeys,
  Where bananas are green, heaps of cannibals!
  We had to cross the ocean
  With such ebullient energy!
  Fatherland ordered us to go -
  Reach where the equator is a ditch!
  Well, well, God is One and not Odin ,
  And we also have more than one grenade!
  They sent young pioneers into battle,
  They said it was just an internship!
  So that everyone was a daring boy,
  Energy rockets big boost!
  I shoot with a machine gun right on target -
  Here he mowed down the fighters with khaki coloring!
  They will not be able to turn our Motherland,
  Evil orcs and other bullies!
  Such a furious order of the Fatherland -
  Learn boy how to fight like a ferocious lion!
  And if the red leader gave the order,
  Don't be a miserable way of a buffoon!
  Here is a sleeve burned his cheek hard,
  She still has no stiff bristles!
  But I serve the Motherland, believe me, for a long time,
  No need to think, weaklings teenagers!
  We were overlaid by the Mau-mam tribe ,
  They do not have spears, but grenade launchers!
  In response, we will strike a steel blow,
  Russian pilots will help from the sky!
  In the Fatherland, every warrior from a manger,
  The baby is reaching for the gun!
  And defeat the army of invaders,
  About the exploits of the poem by the bard sung!
  Agripina, on the last words, hit the boys with all her might with a whip, so much so that the skin burst and blood poured.
  The godmother of the mafia sang:
  The flesh of you guys will light up,
  The skin will peel off, just shine,
  What, your faces are twisted?
  Know that I am the queen of heaven!
  . CHAPTER #16
  Vitalik continued to work in extreme mode, as did the people under his command. Terminator boy and genius sang:
  Furious formation squad, furious formation squad,
  Fires burn in the heart, fires burn in the heart!
  Yes, they are working at a frantic pace. And soon an installation unprecedented in the history of civilization will be ready, which will solve all the problems of mankind.
  In any case, the disagreements that exist between countries will fade into the background.
  Albina asked the boy:
  - Do you think that there will be no more war on Earth?
  Vitalik nodded.
  - I think no! At least as long as I'm in power.
  The hero girl chirped:
  - To subdue people,
  There will be a new ruler!
  The genius boy nodded.
  - There will be a new ruler. And he is like an older brother to everyone.
  Albina laughed and remarked:
  - A boy in shorts, like an older brother?
  Vitalik sang with delight:
  Heroism has no age
  In the heart of a young love for the country ...
  Can conquer the edges of space,
  To make everyone, everyone on Earth happy!
  Albina noted with a smile:
  - Yes, you can. But what do you have besides genius?
  The boy replied:
  - Everything! And the world will be mine!
  Agripina, watching this, hissed:
  - No, mine!
  And she flashed her eyes. Her mood demanded blood. Here, on her orders, a new battle began.
  In this case, two girls in bikinis and with bare, chiseled legs fought on gloves. They waved and collided a lot.
  Sometimes bare, round heels touched and sparkled. Everything looked extremely great.
  Agripina softened slightly. She thought fighting had its charm. Especially if the fights are tough. And what the people want: bread and circuses.
  Also, people are afraid of death. The success of Christianity and Islam was due to the fact that people were already very afraid to die and dissolve into nothingness. And so they looked for loopholes.
  They thought you could earn yourself heaven every two hours by thumping on your knees. And even if there is a God, then He has long been tired of all these prayers and requests, and you will only make things worse for yourself by getting to the Almighty .
  Indeed, is it possible to achieve anything through prayer? Agripina never prayed, but she achieved a lot. Because prayer is human.
  And to rise, you need to be a superman.
  Here was such a Friedrich Nietzsche, he understood a lot about the meaning of life. And many did not understand this and were mistaken.
  No, praying won't accomplish anything.
  Agripina sang furiously:
  Oh what a big loss
  How many other losses in the world ...
  Here the priests carry nonsense,
  Show them the bandit out the door!
  The godmother of the Russian mafia laughed for the umpteenth time. She wanted to stand out and show herself.
  Yes, she can do a lot.
  And no one knows all her talents!
  For example, now blood is shed, and the syndicate is collecting money. And then she, Agripina, will become the empress of the planet Earth. And then, maybe, there will be no more money. Everyone will work hard. And it really will come communism!
  In which women and children will walk barefoot, and the number of men will be reduced to a minimum.
  Agripina sang:
  Men, men, men
  Such, believe me, cattle!
  Men, men, men
  Kill you all for no reason!
  Agripina bared her very strong and developed teeth. Then he clapped his hands and ordered Pavlusha to be delivered to her bright eyes. The boy whom she prospered from , having sent to the pre-trial detention center.
  Servants and militants rushed to fulfill the order of their godmother.
  After all, she is the mistress, to some extent, of fate.
  Although the greatest criminal has already guessed. Vitaly Akulov is building a generator that should generate energy, which will subdue the entire globe!
  This, indeed, would be very cool if you were lucky. And then such a power would arise. Like a supermonarchy !
  Agripina thought that Russia in the role of the tsarist empire was preferable to the USSR. It had a unitary form of government, and the USSR was a federation. And moreover, the federation that crumbled into pieces.
  But under the tsar ... Then there were governors appointed from the center and more order, more discipline and dreams of independence.
  Stalin was the only leader of the USSR who somehow held the local tsars in his hands. After him, a period of falling discipline and stagnation had already begun.
  The economy of the USSR slowed down and fell into crisis under Gorbachev. And that's where democracy came into play. Freedom, for which people were not ready at all. And it wasn't all that easy. It began with Nagorno-Karabakh. And everyone saw the weakness of the government, which could not do anything. And it spread to other regions.
  And in the Baltics too. But, of course, Yeltsin became the main destroyer of the USSR. And Gorbachev did not put him in prison, but it should have been done. In general, the people of Russia themselves are to blame. Well, in what country of the world, the ruler would have resisted after such a shameful capitulation in Chechnya? Yes, the military would have overthrown him.
  And Yeltsin, at least henna! It turns out people can do whatever they want. And propaganda brainwashed people.
  Agripina noted:
  - The masses are bone and lazy. They don't like to read, they don't like to think either. They must have one faith, and honor one God!
  The young woman sang, baring her teeth:
  I am perfection
  I am perfection
  From smile to gesture
  Above all praise.
  Oh what a blessing
  Know that I am perfect
  Know that I am perfect
  Know that I'm perfect!
  After that, the young woman continued her reasoning:
  - The people are a mass. And the mass must be treated like a woman, and a woman willingly submits to force. And there is nothing to rely on the mind of the masses. They must obey the simplest, bestial instincts!
  This is how Agripina reasoned. Indeed, what kind of mind of the crowd can we talk about? People are a herd of sheep. They loved Stalin too - the executioner and the cannibal. And the kindest Tsar Nicholas II , who did so much for the people, was betrayed and spat upon. These are the people and the crowd.
  So Agripina will accustom them to order, discipline and educate them in severity and justice.
  So they brought Pavlusha. The boy had already been shaved bald like a criminal. And on his childish face was a couple of abrasions and bruises.
  Agripina asked the boy:
  - Well, how is it in jail?
  Pavlusha replied:
  - More or less normal! The cells are clean, there is a TV and a bathroom, not a hotel, but you can live.
  The godmother asked:
  - Where are the bruises from?
  The boy honestly answered:
  - Got into a fight with the cameraman for the lead. But nothing, I won and now godfather.
  Agripina nodded.
  - Well done! Are the boys okay?
  Pavlusha replied:
  - Fine! We have a large cell, twelve people. Too much, but teenagers sleep soundly. Beds, too, more or less. None of the guys wet the bed. The food is , in general, acceptable, plus food transfers, they take them for walks. We even play football. Not to say that the pre-trial detention center is hell. Most of the cells are generally half empty, or four places. We still have a lot of people, but in general, not crowded. Youngsters , according to the law, in a pre-trial detention center are supposed to have at least three and a half meters of space, so we don"t suffocate, and there is a fan.
  Agripina nodded and remarked:
  - Sit a bit, and then we'll see. Maybe I'll set you free, especially if you please me!
  The boy nodded.
  - I'll try, great!
  The young woman remarked with sincere sympathy:
  - It is a pity that you lost such beautiful, blond hair. They must have ruined that hairstyle!
  Pavlusha nodded with a smile:
  - Now not everyone is getting a haircut in a pre-trial detention center, but only those who have lice found. But someone ordered, let the kid smell the prison in all its glory!
  Agripina nodded with a condescending smile.
  - Come on! You are so good! I see, I did not cry, being in custody. And then some teenagers became limp. All right, wait another week, and then I'll let you out. But on one condition.
  The little boy nodded.
  - What , am I ready for anything?
  The godmother muttered:
  - You will sing to me now. And I should like your singing!
  Pavlusha, curious, asked:
  - And on what topic?
  Agripina said confidently:
  - Military! For now there is a war going on. Yes, even perhaps two wars at once. Also in the south with the Taliban.
  The boy nodded and replied:
  - Okay, I'll sing on the theme of war and patriotism.
  The godmother nodded.
  - It is possible and about Stalin. I do not mind. I even like this mustachioed dictator, as cruel as I am!
  Pavlusha coughed and sang with great enthusiasm, composing as he went;
  There is a world so beautiful and big
  Where are the trolls, elves, gnomes, ghouls...
  And there the saint fights with a sword,
  And everyone wants a bloody, believe me, fight!
  And in this world a pioneer boy
  Hunter of impure creations...
  He sets a good example for everyone,
  Sometimes, just wanting revenge!
  Here we are such knights eagles,
  Able to fight so cruelly in battle ...
  And we are the sons of the gods of majesty,
  And we carry magic in a spacious satchel!
  Everything is subject to us, everything is on our shoulder,
  Capable of destroying evil forever...
  And if necessary, I will gold you -
  We are knights, not miserable cripples!
  So let the evil enemy tremble with fear,
  None of us can be afraid...
  We hit all the enemies in a penny,
  Hunters have always been able to fight!
  Able to cross the universe
  We are great impulses of magic ...
  The tiger and the bear will not overcome us,
  Because the pioneers are so united!
  The greatness of the Fatherland is true in that
  So that we don't get scared...
  You take off together like a cool eagle,
  Since you are a fighter, not a shadow of a buffoon!
  Who fell, the Almighty will resurrect those,
  And we will make everyone taller and smarter ...
  Fatherland is a sharp sword and shield,
  And do not wear cowards nonsense!
  We can bravely confess everything,
  With the enemy, even an orc, he fought furiously ...
  We are not embarrassed by the machinations of Satan,
  And we see beautiful faces from the icons!
  Who are you, confess, proud man?
  Dream fighter, although still a boy -
  But you will not fight for a single century,
  Because life is harsh, even too much!
  In battles we have been tempered for centuries,
  Our sword is truth's eternal guarantee...
  A great dream will come true
  After all, she is a cool thing!
  Here attacks the evil ghoul,
  The boy crushes him very dashingly ...
  And it turned out just a mess,
  To not be, believe me, too quiet!
  Girls too, you could fight,
  Although they are barefoot in winter and summer ...
  But pies are very famously fried,
  Meeting us guys with a cheerful laugh!
  There is no our Motherland, believe me, stronger
  She is the most beautiful in the universe...
  Sparkling rubies bullfinches,
  May joyful happiness come to all!
  Do not believe you can not break the boy,
  He is a knight, his strength is colossal ...
  If necessary, he will write in a notebook,
  How to bring all creatures to the grave!
  The boy's sword is sharp as a needle,
  But he cuts with a very wide hand ...
  And our life, believe me, is not a game,
  And talk to the blue-eyed girl!
  Warriors are good too
  They are so proud, cool and will dance so heartily
  Their little legs are only bare in the cold!
  No, I'm a boy, I'll live forever
  I'll catch my luck by the tails ...
  And the predator will soon turn into a game,
  And I will give , who is the villain, with a swing surrender!
  In short, my motto, believe me, is simple,
  You just don't have to be cowardly...
  Beat the one who turns up his nose
  Cherubim with swords are above us!
  I will devote my soul to the Fatherland, I will devote my heart,
  I will burn my whole body in battle to the last ...
  To you the Almighty , I fly under the wing,
  The world ahead, now the fight rages on!
  Agripina clapped not too eagerly, remarking with a smile:
  - Not a bad poem, Pavlik. But where is the Stalin you promised?
  The prisoner boy replied with a smile:
  - Yes, I wanted to compose, but it did not occur to me. But Stalin has been dead for seventy years. I would like something more modern!
  The young woman took a ruble coin with her bare toes. She squeezed it, showing tenacity and strength of the lower extremities. After that, she noted:
  - Stalin held the country in steel paws!
  Pavlusha nodded.
  - Yes, that's right! He was a tough leader. And one of the few rulers who could, live longer, really capture the whole world!
  Agripina grinned and replied:
  - Yes, he could, like Genghis Khan. However, if Genghis Khan had lived for at least a hundred years, he would not have had time to capture the whole world. But Stalin would have managed for a hundred!
  The prisoner boy sang:
  In the vastness of the wonderful homeland,
  Tempering both in battle and labor ...
  Wrote a joyful song
  O great friend and leader!
  The godmother of the mafia interrupted, angrily thumping her bare heel on the floor:
  - No! It happened before! You'd better compose something yourself, something patriotic and with Stalin. Otherwise, I will order you to be sent to such a cell in a pre-trial detention center that the former one will seem like a resort to you!
  Pavlusha bowed and replied:
  - My answer is clear - I agree to everything!
  Agripina growled:
  - So sing, boy ! Just don't sing, rest in peace!
  The young prisoner sang;
  There will be an era, the era of communism,
  We will raise the proud Russian flag...
  Let's break, believe me, the yoke of fascism,
  'll beat Hitler into a nickel!
  Our faith, believe, is harder than steel,
  And holy communism leads...
  And for us the great leader Stalin,
  And we grow, and not a centimeter down!
  For the greatness of holy Russia,
  What can hordes overcome ...
  Our Stalin, great mission,
  And the Russian is huge, you know, the bear!
  We are the greatness of the omnipotent Rod,
  Can the Fritz win at once ...
  For the Fatherland, happiness and freedom -
  Life is fragile, like silk, I know the thread!
  We are not used to, believe me, to be afraid,
  Our strength of Russians for centuries...
  We can fight very hard
  There will be a bright homeland dream!
  From Moscow to Leningrad
  From taiga to sunny seas...
  A great reward awaits the fighters,
  My vast Motherland!
  We will protect you and expand
  And let's raise the banner above the roofs ...
  For our mother Russia,
  And let the enemy get a shish !
  Fight for the greatness of the Motherland,
  Like a raging, burning hurricane...
  We, believe me, have always been able to fight,
  Let's go, believe me, and the ocean!
  We all can, I know for sure
  We will be able to defeat the Wehrmacht correctly ...
  And with my undefiled honor,
  Let's stop this rampage!
  We have both the Sun and quasars,
  Russia's wisest tsar...
  We'll hit hard
  And such an order, you rule wisely!
  We'll hang Hitler playing
  We will defeat all the fascists at once ...
  And the May sun will forever be
  And above us in gold is a cherub!
  lads , you know, dashing,
  We will crush any, believe me, horde ...
  And the girls are barefoot in the snow,
  And laugh in a fierce blizzard!
  The world of communism, believe me, is beautiful,
  It is good for girls naked in it ...
  There will be peace and happiness on the planet ...
  And scribbling a chisel at the lad!
  We are such cool warriors
  Let's defeat the dragon...
  Even if the Fritz are not stupid,
  The bear will tear them all anyway!
  We will not be afraid of Hitler,
  The girl will put a bare heel in the nose ...
  The Fuhrer will simply become a clown,
  And for more, to know is not old enough!
  And the girls are barefoot
  They love to tickle their heels with snow ...
  And in the name of Mother Russia,
  We are able to break the Fritz!
  Well, where are you aspiring fascists,
  You wanted to take Moscow in winter...
  And now you're whining in pain ,
  The girl straightened her hair!
  Bare heel moved on the nose,
  The Führer is seen to have died at once...
  After all, the girls are barefoot in the snowdrifts,
  And they have steel, a bunch of bodies!
  And the girls are chasing the Fritz like that,
  That those sheep run to the slaughter ...
  They can fight so fiercely
  It is immediately clear that Hitler is kaput!
  Here the Nazis famously defeated
  And they entered the defeated Berlin ...
  And the Nazis clearly leaked the war,
  And we just conquer the universe!
  Well, in short, the Sort of Force is with us,
  A Russian will rule...
  The power of the Fatherland crushed the Wehrmacht,
  And come, know, the age of communism!
  Albina smiled and applauded much more vigorously. And her palms slapped so powerfully.
  Then the young woman remarked:
  - This is wonderful! You sang like a meteor. I like.
  Pavlusha asked hopefully:
  - Will I get freedom?
  Agripina shook her snow-white head of the most natural blonde.
  - No! Not now. Sit with the guys. Besides, why aren't you barefoot?
  The boy honestly answered:
  - The rules of the children's prison forbid us to go barefoot .
  The godmother confidently stated:
  - I'll make them change the rules! Boys should flaunt bare, round heels! And the police will hit the soles with clubs.
  The head of secret intelligence remarked:
  - It is possible to issue an instruction that all minors in the pre-trial detention center should be kept barefoot . As it was in the children's labor colonies of Stalin's times.
  Agripina laughed and remarked:
  - A very sound idea! And if you drive a needle into his heel. So, shallow, up to the ear.
  Pavlusha bowed and replied:
  - Your will! You are the owner and you can do whatever you want!
  Mafia Mother noted:
  - To fry such a boy bare heels - it would be gorgeous! And sniff fresh, scorched meat.
  And Agripina licked her lips.
  The boy was seized and his shoes were torn off his feet. Then one of the bodyguards took out a torch and set it on fire.
  The head of the mafia chirped:
  - It's great, of course! But maybe not so rude. Here I will tell Pavlik a riddle. He will answer, we will not fry bare heels.
  The boy nodded his cropped head.
  - Ask.
  Agripina nodded and cooed:
  - Who is dumber than a ram, but lets fog out of his eyes!?
  Pavlik wrinkled his forehead, and then gurgled:
  - And what is the essence of the question?
  Mafia mother replied:
  - That I want to fry you such cute, almost childish heels!
  The boy said emphatically:
  - I know the answer! These are politicians!
  Agripina muttered:
  - Why do you think so?
  Pavlusha noted:
  - The politician, in fact, is stupid, like a bot, but he casts a great deal of fog, and not only from the eyes.
  Mafia Mother nodded.
  - You can count such an answer! Okay, live. You can be glad that you saved your heels.
  The prisoner boy sang:
  I won't give up, I won't moan in pain,
  Because the boy, born of a titan ...
  I will gather, if necessary, a huge army,
  Crushing the enemies of all the Fatherland with a blow!
  . CHAPTER 17
  Genius kids get tired too. Vitalik felt that he was drawn to sleep, and his eyes were sticking together. And then the brilliant kid dozed off, and he dreamed of something very stormy and unusual;
  The boy suddenly found himself in an ancient ancient city. There were rather tall, white buildings all around. Even though it's dirty outside. Vitalik whistled, noting that ancient times can be seen here. It looks like a very big city, along the street of which elephants were pacing.
  The boy was walking, and fresh dung blew in his face. There were people around. Most are in light tunics, sandals and robes. But many, especially boys, were almost naked and barefoot. Really warm. There are many children, and they are tanned, swarthy, but among the black ones, white heads also flash. Girls in light tunics. The richer ones still wear sandals, while the poorer ones are barefoot.
  Vitalik himself, doing taekwondo, in which they kick a lot and break objects, including for surrendering a belt. And therefore, the boy did not like shoes. He tried to run barefoot as much as possible so that the children's soles were not soft and covered with hard calluses. And now he took it and jumped into some kind of portal, running around Moscow. And ended up in an ancient city. The speech was unfamiliar to people, but at the same time, Vitalik understood everything.
  Under the boy's bare feet, the hot cobblestones of the pavement, but the bare, hard sole does not hurt. Another thing is that they look at him like a slave. Although Vitalik has a smart T-shirt with new shorts. And many boys are not poor at all, they prefer to flaunt their bare heels, if only for the sake of hardening, and in order to show that they are not afraid of the hot cobblestones of the pavement.
  Vitalik walked through the ancient city. And smiled, admiring the sensations. There were large statues and grandiose palaces. And at the same time, there is a lot of dirt in the city. It was not very fun for the slave boys who cleaned everything here.
  Vitalik asked one of the barefoot, in one loincloth, boy:
  - What is this city?
  He looked at Vitalik's bright T-shirt and the beautiful, gilded watch on the boy's tanned hand, bowed respectfully and replied:
  - The great city of Babylon is the capital of the Macedonian state!
  Vitalik chuckled and asked:
  - And Alexander the Great, I hope, is alive?
  The boy bowed again and replied:
  - He is eternally alive, being a god on Olympus!
  Vitalik nodded and sang:
  - Sparkles with a radiant star,
  Through the dark darkness...
  Great hero Alexander
  Knows no pain, no fear!
  The slave boy wanted to say something, but the overseer in sandals and a cloak appeared and hit the young slave on the back with a whip. He screamed, and began to sweep the street with a vengeance.
  Vitalik exclaimed:
  - Beating children is not good!
  The overseer looked at the boy. Bare, tanned legs, but a bright T-shirt and a gold watch on his hands. Maybe this is the son of a noble person.
  And the overseer replied:
  - Slaves must be kept in submission with a whip. Didn't your father ever beat you?
  Vitalik honestly answered:
  - No!
  The overseer was surprised:
  - Strange! Even noble boys are flogged. And your face reminds me of someone.
  Vitalik answered in a stern tone:
  And you must know your place!
  The man stepped back, feeling timid. The boy slapped his bare, chiselled, very strong feet further and sang:
  Spartacus is a great warrior and hero,
  Fought bravely with a huge army...
  Although he was a slave, but, and now the king,
  Let the victory be radiant!
  Vitalik wanted to continue to sing, but the inspiration left the boy. In fact, I wanted adventure.
  And so he went to the very center of Babylon. This city, the largest in antiquity, until Rome rose. The boy moved easily, like a lynx, and his mood was like that of a sniffer dog that took the trail.
  Life was teeming all around. On the right, in the square, a boy of about fourteen years old, with long, blond hair, was being whipped.
  The teenager was sad, and walked with his head down, and covering his shame with his hands, they tore off his loincloth.
  The crowd whistled and hooted, it was interesting how they would beat a handsome and muscular boy. Women were especially eager to watch. Still far from Islam, and they were with open faces, many in light tunics, short, which is more comfortable in the heat. Some who are poorer and younger are barefoot, while the richer ones wear sandals and bracelets.
  Vitalik also looked at this spectacle. The boy with a sad look obediently lay down on the goats. He was secured by the executioner's assistants - also teenagers naked to the waist, but in trousers and boots. And, of course, the executioner himself is a very muscular thug.
  So he took a rod from the basket and moistened it with water.
  The herald read the accusation:
  - For lack of respect for elders, impudence, a boy of fourteen years old Kir is sentenced to fifty lashes on the back and buttocks and twenty-five blows on the heels!
  The crowd cheered in approval. The executioner took a stronger whip and struck a blow on the muscular, sunburned back of the boy. He was not at full strength, and the skin only swelled.
  Vitalik thought, should he intervene? But what would be the point? There stood a dozen tall men armed with guards. And the crowd roared in approval. In addition, it is possible that the boy is beaten for the cause. Ancient times are harsh. And God himself ordered the boys to be flogged. Even in the Bible, in the humane New Testament, it was recommended to flog children with a rod.
  The boy was breathing heavily and, gritting his teeth, was silent. The executioner beat him measuredly, and already the skin burst and blood flowed.
  Vitalik remarked with a sigh:
  - Such a world!
  And the teenage boy continued to be beaten. Vitalik moved on, he did not want to watch this. Although, of course, many people like the spectacle. Vitalik moved on.
  He remembered the movie "Treasure Island", still the one in thirty-seven.
  There was a girl instead of a boy. And they threatened to fry her heels.
  Yes, that would hurt. Vitalik wondered if the girl would have screamed or kept silent like a partisan.
  Of course, he checked himself after this film, purely out of curiosity, how the fire burns the heels. And he did it with gas camphor . Convinced that yes, it is very painful. And then, still not too rough, the soles of the little boy were very sensitive.
  And the blisters on them swelled painful. True, they quickly left. Yes, such torture will loosen anyone's tongue. But there were pioneers in fascist captivity who were silent. Although, maybe some of them had their heels roasted with fire.
  True, Vitaly has never seen a film where the boys' heels are fried. Here with sticks, sometimes, it happened to be beaten. In one American film, an English officer even hit a boy on his bare sole with a chain. And that foot was swollen, and the boy was in pain. But never with fire.
  There are also very few films where boys are beaten on the heels with sticks.
  Vitalik turned to look. You don't see that often.
  The boy's back turned into a bloody mess, and the executioner was already beating the sole with a stick. Surprisingly, the boy held back his screams and showed courage. Like he was a Spartan.
  Vitalik decided that after the spanking he would definitely get to know this kid . Moreover, the city is unfamiliar, and he does not know where to go. Did you have an idea to become a gladiator? But this is not Ancient Rome, and it is not known whether there were gladiators in the Macedonian state during the reign of Alexander IV .
  Although, most likely, there were some fighters entertaining the public.
  Vitalik didn't know yet, was he stuck here for a long time, or was it just a walk around Babylon?
  The easiest way is to join the army. There will be a roof, and food, and money in case of war.
  And Vitalik, the taekwondo fighter is very strong. Yes, and he has a concept of fighting with swords.
  that I didn"t want to get stuck in a world without computers, game consoles, smartphones, iPhones , TVs and the Internet for a long time. Indeed, what is to be done in this case? I want something to play with.
  Vitalik was very fond of historical strategies. Where are you, for example, in the place of the Russian Tsar Ivan the Terrible. And you win the war in Livonia against the computer. You control thousands of units. And you build factories with cannons, squeakers, stables, or something even more impressive. But Ivan the Terrible is, of course, a primitive, like the Cossacks game. But something more modern to create with technology.
  It is especially interesting to play from the primitive system to nanotechnology.
  Teenage boy finished beating. He was very strong, so he was able to stand up after a spanking by himself. And although the boy's legs were swollen, he hardly took a few steps on them.
  After that, he was given a loincloth. And the boy moved beaten to the blood, but not broken.
  Vitalik approached him and held out his hand. The boy Cyrus shook it and remarked:
  -I see you're not a slave! I won"t even ask, your every gesture speaks of a free and worthy person.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - I'm not a slave, of course.
  The boy looked at him and suddenly, changing his face, asked:
  - Sorry, my eyes are blurry. Or it just seems to me, but you .... Your Majesty Alexander...
  Vitalik shook his head.
  - No! I am not Alexander! What does it look like?
  The teenage boy nodded.
  - Very!
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - Yes, it is interesting. But I think he's already...
  The boy nodded.
  Yes, ten years. But he is a big and strong boy. What are you, older?
  Vitalik nodded.
  - Yes! But that's not a problem. It's time for me to check on my twin brother.
  The boy logically remarked:
  - For such a resemblance, they can be put on a stake.
  The young boy nodded.
  - Maybe! But I remembered one interesting story, it also happened when the boys are similar and it can work out , everything is very interesting!
  Vitalik, of course, could not help recalling Mark Twain's The Prince and the Pauper. Where the boys switched places. And that turned out to be funny. Moreover , it is possible that Alexander the Fourth has not long left. There have been many different versions of the death of the son of Alexander the Great in history. And in battle, and from poisoning, and supposedly even in prison. There were several different versions of the death of the son of the legendary king. It was too long ago, and then troubled times came.
  The empire of Alexander the Great collapsed. For a long time, only the Roman Empire existed from such large states.
  Vitaliy and Cyrus approached the huge palace. It was built by Nebuchadnezzar. Quite massive and lush. Around full of protection, including horse.
  The boys didn't look very presentable. Cyrus generally only has a loincloth and a back slashed with a whip. Yes, and the heels are swollen, you have to step on your toes. Vitalik was even surprised that the boy was able to walk after such a cruel execution.
  Cyrus remarked:
  - I am very much like a slave. They won't let me in.
  Vitalik nodded with a smile.
  - Understand! But, probably, they will also close access to me.
  Cyrus suggested:
  - Rush at a run, and report that you have an urgent message to the king. Then they will take you for a herald, or a runner, and maybe they will let you through.
  Vitalik noted:
  - It's a good idea.
  The boy started to run. His bare, tanned, very muscular legs flashed like the hooves of a pony.
  Cyrus said with a sad smile:
  - To whom pies and donuts,
  And who chews and cones!
  Vitalik ran to the guards. He exclaimed at the top of his lungs:
  - Urgent message to the king!
  The guards asked in unison:
  - From whom?
  The boy confidently answered:
  - From Krator !
  - Come on!
  Vitalik started further. He ran and looked around the palace. Luxury was rough. There are more than three hundred years before the birth of Christ. And at the same time, it's pretty clean. Slave girls and boys scrub the floor. Vitalik was slowed down by the guards a couple of times.
  Until , finally, he ran into the throne room. Everything was literally gleaming gold .
  There was a boy sitting on the throne. He was in luxurious attire and in precious shoes, and on his head was a crown. The child's face was really very similar to Vitalik. And along the edges stood guards with spears and bows.
  Vitalik bowed and said:
  - I am glad to serve you, your majesty!
  The boy on the throne asked anxiously:
  - Who are you? Someone you remind me of?
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - I want to talk to you alone, great one !
  Alexander the Fourth nodded:
  - Fine! Let's retire to the chambers, I like to talk with my peers.
  And the boy-king went to the small throne room. And Vitalik, silently stepping barefoot, followed him. Alexander, because of the shoes, seemed a little taller. And how muscular he is is not visible because of the clothes.
  They went out and stood in front of the mirror. Alexander gladly took off his hated shoes, embarrassing the boy, and remarked:
  We are the same height now!
  Vitaly suggested:
  - Let's compare the muscles.
  And he took off his shirt. His muscles, in fact, were very embossed with deep drawing.
  Alexander also pulled off his royal robes, remained almost naked. The boy was muscular, to a paler point, and his muscles were not so prominent, but similar nonetheless!
  Alexander noted:
  - Our own mother will not distinguish us.
  Vitaly asked with a smile:
  "Would you like to switch places with me?"
  The boy king nodded.
  - Certainly! I dream of appearing in the city without security guards, running barefoot through the streets, wallowing in the mud. And in general, take a break from public affairs. And what?
  Vitalik noted:
  - In royal robes, no one will think that I am you. And you will wear mine !
  Alexander nodded.
  We have similar voices. Listen, I really like your idea!
  And the boys began to change clothes. The king's shoes were too big, and not very comfortable, but studded with precious stones. And the clothes are not very comfortable. It was clear with what pleasure Alexander put on shorts. He even wanted to stay bare-chested. But carrying the T-shirt in his hands is uncomfortable , and he reluctantly pulled it on. So the boys switched places.
  Vitaly also felt out of place. Although now he is the ruler of the largest empire, at that time, in the world.
  Both boys moved out of the throne room. Alexander whispered:
  - You will be on my throne. And while I walk around the city. When I get tired of free will, I will return, and we will change again.
  Vitaly nodded.
  - Great!
  The boys entered the kingdom hall. Vitalik went to the throne. He sat down importantly and said:
  - Give this boy ten gold coins and let him go in peace!
  After that, the maids politely escorted the young king out. The barefoot boy started to run. How good without shoes - legs are light, and bare soles feel bliss.
  Alexander took and sang:
  Freedom, freedom, give me freedom
  I'll fly like a bird !
  To the people, to the people, to the people,
  And I will live as I want!
  The boy-king was full of enthusiasm. However, as soon as he left the palace, he felt with his bare, not too rough soles how hot the cobblestones of the pavement were. And it was an uncomfortable feeling. And I had to grit my teeth and strain to continue running again.
  Tropical climate, and in summer, of course, the sun still burns. Slave boys are familiar, but how can a king walk barefoot, even as a child.
  And that hurts a lot. Alexander jumped up - burned his heels, but endured. So he ran into the shade, where it is not so hot, and noticed:
  - Oh gods, I never thought stones could be so hot!
  The boy looked at his hands. They contained ten gold coins. The thought flashed - should I buy sandals?
  But that's why he escaped from the palace in order to run barefoot to his heart's content. Yes, and it is not fitting for the son of a great commander to become limp. His father did great things, and his son saved, only because his bare soles burn.
  Alexander again rushed to run along the burning cobblestones. The sun was still shining brightly.
  Suddenly he got Cyrus. A boy in a loincloth and slashed exclaimed:
  - Hello Vitalik!
  Alexander growled in response:
  - I'm not Vitalik, but who are you?
  The boy replied with a smile:
  - I'm Cyrus! What, you forgot me?
  The perceptive Alexander replied:
  - I understand! Do you think I'm the boy we swapped clothes with!?
  Kirk took a closer look. It was evident that Alexander's hands and feet were not so embossed, and the bare soles of his feet were callused. Especially if you look closely.
  Cyrus bowed and asked:
  "So it's you, Your Majesty?"
  Alexander nodded.
  - And you are quick-witted! Why were you beaten?
  The boy replied with a smile:
  - For pranks!
  The king-boy hissed:
  - If you make me angry, they will impale you!
  Kirk nodded with a smile.
  - Yes, my lord! I listen and obey!
  Alexander ordered:
  - Come on, run with me!
  And both boys rushed. The Tsar Kid was naturally hardy and strong, but not well trained. However, they ran fast.
  Alexander on the run asked:
  - You are a slave?
  Cyrus answered with confidence:
  - No!
  - And why half-naked, beaten and barefoot?
  The boy replied with a smile:
  - Before spanking undressed! And in general, boys often go half-naked in the heat, even if their parents are not so poor.
  Alexander nodded.
  - Logically!
  And the boy-king took off his T-shirt. He was moderately tanned. So much time walked in royal robes. And their bare soles were burning, as if a brazier had been kindled under them.
  Alexander even began to moan.
  Cyrus asked:
  - Why are you moaning, your majesty?
  The boy-king answered:
  - Very burning heels!
  The little boy nodded.
  - I understand that the king does not walk barefoot - it is not allowed by rank!
  Alexander growled angrily:
  - I know! Here I will make you kneel and lick my bare heels, and woe if you disobey!
  Kirk nodded with a smile.
  - On all your will, about great !
  The boy-king relented:
  - Well, let's go into the shade, let's take a break!
  And both boys ran into the shade and sat on a bench. Alexander lifted up his childish, knocked down, burned legs to make it a little easier. Walking barefoot in Babylon in the summer is akin to torture.
  The young ruler ordered:
  - Buy me something to eat!
  And threw a gold coin to Cyrus!
  The boy bowed and said:
  - I listen and obey.
  After that, the heels knocked down by sticks flashed, and he rushed to the nearest shop for food.
  And Vitaly, meanwhile, was sitting on the throne. In principle, he is a king, but nominal, since he is only ten years old, and the de facto regent and ruler, Cassander. It seems that he killed the king later. And when, exactly historians argue. There is a version that Alexander died in battle.
  In any case, it's time to get rid of Cassandra - he is a king, or not a king!
  And the boy asked with an arrangement:
  - And where is the supreme vizier?
  The guard bowed and replied:
  - In the next throne room receives a delegation!
  Vitalik noted:
  - Call him to me for bright eyes!
  The guard nodded and gave the order to another . And the state mechanism began to spin.
  Vitalik listened to the report of one of the viziers. The news was that there was unrest in the Afghan province. The people there are very liberal. Faith
  There is no Allah yet, but there is enough fanaticism.
  The boy suggested:
  Let them justify their claims. Whoever wants justice will get it. And who is not, there is a sword!
  Then, at last, Cassander appeared. He was a large, tall man, and a sword hung from his belt. He reluctantly bowed to the young king and asked:
  - What do you want your majesty?
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - I want to fight with you with swords.
  Cassander chuckled and replied:
  - Good wish, Your Majesty! But you are still a child, and I am a great warrior.
  The boy king nodded.
  - I know! But you forgot what a great fighter my father was.
  Cassander nodded.
  - Yes, you are strong and fast beyond your years! But you are far from me. However, I am ready to teach you a lesson.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - I will fight barefoot!
  The boy took off these shoes, which are clearly not the right size, and only get in the way, even though they are luxurious.
  Then the royal robes, left in only swimming trunks.
  Cassander was surprised:
  - You tanned and became more muscular!
  Vitalik confirmed:
  - I have practiced!
  Cassander did not take off his expensive boots and armor. He seemed to be confident of victory.
  His sword was much larger than that of the boy king, and the commander of Alexander the Great himself was much taller and heavier.
  The fight started with a shot. Kassander unhurriedly struck, and Vitalik deflected. The boy is a great master in Taekwondo, but he also had a concept of swords. He had already made up his mind to kill Cassander, who would soon try to kill him. Or rather, even kill the legitimate king.
  The boy lulled Cassandra's guard by pretending he was just exercising.
  And then he took it and how it jumps. And the sharp sword of Vitaly Akulov stuck his counterpart right in the throat. Cassander was hit, staggered, and then collapsed, a fountain of crimson blood churning from his throat.
  The boy excitedly announced:
  - The Supreme Vizier has died, now I will rule!
  Cassandra was taken away. Vitalik ordered to bury him with the honors that were due to the second person in the state. By the way, Cassander, it seems, killed the mother of Alexander the Fourth? Well well , and got it for it!
  Vitalik left several beautiful prints of his childish, but strong and agile legs on the stone floor.
  After that, he sang:
  And though you have to shed
  In the battle of a furious stream of stormy blood ...
  Break the thread of life with a sword, an arrow,
  Forever and ever we will not betray love!
  . CHAPTER 18
  Vitalik woke up. And he set to work again. And at the same time, with a smile, he noted:
  - My dream turned out to be interesting!
  Albina ironically asked:
  - You that, was the ruler of the world?
  The boy genius replied:
  - Almost!
  The girl remarked ironically:
  - Yes, it happens. What exactly did you dream about?
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  - As if I changed places with Alexander the fourth - the son of the famous Macedonian!
  Albina giggled and noted:
  - It's top class. You just can't think of something like this.
  The genius boy remarked:
  - Similar was with Mark Twain, in the famous novel "The Prince and the Pauper". Have you read it?
  The heroic girl shook her head negatively.
  - No! No book, just watched the movie. Moreover, both the English version and the Soviet one.
  Vitalik asked with curiosity:
  - And which one is better?
  Albina honestly answered:
  - Rather, English, more precisely American. They have a prettier boy there.
  The young genius laughed and remarked:
  - It would be even better if there was a novel: "The Princess and the Pauper". In this case, it's even funny when a girl of royal blood walks barefoot and through the mud!
  The hero girl nodded.
  - It's right! But in the film about the prince and the beggar, there are no barefoot boys.
  Vitalik remarked:
  But they are in the book. There was first barefoot Kenty , and then the prince, and then King Edward. In the movies, yes, for some reason they didn"t show it. Maybe the weather during filming was cold.
  Albina sternly remarked:
  the hypno emitter faster . And then suddenly the police, or the mafia, get wind of it.
  Vitalik remarked with a laugh:
  - In this case, I will make them dance hopak!
  The hero girl laughed and reminded:
  - You , after all, though a great genius, but a mortal. Maybe a sniper will take you down!
  The prodigy boy nodded.
  - I know! But the force field will be ready soon. And you can't even pierce it with a laser.
  And the children-geniuses, as well as the people subordinate to them, set to work. There was a struggle for world domination.
  Agripina did not doze off either. First she found out what was new in the world. As always, war and chaos. In China, by the way, unrest began. In particular, there were demands to make the position of the President of the People's Republic of China popularly elected. In itself, the idea to the Chinese Communists seems to be not dangerous, but this is not traditional.
  Worse for them is something else , the opposition has a new, young, unusually talented leader. And he could create problems for the Chinese Communist Party. In Russia, too, changes are expected in the Communist Party of the Russian Federation. Zyuganov fell ill and took to his bed. Indeed, he will soon be eighty, and how long can one be chairman. In Western parties, leaders are changed at the first failure.
  Agripina remarked:
  - Whom I put, he will command the communists. And the choice is quite wide. Yes, and the presidential elections in Russia on the nose. Already the first of June, and in the fall they will nominate candidates. And why don't I go to the presidency?!
  And the head of the mafia sang:
  Power is not just a word
  She's above the law...
  What will the king say menacingly,
  You fix it with an ax!
  And the large, powerful and muscular woman laughed and played with her powerful biceps. She really liked feeling strong. At the same time, you can eat something delicious. For example, roe deer in sauce and fried octopus. And have fun with some interesting fight.
  Here, in particular, why not arrange a type of jousting tournament? Let, as in ancient times, they come together on horseback and ram each other.
  Agripina watched a film, at one time, about Ivanhoe. But she didn't like him. And she ordered to withdraw her version. There, for example, Isaac's daughter Rebecca became a blonde. And it was shown how she was tortured like a witch.
  Moreover, the shooting turned out to be very naturalistic.
  Agripina was extremely pleased with this. She is a very cruel person. By the way, Rowena was also tortured in the von Beth castle . And a blonde too. And this extremely turned on the godmother of the mafia.
  Yes , Agripina did a lot of things. Now she has begun throwing needles with her bare toes. While on target. But it is possible after all and on people. She also killed with a pistol. Made a lot of things.
  The young woman sang:
  Day and night I beat everyone without ceasing ...
  Pity not knowing, shame!
  I seem to be acting strange
  But the girl is just Satan!
  Agripina burst out laughing and bared her teeth again. And she herself thinks that the sight of torment is so exciting. Especially when you torture beautiful boys. And in whom did she succeed. Maybe her father is the Devil himself?
  Although Agripina read that there is a version that Satan is a humble servant of God. Indeed, would the Almighty create a real opposition to himself? That's how in modern Russia, the opposition seems to be there, but it seems to be non-existent.
  And that over the years there is only less freedom for the people. Well, it doesn't matter to the rich.
  Agripina has already negotiated with the oligarchs. They, too, do not mind changing the aged, decrepit and bored president. But Agripina is somehow very much afraid. And who will take this Devil in a skirt to the throne.
  Another thing, the discovery of a boy-genius opens up such fantastic opportunities.
  You can rule the whole world! He has hypnowaves that affect the human brain, like the strongest hypnotist. But human hypnosis does not work for everyone. And here it"s just absolute power over consciousness and thoughts.
  Agripina thought about whether she should call some professor and suggest that he create a similar weapon. However , it is unlikely that any academician can do this, especially quickly. Most likely, a barefoot child prodigy in shorts will create a previously unknown power and unite humanity ... under the rule of a godmother.
  And the boy himself, apparently, is better to eliminate after all. He's too smart. It will be a constant danger. True, it could still be useful.
  Agripina thought ... Indeed , it would be a pity to kill such a great genius. He may also find a way to make the godmother immortal! Some kind of rejuvenating radiation will open. And then she will never grow old and die.
  Indeed, if one of the great kings could become immortal, he could take over the whole world. First of all, Genghis Khan, Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar, Napoleon Bonaparte, Karl of Austria and maybe some others had chances. Great empires arose, and then crumbled and went into oblivion, leaving only books and films about themselves.
  Agripina sighed. She is still too young to think about old age. But women, of course, are much more sensitive to the problems of age. And they often consider themselves old women at the age of thirty. And watch every wrinkle.
  Agripina started and sang in a sad voice;
  Humanity is in great sorrow
  Probably everyone thinks about him!
  Tears shed over this sea
  The fear of man burns with fire!
  Crawl after year the years in a caravan,
  Grandma rubs her henna on her cheeks!
  And something happened to the slender maiden camp,
  Where the wrinkles come from, I don"t understand!
  Well, why is the crown of nature bright,
  The creator of machines, suddenly must wither!
  The one who harnessed the power of the wind to the cart,
  Cannot cope with evil aging!
  A beauty becomes a freak
  And the hero is fading before our eyes!
  Any now vile weather,
  And at night tormented by wild fear!
  But that there is no salvation, I do not believe,
  Man is capable of arguing with God!
  To become an eternal friendly family,
  So that the road was easy uphill!
  Old women will not have wrinkles now,
  Let's make old age recede in disgrace!
  And man, progress is a powerful son,
  Looks at the peak of life with a bright gaze!
  And there will be endless beauty
  Days will flow like a full-flowing river!
  Human kindness will appear
  After all, the heart will become pure, noble!
  Believe, a new pleasure will come,
  Over the years, wisdom will add!
  After all, ice does not settle in a young body,
  Like a schoolboy eagerly studying for five!
  The mark above, well, look,
  You will retake the exam, at least a hundred times!
  And you can eat cakes with gusto with honey,
  Well, become an old girl now!
  And Agripina took it and jumped, twisting in the air. Her mood improved somewhat.
  The godmother thought that it would be possible to adopt Vitalik Akulov, making him her heir. However , whether the boy-genius wants to share power with her. And yes, she has children.
  And give the kid his inheritance? Yes, it's unrealistic. The question is, however, how to capture this powerful device?
  Agripina decided to let the child prodigy finish everything. And at the very last moment, disable it with sleeping gas grenade launchers. For what, and sent a team of special forces soldiers, who were supposed to wait for their victims in an ambush.
  This plan was simple, but could be the most effective. Moreover, the grenade launchers were the most modern with computer guidance and increased speed.
  And the gas acted almost instantly, also the latest development. And the special forces were selective and well-equipped. So Agripina hoped that everything would go without a hitch and a gap . More precisely, it will be okay.
  And she will capture the most powerful installation, which will give her power over the entire planet.
  And then she turns around. He will build himself a pyramid above Everest, and many different monuments and statues.
  And all the heads of other states will be impaled. She won't need them anymore.
  And the children will walk barefoot all year round, and they will be beaten on their heels with sticks.
  And this is just the beginning. What only Agripina has not yet done cool.
  She's an inventive girl .
  And then the godmother of the mafia began to sing;
   That a person cannot be curbed in any way;
  His desire to become God Almighty...
  So that the center of the universe is one Earth,
  To obey everything in this world of existence.
  One stroke of the brush , that's a whirlwind of galaxies,
  There are scarlet poppy stars in it, planets like daisies!
  After all, God the Creator did not subside in man,
  He does not want to be a small insect!
  We can all create such a law,
  What a trillion parsecs in chocolate!
  Our mind, a tornado of volcanoes, is indignant,
  Science has led its kind to a reward!
  Can't believe there were times
  When we were just savages
  When fire and rain are evil,
  And we called lions and tigers kings!
  When the plow bent like a crooked deck,
  The slave dug the earth with a heavy hoe!
  We then watered the juicy meadow,
  tormented us , as if on end!
  Well, science, you are Mother,
  Found the opportunity to make thought immortal!
  We can boldly tear the legions,
  And surf the vast universe!
  We have achieved such that the Lord,
  I probably couldn't figure it out myself!
  We have superflesh from princeps plasma,
  And in the heads of quasars there is power and wisdom!
  He began his journey with an ordinary gun,
  He could only move the tree at first.
  But it became something cooler than metal,
  Healing the wound in an instant!
  Now, we are people, the superman tribe,
   Capable of doing the impossible!
  Solve any of any problems,
  It is not difficult for us to change the universe!
  But if you want, you can really become God,
  Serve like a dog without fear to man!
  After all, our Russia is beyond the power of a superrat ,
  Do not be her bat to the limits of the century!
  Agripina sang, and angrily stamped her heavy, strong foot and growled:
  I don't care about people
  I want to command...
  Even the most important people
  I'll make you fall down!
  And she sparkled with her emerald and, at the same time, sapphire eyes.
  Then I listened to the news report. Nothing special so far. The Taliban are advancing northward. Russian troops, of which there are few in Tajikistan, are retreating. True, they are trying to bomb and deliver missile strikes.
  In Ukraine, the fighting is quite brutal. Because, always. The interesting news is that the president seems to have canceled his meetings. Also, apparently, health problems. So much the better, Agripina will have more chances to become the new queen. In that case, of course, if the installation of the boy does not work.
  In fact, it may not work on a global scale. Then the godmother herself will go to the presidency of Russia.
  In fact, Agripina is not to be trifled with. She is a very cool lady. And her bare feet break concrete slabs and break logs.
  Agripina jumped up and began to dance. She suddenly wanted to move. And show your prowess.
  She is, in fact, a first-class fighter. Why doesn't she beat the boys.
  There are teenagers here who do karate , and you can practice blows on them.
  Agripina bellowed:
  Karate , karate, carriage,
  Be like dough in foil!
  After that, the formidable woman showed off her tiled abs!
  Albina got out on a special ring. She was in only a bikini, and one could appreciate her extremely powerful, and very muscular figure.
  She is not only with strong and sculpted muscles, but also tanned, almost like a black woman. Not every man will come out against such a warrior.
  Here is the godmother of the mafia gave a signal. A barefoot boy of about fourteen ran into the ring. Agripina began to beat him with her hands. And so as not to turn off the consciousness, but that it was very painful.
  Mafia warrior sang:
  Have no mercy on the boys
  Kill them bastards ...
  How to crush bedbugs
  Hit like cockroaches!
  Having beaten the boy well, she threw him out of the ring.
  It took off and turned off.
  Then ran out, flashing bare heels, another handsome and muscular teenager.
  Agripina allowed him to kick in the press, which the female hero has like armor. And then she began to beat him. Moreover, without thinking to turn it off with blows, so that the boy had more bruises and bumps.
  He even groaned in pain. And Agripina threw it away. She knocked out the third boy with a blow to her head. Then she sang:
  I'm the scariest woman in the world
  And you can not escape, believe me, the toilet !
  After that, she laughed.
  The godmother of the mafia took the fourth boy and threw him into the ring. Then she lifted and fastened his hands to the ropes. And made a sign:
  - Goose feather for me!
  The female referees gave her the required .
  Agripina began to tickle the boy's heel. He started laughing and giggling.
  The godmother of the mafia sang:
  I like to play hide and seek with the boy,
  I love to play hide and seek with the boy!
  Count to ten again!
  I love riddles!
  I love riddles!
  But to find, not to lose!
  After that, she began to tickle the boy on the bare sole even more vigorously.
  Tom was not hurt, and he laughed. Entertainment, of course, is interesting. It's also torture.
  Agripina remembered how she, in a youngster colony, also tickled a girl prisoner. And tickled so long that she lost consciousness. You can be tickled to death. And this is, indeed, torture without a trace.
  It is especially pleasant to expose beautiful girls and boys to it. I'm surprised the police didn't think of this before. Indeed, you can"t prove it, and there are no external injuries. Although, maybe the fact is that the police do not often get beautiful women and boys among those who can provide useful information.
  Agripina got tired of tickling and she threw the boy out of the ring. And the fifth kid tried to move her bare heel into the solar plexus. The godmother hesitated slightly and missed a very painful blow. What made her cringe. The boy began to beat her with his gloved hands on the head.
  Agripina answered, and the kid flew head over heels out of the ring.
  After that, the heroic woman got tired of it.
  And she went down and sat on the sofa, began to click on the computer.
  It looks like it has games on it. Indeed, technology has come a long way.
  And in the war game, you can choose huge cards and cut for a long time in strategy.
  Agripina began, clicking her keyboard. Here she still has a lot of work to do. But, of course, the godmother used the cheat code. And let's stamp the troops with great force and energy. Including tanks. From dwarf, to super-heavy, and even land battleships.
  However, such a game, too, the godmother of the mafia soon got bored.
  Although, when the tanks go in a solid wall, and everything in their path is burned with fiery jets, it looks very beautiful.
  Agripina thought, could the Nazis have won the Second World War? In principle, they certainly had chances. Hitler's first major mistake was to stop the tanks under Dyuker. If the British were cut off, then several hundred thousand soldiers would be captured. And then, perhaps, Churchill would have accepted Germany's offer of peace. And if he had not accepted, then the chances of capturing Britain back in the fortieth year would have been much greater. It was also possible, by transferring aircraft factories to a three-shift mode of operation, to produce more aircraft and win the air battle for England.
  In the same way as landing troops, it would be quite realistic even in November 1940. That is, the Germans missed a lot of opportunities.
  By the way, why didn't Hitler send troops to Africa back in 1940? It was possible to seize the entire Mediterranean back then, and even occupy the Middle East.
  Of course, the Germans could well have prevented the defeat of the Italians in Greece and occupied it with troops in the winter. Then, most likely, there would not have been an anti-German rebellion in Yugoslavia. And in this case, the Germans would have attacked the USSR on May 15, 1941. And they could well have had time to take Moscow before the autumn thaws and terrible winter frosts.
  And was it worth it for the Germans to attack the USSR? Maybe it would be better to take Britain with all its colonies? In this case, Germany had an abundance of oil, plus manpower, raw materials and colonial divisions.
  Although, perhaps, Stalin could attack first. Now that Russia has attacked Ukraine, and this was done by a cautious, as is commonly believed, president, this no longer seems like a fantasy of Suvorov-Rezun . Stalin, this is indeed a cruel and bloody tyrant who shot his friends and relatives. And he might as well decide to attack.
  It is all the more clear that after the capture of Britain and its colonies, the USSR would no longer have a chance to win a war of attrition.
  So, of course, anything could happen. In any case, the Fuhrer started a war with the USSR, having already very slippery chances. But the Red Army, not ready for defense and not very trained, swam. And the chances were still there.
  Even after the defeat of the Germans near Moscow, not all was lost.
  If Japan had won the Battle of Midway, and she should have won it, since her troops were superior to the Americans in experience and combat training and were not inferior in strength. But due to several accidents, the battle was won by the Americans.
  There was also a chance for Rommel to capture Egypt and defeat the English troops if he had not paused after taking Tolbuk. And, finally, on the eastern front, the Germans could have taken Stalingrad on the move, if Hitler personally had not given the order to turn the Fourth Panzer Army south in the direction of the Caucasus. As a result, the Germans lost two weeks of precious time, and the Red Army managed to establish defenses near Stalingrad.
  If not for these events, then the Third Reich had a chance to win together with Japan.
  After Stalingrad, the Germans could, perhaps, at best, bring the war to a draw. Although Hitler continued to mow . One of his mistakes was the mass production of very expensive, but not accurate, FAA missiles. They did not justify themselves, but absorbed a lot of resources of the Third Reich.
  Yes, and perhaps jet aviation was too expensive and crude at that time, and also did not justify itself. You can enumerate a lot of Hitler's mistakes.
  In particular, the transfer of the economy to a military footing began with a big delay only in the forty-second year. And total war was declared only in the forty-third. And universal labor service was introduced only in the forty-fourth.
  And if the economy had been put on a war footing back in 1940, everything would have been different.
  Well, the Germans would have won if Agripina had not been godmother. And most likely she would have worked somewhere as a slave in the fields, barefoot and in a torn tunic. Unless, of course, there would be slavery. It is possible that Hitler, who is believed by some to have had Parkinson's disease, would soon fold and someone more moderate would come in and liberalize Nazism.
  For example, there was the Roman Empire - very cruel. But then the emperor Caracal gave all its inhabitants Roman citizenship. But the Romans , indeed, were not angels. Hitler himself liked to compare the Third Reich with Rome. For all their brutality, the Romans created a mighty culture.
  Agripina on the monitor again dialed the laboratory, where work continued on the creation of weapons of mass hypnosis.
  Visibility was not very good.
  The godmother asked with a wicked smile:
  - Well? Can they do something?
  The head of the secret police, Fatrushev, replied:
  - We try. But it's full of different viruses. This boy is just a devil, and manages to do such a thing!
  Agripina sang:
  Fatrushev , you swam with your mind for a long time,
  I fell in love with you...
  I like the devil boy now
  I want to be friends with him!
  The head of the secret police remarked:
  - This is not quite a child, but a teenager. And the boy who does this.
  Agripina remarked:
  - I also do a lot of things! And I'm not afraid of teenagers!
  Fatrushev nodded.
  - Of course, great!
  The godmother asked:
  - And how does the president feel?
  The head of the secret police asked:
  - President of which country?
  Agripina replied with a smile:
  - Russia!
  Fatrushev shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  He's obviously overtired. Perhaps, although this is carefully hidden, a microstroke was enough . You understand, such exorbitant loads!
  The godmother chuckled.
  - Yes, and millions more Ukrainians every day curse with all their might! This will definitely affect your health!
  The head of the secret police asked:
  - Do you believe in the power of the curse?
  Agripina remarked:
  - Heard about the Indian curse of US presidents? Those whose term starts at zero?
  Fatrushev nodded.
  - Yes, sure! They even talked about it on TV. But maybe it's just a coincidence!
  The godmother remarked:
  - When there are more than two coincidences, these are no longer coincidences! So there is some power!
  The head of the secret police nodded and remarked:
  - The President has been showing signs of Parkinson's disease for a long time. So he really didn't have much time left anyway. What do you want in his place?
  Agripina growled aggressively:
  - None of your business!
  And she sang with a smile:
  I want to soar like an eagle alone over the world,
  Blazing like a bright star...
  To be humanity's holy idol,
  And never part with power!
  . CHAPTER #19
  Work under the leadership of Vitalik continued. The boy was more and more confident in the final success. Especially when the energy of gravitons flowed from different places on the planet Earth. It was something like a cartoon about teenage mutant ninja turtles, where a couple of villains also tried to gain power over the planet Earth. True, here it was a couple of teenagers who were outwardly beautiful.
  And their goals seem to be noble. For example, to put an end to wars, famine, disease, crime, and in the long term, old age.
  So it's not all that clear.
  Albina, mastering the generator, noted:
  - I hope you understand what a big responsibility the government is?
  The genius boy nodded in agreement.
  - I understand that, of course!
  The girl-hero sarcastically remarked:
  - In theory, of course, you understand that!
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and noted:
  - Presidents also do not become textbooks. So let's figure it out somehow! In the end, the uprising will no longer be possible.
  Albina remarked:
  - If there are failures in the electronics? Haven't you thought about this?!
  The genius boy nodded.
  - I'll fix it. And you will help me.
  The hero girl noted:
  - If all of humanity will consist of obedient zombies, except for one pair - you and me, then this is very dangerous for civilization.
  Vitalik asked with a smile:
  - Why is that?
  Albina answered logically:
  - And if we go crazy, or something happens to us. On Earth, imagine what a nightmare can come!
  The genius boy furrowed his brow and remarked:
  - It is necessary , in this case, to come up with something. Maybe create something like our clones. If it's force majeure, they'll take our place!
  The girl-hero shrugged her shoulders and answered:
  - Well ... That might not be the best way out. Especially if the clone is as brilliant as you. In addition, seemingly complex animals such as primates and humans cannot be cloned at all!
  Vitalik asked with a smile:
  - Where does this information come from?
  Albina shrugged her shoulders and answered:
  - In any case, the clone still has to grow. And there won't be anyone like you. Perhaps only a superficial resemblance.
  The genius boy nodded.
  - Comforted!
  And continued to work. In fact, the brilliant Vitalik wanted to save humanity. And from global warming, and from wars, and from other misfortunes.
  At one time, the United States and North Korea almost unleashed a nuclear war. And now the world is teetering on the brink of nuclear war because of Ukraine. And how many people have died and become disabled due to the coronavirus?
  You can also remember the Second World War, how much blood was shed in it. Including civilians.
  Vitalik remarked with malice:
  - We need to create a single empire in the world. And we'll see. It will be possible, Albina and I, to found a dynasty. Moreover, it is not difficult with modern technology. Make it so that we have millions of children!
  The hero girl nodded.
  - Yes! Now it is quite possible. Especially artificially.
  The genius boy nodded and continued:
  - Children will get used to the new system and will obey me and my family even without hypnowaves . And then, we will fly to the stars and explore other planets. Apple trees will also bloom on Mars. Just like on other planets. I have plans to master Jupiter, with all its crazy gravity.
  Albina nodded and sang:
  Dreamer, I called you
  You and I are a very cool couple!
  You are smart, my boy is great,
  Only you have a very wild drive !
  The children of genius continued to work hard.
  The work was to be completed within the next few hours. Agripina, too, was impatient. She really wanted power over the world. Naturally, not in order to benefit mankind, but in order to rule itself. And literally revel in their power. And she had plans.
  In fact, one planet Earth is not enough. Why not conquer the entire universe? That would be really cool too. How many stars are there in the universe? Scientists say: a hundred sextillions! Certainly not enough for a thief like her. Agripina sang, baring her very large and biting teeth:
  - My ambitions know no limits,
  They are full of dreams to trample the world ...
  Such in the head of a capricious thief,
  She must be the daughter of Satan!
  And Agripina, how she laughs. Then she ordered to play American football: a team of boys against a team of girls. This, too, is kind of funny. I thought that the Americans actually lost the war in Vietnam. And the USSR had Afghanistan. And also, in fact, lost , even if not in the military sense of the word. And now the war with Ukraine. This is a brutal fratricidal massacre.
  And again, the lessons of history did not go into use .
  Agripina sang with a sigh:
  But why,
  It is impossible to live in the mind!
  But why,
  Life does not teach us anything
  But why,
  You can't trust anyone
  But why!
  But why!
  Well, why did the brother raise his hand to the brother,
  But why,
  Shoots death machine gun
  But why,
  The blood drenched the youth's cheek,
  But why!
  But why!
  Then Agripina noticed that she had become too sentimental and said in a rage:
  - I hang and transplant everyone!
  Then, a little push -ups from the floor on her fists. Then she ordered the boy to sit on her shoulders. A strong teenager of about fifteen sat down. And the powerful woman began to do push-ups with him. And her breath was so powerful.
  The boy remarked:
  - You are very strong!
  Agripina added:
  - Also smart!
  And bared her teeth. After push-ups , the powerful woman also did the press. Then she put a large teenager on her shoulders and began to squat.
  So she kept in shape. Crouching, she thought that after all, power over the world is sweet. But what if she kills the genius boy and then his invention goes out of control? It would be nice to subdue the child prodigy boy. Make him a submissive slave without depriving him of genius! But how can this be achieved? Maybe invite one of the strong hypnotists?
  However, is hypnosis so powerful? Hypnotists have not taken power over the world.
  Agripina finished studying and went to the next room to swim in the pool.
  Meanwhile, Vitalik continued to work. One of the ideas was to create a protective field to repel blows. If, say, someone would even launch a hypersonic missile. Nevertheless, modern technology allows you to strike at a distance. The boy worked in such a way that sweat even began to drip from him.
  Albina sang for vivacity:
  Let's hit harder, pull tighter!
  We will build, I believe, communism,
  And only up, not a step down!
  And a childish and cheerful whistle will be heard!
  Vitalik angrily remarked:
  We are no longer children! We have a great mission ahead of us. Is not it!?
  Albina giggled and noted:
  - Yes, maybe so. But we have to understand ... Well, what else is there to talk about!
  The boy angrily said:
  - Enough of us chatting and arguing,
  About various trifles ...
  We need to build this
  To stand for centuries!
  The heroic girl agreed:
  - Here you are absolutely right!
  And the beauty also gained momentum ... There is still a lot to be done. It's already June, which means it might raise suspicions that they didn't show up for school exams.
  In addition to Agripina, the FSB also received some information. There, too, drew attention to strange incidents. And what is possible, damage to smartphones, iPhones , cell phones and tablets, is somehow connected with the phenomenon of the boy who forced everyone to obey in the casino.
  The director of the FSB reported everything to the president. But he had a stroke from overexertion. Moreover, not micro, but very serious . So a sticky situation arose. And the prime minister does not command the security forces.
  It was necessary to take responsibility for this. But somehow officials have lost the habit of showing initiative. But just in case, the special forces were pulled up, and they were also ready. The signal to storm the laboratory could follow at any moment.
  So over Vitalik Akulov and his team, and in fact, clouds gathered.
  But so far, both of them have not interfered with his work. Perhaps the director of the FSB also guessed that this discovery would give power over the world. And then, it will be possible to become a dictator yourself, and not obey the president, who has become too painful and nervous because of the war and failures in the economy and on the battlefield.
  Moreover, the director of the FSB was accused of being unable to prevent a war against the Taliban that Russia did not need. But the Afghan Mujahideen did not know any other life than how to fight. And the world literally choked them. So external expansion was natural. Well, the Americans pushed them. But it is also clear when to attack, if not now, when Russia's hands are shackled by the war with Ukraine.
  But the director of the FSB was accused: they say he could not convince the Taliban who should be recruited or bought. So all the more so, it"s better to seize power over the world yourself than to share with someone!
  And there are other players as well. For example, the police. They can slip too. Although the mafia seems to be in control. So the situation looks like a tightly compressed spring. But what opportunities appear - to completely take people under control!
  Agripina splashed in the pool. And right, without leaving it, she began to drink champagne and eat pineapples.
  The powerful woman sang:
  - Destruction is my passion,
  There will be power over the planet ...
  We will destroy all enemies
  We will definitely win!
  And let's splash. It was fun and funny for her. And the mood lifted.
  It would be nice to take the whole planet like this and tilt it. And have a very big parade. And all men, hairy and smelly , turn into beautiful boys.
  And order to beat them with sticks on the heels. And then burn the soles with fire. And girls too.
  And set your chest on fire.
  Agripina sang furiously:
  Avadon the curse rises
  Avadon and the dead regiments
  Mad avadon leads
  Avadon - let it go!
  She is, in fact, a devil of the highest category. And if she starts killing everyone, then nothing will stop her.
  Agripina even thought about becoming a Goddess after seizing power? Moreover, with a capital letter, announcing that She created the universe. It was even much cooler and more powerful!
  So Agripina could turn around, building many temples with golden domes in her honor! And in those that are, placing their portraits and their children. And so that everyone must pray and light candles for her. And they fell to their knees.
  That would be great and cool!
  Agripina lifted her bare, graceful foot out of the water. The boy on the curb knelt down and kissed his bare heel.
  Agripina growled:
  'll beat you up like that !
  And laugh, and even with such laughter, like a madwoman. And her mood, figuratively speaking, is so cheerful and daring. Of course, you can't argue against someone like her. This will sweep away anyone.
  Agripina sang, baring her teeth:
  You won't believe me
  Or maybe you don't understand...
  It's more terrible under me than even in Dante's hell!
  I'll drop a nuclear bomb, I'm on a starship,
  Taking out the sky at a gallop!
  And the goddaughter of the mafia hit the boy with a bare, round heel on the nose. He bled out and fell unconscious.
  This is, indeed, the goddaughter of the mafia, who knows neither shame nor mercy!
  Agripina began to amuse herself by throwing needles with her bare toes at the fish that swam in the pool. Then she threw it so that the needle stuck into the boy's bare sole. And he literally screamed in excruciating pain.
  The godmother of the mafia squeaked:
  - If you cry, I'll kill you!
  And Agripina sang with gusto:
  Oh, as you know, we are a hot people,
  And we cannot bear the tenderness of calves ...
  We love to eat, but veal carcasses,
  We love to beat people, beat the buckets!
  And the godmother of the mafia, as she wants.
  And she wants, even very much, to destroy and spoil .
  One day she tortured a girl.
  Agripina liked it too. She even sang:
  What do you expect from me , girls,
  Trust me, I won't tell anyone...
  Your voice is very loud
  And I will soon strangle you all!
  The goddaughter of the mafia laughed again. She also remembered the game strategy. In it, in particular, in order to collect taxes, the police, and the courts, and even executioners were needed. And then taxes would be well collected, replenishing the treasury.
  Agripina hissed:
  There will be order in the treasury
  I will be honored...
  Money doesn't need words
  Money doesn't need words
  Money loves an account!
  And she took and threw the needle again. It hit the servant girl in the chest and made her scream. Crimson, sticky blood spattered.
  Agripina bellowed:
  Let the rivers of blood
  Waterfall wave...
  Let them moan in pain -
  So you need it!
  After that, Agripina finally got out of the pool. And started playing on the laptop.
  She had a laptop with a very large and thin screen. And the young woman began to develop a strategy again. Only, this time, historical .
  Like, she plays for Hitler, with the goal of conquering the whole world. But, of course, first by turning on the cheat code. And winding up a lot of money and resources.
  After that, she attacked Poland, already armed with: "Tigers", "Panthers" and "Lions". The last tank in real history existed only in projects. And then these formidable machines were taken and trampled like knightly wedges.
  They have streamlined shapes and very long trunks. And the Polish guns are completely powerless.
  Even somehow it"s not interesting, it"s so easy to win. However, in real history, Hitler defeated Poland with only six divisions of light tanks. And the fighting only lasted two weeks.
  Agripina no longer began to seize France, but pressed the button: a strategic decision. And all of Europe, including Switzerland, took control.
  And he attacked the USSR, throwing into battle formidable E-series tanks, jet aircraft, and flying disks with a laminar jet. And it looked really great.
  Agripina looked at the movement of the E-100 tanks , from which shells flew off like peas, and sang:
  - The troops are ready, madam,
  We will destroy everyone!
  I'll strike like this
  And I'll show you a deadly gift!
  A hurricane has blown through!
  War, of course, is an interesting occupation. Especially if the war is competitive, and not one-sided. But here the Soviet troops of the new, modernized army of the Third Reich cannot offer serious resistance.
  Agripina took it and sang with a smile:
  War, war, war
  Don't go crazy! Don't go crazy!
  Satan rules, Satan rules!
  Poor sum! A poor sum.
  Such is her credo.
  Agripina still did not deny herself the pleasure of destroying enemy electronic soldiers and equipment, walking through one gate. And in the end, she threw a couple of atomic bombs at Moscow. Explosions are also so beautiful.
  And she was satisfied. Although it may not be interesting to fight with the swindler's code, the head does not work.
  But it's easy, and no need to strain!
  Agripina looked at the characteristics of the tanks. "Maus" -3 looked very formidable and quite perfect machine. Which is able to cope with the IS-7.
  The godmother of the mafia did some more shooting.
  Then they brought her a pizza with a protein shake. And Agripina swallowed it with pleasure. And I felt uplifted.
  After that, I turned on the blockbuster on my laptop.
  There was a movie: Star Wars -13. This is a Russian remake of an American TV series. Also interesting. After the death of the death star, Emperor Palpatine, whose body burned in the mine, retained his soul. And even became mentally even stronger, in contact with the dark force in its very depths.
  After that, the spirit of Emperor Palpatine moved into a beautiful blonde clone. And she became the new ruler of the space empire.
  Even after the death of the second death star, the emperor had ten times the strength of the rebels, so the star wars continued.
  Luke Skywalker was the de facto leader of the rebellion, although he was formally commanded by another woman.
  And so the empire counterattacked the rebels. And the emperor faced Luke Skywalker . He did not know that the charming blonde was a black Sith, the most powerful in the history of these dark wizards.
  They agreed on swords. Luke fought well, but he was not yet sufficiently experienced in the knowledge of power. And the emperor, in the body of a female, struck him with lightning and turned off his consciousness. Luke Skywalker is captured.
  And the rebels were defeated.
  And the power of the empire was strengthened ...
  In general, in Russia, many were on the side of Palpatine. Indeed, a dictator-emperor is better than a rotten democracy. Moreover, in the days of the republic it was full of chaos.
  Is not modern Russia an empire? And it's still trying to expand. Albeit not too skillfully.
  Agripina noted:
  - Yes, democracy ... It is not real anywhere. Unless in the west, even though the kings are not kings, and replaceable!
  And she bared her teeth, which she has like a horse, and a draft.
  The film, about star wars, of course, was with space battles.
  There was also a Wookiee and others.
  Even flashed and Jabba's deputy, who took the place of the head of the galactic mafia.
  All in all, the remake was good. Agripina, by the way, ordered it herself. That is, to make a product in your own way.
  The godmother of the mafia issued:
  - Everything in the world is mine! And the Jedi too!
  Indeed, the emperor was a powerful, muscular girl in a bikini, or in a tight-fitting suit, depending on the situation. And also, sometimes barefoot, sometimes in shoes.
  In general, and a specialist in psychology will say this, there is too much nudity on the screen, not as exciting as when it is built into the plot, and moreover, it is dramatic.
  So the bare feet of women should also be shown in a good film so that it works for the plot.
  For example, if the princess lost her shoes, then as a punishment, and she really doesn"t like it. And it hurts to walk barefoot on a prickly surface. And she suffers, she is ashamed, and it can be cold, unpleasant to feel like a beggar.
  This, of course, is much more exciting than if a girl just walks barefoot along the beach, or walks around the house, or when she is a simple peasant woman in the summer.
  Agripina noted: extreme is interesting. Like when a girl is not entirely voluntarily forced to part with her shoes. It's like a scene in a movie where a partisan is being hanged. And she walks barefoot in the snow. Moreover, the legs of a girl -actress should be graceful and sexy, so that it is pleasant to look at them. And they need to be shown in close-up, reddened and so touching from the cold.
  And the actress herself, of course, must be beautiful. And all slowly, to the music. And the bare feet of the beauty go up the steps of the scaffold...
  Agripina sponsored some films. In particular, about Jeanne Conde , who killed Marat.
  Agripina did not like the classic adaptation. And she ordered to remove the Russian version. And Jeanne was in it, of course, a blonde.
  And of course, she must have been tortured. And How? Sophisticated. After all, it is not proper for revolutionaries to torture their victims. Yes, torture is against the law. But so that there are no traces, why not try tickling.
  After all, it is necessary that she betray her accomplices, and who sent her.
  Jeanne was stripped naked and tickled with ostrich feathers. And the bare heels of the girl, and under the armpits. Well, the men also pawed her , so that it would be very embarrassing for a virgin.
  Jeanne laughed until she lost consciousness. You can tickle a girl to death.
  And the body is shown very beautiful, muscular and seductive.
  Then Zhanna was further tortured. And also subtly, you moisten your skin with water, and at a short distance, almost touching, you carry a red-hot iron. It hurts, and at the same time, leaves no traces. Especially if you do it with the girl's bare soles. And also torture sophisticated.
  But Jeanne, of course, withstood everything, and took all the blame.
  After that, the guillotine awaited her. And she was led almost naked through Paris to her execution. Only one shirt, leaving open legs. And so that she knocked her bare feet into the blood.
  And so on until the scaffold. It turned out to be a lovely picture. Then it's not so interesting when they're beheaded.
  Agripina herself made these amendments to the script. And it turned out to be a good picture. True, it was limited.
  Agripina noted:
  - A masterpiece of masterpieces!
  Cinema is generally a delicate sphere. You can earn big profits from it. Here, in particular, the film adaptation of Spartacus by Jan. You can also have a little hooliganism with scenes of torture and vice. And more in the army of girls of varying degrees of nudity.
  And of course, the boys also fight - as without it.
  Agripina began to train again, this time doing biceps with collapsible dumbbells.
  The mighty woman sang:
  Take a deep breath, open your arms
  Don't rush, three or four...
  Cheerfulness, grace and plasticity,
  general strengthening,
  sobering in the morning ,
  If he is still alive, gymnastics!
  And Agripina burst out laughing. She liked Vysotsky. He had funny songs. Type - I have a binge from loneliness!
  It was a singer who made an impression, and no small one. Although you can"t call him handsome, and he"s of medium height. However, Agripina did not like large men. She just liked to be taller and larger than the stronger sex.
  Therefore, she was so often surrounded by teenagers. She mocked them as best she could.
  Agripina herself is a large woman, and if a man came across taller than her, then it angered her.
  Like, for example, she almost ordered the murder of Nikolai Valuev. His height was an insult to her.
  The current president of Russia seems to be short, although calling him a dwarf is an exaggeration.
  And it seems that he had a stroke and, moreover, a serious one. This pleased Agripina, as it increased the chances of being elected. Although, of course, there is also a prime minister.
  She did not like him at all: a bald, pot-bellied, very unpleasant man who was on his own mind.
  Agripina sang, in a sad tone:
  We are building a new world
  And deny the past...
  Enthroned -
  Ridiculous and vulgar!
  sit up stand up
  Sit down, get up!
  When we don't agree
  Let's start shooting!
  An eye for an eye,
  Blood for blood!
  And so in a circle, we rush again!
  Agripina sang this and thought: that Lenin was interesting in his own way. Not like the current communist leader, who is also very old and boring. How lacking in the political life of Vladimir Volfovich.
  Yes, this is indeed a very big loss. The world has become more boring. But some, in fact, tired and sat up.
  Agripina took it and sang:
  I'm tired of confessing
  Drink for a walk and swear evil ...
  And wet the goats for the cause,
  And wallow in a knockout!
  And wallow in a knockout!
  The young woman again took and once again launched the needle. She flew off and hit the boy in the shin. The boy screamed.
  Agripina hissed:
  - Bang Bang! I hit, and gave the boy in the face !
  , CHAPTER #20.
  Finally, the construction of a generator and a powerful installation for radiation hypnowaves to the entire planet, along with the control computer ended. It remains only to complete the force field.
  And Vitalik set about it with special zeal. He has not yet announced that everything is ready ... But several days without sleep exhausted both the boy and his partner. You can't do without sleep. Vitalik pretended that not everything was ready and fell asleep. The force field is almost ready, but not yet set up properly. And the guys can be taken warm . But the head of the FSB and the godmother, and the police, are waiting for the end of the work. In addition, Vitalik is smart and left his and Albina's holograms in motion and it seems that the children are still working, and they themselves have taken refuge in the reflector, and they are not visible.
  And now Vitalik again sees a wonderful dream.
  The boy Akulov and the hero girl Albina in the big city. It's like Moscow, but from the time of the twenty-third century. This is the future, two hundred years from now. The city has grown, of course. Skyscrapers appeared like mountains, and very colorful. They also have exotic forms , for example, like colored ice cream in a golden glass. Or, for example, seven turtles standing on top of each other, in platinum.
  There were also buildings that looked like musical instruments, sparkling with something beautiful.
  And in the air, numerous aircraft, of a wide variety of forms, were rushing. Most are really teardrop-shaped, or like golden-finned sea fish.
  Yes, and the figures flashed in flight. There were both adults and children. And all adults, very young in appearance, not older than sixteen years.
  And on the pavement those are also plastic. Small children jumped on it, stamping their bare feet, and then flew up like ping-pong balls.
  Vitalik noted with a smile:
  - Wonderful world!
  Albina agreed:
  - Yes, funny and decent for miracles!
  The boy and girl were walking on a mirrored, reflective surface. Their feet were bare, like those of children. And felt that they were tickled by vibrating waves.
  Ahead, a grandiose fountain was visible, which knocked out a high jet one and a half kilometers high, and it carried through the air, sparkling with diamonds. And the statues themselves that in the composition of the fountain sparkled with some special, unknown metal, which was much brighter than gold and sparkled with all the colors of the rainbow.
  And the statues themselves were beautiful in shape and moved.
  Vitalik nodded.
  - A wonderful discovery! This is a fountain - cooler than Peterhof!
  Albina said with a smile:
  - The world of a bright, cool future!
  The boy and girl stepped up a little. Albina was so much taller than Vitalik that one might think that they were mother and son. Especially in this future, there were no elderly people, and even adults. People gained eternal youth, and men could rejoice that they did not have to waste time on a useless , unpleasant shave.
  On some buildings of futuristic Moscow, there were gold and platinum stripes. Also, bright billboards were burning, up to a kilometer in size, on which cool cartoons were shown.
  The aircraft that were in the air again were not only beautiful and brightly colored and gracefully shaped, but they also smelled like expensive French perfume, or perhaps even more pleasant.
  And the surface of the squares was like a mirror, warm, and at the same time it sparkled. When the bare soles of teenagers stepped on it: a boy and a girl, then graceful, almost childish footprints arose. Which shone in different colors, as if drawn with felt-tip pens. And then they disappeared.
  Albina said with a smile:
  - Just like in the castle of the snow queen!
  Vitalik shook his head.
  - No! It's warm and the world is full of colors!
  A young man and a girl flew up to them. They were very beautiful, but their faces were painted, like drawings on a cake.
  The young man asked the children:
  - Where are you from?
  Vitaly replied:
  - From Moscow!
  - Why are you walking?
  Albina replied with a smile:
  - I would like to buy an aircraft! Where are your shops?
  The girl who was next to the young man laughed and replied:
  - Shops no one uses! There is a Hypernet network, and through it everything is delivered absolutely free of charge!
  Vitalik tweeted with a smile:
  - How much progress has been made?
  To unimaginable wonders...
  Everything became completely free
  Only with benefit carefully!
  The young man remarked with a smile:
  - Do you know how similar to our God! Maybe you are his son?
  The boy chuckled and replied:
  - No! I don't know my father! But if he is God, then I will not be surprised!
  The girl said with a smile:
  - In our world, there is nothing surprising in any appearance! You can change the body using a special program in the Hypernet. Only people rarely do this, since in the Hypernet game matrix, this can be done, generally with mental effort and instantly. And if you change yourself in reality, they will no longer recognize you. Yes, and you need permission from the Ministry of Love.
  Albina was surprised:
  - Ministries of love?
  The girl looked up and said:
  - And you seem not from our empire! Maybe at you have memory problems!
  Vitalik growled:
  We are time travelers!
  The young man remarked:
  If this isn't a joke, then...
  In the same second, a dozen beautiful girls in orange jumpsuits appeared around them. And they pointed a couple of cool tricked-out machine guns.
  Vitalik growled:
  - We've come with peace!
  Albina tweeted:
  - We are still minors, do not shoot at us!
  The girl with red hair and uniform said:
  - We won't hurt you! It's just that you don't have nanobots and you need to find out where you came from!
  Vitalik growled:
  - From a camel!
  At that moment, green, wide beams hit the pair, gently and without pain, turning off consciousness.
  Vitalik did not have time to see anything and think, as he again found himself in a clear memory.
  Together with Albina, they hung in a transparent space . Around them was like a blue haze. And at the same time, do not even move your little finger.
  A very beautiful girl appeared in front of them, in magnificent shoulder straps, and with hair under all the colors of the rainbow.
  She chirped:
  - We conducted an analysis and found out that you are from Moscow in 2023. The question is how did you get to us? And further, it looks like you are not an easy couple! The computer says that perhaps you are the Almighty and the Mother of God of that time!
  Vitalik exclaimed, her voice could be heard:
  "Is that so ... It looks like I will rule this empire in the future!"
  The girl turned and answered in a sweet voice:
  - We do not exclude anything! But the Almighty is now in the hypercapital Ultravillians , and this is a neighboring galaxy! You must be delivered to him, and then they will decide what to do with your couple!
  Albina remarked:
  "But we can't kill ourselves in the past, can we?"
  The girl noted:
  - It is up to God and the Mother of God to decide! While your appearance is a big secret from the rest! You will be sent right now to Ultra-Babylon under a large escort, loading a zero space capsule. So that you don"t get bored in flight, your consciousness in the Hypernet supermatrix will be able to enjoy games for every taste! Did you understand?
  Vitalik replied:
  - Play in the twenty-third century - what could be better!
  Albina said with a smile:
  - I like it too!
  The girl smiled broadly and waved her hand. And a pink, soft wave hit Vitalik and Albina.
  The boy and the girl were in the city. It is no longer as bright and colorful as Moscow of the twenty-third century. And about the end of the twentieth century.
  A huge dinosaur slapped on its hind legs through the streets, touching the neighboring houses with its tail and destroying them. Also, his paws either lengthened or, on the contrary, shortened, causing destruction and death to people.
  And they ran in all directions. However, they were all children no older than twelve. The boys and girls ran away. Some of them were in police uniform. And not a single adult, not even a teenager.
  A pleasant, feminine voice was heard:
  - Stop the dinosaur and save the kids!
  Albina asked with a smile:
  - And how to do it?
  The voice replied:
  - This is such a game! Think for yourself!
  Vitalik shrugged his shoulders and sang:
  - Come on, lifesaver ,
  Turn into an ambulance jump rope!
  Albina smiled and asked:
  - How are you?
  The boy genius answered confidently:
  - Sooner or later, the game will have hints and pianos in the bushes. Here are some examples!
  And the young warrior with his bare toes took and picked up a piece of tile from the pavement, and threw it into a tall building. A fragment under the arc flew and hit the base. The huge structure swayed, and with all its might it took and collapsed on the dinosaur. Togo shook violently, and the monster began to collapse.
  Albina cooed with gusto:
  -This is really a knight's move!
  Vitalik chuckled and replied:
  - Maybe a stallion's move!
  The dinosaur , crushed by the building, took it and crumbled into a lot of chewing gums and candies. The children who inhabited this city immediately rushed to grab a treat. Sandals, sneakers flashed, and some had bare heels.
  There was a lot of noise.
  Vitalik sang with a smile:
  Childhood is a wonderful time
  It's nice, fun for the guys ...
  Great game is coming
  We scribble with rain from the machine!
  Albina remarked with an even broader smile:
  - Let's scribble!
  Then they saw two more villains . These were monsters, one with the head of a boar, and the other of a rhinoceros. With a wild roar, they rushed to a couple of Albin and Vitalik.
  The boy whistled with his fingers.
  One of the traffic lights staggered, and collapsed on the head of a rhinoceros. Inflicted a crushing blow and stunned the thug.
  Vitalik chirped, skala, teeth:
  - Blow, blow, another blow,
  Another hit and...
  Boy barefoot superstar ,
  Throws an uppercut!
  Albina giggled and cooed:
  - Holy War
  The girls are doubly cool!
  The pig-headed fighter pulled a laser gun from his pack and began to fire.
  The boy and girls jumped off to the side. Albina threw a banana peel with her bare heel. She flew by, and landed under the boot of the fighters with a pig's head. It flew by, and crashed, breaking through a stone wall and calmed down .
  Vitalik sang with pleasure:
  - I bend over the sight, and the rockets rush to the target! Another run ahead!
  Albina felt very destructive impulses in herself. And let's stomp with bare, tanned, chiseled legs, making the asphalt vibrate and crack.
  And from the cracks, sweets, chocolates, portions of ice cream, chewing gum, lollipops and much more began to fly out. How great and fun it all looked.
  Vitalik noted:
  - It's really appetizing yummy !
  The girls wanted to say something, but a crowd of children came running, and let's grab all these dishes. And eager to devour them!
  Albina tweeted:
  - Say at least thank you!
  The children stopped and roared in chorus:
  - Thank you!
  Vitalik said with a smile:
  - It's almost divine!
  The girl-hero wanted to give a witticism, but the landscape suddenly changed. And they ended up on a snowy mountain. From it, as if from a springboard, guys and girls were moving down.
  And they had fun...
  Vitalik and Albina, as if by magic, also had skis on their feet. Both the boy and the girl rushed off, with a wild screeching noise.
  Vitalik sang with a smile:
  Souls of the pores of wondrous beauty,
  For the Motherland, a fighter fought between the stars ...
  After all, daring dreams have become a reality,
  The armada of evil enemies was not afraid!
  Albina winked and ironically remarked:
  - Between the stars all the same!
  Vitalik chuckled and noted:
  - Yes!
  And the boy began to push off with sticks from the snow. In recent years, winters have not pleased. And skiing near Moscow was dumb. And how else was the Winter Olympics held in Sochi?
  One of the boys on the parallel track asked:
  - Do you want adventure?
  Albina replied:
  - Of course yes! Of course yes! Of course yes!
  And in front of them appeared several polar bears. And now Vitalik and Albina have machine guns in their hands.
  Boy and girl are determined to fight. And then they pull the triggers, and fly out of the trunks, like a waterfall, very burning and sharp, destructive jets.
  Vitalik noted when he saw how a bullet hit a polar bear in the ass, releasing a fountain of blood:
  - Everything is wonderful and cool!
  Albina nodded and sang:
  Somewhere in the world
  Where it's always cold...
  Bears rub against the axis,
  About the earth's axis!
  Vitalik replied:
  - We're after them!
  And fired another batch of bullets. These are such great and cool fighters.
  And the punched polar bears fell. And then they turned into something very tasty and edible. And these were cakes, and pastries, and a lot of everything rich, with cream and odorous.
  Albina said with a smile:
  - These are really cool. yummy !
  Vitalik remarked:
  - You really love the word yummy ! But this is usually what small children say, but we are still quite old, and we have already managed to heap up a lot of things!
  Albina nodded with a smile.
  - Agree! But we remain children forever, only years change!
  The boy and girl jumped again and twisted into somersaults along with their skis. And they sang again:
  What was behind look back ,
  Do not be lazy to know yourself as a kid ...
  Because a lot of years have flown by, run by,
  Smile, smile, smile!
  Vitalik winked at Albina and noted:
  - Funny incident!
  The girls asked:
  - In what?
  The boy replied:
  - I got into the future, where I seized power over the world, and I have been ruling for two hundred years. And then my double from the past appears and the question arises - what to do with it?
  Albina shrugged her shoulders and answered:
  - Nothing! Give your twin a planet, and may he live happily ever after!
  Vitalik noted with doubt:
  "What if he thinks I'm going to challenge him for the throne?"
  The girl shrugged her shoulders and asked:
  - Are you going to dispute it?
  The boy shrugged his shoulders and replied:
  "People in the space empire are quite happy!" All is well, and I see no reason why I should fight for power. After all, not a man for power, but power for a man!
  Albina whistled:
  - Oh, how noble! Are you a knight?
  Vitalik logically remarked:
  - Not really! The knights observed the rules of decency only in relation to each other, and the serfs were not considered people! And I care about the welfare of every person!
  The hero girl winked and chirped:
  Wide is my native land,
  There are many forests, fields and rivers in it ...
  I don't know of any other country.
  Where does a man breathe so freely!
  Boy Genius said:
  - A whole, stellar empire!
  Again in which the landscape has changed in the matrix.
  The boy and the girl were now in the trench. This was seen as a game from a historical shooting game. Like World War II. Only the tanks that moved across the field were somewhat different. For example, "Lion" is visible, which in real history never went into the series. And to be honest, "Lev", although a powerful tank, but its combat effectiveness is dubious. With a weight of 90 tons, it is only better protected in the frontal armor of the tower than the Tiger-2, and has a 105-millimeter cannon. Powerful, but less rapid-fire than the Tiger. But here this tank is present. And rushing with its colossal power.
  And guns are firing at him. Beautiful girls, in short skirts, and with bare legs, rush around the cannons.
  They load cannons of which there are as many as seven.
  And there are three Lev tanks. It seems to be a little, but there is no way to break through them in the forehead.
  The Komsomol girl turned to Vitalik and asked:
  - Are you a pioneer?
  The boy genius answered confidently:
  - No! Never been!
  The girl asked in surprise:
  - And why?
  Vitalik replied with a smile:
  - Because I'm from another time!
  Another girl remarked:
  - We can't penetrate the Lion tank. Our 76mm cannon is too weak!
  Albina intervened here:
  - Don't shoot at a German tank!
  The Komsomol girl asked with a grin:
  - And why not?
  The heroic girl replied:
  Because it's just a game! And you need to defeat impenetrable tanks in a different way than firing from cannons!
  The Komsomol warriors asked in chorus:
  - And what a beauty!
  Albina exclaimed:
  - Singing!
  And she sang in a nightingale voice, and the rest did not pick up after :
  The Star of the Fatherland is given by the Lord,
  Believe me, she is more radiant than the Sun!
  You are my native country -
  Know for you, the heart beats with sadness!
  In you, we are Komsomol members like eagles,
  We crush the Nazis and sweep away the scrap!
  We even managed on Jupiter,
  Grow the fruits - unrealizable paradise!
  Venus is the place for love
  On Mars, the feeling of a warrior is the highest!
  You break the chains of evil, doubts,
  God wants to do the best !
  Destroy the cosmic pressure
  Let's catch the chin with a strong hook!
  The enemy will be crushed by the power of the world,
  And the Junkers was shot down with an ordinary children's bow!
  Alignment one - take and win,
  We cannot know another outcome!
  And you do not tear the wolf of the Reich,
  Get a bayonet in the face from a fighter !
  And the bayonet will not suit you for the future,
  We will add dynamite to the bulldozer!
  So fast flight
  When the proletarian struck the hammer!
  The next move will pass like a hurricane
  And the endgame will be a winning mate!
  After all, our fury is a mad volcano,
  Massacre on the bastard, a terrible cat!
  We clamped the ticks in Berlin,
  Paris is free under the Russian flag!
  We are daughters of the Fatherland and sons,
  When we feast, we eat honey with relish!
  Foggy Albion is now like a brother,
  New York got like a pie on a platter!
  Our red, scarlet poppy-colored flag,
  Under it, all people with freedom are happy!
  The girls sang, and the three Lion tanks turned into large, fluffy cakes painted with roses. And from them came a very strong and appetizing aroma.
  But then the car appeared behind them again. This time even more powerful and heavy Mouses. Their speed is low, but the firepower and armor are through the roof.
  Albina asked the Komsomol members:
  - Shall we sing again?
  The girl captain remarked:
  - Is it really possible to take it with a throat?
  Vitalik sang:
  The song helps us to build and live,
  And along with the song in a winged flight ...
  And the one who walks through life with a lyre,
  He will never, ever disappear!
  One of the Komsomol girls noted:
  - You can't argue against that!
  Albina confirmed:
  - Right! Or do you want something else?
  The Komsomol girls drove a projectile into the breech, and fired with force. It flew over, hit the tank, and jumped back like a pea.
  The Girl Captain said:
  - Yes, it's hard to take!
  Vitalik nodded.
  - So sing along!
  And so the warriors and the boy began to perform with great enthusiasm;
  The glory of the Soviet Motherland is great -
  We worthy believe, we will be this glory!
  We will defeat a cruel enemy in battle,
  For the sake of the Russian, most radiant Power!
  What is in the Motherland that sings ,
  In the heart of an honest, barefoot pioneer!
  We rush like a bird into flight,
  How holy our faith has become!
  Automatic believe me big brother
  And grenades are not superfluous at all!
  If you are brave, then the result
  It will, despite the fact that you are a boy!
  Pioneer is cocky and harsh ...
  But the smile of God illuminates us!
  evil aces in the world ,
  They want to ruin a place in paradise!
  The fascist jackal is pulling its paws towards us,
  He wants to rip out the heart of a child!
  And his pigs pockmarked grin,
  Let him get a slap in the face loudly!
  Tanks "Tigers" are "boots",
  Clumsy - terribly angular!
  And you don't run away from them,
  Well, better prepare grenades!
  We will create such a world, believe me,
  Where millions will be happy!
  A predatory beast will run away into the lair,
  We will lay down the vile legions!
  The red banner will shine
  In it is the holy name of Jesus!
  Pass the pioneer exam for five -
  To be famous - your Russia!
  But that exam is not at the blackboard -
  It will have to be handed over from the trench!
  Gray hair rushes to the boy in whiskey,
  A friend died - now mourn at the tomb!
  What is the scum of the damned war,
  Even the beast is not worthy to be called!
  And the horde does not know how to hold
  Though Adolf is sometimes funnier than a buffoon!
  We know we must not retreat,
  Pioneers fear someone else's forever!
  We guys are faithfully friendly,
  And morally I believe not cripples!
  We will complete the glorious march in Berlin,
  We always believe, knew how to fight!
  And caught at once dashing courage,
  PKK carrying in the run in the knapsack!
  The Komsomol girls sang, and the huge Maus tanks turned into huge dishes of sparkling gilded sturgeon with a side dish.
  And also very appetizing.
  Albina giggled and sang:
  - What kind of dishes, what kind of dishes,
  Take it all with you...
  It's a pity we don't fight often
  They feed just to kill!
  Vitalik noted with a laugh:
  - Yes, there are such games! As if for very young children!
  The Komsomol girl logically remarked:
  - A person's childhood never completely passes!
  . CHAPTER 21
  The children of genius have awakened. And luckily for them, nothing happened. Vitalik took up the force field again, completing its adjustment. Less than an hour of work left . The genius boy twisted something inside, and translated all sorts of numbers and information from one disk to another. So that not the slightest chance could prevent the capture of the Ostankino TV tower. And there is such a powerful antenna that it will be possible to take hypershort hypnowaves under the control of the entire planet Earth. And rule it like no other emperor in the history of mankind.
  Even probably Genghis Khan, even having received immortality, would hardly be able to subdue the entire Earth. And Vitalik and his girlfriend were closer than ever to this.
  Agripina, meanwhile, was also trembling with impatience, she really wanted to give the order to storm the soldiers of the criminal special forces. And her mood turned out to be extremely combative.
  A young woman invited four athletic young men to give her a sports massage and invigorate her powerful body before great deeds. After all, what is it like to become the ruler of the whole Earth, to get the opportunity to translate the most daring fantasies into reality.
  For example, at once a million beautiful boys at the same time beat with rubber truncheons on their bare heels.
  Agripina sang:
  I am a woman true treasure,
  In fact, a real monster!
  And she purred with pleasure when she was massaged by muscular, and very strong young men. Here is the pleasure.
  The director of the FSB also froze in anticipation. However, he regretted a little that it might turn out to be too easy to get power, and a big spoon is tearing his mouth.
  The President of Russia seems to have fallen into to whom , and this really unleashed the hand of the special forces. Only there is also the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs , and he also has his own views and desires for this discovery. And he also pulled up his elite units.
  An extremely tense situation arose. As if hung a real sword over the planet Earth.
  Vitalik finally debugged the last details. Albina helped him in this. A beautiful, powerful girl sang:
  - We will not give in to enemies,
  I won't give a joint, believe me...
  We can do just great
  You're cooler than Van Dam!
  Vitalik nodded with a not very confident look:
  - We can!
  Albina asked:
  Why are you so insecure?
  The boy genius replied:
  - A colossal responsibility should fall on me. So goodbye childhood, pleasure, entertainment. Instead, you have to spin like a squirrel in a wheel!
  The hero girl nodded.
  - If you want to live - know how to spin!
  The design was already assembled and ready. Force field too. However, Vitalik, just in case, scanned the area, and smartphones. And then he found out that he was surrounded by large forces. Here and criminal special forces, and special forces of the FSB and police units. Is that the Ministry of Defense is not enough. But they also have their own problems. So you need to fight on two fronts in Ukraine and Tajikistan with the Taliban. Where are they before special operations in Moscow.
  Vitalik scanned the surface. Connected to the special forces communications. It was evident that a considerable force had been gathered. The boy could track them by a wave of smartphones, cell phones, and walkie-talkies. And the encoding did not interfere with such a genius as Vitaly Akulov.
  The genius boy whispered to Albina:
  - They are waiting for us here!
  The hero girl noted:
  - And what else could you expect! We lit up thoroughly!
  Vitalik noted:
  Providence itself gives us power over the world. After all, they could well have covered us in a dream, but they did not go on the assault. And now all the trump cards are on the side of our couple!
  Albina remarked:
  - A whole army is against us! Do you think we can handle it?
  The boy genius answered logically:
  - We want to rule the world, but we will not be able to cope with some special forces!
  The heroic girl sang:
  I believe in the victory of our couple,
  After all, the fighters are brilliant for a reason!
  Vitalik replied:
  - Not only in genius business, but also industriousness!
  After that, the boy took his children's legs with bare fingers, took and pressed the start button and directed the locator with hypnowaves around the house in which the laboratory was located.
  The genius boy sang:
  - The world around us is like sand,
  God has abandoned him...
  Though the world around is cruel
  I want to do good!
  Albina cooed with a smile:
  Yes, but you don't always get what you want!
  The waves parted and Vitalik said with a smile:
  - Now a raptor zone is formed in the heads of the triple army. We can give them any order. Or sleep, or sing, or dance!
  The hero girl suggested:
  - Let them accompany us with songs to Ostankino!
  The boy-genius nodded and, placing his palm, gave a mental one. At the same time, a large truck drove into the yard. The child prodigy commanded again. And the people who had worked before put the structure on themselves, picked it up and carried it to the car.
  Vitaly noted:
  - When they are in a trance state, they can use their muscles to one hundred percent strength! This means that people under hypnowaves have much more opportunities than just like that!
  Albina giggled and sang:
  - All right, everything will be fine! Everything will be fine, I know it! I destroy my enemies!
  The hero girl winked at her counterpart. The powerful plant was loaded. A genius boy and a tall girl perched on top of her .
  Now here you can go.
  Funny, the teenagers were sitting by themselves, and the driver was also driving the car in a state of deep trance.
  And Vitalik gave the order ... The soldiers of different units came out of the streets and ambush, began to line up in the parade march. They did it smartly, but at the same time somehow mechanically.
  Among them were also a few dozen girls.
  Albina remarked:
  - There is a big, one might say army!
  Vitalik giggled and sang:
  Forward fighters- haldemarines ,
  Is life bad or good!
  One sail and soul!
  One sail and soul!
  The people and the army are united !
  The fighters , lining up, also sang, something outdated:
  Union indestructible free republics,
  It was not brute force that rallied, not fear!
  But the good will of enlightened people,
  And wisdom, light, reason and courage in dreams!
  The people of Ukraine are united with Russia,
  We are brothers-Slavs forever friends!
  May the Lord be glorified the higher Name,
  All nations of the world are a holy family!
  Glory to the Fatherland, our free,
  Friendship of peoples is a support forever!
  Lawful force, the will of the people,
  After all, for the unity of a simple person!
  We have opened the way to space for the people of the whole world,
  Fascism is destroyed, progress is exalted!
  Let's measure glorious miles between the stars,
  For us, the Almighty died and rose again!
  There is no spirit of Russia in the universe stronger
  Ukrainian people, we are a brother to our hearts!
  We serve the Fatherland, stronger, or rather,
  Boy, take a machine gun in your fist!
  And we will protect and expand the Motherland,
  Let's give an ocean of endless love!
  Under the flag of boundless, Great Russia,
  Let my descendants frolic with laughter!
  The warriors marched and sang. The girls were with them. Vitaly ordered the girls to take off their boots.
  And the warriors flashed their bare, very seductive heels.
  Vitalik asked Albina:
  - Well, how are we with honor, are we marching here?
  The heroic girl replied:
  - Even very honorably!
  Boy Genius said:
  - Soon the whole world will be at our feet! We will rule the entire planet, but at the same time, we must first of all use our power wisely!
  Albina stated:
  - On the one hand, this is true! But on the other hand, what are we going to do with criminals, for example?
  Vitalik logically remarked:
  - To some extent, we are also criminals! Especially me, including what we are doing now and will do!
  The heroic girl agreed:
  - For one damage to video cameras, you should be ...
  The boy genius growled:
  - What would you like?
  Albina tweeted:
  - Beat with sticks on the heels!
  Vitalik laughed and remarked:
  - It is possible, even now!
  Moscow is a big city, and by the time you get to Ostankino, a lot of time will pass. And the soldiers took up again and sang;
  Berlin is almost under our rule,
  Through binoculars we see the damned Reichstag ...
  I hope there will be peace and happiness soon;
  Which I will describe in my poems!
  Russia opened communism to the worlds,
  She became a family to everyone.
  But the Wehrmacht stuck a pig snout to us,
  And now the blood is splashing from the veins like a fountain!
  What the Fuhrer forgot with us by accident,
  I wanted to get land and slaves!
  Fascism went with a very long campaign -
  And here is a real nightmare, hellish dreams!
  A simple boy, a barefoot boy,
  Recently tied a red tie.
  He wanted to build the world himself without God,
  But suddenly napalm erupted from the sky!
  I had to run to the front, we were AWOL,
  Nobody wants to take such youngsters!
  But the boy-fighter in a rifle did it,
  The path of the fathers turned out to be worthy!
  Fought where both cunning and force,
  And weakness is also bitter, alas ...
  Comrades had to dig graves
  Planing pine coffins in the frost!
  I'm a pioneer now accustomed to suffering,
  He went to reconnaissance barefoot, the snowdrift crunched.
  Perhaps punishment for unbelief,
  That I didn't want to know Jesus!
  But what are the three hours of Golgotha?
  More than three years of war have passed!
  In any village, widows cry bitterly,
  How the sons of the country perished in the country !
  I survived, was shell-shocked, wounded by a bullet,
  But luckily he stayed on his feet!
  We honestly returned the debt to Germany,
  That fascism has been trampled to dust by us!
  I have matured, but still a boy,
  The mustache did not break through, but already a titan!
  Yes, an adult, and perhaps even too much,
  After all, the heart became hard as metal!
  Star of the Hero highest award -
  Stalin himself, believe me, handed it over!
  He said: it is necessary to take an example from people like you,
  The fighters are forging the keys to the doors to Eden!
  But now put down the brave rifle,
  Take you, pincers, a hammer and work!
  Build a sailboat and a boat out of wood
  And create an airplane so that the bird will fly up!
  The song was not bad, of course Vitalik gave the instructions to sing just like that. To be with the soul and outside the box. And around Moscow, and the cars part in different directions, giving way to the future emperor of the planet Earth. Vitaly even thought that it would be nice to have a coronation. Indeed, the crown is a very good symbol of supreme power, like the scepter and the apple. Although the emperor of the planet Earth needs something more grandiose.
  Albina asked with a smile, a barefoot boy in shorts, to whom everyone obeyed as if to the Most High God:
  - Can you sing from the heart?
  Vitalik said:
  - Or for the soul?
  The heroic girl laughed and replied:
  - Your soul is a treasure!
  Terrible news, in a cruel war,
  Girl, the one that fell in love forever!
  Thrown into the mouth, the fiend-Satan,
  Where is the Lord: justice and mercy?!
  Virgin Natasha went barefoot,
  But they knocked on the dusty paths!
  After all, for the sins that flowed a spring,
  She happened to march to overseas distances!
  In the early spring I set out on my journey,
  The legs are so blue from the cold!
  You can't bite a particle of meat,
  Only nod in the hoarfrost spruce!
  So along the road full of stones,
  Girl's feet were knocked down to the blood!
  And across Russia, past the people,
  Side of the city of the kings of Jerusalem!
  The Caucasus mountains, the ridges in the snow,
  Sharp stones prick the soles!
  But you fed on the power of the earth
  Having chosen a difficult hajj to the city of God!
  Summer desert, evil sun,
  Like girlish legs in a frying pan!
  The holy city is not far away
  Everyone carries an infinite burden!
  There at the tomb of God-Christ,
  The maiden bowed her knees in supplication!
  Where is the great measure of sin,
  From what do I draw strength in righteousness!
  God told her, frowning her brow,
  Prayer alone will not change this world!
  Russia is destined to rule for centuries,
  That's right, serve her without demanding money!
  The virgin nodded: I believe in Christ,
  You have chosen Rus' as the savior of the world!
  I will spread the truth about this to everyone,
  Jesus' message: God the idol!
  The way back was easy and fast,
  Bare feet are strong!
  Hand with grace God extended,
  Muscles and will, as if from steel!
  And you joined the army
  She became a pilot, she beat the Luftwaffe!
  There she showed the height of beauty,
  German destroyer rushing on a landmine!
  Warrior - dashing, brave fighter,
   Devoted to the Party - to the cause of the Soviets!
  I believe in a victorious end over scum,
  Pack of demons to the wall, to the answer!
  Well, why is the fighter shot down,
  You did not have time to release the straps!
  And the shield turned out to be defective,
  And evil fascism fraternized with the Yankees !
  It became unequal, cruel war,
  At least I'm a man: I cry bitterly!
  As if in trouble we dive to the bottom,
  After all, luck has disappeared from the Fatherland!
  To God my exclamation: the Almighty for what!
  You separated me from my beloved maiden!
  Even in the cold did not wear a coat,
  And for three adversaries, after all, she beat!
  Doesn't she deserve it?
  Meet victory with me with flowers!
  Generously bake pies for the holiday,
  And I will come to the parade with Natasha!
  The stern Lord answered gloomily:
  Who in the world is happy, who is well?
  Will suffer, and the flesh will groan with pain,
  After all, humanity is vile, sinful!
  Well, then when I come in glory,
  I will throw into Gehenna who is not worthy to live!
  I will resurrect your virgin and you,
  The best then do not want a share!
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О.Болдырева "Крадуш. Чужие души" М.Николаев "Вторжение на Землю"

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